NTE DA PISTIFS BRON = to Sei vi «bins oot ORUVN CANT PLAYS a... 2 4 mm r AY de Webster, In xeplyiby; told a i St tn rie wel" M re. -l --d 1al Pn oy sip, ene, en Tn he BY |r cpa wi ISG | andard Music at ces BERS OF HIS FLOCK and Sumaron hich had befallen hi STON COLLEGIATE nell 0 2 By Carrie Jacobs-Bond ie ifs and Himself during that time. of 'Pugvis and delaghter, Who Sere om. | She Aoeal Champions Will fl. 1 Love You Truly Be My Soul Bev. Uokin and Min.' Wohntor, The chatrman, on behalf of P. Brock Street Methodist Church, bers of one of the first churches - of Up Their Sticks and Skates, | Just 'Awearin® For You 5 God Remembers When the World Forgets. . Fox, Skunk, Received Gifts on Monday Evens which . Webster had charge, pic- | . Satisfied With Their 'apg A. Perfect: Day ay Hush-a-By { i ! ing. sented * Webster oith a a peautsful Songun. Love and Sorrow Mink, Rats, bouquet of carnations. Refreshments > net fl The Shepherdess Two Songs The regular weekly meeting of the were served at the close. W. Kelly, the manager of they A Sleepy Song Seven Songs { {Young People's society of Brock is iin Collegiate hockey team, jun- : BS ~ Ginseng Beeswax strest Methodist church was so large. WAS GIVEN A CHANCE {tor Intercollegiate champions, receis: Leading Numbers From Present Production Sticcesses at 35c. ly attended on Monday evening that | ed a telephone message from Orillia || ---- i ' ithe three McMah. stating that the team jrom that town [il Is the Girl You Married Still the Girl You Love Land (Rob Roy) 2 John Mi Ka Srey ams hed to ee Sneliu el ad euiuded would be unatle jo Play exhibition | } Love (Modern Eve) Sweethearts (Waltz Song from "Sweet : 3 . games with the local team. It had iy > fiv hexrts™) C y eee kdown Shit it jas the aa Spring and all her beauties were been expected that home-and-home | ii Bymiponby tre Purely) Just Because It's You (Little Cale) _ Limited ihe Ladies": Aid sociely and the pletuied lo Masidirate Surell '28 games could lave bee avtagied. | igh Jinks, (HE Vin 5s : Thy Mouth Is a Itose (Little Cafe) Tuesday morning by Cornelious Mc The wanager of the Orillia team | Oh Promise Me (Robin Hood) Dreaming, by Archibald Joyce. | Young Seople' booty had arranged | \rahon. Cornelius had in mind stated that the outfit was going across The Quaker Girl (Quaker Girl) on the Garden of My Heart, by Ernest R. Ball . Brock Street 3 arprias Jor MeN ohtor 24 the {some spring poetry, but he did not the border to play exhibition ames, i 4 : ol ie | inflict any upon the court, and for that reason it was thought : J sthoal oom shortly aig aght o'-| The old charge, that of drunken- advisable not to take on any more Popular Music = were gree y the larg: | ness, was against McMahon in tho matches this season.' Had not the . . . 5 raat TOBACCO - gathering held in some years. Dig book. He admitted the offence, American games been arranged the The most complete line of Popular Musie in the city, comprising all the "Roowter" on it. Rev. J. A. Waddell, of Horrow. but sald he was sorry. Then he Orillia team would have been glad toll the latest hits and successes, 15¢ per.copy; 2 for 2c ) uder iwmith, acted as chairman. Mr. and | ent on with his little appeal about coe to Kingston. i BEE oon. Song and Mp. Webster occupied seats of hon- | spring. I The collegiate boys will now hang! near the table, where a handsome | "Jt is spring your worsiip, and up theie-sticks for the season. They i 3 8 | birthday cake had been placed. Sev: | there is lots of work," 'he added. feel satisfied with the success which i i ok Sto re lon candles had been arranged om the | "I am very sorry, and if you give they have attained during the past ' = cake. Six candlea each represented |mé this one chance 1 will go to fall and winter. Six of 'the boys who |" ani & ERR aR Phone. 