THE DENTAL >a --. - = : Yi ; ~ AS PROPOSED TO INAUGURATE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS purposes, and children of the tememen There has also been | general hospital trust land on which a it is pro) to spend $55,000, and This and Problem of Better Housing house thirty-eight families. The plan Subjects of Address by Robert|of building is the same in every case, Meek at Y.M.C.A. on Monday|An additional $85,000 was spent in purchasing lots on St. Clair avenue, Evening ] end another $100,000 is being spent At the Y.M.C.A Monday evening. lin houses which will accommodate Robert Meek spoke to the youngithe working classes. They are pur- men's class upon subjects of a local|chasable on easy terms. and secular character. Two of these One does not see much slum life were of special interest--the dentalli; Kingston; indeed, there is no slum inspection, which it is proposed to|jjfe of the kind which is described in inaugurate in the publi¢ schools, and| he larger cities, especially Europe. Both will very| an article recently appeared in the favorably, the|yondon Chronicle descriptive of working classes. housing conditions in Glasgow, and! First, with regard to the eare of|,n exhibit, through the tenements, teeth. He said that the regulations! ,f squalor, suffering, dirt, and dis- of the education department were! (ress which was extreme in its char antique indeed. They required revis-!scter. Bad housing is at the bot- ing and at the earliest opportunity.|(om of many of the labor troubles. They do not seem to to be adaptable] js at the bottom of the great labor in cities the size of Kingston. They! roubles in Dublin, and these trou- provide for a dental clin'c, for the|pjes have been emphasized by the appointment 'of an inspector, and for| scent strike. Upon this strike sydi- the presentation of a petition from 2a|cy)ism stakes its all for success. The certain percentage of the people, fol-! noverty of the p le was dep ll | lowing, presumably, an agitation ori;ple. The latest reports indicated | | educational campaign. The meaning|tyat the infantile mortality was very of this regulation was that the peo-|jjgh. 'How could it be otherwise? ple understood the need of dentallgyggests a writer, "when the babe inspection, that they were seizéd | oves its tiny arms in an atmosphere with all the facts, and that when |j;den with germs of death." Some they presented their petition to the 21,133 persons live in one-room tene- trustees they were ready for action, |y,ents, and forty-three per cent. of with machinery for service of the ihe people of the Irish capital die in most effective kind. | workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asy- Now Kingston had a plan of its jms, and prisons. own, and a better plan. The dental! God save us in Canada, from such inspection was to: be inaugurated af-!,n experience. Canada must pro- ter the plan of the medical inspec-'yide against slum life as early as tion, and after the people had been poggible. The local conditions are informed fully of the procedure. The jot bad, but there is a crowding of dentists had been good enough 10!(enants and sooner or later there will arrange for an inspection of the yave to be rentable houses, lots of schools, free of cost, and they pro- ipem, for the accommodation of the posed to supply data upon Which! working classes, with air spaces thie medical nurse could refer 10)!.pound them, and house free from the homes cases requiring the special|(aints of every kind. When that . PORRITT GARAGE CO, Phone 454 attention of the parents. These par-i{ime comes it will be comfortable to i Always at your sEyVice. ents were required, then, to have ynow that the law provides for aid their own dentists care for the teeth | rrough the muniéipalities, and to . : of the children, and six months later | (po extent of eighty-five per cent. of there would be a report.through thei ihe cost. dental association of the success ofl pofarence was made to the work- the inspection, and of the werk of! ,..'s compensation act on which the dentists, through the parents, in| Chief Justice Meredith had spent so the meantime. ! much time, and which, despite the op- Mr. Meek quoted from Oral Health | osition that was offered to it by the some startling statements, and state-| Canadian Manufacturers' Association, ments of a kind that warranted the) wag pronounced by Actuary Dawson immediate introduction of the deutal {the best weasyLe oi the kind in twen- i in Kingston. He pointed |{y states and provinces. pia the aversge boy of ten, ac-| All this was for the good of the cording to Oral Health, had in his|working classes, and yet the Jabor mouth a source of infection and outlook was discouraging, Political y poison which contaminated the whole it was very bad. Though peace Jas body, that decay in place of diges- | preached the J nations were spen ing tion in the alimentary tract set in, their money in millions in preparing and that something was bound to for war. Industrially the situation happen. These were usually the re-| was no better. The masses, t ough sults: Eyestrain, anaemia, malaise, | their unions, were piling up elt oy constipation, fevers, and other all: ould for a great and coming strug " ot id r. ' gle. : : a 3 Mouth, aol of! Syndicalism had failed in Franpe, lite. "Such a mouth," said; where it had originated, but was be- . "is more suscep-|ing Jivonsted iu England, and it Yas to infectious disease than a finding | favor wit ome . brane) os chil with 'sound teeth and with of the labor party. 