WITHHOLD ACTION AS TO KING ton, replied that the matter was re- geiving the board's serious consider- ation. J Ald. Sutherland and Graham had an argument on the Board of Works' | STREET BREAKWATER recommendation respecting the sub: --r Aldermen do Not Like to Expend $30,000 on it--Ald. Harrison Sug- gests Using Prison Labor----Other Business of Council 'The City Council met in regular lon last night with tife mayor TIF Elev, ootnn 10 the hous or J 0 to illness o \ W. W. Sands. The chief topic .of qi ya ¢rhig Fetgrence w = ] $30,000 upon the ng Deo and the council decided to withhold action. In at- tendante were: Alds, Bews, Couper, Clugston, Graham, Gillespie, Harri- won, Hughes, Kent, Litton, McCann, Newman, Nickle, O'Connor, Richard- eon, Stroud, Sutherland and White. Thesé communications were read: Fronténaz Floor and = Wall Tile ccmpany, limited, asking refund of deposit to cover cost of advertising: M of "The Dominion of Canada," an illustrated monthly re- view, asking for subseription. J.. W. Lyon, secretary-treasurer, Great Waterways Union of Canada, ro deputation to Ottawa. H. 1. Dawson, major, 14th regi- ment, P.W.O.R., asking for financial nesistance on behalf of the 14th regi- ment; J. W. Lyon, secretary-treasurer, Great Waterways Union of Canada, ask'ng for financial assistance. Mrs. D. L. Guy re removal of trees. J. If. Macnee, secretary-treasurer, Kingston Rearties, limited, re opens ing Cherry and Cowdy streets. W. J. Gates re cost of wharf at Cedar Island. Chief Armstrong asking for an in- crease In salary. Miss M. E. Ball, of the city clerk's office, asking for an increase in sal- ary. Committee Reports The Finance Committee recom- mended that Monday, July 27th, he declared as the civic holiday; that an interim appropriation of $600 be placed to the crédit of the Fire and Light Committee; also that the print: , Ing and stationery tenders be award} ed as specified. Adopted. The council adopted this recom- mendation of the Board of Works: That all plans of sub-divisions of properties be first submitted to the Board of Works for its approval. This recommendation of the Fire Conimitiee waS adopted: "On the compu | of. Chiet Armstrong, asking fol increase in salary "that owing' to the large 'increase fn ex- pendiiure this year, they are unable tc grant request; and recommend that no action taken." The Pinance mittee made this recommendal That the resigna- tion of Ald. T./F. Harrison be not ac- cepted; that. this committee, convey to him its earnest desire that he will remain in place in council, where he has d efficient work, and dk. where there I§ more yet for him to do, and ask him to believe that any rumors ¢r insinuations have not been given any ¢ by his colleagues in the counell, and that all desire that he rémain on the alder- fisked what Is being ard of Works with ng railway connec- gston Shipbuilding airman, Ald. Lit- {upon [Street west could be beautified at the division of properties for. building purposes. The latter contended that the city could not dictate as to how a property was sub-divided. The owner could do this as be wished. Ald. Sutherland said the object of the recommendation was to prevent streets being run through property at too short intervals. Ald. Harrison said that the city to-day had in- herited a great many 'blunders dur- ing. the past half century, and had hed to make the best of conditions with rerard to the division of pro- perty; he nad no doubt but that each case would be considered upon ifs merits, end that no hard-bound rule would ba luid down. Mayor Shaw reported to the coun- eil "that letters patent had been granted to the Kingston Iron and Tube company, which had been granted concessions by the gity of Kingston. Ald. Harrison, in reply to Ald. Sutherland stated that the Property Commitier had under consideration the question of extending the boun- davies of the city. By-laws were read to amend the by-law respecting the Home for the Aged; to raise $30,000 by deben- tures to rebuild the King street breakwater; and to dmend the by- laws respecting the prevention of fires by appointing the fire chief in- stead of the police chief to inspect places where explosives are kept. Breakwater By-law Withheld With regard to the by-law for the reconstruction of the King street breakwaler at un cost of $30,000, Ald. Kent suggested after the first read- ing, that the matter be held over un- til 'further information was secured. He did not think that enough con- sideration bad been given the ques- tion. Jis idea was to have some of the Dominion goyernment engin- eers come here and express an opinion as to what the city should do. A more economical method might be decided upon. Ald. Graham thought that' the breakwater might be repaired for $1,600 to last four or five years. He was opposed to the expenditure of $30,000 just yet, for he did not think Pit was in the interests of the city. Ald. Hughes stated that from 1889 te 1894 the cost of the breakwater was somewhat over $11,000. In all $2,374 had been expended upon fit since. Ald. Hughes thought it would be wise to hold back the by-law for the present, for the debentures of ly. He was inclined to repair the breakwater in the meantime. Get the strosts in repair before spending money on fancy things, was' Ald. Hughes' advice. Ald. liarrison thought that the matter might be looked into more thoroughly as the breakwater was government property, but he under- 'stood that the dominion authorities would not spend any money upon it Just mow. Ald. Harrison advocated using penitentiary labor in doing somethiag to improve the break- water to the extent that neither the government nor the city could af- ford to do otherwise. Ald. Litton, chairman of the Board of Works, said he did not know the by-law was coming up at this session, the idea. was to leave it until some other by laws were ready to be sub- mitted to the people. The chairman said that the city engineer had esti- mated it would cost $5,000 to pro- perly repair the breakwater. The | {Board of Works had decided that it Would b> economy to spend $30,000 the breakwater, and King 'Same time. At the suggestion of Ald. Litton, the by-law wag with- drawn so that the Board of Works could present fuller information. Mrs. James Bishop, Brockville, ed on Saturday, after a long and trying illness. She was sixty-seven years of age,"and had resided the greater portion of her life in the township of Augusta. She was a 'Methodigt, ' Miss Marjorie ller, daughter of | Burritt ler, Belleville, died on Fri- day following an operation for ap- pemdicitis. She was nineteen years s What of age. You the city were increasing rather rapid-| Get For Not Having A entreas, March 16.--H, A. (Lovett, if.C.. president of the Cana- dian Coal and Coke company, in a cir- cular says; "In 1913 your company acquired the properties of the Leth- bridge Callieries, limited, Western Coal and Coke company, Pacific Coal Fields, limited, and St. Albert Col- leries," limited. The acquisition of these properties involves raising the funds necessary to pay debts, provide for the completion of the develop- ment. and equipment of the proper- ties and vorking capital. The com- pany for the purpose of its perman- ent financing has authorized the is- sue of $3,600,000 par value of bonds, and for the purposes of temporary financing has authorized $1,500,000 of Sijprt-tetm, securities, for which the bonds are pledged as collateral." Bye R-- Valuation of United Railway Dettolt, Mich... March 16.--The Detroit United railway's appraisal of its physical property in the one-fare zone in Petroit, totalling $31,028,- 882, was made public by the city munigipal street railway commission following a meeting of commission- ors with the general manager, Mr. Brooks. The Bancroft appraisal, made in 1909, gave a total valuation of the Detroit United physical pro- perty as $11,121,724.86. That. Cobalt Amalgamation London, March 16. --It is stated an amalgametion scheme of four leading Cobalt companies is contem- plated. The values are: ' Cobalt Townsite and Cobalt Lake, £600,000 each; City of Cobalt, £400,000; Ex- tension Property, £60,000. The cur- 17 per cent. on a otal capital of 1£660,000. frave been brought in. The Nipissing Bonus New York, March 16.--The direc- tors of the Nipissing Mines Co. will meet to-day for action on the uivi- dend. Tt is stated on excellent auth- ority that, in view of the conditions that have existed at the property for the past few months, the bonus or extra dividend of 21% per cent. {which the company has paid gquar- terly without interruption since June 207 1909, Will be omitted: Terminal "Company Board Terminals Co., which will build the terminal station at Toronto, elected the' following directors: Messrs. E. J. Chamberlain, William Wainwright, H. G. Kelley, for the Grand Trunk; and Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, D. Me- Nicol 'ahd J. W. Leonard, for the C.P.R. The Steamship Issue Montreal, + March 16.--In this weekly cirenlar McCualg Bros. & Co., say of navigation merger prospects. Canada Steamship Lines' common stock: is now quoted around 22, but no quotation has yet been available on the preferred stock, and estimates as to the price at which it will sell vary greatly. For every 100 shares of Richelieu the shareholders will receive 120 shares of Canada Steamship prefer- red and 40 shares of common. Ask Your Doctor Hair falling ott? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An clegant dressing? Ayer's Hair Vigor: e. Alcobol. Water. Perfume. we ieobel. W, | doctors endorse this, or "| We Would not put it up. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR Mado 5. 