Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1914, p. 13

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THR DATLY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 19 a : PAGE THIRTEEN | THE ANCIENT REGIME like a "Tea Pot" "| CANADA'S. FIRST GOVERNMEN table to prove its DIFFERS FROM PRESENT. worth ! rm RAs +1 think that will ple@ise him," she. : said, as she dd at the flowers she 1 C8 - 13 ] joe arTang the able. ¢ - ' Fitba + © TS: 18 } e was going away to bet married. " Advisers of the Governor-General Che hoped" ies ther £iri 0 Thora Bot Care: Much About lec: ioved im as wither Other gir tions In Those Days, But Worried ererved to loved. More Concerning "heir Superiors A hasty step sounded on the gravel and Standing: at' Court = inten: walk outside. She placed her hand dant Designed to Spy on Governor. to her breast for an instant, and & \ Under the political institutions en- then walked to the table and began ---- to touch a flower here and there as joyed by the people of Canada, it has been found possible to ca on a saD&A if completing the'arrangement of thw 3 govérnment that insures to ; combines the highest grade vase, x We : \ i of workmanship he -- Jack Marston burst inte the room. 'X ed ernéd Lhe greatest measure of liberty with lowest possible price. His manner was boisterously boyith, / that is consistent -with order, that There is a D & A for every and there was a freshness about bi« guatanteés to each citizen the enjoys figure-- Ask your dealer to show handsome face and frank brown ment of the fruits'of his industry, and you the latest styles -- the eyes 'that 'made him look younger encourages national development and price will be ahout half that of ff | then his years, ; progress, For these great blessings imparted corsets of Similar Hello, Nell," lie cried; "fizing ov the Canadian people must thank their grade, the flowers dor the last time eh? heritage in the British' Constitution, D & A Corsets are made and 7 By jove, they look ali right. The which, under a government monarch- guaranteed hy the dl | train starts in an hour. Coull you ical in form, gives to the people re- Dumisita Cetin Co, Quel, get me some junch before I go?" sponsible and elastic democratic rule. gre a Corsets" Yes, 1 thought of that, I'll bring Thege thoughts are suggested by . the session of our Federal Parliament it in direcHiy.. Mother 'has it all ready." i which bas just begun, says a writer tell came back to lay the clulh in The Montreal Standard, and that, "Do you remember, when [ first too, tends to cause one to look back- came here, Nell, when you brought wards Lo the beginning of government me my first chop and looked so in this country, and to contrast the frishtened and. shy? . institiitions of long .go with those "Yes, 1 rethember,""' she sald. "i under whieh it is our good fortune to soeme such long tins ago. 1 wa live. This backward glance enables enly a little girl then." us to see how far the world has mov- "What's up? Nell." od in the matter of government since The girl titrned Ret face awdy anc white men came to the valley of the tried to teach the door He caugh! St. Lawrence and planted here the seeds of clvilization, ber hand and held her. a pe 3 "Nell, what is it? You're not ery- Canada's earliest rulers were trad- Piast Motorcycle in the World ing companies that, in consideration * inz because I'm going away?" of monapolies grant-d them in tie . « fur (fade and the fisheries, under- ing Goods Co took to.rule the country for the Ki' ¢ 4 , . Kingston Business. College | (Limited) Head of Queen Street. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthan typewriting, civil service, mera) improvement. and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Informs tion free. PANNIERS AND RUFFLES ADD WIDTH TO THE HIPS "Oh, she sobbed; *'don't stop me; I must bring in your lunch. You'll be late for the train." i.F. Metcalf - Principal URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a Glass of Salts if your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. li you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority: who tells ws that meat forms uric mcid which almost para- lyzes the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be- come sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kid- ney region, sharp pains in the back, or sick headache, dizziness, your sto- mach sours, tongue is coated, and when tho weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges, The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan- The pain in her face made him reckless of consequences. "Hang the thain. What is it, Nell? Tell me about it Do you mind my going away as much as all that?" i "It was #illy of me, but I just felt I couldn't bear it. IVI be all right. I'll get used to it. There, you mustn't keep me; you've got to catch your train." She broke from him and ran down the passage. .Jack rose to his feet and took one or two turns up and down the room. Then he went to the hall and got his hat. "Nell," he called from the front door, "I don't want any lunch yet. Pm going out for half an hour. Iu get the late train." EE He went out and climbed the snow-covesdd hill atsthe back of the township. His brain "Seemead all io a whirl of conflicting emotions, and out of the tumult of his thoughts there came no clear issue. 1? only he had known; if ouly he had known. Nell's eyes haunted Just as we had settled down to the straight siltionetre along comesthetunic, the panfiler and rufiies without number with their added width to the hips to upset it all. All of {hese will be worn the coming season: in some instances the peplum, cont-12i1 or ruffe will be attached to the blonse. but apie often itis a part of the skirt. Sushes and beits also will continue popular and there are many new ribbons and silks desizned almost entirely for this purpose. 'There are Roman stripes, plaids, broeaded effects in bright Chine ese colufingzs and dark, rich looking vel- ours. These sashes are wide, low and loose. In pumbers 8127-8151 crépe meteor is used for the skirt with the bodice and pannier rufiies of flowered crépe de Chine a ------------ thiew it in the fire. Presently a light footstep sounded the envelope and read it. 'Then he slowly twisted it in his hands and The wide girdle is made of a guaintly patterned silk charmingly colored. This skirt shows the .peg-top design with the addition of a double rafflewhich niay also be draped pannier fashion. To copy this frock in size36the blouse (S127) requires 27; yards of 86-inch ma torial : the skirt (8151) may be made In size 24 with 414 yards of 36-inch material. Number 8122 shows an attractive new sleeve, a short full, pointed tunic and a start vest. A figured chiffon Is combined with a charmeuse skirt. This frock may be made in size 3¢ with 58; yards of 36-inch material. Number $127--sizes 34 to 42. Number 815 ves 22 to 32. - Number S120--sizes 34 to 42, Fach pattern 15 cents. the summer mildness. Miles upon miles of grassy swells, sown thick with flowers of Franco and develop it as a colony. Ampng these early mercantile rulers were the Company of Merchants of Rouen and St. Malo, the Company of Canada, the West Indies Company, and Iastly the largest and best-known of them all, the Company of One Hundred Associates. The companies did something to colonize and to protect the colonists, but on the whole they did more to prosecute the fur trade and enrich themselves. Corporation-rule did not prove a success, and finally in 1863 It was brought to an end, and royal gov- ernment was set up. That year is a starting point in what may be called tho history ef government and laws in Canada, for thé consequences of many things done by that first of Canadian royal governments influenc- ed the. course of Canadian history, and are felt to this day, especially in the Province of Quebec. The beginning of royal government and local legislation in Canada takes ¢ 16 back to the year 1663, when Que- bec City was only fifty-five years' old, 6% First Mortgage Bonds PARTICULARS ON REQUEST 'Cawthra Mulock & Co. % 2 King Street East . - Toronto nels often get sore and irrited, ob- him. He Knew now that.he had lov ig asa ge, asia Nell gi Wi In yelloe aud Rutule Nae. a clus and Montreal only, twenty ort, 01 bert ' y ie : « | ed | Tr. i : oy » I = liging You to seok zolief two or three ud her aj} ha tiie, and he marvel] ToC his hands. Pinted with Nature's brushes aud !of the Ottawa, De Upper St. law Ae these ivritating acids, | 0 three days ANE Wi 15 ve] Nel". he cried. "lve eof watered by the showers, prence, and the. Great laksa tear, a s, 1 to cldtmge the kidneys and flush off | come his wife. Did she care for back. Come and sit down beside | On the slopes. 