BY QUESTIONS PUT TO mim IN| | COMMONS Is it the Policy of Ministers to Retain | Convicted Lawbreakers in Office After the Facts Have Brought 'to Their Attentions? Ottawa, March 20. Another s x of a law<breaker appointed to office ' and tinued in office by, the Bor- den gov ent was told in the com- mons last night, and some more light was shed on the rémarkable nich of 'the ministry in respaci the methods and- actions of 'the varty workers it rewards with publi positions. { The main story. bad to do. with Am! Gray, an Adherta home- stead inspector. Despite the = fact that Mr, Gray had been convicine of breaking the law, he was 'appoin ted inspector after Mr. Borden be came premier. An active pantisar for years past, Mr. Gray resigne¢ Iiis inspectordhip at the beginning of April, 1813, to become a conserva tive can against Hon. Wilfrid Gariepy in the Alberta provincial elections. Defeated in these elec- ti wid W, H. White (the liberal me for Vietoria, Alberta), Mr. Gray was reappointed homestead in- epector In' the very riding in which he had beén a political candidate. Thus, homesteaders who had been his. supporters in the election and other homesteaders who had been his opponents were under his control in matters 'affecting the property which they were seeking to patent. Homesteaders Complain Already, said Mr. White, there arc they pe opposed aise that Reoniaee Were - r. Gray they have received. "the worst, of things' Inabiae parsasally but: bo wou F : ly, but. he wou have an Avent undertaken if any charges were made. Senate Dinner to Veterans | The « senate of Canada last night gave a dibper in the parliamentary restaurant in honor of Sir Mackenzie Bowell and of Hon. C. E. De Boucher- ville, celebrating the ninetieth birth- day of the one and the ninety-first birthday of the other. Hon. J. A. : ment leader of the d, and had on his right and Joseph De Bouch- g his father, who present. bricks." Gibson's. rs, Roland BE. LeBarre, Cleve land Ohjo; Mrs. Charles A. Donald- son, Youngstown, Alberta, and E. J. Morency, of Chicago, Ill, who come to attend the funeral of ths late Mrs. George Morency, are spendiug a Tow days with dhe father at Portiwcouth, ""Hozeline snow." Gibson's. Police C ble Berrigan arrested al middle-sgéd man, early Friday after- noon, on 8 of begging. Weese's sale place to buy. DAILY MEMORANDA See top of page 3, right hand corner, for pn 08. Ihe he fed and ered rink morning, after noon and evening, Saturday. Last time for Saturday morning band. senate, Sir M; erville, was upsble to be "loe eronm M: House, 2.30 p. Rose," Been 1 HON. HEWITT BOSTOCK Of Beltish Columbia, who has been chasen leader of the senate libersls. FOUND $10,000 BILL There Since Stolen From Bank in 1912, Ha¢ana, March™ 20.--The secret po- 'ice found a $10,000 bill sewn in the coat of Antonio Ayala, the bank ines senger who was convicted of steal 8 registered letter, which reached the National Park bank of New York with a sugar report, instead of ' the $200,000 sent by the Natioval bank of Cuba. This was in October, 1919. This accounts for six of the twenty 210,000 bilis which were stolen from the letter at that time. The police have been searching for the money ever since, and are confident that they will soon find the rest of it. Old Colleagues Send Flowers Ottawa, March 20.-Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier and the other former collengues of the late Hon. William Paterson sent to Brantford, last night, & bean- tiful floral emblem to be plficed on the coffin of the deceased statesman. Hon. W. 3. Fielding and Hou. W. 1. M. King, president of the Ontario Re- forin Association, will - go to Brant ford for the funccal. INCREASING DAILY --Body Of Big Man Un- | covered. : Toronto, March 20.