AE -------- tra aa ar Selected from the choicest coffees in the world -- roasted, blended and packed in the most modern plant in Canada, Ghai Coffee is the recognized standard in thousands of homes. Montreal. natural color to Grey Hair. Removesdan- druff promotes a thick bealthy growth. lsmotadye. Results fornia. Your money A if you are not satisfied. [fi 00, S0e, 25c. r* Aruggists, Liberal trial ) caliph of 25 ded your "and Mrs. G. B. Leeder and Mr. Fin WHAT WHIG + HAVE TO TELL. wents of the People. visiting . friends at is visiting friends in after 'a bad George awing stone for . Weldon ills, called on his iF Parsons. Bellrock Budgot Bellrock, March 17.---Miss H. Phil- { lps, Harrowsmith, is spending a few on , of Ellis sister, Mrs. W. " 'days at the home of her sister, Mrs. |W. Vanest. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bauder, Desert Lake, called on friends here last Sunday, Mrs. G. M. Sanborn has moved to Stockdale. Visitors: Mrs. Gauthier, Gananoque, at E. Revell's; Mrs. W. Burley, Ver- ona, at J. Pomeroy's; Miss Oliva San born, Sydenbam, at Mrs. G. W. San» {born's. | Dulcemaine Doings Dulcemaine, March 16.--The sleigh- ing is 'about gone in this 'vieinity. John Fodey's sawing machine is be- ing heard again. W. H. Lpacock hag sold out to R. Williams and will lo- cate in Lansdowne. Borm, to Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Deir, Warburton, a daugh- ter. Mrs: J, Patiepce is visiting in Brockville. Recent visitors: G, Gar. diner, A. Leacock, eankyille; E. Dobbs, J. Scott, Athens, at H. H. Leacock's; Mr. aud , B. Cook, Ganapoque, at W. Cook's; Mrs. W. Eaton, Lyn, at J. Fumphre 's; Leo Dundon, Brewer's Mills; W. J. 0'Gra- dy, W. O'Grady, N, Fodey, Warbur- ton; Miss Maggie Donovan, Escott, at Mrs. William Patience's. Trevelyan Tidings Trevelyan, March 16.--Miss Ethel Shea, Brockville, spent the week-end the guest of Miss H. Leeder = Mr. and Mrs. James Cobey, Caintown, visited at BE J. Leeder's on Sunday. Mrs. J. Flood returned home after vigit- ing the past' week in Lansdowne. Mr. * and Mrs. Allan Kavanagh, Sheatown. | Sunday. "HOME, SWEET HOME" | at R. J. leeder's recently. R. Fortune and Miss M. Fermison, Junetoyn, visited at R. Dixie's on 8. Ferguson and Miss Eula Caintown, spent an evening Mr. and Tenant, | Mrs. T. Ronen, McIntosh Mills, spent LACKS SINCERITY WHEN HUNG ON'RENTED WALLS, OWN THE KEY TO YOUR FRONT DOOR. 8 Cement block house on Rus- pell street, seven rooms. good cellar, will be romplete on the first of May, for $2500.00. Double frame house on a corner, $2850.00. Brick veneer house on Syd- enbam street; lot 356 x 66 feet; furnace, electric light, gas and improvements, $3659.00. Double frame house on Montreal street, $1500. | ORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and General Insor : ance. 197 WHLLUANGRON BT, ONTARID WOMAN'S FORTUNE Freed From That Weak, Lan: guid, Always Tired Feel ing, by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Compound. Thessalon, Ont. --* I cannot speak too thly of your medicine. When my ap- hs Emm petite is poor and I 's Vegetable Compound, and it i. Nn INE ib to others." -- CAMERON, Thessalon, Ont. are suffering fron those ills peculiar to their sex sight of these facts or | Sunday at Fred. Yeeder's. ll intends fo stock it. Miss - Lo- roita Leeder, of Athens high school, spent Sunday under the parental roof. W. J. Lappan, Melcombe, is visit- ing his swsber, Mrs. Joseph Flood. Meésgrs. T. Stack and O'Rielly XKav- anagh, Mallorytown, spént Sunday eve at R. J. Leeder's. At Chaffey's Locks Chaflfey's Looks, March 16.--John Regan has moved on his farm and J. H. Secqtt mbved ioto the house that Jolin Re. gan vacated. J. "A, Davis, Glen Falls, N.Y., has takén charge of the Opinicon Club house as manager for the season. F. W. Alford's new resi- dence is nearing completion. W. Kerr, ; LOTTIE The American queen of beauty cess, "The and night. News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun- of |. St. Lawrense, 18.