30d over. We not-) down to the very wells, St 2 the body's urinous waste, get four him? Dare he tell her the. wholel™¢ lows Sp : 4 iwhat.is now part of the business % ol "N » ' is |On every hill their gorgeous banner: d 8 . {story an ' v a) Nell, dear," he . said and hi y ' guess of Js b Salta Jrom any Aha rid andl She Sari pt EA +; hat voice was thick and hoarse. "It has showing, quaster of Montreal. t of Canadian macy here; take a tablespoonful in 'a Suddenly Be determined. on: aj all been a foolish mistake. I ought|And far across the prairie in vivid e seat of that rs glass of water before breakfast for t. For- royal governments was Quebec, which % fow days and your kidneys will | course of action. A quarter of : alto bave known, and I didn colors glowing. today is well and truly called the Ra 3 : rile aw give me, dear. You are the only : n on 9) " =! then ay fine 4 This, amas salts a Mile away tire was ® Jag sation Soman 1 ever cared for in my lite. | t5cre, ihdeed, is the keen, strong po i Sapital the' Givernmast t 339 341 made dram the bi - A time to catch the 5:80 train at that|The other is all past." wine of freedom tasted; 2 sad a fed nd, Agent, lemon juice, oon ia wi H i ch point; He would Zo down fo the city She gave a little cry, but he took A dranght ence drunk, it is never iy " or r o1-GeleR s Spor ae and has het Uo Bh Kidneys, | and trust that some honprable means her in his arms and kissed ber on forgotten again, by the Binz. eo) Tans, RIOR a RE ee a a flush and stimiaté Sone kidneys, 1 escape might open. before him the lips. Suddenly she released her-| Wicre never a man's heart - wears aternon encra} x pres eg and ? also to nouita i thes a mute | He found his way. to the familiar | self and stood up. away, by sorrows wasted, a Dart eg Ey 2 roBett go it no longer irritates, tus end: | vouse, and, set without feeling of "1 don't understand. Oh, you For Nature's moods are" kinder 30 eh - Bay be AIA ing bladder weakness. + in. | Gut and shame ipressed the bell mustplt---ihe-other girt--" than those of men. in She mainiy Es comet ARBLLI, So (ad Salla is nexponnis SN orves. | He was shown into' the drawing| Tlie. other girl has thrown me [This is the land whose healing touch - i o J nt ig 8 jue, ied makes 5 do ightful efferves- Moin aver," he said, and he laughed light- is sure and painless-- Cape Diatien mimic pomp cent lithin-wa ink. . i iy. This is the land that God smiles on-- | ° . : Agent, G. W. Mahood. Ah ing a es tie. Thy 94 | "Nell, I've lost my position, Brute the prairie pure and stainless. , Judging from bis Hie and. rom . . you : jaffey ® , BI vodrteous an. het gers ich HAL hit ib ihe : Li Eugt MeGagtey. . | the Guvernar.General of Canale His " Sr "No, Pll never throw you over," the all-powerful local head of the ad- : Teeth. and the Task ministration whereas, in fat, he was 2 bl t LABATT'S STOUT E The very best for use in ill-health and convalescence HE Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America 3 at World's Fair, 1893 2 PURE--SOUND--WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA Don't be bothered rrrremee with mp Salt! beating a note \ ARRO Al COLLAR Suetl, & Ga, Ine, Makers, Sales Door. Monireel SEPP RPPPR PLD Id doblodd % VIBRANT NERVE FORCE He tore opsn ihe egvelope and read the edn' «1s of the'mote Pear Sir segret that 1 feel quite upequ.l lo eeing you to-night.: I hate heen greatly pa and set by the shoek 1 havh adeelved. On the receipt of the news of your mis fortune I at once ar 7 with you, and deeplys 1 1 or you in the circumstances, I 'cap only hdd that my decision as exp in my otter must be rega s final Yours sincerely, ' 1. ALL N GREY. He looked from the letter to the fuce of the servant and then back tion was gone, and in its