--The body of a man, about two hundred: pounds, was found in the ruins of the Woodbine hotel fire' this morning. This could not be Levenson, who was a amall man, and this leads to the belief that the victims of the fire may reachfsix or seven. "In fact," said Manager Speers, as the body was taken out, "1 should not _be surprised if - there .are not a dozen or more bodies found there yet. There were a number of people in the rridors at the time who were mot registered." PITH OF THE NEWS Tidings Told in Terse Measure For Busy Readers The income of the Prince of Wates from the Duchy of Cornwall in 1013 was $428,595. The Jamaica government adopted a law imposing a head tax of $150 on all Syrians and Chinese who enter the country. There may be a genéral election in the' province before another . es- sion of the legislature. The con- servatives favor it. Ii a recommendation of the com- ) & function of the ad- printed in this news + ; 3 those who want . Judiclous buying. fof the market g You what is best nts and wihiere it is are pre- with each readers Aye posted as to where money will do the best | a8 foolish to purchase . 'first seeing what the ents say as it would looking M " sented In competition 'other, Ww {the of conservation is acted up- on the Ontaifo government will take over the forestry in the Trent val oy. | Gordon May, who married a gir) in Brantford, t,, when his wile was living in Oshawa, was sent to prison for three months for bigamy. Be egid the Second know ho was Five persons "were shot, two pro- bably fatally, as. the 'result of a de- mented man, named Kabansky, who ran amuck with a Toaded Tevolver In ashington. He was on way White House when the police popound. D., oreen Be. a | cashing of this cheque and the look» i heen spent and that another £100,000 wd They May Go Higher Than Thought = 'fed to give the guarantee called is HAILEYBURY FRIENDS WORRY. Fear That Dr. Allan Has Met Wi Disaster § Haileybury, March 20--Dr. Rebert Allan, an American subject, who. re sided in Halleybury for the past year left El Paso, Texas, for Mexico City seven weeks ago, and no word has been received from him since. His friends are getting anxious. - He made a Christmas gift. of fif- teen thousand doll. to the local Baptist church, and' the political troubles in Mexico the payment not being made when the cheque wag presented at the bank in Mexico City. It was to secure the ing after of other personal interests fn Mexico that called Allan south in January. / $2,500,000 TO CLEAN SNOW That's What Father Xnickerbocker Will Pay New York, March 20.---Some esti- mate of what the snow storms of -the winter cost the city of New York was had when the street eleaning commis- sion aopounced that $2,400,000 had would be expended before the streets were in normal condition. Altogether more than 5,000,000 cubic yards of snow were removed. There, were eight storms in the city during the winter and about thirty- five inches of snow fell. STEAMER WAS RAMMED BY A TORPEDO BOAT Fifty Persons Lest Their Lives By The - Accident at Venice. Venice, March 20.--A torpedo boat yesterday cut down a German steamer which plies between Venice and the islands separating the lagoon of Venice and the Adriatic and fifty persons were drowned. The sharp nose of the torpedo boat went through the stern of the steamer, which sank almost immedi- ately, Fifteen persons who were on deck at the time were saved by the crew of the torpedo boat. The others were caught in the cabin and were carried down with the wreck. The Malian sailors dived many times in an effort to rescue those who sank with the steanier, but with- out avail, 9 : 'provincial budget were in' thie legislature, yesterday, when sn amendment to the motion to go into supply was moved by C. M. Bowman. the ition that the govern-| ment bad failed to make clear to the house what the estimated expenditure under current and capital account as well .as statutory took the ground that the members should not be call ed upon to vote supply until this in- formation wes given. Suffragettes Defeated in Senate Washington, March 20.--Woman sul-! frage advocates yesterday lost their tight in the United States senate for a resolution proposing an amendment to the federal constitution giving wo- men the ballot. The vote was 35 for (scriptions once With Tcaders, Belfast, Irela p.m. Irish' tim exciting day 'fo sun goes down theré are . ominous sign the morrow, days or m res 'has been whole Province has been uni There are m the goveran 0 | eventuality. = He troops arrived at Enniskillen. Hi garrisons Have these points. 3 garrison at FE a b. W sed t Ww al yi Ca conference h here all 'afterogh x range leadg leers will meet in Belfast hall to-night. sds ters it is said hand to-morrow mi 9 t a flect_of Beitish arskip: try Bay has been oiders i Kongeton harbor, Rl MOrTOW morning. London, March 90.