one. after other, with : An ) hand, and expos jheir corpessi] fit snow in repaid Sa i Seat B FY some localities. it hort little i £53k oH The most import fine and nd ne duress Will interest every woman. A wide ituntion, the vely recont year, the peop [sountry. and prices. capability of i i tho Great Britain have evinced a : | fabrics, colors and - ies, Ont i treatment of the oriental guest resolute: determination that the owah, wil i right of British eitizenship shall be | rusts, , Were made prisoners none wilt bull york vo. 5 bot" : fodfecied the world. | wile astually engaged in afica: bast at drug stares, or hy ase | rights of a subject of one country; Sve rnment. Catharines, ear hed getle Working Ja | bo in (hur haads taday: Sho Is voluntarily resident in. aa. the. exposition. wus formaniy charaed] Syracuse on Jume 8, 1912, he was | situstioe | 0, Strongly Jelored ef aller. Bar awe authorities | saptives held by Theod situation in the west, where, he said, | differ. But. at least, it is plain that |; pveser tls 03, Theodore, dl foreigners who had no idea of Cana-|the Bovernments of civilized nations : i pom erie or institutions wero given | extend. the mantle of their protec ud nat hin Aman ATE, who ae the right of the ballot. i tioh, to a very large degree, ove | "The bunch is told to vote a certain | their subjects im foreign count nad been Yosicous ov Pune Quest way, and it does," Mr. Stevens declar- { in. fact, in extreme cases, they are a fracture of the seventh ecerbical|ed. "It has a demorflizing effect on i wont to d "to the denial, or to Bimtelt Slishied » ito Pr, vertebra, which is commonly known | political life, and, goodness knows, | the applicadion, to them of the laws Nas tai 8 ied ful His tho broken meek. Immediately after | politieal life is corrupt enough. The of Such countries, When denied, os | SO (OOF Seal ul. the accidént Mr, Towne was Temov- | man who enters political life in this or fapplied, in a manner which subjects pol - t he agaa a pas gw ed to his home in Massena, where any country has trouble emough® tolof such countries, might have to]? v éatroyed, nothing being. lofi. he was attended by some of the most keep his skirts clean, and deserves |cndure without protest, at it but blackened rock. Five hun] / physicians and surgeons it for doing so." Nor is this only so in the case of Abyssinians were killed, and, 25% Of the regular retail . who W. W.. Lee, immigration secretary of { mantfest harshness, But the doctrine | 17teen bundred wounded, in the en-| prices on all Ebony Hair and i she Nationa! Council of the Y.M.C.A., [holds good even in respect of lawe | 28ement in front of Magdala, while Cloth Brushes; also all mir- § : t time a took issue with Mr, Stevens on the which are not, in themselves, un at one ot the British force Nas, 5 ny: . rors. i to the ! Statistik ha gave of foreign criminals. {conscionable. For instance, 1c Kilad,i1d gnly._ninetesn woudded. The keynote, youll instantly sce that, of the new , + Lee said statistics proved that in !government will allow one of , ; + i : AR TE Rad 43 During this sale we can sell | 1 cn ] proportion to the population, the So resident in a foreign A used such extravagant language of spring dress goods is nov elty. New mnova- You a solid backed hand daawn | : v number of foreign criminals was two |iry to be compeMed to serve in the | (8udation about. this success that he tions have been worked into fabrics long pop- brush for 38 cents. 1 as returned. to his | per cent. less. Where the danger lay army or mavy of that country, evey |AIMost made it appear ridiculous. He ular z | £55 ro was with the children of fareigners. | though conscription be in forer | 2eCiared that it had led "the ele-! 3 poe the: vagortment in our H n he was transferred to} the Statistics in their case showed an there, Were we living dn the day: Hai of Jodi beavg ihe artillery ! window. nyome can use an | incent and employed Dr. N.