AER EE A 25% SapyoTION HAIR AND CLOTH ORUSHES CASE PIPES CARD CASES CIGAR CASES HAND BAGS BRILL FOLDS | POCKET BOOKS, Ete, Ses our window for Bargains. We Grind the Lenses. 8 Doors Above the Opera Hous: Shortt, Professor P. G. C. © Captains C. F. Constantine, H. FE. Boak, Maurice Plummer, and Messrs. Heber, Lafferty, C. Benson and E. Van lLeslie.\ In the evening the visi tors were entertained at a most eh joyable dinner dance 'at the * Hunt Club, when'the guests numbercd about fifty-six. tid Mts, Konmeth Ireland invited a | number of little Miss Helen's friends in to celebrate St. Patrick's day with her on Tuesday afternoon and a vecy merry time was enjoyed. The tea ta- ble round which the little guests sat was centred by o big green pig from which were suspended stredmers of ribbon held by little Irish boys and girls, Little baskets of candy were given as favors to the guests who in- cluded Joan and Tom Kenney, Mar aret Pense, Nadine Harty, Peggy and Koran Bidwell, Jessie and Kitty Tor- rance, Nell Kirkpatrick, Marjoria Evans, Virginia Fair, jorence and Douglas Sunningham, Dorothy and Billie Rigney, ary .and Margaret Morrison, Helen Steacy, Eleanor Mun- dell, Eva Dennison, Betty Nickle, Bob- by Sears, Jack and Domnld MeKay, Innis Fraser, Ronald Burns and Billie Sullivan. Mrs, Ireland's assistants were Miss. Helen Mackarow, Mrs. F. Cuthbert Gummer, Miss Frances Salli: van, Miss May Bolger, Miss Kathleen Daly and Miss Fleanor Phelan. . . - At Badminton on Saturday among those noticed were: Mrs. J. B. Car- ruthers, Mrs. E. F. Dawson, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. F. Strange, Mrs. Frederic Brownfield, Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pense, Mrs. Constantine, Mrs.. 'Saunders. Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Logetta Swift, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Marmiis Garrett, Miss Madge Dawson, Mids Grace Hemming, Major Haminond, Captain Heyman, Captain Melden, Messrs. Bowerbank, Elwood, H. Macpherson, €. V. Bishap, Carruthers, Maclem and McRae, aie Principal Gordon entertainedat din ner Tuesday evening, in honor of the champion hockey team, the execu- tive 'of the Alma Mater Society, the '| editor-in<chisf of the Journal aud the presidént of the faculty societies ad To see our splendid bring Coats and Suits. ley" are Canada's best and will interest the ju- dieious = and dresser. best production of "Fashion Craft" and "20th Century." 2 Price of Coats, $17 and $20. - Price of Suits, $15 to '. They are all open, awaiting your inspec- § tion, 1 and of the Y.M.C.A. The table at which covers were laid for twenty-five, was appropriately de- corated with Queen's colors and quantities of yellow daffodils and tulips. = v . 8 9» Captain; and Mrs. P- E. Prideaux entertained ot a charming supper party after the performance of "The Magistrate" 'on Tuesday evening, when their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, Professor and Mrs. Noel Gill, Mr. and Mrs. R. Eas- ton Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Mise Mildred Jones, Miss Ada Petrie, . Miss _ISllian Mundell, Mr. Withrop Sears and Nr. A MacRae. The Charity Circle of King's Daugh- ters gave a delightiul tea and comcert to the patients of the general hoapi- tal on Tuesday afternoon, when (ho decorations were all symbolic of St. Patriek. einen Miss Martha Draper, Clergy street west, is entertaining at a small bridge this evening in honor of her guest, Mrs, Dowling, Ottawa. Mr. James Minnes, Bagot street, came home from England on Monday. where he has been for the past dix weeks, . all wie Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, William street is hostess, this afternon at a small 'bridge in honor of Mrs. E. stylish . They are the: $15, C. Mitchell, of London, Miss Caroline Mitchell entertained about twenty-four of her little friends at a birthday party on Friday even: ing. ren Mes. John Macdonald, University as, will receive om Friday of this week, and not again until the autumn. s * . Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street, will receive néxt Tuesday, March 24th, and not again this season. . « _ Mrs. R.'Uglow, Barrie street, was hostess &t a delightfyl Dbridge on Tuesday evening. Tr. "Mrs. Jamies Stewart, Bagot street, will receive on Friday and not again tins season. te a * Mrs, William Newlands, Bagot Atreet, will not receive again this season . - . - ® ¢ Mrs. S. A. Ackroyd, a3 Eas street, will not receive again 3: sequon. | will not . Miss Grace Barnet, I A, W. Winnet ot. street, | hol i Se hn Rénfrew, Bas Professor ; during his stay , Clergy street, ns visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clark Taylor tn, Ganancae. . Miss Gertrude Low and her h- erin-law, Mr. W. P. Wilgar, and little 'son, ve left _Oitawa for Cochrane, hie Low will . ze main for some times. . Rev. W. KX. and Mrs. Mcliroy of 'Ottawa Wefe guests In town over the week-end. . Mrs. Frederick Hammond, - of London, England, who has been lately Visiting in Montreal came to town ont 'Tuesday and is theguest of Mrs. James Macparland, King street. Mrs, Sidney Rutherford of To- ronto is visiting her mother Mrs. William King, Alfred stree:. Miss Eva Richardson will leave for Chicago to-morrow where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ford. Mrs. T. B. Caldwell who was the Euest of Mrs. Archibald Strachan last week, returned to her home in Lanark on Saturday. Miss Marjorie Charlton returned to her home in Montreal to-day, af- ter a delightful visit with Miss Hilda and Miss Edith Hague, University avenue. Miss Jean Duff, of Kingston, a \is- itor with Mrs. Logie, Markham street Hamilton has loft for Guelph. Mr, and MY. George Mahood, Gore street, who have been spending a cou ple of months on the continent, ar- rived home vesterday. Mr. Li W. Brigstocke, of Long Lake, speoat the week-end in town with Mrs Brigstocke and his family. Mra. EF. C.° Mitchell, oi Tobdon, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Wil- liam street, and Will receive with her hostess on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. George Fenwick, University avenue, is in Windsor, Ont., the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig. Miss Bessie Caldwell, of Lanark, ar- rived, today, to visit Miss Aileen Folger. - » LJ * The éngagement of Miss Helen Adams, daughter of Mr. Oliver Ad- ams, Toronto to Mr. Harold C. Suydam, son of Mr. H. H. Suydam, of Toronto, is. announced. The bride-elect has often visited in King- ston and has many friends here, eT. The marriage of Miss Ara Drury, daughter of the late Brigadier-Gen- eral Drury; of Halifax, N.S., and of Mrs. Drury, of Montreal to Mr. Errol Languedoe, will ' take place next month. 3 A -------------- Sydenham Resident Dead Sydenham, March 16.--The death of the late Harvey Wood, an old and respected resident of Sydenham occurred on Wednesday morning last. The deceased has been a patient sufferer for many years. He leaves one son, Walter, of this village. The fuperal services were conducted liy the Rev. F. Tipp, assiste by Rev. Mr. Monohan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sills en- tertained on Friday evening last, in honor of . their danghter-in-law, Mrs. B. Sills, Miss Muriel Homes gave a party for a number of hef girl friéinds on Saturday evening, at the home o Thér aunt, Mrs. W. Carscallen. Mr. and Mrs. A Sills entertained a few friends on Friday evening. Mrs, William Hanna, of Aultsville, spent the week-end the Euest of Mns. Shorey. Miss Lulu. Lawrence and R. Heaty at T. LaWrence's. Miss Monica Grooms, wito for the past few weeks, has been at the Hotel Dien, retufaed home on Satur- day evening. Ross Guess has re- turned home from the general hos- pital, Ars. William Hobbs is con- valescent, Mr, and Mrs, E, ner of Parker, at C. Joyher's, , Mr. and Mrs. S. Hicks spefit Monday in the city. Miss Ivey Lake visited friends in Kingston recently. + Perth Road Event Perth Road, March 16.--An enjoyable evening was spent at the hove of Mr. and Mee. Wallace, She place, $n March 13th. Mrs. aco very kind- ly oo a supper in aid of the Ladies" ission Circle, Both Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and daughter, Minnie, spared no pains in making it a very success- ful afinit. The evening was spent in games and music. Revi Mr. Drensin rendered some very fine violin selec tions, ' accompanied by Miss Dretnm on the organ. Solos Were suag by 'Miss Madge Stones, Miss Myrtle Ray- mond, Miss K. Dremnin, and R. Mo Kay, Miss Lillian Guthrie recited Se a very: able and entertaining way. Ev- ery one enjoyed Mr. Wallace's fine old Scotch selections on the violin, The amusenients were up till the wee sma' hours. Rev, Nr. n moved and ' rs. Hallas for their Jiddhess and hospitality. Every one joi in ingi Do "fe With Yod Till We t Again." A very socidble and en- able evening 'was brought to a Slose with prayer by Rev. Mr. Dren- hospital, Brock ville, following an illnes of cerebral menengitis. @ was about vencs of age. a very, hearty votes of thanks to Mr. pof sap. fifty vest ; matter the Times has a lengthy , In which it says : , Times has secured a copy of the finding of the commission. possible conclusion that ean be reach- ed js that il thers is such a process an appeal from the finding it should