eset ie Fete Hee et 5 EO MARCH 4, 914 # PAGES ® TO 13 : ; 4 Saar al wd EDNESDAY, i RPT EY . A pensive. In view of the year's experi: GRAND OPERA HOUSE bX NEI NEEDED coom, however, and of the diffeulty of og Or Mh or \ ii any local tian desiring situation, | ** cart," Is the Play To- : som #1 a7 and prescribing a remy. it may be s y Night. y TO RID THE COUNTRY OF EX- ; a ieaiSn whelher he Wo fond br The attraction at the Grand to- ISTING EVILS } i. money in the tremsury, presuming that |PIEht for a return engagement will ------ "3 £ the board would = have to meet. the |D® J. Hartley Manners" exquisite Strong Address at Kingston Presby- whole of the outlay, but we have not {COMmedy. of youth, "Peg O' My on DR tp ad Lo (ih the enlarged life which is supposed to | Heart." - The attion of the play ery Meeting by dP. Me] follow the labors of the expert, Are [takes place in Scarboro, England, Inges--Report of Social Service| 4 we the gainers or the losers by ' the |@0d has as a central figure a wild, Committee " experience ? : : mischevious girl who has been rear- "Finally, let me hope that the re- |®d amid poverty in New York, and ports of the retiring officers: will 'not | Who, never-the-less, has preserved a be fyled, which is o le way | {lower-like fragrance of nature born of putting them out at They | Ireland, and the memory of an aris- refer to matters which are meant to |tocratic mother are the watchwords be dealt with. These invite serious re- | Of her aristocratic nature. The play ic and should go to some com- | has an abundance of humorous situ- The reading of the report of the| Social Service conitufttee at the Tues-| day afternoon session of the King:|: stoi Presbytery, was followed by a| fiery address delivered by Rev. J. P. Mciuties, of Foxboro, in which he appedled for thé hearty co-operation of the ministers and members of they churth to help rid the country of] existing evils. Sk "Bome say that it is not the work of the church (0 root out these evils --that it is wot 'the work of thel ie Shure oF the eldérs," he declared. » bi that we have to take more 'them faithfully cape him, and result | radical measures than we have taken 'was marvellons. Forovertwo now, [in the past. It is very easy for us ttee for distribution. In the absence [tions and heart interest. Oliver any special committee which the | Morosco, who has made the produc- board may name, the council of 1914 | tion, has given it a splendid setting ; fo madnlain,l 23 should perform the task." and supplied an excellent cast. Mar- ; - A report on systematic givi ion Dentler, will be seen in the char- FOC, 20€., 38C., was submitted by Rev. J. W Fd acter of Peg, while others in the cast and $1.00 the lin, Intosh. - While the report contained | Will be Florence Roberts, Cecil Ow- : no recommendations it appealed "for ; en, Harold Hendee, L. G. Carroll, ee ---------------- vot ino a still larger vision. Violet Moore, John E. Trevor, Cros- The report of the treavurer was |DY Little and Albert Gran. PATENTS Herbert J. 8. Dennison it i aR I have been free from an R matic to fold our arms, buf if we use our 2 3 Jubiiitied Sud sie a" balance; on Henry V. Esmond REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 13 and give "Fruita tives" eyes ye cannot herp wat sec, and are : Rev. John Faitlie, of Kingston, Henry V. Esmond, who will ap- King. trget vest, Tore 10, Pas for making a remarkable wo ong to allow these evils to re- £3 % ; 3 asked to be placed on the list = 'of [pear at the Grand on Saturday, ght Er atigns, Contintia LY ; Aged and Infirm ministers, and the | March 7th, matinee and night with where; SEhtesh yea, exper ing, Rev. Mr. Mclanes grant was accepted. Mr. Fairlie has | Eva Moore and their London com- fence. rite tor booklet. * stated that the social service work been 'in the ministry close to hali a !pany in "The Dear Fool," said in a - was the most important the presby- recent interview in.the. New York * Easy lo applv--ensy know the condition of affairs outside his own district, but felt sure that the conditions in his district were typical of the conditions in others. "Add: there is great need for this work being dome," he added, "and it : x : $ century. tery had to deal with. He did not : : : | Arrangements were made for the ins |Sun: duction