--One of Oh Suiith H.. The saw mill is going again | da . X going. agai Red Rose," at the Gran du on Saturday, March 21st, matinee new re- r. and Nes day, in JW. . and Mrs. DP. J. Mi a Mills, Miss Kennedy, F ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nolan, Newboro, at W. H. Flenting's; Mrs. NM. Alford wd has turned after spending fing the sunnier AE) 'winter with her Son st Abbey, | Sask. " Death ai St. Lawrence Wale Toland dents) of this i in the person of who leaves to mbumrn his ughter, A. wharf a oat has returned to } , Murray t Sunday at J. Mur phy's. 5s Loretta O'Brien return- ol home on Sunday after the past week.on Howe Island. Har- old Dignem veturned home after spending whe past few davs in King- ston. Martin O'Brien hns returned home after spending the past week visiting at J. O'Brien's. At Kaladar Station Kaladar Station, March 16.--Mrs Fleming arrived home on Saturday after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Dunnétt, of Roseneath. Mrs. Lewis, of Shaanonville, spent a week at her old home here, re- turning to-day. Messrs Evert Haghes, Roy Lewis and Curt Thomp- gon spent Sunday at Ehn Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left here on Saturday after spending a few waeks with the former's brother, Sanford Thompson." Mr. and Mrs, John Forbes were visitors at H. Wood's vesterday. A wee be come to stay at Joseph Forbes'. Miss Emma and Messrs. 'Stanley and Ira Wood and Arthur Forbes spent Sunday evening at Mrs. Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shuman are in town to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Tryon, Br. of Elm Tree, visited their sons here during last week. Mrs. Flem- nig is goon to leave Kaladar. She will be greatly missed by the people here." There was no service here yesterday owing to a funeral service | which Mr, Merrick wa$ asked to hold at Flinton. THE WAISTCOAT BLOUSE a waistcoat extension below the belt. slender with a simple pleated silk in yellow tint. The wais purser and given the furnishing of meals according to 'his proposal. Resolved that No. 4 Continuation school be pafd $300, to be collected on 'public school property on 1914 collector's roll. Council adjourned to the first Monday in April at 10.30 a. m Tweed News Tweed, March 16.--Mr. Fitzgerald is preparing- for a busy season at the hub factory by laying in a good sup- ply of raw material for manufactur- ing purposes. Frank Mains opens up his new butcher shop this week. Mr. Henley Js opening up another shoe shop in the village. James Murphy is about to start another trip to the morthwest this week. Ed- ward Courneya, who has been visit- ing friends here during the past week, reurned to Gray, Saskatche- wan, on Tuesday. The concert on Wolfe Island Council Wolfe Island, March 9.--Specijal meeting called by the reeve. Mem- hers all present. Minutes last meeting confirmed steamboat ac- counts paid: Woodman and Cramer, coal, $16.25; M. O'Shea, balance sal- ary as captain, $73.60; John Ken- nedy, balance salary as engineer, $60; E. Kelly, assisting engineer, 17 days, $25.60; Willlam Armstrong, as-|q; patrick's night promises to be a sisting engineer, 6 days, $9; McKel-| oq success, Mr, Smiley, of Toron- vey and Birch, amount of account to, is the great drawing card. The January and February, $13.22; J.4iphtheria scare is happily passing Cosgrove, auditor, $7.50; James Me-l gay Willlam Paul, M. P., of Tam. Glynn, $7.50. 3 worth, passed through here enroute Township accounts paid: S. AD8-irro;m Ottawa on Saturday. A. lin & company, plank account fori yejity and Mr. Morton, assessor. for bridge, $20.27; R. H. Card, bulld-ling Township of Hungerford, have ing bridge, $5.00; Louns Larush.|just completed their work for the helping build bridge, §1.75;- Mrs. W.|soason. Fred Steinburg, of Peter. Matier, charity to Morris, $6; J. D.inhoro, paid a visit to his parents and Cosgrove, auditor, $7.50; James M.|frends here last week, Thomas Glynn, auditor, $7.50; moved, Gilles: |Keilty returned to Calgary last week, pie-McLaren, that Allan McDonald [after a two-weeks' visit with parents be appointed captain of the steamer and friends here. 'Wolfe Islander according to his appli- catdon, Moved in amendment, M:Glynn-Orr, that Michael O'Shea be appointed captain. Motion earried by vote of the reeve. John Gray appointed engineer at the usual sal- ary "and George Rattary appointed Budget From Plevna Plevna, March 14.--The auction sale at 8. 