be put into effect at once. To say that indignation most intense has greeted the report only half expresses the feeling and if ever there was a cause for a protest from every an- ization in any way identified with the tendo and navigation of our great in- land waters the opportunity presents itseli most emphatically in this case. Nothing conld possibly . impair the lake marine service and deter good stalwart, intelligent men from enter ing a calling which, owing to the rapid increase of tonnage, is providing many openings," than the crass con- chisiobs that have been handed out in the Acadinn investigation by judges with misfit theories. lhe ease ealls for an immediate consideration by the marino department and this fact should be impressed upon il hy every newspaper, marine organization and Board of Trade at every shipping point an the great inland waterways, Summing up the evidénce faicly de- curately, the finding jn the first para: graph shows no coghizance has been taken by the commission of a current which the lighthouse-keeper at Ihun- der Bay Island says frequently runs as rapid as seven miles au hour. | he only poagible way of determining the location under the prevailing ° condi' tions and short interval for obseria. tion must be hy objests . along tho shore familiar to the navigator. Thun der fay Islands surely should bo fa- miliar point to the master of the Acadian and a thousand to one woiild bank on his judgment--and not be fay wrong. IL is n sale assumption that Capt. Mclutyre was as perfectly assuy- ed of his ship's position as it was possible for an experienced lake mar- mer to be and under the rule of safety first he did right in endeavoring 10 seek shelter, That he did so and sav- ed the lives of twenty 'men, his ship and the greater part of his Cargo, Is better evidence of his good judgment that the theories of navigation «i navigators who absolitely © have no knowledge or experience in lake nati gation, the conencrénce of the two old lake captains to the contrary not withstanding. The local branch of © the Shipmas ters' Associiition has taken action and will press its representations to the department at Ottawa. It has alreday enlisted the nid of several members of paclinment, among them A. C. Boyce, of the Soo, and W. H. Bennett, of Simcoe, hoth of whodf® have sent assurance (10 the : local association that 'they will see that the matter is Brought to the attention of the = de- partment. things are It 15 altogether likely that t pute; Me ment will see its way. clear to act. Other branches of the organization aio also acting. rs ---- ra SIR CHARLES TUPPRR Venerable, Statcsmitn _is Publishing Recollections ring to the [Liondon, March 18.--Sir Charles Tupper's handsome sixteen shilling volume entitled, ""Recallections of Sixty Years," was sont out yester- day by the publishers, Cassel and company, for publication on Thurs- day.. An anonymous biographical foreward says Sir Charles, who is now the oldest living statesman in the world, resembles statuary or a venerable oak, and still exhibits wonderful vilality with his mind as keen and plastic and dis memory as olear as during his edrly manhood. He is at once a 'surprise asd & re- velaton to his friefids and relations. The cool breezes of the Pacifi¢ seam- ed to give him a new lease of life. NO ACTION ON C. T. ACT liance Elects Officers Brockville, March 18.--The an- nual meeting of tho Leeds a ville Temperance Alliance was hald here, about fifty delegates from out of town being present. The qiies- «ion of submitting the Sanade tem- perance act was discussed, but no action was taken. There dre sixteen mimicipalities in thé two counties, ten of wiich are now dry. W. T, Rogers of Brockville, was elected résident, and Rev. J. 8. Clendinnen, emptville, secretary. Glenvale Gleanings Glenvale, March 16.--Mrs, George Maloney had a sewing bee at her home on Thursday. Miss Edith Curl, who was operated on for ap- rendicitis recently, has suffered a re- lapse and is in a precarious condi: tion, The sale of sfock at Edwin Ciafk's on Wednesday was well at- tended and good prices re- ceived. A number have tap their sugar bushes and report a good run Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hawkey, Mount Chesney, at George Pillar's. Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Orser, Kelper, at J. D. Eller beck's. Miss Gertrude Coulter, Glen- burnie, at H. Curl's. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeever, Cataraqui, at Jo- seph Butterill's. i The Late Miss The only | 53 the (CLEANSE THE 51000 do_ofithe building. = The re of Saviour was smashed to bits and other : 00 : arch _, Jose . Guzman, § and his aged pe Were thrown into. the stra the marauders," tinued Father . "Pather Guz | man died two days later and just be- Ji fore we left we heard the aint was dying The rebels then went to the American convent, drove out the sis- ter and her charges and set the build. ing on fire." At Tulgra church was looted, said Father Madina, and' Father De Leon and his two assistants, Basillo and Louise Romanes, were said they were taken into the where they ame being held for som. of 500 pesos each, their parish: ioners having been notified that un. loss the ransoms are paid the priests will be put ito death. Father Ma- dina said five priests had been killed by rebaly sinte they entered Taman. lipas last November. NEW STYLE OF HOUSE Rach Floor Falls Back From One Below It. Paris, March 18.-5A new style of -arohitecture, novel and not unplea- sing to the eye, has been inaugura- ted in the Rue Vavin in a Jarge six- fdory house of flats recently con- structed, Each story of the house retrogrades on the one below, lea- ving a wide balcony or terrace in front of its windows. The house has a distinet resem blance to a huge flight of stairs. It is argued that the hygienic advan- tages of such a method of comstruc- tion quite compensate for the waste of Space, WEDDING RING 18 BARBAROUS, Famous Saffragist Now Mes. Rois sevair Refuses to Wear One New York, March 18.--' Wedding rings are relies of barbarism," de- clared Mrs. Igez Milholland Bolsse- vair. "They are relics of the day when women were men's chattels. 1 should fa¢l like a slave instead of a free woman if I were to wear a wed- ding ring." . The fact that Mrs, Boissevai does not wear a wedding ring has caused a stir of curiosity among suffragists. the There will be mo general - fection until the Honte Rule for Treland, the Walsh Diststablishment. and the Plural Voting bills have been pasted bv parKament. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bissell. of Brookville, celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of thein wedding on Sun- day. Don't buy White Rose if you want a cheap flour, Montreal willoffer $1,000 for the ar- rest of each of the Cote des Nieges vandits. When your blood is impure, weak, thin and debilitated, you cannot pos- sibly enjoy good health. Your sys- tem becomes receptive to any or all diseases and germs are likely to lodge in some part of the body. Put your blood in good condition. Pure, rich. red blood makes good, strong nerves--and insures health. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts directly and peculiarly on the blood-it pur- ifies, enriches and revitalizes and in statuary broken and {Jl ery Clever !" Eee 'Yes, indeed, they look 'quite New York like!" These 'are a few of the remarks we overheard at the formal opéning yesterday of Spring Millinery, Suits and Coats and Yardage Goods Our brilliant. collection of Women's New Apparel has aroused wiuc spread comment. We are anxious to have every woman in King- ston inspect this splendid showing while it is at its best. ask Anything we can say of this brilliant assemblage of new apparel would fall far short in describing it. May we have the pleasure--say, to-morrow? STEACY'S The BUSIEST | Store in. Town Old Abbey Chinal J ny fi People of taste, refinement and good judgment cannot pass this line of China. In open stock or sets as yon wish, You can have your monogram or crest put on any article at once without any delay whatever, {1 Let us show vou the lines. ROBERTSON S (MTD this way builds up the whole system, Hood's Sarsaparilla is not a cure- Leeds and Greaville Temperance Al- nd Gren- all. It is the best blood medicine on the market. It has stood the test of forty vears and is used all over the world. Get it to-day and start treat- ment. It is sure to help you. All druggists. A TT See us about a fence this spring. We Save a great variety and cheapest ricen. PARTRIDGE & SONS, King St. West. Phones 3850 & 1193 How To Destroy - I Do That the sible for Jhith the Sealh is Y ness an: wel Rhown h alte eminent fou arter rom one one yori ST le this od te e it is negalica n a restoring Kray to 'ite or : , ectly to going about during wet weather without pro- Electric Chain Showers & Brackets See our outfit for an eight room house at $18.00. Dainty and chaste. Special prices for home wiring this week. Come and see. H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. ! hou 441 and 1376. SNR 3 4 : ; ar a (V3 Te ATI IPI Y] Many of the ills of mankind ea raced dil Come in now complete line fon per proteetion to keep the feet dry. and buy a pair of rubbers. We have a in all styles and Sizes. ed