place was a sense of puzdled wonder. There was 'a mystery somewhere: that he again to the letter. All his irrita- | she sald. ipitiaimees G3 The Prairie their heads are tossing, ries rolling and vast; ever. are. crossing; at last: -; soul, world-weary, beauty: of trackless prairie. zation. Where the wild flowers, wind-shaken, |: In this 'lone 'western land, on 1lere, wi .the whispers of solitude Here, if. nowhere else, there is Everybody knows nowadays, or should Know, 'that the health of the body depends, to a great extent, up- on' the condition oi the teeth. Many strictly persevere with their teeth as regards cleanliness, vet still they are defective and fall out. Per- haps the fanlt does not lie with the People who work in' soda factories Rost for the heart and brain, for the fa the strength and might and the th this far land is no. taint of civill- find that this mineral affects them in a. peculiar manner. Their teeth first 'become translucent, then soft eventually breaking off close to the Tums, wave the worst teeth of any worker Constant saliva 1s produced by the 'umes of the meéréury, and the hum" teeth, but: with your employment., not so. His powers were limited and confused by the very wording of his commission and of his instructions, and they were further limited by the powers of another high officer, who was generally considered to be sub- ordinate to the Governor, and yet who, with respect to some matters, seemed to have outranked him. That second high official wa: the Inten- dant. The' Intendant was virtually a spy on the Governor, and every year he The workers in quicksilver mines o gent to the Minister of Marine, whose department administered colonial af- tairs, letters, often forty pages in ength filled with the secrets of the colony, political and personal, great and small. The Governor also wrote No stain of smoke--ihe heavens| wn system cool becomes permeated letters, and each was jealous of the he aboverdre clear as glass-- vith the metal;" Teeth. absolutely letters of the other 'With sever 4 sign or faintest trace tall out in this business: To assist the Governo. and the In- bitte of. any mation, Any person employed in & bleaching tepdant there was a body known as . ; y "Miss iiisoh has not been very . ( 3 the Sovereign Council mposed of failure. What is stamina? It is | . Niught. but 3, waving boundless | tactory is liable to suffer from defec-|ta® Sovereign Council, compos ! failure ith. (14s | well, air," the servant answered. cc} 5 : " SUPPLIED TO MAN. could not understand. Fred rims "Has anything happened?" he (From "Man's Maladies. asked awkwardly. Without stamina, man is a hed 18 the finest grain of Windsor Sait, refined to the last THIS AIRTIONT, GERM: of prrity--and blended with Mag on osi ; , PROOF PACKAGE adds to ita Beatties. ' TT : i ! &Ta8S, tive teeth. The chloride of lime used|the Governor, the Intendant, the h : koon, TRYpOn ive, Yibrant necxe 4 "Thank y ou sald Marston, as he lows, the sunshinelin the bleaching. process destroys Bishop, and at first of five other coun- nep strength of will, sustains a o& turned slowly left the house. + abitis and lingers, 'he 'enamel of the. teeth, leaving] cillors, but whose number was sub- sound iy, 'ts wise He wap her ata doss to un- % " y sequently inereased to twelve. ports . 3 derstand Whe Meaning (ofthe note And bry | ont an the touch | them open to Joray and disease. The ni oie. Gouncit combined kes money and : 0 s of the 's fingers. phosphorus used Jn match factories is remar : o > (ive nerves ARE Sama Fbut through perplexity. a great Ay ; 1 Po SEI ~ somsi(ive Iu ain A fn . Ea is very injurious to the teath, as tome of The advised und executive LT -N and with man can exdel in ope Tose Pg . Fe Fa k * i t abinet of o-da; ' 4 S i . > 1 ™ Mo voice save the voice of Nature, |ire also the drugs used in dve unctions © e ¥y i business Sport Reet i ho. In 'Hey, Marstonl" .. yet all-pervading; works. Ba ie with some of the legislative [unctions y e \ a 9 PP (12 N _ Rich jn its own strange music, the ER) of Parliament, and the functions both § A report published by the depart- apt to he ank-velced, wenkc 3 He Suit Shc. Ta sors