of Rev. T. J. Hall, of Swan- "How can one poesibly say any- Sea, as pastor of St. Andrew's church, [thing about America when one has Stirling, the last Tuesday in Maréh, only been in New York for a week the moderator to preside and address |Or two? Impressions one must have the minister, and Rev. D. V. Sin- [and such as they are these are some GRAND UNION "HOTEL "=, tA] i. S-- | ----------. ion, clair 'the people. of mine. And anyhow I have one im- general oe of the presbytery in |Pression that I shall never lose,--a It was decided to hold the next |lesting impression of hospitality gen- Gananogue the last Tusedsy A June. Er aulended aid § very genuine | il Rev. P. U. Sinclair, of orado, 3h . thorn 'was' Ioeal ODO, Tour owns R - Sak prose at the three sasions of |, "Tho new play that 1 am submits] RCHI00 8 that impair health sits iad Dull TER to the Mercer THE LAST STAND OF T HE WIIBOW FEATHER. ery ennt re vanik 8, 1 | Garrick theatre Is & serious comedy. | hws thot Sart in quite grdinary a nyo he Cho over 10 This is the latest incarnation of the once Bxtravagantly modish wil day, the mame of Sinclair appeared, 'The Dear Fool.' It deals with an Silents of rgans diges- Senge Fruit, 5 for' 5c und 4 clety. W plume. It has disappeared from millinery, but this coiffure orna& |iut the "Rev." was inadverdently | Incident in the life of a woman who or__ elimination. Stomach, / al g liver, kidneys, and bowels are h of te Bo ment of willow plumage which spreads and droops like an odd mink | mitted. realizes that her youth is slipping Ely bench , AT. gia. 3vc 4 dozen, LA es rots jal ki ture tree from a stalk of jet is very chick. The willow tree is mounted | * away from her, while she is passion-| qui ited: by the action. of ia 3 4 3 : A pe : hg ¥ ately in love with a man almost tem, 10¢ u | vener, Hev. 8. JM. Compton, of oh a bandeau of jet and rhinestones and the feather foliage is a vivid young enough to be her son. She is > ® widow with two boys of her own. » shade of leaf green. So dashing and daring a coilfure ornament could 34 : St andrews ehuteh. ale reported scarcely pass unnoticed even if worn witli the simplest gown. Aat------ " St. 1408 h Disposed of By Judge Madden on|It is a character that touches great ston and touched on " . Tucsday, depths of emotion and, speaking as PILLS lo Sold everywhere. In bones, 28 cents. appears as If there is no person to undertake the work." ' He said that in six months' time $500 in fines had been imposed in 0 18e, Suniiint ranges, y 20e, 30c, Marmalade Oraugen, 30c¢ a dos DIVISION COURT CASES various mat- ters. : author; 1 p Judge Madden, of Napanee, dis ah y am more than: lutky in Referring to the moving picture Wid: HT Austen, : Tottenham: } Georire Telfor » having it played itis by E We 014 : . . Austen, site 3 ge Telford, M.A., P. L. Jull, B.A, {ha E play as it is y va shows he stated that while the piec- Charles: 5." Butler, Thamesville; L. R. | J. W. North; B.A.,iA. A. Acton, B.A posed of the following cases in divis Moore. tures in 'themselves were not im-| : nef ts ' loc Tears ion court on Tuesday morning: moral. the Sue! Was not' for good. Lumimings, Brn Doicieue Lud; W. T. MacColl, R.'D. Finlayson, B.A. S. Roughton vs. R. Emmons, note That these picture shows should bey 0 toy > Resignation Received. | $35.30; judgment in full. . MacArthur, Martintown; Fk. LE. Toronto, March 2.--~Wheat, bush. Toil r Q 5 3 Pe + Ac~ 3 Sled, Si me when fete Was 40 MacLeod, Truro, N.S; John Murray, | Tj rosignation of Rev. Charles B. co. Huteha Ea ubam, dr, 97¢c, 98¢; Oats, bush., 42¢; Barley, Thomas Co le ' Scotland; J. 1. Rosé, River Deys, | pitoher, B.D., of {he pestotal charge | {ip y ? Sash. faze: Joe; By Duar. sso. Telephone of Demorestville aad Crofton, was re- A r a UR c; Hay, No. 1, 18,00, $19.00; be ceived, and it wag decided {0 notify | yorne.nceount $47.54; adjontned to HAY, mixed, $16.00, $17.00; Dressed | 4Drgh 8 8d to 12 Pine atrset when Moderator Recommended. all parties concerted, and take the April 7th a per ton. $16.00, $17.00; Dressed by Rg a given on all At the Tuesday evening session of matter up at the adjourned meeting J. Abtamsky vs G. Ackley, account |DOBS, heavy, $11.00, $11.50; Dressed] of be Sqn Tk: the presbytery, Rev. Dr. Herridge, of | oi presbytery, to he held in" Cooke's $14; Judgment in: full Bi hogs, light, $12.00, $12.50; Butter, n prompt atten on Ottawa, was, by a standing vote, | church on April 30th, at 2 p.m. ta D hert .