8. Barton's on Friday was well attended. Stock brought good prices. Mr. Barton and his brother, William, will leave Monday for their vew homes in Alberta. The family will follow later. R. Kring has sold his hous and lot in the village to William Davy, of Fernlaigh. The funeral of the late John Stalker, sr., who died on Wednesday, March 11th, was held on Friday from the home cf his daughter, Mrs. A. Lyons, Fern- leigh. The funeral sermon was preached in the Methodist church by Rev. W. Hall and the remains were placed by the side of nis wife at Playfair's Corners. The home of Mrs. C, 'Olhman was destroyed by fire on February 20th. As there were no men near, very litile was {|sdved. A. Card and F. Barton spent a few days in Renfrew recent- 1 John Barton spent a couple of days in Kingston last week, Mrs. G. Osler returned from Ottawa on Thursday accompanied by her daughter, Miss Jone. There are prospects of a new stor2 in the vil- lage. (AI FIRE The Chatson House Was Burned on Monday. Denbigh, March 17.--The inhabi- tants of this usually quite village and vicinity were alarmed yesterday morning about half past eight o'clock by shouis of fire and the ringing of the church bells at an un- usual time, and lost no time to ascertain the cause, The garrett of the Chatson house, our best equip- ped hostelry was found to be a mass of fire, which had alreday made so much headway when dis- covered that all efforts to save the buflding were soon found to be in vain. There were enough helping hands soon present, howeved, to save nearly all the contents, As there was 4 strong wind blowing, which blew the flames and burning cinders towards and over the Luther an church and parsonage, just across (he st¥eet, great fear was entertained 'for a while that they jand the adjoining outbuildings would be destroyed by the fire, But a light sprizkiing of rain, which set in at the opportune moment damp- ened the roofs of the adjoining buldings somewhat and helped to avert' a greater calamity. KENDALL. with Jobn OC. Fisher's musical suc effect; which always obtains Women tend to enbonpoint. Here is a waistcoat blouse by Lavin, worn travelling suit of cinnamon brown mohair. I5 of white indestructible voile hemstitched in yellow amd the cravat of COMES IN ALL MATERIALS A sure winner for spring, in horsey. parlance, is the blouse with This blouse suggests a long-waisted favor in a Country where half the The blouse tecont extension is white satin, COMING TO KINGSTON Respected Residents of Latimer to Make Their home Here Latimer, March 17.--A pleasant so- cial evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Sherman, Lati- mer, on Monday, March 9th, when about fifty neighbors and friends gath- ered to say farewell upon the eve of their departure for =~ Kingston, where they intend making their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman have spent ull their married life in this neighbor- hood, and during that time Have made many kind friends and gained the re- spect of the community. The evening was enjoyably spent in music . and games, after which refreshments were served. A pleasant feature was the presenta- tion to Miss Kathleen Sherman, from the Latimer Sunday school, of a heau- tiful gold mounted parasol, suitably engraved, and accompanied by an ad: dress expressing appreciation of the cheerful and unselfish manner in which she had labored as organist, as well as in the work of the Sunday school and church, and expressed the hope that in future days she would find larger opportunities for the use of her talents and abilities. "The address was read by H. A. Darling, and 'the pre- sentation made by G. E. Leatherland, assistant superintendent and superin- tendent respeotively of the Sunday school. Miss Sherman replied in a few suitable words. Rev. A. F. Shorten, in behalf of the friends gathered, expressed regret at the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Sher man and family, and wished them ev- ery blessing in the days to come in their new home, assuring them of the continued interest of friends in their future {ives and 'welfare. Mr. Sherman in a few very feeling words referred to ery. perséh right, and said that they were leaving many kind friends, He wanted all to remember that the door ture, and the friends who came to see them would be welcomed. The com- pany broke up about midnight, every- one wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and family the very best in days, to come in their new home. NEW CURE FOR OBESITY Kschew Chairs and Sit Says Physician Boston, March 19.