919 ten years, while the seventh repre- work. I can get work on Howe Is- compose the hockey team were also a sented the surplus over sixty years. .|land.' members of the junior rugby team | A very enjoyable programme was sistiato Farrell told Cornelius which captured the Te ieollegints | === given in which the following took | that he would be charged with vag- trophy. 'These six boys will have the part : Miss N. Stagg, Miss It. |rdner, but that he would allow him honor of wearing * two Intercollegiate Webster, C. Smith. Miss F. Davies, | to go with the understanding that if ccests on their sweaters. The rugby ; ° Is the patented wall board Miss I. Buell and E. Dowling. ne was gathered in within the next crests have arrived at the school St y . uh ne ut on: the market, because It 18| On behalf of the Ladies' Aid so (three months he would be sent to will be given to the boys in - : ww. made strong wood lathes. |cjety Mrs. I. Reid and Mrs. A. Van [jail for three months. | course of a few days. Ask for inlormati on. Liven presented Mr, Webster with n | A first appearance drunk was giv-| Moie So. Than Toronto silver 'mounted umbrella, suitably en: [eR a chance. : i qi : ass Wallace & thorn graved. The chairman, on behalf of al - op SLI ! Toronto Star: Kingston is still on the Young People's society, presented CONFISCATED CIGARETTES i the. hockey map. 'leams from the See our window for Cut Glass, Fine Cut Glass. Jugs, Bowls, Preserve Dishes, Spoon | Limestone City captured all three 380 Barri Sb. Youngster Was Found Smoking on championships in the Intercollegiate a J the Streets Queen's the senior, Royal Military Rev. A. E. Smart, inspector fer College the intermediate, and King {the Children's Aid society, caught a 'on Collegiate the junior lad under sixteen - smoking cigar-| . . : oites on Princess street Monday Johgson Wanted Nowhere Trays, Tambien, loo Cream night, As soon as the youngster Tore mto Globe, . > ¥8, -- iy noticed the inspector he slipped the Jack" Johnson is about he most ea rey White vii rettes behind his back to hide unpopular hitile hghter in the worl . oe . » Sin "The boy had a box of Pall Mail IIo sneaked out of the United States We are reeeiving new goods every day and are sparkling. Our prices are cigarettes in his possession and these through C anada, was hissed _out of J : moderate. the . inspector confiscated. Just England and chased out of Sweden. thus able to show vou the very latest ideas in up-to- recently Mr. Smart took four boxes Should he start for the North Pole y ) of cgarettes from ad. one, of Ahcae polar mxpuiionsno on | § date wesrablés. Smith B i 3 ) it | Would You Let a Cob ar = te mith TOS. The chief of police is called wba Sst, inmplanship - bler Mend Your by council to report the names of _ 'he basketball championship olf Jewellers and Opticians. those holding city licenses, and when Eastern Canada will be decided by a Clothes? these premises were inspected by the Series o home-gal-uouje Somes be: olice, tween Ottawa, the Montreal A.A.A Our new rugs, Beotch Certainty nat. Don't permit P Tos council 'will suggest te tho and the Independents. Final arrange v anrons athet Ahan a eberiene: 3 Board of Healt the advisability: of ¥ients for the series have been com. and English Limoleums BIB Droscrive glasses for vour eves. so arranging the inspection of the P eted and Independents and Ottawa We place at your service a will play in Montreal next Saturday registered optometrist for exame people's premises so that it can be Ladies" and Misses' Skirts. tars g completed in about a Ww or ten night in the first game of the series: are arriving every day inidion, skilled Jdechanis fop Ro iy eek "! The following Saturday, the same two Ladies' and Misses' Waists. Just optician for adjusting and fitting Rl 1 » 1 . 