Is perhaps the most important item of Men's Wearing Apparel. please you. $2.00, s Spring Come i in'and see how well we can $2.50, Fo. 00, Fi 3.00, New Shirts ~~ You'll need new shirts this spring. We have the shirts that will reflect eredit upon your good taste as a careful dresser. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 up. Neckwear Our Spring Ties are really too good for words. The lustre of the silks, the exe lusiveness of design and the rich beauty of the colorings cannot fittingly be described on paper, and so we're going to say, Just come and see. 50¢ up. Hose We're ready for the spring trade with some new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery, 35¢ up. Underwear 3 Union suits that fit everywhere--don't pull and don't gap. They mean spring underwear comfort. Lo to bi 00 per suit. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A little out of the way, but it will. pay you to walk. a... RA Ta Smart Dressy Suits For Spring At WALDRON 'S Suits that 2 are ight up to the moment in style and finish, made up in all the new 'weaves and materials. Every lar shade of the season, luding a large assortment in Blue and Blacks. Fit guaranteed. Top Coats for Spring A large assortment of all the A large New York Designs colors. flxscssaso 5 C MARINE COLLIS- H JON" NEAR: NAPANKE iL ¥ : Avgus | as a fale day a peeress. 's aciress bride of becoming somé the realm, as Coun- The Question of Jurisdiction fnsoly-| 0% Of Antrit. For between her od, the Meaning of 8 Stitute 514 Years Old. A statute passed in the rear 1400, duced by Justice Middleton in'a judg. ment given at which took near N Winnie between the owner, W. E. | damages, as raised t have bee that it tion aa 8 court of admiralty. tween common. law and admiralty courts 1s ap amviest owe. James I. concludes his argument with quaint passage : large and Spasious, kingly and prince the realw." courts have waters, THE OLD BOYS AT HOME The following verses were read by Lieut.-Col James Galloway at the Kingston Old Boys "At Home" 43 Toronto last week : The. Ringston Old Boys Don't make a big noise, In a eity the size of Toronto. They're not known to fame, They get there just the same, As most of the games they're on to. Of Kingston we're proud, Ne go down with a crowd, And they give us a whale of a time; We may have a good lark, lu the bay or the park, As that's pot considered a crime. We have members galore Who are true to the core fer; Wa have women so Bek Who are willing to Altho' it has hurt Onendotier We are not very loud, Tho' we have "Jack" McLeod Io the chair for the whole of year, With "Doc" Reid and Donnell, We are sure to do well, They'll look after. the cash, never Hear, In the officers you choose You bave wothing to lose, Their work they will do to a man; They will keep vn the fun, Dall care's on the run, You're sure to approve of the plan. Yo pay if you please, And foul at your ease, 'he fee is but s mere pittance; The girl and the man, Are on the same plan, {From dupning it gives you a quit tance.) So let on¢ and all When Le hears of the call, Lespond with a heart and a hand, And we'll make such a noise, That the Kingston Old Boys, Will be heard throughout all the land. We 'have Mowat you kuow, And Pellatt also, And Britton, with justice for all; We have Mcintyre now, Ho will make his bow, When next the Old Boys on him call. We're at home to our [iiends, As all of this tends, In iriendship to bind us together, For the place of our birth, 1s the one spot on earth, That's beautiful in rought or fair weather. . Joseph Hawkey Sells Ont Glenvale, March 9.--The sale of farm 'stock implements, held at Jos- eph Hawkey's on Friday, 7 Feb. 27th, was well attended and were realized. Mr. Hawkey od, 3 rent: 6th, was.a of Odessa, pesday, March 11th. completed tomar: Mige Hilda. Orser relativ RI Doe last week. Mr. t du and family, of Hith at J. A. Storms". Mr. and Mrs. a couple of days a N Howes, ho, Moa tives | MU ERE is thie *eign of Henry 1V, was ad- Hall vest ist. who has visited I day in connection * with a nt county is the home of the Giant's piace a few months ago |CAUseway situated on the north schooner Justice Middleton remarks that the contention us to the jurisdiction be | (ine, "Lord Zoke," be says, ""triumphant- ly vindicates the exclusive juri iction of the common law courts in all such bas béen settled in Ireland since the cases, 'and the right to prohibit thel reign of Queen Elizabeth, and are de- encroach - v oachuients of the 'admiral,' ad and Margaret, daughter of King Rob- 'To conclude the k ory dak at piu] § of the isles with Antrim, may be said other foreign kings and princes; for | 1? BAVe Dégn begun nearly a century if you respect beautitul statehness, or [P1107 to the reign of Queen Eliza- stately beauty, they are so many beth. They have played a role in the prices i= Harris is renewing old acquaintances wh ok - at Wilbur; Harry ¥ Johnston, at Ms work as as- Mcladden's; C. Orser, at H visited | Dell's. husband and the earldom there are bit two lives, namely, those of his elder brother, Viscount