Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1914, p. 6

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- a A nl bl | BSCOVERID BD BY DR. 6. FRANK Ta ye CHICAGO | 1 | Sli Who Successfully Chieago, March 6.--Dr. G. Frank Lydston announced at the meeting of the Chicago Medical Assasintion jthat he had successfully trans ed the generstive dang ot a dead person to the body of a living man. Dr. Lydston declared that as he had been unable to find a subject willing to undergo the operation, he made the transplantation upon himself. An operation performed "January 16, 1914, be said, semed to have been successful, and the gland, taken 18, who had been dead for 17 hours, appeared to fun- frem a youth! ol tionate like an Innate gland. : Dr. Lydston said if the operation d prove a pernianent. success it may be a new remedy for Bright's disease, hardening of the and ailments due to premature sen- lity. The surgeon said he had been un- arteries, DAIL SENSATIONAL HEADDRESS Ee Remarkable Coiffures Seen at 'Petersburg, March 6.--The most bril- linnr hall of 'Petersburg's winter sea son, given by Countess Shouvaloff in her palace op Fontnka Quay, was re- mi ble for the daring headdress "of the ladies . of high Russian society, Princess Orlofi, wile of the czar's chigf aide-de-camp, wore a wig" bufnished with gold, from which stood out a great plume of golden feathers fixed in with - emetald "and pearl pins. Mme. Oliv, a lady-in-waiting to the émpress, wore a vivid blue wig supporting a great eccatic butterfly. Mme. Polovisefi wore A green: wie with blue turban, trimmed with a huge black aigrette. Princess Gortohakofi wore a magenta wig with high diadem of gold and sil- ver leaves. Her robe was of vivid red orange velvet, bordered with silver fox. Mdme.; Tsvolosky had a wig of sil- ver hair; Mme Fedoseiff, a violet-oM- bored wig, and Princess Belloszlsky Bei- ozrsky, nee Miss Whittier, of Phila- delphip, wore a pink robe and a blue wig, . FOUR OPERA STARS ILL o M-- RECOGNITION OF INIONS AND : NO RACE BARRIER Ie It Blames the Employers For Re. fusing to Meet the Federation of Trades Unions. London; March 6.~Recognition the trades unions and the disregard- ing ' the color bar are the two out- standing, features of the commission ap ted to'singuire into the econo mie condition of the workers of South Alrica. The commissioner finds that the contpetition of the 'na- tives and the Kast Indians within the skilled trades is negligible and deews it undesirable for the state to bar black labor from advaneing in any work in which they show them: selves capable, The report suggests that it is un wise for employers to refuse to meet the Federation of Trades unions, blames 'the employers for . resenting outside interference on principle, and says that he cannot conceive why, the employers should not recognize the men's representatives. of "TRAIN, WAS STALT VD At Sydenbam For T+ Days During Storm, j Sydenham," March 4.--A severe "bliz- zard visited this village on Sunday. Owing to the high wind, the snow was blown in deep drifts. Many of the oldest residents say that never be- || for: was the sow such a depth in 4 | this vicinity. Owing to the i cuts on the railroad, the train remained "stalled a little west of the village ior two days." Luek ly a snow- ¥low and new engine i i the needed help, She t ed faithfully night and day. : Uwang to the blockaded roads, thé stud of Syvden high school Nerc.unable to attend. © However, on Wednesday they. arrived and school be: gan. The Kingston and Harrowsmith stages and rural mail carriers were unable to make their daily trips une til Wednesday. = Owing 40. the condi tion of the weather aud state of . the roads, the concert to be given on Monday, March dth, by the Methodist Shui, was postponed until February Oth. Special services during Lent will be held' every Wednesday evening in the new Anglican church. The ladies' auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. - We want every lady in Kingston to see our immense range of exclusive styles. Every new cloth and every late shade can be found here. Hundreds of models to choose from. If not prepared to buy make your selection. A pleasure to show you. Prices to suit every purse. The Stormy Entry of March Gives Noted 'Women Colds New York, March 6.