~In : sane quar- a for to- Canadian Grocer For 'ways. that sre that ave vain "heathen ¥ "Thirteen ) young fi enteen "years tof tWonty years of age, made an onslaught on the citizens here, principally merchants, and ple to. yi "cents each year, 4 udand © within & certain No mhgazines have come as vet, and it looks like a hold-up a- gain. Next I" X The dealer in sad oe whether these = men were bona fid subscription agents or mot, and he received this reply : the tion wrote he. d e }it the measure to 34 against it, a two- thirds aflirmative vote being required for passage. Canada's New Arrivals Ottawa, March * 20.--Immigration' to Canada in the eleven months of the fiscal year ended with February totalled 363,038, an increase of 6,000 over the corresponding period. Of the new-comers, 136,699 were British, 97,406 Americans, and 128,- 936 from other countries, | Repairs to Cornwall Canal | Cornwall, Ont., March 20.--The Cornwall canal will be unwatered on Monday, and for four weeks extensive | improvements will be made at lock 20. A concrete retaining wall will be built here, and also over the old lock, 19, which will do away with the ex- pense of maintaining gates, efc. ONE OF THE MOVES IN STAGING TH BL Rural Tory Member Shocked Over Government Intention To Grant Killions To C. N. R. Ottawa, March 20. -- The Frea Press says: 2 The government has decided to guarantee the bonds of the Canadian ~ lion dollars. The conservative caucus, which the aid, was merely of the necessary moves in staging the bill The idea of endorsing the mote of Mackenzie and Mann for fifty million dollars came 2s a shock to members representing rural constituencies. Most of them have had unhappy ex- 'periences after putting their vames to the back of other men's paper. group. The government having determin- followers to cancus. or against the aid, But the decision | subseriptions ing ern to the amount of fifty mil- kept was supposed to decide for or against [pot "Dear, Sir,--~We thank you for the interest in this wmagadine which prompted your letter of the 2nd inst. We have arrangements with various subscription agencies for canvassing for Pearson's Maga: zine. We have made no scholarship offer. It may be that some of -the agencies have made such offers to their canvassers." Inquiries have been made by the Canadian Grocer in Toronto and it was discovered that this same gang, or one similar, bas been opera- ting there. There was at least one man operating. with a proposition re- dembling that to. which the King- dion dealer refers. He called from door to door offering magazines at greatly reduced €lubbing rates, giv- three $2 magazines, for instance, for $1.50. It is only necessary to cite a. particular ease to show that this was a bogus subscription can vasser. Ome party is known who gore three or four momths ago gave him $1.50 for three magazines but wothing has yet arrived to re praesent the outlay. : This case is-merely cited to rhow how we must ever he on the alert. Men are not prone 'to. publish widely the fact that they have been separa- ted easily from hard-earned money. Perhaps if they were more open a- bout it these bogus agents might find their occupation Sone; But sined human nabirei the average a lenst-4ds such that these losses are secret, it must be urged . upon those who have not been caught to wv "one eye open." can- ap i these . davs of fraudulent stock-watering and wild-cat schemes. elmer st sides} Needle in Girl's Hand "Cancelled library books." Gibson's. Two men were arrested at Chester- ville bea their way on the C. P. R., and at 'were suspected of be- ing the Montreal Dighwaymen. They ith's Falls, who sent them to b- | Premier Borden this summer, the vote at the Temple build. s ly in favor of me- dical examiner, J. M. Cotton, M.D., Toronto, appointed; grand guide, D. J. Power, Ottawa; grand inside watch- man, Henry Fisher, Concord avenue, Toronto; grand outside watchman, W. E. Wells, Dresden; grand lodge audi- tors, UU. G. Knott and A. E. Hager- man, Toronto, re-elected. Prémier May Visit Yukon Ottawa, March 20.-In connection with the proposed western trip 2 T. Thompson, M. P., for the Yukon, ex- ®|tended to the premier a formal invi- tation to visit the Yuken. Mr. Bor- "Jjden expressed his pleasure in going if it is at all possible, «od PREFERS ELECTRIC CHAIR 10.20 YEARS IN PRISON Accused Murderer's Reply To Par- ent's Request That He Plead ~ Guilty New York, March 20.