--Dr.-E. H. Brad- ford in an address before the Har- {vard Medical School spoke hope to I the middle aged who are phlegmatic, dyspeptic and are suffering from. in- creased weight and decreased circula- tion, whose-only relaxation is stalk- jing a goli ball of the hygienic '**con- { stituthonal." All one needs to do |is to foreswear chairs and sit on i the floor. | "If lifting 180 more or less pounds from the floor every time you want to move isn't exercise enough to eire | what ails you, Your ease is hope less," said Dr. Bradford. "Sitting on the floor will prevent hollowing of the back, roundness of the should- ers," said Dr. Bradford, "and later- al curvature of the spine if started early enough. It may incapacitate you from work, your not Leing adapted to that form of ex- ercise, but have your children do Wi anywai. If sitting on the ground is good for Oriental savages it will be bettec for inhabitants' of the nursery that sitting om badly design ed chairs." on Floor, Chicago Girl Kidnapped Chicago, March, Rad only in her night ! twent oF aitrem a et block from the dines | lice station, 'was !room at da) hy ! carried 16 g be tor an alle in ns h and hurriedly driven aways' = © | "Touch Evabofl, propriftor of the ho- i tel, was forced into a bag room at the point of a revolver a sixth man while the screaming girl was be ing carried through the y. the "kidnapping" was ' to the ' police. tectives are searching for a jilted sweetheart of the girl iene: The dangerous part of the hypo crite is rvunt in his words, A lot of e harbor great pectations without cause, ot. ex- the fact that he had tried to use ev- | iof his home would be open in the fu-! Buy |Pasteurized Milk in by wearing one of the new models of D & A Corsets. Without undue compression, nor of natural beauty they give the correct lined insisted upon by fashionable dress makers, ve recommend No. fof Uinetrated, for evening h ¥ es hetng speany esol a texture a vith haported models i oh morte I ia L Phone 845 Our milk is strained three times and bottled at once. Bottles PRICE'S THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuables Medicine ever discovered. The best knows Rema=dy for CouGHS, CoLDs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. 4ets like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cots abort al' sttacks of $IASMS. Checks and urrests (hove (oo often fatal disesser--FEVER, CROUP sad AGUE. The only palliative (3 NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATIS:L. Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in dvops. graduated according fo the malady, It wwvariably nlieves pain op whatever kind ; credtes a calm refreshing step allays irritation of the vervous system when all other vemeilies fail: leaves | tu bad effects : and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated, E insIsT ON HAVDIG Ue J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY With 'gach BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemiste Prices ia Cogland : i 2/8, sje Sole Masufscierers; Th: ismease wuecesy of bis Remedy ba given rise 10 many imitations. N.B.--Every bottle of Gesvln : Chlorodyse Sears on the stamp the name of the tsventor, Dr. J. |Get a Bicycle | For your | Batons ~ Pleasure-- Health | Get A Bicycle-- | But what kind of a Bicycle? | A bicycle made by a Bm of established reputition for good value and tho reliability. dit dud A bicycle adjusted properly according to your height Ae al and edaiphed > a manner calculated to give the best restilts when your 'personal needs and the character-of the Jiatzict you ride in, and the purpose you have in Col 2 = view, are all consider: i for you, vy matter what your business or *- Pri-conster speed gear) is pre-eminent in re hen Spotd fea "Raleigh * A full stock of Ever. Px Warehouse at 193 Oueen St. East Raleigh, "Popular," with Coaster Brake, $49.00 'Raleigh, "Gazette," with Coas ter Braka, 135.00, : © Dealers wanted