--Four grand opera prima donnas, Mme. Melba, Mary Garden, Emmy Destinn, and Mme. Matzenauer. are on the sich list as the result of the stormy en- trance of March. Mme. Melba, according to des patches from Springfield, Mass., is prostrated there by laryngitis, and has cancelled all Américan engage- ments. Mary Garden is similarly aficted, but Lopes to rejoin the Phila- delphia-Chicago company on its wes. tern tour by the end of the week. Migs Destinn and Mm: Matenauer are suffering from weather ail- menis, which have cased tempor able to find any record here or in Europe of such an operation ever be- fore having been performed. Dr. Lydston also said he had im- planted in a woman of 59 years the generative organs of a 'woman of 17 jyears who hal been dead from vio- lence twelve hours. This operation, he sald, had been performed too re- cently for him tg predict results. The wound, however, he declared, was heal'ng rapidly, and the oper- tion gave evidence of being success- ful. The progress and results of the first operation, Dr. Lydston said, had been. watched by Drs. R. D. MacAr- thur, W. E. Qnine, J. B. Murphy, Carl Michael, and others of Chicago, and Terry A. Townsend, of New Edward Ruttian on Wednesday * after- noon. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. id. F. Wood were surprised by a par *ty, consisting of the former neigh- 'bors. The time was pleasantly spent | {in games and music. Meo, William! + Hobbs entertained a few of her friends at cards on Tuesday evening. On Sat- urday evening, the Sunday school stafi prosantod their secretary, "Bert" Sills, with a handsome wicker chair. The: superintendent, J, McLean, acted as spokesman. Miss S. Shorey is ill with topsilitis. Mrs. J. Woodrufi spent Friday An the | city. "Bert" Boyee, of Cleveland, { Ohio, is viditing his father, D. Boyce. | Bert" Sills spent Sunday in Mos jcow. Mr. and Mrs. C. Truscott and Among the recommendations of the report are periodical inquiries into the cost of living, the appointment of J an industrial = commissioner to ad- | | minister legislation relating 'to trades unions and industrial disputes, the recognition of the , the estab- lishment of conciliation boards, one day's rest a week, and factory act regulation of the hours and piecd rate for natives. On its face the report seems to confliet with the govern- ment's views, and to meet these of the union 'men, but Presumably the and Monday Selling Offer as a Special Inducement 75 Ladies' & Misses' Suits at $12.95 Each Materials are Fine Serges and Cheviots, in Tan, Navy, Black and Neat Sheppards Check, hand- somely tailored, eorrcet models, silk serge and For Saturda . We Will 1 ------ Sl. anthotities. only object to the fiery cross of the syndicalista ---- W.C.T.U. TEA AND SALE York. ary cancellation of c¢igryententt WESTERN FREIGHT RATES Enormous Mathematical Work In. volved Delays Judgment G Ottawa, March 6.--The judgment of the railway commission in the west- of ern freight rates case, which has been uh expected before this date, will not be issued. for weeks vet, it is learned. According to the statement of a ecom- missioner, the work of a mathematical character that is involved in the com- arison of rates which has figured so argely in the case, and will be an is- sue in the judgment, is enormous. The chief difficulty met with has ben in the comparison of eastern and west- ern rates as alieeting the question of discrimination against Western Can- ada. It has been necessary to secure, for comparison with the western tar- oes | iis, rates in the east which are not © Cg |afected by water competition. It will be remembered that one of the chief arguments of the railways was that te 'PHONE 1170 Automobile Co. Queen and Bagot Streets Storage, Repairing, Acces. sories, We guarantee satisfaction 3 low because they had to meet water competition absent in the west. i ---------- Sweoping reductions on 'all trunks and suitcases; must clear. Dutton's removal sale, A. E. Gilmour, St. Catherines, ic de in the city to spend a few days with big mother, Mrs. R. Gilmour, Barrie street. Removal sale! Children's slippers, from 15c.; baby's hoots, from 25 25. tin talcum powder, 15c. Dut. , tons. ; at a AN im i CHILDREN'S BOOTS -200 pr. Children's Boots, made of : kid leather, sizes. Regular 1.50. Saturday special 98¢ Regular $1.00 and $1.25. Satur- day special . 