7 dh mited Kisg: food debris." Hedom's Employers ence had depic led, in ou prappectus, the coming day when there jyould be a mighty con flict. between. capital and labor, be- tween 'the feldlerations of men and of masters, in "a deadly grapple beneath the central blue." | Remembering your friends, wit} Books, Cards and a Souvenirs. ST. PATRICK'S DAY CARDS BOOKS OF IRISH VERSE "IRISHMEN ALL!" By G. A. Birmingham IRISH GREETING CARDS ~ SONGS OF IRELAND IRISH WAYS AND ¢USTOMS =" SEE OUR IRISH WINDOW UGLOW'S See the Men's Shoes in our win- daw we are clearing at $3.75, regular $5.00 and a few $6.00 valuues, for values in the lot, all going gq $3.75 $1.98 ABERNETHY'S One special patents, kid and calf, lace patterns, regular "141 Princess AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION! Have Your Tires Repaired NOW Don't wait until you néed them. Steam and Electric Vuleanizing Agents for Cadillac Cars. CAMPBELL'S Our New Spring Hats Are here and ready for your inspection. Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib: SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House: Phone § Our milk is & three time' Pasteurized hd Put up in 12-oz. jars. 4 51 alls Drop in and have a look at the new styles. We are the largest importers of men's hats in Kingston. : Bramble Jelly. For sale at all grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. | If you only knew as much as we and Moke She have used them do about call hh vou ¥ : shoul Regal} £ Seliep Ton ald be them as we are. They taste just | | like candy and act so easily. and pleasantly that taking them is a ecay 'in children's "| prevented by treatment, and it was believed that the plan suggested in Kingston, and to be. inaugurated Frmamtiy. would be most effective, and With regirfa "Awhat it. was sure Reference was made to the appeu:s to the Ontario government some years ago in the interests of this pra- blem, and a problem which was fac- ing every municipality in the pro- vince. A bill was. framed by the provincial secretary and unanimously passed by the legis- lature, which provided a way for the FARMER OUT ON SPREE A farmer, IIVINE NEXT "raves. took a drop too much when in the city on Monday, and met with trouble. He was very much intoxi- cated, when driving out Division street in the afternoon,.and when near St. Mary's cemetery, started trouble. Some 'men working near ¥ 0. Rexall Orderlies have a splendid tonic, cleansing and strengthenifig of regular or the ve a _ this quietly, without griping, sea, purging or excessive looseness" In a short time they .usually ph unnecessary the continued usg' of AT THE GRAND inh In his latest play, "Bromus Jones," which comes to the Grand to-night, George M. Cohan, the bril- liant young playwright, has faken a young New Yorker, known as "Broadway Jones," for his central housing of the people most satisfac- torily. The act provided for govern- ment aid when private enterprise failed; it encouraged the voluntary principle of meeting the conting- ency; it provided for the administra- tion of the funds raised by municipal securities, by bodiesspecially appoint- ed for the purpose. In this housing problem the co-operators were the {city on one hand and the occupants of the houses on the other. In Toronto the council guaranteed bonds to the extent of $850,000, while the housing company raised $150,000, The provincial board of health approved of the scheme and therefore there was no necessity for an appeal to the people. It provided five acres of land on Logan avenue Install an Electric Door Bell in Your Home * Ql We have just received a large shipment of elee- § tric bell sets. Each set contains push button, bat- tery, bell, wire, staples, etc. Anyone can install this set. Complete wiring Gmgrarn with each set, by tried to quiet him but the proposi- tion was too big for them, and a call was sent to the police. The farmer was bound he would return to the city, but the men held him there until Constables Naylon and Bateson drove out in a cab and took him in charge. Mr. Farmer and his sleigh then headed for the police sta- tion. The accused was locked up and his outfit taken to a hofel. At nine o'clock in the evening a rela- tive secured the.release of the tip- pler and took him home. 