- up. To-day she strengthens her stews ity to-morrow she uses it as a basis March 12, 1913. a digh of her own, the next day she She says 4 A It's thie best thing I ever put into the |TeRis he expected to. make for the | cupboard." her gravies with it. { the license the next day. ' Mrs. Stelmel has been living with Bt you MUST bel them for half- Sehour--Worth it | Grand for hashes, stews and made ~ dithes, Of all wholesale and 4 {hotel C het wd toe Stall Grocers, etc, BIR ft toes chert W. G. Patricy & Co., Limited, Toron- 18; representative for the provinee of . Ontario. Full flavored and perfectly cooked § make delicious FOOTWEAR We have some splendid lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 We should be glad to show yon our Boys' and Se¢hool Boots at prices from $1.50 to $3.00. All good solid leather. Scott's Shoe Store 260 PRINCESS ST. Branch 208 Barrie St. REPAIRING DONE ¥ ----------_-- Proved of Great Value to Me" "NA-DRU-CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS . | brave death in the Bronx river to my éase. Na-Dru-Co | through the ice. success aa remedy, on- | who died in New Yerk last week, and Chemical . Cd snd res sold box. HONEYMOON SAME WOMAN BEING BRIDE §t. Lonis Saloon Masager Rematries the Wife Who Had Obained Two Pivorces trom Him, Bt, Lows, March 20.--Adolph Siéimel, manager of a saloon, and! his wife are on their third honey- Their second divorce period recently ended when they were re- uarried. by Justice of the . Peace ra. Steimel obtained a divorce the custody of their A children, Alvin and Alice. . .. Three mnths later thay remartied, and ter 8¢ year and a half Mrs, Stelmel obtained | her second divorce. It was granted: Mrg. Stelmel recently telephoned 10 her husband asking what arrange- support of the children. His request for a personal interview was grant. ed. It resulted in their visiting Clayton the same night for a mar. riage license. The office was closed, #0 they returned to St. Louis and got her mother and the husband at a UNION TICKETS ELECTED Elections Held in Various Villages in Jefterson County Alexandria Bay, N.Y., March 18.-- At the village election held' Tuesday | afternoon, 136 votes were cast. . Aj ¢ there was | no opposition to the citi: 7en's ticket, the following were elect- ed: Wiliam H. Plimpton, president +.B. Reid and W. M, Willex, trustees {fot two years; M. J, Lantier and John | Hartman, trustees for one year; C. W. | Putnam, treasur r, and F. B. Wheeler, | colleotor, The proposition for open: | air concerts by the Citizens' band duc- {ing the K summer months was carried | a vote of 71 to 28, Cape Vincent, March 18.-lhe fol lowing union ticket was elected at the Alexander Horne, president; Harry | Robbins, trustee; Frank G, Blum, trea- surer; Arthur C. Gardiner, collector. | Clayton, March 18. y Jolene | ticket was elected here : President, | Charles H. Wilbur; trustees for two years, W. D. Lautier and Frank B. | Kittle; collector, Calvin Shire; trea- | vurer, Emmett Dygert. Shire was not ono the regular ticket but his name was written in and he received a ma- jority of 8 over Charles J. Lingen- {felter, the regular candidate. The pro- | position to raise $3,000 for street lighting and the proposition to abol- ish the poll tax were both carried. } ee -------------- i PETITION FOR PARDON Filed on Behalf of 18 Labor Leaders Washington, March 19.~Application for pardon by eighteen of the labor leaders convicted in the "'dynamiting cases" at jadisnapolis was filed yes. terday with the depextment of jus- fra by the prisoners' attorney, ax jak N. Zoline, of Chicago, The pe- spitd that the men were in; Judge Albert. B. ho presided. over the fer at Indianapolis when they were convicted, did not give them a fair and impartial trial. Mr. Zoline announced that at least twenty members of the house and several semators would appear before the department. or tha president in behalf of the aeonvicted mem. ! 'In a supplementary letter to Pre- sident W§lson, Attorney Zolme stated that a special train to convey the defendants to: the Leavenworth in tentiary was ordered forty days be fore the verdict by the jury; and that the men were on way to the penitentiary one hour after sen- | tentes were pronounced upon them. | Lehigh Valley Railroad Sued New York, March 19.