5000 Facts About | Canada Kipling--"Canada is a map that is half unrolled." 5,000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA, Compiled by Frank Yeigh Price 25 Cents. Know your country. A copy of 5000 Facts should be in every home, office and library for day reference. : For Sale by UGLOW'S, 1, = THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes "We have pleasure in announcing a complete stock of new goods for spring. These goods are the last word in color tones and pattern; are fresh from the looms of the old country. We } are offering these goods at a very reasonable price, and soMecit a share of public patronage. THOMAS LAMBERT CAR STORAGE CONSULT US ABOUT LOOKING AFTER YOUR CAR FOR yee 10M OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT AND OUR SERVIC- ES CAN'T BE BEATEN PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. Wellington St. Phone 454 .. AGENTS FOR CADILLAC CARS Use Wheat Vigor For Breakfast Putup in 2 Ib. Pkgs. At all Grocers GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. - Electric Lighting Fixtures The Light That Never Failed Is that which is supplied through our electric fix- tures. No leakages, no bad joints, no imperfections | in any fixtures we put up. They are artistic in de- | sign, and fit for any room or hall. We can give vou * the best and most practical services in this respect, . and you will be perfeetly satisfied with the work and | otir charges. W. J. MOORE & SON The Electric Shop 'Special Sale | Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double. : Sole. ESR STIR TRRT | One Lot Men's Box'Calf Leather Lined Viscol Sole, re $5.00 and Bw ! LookING INTO MADAWASKA RIVER POWER QUESTION Ask the Hon. Adam Beck if Power . Can be Developed There and - Broughi to Kingston At the 'meeting of the Utilities Commission on Monday afternoon a resolution of Mayor Shaw was car- ried asking te Hydro-Electric com- mission if the falls on the Madawas- ka river ean be utilized for develop- ment for supplying power for King- ston It was intimated that the Hydro had considered this before, but the muyor, who referred to the proposi- tion of Boyd Caldwell, of Lanark, for the city taking over the falls on the river there, "inspired" the discus- sion. The question of power for the city was discussed briefly. This reso- lution will also meet the "demand" of the Board of Trade for power for the city. Harris and Harris, engin®ers and contractors, of Toronto, asked that they be given the contract of making any report or survey the city might requ're on the power possibilities of the falls on the Madawaska river, about ninety miles from Kingston. Appraisement of Plant Gordon bs, of Toronto, a repre- sentative of the Hydro-Electric com- mission, arrived in the city on Mon- day, preparatory to commencing an appraisemeni of the water, light and gas departments. He appeared be- fore and answered a number of ques- tions put to him by the commission- ers. He will go over the entire pro- perty in detail, take a complete in- ventory, and w'll arrive at the value of ifs present state of preservation and 'estimated cost of replacement. Mrs Kribs presumed that the insur. ance companies would accept this apprafsement of the Hydro commis- sion for fire risk. He will appraise the maias and all property. Anoth- er Hydro man will be down in the course of a week in regard to the ac- counting system. assessment puts the burden upon the rich man. It is where the richer pay and the poorer who, taken as a whole, consume more water, have the advantage. Mr. Birkett called attention to the matter of the pumiping situation. It was talked over informally. AH the members of the commis- sion were present: . T. J. Rigney (chairman), Mayor Shaw, R. H. Toye, J. ii. Birkett and Dr. A. E. Ross. » -------- PRINCIPAL WAS SUSPENDED High-handed Action by Provincial Officials is Alleged R. bo. Jenkins, teacher in the col- legiate institute, at Almonte, for- merly teacher in history at the Kingston' collegiate, who left this city about a year ago, has been sus- pended as the result of trouble with the department of education over the appointment of a teacher. The department refused to permit A. R. Walker, a science master to teach because he was a few months under age. As a' result, both the principal and teacher have been suspended, and the school is left in a most unfortunate position. Much indignation has been express- ad over the affair in the town. In brief the cause of the trouble is that Mr. Walker in September last, on the advice of the principal, accepted appointment, while under age, on the ground that he would within the school year attain the legal age for teaching. On October 6 the department instructed the board to advertise for a legally qualified teacher. This was done in January of this year, the only applicant being a young woman, who subsequently withdrew on be- ing, it is alleged, apprised of the facts of the situation 'by the prin- cipal, though Mr. Jenkins did not | suggest that she should take such a course. 