--"I would ridbher go to' the electrie chair than spend twenty years in prison," said 19-year-old Harry Schaeffer to his parents in the supreme court when they urged him to plead guilty in the second degree at his trial on the charge of first degree murder for the Killing 'of William T. Martin, a To- ronto milliner, last August. Taking the stand in his own de- fence, Schaeffer said he and his com- panion, who is now a fugitive, had not intended to kill , Martin, * but merely to quiet him until they could rob him. " After the crime, the younth testi- fied, he and his companion fled to Baltimore, pawned Martin's ring there," went to St. Louis and separ- ated, 'Schaeffer later becomipg: con- lence stricken and gave himself up. % - ------------------ an gid "BOARD OF HEALTH WAN Police Constable Timmerman As Sanitary Inspector "It is understood that thé Board of Health will ask the City Council to appoint Police Constable Nicholas Timmerman as sanitary inspector of the city, so that there will be some- one to give his whole time to' the work. At present, Market Clerk McCammon is acting, but he has other duties to perform. The medical health officer has had samples of milk taken of late, and examination of some of them is not very favorable. In one sample, bloody mucus matter was found. It a more rigid system of dairy inspec- tion, and see that the peoplé are sold milk that is free from contamination. A Clever Youth! The Morrisburg Herald states that on the recent stormy Sunday night a number of young fellows who went to visit girls were unable to get home, and had to be put up for the night. Twenty-five years ago in Bruce county, they told a story of a voung man who, being caught in a blizzard, was constrained to stay all night by - the hospitallile whose house he had visited. disappeared after supper, and on coming in explained that he had run home and fetched his nighty. But we do not vouch for the story. We merely revive it. FORTUNE SMILED UPON. CAMP COOK He Was Working For $70 A Month -~He Now Gets $80 A Winnipeg, Mareh 20.--A few mornings ago "Jack" Hamber awoke realizing he was a cook: in a coal miners' camp at Paccahontas, Al- berta. Before nightfall he learned that a distant relative in Glasgow, Scotland, had died and had left him a fortune of $400,000 and possibly $650,000. ir The fortunate cook was drawing the munificent stipend of $70 a month; to-day his income is approxi- mately $30 # day. He of fortune phlegmatically and he ex- presses his intention of returning to the old land and settling down. . In the camp st which Hamber had been cook, 350 miners were employ- ed. His "boss" was "Jack" Vil- leneuve, one of the best known min- ers in w Canada. is likely that the board will enforce |®® farmer; SEEN VIOLENT RECEPTION 5 GIVEN TO SIR EDWARD CARSON JN BELFAST It is Stated that Premier Asquith and Other Government Leaders Have Broken Down Undse the Irish Home Rule "wraim, 5 London, March 20.--The London Times (unionist) and probably the most: representative of the opinion of the thinking tories, while admitting that the general outlook is dark, and could not be much worse, says that the door to a settlement has fortun- ately not been closed to any of the parties to the Irish controversy, and the minority 'members. of parlia- ment are still hoping for a settlement at the last moment. Word comes from Belfast of an ex- tremely violent reception to Sir Ed- ward Carson, when he arrived at that 'city. this ' morning. A great crowd * of people' gathered - at 'the docks when Carson's steamer arriv- ed, and he was received with a salvo of salutes and much cheering. Dur ing the night great quantities of reec- ords were removed from the unionist headquarters. Unionists in Ulster trust the postoffice no more, and all despatches are sent to the interior of Ulster by messengers on high-pow- ered automobiles. Despite the efforts to minimize the situation, leading liberals admit this morning that the situation in Ulster is serious. The Marquis of London- derry and other leaders followed Carson to. Ulster this morning. It is stated that Premier Asquith and other government leaders have brok- en down under the strain. Vote