A -- / | | | | | | | Time Now To Order Your SUIT! It's none too early to place your order for spring : suit or overcoat, made to vour measure and finished in the Livingston perfect way. Every garment is guaranteed. Select leisurely be- fore the rush commences and have vour suit or overcoat delivered in good time for Easter. All tailored in the most completely equipped tailor shop in Canada, Opening Special F or Thursday, Friday and Saturday NEW SPRING SUITINGS In imported Tweeds and Worsteds, made fo vour measure for $25.00 LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A little out of the way, but it will pay yon to walk. | | n in this year's legislature de 1 WALDRONS, Extra Fine Heavy and Black SERGES We have just received from Bedford (England) a special lot of Navy and Black Serge, the qualities usually sold for men's suits, but now so popular for ladies' wear. Every yard is guaranteed fast dye and + warranted not to spot. 56058 inches wide, oily 31-20 4 yds. required for a suit. Prices $1.25, $1.50, $2, so © $2.50 and $3.00 a yard. ' i | .publicaus will be on the board. ing, a land Before the Scott Act Votbs Were Taken, : Toronto, March 4.--It does not re Quire a man with as much prophetic insight of the future as the recently unearthed Toronto prodigy plays y of the past, to predict that Swmider will figure promin. answers given by Hon. W. J. anba, after cons ay, to. a 'series of questions asked by the op- position in ard to the movements of W. K. Suider, provincial license /in- spector, in the week preceding the re- cent Scott act votes, have within Shorgsoives the germs of a good sized isturbance and fire-works will proba- bly soon be shooting across the legis- lative sky. The story, as revealed so far by the governmient s own answers, runs some. | thing like this. W. .K. Snider, irom 1906 to the end of 1908, was a pro- vincial organizer for the conservative party. 'The general elections came in the year 1 On December 31st in that year a new oflice was created and the conservative organizer became a provipeial Jicense inspector. On January 29th, 1914, votes under the Scott act were taken in the coun- ties of Peel, Huron and Welland. The government's answers show Snider's movements as follows : January rd, Brampton (Peel county); January 2rd, 24th and 25th, Wingham, Clin- ton, Goderica (Huron county); Janu. ary 26th and 27th, Ridgway, Stevens- ville and Welland (Welland county). It has been known before that Snider was in Huron and Welland just before the Scott act vote. This is the first intimation] .that he was also in the third county,--1eel. It will be remembered that, at the time, it was reported in the newspa- pers that this man Snider was in Wel- land, and that he was telling conserv- atives not to vote in favor of the Scott act and that the passing of leg- islation under such an act would em- barrass the government. At first the government declared that it could not {have been Snider who was there and 'that he must have been impersonated. As the newspaper clamor continued, however, and as prominent conservau- tives in Welland were protesting at Snider's mission, Mr. Hanna issued a statement saying that the provincial Heense inspector had been in Welland, but that anything he had done there must have been doue without the au- thority of the government. In the meantime it has been shown that this government official made a complete round of the three counties withm a week of the election. Bethel Sunday School Tea The anvual entertainment and tea of Bethel Sunday school was held on Wednesday evening. The attendance was large. Supper began at 6.30 oclock, to which the junior, interme- diate and. adult. members of the school partook. During the tea hour and at various intervals throughout the even- i vietrola, which was kindly loaned by the Lindsay Piano company and attended to. by Arthur Preston, was used to good advantage and furn ished some fine selections. The pro gramme included addresses by George Mills (superintendent) and Rev. A. P. Mershon; solos by Miss Freda Miller, Miss Winnifred Woolgar, Jean God win and Atlan Haliner; choruses by the primary = department; duet by Allan ond Frederick Haliner; a cradle song thy four little girls; recitations hy Miss Helen Kennedy, Miss Edna. Treneer, and Earl Bruce. DUKE AGAIN GRAND MASTER Canada's Governor-General elected by Freemasons London, March 5.--~The Duke of Con naught was last night re-elected lgrand master to the United Grand 'Lodge of I'nglish Freemasons. The {lord mavor of London, who propos- ed the notion, paid a handsome tri- bute to his royal highness for . the interest he had always taken in mas- onry and for his distinguished ser vices to the army and the empire. Re- * "Rev. H. I. Horsey Delayed Rev. H. I. liorsey, pastor of Wel come Zion Congregational church, who officiated at the First Congrega- tional church, Kingston, last Sunday, did not succeed in reaching home un- til about six o'clock Tuesday evening. | Mr. Horsey was expected home last Monday evening, but owing to the severe storm ol last Sunday was un- able to leave Kingston, as the C. P. R. train service between that city and Ottawa was suspended. He reached home just in time to selemn- ize a wedding at Welcome Zion jurch. For the Next Forty Days. You will find fancy green and red tinged Malaga grapes, also fancy table apples from the Pacific coast at Carnovsky's. in Clayton, N.Y, for the village '| offices party lunes have been laid aside and both democrats and re Page Ackert, St. Lawrence, N.Y. 