|dairy, 1b., 28¢, 33¢; Eggs, doz. 88c,| * Queen Gtreet A a home, instead of his' wife. There nominated as moderator of the general | The question af granting permission J. Paterson .vs W. Dougherty, as 40c; Chickens, 1b. 20c, 21c;. Fowl Yas 8 law forbidding children under yysumbly for the ensuing year. His | to Wallbridge Lo rent church, was de. |°OUnt 38; judgment in full. +" -- Ib., 15¢, 17¢; Ducks, Ib. 19¢c, 200. {35 Joars of age to attend. these pic-| yume was proposed by Principal Gor: [ferred till meeting iin Cooke's church, | , 501d Leather company ve. J. 'B. Turkeys, 1b., 34c, 236¢; Geese, 1b. 17¢ Ature shows unless sceompanied bY jon and Rev. br. Masgillivray. Rev. J. I "Mclined, who was unable [AVTamSeH, note $138.40; nonsuit. |g "Uoger Soi SogicolOQii th He (his parents or a guardian, but this) Rov Alexander Laird. was. recom? | to have a moeting. bf the- tion 1 MacMillan company vs. Fo Wei ol Ee 10 $1.16, Duct "fore {law was violated. - Regarding he Lines Aho assembly's: committeo| held, owing to ¢ weather, was | Bailey, contract $11; adjourned auarters, ewt., $11.00, 12.50: Boef, | | recent request of the presbytery ended. and overtures. "| thus not n'a position to submit a re- | APTI Tth: - : pepo Jauatem, cut. $1) Ndi ihe an effort be made to have the pooll Tye following ministers were elected | solution, and on his motion, the mat- E. Burtch vs A. E. Flett, account Beef, choice sides, owt. $13 00, $13: artis 8 rooms Improves rooms closed at 10 p.m., nothing had | gs commissioners 'to the general as | ter was referred. $24.75; judgment reserved. 75: Beef, meditm, ~ owt. $11.50 ) 0.00 for the two, .' been done although the 'intention |gembly : Rev. Dr. Howard, Rev. Mr.| "Last year some consideration was | Jackson Press vs Johnstort® and $12.00; Beef, common, cwt., $9.50, agent for Tee Vacunm Was to press the matter. .Ii was felt {Beckstedt, Rev. Mr. Kerr, Rev. Mr. | given to the proposition of-hiring an | Paul, account §34; - judgment for $10.00: Mutton light, cwt., $10.00, Cleaning System. = Can be ine | that students spent tbo much of their | Cameron, Rev. Mr. Graham, Principal | expert who would come here and di- | plaintiff. $12.00: Veal prime "owt * $13.00, stalled in any house. h time- {n pool 'resms and developed| Gordon, Rev. Dr. Jordan, the elders of agnose the defects of the mudicipality: Solid 'Leather vs Lesenoff and $15.00; Lamb. cwt.. 16.00. $17.60. or bad habits. the sessions at Demorestville, Desert It was pointed out that such a one Sompany, Sant $144.80; adjourned dit fs ---------- i The committee made the follow-{onto, Foxboro and Gananoque, and | would probably arouse and stimulate |to April 7th. r " a ing recommendations which were|Dr. James Third, Rev. Alexander {the citizens, and that a survey under H. E. Day vs J. Lapier, .acconn A Teacher Whe "Got: There adopted: Laird and William Clazie. his instructions would be very profit- |$16.76; judgment for primary| The heavy roads and snow drifts It was announced 'that the following | able. His work was to cost about |creditor against primary debtor and {which were "too much for many students of the third vear in Queen's | $250. It was not undertaken becaiuse |against garnishee for $6.26. horses with cutters and sleighs be- Theological College have applied for | some of our members thought it ex- W. W. Crallin vs. F. Conway,|tween here and Cataraqui on, Mon- ; board $12.60; judgment for primary|day morning, did not prevent T. P. A -------- creditor against primary debtor. Maxwell, B.A., Queen street, from y > } teaching school at the village, as Whooping Cough CA COLDS mission work. for, the first time in [license to preach : John H. Dawson, Toronto Street Mark et markable. While some of the pic- C.B. tures were instructive, there were others that were not, and the speak- er. referred to oné picture portrayed where a husband was found kissing the servant girl before leaving his H. 8. CRUMLEY 58 Union Street JAMES McPARLAND AGENT '| 880-341 King street east. Committee's Recommendations "The appointment of committees of social serviee in each congrega- tion, to co-operdte with the work being done by the assembly's board. EAT NEW BREAD CABBAGE SAUSAGE "That a more earnest effort be ' ? 