--The Lehigh Valley Railroad golpany was sued here. by Attorney-General McReynolds undér the Sherman anti-trust law as being the dominant factor in a com- bination alleged to. control the out. put of hard coal from the Pennsyl. sania fields it touches; , More than a dozen other corpora- tions aud individdals" were named ae co-defendants and parties to a oon- spiracy to monopolize that trade, Convicted Thousands saw a New York hobo save Frank Longo, who went When the rescue | was made the hobo fled unidentified. The will of George Westinghouse, | was filed for probate. No estimate {of the value of the estate is made, but it is said to be about $85,000,000. Naming a suicide, Dr. Edward De Baun, co-respondent, Dr. C. D. Crop- sey is suing his wife for divorce at Rutherford, N. J. De Baun's dead "HOME, SWEET HOME" LACKS SINCERITY WHEN RUNG ON RENTED WALLS, OWN THE KEY TO YOUR FRONT DOOR, ~ Cement block house on Rug oll street, seven rooms good Tr, Will be romplete on the of May, tor $2500.00. bie frame house on a pga 3 Quse on Syd- ' énham street; lot 85 x 65 feet; ; ce, electric light, gas and 'improvements, $3659.00, is uble u street, § 500 CTTW ! i | | Hi | much expected | thet they constantly overdo andi suf- if fer from. headache, fl ness and kindred Tn hand held a note "I love only one." Find Help in Simple Tonic How many womem do you lmow 'who are perfectly well, stro and 'healthy as a8 woman should be p to lie im bed ; , thin, ner- tired and devitalized. she 's0 active nowadays, them nervous- 5 'need Vinc', our deli- ONEYMOON = TRIP: ' |oN THIRD HON i Tanjore. sen, ity fof the French Indian. de- meleg, travelling recently ia. Idi wad impressed by the good- 0 rasan a RE ne Se s yA 0, in Pondicherry pr the other French history of Pondicherry during the 'eighteenth centilcy is: one of con- stant warfare between the French and English. Taken by the English under Gel. Eyre Coote in 1761, it was re- stored to France in 1765 and again ir Hector Mi i 3. rench and taken for the third time by the British under Col. Braithwaite in 1703. The final restoration to Erance took place in 1816. M, Bluysen, whose opinion as to the extension of the entente cordiale to India has been cabled to the Monitor, considers that the time has come. to} bring ihe spirit of good-will and friendship which exists between Eng. land and France to boar upon the problems and difficulties which exes cise the French authorities in India. The formation of Pondicherry, for insfance, divided ns it is into sections y strips and enelaves of Hritish ter: ritory, and hampered by the existence of a customs tarifi, leaves very much to be desired when the interests , of French trade come to be considered. At the present time, a difficulty threatens which co-operation between French and British authorities could probably circumvent. A water reser- voir ia shortly to be comstrueted in Mysore territory which will interfere with the water supply of Karikal and The scheme is under the considera: tion of a committee sitting in -Ma- drag, and M. Bluysen' proposes that a french representative from Pondicher- | ry should be admitted to its sittings. ! Apart from this M, Bluysen has no | definite scheme to lay before the | French government; his purpose is to draw attention to the fact that co- | operation between the two countries in | Y India would be both natural and sirable, MINISTERS APPLAUD ATTACK | de | Baseball Evangelist Comes Red Hot Criticism New York, March 20.-- Red hot criticiem of Evangelist Billy Sunday and his methods as "expensive, inef- fectual and undignified" was clur- rent. among Methodist pastors here as the result of a meeting of the Methodist ministers of Manhattan, Broklyn and the Jersey conference in which the attacks on Sunday be- came 80- bitter that finally the doors were closed. . "If, you criticise Sunday he tells you to go to hell," said the Rev. E. 4. Piper, of Pittshurgh, who also ns- serted that Sunday "abused the Pro- testant churches with the worst kind of billingsgate, but never once aaid aught against the Roman Catho- lie ¢hurch." Mpre than 300 ministers were pre- sent at the meeting and most of them loudly applauded the attacks on Sunday. The Rev. Mr: Piper said the ex- in for! pense of Sunday's recent Pittsburgh | revival was $90,000 and its returns '41 alleged converts, showed that $260 oach wa sthe cost. Particularly were the New York ministers aghast at Sunday's repor- ted demand that the churches close up during a planned campaign here. Former Superintendent Chadwick, of the local conference, said: "Are we ready to get down on our knees to. Sunday? Do we want to close up ninety-six of our, churches that Sunday may manage them? Shall our: Protestant churches in New York go out-of business for a month that Sunday may have some- thing to do?" The general impression of the con- ference was that they would mot: PRAYER CURES GIRL Coudn't Walk, Now She Uses Her Limbe Freely New. York, March 20.--Alberta Field- er, sixteen years old, cousin of former Governor Fielder, of New Jersey, who for live years. was totally unable to walk until last Christmas day when she managed to use crutches a little, istnow able to use her legs freely. Her parents, who have seen her paralyzed form wilting 'away in helplessness, through five terrible. years and had engaged 'the most eminent: specialists to operate upon her, all to no avail, were filled with. delight when she used the: crutches. 