wr Sag # 1SH WHIG. ) *| OTTAWA COUNCIL OBEYS THE RULES COMMITTEE iS coleman x the Rayal n Tip iP oust wus HY TEE 5:5 dies THE. LATEST TIDINGS The Nestetuing Onder: of Justice nd Maleolm and B.. 0. Sliter; for ty 5 S---- Queen's. . W-- { PRESENTED IN THE EST ------ ; The Whig's Daily nm of the News of the World From Tele: graph Service cw! Newspaper Ex. Nel id, Rome cl ly 0+ frig da ro er 8 . N. W. Rowell snd tha other Bhat members of the legislature were ban- gueted by the Iiberal editors of the province in Toronto on Thursday : CL oe TL i Ne MARRIED AND AWAY NO BETTER MOVE THE COUPLE ARE TO RESIDE THAN THE CENTURY OF PEACE IN PITTSBURG TOWNSHIP ABOUT TO END. Ouaws, Marth 9.--At a meeting [OF INTERCOLLEGIATE RUGBY Saturday' afternoon the city coincil FOOTBALL UNION } : as decided to obey the ruling of Justice : Evaugelist Crossley to Hold Union| Hon. W. L. Mackensle King Address: i rs who Sh seoatraining Met in Kingston on Saturday Even- 8 Evangelistic Services in Ganan-| es Republican Club of New York the| MmE--MeGill Representatives Not!' Belleville, Muyck 9. Twenty-three morning & tok cotincil not to take a vote of from cl temperature.| 299 -- No Chavge as to Trade anada and United States Have [ratepayers on Monday on & five ques-| Present--Meeting Adjourned Till [Bulgarians from Toront or the ag | @ Difculty. ; © April 11th to this city, by 4 Set Example Unparalled in His. iy and Bs tive plebiscite for a wa- hing, na ¥ dé} Gananoque, March 9.--The home| Ory: - er Supply tie city. MeG Ini yw who promised : 9. ; It McGill University was not repre- ne ao. Sorsad. over, hej of Mrs. William Richardson, Arthur| New York, Mareh 9.--The mem- to re inaed 10 make application sented here Saturday night, at the ck Gt Records Much' Time |gircet, was the scené of a very pretty bers of the Republican club of this : fust meeting called of the rece L A. . ever, for enabling legislation legalis- & d recently | oie » forema The and interesting event on Saturday|city discussed Saturday the subject ing the form of the present ballot.|foimed rules committee of the Inter- a n pre evening at eight o'clock, when herfof "The centuary of peace between |, asking permission to take the|Cvllegiate Rugby Football Union, and | cided employer secured from the for- and, co |Jacnoeat daughter, Miss Barthathe United States and Great Britain." ory Guinfe nermiteion to take the[CTCEV.C ues Footbal Union, and Sigs 36 In money (and this 'moms h Richardson, was united in marriage] Among the speakers was Hon. Wil: MeYeity and six 'of the aldeimion" 1orritake up the question of rules, the ing he hit here, Star. prosuring a tie the council chamber during the pro-| Meeting being purely one for organi-| et for Montreal. : antly, it is necessary for 'par-|i Edgar. MeCal pin, son of Mr. and{liem Lyon Mackenzie King, former night 10 select some treatment which yee" "Robert MeCalpin, Pittsburg, | Canadian min'ster of labor. Mr, ceedings, protesting that the meet. |ZAtion. pUrposes. $300,000 LEFT TO CHURCH fhe member for Hastings outlined, ing Bad been irregularly called and| Varsity, Royal Military College ' : in the legislature, a plan of taxation : OI es couat fot aps. a Prosperous young farmer of that|King's remarks were, Th part, as fol- se's Olntn with fullest assur. |iection. The ceremony was per- lows. could take no action. However, the|80d Queen's University were repre: > ; s Pitts bow: .| of paid-up capital of Ontario banks, that in t t ou will hava the formed by Rev. Melvin Taylor, pas-| "We, on this continent, have works remainder of the i and con.|scnted at the meeting, and it was aj "°° os Jeunes Pa Tong Li Xavenus . therefrom of is trollers appointed a chairman and|M¥stery to the delegates present re- . os We S y- proceeded with . business. garding McGill not being represent-| - Halifax, March 9.--The will of the] A m Ss being prepared by ed, as due notices were sent out, and |l&te Hon. James Pitts was probated] Sir W kenzie which will be in addition to the regular notices, |Seturday. The estate is valued at|submitted to the government, setting several items appeared in the Mont-|$£50,000. The Methodist church of|forth the grounds upon which finan 9.