|average of three to one, in indictable ¥ s S 4 ¢ { °t Europe, throug Can passes e 1 TAY V ) 00 \ , extra hair brush and they will J P. Bentley, as his attending physici- | crimes. committed, as compared with J almerston as. a - vbich might have startled the trap: || 11e1'e In great array you can see the new novelty never be bought cheaper. § an. Dr. Bentley immediately took | natives and English-speaking children. probable that he would have foun: | 'eT x Samtida, and 2dalied Ha Eponge, sunken effect crepes, rough crepes § entire charge of the case, and for » TE cnhel i . wnter of the Alps," winding up with att The ! Td time followed. the. treatment which | TPLEPHONE GIRL BLAMED [(ofsion, Nihout foo careful an en | Myocioration that "the standard of | and ratines. The much wanted black and bad been recommended by Mr. tion, over the Benton case, of hi: | 3t- 'George was hoisted upon the colored checks#nd plaids hold forth in effects Towne's previous doctors, but could | Forgot te Deliver Message and Com- famous. "Civies Romanus Sum' | houitains of Rasselas." J | that are more handsome than ever. ! not discover any improvement in his pany Is Sued. } speech, RL condition, and after making a thor- Montreal, March 5.---If one gives | The:Ashantes: War | = ' ' ough study of the ease, decided that a message to "central" to be tranc.! Don Pacifico : In 18% a punitive expedition was'll Come and indulge your faney to your heart's con- precovery was due to. fhe | mitted to some third party, and it hat speech was made not in. co espate to e ver region Y I ' what') Ww i WaIBh Of bis head Upon the, ractur. | the ay nen wird Barty, and it That Spaerh Wal mide soi To conf OE i a ar, Topo tent. Consult us about what's what. Be it a od Bouts wiiich had ecom one displac- Yshe 18 so busy hello-ing or for some| British subject, bug with regard te jowaver, viuded. it, but ot was sue-| staple or novelty, we are pretty sure to have od by 4 i ¥, and wich all sur- » other reason, fuils to deliver the mes- ttacki lundering, in the | 'essful in establishing authority' $3 i OQ Re geons had feared to replace lest it | sage, can the sender sue the tele- a taiug and ng. if the Canadian government in that lt--in short, the best in dress goods can al { Would produce pressure upon th: | phone' company for damages? the house of Don Pacifico, a Porta | 2art of the werld. Lord Wolseley ways be found here--quality considered--at bina} eord,which would caused total] This is the Lone of contention fig: guese Jew, living in 'Athens; hut | (then Colonel Welseley), was in the very lowest prices. { Daraiyais of all parts of the body | uring in a case up for disposal before nevertheless a British subject. The | 'ommand of this expedition, and he ' | below the fracture Dr. Bentley de- the eirenit court here. Joseph Tre-|attack was lawless, and Don Pacific | 1150 commanded another expedition' > : | Sead that in order to relieve MT. [uinnier, a resident of L'OFiginghl re tod so it rand Hon reel { 30 a much larger scale, which was | This is vour store--eome in and look about! | Towne the weight would have to be | says that, being on the point of com. authorities. He estimated, his losses | lespatched to: Ashantee two years, : | Fomoted, and he originated a device | ing to town in. connection with the ot something around a hundred and | ater. The Ashantee king had been 110 asitn arsnnd Mr. Towne's body {sale of cattle, he telephoned to 4 sixty thousand dollars, And, as ii | harassing British settlers, and Mr. SSE and extending up over his head to {'yhone operator at St. Martin, and happened, Great Britain had several | Gladstone's government determined lift the weight of the head so that | cveq that a messa 5 to inflict a bl bi According- Lh : ge be transmitted [other complaints against Greece |'0 ct a2 biow on him. cco! g . the pressure on the fracture woulll fio nis Brother, Moise Trepannler, awhile Lord Palmerston also suspect |1y, Lord Wolseley's expedition - was ' The BUSIEST I 1 be relieved. Within a. short time | egiqant of the latter hamlet. © Heled both France amd Russia of in| despatched. The British defeated i Mier this device was placed on Mr. }wanted the brother to help him out triguing against Great Britain ir | the Ashantees everywhere they could Store in Town owne, he showed signs of improve- [(, oyecting the sale of the animale, f that cofintry. Outrages on Ioniar | get at' them, 2nd ultimately forced || mmmmm-------------------- ] ment, Sd in wbout three weeks Be and he requested him to meet him|subjects of Great Britain, an arres|tbeir way to Coomassi, the Ashantee|: ine "in yas tile lo_get ole. of bed for a ® | in Moutren! for the purpose. {by mistake) of a British midship 'apital, whera-they compelled the enum oe me a thi ve bg ® | Somehow or other, the -messagslman and other matters, all swelled king. to come to terms, ome of the fy The "near" an ae has Sl y improved. nae went awry, and Moise did not turn{up the total of the British claims | 'onditions beifig the prohibition of and "far" lenses are one solid it, me: 4nd has mow Peonvinted | UP: Plainttff claims that, as a di-| These were all lumped together | buiuan sacrifices. : recovered. it. Towne is convinced | oo Lepyit of his brother's non-ap- | converted into a national claim, and " No "lines;" no cement. that he owes his recovery to the 3 . pearance, he sold the cattle for $31.