'The girl had not told her parents that for months she had slowly pusbed her little wheeled chair to the deor of. a woman friend, of the family, had been carried: inside and had prayed. with the woman's friends. Un Friday last, Alberta had gone out for her aftergoon airing as usual. Her mother was in the ing-room, sewing, when she came home. Mrs. Fielder looked up from her sewing in answer to a sudden cry, "Mother, I can walk." It was then for the first time that she told her mother of her cure by faith--of her visits to the weman friend who prayed with her for heal ing. : As the child spoke she walked across the room. Woman Received 835.000 (Feo Chicago, March 19.--Miss. Mal EK. Mauer, yer. and active sufix tk, 18 dead bere. Miss . Miller- recently, re- ceived a fee of ¥35,000 in a case be- fore the supreme court, said to be the largest ever paid to a woman lawyer. fhe was born. in Calhoun county, ., forty-eight years ago. ate 8 The Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Con "Vanderbilt, open- ed the headguarters of the London Home Workers League for non-fac- tory -work-women. She attacked the government insurance act in a speech. Mrs. Robert Goelet's petition for divorce from her husband was grani- ed. - Mrs. Goelet charged extreme cruelty, and supported it with de- positions that required three hours of the court's time to listen to it. . H. R. Charlton has gone to San Francisco to superintend the letling of the contracts for the building "Every Home Has Dozens of Uses for Panshineé-- | Keeps woodwork and paintwork spotlessly clean and white.. Scours pots and pans. Cleans cutlery and glass- wap Ware. Makes bathrooms spick and span, Keeps kitchens immaculate and sweet. g 1® a clean, white, pure powder that has no disagreeable smell, won't scratch and will. not injure the hands. Buy Panshine. You'll be glad you did, + Large Sifter Atall Tap Tin 1 Oc. Gross Pg LL Rr [P "BEAVER FLOUR" makes ideal bread end pastry, becauss it is a perfect blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat, You don't need to keep two kinds of flour for bread and pastry. Beaver Floar makes both--a pure, white, nourishing, light loaf that "stands up' in the oven, and pastry that is crisp and appetizing. Itismore economical than other flours, and appeals to all thinking women. Order it to-day from your groces, BRALERS--Write for prices ou all Foods, Coarse Grains and Cereals. WHEY. § TAYIAR Co. LIMITED, CHATHAM, JR A CN ---------- from a E-- I ---- which the Grand Trunk is. going to put up at the great exposition. and. dyspepsia. You know us--your family druggist. know about, nor dare to break a promise. prove our faith in it doesn't relicve you and in every way satisfy you, YG are, we honestly believe, the best remedy 'made for Indigestion, { y p 'We Promise You All Stomach Trou b! Or Your Money Bac We honestly believe we have the best remed 1a. We urge you to try it atbour risk. If it doesn't relieve you---as we feel sure it will--we"ll give Our milk is strained at once. PRICE'S It is almost impossiblé to keep your feet dry at this season of the year without a pair of good rubbers. Come in and let us fit your shoes correctly witha par. °° J, H. SUTHERLAND & BRO THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES i rl ¥ § back your money without a word. \ in the world for indigestion You know we wouldsi't dare recommend anything we didn't Therefore, we believe it to be better than any other to relieve the ailment for which it is made, and when we and our sincerity toward you by when we recommend any remedy it is because promising to give back your money if it \ you' have no possible excuse for subt or hesitation. | Dyspepsia Tablet yy TE other Stomach Ils We Know They're Good Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, in addition to other ingredients, contain Pepsin and Bismuth, two great digestive aids used by : They quently the entire medical prof lo soothe the inflamed stomach, check heartburn and distretn stimulate a healthy secretion ic juice, aid in rapid and pomiortalie. dietetio of the food and help to quickly conyert, it into rich red blood, and thereby into flesh, bone and muscle, relieve stomach distress promptly, and, used tend to re- regularly for a time, They aid action. not the most that store the stomach to a easy-acting, healthy greatly to promote regular Don't peglect indigestion, for it free leads to al) sorts of ilis and eof- plications. The pain and ist: unfortunate part. 3 stomach is not, acting, wastes that are constantly taki ac in the body is not being given to the blood either in the proper conditign i enough is far more h ? 4° 1 coca" i "mr sos Noe t stomach. The blues, debility, strength and hergy. Sutipativhe serious ailments rn, trom the of the stomach to needed to Lhe. place or lack 0 ol othe: its work' properly do Mahood's Drug Store KINGSTON, ONTARIO =