8 4 teams will meet in Ottawa, the great- Ladies' Colored Petticoats from the best manufae the frames. ea Finance Commitee win - a est number of points scored in the two » : : ; games to decide the winner, who will The above are marked at Pri ices to 10 plone all. 2 . United States baggage inspector for =~ 4 1 -and-h 4 : en play home-and-home games with turers Whose are the Bll J, S. Asselstine D. 0. S. §| =: : the : iis ha u 2 efi | : Le rinanes Sommittes ae Ti It is the intention that the winner I new patterns for the 349 King St. Kingston, Ont. Qlor Miss M. B. Ball, the eity clork's hc torus Someries Shell challenge Glasses Made on Premises. stenographer, for increase of salary the Torgute champions for the Ca- -» A large Assortment of coming spring of 1914 as it thought best. The mayor and Vile, 1 oves ' en Cad : pr |alderinen pid tribute to Miss Ball's Yrousenne's Now. Julliic Marabeau and Ladies' and Misses' Suits. Issner of Marriage Licenses. Sanne AALLASAS Ladies' and Misses' Coats. worth, This young lady has several' A. Lavell o : | | good offers to. take other positions, oo A QV, Frontenac's new and the council wishes to retain her 'de, arrived in Kingston from = . . ». . hd 2 ; : in the civie service Smith's Falls on Monday and ex Our "Dollar Special"' Kid Glove is the dandy Ostrich Boas ] pects to begin his new duties within : \ Gave Clty the Benefit a few days. He is awaiting the ar- of them all--French make, carefully selected skins, The Latest Novelties i 8 a : vival of his commission. . ® tho Eng tie Paving discussion uli Judge Price will, in all possibility. | 4 strongest guarantee, perfect shades and in any size. 7 I 5 Nickle 'intimated that it 3a been hold three more courts. On Tuesday 5 he son Warehouse. 3 Pius Laces charged against him that he was morning he held division court at Equal to many $1.25 lines. Our price $1.00. Oarpat 2 -- the pieces you treasure--~to be 'the representative of a wood block Verona. On March 20th he will be . company and of course the gques- of Sharhot Lake for division court. Our work is perfect in every way tion of rake-off was suggested. He His last court will likely be held at --and our long experience in hand admitted that he had gone into Napauee on March 25th. ling fragile fabrics insures your he block questio: t tho Laces being cleaned without He ly, and ee i Protea push "Neilson's ice cream . bricks. slightest injury. ! ; : : . ; 3 AN Focus your ability upon BE "1 NEWMAN & SHAW joes sims . vement. en : ves : | ole 1 in Why Pay High lll Parke I'S BI me woo viook compuuny suse: | : hs ted to him to 'name hi# price," he . - ! ALWAYS BUSY STORE. . : Home of your own, or a Prices > Dye Works, TORONTO. f§| formed them that he was not look- THE . uilding lo ing for reimbursement, and asked . - - IE nea wll | them instead to dedudt the commis- = x Offer Ext WD. sive Feu XE pe \ ) sion offered to him to give the city ' raordinary- - 5 : ) the advantage of a low price. This, ET ' 2 y i To the first nine b we will ] SF : , peers BUILDERY SUPPLIE Setcocony 'o the first nine buyers we tieas Br aw: ' Ald. Nickle sald had been done by TION AGAINST CITY : sell nine building lots (28 by 120) fo the company, and the figures soon " a fifteen foot right of way, in a good afterwards quoted to this city were RS : : locality. For $175, $10 cash and "$10 decidedly lower than they otherwise oe Pr -- cleaned. Y A oe as > per month, would have been. 2% FOR UNSTATED DAMAGES 'BY | } 4 No. 304 Albert St, a detached 67 Princess Street, hip Gree mre | LANE H, E. W. NICHOLSON