-|the demand made that Greece m REDISTRIBUTION PLANS ks are the "real thing" "tment of Dr. Bentley, which was] o'ess than the price he woutd have| pay up. oF Ake Che. eOasoqstmons PR eua-- { SRLToW Naw 1 fhe 9 secured" had the brother been on|Greece wis 'aNitory, and, the British | Pen Seats For Torowto aad the | : : juries of this nature. d ; . deck. Henee the suit. fleet proceeded to the Piraeus and Yorks, : NOT HAVE THE at Towne will Tesume iis origin The cofpany denies all responsi-| seized all Greek vessels. The Greek! ottawa) Mirch 5- The "map" of cuse in a short time. He made many | PIlity, and claims it was not obliged] government appealed to Frasce 041 redistribution of the province of On- you delayed lighting v h ith electrieit friends during his short stay in Caps | (0 tFansmit the message. Russta, 15. the Brian) (410 Will, It fs expected, be resdy| I] 3 ayed lighting your home with eleetricity-- Vincent, who are very much pleased - © subject came up i» e ong | 0-day. 80 handy, so healthy, so bright. over his recovery, but regret his NOVA SCOTIA'S FINANCES liouse of commons, an gave ro Thep resent plan is that Toromto : departure from this village. -------- Palmerston the oportunity of making a the yorks will have ten seats. Premier Presents Statement to the the Fhecch of bis We an The Yorks will be khown as east, COTTON GOODS BEHIN Legislature, 'trom the vest and north, and will follow the x 'i » Halifax, March 5.--Premier Mur- down of Sots, Shien a ime beundaries. as the. provincial Only A Per Cent. E ,3000.000,000 ray presented his financial statementithat just as the Roman was free from ust itusucies. a Jot B orks Wilk-ve LET US LIGHT YOUR HOME. orth Bought Abroad to the legislature yesterday. ' He indignity when he could say "Civis|:, ° resen, : . ti : ag . ron Os Washington, - March' 5.--Reports | Said there had been expended during|komanus sum,' so also & British sub- |; Ss have] Yi Choutville in Prices reasonable; and we are expert. = : the fiscal year $1,949,783, while}ject should f 1 confident that the . a ey Showing {hat of the $30,000,000 , loud feel co worth of cotton manufactures enter. | the amount actually received waslwatohfal eye snd the strong arm of be the Qing line between east and . ing international market in 1913 | $1,920,565, exclusively of refund¥.|nis cou would protect. Wim! "3; tne province generally, the plan H WwW. NEWMAN Electric Co. only seven per cent. was bought | 21d also of the amount from the do-|oeainst ifijustice. The whole. af- provides for wiping out Hrockvill : from the United States, wifich pro- [Minion for agricultural purposes.. air was really of a trumpery descriv- | Nowh. Lamark, West Northumbes. Phone 441 duces more than two-thirds of the Showing a deficit for the fiscal year ition, but Palmerston's speech saved Ra Bar ry ee ty burs : world's raw cotton, caused the De f° $29,218. the ministry at a eritical moment. Went Middlesex, and one of the a This deficit was, the premier ox-| 5 i partment of Commerce to institute an plained, more than offset by the de. >, TeEards Dum Pacifics, his elalm|piyees, Thunder Bay and Rainy investigation with a view of "enlarg- was ultimately settled by arbitration, | p - ' his import. crease of interest in the adjustment! nq ne was found to be entitled 16 | rover ill be divided and given an Sng the foreign trade in this. of the Halifax 4 Da and South Western (,hout a thirtieth of it. But he near ant branch of American industry. railway, of $42,399. The targest | 1 brought on © European war. v RED BY ST sources of revenue had been. from ! MURDERED BY STRIKER the deminion government, amount-| . Hinisel Death | i088 to $636,665, and the reyalties i Who Thew Threw Himself to od mines, $852,954, showed an in-! It is impossible to read the history] 11ore are what Presiding Judge Paul Among Machinery. crease of $61,765 over the previous oi the conquest of India by the Brit-] J: McCormick has announced ns St. Petersburg, Mareh 5.--Capt. Von'| year. p tisk after au indian lady without, "Thirteen Mistakes of Igfe" : 9 Stahl, chief of works at the shrapnel The estimated revenue for 1913las it bas bean well said, coming to To. attempt to set up: your own i factory of the Putiloff armamont | was $1,902,016, while the actual the conclusiga that in the minds of] tandard of right and wrong." : works, was murdered, yesterday, by | amount was $18,548 in excess of this, | many of then a temporary prostra- To try to measure the enjoyment Our new line of fixtures is superb, Call and examine them. ; éxtra member, Thirteen Mistakes in Lite Summary Vengeance Yew York American. me of the foremen . The murderer | the premier added. The total direct; tion: of the moral sense took place, | 97 others by your own. then threw himself into the electrical Mability of the provinces was $12,- "under the induence of which they "To expect uniformity of opinions [ machinery and was crushed to death. 156.938. The assets were $6,115. came 10 regard the enemy's guilt asg'0 this world." There has been a strike at the Put. | | 441, leaving a net indebt tthe standard for their right of retali-|. "To fail to make allowance for in bh t 4 g a net indebtedness o ndard fo g 1 Soon r in e sure a lof works for some days, and Capt.lg3g.091 497." 14 ponaidering this bal- ation. Agrinst this doctrine Dis- $1.00 Shirts, 69. All pew neat pat- ers is supposed. to. have' been ithe {| oii) 0 ine different stitutions of jor. his fellow-countrymen. mot tojtions alike." Not to yield in! unimportant tri- ens Removal sale men's $1.50 aun me. | TOWN Tams. i for their imitation. Ona.act of sum a tock : "1S... J T sin {IRATY vengeance, commi ya Brit. ' © look for perfection in our own $1.00 Moeha-Lined Ji [ol mutton of lace boots, $3.25. Dut | | prGuTs FOR CONSERVATION ish officer. stands ott pasticalirly [actions i | | Von Stahl's attitude toward the strik- ance, no account was taken of the rieli vehemently protested, calling} 'To endeavor to mould all disposi- 1} | eause of the tragedy. the provinces, nor bridges, mines orjmake the fiend, Nana Sahib, a model ton's. A young officernametl Hudson of] "To worry ourselves and others Gloves, Tbe. : Same fellows Jivide thelr Die be Of Water Power at Borden ---Beck '"Hodson's Horse" discovered tharjahout what cannot be remedied." $106" urd. $1.25 Fur [five dele roasted a ng Leads Stovming Party {the King of Delhi and, Bis family had} "Not to help everybody, wherever, Band 75 ud play. Ottawa, March 5--The Hydro-Elec- | 8ken refuge in a tomb--itself the |however and whenever we can-" oi ps, e. - . trie Commission of Ontario has lodg-;5i2® of a village--Wwith a vast crowd| '"To consider. anything impossible Knitted Caps, 50c. ap ed n protest cgafnst the passing of © Armed adherents. 4 With but, a {that we cannot ourselves perform." Solt Hats, $1.00. the bill of the Niagara-Welland Pow-, 'oW iroopers, Hodson daringly called] "To belive only what our fmite Stiff Hats, $1.00. Minds cu grasp, 1 which § bef the on them to surrénder--and surren- ft. ; | ly - FN apanY Ai Dow befare the der they did. Hodson tried, con-{ "Not to m allowance for the 00 Knitted Scarfs, ff - dy | This company plans to develop power! 1onel and killed three princes on | weakness of others." | ] | : $1.00 i which fs mide possible by the deep-| ™ ; ,, "To estimate by some outside qual- Rs ening of the Welland canal and the! ff T 3 BRENDE lity when it is that within which Knitted Searfs, fi! ground taken by the commission is A Tr 0 \ makes the man." 'Do you begin the day with a} hat there should be no more rights] = ¥ - "grouch"? Are you tired in the{.rinted to any private comeern for it AY 1 Rapid Legislatio the use of the surplus waters of the iy J London Ohyontei n Welland Giatelet for commercial pur- é = poses; e g now required for| gg public use and should be under the . you are rapidly 'becomitx " bankrupt so far as health Is concern- ool Stockings ed. You should look to your habits . ; 4 | ot jating, Jake suts that you get] preseut time. : f ; ant Pe ---- lots 0 Sesh air h your sleeping Wp: | vio; a Welland Power cons is \@ orgats : bos Those Men. artments, and restore "an extension of a ¢harter for ) 6 8, and' an ' A A. Poe or hinge i ! Sourting Sous fair girl; her , candy, rings her a pearl. gals and Which ¢ mors eros pro liament for another renewal of & is] See. Collegiate girls in Tennyson's p tion Hall, Fri " roe Wp Convoea: os Whi i