of Censure Rejected A vote of censure on. the British govermment, which was moved in the House of Commons yesterday by Andrew Bonar Law, leader of the op- r J. Balfour, st [ Bonar Law, made a hurried return division. Sir Edward Carson, however. made a dramatic exit from the house be- fore the debate was concluded, to cateh a train for Belfast. Austen Chamberlain declared last night that Sid Edward had been cal- led away in response to sudden de- velopments in Ireland. Other union- ists asserted that the Ulster men can no longer be restrained from am outbreak and that Sir Edward's mis- sion is to endeavor to hold them in sheck. The Daily Telegraph's lobbyist ys: "Unless all omens are false, blood will be spilt in Ulster before the House of Commons sees Sir Edward Carson again." The Marquis of Londonderry and other prominent Ulsterites are now on their way to Belfast, and their action is regarded as a challenge to the government, if, as asserted, any intention exists to issue warrants for their arrest. It is said that the government has assured the nationalist leaders that Mr. Bonar Law's referendum offer will not be accepted. Guests of Edmonton's Mayor Professor and Mrs. Lorne W. Mul- loy, University avenue, are guests at the King Edward, in mto, of Mayor and Mrs. McNamara, of Ed- monton, who have come east for a brief stay. Mrs. McNamara is a niece of Professor Mulloy. Mr. Mc- namars Tormerly lived near Win- chester, but went west where he be- came a millionaire. He is a very young man and was the 'dark horse" in the recent Edmonton may- oralty contest, and won out. Im- mediately he began to do things, and caused an upheaval in the police de- partment, the chief being forced out. He is strong for commission govern- ment, and it was on this platform that he was elected. 14th Regiment Shooting The following are the scores made at the 14th regimental shoot at ° the ap. 6. 0 Campbell, 5: 1a. A W. Stags 2; Lt. TF. Guttman, 93; Pte. W. Smith, 2; Pte. W., Wil- son, 23; Pte. A. Brown, 21; Pte. Bow: Smith, 20; unders, 19; Pte. W. White, 16; Pte. Doherty, 16: 'Pte. GJ Smith, 9; Pte. Moutgomery, 8. Pte, G. M. Carr-Hanis, "H"" com- pany, made the possible 28 points. position, was rejected, 345 to. 252. . summoned by Mr. | from the Riviera and arrived in Lon- | don in time to participate in the bor, | Bucknell's. News Depot man, 20; Pte. ¥. Smith, 20; Pte. J. | e 'a at the ouster station. a B ed. When, first before the court he admitted at 4 sell the rash, but geolared that io was not guilty of stealing i Sen the charge of theft was read og ; day morning he again made the same statement. Ho said be found. tha dag of brass near the co or four times, f ds "I'm guilty, replied the accuse ereupon 'the magistrate him to six months in Central. CHARGE WAS DISMISSED Thomas Hartley: Not Guilty of Being who was ried with being under influence of ' liquor, 'at the Battersea horse races on x dismissed by - Justices of th George Hunter and J. W. Br p When the case. was. heard on Thurs. day, the county magistrates reserved their decision." They announced theid findirig on Friday morning. - Hh Dufing the past two or three months, about twenty cases have been dismissed by these two magistrates. For some reason or other wi brought by the prosecution not give the required evidemee to convigh uy win who lives in the neighbors WO ® Webster. appen 'on behalf of ti osecution, Ww. 3 Latur. ney Pte for Hartley\ oats Weather Notes Cunading Club gn Friday evening, in the ean hotel, Diner at 7.80 o'clock; tickets, 756. : 17 LN SALE AT THE FOLL ING CITY STORES Clarke, J. W. & C6.,...., 303 Princes : College Book. Store. ...\ Coulter's Grocery. .....»:.000 § Jullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess Froutenae Hotel Gibson's Drug Store MeAuley's Book Store MeGail's Cigar Store Cor, Prin. & MeLeod's Grocery ....51 Union Medley's Drug Store 200 University A Paul's Cigar Store ,...... 70 P z Prouse's Drug Store : 312 enn Valieau's Grocery ';i:...308 Mongrel Portsmouth Lowe's GroCery ...issssery WILSON~--L BORN. [aes 19th, 1934, Mr. a Mi Fy oe a 4 . XW aig 4 Ye ® ann 2 in! Kiggaton, of ES fed Charles n 1s, both of this city. WOOD-~BAUDBR_AL : wltel ot Toi By Rov. Fh ng D. 'of Mountain Grov (nee Sunes Wood, EMBERBON---AL . March 17th, 1 rma; San, Bien Sovmecty