79 'Children's Boots, sizes 11 to 2, reg- ular $1.75 and $2.00. Saturday special... .... .. ... . $1.19 Rubbers to fit every child at Sac- rifice Prices LADIES' In Gun Metal, Pa and Tan, button $5.00. Saturday urday ial 25 pairs" urday special BOYS' CLOTHING D. B. Suits with bloomer sand, of the best retail druggists the country recommend delicious without oil, as the greatest tonic re- constructor and strength creator they have ever sold, it must Yndicate the value of Vimol. er, cod liver oil tonies fail, Vinol will heal, strength- en and cue." C Charleston, the rates in the east were necessarily | pleasure to sell Viinol 2. such universal satisfaction. Jackson, Miss., say : confidence in the and curative value of Vinol." any coughs, colds or bronchitis, Regular $3.60. Sat. special. . .$1.89 25 Sa Ladies' Patent Pumps, izes 2 to 6; regular $2.50. Sat- WRY 7,000 DRUGGISTS uarantee and Recommend Vinol. If any one should know the value a medicine it is the retail drug- at who sells it. Therefore, when over -soven thou- 'in our tonic Vinol, icod Fiver and iron We could publish columns of stimony as the following : J.C. Brady, druggist, of Fall Riv- Mass., says: "In cases where emulsions and other such A. Potterfield, druggist. of "It is a as it » W.Va., says : gives Hunter & McGee, druggists, of "Wo have great strength creating We ask every run-down, bilitated, aged or weak perfon suffering nervous, person or from chronia to try bottle of Vinol with the understan- ding that their money will be return- 25¢.; ed if it does not do all we claim. Geo, W. Mahood, druggist, on, Ont. King- \ SHOES tent, Box Calf or special . . $2.8 $1.39 8, Regular $10.00, Sat. special ..$6.18 HEYA 59 | Boys' and Children's Overcoats, all Good heavy weight, $1.00 and $1.25. Sat. pecias .-T2¢| styles, at Sacrifice Prices. VISIT OUR STORE on SATURDAY. WE OAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS and. GENTS on yous purchases at day Afternoon. The W.CT.U. held another tea and sale' on Thursday afternoon, at the Y.W.C.A. parlory, fromf two to five o'clock, for the purpose of raising funds. Owing to illness the presi- dent, Mrs, D. McCallum, was unable to attend, her place being filled by Mrs. H. I. Lyon, who recehved . the visitors. The W.C.T.U. management expected to realize a meat sum from the event. The room in which the affair was held was made very cheery by covations. The tables were also pret.- tily decorated with - sweet peas. Shortly before the event was brought to a close a five-minute talk w as giv- en by Mrs. W. Craig upon the work of the, W.C.T.U. Those who Mrs. Lyon in receiving visitors were Mey. 8. W. Dav. W. Craig, Mrs. G. A. Bateman, Mrs, J. Wilson and Mrs. J.' King. The tables were in charge of the following : Tea table, Mis. R. Rey nolds, Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. J. Pow- ell, Mrs. (Dr.) H. Pay, Mrs. J. NMe- Caugherty, "Ms, A. VanLuven, Mrs. Mr) C. C. Nash, Mrs. |P. Stover; home-made table, Mrs. T. Rogers, Mrs. J. Gardiner, Mrs. W, Brebnor; and = Mrs. I. Brash; candy table, Misses DeWitta and Sexsmith. During the afternoon solos rendered by Mrs. Rupert Brown Miss Sexsmith. de- the were and To save removing "Newcombe piano, low price for cash. MEN'S BOOTS lace; regular | Box Calf, Patent, Gun Metal and Tan, button or lace, the very lat- est styles. urday special Regular $350 and $4.00. Satur day special sizes 2 to 6; regular $2.50. Sat-|Men's Heavy Working Boots : $1.39 Regular $2.25. These are all bright and up-to-date | Also Rubbers Goods. Sacrifice Prices In Our Clothin rtment, Saturday Will Be the D rial Bare vee Here's} o Few of Our fhe MEN'S OVERCOATS Specials sale. At The Sacrifice Sale-Saturday Doings Boots and Shoes at Prices Never Before Offered in the City HERE'S A FEW SPECIALS Regular $5.00. Sat- $2.88 ie .$1.89 Saturday spec. $1.49 and Overshoes at ay To Do Your £ assisted ! Mrs. | | i A Successful Event Held on Thurs. daughter, Edythe, have returned home | | Iron Dutton's | | 2 ; d in he ih ae a m Toronto. Hedley Foxton is again able to be out, after having reé- ceived severe euts on his face duri 8 recent hockey match. 'Miss Law. rence is the guest of Mrs. D. Boyce, Miss Snook, at her sister's Mra. Smith, Perth Road. Pr. and Mra. Sargent. spent Sunday in the city. Mr. and Mes, S, Alport spent Sun- day visiting friends in Yaker. A tele- gram was received telling of the death of Duncan McDonald, an aged residont, of this village. Several of this viein- ily visited Napance on Friday to wit- ness the horse races. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. (', Smith are sorry to hear that they intend moving to New York state in the near future. Surgeon To Tell U. 8. State Depart. ment Details, Washington, March 6.--~Amazing ac Counts of atrocities to American sub- jects in Mexico are to be laid at once ofore the state department by I. H. Wittigenstein, a surgeon has practised in the disturbed repub- lic for eight years. Dr. Wittigend stein, who has just arrived from Mex- ico, has himself been robbed of all his property, stabbed four times and shot with a rifle in his right lap. He tells of several atroeties com- mitted on Americans, among them the accidental * killimg of Dr. W. Smith, an American physician, in Chihua. hua." "He leit a daughter of seventeen years and a niece about twenty years old," said Wittigenstein. "Both of these girls were carried off by Villa's rebeld, and a week later thdir bodies were found and could only he identi- fied by their clothing, so musilated were they," Another terrible case related by the surgeon is that of an American far mer named Bender, whose farm was burned by Mexican bandits. Two of Bender's sons' were shot dead on the doorstep, whifle Mrs. Bender was in- gitdo the house tending her sick hus- band. With indomitable heroism, Mrs. Bender, shot and killed one of the bandits, and in return was shot In the arm and swooning away, fell to the'floor. The rebels coolly help- ol themselves to wines and oatables, and going away set fire to the house, trapping the helpless woman and the still more helpless crippled man. The brave woman managed to escape with hor crippled husband from . being burned to death, but the loss by damage to their property was reckon- ed to bo more than $30,000. AUDITOR STOPS SALARIES Dr. who TERRIBE ATROCITIES } L Embarrassing Situation in Regard to Two Railway Commissioners Ottawa, March 6.--A rather em- barrassing condition of alairs hes arisen inthe railway 'mmission as affecting Commissioners Mills and Bernlef, whose terms aro neld to have expired on February 4th. 4 The suditongehéral has Hopped ; th nt r aries. Com- ORT. Mile jn stil on tha fob. but mmissioner Besar had no bech theto or a Tons. It hed been agreed that when the. cofimission Was Teco nded in 1903 and the wo 'commissioners were (3-apde rt. py the act nt that they could hold office at 'until they reach- ed the age Mmif of 755. H this were os TeeY could stil} sit for two yoars. The government however takes. the view that the re-appotnt- | SCH a Shad tht tern. voted 1b Years br. IS WOU to satin lined coats, all sizes, 16 years to 44 bust. One Price $1295 Your Choice $1.98 Silk Waists $1.98 60 only Fine Quality Silk Waists, made from fine quality Messaline Silk with long shoulder ef- fects, and Evangeline ruffled fronts: sizes 34 to 42 in Copen, Navy and Brown; good value at $3.50. = ¥One Price's $1.98 ToiCleard Aosc. =. iAt9Se 10 Doz. New Spring Waists Piques, Bedfords, Vegtings, Crepes, Lawns, &e., 8iz- cs 3110 "4%, Raglan and Evangeline stvles. Vals ues'to $1.75. One Price 95¢, to clear. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS 13244 | MENDELS | princess st. Kingston's only exclusive ladies' ready-to-wear es- : tablishment. Phone 532 Manager. T. J. O'Connor 3 SPECIAL ATTENTION... e are now taking stock and have a large quan- tity > Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, which we will sell for 25 per cent. off for cash. Also a large assortment of Ladies' Skirts, which we will sell at same discounts Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Boots and Rubbers. These will also be sold at 25 per cent. discount. Call in and take advantage of this January Sale. JOS. B, ABRAMSON'S 257 Princess St. Phone 1437 Zevewevewwy vewswewy : IN POTATOES A FAMINE IN POT Oars of Tubers en Rotite From New Brunswick Delayed by, Storm Lh Toronto, March 8.-Toronto now (Prices. for: it p tato famine. save re ay Busan the) id brick yorterday There were in the i ronto market y morning, wi daily consumption is approximate izes In gb (earloads. locks, Caps a ee saiary, or the vn at ho ceive if he eat until the age limit. Ax Connissgage Buajer bas rately akon, 9.0. 1. DIL, ih I. _-- Succeed go to a man from vin 'NOW unrepres- rd. farmer al ER "TE i resentations i hat 'the ap- | up freight cars A peculiar state of allairs charac. teriges the shortage, there being' al: most a si mince of tubers in New Beanswick, but the big storm | whieh passed over Untaric at the be J! inning of the week; and hit the mar: ime provinces lal has left in ils wake a-dong bi bt on i | t------ orun oth: until this is ac. povinen,. will be er a . delivery in. ixtbuine on a" Awaiting, lives in xtsusive crop on 3 King to Attend Boxing Events' London, March . 6.--~Boxing enthi: are jub oi the hands of tho

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