--To star|real newspapers regarding the date wfioundland benefits to the extent|cial assistance is sought by the Cana- which [of $300,000 now, and $70,000 more| dian Northern. LURED T0 BELLEVILLE ---- y Employment Fake and Then Chafing and skin irritation, whe- tor of Grace church, in the pfesencéed out an achlevement unparalleled f Of controlling Itching skin Rs inmediate relatives only. Fhe hitherto in the history of the Nor: y bride who for some time past Nas|To hold in common an internationa aiding Mompt relief! from been on the clerical staff of thelfrontier approaching 4,000 miles in ) ntment puts an end to suffering Wright Dry Goods company is a ma-|lcngth, along the whole of which on removes the cause of scratching. tive of Leeds township having been|land, or lake, or river scarcely an the fires of die away. the born only a few miles east of the|instrument of war is stationed, and intment sets up the process of heal- | 10WD, and is well known and held 1n|not a sentry placed on guard. Dur- A Fine Pair of Stars New York, March i J Evelyn Nesbit Thaw at the head of |of the meeting and matters : 1 . Righ cre | Bhs Cal ANG leld TH A 1912 and 1914 this] one conipany, and Gaby Deslys at the would be taken up and discussed. at the death of his widow. He also Total abstinence from alcoholic and brings ebout thorough and igh este Lhe as t e ucipie ing the years an H il head of another is said to be the However, through some hitch Mec-|left the Methodist, Anglican and stimulants - will be _ strictly observed ting cure. As a treatment for the ad Ou AR Syome, an Lo Puntios was the Scans 2 ris yn § ambition of H. B. Marinelli, a New|Gill representatives did not put in|Cathiolic orphanages $2,000 apiece, during Sir Ernest Shacklcton's trip tin troubles of children nothing has ink time ate i om xo ha tween en, wh 0, oug ot York theatrical man. He Is plan-|au. appearance. While the meeting [and Mount Allison university, $5,000. (ncross the South Polar continent. ¥ ie 'er proven so satisfactory as Dr. eCaY ane oa a ah x i Be Zhe Srigih and he thee yet ning this great achievement in the] was in progress, one of the represen- . -- gat_will. be Jd freely to provids gistment, ding repast left for their fiew home| mortal condliots of the world. © To.|'28¢ WHF movement for next 'sea-| latives of that callege called up by William Stafford Dies at Tym - Canadian 10ans Inthe LoNGOR mar Bia : " mortal con ol ® Rg- son. The wifé of a murderer, and|telephone and stated that there had H " an . led $60 - urg township. day the same frontier is the crown-|° alleged charmer of a deposed been a misunderstanding. The dele-| Brockville, Ont., March 9.--At his | ket during 1912-13, tota $60,- SRN WE 3 8 EL I k The home of Mr. and Mre. Berry,|ing glory of this continent, for, with king--what a fine pair of stage sates did not care to go into the] farm. near Lyn William Stafford, ex- (000,000 according to a return on the GL ---- = ) TT |Garden street, was thrown open to|its absence of the paraphernalia of stars? ¥ question of rules with one college|warden, died, aged seventy-three |tableé of the house of commons Thurss . " their friends on Friday evening and war, and the interlude of a century ; . . i Hak in in ill-health § day by Hon, W. T. White, minister Coal Co's Coal a very pleasant time was spent by a |of peace, it marks the triumph of ToL reprofiented, so after organiza.lyears _had hoon in, illhenlt * : : ticn, which inelud ion of|several months. Mr. Stafford was [Of finance. § gcodly number, dancing being en-|reason over force in the adjustment One "Siamese Twin" Dead sion, which Include the adoption an Born at, Fddiven aud hi: le life J. 0. Mousseau, found guilty of ac _ Belected from. the celebrated Safed 1h 2h joa late pou Mr of differences in international _af- Paris, March 9.