0. Ayer Company, Montreal, Canada. [Sent year's income estimated yield is) Fresh London interests! Toronto, March 16.--The Toronto. < 10¢ ¢hares of Richelieu at 106 have # value of Deducting 40 shares of Cana- dian Steamship common at The balance is left ot This would indicate a value for Canndn' Steamship preferred of about 81. Had Prosperous Year Toronto, March 16.---The earnings of $30€,288 aré shown in the annual report of the Dunlop Tire and Rub- ber Goods Co. for the year 1913. This i8' an increase dver 1912 of $47,- 486. After paying ' bond interest, preferred . dividends "and other charges, the surplus available for the common stock was: $176,821, or equal to 25.26 per cent, as against 20.34 per cent. in 1912. After the payment of $70,000 dividends on the common shares, $106,831 was added to surplus, bringing the latter up to $624,194 A Kine, Large Melon New York, March 16.--Directors of the American Tobacco company voted to distributé to stockholders on April 20 the 360,729 deferred or- dinary shares of Imperial Tobacco company. On the basis of the pres- jent market value of 'the stock, the melon will amount to nearly. $4,000,- 000 Good Industrial Offering With the return of industrial commercial activity, which is feature of the situatign in the attention of investars {drawn fo attractive industrial offer- iag, such as that being made by Rooke, Bickle % Co., 26-28 Adelaide treet west, Toronto. This firm is offering $200,000 of the even per cent. cumulative preference stock of the Flectrie Steel t Metals Company, of Welland, Ont., at par, with a bonus of 50 .per cent. of com- mon stock, the purpose of the flota- | ion being to provide , funds for the (completion, of the company's plant jat Welland and to earry it along in- {to the producing stage. = The com- ipany has heen enabled to = proceed with construction: of, their. 'plant and purchase of machinery = by reaching allotment over fifty perfcent. of the preference issue having 'been subscrib- ed for in England and Canada prior to the public offering, . There is a great and growing market in Canada or the steel products which the com- any will manufacture. The bulk of he articles, so consumed .in this ountry having sp far been imported. the plant being erected is thorough- vy modern in every respect, using the most perfect process of manufacture he Nieotric Furnace. The directorate 8 composed of men who Natand high n the business world and who are soecialists fin their line. The plant is expected to be in operation May 1st, and the earnings are conserva- tively estimated as being ample" for the dividend requirements of the pre- ferred stock: with a substantial sur. plus left over for the common. and now a Canada, will be Financial Notes Ralph A. Stevenson has been ap- pointed manager of the Montreal of- fice of N. W. Harris & Co., Boston. The Bell corporation of Philadel- phia spent $6,271,600 to get control of telephone interests in West Vir- ginla. William A. Garrett, of Chicago, was chosen chairman of the new board of directors of the Pere Mar- quette railway. » The Canada Paper company, one of the oldest of Canadian paper com- panies, reported a satisfactory year's business. A. H. B. Mackenzie and Abner Kingman, Jr, Montreal, have formed a partnership and will carry on a business as general financial agents and investment brokers. Lever. Bros, the big English soap firm, fn 1913 made net profits of £988,200, against £779,400 in 1812. Capital has been increased by further issue of £1,000,000. According to an exhaustive state-| ment in the matter, J. P. Morgan and company realized only $350,000 net profit' on twenty years' fiscal work done for the New Haven railroad: The Laurentide company, control near Llontreal being developed out- sidé of those controlled by the Mont. quite likely that it will yield 18 per cent, As generally anticipated Western Unlon Telegraph raised its dividend rate froin three to 4 per cent. The three per cent. * disbursement has been in vogue since 1909, the com-] pany having paid 3% per cent. and 215 per cent. in'stock in 1908, prior to which time the rate was five per cent. James M. Kurn, formerly general superintendent of the Atchison, To- peka and Santa Fe railroad, = has been elected president of the veor- ganized Detroit, Toledo and Ironton railway company. The receivership terminated March 1st. Prospects are said to be bright for the establishthent of the European land bank system in Canada." The purpose of the promoters, it is said, is to lend money on land at rates .be- low the high ones in vogue here just now. The C.P.R. dwns or controls 18,- 600 miles of railway. Its ewn ys. tem is comprised of 13,280 miles, and the Minneapolis and Duluth roads account for some 4,000 miles of track. It has still about 700 miles of spur lines and extensions to build in the west; but the double- tracking will mean a job, totalling over 4,000 miles of railway. 