Tus ] memoried, feeble in motion, "By Ik §Orry. 8 weetest ev : 'ith cold hands, cold feet, nér: oy oadty Rorry } test ever Sung, . : wh Co Ainidity. fear, 'with #|1® ya ilu Yor 3u." lwich oabth and.sky And tha tafitiess | peut i agriculure and technical in- i d and. will soon be here bree shading, |struetion for Ifelandd' gives the quan intfoduced: into. Canada, 'Was tiv. pate: Wr ambling_intieny Kkriow ppened te the ) , t tore. was known in France as the The open roads will beckon?! Will you follow thein? And it the bitlowy prairie over-| tity of sen fish Minded if Ireland dur | .agyiyme de Paris' the-Customs of The choi ia stan a s.. ) 2 hung ing the vear 1912 48-47,707 long tons, u » e choicest scenery is situaged away from beaten tracks, | With a nuflofs dense of loneliness i ¥ rw: A - * 2s deeds PP FPTEIETH - of a trial court and a court of appeal. Phe law that it enforced and, ther.- thenia nd pneral © what; of ivy aeaKe AN ghnin but 3 ity it u least idea.' od at $149.97 Paris, based on the ancient Roman | (ER butall e available to fhe Cyclist reat Sco 3 DAS Iw. i Ride & "RAREIGH * and endoy the great "Out-of-doors | in its fullest health may be:as young as he feels | SS0 1 of (ne Governor, the in- =" % adv so that it js impossible to act stances, as a man with taming an ¢ @ aio char 7 : . : 3 ¢ That thrills ith : but Ye doesn t always look the part. \andant, and the Sove gn, or Super: | | Or. vido od trom four fusiness anh "RALEIGH. A s - " a I should, It should Lo' the aim of every man to corregt the con- dition respensible for fallute and unhappiness, for it ean naturally under all = circum. binds | for Council, continue *o the end of | | The very highest rype of Bicycle is the, "uy dono by the simple fulfilment " ; . the French xegime, It had its quali: z 7 { i of nature's Taw that the nerves Sp if i 1 Tea ties, especially wit! respect to mili 4 ea + eive ¥ » i B o a ] 3 E 5 » ., . TRY ae a. ah y X p ley : wR - / p affairs, for it made New France Fitled with the world les the nerve Hulds to recover: i 1d Las 4 1 . . g strongest fighting unit on the con- famous Sgurmey-Archer the daily waste Which is con- t : tipent. "7 Tricon -- > IWith respect to civil matters, the ; ster (this means stantly taking place. The nerve fluids "and body tissues under- ' a" go constant SHanges, and unless tem did not work remarkably well, e8) NE the supply 8 equal to the de- fact, it to, have worked re- § p 5 : bly ill, for a French writer in ng the state of Canada in mand the utream bt neqlth bbs feverish children just love ite BN... |easy after giving it, because it neve: | 1958. two years before its surrender 'constipated | fails to effect a good "inside cleans ays that it {s the 'country of 7 ] Be ie Bo eae oe oe oe ie ole i oi i se le de is os PREP EPP PEPIP ETP ENEVIRTVIVIIVTVEEV de Astonishing strength, nerve 3 na ; ADI pleasant taste and mothers can res' force and poise 18 quickly re- : ' se ' stored by the flowing vahi- able formule, which gnyone can repare in the privacy of home, fii ; 4 First, obtain three bunces of : 3 5 For thirty years "Calitornfa Syrup syrup sarsaparilia compos n 5 g ' ak unty hottie: Tadd one i 5 2. Hig . nik Do' Angin ver -jof Figs" has been recommended by ounce ompound fluid balm . ; 3 , fake as the ideal a of in outline, was the first royal | rament in this sountry--a sya wort, ¢ well, and let stand that 'came to an end with the To hours. Then add one ounce ) ; \ ¢ jon | 11 i6 As > € _by Vaudreuil at Mon real tincture cadomene compound ¢ Dd he Ses a xX < . noth. , 1760, after on handred (not cardamom) snd one ounce , : : A ; p i. : 1 \ 'years of 3 ound essence cardiol ix. a z 1 5 . . Mk : > Td a " comp as 0% ei Y i ! Shake well and' take a tea- ad " " ; BS » ey 3 : } Write for Catalinne of shave and cheaper spoonful after each meal and A on r nd : } Oa hove: ingfsaients. except fh # th Cot ana remity {a Sogo. 98 Big" The Raleigh Cycle ve ents. excep! A & 0 | 3 ya a : y la | i on thoi ol ; \ u opened ) laxative ) the world better by FA lb de ole deo he oe ie oe ood Eee PeTYYV the syrup, are rare neentra- tions of . tho

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