-Madeleine, the [adjournment was made until April|was given over. latterly to agricultur- SepLing firibta while a member of the : . No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Bete, having, ou rom Seok s B ars; t bet ft ted | 'Siamese twin," who was separated |11th, and at this meeting the rules{al pursuits. He was prominently Quisisee (Er iature, has gone to 3 - the Dest Anthracite Com | DeTe 8 Conia oy § Tay tanho 00 Qiten Tapes on' Wedtiesday from her sister, Su- |will be under discussion. identified with the Masonic and [mOuAtain resort to recuperate, and in and purchased the residence former- [that in the Rush-Bagot agreement of Zanne, Wy mentit of: u- delitate surgi The representatives present were|Orange - orders and served many | Vill later go to Europe. L. P. Bérard, 5 iol i" Bra Sng Scupied by Willa maiaiged by el smaair hi cal operation, died yesterday of con: |as follows: Dr. Hendry and Hi C. r= in the Plizabeth town and [0¥M-L.C, bas already gone to. Eus THE JAS SOWARDS COAL Co On Sunday next, March 15th, [the great lakes and the St. Lawrence | vulsions, Suzanne § fecovering. i . {Grace Methodist church will hold {was limited to four vessels of 100 North End Ontario Strees. Griffith, for Varsity; Cadet Macaul®¥!gonnty councils. rope, its anniversary services, with Rev. [tons burden and armed with .not Alfred Brown, Sydenham church, more thap one eight-pound cannon Kingston, in charge. And on the|each, was found means of escape following Sunday, March 22nd, Rev.|from "competitive arming," which W. T. Crossley, the evangelist, will [is the self-imposed scourge under open a three weeks series of union |which the peoples of Europe, and, to special evangelistic services. On |same degree, the peoples of the Sunday morning, 22nd inst, he wil | world, labor to-day. take charge in St. Andrew's church "In the affairs of nations, as in and address the united congregations |the lives of men, one example, one of Grace and St. Andrew's, and in}achievement in the realm of the ac- the evening will address both con-|tual is worth a multitude of hopes gregations in Grace church. and prophesies respecting the pos- Frank Wright who represented {sible and the ideal. We have an Grace church quarterly official | unprotected international frontier of board at the recent Dominion Alli- | 4,000 miles, and a Tentury of peace. ance convention in Toronto, gave his | No monument uman ingenuity could report of the proceedings in Grace [devise or the' skill of man erect can Sunday school yesterday afternoon. aqual this speetacle the most elo- Canton Gananoque, No. 12, Patri- [quent expression yet found on the archs Militant, are arranging to re genius of the people whose prodence peat their recent musical entertain- | whose forbearance, and whose wis- ment in Lansdowne at an early date. |dom have accomplished this result, The conditions existing between the {and made of it an international pos- W. J. Gibson, and Gananoque Har- | session. ness company, limited, and their late "The celebration of 100 years of employees, is, after a week, still un: Jpeace affords an opportunity for a changed, no efforts of a conciliatory | continent to place. itself on record nature having been proposed by |before the world, and if the peoples either side. will but rise to the high level of this Andrew Edwards, a former resi |oceasion the celebration will be, not dent and furniture dealer of this {a series of perfunctory addresses on town, who has been located in vari | the horrors of war and glories of ous points in: the west is visiting | peace, but a proclamation of achieve- relatives in town for a short time [ment in human progress and interna- Miss Susie McKellar who has been [tional good which will fire the spending a few weeks in town with |imagination." her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Kellar, Garden street, returned tc her duties in Montreal on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. William Lynn, Sun- bury, were in town for a short visit with the latter's father, William Sal- ter, Garden street, during the past few days. Joseph Jaquith, Kings- ton, spent Sunday in town with rela- A Sa An Asset To Every Woman Gray Hairs A Source Of Discontent. Every woman wishes to look young "mlways, Cray hairs mean the pass- ing of youth's charm. They are the source of many a heartache to many , @nd many a woman. But they need Not be. Hay's Hair Health restores gray hair to its natural color. It is not a dye. By its toni¢ qualities, by promot- ing a new, vigorous, healthy growth of the hair, by removing dandruff, by furnishing to the scalp and the Biair-roots 4 new life it brings back the real color and lustre of the hair. If, after a fair trial according to directions, it fails to do this, we will refund your,money. "$1.00, 50¢, 26¢. Get it at our store. SPOR SALE AND RECOMMEND. ED BY J. B. McLEOD, DRUGGIST, Baby Carriages & Go Carts "1914 Line" 3 Ey GIVE VETERANS MORE TIME 18 Have Not Yet Applied For Nation's Bounty, Sos a | Overwhelming Verdict Ottawa, March 9.--There are still | % 48 South African volunteers who | { have not yet taken up the land grant | A few months ago, a man in no way connected with the making of Postum or the marketing of te: . or the $500 cash equivalent offered . yn . . ro . . . ee wn ai0ad of young people of |i; 1908 py a grateful country. The and coffee, wrote to quite a number of physicians as king their unbiased testimony in the case of Postum vs. Tea and Coffee. the town drove up to Kingston and] ninigter 'of the interior presentod The following excerpts from their letters constitute an overwhelming verdiet spent the afternoonsthere yesterday. another resolution that the time for In Favor of Postum ia Tr receiving the dues of patriotism be Ladies' optodate dosssmaking | extended until December 31, 1911. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Mr. Carvell thought there should i Princess atreat. not be all these extensions. Not four ¥25c. Emulsion for coughs." of the warrants, he claimed, were 30h 8 now in the hands of thase who earned them. The rest are held by Gib mer TT $10.50 to $35.00 $3.50 to $18.00 2.00, $3.00 $3.50 ribs, white enamel, drop sides, 5.00, $6.00, $3 00 up t. i Mattresses to fi "Cradles, High Chairs, Baby Walkers says ., In all 1 was a wreck. could sleep well, my appetite creator for such women. up health and strength tired, ailing women. oil and has a delicious taste. does not 'do all we claim. Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, ston, Ont. HOW A BROOKLYN GIRL Got Strong and Well Again «Grace D. Lamb, of Brooklyn, N.Y., "1 was all run-down and, on the verge of nervous prostration. could not sleep for pain in my back. A friend told me what Vinol had done for her lit: tld girl so I tried it." I noticed improvement after the first bottle, 1 dozen more twenty-two families, comprising over proved, and after taking three bot- sles I am strong and well again." Vinol is the most efficient strength It is medidinal elements of the cod's livers contained in Vinol aided by the blood- and strengthening properties of tomic iron which makes it so superion to all other tonics to build for weak, It contains uo capes figured in a fire that broke out We give back your money if Vinol speculators, The time for taking the land option expired last October. The veteran or his representative 'mst this year take the $500 or: noih- ing. Big Fire in Montreal Montreal, March 9.--BEight houses were completely destroyed and half a were badly scorched, 120 people, were driven to the streets, and several hair-breadth es- in the centre of the block extending from 2219 to 2261 Bordeau sireet, Saturday, and ate' the heart out of the block before it was brought un- der control. Finance Minister Alleges Libel Halifax, March 9.