Argonauts and Regio- will play. off for the junior } Best game wilt commence al o'clock. On account of the piidhe tink 11 being taken, the side-tracked on, a the exception of a der at the start-off, ------ Torontos Won Again os won the second of the up in Toronto, on by a score of 6 to or phan twenty, minutes over- Allan Davidson, the King- i is a leading i the Torontos, was out of Same on account of a bad attack j po. Beven-man hockey . waa on Tuesday evening. Toron- ve won both the games played sericy. igs No Curling Games The Irish curlers had to abandon" ha 3 idea of playing five Scotch rinks the local enrkbing tink on Tuesday on account of the soft com- jon of the ice. For some days fee has been in a dreadiul con but it had been hoped that "would have been in shape for the iatches, but the hick was not with he Irish. Lee as Toronto Manager amilton Times : It will not be sur ig ot all il George Washington notty" lee secures the hert of the Toronto Canadian Longue team; and, judging Thue at the present time 0 Mf "Knotty" will secure the he "Eddie" Holly, who was slat: A for the job, had a conference with . J. MeUaflfery at Toromto, but he failed to come to an fo an agreement, Protested: ted Marchand antreal Gazette, The Doran cup changed hands for last times this season at the Jub- ink last night when the Montreal ht, Heat and Power hockeyists, pions. of the Manufacturing ne, defeated the defending Cas- uette sextet by 6 goals to 4. The cup optered a protest against Rav pd, who has been playing all with the Manufacturing T.eague he and who was to. have the nots as usual last 'night. been on the pay Canadiens all wintec he to participate, HO SPURNS HIM with Ner throat! viez, who wanted hér 0 , although he has a. two én in Poland, and leased fomurdpy from the is after serving, ol her, is being h 14 § to this city from weeks ago, and nt to -- h Michael Kot and in Globe village. Soon arp the same town oud country and ERE York, 18 ~The rapid id of the Bell Telephone system its avtitnde government hip are set forth oh delat in Telogen Trad br hoodors n telephone system give as cheap and efficient ser- the yénr 'the number of sub- ' vincreased 676,943, a total of 8,133,017. The total at the end of the year 11 miles, 'The gross re #13, not including connected ¥ a, was $215, 600, year of over eh ie Moths" noted woman been » wt mill ns es lo fio én: | Receipts, 'flower; bul | canners, eason. ack to the 'fhig leagu iow trying ie" that he w out with th the New York New York and Toronto is a liklihood of Tim: his ol LIVE STOCK MARKET The Prices Paid at the Varviens Cen-| tres. Toronto, ' March were again moderate. cattle, 1,212 hogs, lambs and 99 ealves. Cattle--Although the number of cattle was small, ths supply was quite egaal to the demand. Trade was slow with prices easy compared with Monday: Choice - butchers' steers, $7.75 to $8; good butchers' steers, ' $7.40 to $7.60; medium butchers' steers, $7 to $7.25; com- mon butcheérs' steers, $6.50 to $6.75; common butchers' heifers, $7.25 to $7.50; choice butehers' heifers, $7.50 to $7.75; choice cows, $6.75 to $7; good cows, $6.50 to $6.75; $3.95 to $4.50; bulls, $6.25 to $7.50. Feeders and stockers--The mar- ket for feeders was unchanged. Choice: 8teers, $6.76 10 $7; medium 17. -- "Receipts 48 cars, 688 172 sheep and to $6, .. Milkers and 'Sphingers-Recei pts Jlight at $80 to $95 each, bulk sold at $70.10 $85. Calves---Reeeipts were inadequate and prices firmer. Choice veals, 310.50 49 A100; medium, $7.50 to Sheep and' lambs---Receipts of 172 shesp and lambs met a firm mar- ket: Sheep, $6.50 to $7.25; culls and 'rams, $4.50 to $€.25; lambs, yr ewes and wethers, $9.25 to Hogs«-Market easy on account of Alvarta shipments coming on the et. Selected; fed and watered, $9.25 to $8.90 f o. b. and $9.50 weighed off cars. United States Markets Chicago, March 16.-- Cattle--Re- ceipta 5,000; Juarke; ateady. Beev- es, $7. 