2 The board will make a determin- ed attempt to have the suspension of the principal withheld until mids summer and to have Mr. Walker given permission to continue teach- ing until then. The board felt Dr. H. A. Boyce, superintendent of the general hospital, appeared before the commission, and impressed upon it the financial aspect as far as the hospital was concerned, with the change from direct to the alternating current. This would mean some the X-ray machine and $160 for the other necessary motors. Dr. Joyce said the hospital board felt it should be reimbursed for this change. The chairman assured him that the com mission would carefully consider the matter: The sub-committee (the mayor the general manager and the city treasurer) reported upon the insur- ance schedule of the property of the plant, and the allotment of the amount. The total insurance carried seventeen companies, each carrying one-sePenteenth of the $68,000. The. commission authorized the canvass 6f ratepayers on sections of Centre, York and Victoria streets, With a view to putting in 'gas exten- fions, The Canadian Inspection Co., ¢f Montreal, wos given the contract to inspect nd test, at 25 cents per ton, the pipe which is being manufactur- ed for the city at Hamilton. Protests Against Gas Bill Protests were received from Miss E. V. Greaza, Wellington street, C. V. Veale, York street, and the Bark of British North America against gas bills. The first was left in the hands of the chairman and manager, Mr. Veale's bill with the mayor, but ne action was taken in relation to that of the B.N.A. bank. The unsatisfactory service on some occasions of a horse used by the light department was brought te the at- [tention of the commission, by Mr. Folger, and it was suggested that the animal be replaced. The matter was left in the bands of the chairman, Mr. Toye, and the general manager. Reduction of Water Rates Mr. 'Toye started quite a pointed discussion when he asked the chair- man 'what the eommission proposed to do in regard to revising the pres- ent basis or reducing of the water rates. But the mafter was left over without any action. The city could not afford to throw off the toilet charge, which amounts . to nearly $8,000 per annum. A reduction of one-half, from $2 to $1, was pro- RESOURCES Notes and + $7,915,545.95 secure «130,000.00 «610,623.02 LONDON, ENG., OFFICE Bank Ridgs-- Princes SI. $425 for a motor generator sett for| is $68,000, and is divided between! that the department took rather | high-handed procedure in not evem { condescending to ask the principal { for an explanation of his side of | the trouble, which has all arisen jover the appointment of Mr. Walker on the principal's recommendation | before that young gentleman was The board claims it acted in perfect good faith and that it was only at its request that Mr. Walker | continued teaching. Air. Jenkins 'in an explanation of | of age. CAMPBELL'S Our New Spring Hats Are here and ready for your mspection. Drop in and have a | this situation described the depart- { ment at Toronto as an "educational | Mexico," and said Mr. Seath was trying to emulate Huerta in trying to drive his eritics from the coun- | Lry. ! "I am" confident Mr. Pyne never | saw the letters which have been sent { here in: connection with this affair," { said Principal Jenkins. 'Mr. Seath would ignore me if 1 wrote to him and the only way I can expect a reply is to make this matter pub- He." In a strong letter to 'he miivites of educatién, Principal Jenkins has asked for a hégring and treatments he is entitled ta as a British. sub- ject. He says in it that the un- precedented course of condemming { him without a hearing is tyranny. a TO ASSIST IN CANVASS Of -the Citizens for Funds for the Y. McA, On Monday, evening, when it met in conferenge, the young men's cabi- net of the ¥.M.C.A. unanimously re- solved to assist the board of direc- tors in the financial canvass to he conducted next week to meet the ex penses of the association for the ensuing year. The financial standing of the as sociation and the ohligqtions for the year wpon which it has entered were set forth by the general sec- retary. The conference