'This, as it goes on, will deplete the treas- ury more or less; but from this great undertaking large things are expects ad. FREED OF MURDER CHARGE Mrs. Van Keurin Claimed She Mis. took Husband for Burglar Chicago, March 17.--~Louise Keurin, who has been on trial for shooting. and killing her husband, John 1k. Van Keurin, last June, was found not guilty of murder. = Mrs. Van Keurin's defence was that = she mistook Ler husband for' a bur glar. The prosecution introduced evidence that Mrs. Van Keurin had been \re- ceiving - the attentions of George Henrose, a jeweller, whose place. «of business was neap the Van Kirin home. Penrose was made co-defend- ant withthe: woman, but -the - judge took his case from the jury and. ox. 'ered Lim discharged. x Van Climate That Lengthens Life Charlottetown, P.E.L., March 17.-- That the climate and peaceful sur- reundings of Prince Edward Island is conducive to a ripe old age, is ' the proud boast of the dwellers 'of the pretty summer resting place, who re- fer as proof of the virtue of their climate to the death of Mrs. M. 'Mac- Millan, the oldest resident on the island, who died at Alley, near Mount Stewart, last week, at the age of 101, while she leaves a son aged 70, and a daughter 68 years 'old. Mrs. MacMillan was in full posses- sion of all her faculties with the ex- ception of failing eye-sight and defec- tive 'hearing. The oldest living per- son now on the island is William B. Siliken, of Bedecque, who is 103 years old. The climate of the island is so invigorating that a large por- tion of the people live to a good old age. During the three years past more than half of those who died were above 60 years, and four-fifths of those above 70 years of age. Un#ed States Secretary of State Bryan has promised his active inter st in trying to secure for the *fish- rmen of Massachusetts and the At- antie coast rights in Canadian ports. Mrs. H. M. F. Bowman, superinten- dt, and Miss 'V. H. MacSweyne, assistant superintendent, at the + Ber. in and Waterloo hospital, have 're signed. : Under the redistiibution of the On. taro constituencies, the present rid- ing of Thunder Bay and Raliny Riv- or will be divided, each division ling, the only very large water power) real Light, Heat and Power company, | is In a strong position, and it seems] electing its own member. College Education 3 : ; J A Se Nova Scotia Steel & Iron Co Earnings for 1913 largest in the history of the Cumpany, : ; % over 1912, be 0 Profits, 1012, $1,235,953.84; 1912, $1,000,609.93 Total balance at eredit of profit and loss account after payment of all charges, $527,886.61. ahs ray Dividends were raid of 8% on Preferred Stock. Dividends were paid of 6% on Common Stoek, in addi- tion to 67 oh Dehenture Stock and the usual Bond interest, We offer a small amount of the 6% Debenture Stock at 98 and interest to yield 6 1-8%. F. B. McCURDY & CO. 86-88 BROCK PHONE 1228 Members Montreal Stock Exchange. «HW. W. NELLES. Manager. : We offer the unsold balance of $200,000.00 The Electric Steel and Metals Company Limited WELLAND, CANADA (INCORPORATED UNDER THE ONTARIO COMPANIES ACT) % CUMULATIVE PREFERENCE STOCK Preferential as to Capital as well as Dividends. Par Value of Shares, $100.00 Subject to redemption at any time after Ave Vears Tram the date of issue, upon three mouths' notice and pay ment of accrued dividends; at $110.00 per share. 2 BANKERS : IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA. AUDITOR : C. 8. 8COTT, ¥.C.A., Hamiitén, Out. SOLICITORS ; R. H. BENTLEY, KSQ., Thanet House. Strand, London, Rug. A J. F. GROSS, ESQ., Welland, Ontario, o CONSULTING ENGINEER : 9 DAVID CARNEGIE, MIC. 38-36 Charterbouse Squire, * Loudon, Kang. CAPITALIZATION. Authorized. $275,000 $225,000 wo Tesued. $200,000 $225,000 DIRECTORS : ! ROBERT TURNBULL, MANUFACTURER, Welland, Oyptarie: JAMES 'H. LR FEVRE, Manufacturer, Welland, Ontario. 5 DAVID CARNEGIE, Member of the Institute of Civil Baglneers, London, Eng. WILLIAM L. RENTON, Steel Foupder and Engilaeer for: 1 Glasgow, Scotland), 'Welland, Ontario. % Mest (wily EBENEZER CARNEGIE, Commercial Kugineer (formerly Lon don, England), Welland, OQsutario. SIR CHARLES ROSS, BART. President Ross Rifle Factory, Balnagewn Castle, Scotland, and Quebec, Canady. y PREFERENCE STOCK COMMON STOCK A Price: Par, with a bonus of 50% Common Stock Fractional shares of Common Steck will be dealt in at $50 per share. a ROOKE, BICKLE & COMPANY 26-28 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont. Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed at our expense, : Send for Prospectus. " - - MISTER |) ME Puain PN rnin?" - EL 4 A DOG GONE THOSE LYNG CARDS! y / { | i HOW DID IAN OW | we WE Act 5 \.