Dunluce, and the latter's three-year-old boy. The name of the earl of Antrim is familiar to every trans-Atlantic tour- d, as the siiore of County Antrim. The Giant's ing and a mud scow in tow Causeway is managed by a syndicate of the tug M R. King. The tug|orsanized by Lord Antrim for the "Hie. of Hamilton, was |eXpress purpose of preserving it, and sued by the schooner owner, Reuben #§. Shipman, of Napanee, for ' $3,000 tion. It has fenced in the causeway coner was sunk [and charges a small fee for admiis- and was out of commission for some |sicn. time. The writ was issued in the common law courts, and the 'defendant { home on his ranch, near Vancouver, should | B.C. the exchequer {live, as soon as she terminates her court of angie, which has jurisdic. | theatrical: tour. preyentipg its injury and destrue- Angus McDonnell, who makes his will take his bride thither to The marriage took place secretly, Jast December, at Chi- cagu, where-she was playing at the She is a daughter of the Erglish playwright, Henry Arthur He brushes ones. the dust of ages of the authorities, ' and quotes from one of the reign ol McDonnell, and of course his fath- er, the Earl of Antrim, have royal blood in. their veins, and are of Scotch origin, though their family scended from John, Lord of the Isles, ert 11., of Scotland. "he connection of the McDonnells wars of the Scots in Ulster against ly palaces. 1i you regard strength |th® English, and in the saLguinary and defence, they are s3 many mov. |feuds with the O™Neills. ing impregnable "castles and barbicnns |Fuie McDonnell, securing by force and were tearmed of old the wals of [1h Irish estates of his family, put But Sorley an end to the war of his house with 1t is held that the plaintiff is right the O'Neills, by marrying Lady Mary in his contention that common law O'Neill, danghter of the Earl of concurrent jurisdiction Tvrone, and made his peace with with the admiralty courts in inland |@ueen Elizabeth, according to the letter his allegiance. , She confirmed him in all his pos- sions, 'notably in the estates AvBich his' family had wrested by force from the McQuillans, a house still in existence, 'the members of which boast of being able to trace thelr ancestry back in an unbroken line for 3000 years, when the orig- ina! MoQuillan emigrated from Baby- lon to Scotland. The 'McQuillan property which thne passed to the McDonnells, in- chided. the grand old castle of Dun- luce, formerly a famous stronghold on the coast of Antrim, and today one of the most picturesque ruins of the old world. 3 stands upon an icolated rock; u'hindred feet above thie level of the Sea, and is connected with the mainland by a bridge bare- ly two feet wide: Its age uncer- tain, though tradition ascribes its constrnetion to Courcy, Earl of Ul- Aud accept what old Kingston can of- {#i¢T, and naturally it has been the suliject of endless stories and leg- ends. Gk Sorley McDotinell's soy was cre- ited by James I, Viscount Dunluce of Duniuce Castle, and Earl of An- trim. - The sixth "earl dled towards the end of the eighteenth century, without male issue, having previous iy obtained a recreation of his peer- age, with rem of his daugh- ters, primo gen turally, and to their ninle issue. i On his demise his 'eldest, daughter become Countess of Antrim in her own right; but dying without male issue, the earldofn' and viscounty, as well as the estates, passed to her younger sister, 'Lady Charlotte Me- Dconell, from whose marriage with lord Mark Kerr, the present Earl of Antrim is descended. Like sd many ether British peers, especially those of Scotland and Irve- land, Lord Antrim has had to de- fend bis honors and eslates against claimants, some of whom hailed from Flhinwood, Ind., who assert that they ure descended from the son of a for- mer Earl of Antrim, who ran away {rom Ireland years ago and settled, wrried and died in New Jersey. There is no trace, however, of this mythical runaway son of a Lord of Antrim, in the annals of the house of MeDonnell; and, moreover, the claimants in question had the mis- fortune to bear the surname of An- trim, instead of McDonnell, which is iho patronymic of the earls of An- trim. Perth Koad Budget Perth Road; March 9.--The villae 3. booming as tho lumbermen , are making use of the good roads. _Al are patiently awaiting Mrs. Foxton's roturn to start the saw mill which has hun closed for so long n time. Mrs. ¥, Buboock is convalescent after po from an attack of grippe. Mrs. W. B. Thompson is convalescent after sn. gttack of inflammation. The many friemds of J- Young extend their sympathy to him over the death of his wife. On account of the block- ade in the aoads caused by the od hia. tarm to Robert Ourl and has | Storm on March 1st and 2nd some of the mails were delayed for a couple of days: Miss alyrtle Raymond, of Sydenham high school. spent Sunday at home. . apd Mrs. A. beled: den, of Inverary, at BR. Harris'; Mrs. talent from Kingston Williwm Raymond spent Saturday in Ki on: Ross Guthrie, of Maple Toul at Mrs. J W. Raymond's: John : Camp- A number of yousg people spent an enjoyable evening on March at Wilmet Camp- bells." Russell Ritchie spent Sun ¢ day at R Hands'. Second thoughts 1 may y be best, By you caii't always make the man w has been married twice believe it. N{Y., Hobart Seott vas | i to, and John Wintermute| FE condition as the re-; hich did about $1,400 4 Ee 'were iRmates a : " REPORT 51) - Members Will Hold 8 Special Meeting There to Get Report in Shape For Presentition to Government -- Will be Handed to Minister of Jus- tice Next Week. The report of the Prison Reform commission has not yet been writ- ten. Jt will be prepared at a Spe- dal" meeting of the commissioners, to be held in Toronto on Friday, when Je Sinisiat, had Masdonndh , and r. Frederi i ill 0 to Toronto, and heringlon P. Poni of Orillia, the other member of the commission, for the purpose of get- ting the report ready for presentation to the government. The report will be in the hands of the minister of justice next week. Just when it will be brought up in the house is not known. The members of the commission have everything "cut.and dried" and all that remains to be'done now is that of writing out the findings a! recommendations. The members have given no intima- tion whatever as to their recommen: dations and they will be kept. a see ret until the report has been present. ed in the House of Commons. Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P., who was present 'at all the sessions of the commiss:on, and who had several lively ~ "scraps" with the chairman over the taking of eévidemce., Ww have something to say when the, rte port is presented. According to what the doctor stated before the commis. sion he will have a great deal to sav along certain lines. Kineston's other member in the house, W. T, Nickle, has taken no part whatever tn the investigation. The charges against officials at the big prison were made by Dr. Edwards. STHOK MARKETS #. MN. McCnrdy & Co. 8 and 8 firock St.--H. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, March 10th. Montreal, Cement pid. . 91 | Dement, cont. ; . cee SOF R. . .. 105 a Railway Brazilian Textile ......... . Shawinigan ....... Detroit. ......... Macdonald .. Li Dominion Steel ...... . Ottawa Light, Heat and Power. 130% New York Coppers ..... cars y . 43 Smelters ....... ., .. . 068 rR. ... . LE] cen I Reading ........ wise faneit . 164 United States Steel . . 643 Erie. ........ - ; Ciba Soo ..... axisease a a 1324 Atchison i i Napthern Pacific oP ti Brooklyn Rapid Trans HR Rubber a American Can. .... .. Southern Pacific... ..hc oie May ; 1179 March . : iaessmns onsite JOT RCN : 1169 Wheat-- May ...... : 933 July Sk a ekneand : win BSE Corn-- duly Nekasryks shai wt ani 66% ny Ra Oats-- July ' a anion 308 At Star Corners. Star Corpers, March 9.--A opumber from here attended the tes meeting at Murvale on Feb. 27th, also the concert at Harrowsmith on Friday night. B. 8. Guess is dolog well at the general hospital. Mr. Fink was out for a few days last week getting in his supply of ice for the summer A. E. Bradshaw's cheese meeting at Harrowsmith was well attended. Mrs. Parrott, Napanee, at B. 8. Guess'; Mrs. A. McConnell and daughter, Margaret, have returned from visiting friends at Tamworth. Sperry Snider and family spent Sunday at Syden- ham. There is only one thin ing a likes better than being told a ee and that is telling. one. Some people who beast that they always do their best would even do their best friends. The other man's story may be of much consequence in forming a right opinion. Union Pacific aiaast . 157 In the Latent dnd Most Novel Weaves and Shades - or Spring and Summer : ee We are receiving daily new shipments of. the latest novelties inmidress materials and suitings. It will be a pleasure to have you come and look them over. : 48 and 50 inch Grey Suitings in plain and faney, $1.00, £1.25, $1.50. 48 inch Covert Snitings, $1.39. Navy Blue Serge Suitings, 49¢, T5¢, $1.00 up to $2.50 yard Pues Check Suitings, $1.00 to $1.75. --- 44 to 50 inch Shepherd's Check, different sized cheeks. Eponge Cloth in new tints black, browns and fancy shades. 42 and 44 inch Silk and Wool Materials in the leading shades for afternoon gowns. April Delineator Has arrived and will be on sale To-Morrow. 15¢ Copy Listen to This The actual mode is to appear corsetless. But as no womgn will abandon the corset, the-best- makers _now aii to product this effect. aig / There is a decided change in the newest corsets made by the leading corseticres 'in these distinct points, namely: Shorter above waist, long below, and the waist is larger. "ee of greens, navy, We have the latest models, from $2.00 to $10.00 | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON mg---- Fr ------ If you do not wear rubbers For Sale at to your shoes, then you'll have no more wet leet. 1 el iy does not injure any kind of shoes. It thoroughly waters proofs them, besides making them soft, pliable and com- tor on the fect. » thin tor of cent can is enough a pair shoes ae i mt Slices lool the same aad ¥ take the same high polish. ;