1 usual, Monday. eo Mr. Maxwell makes the trips daily, Classes Make Progress i nd weather conditions have not yet jade te Sie bor or Tallis hare AND DIGEST IT "PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN "| 'The courses of instruction on "frst interfered with his "making the ee anual Ol amilies oY . » . ald," which are being held fn the|grade Some of the country schools 2 id by the Board of Trade a the SIO city under the auspices of St. John's| wore closed on Monday on account of City Councll acting togoher, This | NO INDIGESTION, NO SOUR, | give you relief sometimes--they are; Ambulance associaition, and theline gifficulty.of teachers and pupils was suggested by. a representative of GASSY STOMACH OR DYS. slow, but not sure. Diapepsin is Supervision of Lieut -CoLH. Re Dut, getting there owing to the snow. Hamilton at. the meeting 'of the As: PEFSA. THY I [ach . arith ~olis Your stor measure of success, "There is at pre- Bat ye a: py through the -- } : Soeiatid told rn, ns route : | misery w on't come back. sent one course going on at the sta. Jetormin peti eBoy with Ug cnet. TDi tmgr, oe 115th St, New So been offered there for essays 'written by |: Do some foods you eat hit back---| You feel different 'as soon as|tion hospital with over thirty artile shoes either. bottle of your pays Ready Rellef with |, 0 aol children: -It- is -suggested taste: good but work badly; ferment { Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact{lery bandsmen and members of the "a charm Ee sore rani} touts it with that the Boaxd af Falucation pes be into stubborn lumps and cause a jwith the stomach---distress just van- |two batteries of the R.C.H.A. attend. fet beurht for goveeal aliments, my, children invited to ofiek x re oe Bie, sont gasny stomach? Now, ishes--your stomach gets sweet, no ing. . Brockville, March 4.--F. pti vo aod recomme 0 ends. : hk s r. or Mrs. yspeptie, jot this| gases, no belching, no eructations A juvenile ladies class has been Tockville, March 4,--For accepting } 5 ture, ud, A a fee of getting down: Pape's Diapepsin digests ev-|of undigested food, your head clears finished at the Y,W.C.A. building, | payment {rom a union school board x SOE f the coulmunity - itefested in public | STYIRINE, leaving nothing to sour | and you feel fine. and two other classes for the young|of the townships of Kitley and Wol- | J TASEETS forthe irvitated ? j the cout namely: the school children. {20d upset you. No difference Bow | Put an end to stomach trouble by |jadies of. the "Y" are under way lord, of which he was a member, | | shective and sede. refore the best embrocation that can bs , et ts | Padly your stomach is disordered, | getting a large fifty-cent case of | Over fifteen young mien 'and boys| William Streets was unseafed after a ; gr pers Soa It pa od 'for the afternoon: of | FOU Bet happy relief in five minutes Pape's Diapepsin from any drug |pave "signed up" for the 'équrse 10) hearing before Judge McDonald. Which well naval} be I he cours of ton oé | April 30th, with' 'Ordination tie 'same Dut what pleases you most is that |store. You realize in five minutes be commenced at "the Y¥,M.CIA.,| Streets was unseated on hfs own v : It strengthens and regulates your |how necMless it is to suffer from in- 3 i the onl witness Bleu minnie, evening, in Cooké's church, 5 » rorite td wert oi A which is open to all young mién and| evidence, 'he being only ness Ruta go: wat: Goa The following students 'catered She [Jods 'without fear. Most remedies | oorurs 7771S OF au. stomah fyi" img city. salied - " Was Forced to: Resign. ™ The 3 fief fn th best counter leritant known, » Ire T---- BN You Could Hardly Believe I, Could You _ & ------ TARRY ee pr ot [ven SIR, GenuInNG aro Are i "HIGH JNK" PERFUME. | Saka kyo | { TITURT SAW A SWELL HOW AT THE { CAzwno CALLE HIGH JIHKS" AND THE Prot or THE PLAY WAS THAT ' THEN HAD A PERFUME THAT RON ANN BOLY Smead 11 THE GOT GOD MATURED AMD HAPPY AND | A. ERIBMOLY, GEE, T wind I Could | A - ! GEN SomE perPuME LIKE THAT vu eA AND WHEN MUTT GOT SORE AT ME DL sue Rim A SMELL oF ". ors, You 50d oD ALL my "toAR:, LAT Aig HT ABU 174 GoNna GE YT Cute § HARES Cur Bon HAPPY, -10¢ . 5 Rl Now. | J