'Weather Notes. Pressure is comparatively low in the south-west states and Eastern Can- character. Jones is a man about town, and when the first act opens be is just returning from one of his frequent hilarious sessions which do not permit of an early home-coming. Although he is popularly supposed to be very wealthy, he has really come to the end of his string, and is not only penniless, but heavily in debt. In desperation he engages himself to a wealthy old widow---old enough' to be his mother, and though his friends try to dissuade him from going through with his agreement, he sees in it his only salvation, and is fully determined to marry her. But good fortune has not deserted him entirely, and just as things look make us prove it, and at ngfoost to you. 3 J Buy a box of Rexall Or not thoroughly satisfied, } we will return question. 10c., '25¢., ! You can buy Rexall at The Rexall Sig town only of us, Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Ont. / physics. We don't ask vou t our word for this. We want tin hoxes, rderlies only s, and in this AN ANNIVERSARY TEA a blackest for him he receives word ada, and highest in Manitoha. 'Fair, thats 'Wealthy unsle has died. lave moderately cold weather prevails and will spend this year $400,000 in Price $1.25 Per Sett. » | W. J. MOORE & SON | 206 Wellington St. \ ~. RESOURCES Cash on hand end in Central GoldReserve and Notes and ea Cael sther Dusk + ET Cuculstion . . . . 130,000.00 Dueby Banks . . al 610,623.02 other .. Sul Leas om Bonde ws. . Sens Loans and Discounts. 0664 50741 Gol Coe "jase Bok Spee Cbd . 1,053,505.51 Other Amen» 6919.14 Arar The STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1914 ing him heir to a chewing gum fae- tory in Jonesville, Conn. Alice Lloyd Dance Mad William Morris, who is presenting Alice Lloyd and her company of sev- enty-five entertainers at the Grand on Wednesday, March 11th, has ar- ranged an attraction that is some- thing out of the ordinary to local theatre-goers. In fact, an exact re- production of an English music hall, such as offered at the Empire theatre, London, and the "Follies Marigny," Paris. Always ready to present an inno- vation so far as the theatre is con- cerned, Mr. Morris has arranged to place on the programme one of the biggest features of the twentieth cen- tury. This feature will take place immediately after the intermission of the first half of this monster en- tertainment and is entitled "Dance Mad." Every form of dancing, in- cluding the sensational "X-Ra Dance," will be illustrated by art- ists who have the greatest respect for the terpsichorean art, and no doubt this will prove the sensation throughout Canada. . « $2,860,240.00 Profits » 2652,643.00 + 35,018,592.10 a 1,115,535.51 108,968.37 $45,749,992.78 By the Princess Street Ce y Princess Street Methodist church anniversary tes was held on Monday evening. Supper commenced at 6.30 o'clock amd lasted until eight Afterwards, in addition to a splen- did number of musical selections be- ing rendered, clergymen from gister Methodist churches were. called up- on to give short addres: T. F. Harrison was chaiiman of the evening and first called upon Rev. F. G. Robinson, who said that so far, $147. had been raised at the Methodist anniversary services on Sunday ex- clusive of the amount which would be received from the tea. Mr | Robinson hoped tliat when all funds were. in $250 will be realized. The pastor also spoke highly of the Young peoplé's society and the eid it gave to the official board. In no other Methodist church did all the societies: work together in such unis- on.. ¢ » Rev, J. Wehster, pastor of Brock Street Methodist church dealt with his early experienée in the ministry. He also spoke of the happiness in' his work. : Rev. A. Brown, pastor of of the Lloyd company entertainment. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast. Via Chicago & North Western Rv., March 15th to April 15th from puints rancitea, Port land. Tacoma. Seattle. Victoria. Van- couver, Kootenay District and Cana- dian Northwest points. ! THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 ° Capital Authorized $ 26,000,000 11,660,000 reclining chafr cars from Variable routes. } For full i LONDON, ENG., OFFICE r phic piondtey . - Bank Bldes--Princes SV. Yonge street, Toronte. er KINGSTON BRANCH, tourist sleepers and free Tt is now thought that thirly perish-{ ! Syden» Ltham Methodist church stated that no church could be successful wh sociability was lacking. I enough to merely invite strangers in- || to the church, but it is also oug | duty to make them feel at home after they are imvited. - i The musical numbers included solos by Miss Agnes Brebner, Miss Anna Timmerman, All Haffner, Messrs.-Allen and ed in the St. Louis fire on Monday. Also olla, loans chamois, i ng Clo eit,