20 to $7.5 Texas steers, $7.20 to $8.20; otha and' feed- ers, $5.60 to $8.15; cows and heif- era, $3.76 to $8.85; calves, $7 to 10. Hogs. Receipts, 45,000; slow. Light, $8.60 to $8.85; $8.55 to $8.85; heavy, $8.40 to 1$8.85; rough, $8.40 ta $8.50; pigs, $7.20 to $8.60; Dulk of sales, $8.75 to $8.80. Shéep--- Receirits, 25,000; market firm. Native, $4.80 to $6.30; year- lings, $5.80. to $7: lambs, +.80 to $7.80. Bast Buffalo, March 16. -- Re- Shipts. 4,100, slow and 15 to 25¢ bulls, steady; prime steers, 8.75 10 $9: shipp , $8 to $4.60; utchiens, $6.75 to $ 125; heifers, ; to $7.50; and feeders,, $5.75 to $7. 25; stock heifers $5.25 to $5.75; 'cows and springers, active = and strong at $35 to $90. Veals-- Receipts, 1-, 000; slow. and 50c. lower at '$6 to $10.50. Hogs-- Receipts, 14,000; Active; pigs, 15¢ higher; others 10 to 15c lower. market Montreal Market Montreal Mareh 16---Butchers') cattle, choice, $8.25 to $8.40; do. medium, $6.50 to $7.50; do., com- won, $5 to $6; canners, 34 to $4.95; bitch * eattle, choice cows, $6.75. ., medium, $5.50 to 6.50; thors «cattle, bulls, $5 to $7; milkers, choice, each, $99 to $100; milkers, common and medium, each, $70 to $80; springers, $60 to $85. , ewes, $5.60 to $6; bucks and lls, $6 to 5.25; tambs, 8.50 to $9.1; cars, $9.50 to $9.80. Calves, $ to $15 U. 8. Markets East Buffalo, March 16.---Cattle-- iL00; Stas slow aud 13 w3 ze 8.75 to $9: $6.75 to on 45 10 $7.60; . » New York against Waco in an exhibition game, he played sall at first base beside knocking the only homerun of the ractice on the same grounds im the South, steers, 35.25: to $6.50; stockers,. $5, Midlands 2:3 native, | * IM JO IDAN. The veteran first baseman of th National and Intenational Leagues, vho was veleaséd from the Toronto International League Tih has got the greatest mune as a home-run hitter layer in the game, and it was bec wise he showed his desire to team of last any get as released from Toronto. Mo is Giants team. amd while playing for errorless game. As d position with the Toronto team, and mited, $9. 20 to $9.25; yorkers, | 89. .10 to $9.25; pigs, $9; roughs, $8.25 to $8.50; stags, $7 to $7.75; cairies, $9 to $9.25. Sheep and lambs--Reeeipts, 11,000; handy sheep and lambs active; sheep steady, lambs 6c higher; lambs, £5.00 to $8.05; yearlings, $5.50 to $7.16; wethers, $6.26 to $6.35; ewes, $3 to $6; sheep, mixed, $6 to $€.15., SCHOOL FOR MARINERS They Are Given Course in Higher Navigation Owen Sound, March 18.---Some- thing new in schools is that now being conducted at Owen Sound by the Canada Steamship Lines, limited, It is for the benefit of their own men ---a course in higher navigation. Last month the school opened in Te- ronto, and after a few weeks' session at Owen Sound, it will be moved to Captain davige D. Frewer, official compass adjuster of the company's Sout of 101 boats, is the imstructor, Fo him 'come the captains, first mates, second mates and wheelsmen in the employ of the Canada Steam- skip lines. . The course of instruc- tion'is, in 'effect, a post-graduate one; the examinations being set by the Canada Steamship lines for their navigators being fitty per cent. high- er than the government standard. This results In a high degree of effici- ency on. the part of the company's officers. As instancing the thorough- ness of the iastruction, it is inter- esting to learn that it. includes a course in the handling of patkage freight. bsispissnidinsinaiirss To Weese's sale le People & A despatch from totoria, B. C.. says that tha bill providing for an extension of the Pacific Great East- ern in a northeasterly direction, into the Peace River country for a dis- tance of 330 miles was troduced ahd provides for a-new hond guaran- tee for the new extension. He is a wise man who, when desir- ing to purchase a home, a horse, a piano or any other article, places a wmall Want Adve. in the . Then he can make his choice from man: 5 fers and thus, at small cost, hel, self to a good bargain. 