'died on Sunday, aged eighty-nine years. ' It is rumored that a' prominent resident of Ramsay is in lice for the vacant goalership at Perth. EE E---- -- i 'and igh viv will remain in King ay and Friday only, eld Truss. as fitted a vasia, Li aud bd it not ign any inte anid ompiete. Toe, Sebi: he opening in teu day ed warnings that if they entered the church it would be under peril of arrest. As the men neared the church, detectives informed Frank Tannen- baum. who has headed the demon-, strations during the last few days, that if the men entered the build- ng they would do so at their peril. Tannenbaum, instead of heeding the vice, called on the men to follow m. A Lenten service was in progress 'n the church when the men march- ed in. Women screamed when they saw the intruders, who, paying little Mlention to this, quickly occupied seats well .in front. When the last of the mefl had entered the church the detectives ordered the {doors locked. Meanwhile the reserves from near- by police stations had been called out and patrol wagons from all over the 'efty' were rushing to the scene. When the policemen entered the church building pandemonium en- sued. For half an hour there was he widest disorder, due in a mea- | sure to the efforts of the police to 'eparate the intruders from the wor shippers. The men were taken from the church in twos and conveyed in pa- trol wagons to tie nearest police stations. into the Domestic Relations Court for a preliminary hearing. Tannenbaum. their leader, was charged with ineiting to riot and held in $5,000 bail for a hearing to- morrow. The other prisoners, charg- 2d with disorderly conduct, were held "in $1,000 Dail for a hearing to-morrow - STOCK MARKETS ". B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8K Brock St.--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, March 5th. Montreal. Canuers ....... aisgic unis 674 Cement: pid... vie 01 Cement com. ...... . « 3 R. & 0 2 nian aseianka we 106 Toronto Railway ..... . 140} Brazilian Textile Shawinigan . Detroit Macdonald Dominion & SS oraus J agaxa Spanish River ..... ..... I'win City .... Bell "Telephon. Coppers Smelters . CPR... Reading .. Union Pacific i nesinanyct spades United States Steel .. Erie Noo... Atchison Northern Pacific : Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... Rubber: ........ Lehigh Valley Amcrican Can. ........ . Southern Pacific ........ Cotton May March July 3 Wheat -- May July Corn-- July May .... Oats July | oh! 653 397 Cries Shame On Women's Dress Fort William, March 5.--Modern {a- shions for: women were denounced by the Rev. John McNeill, of Toronto, in his address at Port Arthur. last night. "Some of the most dignified women in the city," he sald, "are wearing shameless clothes. In some of the néw fangled dresses you look disgraceful, and to every modest- minded man you look §ndecent. In wearing such clothes you put vour- selves nearly on tig same level with a strumpet." Hon, William Paterson Improves. Licton, March 5.~Hon. William Pa- terson, ex-minister of trade and com- merce at Ottawa, who has been' il at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. DBrans- combe, is now well on the road to- wards recovery. A marked improve ment has characterized his condition during the past few days. Towards the endg of last week Mr, Paterson was sefiously §ll, but later was able to leave his room. Queen's company of field engineers ~~ NOW AT THE BRITISH ment: States W will camp at Barriefield April 20th te 28th inclusive. Those are the dates authorized. S RE SEELEY, THE NOTED TRUSS EXPERT, STs ihsteument received 3 d and in id mn results without surg. || tione, medical treat: s, 1 have doeu~ from "U. 8 Goverament. on, DC; for inspection as to cetion of this ifstiument. If Ehow the skms without ShArss, or it w ut | e, or them iF Sects od. iin dg psy Later they were brought | Attractive Silks Now Ready. CREPE DE CHENES In the most wanted shades. CREPE BROCHE CREPE CHARMENT MOIRE SILKS CREPE POPLINS | And other equally fashionable Silks now ready for Spring 420 Yards Rich Black Duchesse Silks a $1.00 Yard 360 yards Black Duchesse Silks This is one of the most effective Black Dress Silks brought out for spring, as it.isiof good weight and ob inches wide. drapes perfeetlv: Oup special make at SKINNERS' FAMOUS LINING SATINS SKINNERS' SATINS 36 inches wide, for suit inings, for coat linings, in linings, for coat lining Guaranteed for 2 years' shades of grey, cream, black : . yo wear, Extra wide width, full brown, fawn. $1.25 Yard 56 inches. Special at $1.25 Yard Laidlaw & * Eo Joh A Large Stock of Trunks ¢ Just Received GOOD TRUNKS AT Low PRICES We buy our Truuks in large quantities from the best and largest factory in Canada. Trunks from $2.00 to £50.00, , Glad to show our stock.