rougheast dwelling, with good front- j ; Seman oR R® age and depth, for $1750. it was a beautiful bright "St. _ 2 Whose Wife Lost a Portion of Her Million A No. 127 Raglan oad, semi-detached Fatrick's Day in the marnin'" that SEER y ; ' 9% Arm by Ooming din Contact With dwelling. with 7 rooms, good cellar ushered in to-day, the 17th, and the J Live Electric Wire on Montreal ' and yard, for $1100, ~ weather man, who is now concerned ox ; Street. No. 6 Orchard St., [Nth the spring weather diet," al- 3 Ny = Feet of Lumber and Timber to 5 8 ins ; dwelling, lot (66 by 132) for $1250. lowed the pleasant state to, exist , Pr J. L. Whiting, K.C., who is acting select your requirements from. A good building lot on William St. throughout the day. A ea ---- on behalf of H. E. W. Nicholson, of Quantities of different native between' Barrie and Clergh Sts., for From the early-risers to the busi- ! {the Grank Trunk outer depot, has woods used in building or con- $1300. [on S ness man getting down town at nine entered' an action ggainst the ° cor- struction work, carved in or ten o'clock, .and the "gentleman ration of cit f Kingst i stock, in covered sheds, It is of leisure" strolling out for his con- . | actated of the «ity for the Tose yo thoroughly dry and seasoned. E. W. MULLIN stitutional, there was plenty of evi- Spring in our milli- his wife's arm' as a, result of coming Call, write or phone your Cor. Johnson & Division Sts. - | dence of the shamrock or green. The in Goutact with § Jy 'wire néar tho | J order. Phones; flags on the, city and many thers of | nery section began 10- IF Grand Trunk outer depot on the ev. Res. 1458 the, p! lldings a e 'enitig of Oct. 913. city were flying in honer of the oe | day, with a delightful |} ==t& and & Rid ddl dagh bration of the saint's day. exhibition of tlie new ! tor were returning hothie on that ev- Was Honorably Mentioned I hats. Combining all oa. a ei } Con Bay nna 4 Wenlagion Hn The . Ametioan possible style and beau. ty, our hats are moder- was lying aoross the sidewalk a t ately priced. pe Eg! {i short distance from the station. Mr. a Daatnt Nicholson and Bs daughter also re » Cow, COAL A_yool ed a a 1 ne cestary to ampu a portion of the arm. . i Bi i Id i d ® § Ii Many have been awaiting this event ahd } from now on this store t | | | ! 18 i | | Ii 1914 Our new $7.50 bad is a winner. : will anake easy the 3 AisacHve to good taste, $4.50 and furnace. x atoatmani niversity Ave. rough 7 rooms, hui water dur on Yau 1507 T Winds, Tish " pd ate 1 i 0 be he . and there join 1 k Bt, brick, seven fest snalt enn hry Tate Li Wotton id . he har | Joh L, © frame, [Fan Zh fs ed much colder in the western | rooms, B. and C., sta. 1914 new aivie partes suites, $25 provinces, but conti | 0o--Umton st. Ww. brick, fl" daae Sees otis Toad taste. * Miern, low Brices, beautiful effects. y Curtains in Madra-, SiIk, Tapestry, | The Hamilton lad, who was arres- Lace, atc, ed for theft, was allowed to return | Linoleums, all grades; and uphol- | his home on Monday night. Hi tering and repair work promptly week in the jail on romana hier i El GEORGE WLS 8 0: 55 i i $ him a ce to do better. He willfl . ¥ ih a a" re looked ked after by the authorities ini} | license to a hotel le Fo B fish sab- b- tami ; bar tender who is not a Bri Hamilton, = 126.138 PRINCESS. Jot. » mr the beautiful array of new lines we offer. | |} | | | | 0 | i buvi rith Our new plain all white is neat and | rch | Spring buying -- Wi £0.00 For this young: chickens tehied out of our incubator wii st trouble, and kept through the cold weather, en am plan to you and show you our Mincun ators, ¥ Watch Our Windows! En Fo ie o HOVERS Woon s sys pens "Cancelled libr books," ef Chbeow's.