'Ivy i time. At Wease's sale bargains, The progress of construction on the last part of the Grand Trunk pacific is being watched with the sreatest of interest from all parts of Canada, and the road will be in a condition to receive heavy trafic shortly after it has been opened. a tried always used. White Rose In Canadian banks over $750,000 is lying to the credit of various per: nent all about it. RADFORD, VA., MAN fundowil ahd Nervous, Retdied to Health by Vinol A. D. Robinson, Radlord, Va., says. "1 was afl run-down in health, had no appetite and was #0 mervolls to $8; SIE $LT6 fo 57. 50; Ine sons who have apparently forgotten isold - (daughter, Vivian, are { Dg rds 1 it i Hb of the stu to is in who i Sh Aon) oe Ww lotte county, oh Hccemir 22nd, 1754. "ribo. he maFried and hécame a large and pros 8 far- mer, near the the banks of the Hud- son river. He had just married when the great American' rebellion broke out in 1776, As the war ad- vanced he felt it his duty to san true to the British cause. He be- came a member of the King's Rang- ers, a regiment that had a memor- able record .during the war, and later on became a captain in that regiment. . His brother James also {took up arms in the same cause, yand became a sergeant in the regi- ment. By the fortunes of war they were both captured along with the others of the rangers. They were re- leased oii giving their parole not to serve again against congress during the continuance of the war. The regiment was disbanded in 1784 and most bf the men finally settled in Frederickshurgh, or at other points along the Bay of Quinte. In thé crown lands department at Toronto is preserved, an old U.E.L. list, and on it are the names of Capt. Cyrents Parks, Sergt. James Parks and Nathaniel Parks, drummer, all of the King's Rangers. All were on the provision list, for the time the government vary conslderately grant- ing necessary supplies of pork and flour until suzh times {isthe ploncers could clear and cultivate their own lands. Irvine Parks, our county freasur- er, has now in his possession the certificate of his grandfatlier, Nath- aniel, signed at St. John, December 24th, 1783, certifying to his faithful service in the King's Rangers provin- cial regiment and te his honourable discharge at the disbanding of the regiment. D. Nelson Parks, of the Beaver of- fice, has in his possession the family bible of his grandfather, Cyrenus. It is now over 100 years old, and ac- cording to the statenjent oh the fly- shéet it was . bought in" Kingston, "January ye 10, ad. 17937". The book has been in family use ever since and is =lill in a good state of preservation. In it is the record of the births of the parents and their twenty children, written in a very plain, bold land, no doubt of Cyrenus self, head of tHat] numerous family. i Two Deiths at Harlowe Havlowe, March 14.--Death has tak- en away two prominent residents in the persons of Mrs. Joba Miller and Jeane Delyae. Although Mrs. Miller had heen poorly for some time, her death came as a shock, She Jeaves a thusband and one son "Geordie," al home. Mr. Delyae's death had also cast a y Reaichy AR nd" {ee ce a Rl fakes oo i sion tit. forcoilied wix e particles, a ttle at a time, until herds, Jone of "The new HE he tainab! This» wa avhich is vod be diy at A pein Ag vor dried hazel. loom over the neighborhood. Ile Re to survive a wile and three | Albert Marshall, of Arden; Mrs. Francis Neal, of Upper Harlowe; Mes. Baker, of Napanee, and four sons, dohm, of Avden; Temple and Leonard, at home, and Charles, of Plovna: Mis. R. Stinson waa the guest of Miss G. Jeffrey on Sunday, lst. Miss Grace Poomhour, B. Boomhour and Almond Parks called on Mies Noell Miller. Miss HM. and A: Cooke, Forest Miils, have been visiting for the past two. wecks at their - unele's; John Gray, and also<Frank, Gray's, of Cres- cent Hill. A. Marshall, Arden, made a short call at the. Cedars on his way to visit his : fatherindaw. Coleman Vaness has moved to. Dead