-- Finance Minis- ter Cashin, of the Nova Scotia gov- ernment; hus sued: the Daily Mail, organ of a section of the opposition, for charging that he used his know- ledge of the impending tariff changes in the recent budget, and purchased a large quantity of tobacco before the duty was inereased.' He claims $50,000 damages for libel. Madame Nordica is. Recovering "I have discarded coffee altogether in my family, and instead use Postum, which we find makes a rich, delicious drink, without any of the deleterious effects attendant on the continuous use of coffee." "Our family have been users of Postum for along time. We were very liberal coffee drinkers, but were conscious that coffee was harming us--our hervous syss tem, digestion and heart action--so we quit the coffee and began using Postum. No wwe relish it far more than we did coifes. and are all relieved of the old coffee troubles. As a physician I have induced' several families to quit coffee and use Postom.' "Postum---when it is desirable to leave off coffee on account of over-stimulation of gastric disturbances." "Postumm has been used in my family nearly every since it was placed on the market, and I recommend it to my pa- tients. It is a nourishing drink. A great many famisies are giving their children Postum in place of coffee with best of "I have used Postum in my family for years with the cost satisfactory resilt--- so much so that we have practically abel- ished coffee, and with it the coffee head- aches, nervousness, and lying awake the best part of the night." "I drink Postum every morning, and recommend it to my {friends who have 'nerves' and indigestion." ~ "No more coffee for me. 1 am using Instant Postum and advise my patients to do likewise, 1 prefer it to the best coffee, 'and have no more sour stomach attacks as I used to." "For years [ have been -using Postum in the family and advocating it for my patients. 1 consider it to be exaetly 'what its manufacturers claim for it. Postum is excellent in place of coffee where the latter is contraindicated. The food value of Postum plays an impontant part when compared with coffee." "Have had many cases that could" not drink coffee on account of its reflex action on theh heart. Postum always supplies the place of coffee without the bad ef- fects." f ' "1 have used Postum for the past eight yéars in place of coffee. Before that I was troubled with frequent bilious head- aches due to excessive use of coffee, and was then advised to use Postum. Since that time 1 have not had a single attack, which effect 1 attribute entirely to Post- um. I frequently recommend it to others who experience equally gratifying re- sults" "Hardly a week goes by that § do not advise some patient with an irritable, acid stomach and nervous heart to stop at once ithe use of all coffee and take up the use of Postum, and always with good re- sults." "lam satisfied that coffee. is responsible in a great degree for the premature breakdown of our active mem and women, They suffer from caffeine poisoning. Of the truth of this there 4s not the shadow of a doubt. Our common sense tolls us that the daily swallowing of caffeine-- over:stimulating thie heart and brain---wii be followed by nervous depression, - and finally by more or less disastrous results. I believe if people in general would use Postum as a beverage in place of coffee and tea their mental and physical condi- tion would. be muck improved." results." According to a recent article--"The Chemistry of a Cup of Coffee' in the London (BEng. Lancet, Tea and Coffee from a dietetic standpoint, are much alike, and are A eo, because both contain the alkaloid ine. is Iu the light of such testimony it would seem the part of wisdom to stop tea and coffee and use Postun: i here 8th. Mme Nerdica was made y exposure us. the Tasman, which Tan und in a in the Gulf o {ron ogee os Papua in + Wishes to announce her Millinery Opening Wednesday, March 11th Es i ; and following days Fire Is Regular Postam--must be well boiled to bring out its fine fla vor. 13¢ and 25c packages. ar a 2 oF ; Tp. - J ness- Instant Postum---o soluble form. A tedspoonful stirred in a cup of hot witer--with sugar and cream added--makes a delight New York and Paris Fashions Smtr aT © ful Veverage instantly. 30c and 50¢ tins. The cost per cup of both lads 1s about, the gamers Jo oy Lan un : "There's a Reason for | tm is a genuine food-drink, made of whole wheat and a small percent. of molasses, Contains the nutritious values of the grain, but is pure and absolutely free from the drug, caffeine, or any other harmful substance. i roe ul Fostum Corea) Ca, Lid; Windsor, Ont.