termina- ted with the young deciding to, as last year, co-operate with the direc- tors in ithe campaign. D. G. Laid law, the president of the associa- tion, and will be general chairman, assisted by the president of the cabinet. F. L. Newman, A. J. Petti- grew and Alfred Kinch constitute a committee to organize the work of the cabinet members. The conference was held after ihe usual bible class, Rev. G. I. Camp- bell speaking on lessons from the book of Daniel. The inspiring ging- THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ing of this class is a feature. EEE EEE ------ The STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Gevernment, 31st Jan., 1914 em ------C Ls Capital Reserve Fund, ed Ra fe 1 35018593 30 - 1,115,535.51 108,968.37 $45,745.992.78 in INCORPORATED 1869 +. $26,000,000 11,660,000 + 18,000,000 NEW YORK AGENCY ° : \ Cor, William end Cedar Sts. E E NEWMAN, Manager. look at the new styles. We are the largest importers of men's hats in Kingston. HE Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street, STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur. alture, carpets and quilts." Come and see me If you want to save money on all kinds of, household gopds, ' H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale PATENTS Herbert J. 8. Dennison REGISTERED ATTORNEY, King Street West, Toronto, Pa- tents, Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, protected = every- Where; eighteen years' exper fence. Write for booklet. - rT ---------- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mayor Shaw's Ice Scheme is Warmly Commended. Kingston, March 16.--(To the ¥di- tor) : The proposition of Mayor Shaw to make the ice business a branch of the utilities department and managed by the board of commissioners, ' with the idea of giving the consumer the best possible service at the least pos- sible cost, ought to appeal to about nine out of every tem citizens; espe- cially after the experience the Board of Health has had recently in trying to get the ice company to remove the contaminated ice from its storehouse. "If you wany anything done right, you must do it youself," is an old adage and a true one. If we, the peo- ple of Kingston, would have pure ice carefully delivered to us at cost, we must store and distribute it ourselves through our board of commissioners. It is unreasonable to expect the best service from public service institutions that are owned and operated by pri- vate capitalists, whose only incentive is to make profits out of the business, for the law of economic determinism compels the eapitalist to regard his prohits as of first importance and the sepvice of the public quite secondary. It is no use for us to think of pass- ing laws, regulations and. restrictions that can compel him to consider the public service of first importance and his profits secondary, for he usually finds ways to evade the most binding laws that can be passed. Mayor Shaw's plan for public ownership and operation is the only sensible: and practical solution of the ice problem, and it is to be hoped he will not al- low "the met that the company has temporarily made its peace with the Board oi Health to cause him to Trop the matter, but that he will do all he possibly can to have the council adopt his plan. > Should he succeed, he will have erecied a monument to his memory that will stand out more prominently than anything his predecessors in of- fice. have done for some years hast. -- H.E.B. He is a wise man who, when desir- ing to purchase a home, a horse, a i or any other article, places a Want Advt. in the Whig. Then make his choice from many of thus, 'at small cost, help him: Er S---- $2.49 Here's a Bargain for ~ Quick Bu One window full of Women's Boots in Tan, Patent and Gun Mq are regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values. - those who are quick ' yer > x To Just the shoe for this time of year. ABERNETHY'S Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera hous. Our English and French Im- Brussels, Velvets, Tapestry Square Tapestry and Silk Damasks, Cover ings, Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID, PHONE 147 THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, RUPTUR (SEE DATES AT BOTTOM) For Sale Double Stoné House, Montreal 'Breet ...... ue. Rents for $17.00 a month, Single Frame, improvements .,... § Er Selected trom the : Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. Mines, the best Mines N is) Mogg Sar ; Kings ote], Thursday, all day and A aa dL 3 self to a good bargain. Ury it nesi H pm. { 18th and 20th. Foren Ith and 30th.