Creck. Marshall Vaness will. move in the house lately vacated by Coleman Vaness, "Dot" Neal has been a re ent visitor ,at J. Neals. Rev. M. Simpson has been called to attend the funeral of his father-in-daw. Mrs. Alex- ander Clancy is very ill again. Miss Lorraine Clancy paid Miss Scott, of the Cedars, a call last week. Miss Georgina Jefirey and Malcolm Thompson were the guests of the for- mer's sister at John MacCausland's, Myer's Cave, on Sunday last. The sealers for the Chandler & Jones com- pany made a flying trip through this vicinity last a Charles Hillier a valuable horse last week to the Mok, of Arden. Frederick Stoéker has heen ealled home to Plev- na on account oi the ill-health of his | father. Rov. D. Wright, of the Meth- | odist Episcopal church, called on the | union school and 4 nuwber of friends | last week. Miss S. Scott and J. ime! spent the week-end at Madoc. My. and Mys. John Gray and chil. | dren have gone to Ardoch to visit for | a few dave, The friends of sage Cobnots are pleased to bear that is uot going do leave in the spring for Bufislo. Mrs. Silas Paks nod little ill, The Meth odist Fpiscopal church has bem hold- pia n revival 4 Mteling under the ans- heh. pastor. The "0 lodge intend iating a * number from Dead Creek to-pight. My. and Mrs. George Brad: shaw is visiting at Mrs. F. Thomp- son's. 1 We hoi me pirates boarded and orwegiag Alea rnd Shit dar, ie off hooty to. the of Ey 000. after daughters, Mrs. you usé cold cream, and washed Volt next mo ng. il Here 1s one thing that actually doesd hl Jonge wrinkles, remove t udek- and at trifing cost: ee hem Powder 1 Oh, Use as a face mo a MILLINERY OPENING SATURDAY, MAR. 14 And following days Opposite YMCA. Phone 1267 SAX dissolved in 1-2 pm witeh |} bath. \ Freckles February and March March Worst Months For This Trouble--How to Remove Easily There's a reason why: nearly everybody = freckles . im February and March, but happily there is also a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled, Simply get an ounce of othine double strength, from your druggist |. a little of it night and morning, and in a féw days you should see that even the "worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the light cnes have vanighed entirely. Now is tha time to. rid yourself of freckles, for if. not re- moved now they will stay all sum- mer, and spoil an otherwise beautl- ful conplexion. Your money back if othine fails, and apply 257 Princess St. Guide Forl Buyi - REPUTATION--Is the wheel 'well years? We can tell you of Massey hat i ave been in use in Kingston for ten years and are still going MATERIAL~Is the frame of the best seamless Ee. Are all joints re-enforced? Has it got four coats of enamel and one of rust-proof before nameliings PROTECTION OF FRAME AND PARTS-----The bright parts should all be copper-plated: before being nickelled. The spokes should be the best piano wire and rust-proof. GUARANTEE--The Massey Bieycle carries a full guarantee against defects in material and workmanship. Don't buy a 'wheel be- cause it is cheap, because you want a whee that will be as good next November as it is in April. Treadgold Cycle and g Goods Co. KINGSTON, ONT. 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE B20, JOS. B. ABRAMSON WISHES TO ANNOUNCE HIS MILLINERY OPENING : Wednesday, March [8th And following days. Very large display of Paris and New York Styles. During opening week 10% to 15% Discount for Cash Phone 1437 Pure Beer is The malt is a nourishing pre- digested food---the hops 'are appetizing, tonical and have a nerve sedative effect -- the trifle of alcohol, 41-29% aids digestiom. (] Then you will get beer that is made pure and kept pure from the brewery to your glass. We go to ex- tremesin cleanliness. Even the air in which Schlitz is cooled is filtered. See . hist crown or cork is branded © Schlitz." ¥ é t Telephone No. 242 Rigney & Hickey, 136-188 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont