cor rr cr ------------------ Le EE § The New Spring Garments are now ready and our excellent Clothes Service awaits your command : : LIVINGSTON'S Brock Street A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. EE -------- New White Waists At WALDRON 'S 10 different designs, ail the latest New York ideas in eels, voilles and marquisettes, every one ight up to the moment in style and finish, high and low necks, new sleeves and many «new collar effects, special at 1.48 and $1.68 Remarkable Values In Corset Covers Made from fine cotton and Nainsook, prettily trim- med with lace and embroidery. Values up to 90¢, for 25¢ Each Women's Cashmere Stockings All pure wool, full fashioned, with high spliced heels and toes: good weight. Special at 35¢ a pair or 3 Pairs for $1.00 New Sleeve and Coat }ia Sr advantage { -- > Le 7 CATARAQUI PLAYERS QUIT IN | " : : It Semmmat 'Wolfe Yotamd, Owing to Ret-}: eree Allowing Rough Work, Nap- ance and Brockville Curlers to Play Tankard Final Here. The hockey game between Wolfe Is- land and Cataraqui seniors for the Edward's challenge trophy, which was slated to be played at Wolfe Island, on Saturday afternoon was not finished on acocunt of Cataraqui players quitting. The latter stated that the referee was allowing the Wolfe Islanders to rough up things too much, ' ¢ Napanee vs Brockville Napanee and Brockville curlers will meet in the finals of the tank- ard series at the local curling rink on Tuesday night. Glenburnie Defeated Cataraqui The Glenburnie junior hockey team defeated Cataraqui seniors in a practice game at the Palace rink last week. Played at Sydenham On: Thursday last Glenburnie senior and junior hockey teams play* ed exhibition games at Sydenham. The seniors lost while the juniors pulled out victorious. MeGill Won Assault-at-Arms McGill university, of Montreal; won the Intercollegiate assault-at- arma in Montreal on Friday and Saturday. The winners carried off soven events while Varsity . and Queen's broke even with three each. J. Carmichael won the fencing. In the preliminaries he won from Camp- bell of Varsity. - His brother, A. D. Carmichael, won from Anderson, of Varsity. The two brothers were matched in the finals so A. D. Uar- michael defaulted to Mis brother. Cole won from Robingon, of Varsity, in the 138 lbs. boxing, and Mathe- son won from McDonald, of McGill, in the 145 lbs. wrestling. 1 "HE PRAY ETH BEST fw Loveth Best"--Hint to a Kings- ton Church Brockvilie Times. According to the Kingston: Whig some off the members and officers of a Methodist church there are much exercised over the fact than an actor (Laurence Irving) recently gave f an address to a Woman's club in the basement of the building. 14 the church never has a worse offence than that committed within its doors it will do well. The good Kingstonians are probably not aware of the exist- ence of a strong and vigorous or- gamzation known as the Actors' Church union which includes in its ranks many leading actors and ac- tresses of - Britain and the United Stutes and many eminent clergymen. It in quite. likely that Mr. Irving himself, belongs to it, but in any case, as Mr. Irving told his King- ston church audience, the church and the stage have for ages heen closelv linked together and should always work together. There is no more effective way of teaching a great re- ligious truth than by means of the drama. The greatest preachers have always been more or less dramatic in: their methods and if the clergy always put as much life cand nieaning into their words as do the actors on the stage there would be less wnod- ding . of heads and inattention in our churches. Denunciations .of the stage #% an unclean thing are out of date. I'he stage is certainly no: worse than ithe people who support it and who {but the church is responsible for the spiritual state of the people ? The Kingston people should take to heart Mr. Irvine's quotation from |The Ancient Mariner : "He prayeth best who loveth best All things, both great and emall." STOOK MARKETS Brock St.--=H. W. Nelles, Manager, | t } is M . ft. McCurdy & Co, 88 and S§ Closing Prices, March 2nd Montreal. Canners ......., : Cement com. R.& O. ..... } Toronto Railway 142 Brazilian ..... 3 83) Shawinigan ....... ' 140) Macdonald . i 19 Dominion Steel . . A 351 Bell Telephone ..... 150% Ottawa, Light, Heat and Power 150 New "York |€ oppers ' oe . 3% Copper. . 5 «61% CPR... Reading sa Her Union Pacific, ex. div. ....... United States Steel, ex. div. Erie Sissel ae Atchison ...... Northern Pacific . Beatanas Lanvany Brooklyn Rapid Transit ..... .. American Can. ...... ve Southern Pacific May {March a... "London Advertise © rich man seems: likely to have over his ordinary fellow-citizems in the matter of life treservation. We are 'told that British physicians are ready to in- { rieteg against a number of Clseases at the rate of $1,500 a year. Radium seems to be the one shire Mlcure for some kinds of cancer, and its price is simply 'prohibitive. } cost. - high v5 | nevertheless, she owes it to herself to "oi ldo this. I8tates fn the virtue of fighting cor- MLLEGIATE means) EET MERE 'to be Considered. been made of the a permanent Inter- bey [opitten, ] wo men each from the members o the Insersolingiate y union, - to ru o for the fol- of this body was to have been - on Saturday, but was postponed for one week. The mem. bers will discuss several important changes 'in the rules, and it is said that whatever thay "decide will be adopted by the executive of the In- terprovincial union: The McGill "Daily" says that as it has been outlined previously tho changes of primary importance are relative to the "fair catch" and pen- alty rules. There 4 a proposal that the place kick-off after the drop kick be fronf the forty-yard line, in- stead of from centre field, as at pre sent, A reduction of the players of each side to twelve is suggested with the doing away w'th the two side scrim- magers, thus reducing the number to twelve, The 'fair catch" rule is likely to be adopted instead of the ruling as it stands at present. Whether it would be wise to ap- point a head linesman with the same standing as the umpire and the ref- eree, will also be considered. The penalty rule will be another for con- sideration. The McGill repesenta- tives will suggest that instead of los- ing the ball for interference, as at present, that the offending team be fined ten yards. A set of rules would apply to the penalties when the ball was within ten yards of the line. In this case no penalty would bring the ball more than half the dis- tance to the touch line. The down would be continued. | Making the Yankees Sit Up { Collier's Weekly. The whole free-tolls proposition is as impolitic as it is scaly. We have more to ask of Great Britain in the war of unrestricted navigation of our intercomniunicating waterways than she has to ask of us at Panama. Canada is about to build the Georg- ia Bay Ship Canal from the French river to the Ottawa, twenty-five feet deep and capacious enough to carry the greatest lake freighters or stand- ard ocean-going tramps. This: sys- tema will flank our whole lake and interior basin commerce. The Erie barge eanal is a tadpole ditch com- pared with it. Ships sailing from Chicago, Milwaukee, Duluth, or West Superior will be able to reach the Jeeean via Montreal by this route, and that too without breaking bulk on the mileage it would {ake to reach Erie; Pa, Uy the present route. Can- ada will then command a commerce far more important to us than the Panama Canal. She will have the whip hand of us to an extent quite as great as that which we can get on Great Britain by wrenching a treaty from its plain meaning. And she will be able to say: "You made a treaty agréeing to let the ships of 2ll nations through the Panama Canal on equal terms. You broke that treaty by letting your own coast- wise ships through free and refus- ing the same treatinent to our coast- wise ships, Now we'll use our ad- vantage in the Great Lakes outlet!" Our treaty as to the Great Lakes passages is that they shall be open fo the shipping of both nations on equal terms. Put what will. that mean once we begin playing fast and lcose with. the words "on equal termg"? Barriefield Briefs, Barriefield, Feb. 27.--S8t. Mark's choir had a driving party last week to the home of Mrs. Sibbit and all spent a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs A: Rickey entertained a number. of friends and all had a jolly evening Mrs. Milton, who has been ill, i: much better, St. Mark's church has services during Lent twice a week Mrs. C. MeCormick and Mrs. Babon,! city, visited at Mrs, H. Dowler's. J. f Dunlop," B. Rothwell, Miss Mac- Arthur and Miss F. Douglas, city, spent Sunday at Mrs. Stauton's. Mrs. D.- Millan, city, visited her sis- ter and Mps, Hutton. Mrs. Bowman who met with an accident and had to be removed to the Hotel Dieu, is improving nicely. Gifts of Jewelry Betty Vincent. No girl should accept gifts of jew- elry from a man unless she is en- gaged to be marrind to him. Such gifts may be offered im per- fect innocence by an unsophistica- ted admirer, and even if the girl has more worldly knowledge than he, she may be ¢fraid of hurting his| feelings by returning his presents. | For the world passes censorious judgment upon the young woman who defies the very strict convention about not accepting valu- able presents from any man except a fiance, : If a girl makes it clear to the man bringing such offerings that refusal is her rule with every ome, he will pot be angry or offended ait ------ Still In the Ice Age Toronto Telegram Canada is as W. S. Raiusford says, over twenty years behind the United ruption and exposing corruption. Canada is still in the ice age in ¥ui: country's dealings with chart- ers in the railway committes at Ot- sora mae este Out of Town Customers Will Receive FREE ONE OF BUTTERICK'S SPRING BOOK OF FASHIONS This is a catalogue showing Dundreds of the very latest spring garments for ladies' , nrisses and children, 500 Copies Mailed FREE So send a poostal card to us, giving name and address, written plainly New Galateas, New Prints, New Ginghams, For the making of House Dresses, Children's School Dresses, Rompers, ete. The best makes of English Galateas, in fast dve. Cloth s that give excellent wear. NEW LACES for White Underwear, NEW LACES for Flouncing, NEW LACES in distinctively novel designs. White Cotton Crepe for Underwear We have réady a tine RSSQriment of these Cotton Cre pes, 15, 18, 20, 25¢ and Horrockses Famous English Cis ¢ ; g : Imperial Brand English Cottons This is #@ make usually sold at 12 1-2¢ and we ask you to see them White Spanish Longcloth, for underwear eine i a Ee, NE EEE IEE = = John Laidlaw & So nr | tawa. Members and guests could not de-! rend on waiters at a country club te wove as promptly as sundry so-call- ed representatives of the people move at the behest of railway law- yere and railway lobbyists at Ottawa, | | Public health hibit, Ontario hall, and 8 pam. | ures ox- Nr 3 ru AQ RN, f) fe pet Just Received GOOD TRUNKS AT LOW PRICES We buy our Trunks in large quantities from the best and largest factory in Canada. Trunks from $2.00 to £50.00. Glad to show our stock.