TT TTT 0g | COUNTRYSIDE ~ TIDINGS CORBSPONDENTS werd -- tesa ree pm Same : pa . canoienty of Mr, and Mrs, i . : . Sendsy. En : ! FLOUR, Cheese Factory Mandger Gets Judg- ; mént Against Milkman i Becanse William Quinn, of Sephi- ® Our Robin Hood brand of Somy has a guaraites in every bag fey ood quality. New Road to Avoid Sinkhote WHAT WHIG Perth Road, March 20.-The saw HAVE 70 TELL pm ---- Ch COWAN'S SOLID CHOCOLATE PLE BUDS he wholesome 'Confection. 77 Sold Fiverywhere News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun. ties--Rural Events, 'und Move. "ments of The People. Picton Market Prices Picton, March 22 Beef was very Aearce at the Picton market Satur doy morning; from 15c. fo 18¢. a pound. Veal was also in small sup- ply and sold at 16c. to 18c.- a pound. Pork was plentiful, the rul- ing mifice being I6e. Bggs dropped to 25¢. a dozen. Butter, in small "isupply, sold at 30c. to 35c. a pound. | Thekint you are kin is the kind we | Scranton Coal Is 700d coal and we guarantee prompt tedivery Booth & Co. Foot of West Strat (Sv "-- Ur "mmm Are you one eve,y meal Is suffering ? x Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets will help your disor d stor digest any rea: soon restore it to such perfect con dition that you'll never feel that you have a stomach. 2 one after each meal . al your s National Canada, 150 of those to whom source of anothe anotiier "THREE SPEEDS" "Tri - Re Your Bicycle ™N Should be Fitted with the World Famous Sturmey Archer Trico ster Speec any other attrac When the wind is against you--~wheén you encounter mud or ec when you are riding ug control and red road, or down-} you, iucrense y Your genr at , Raleigh, Ladies' or Gentle Fittings complete costa $0 A full line of parts is carried in the Canadian Warehouse of the Ruleigh Co, RAE Write far Cataloges of above and x G3 fried by t Three taleigh the tion. Ralelgh Cycle Co, Toronto: Warehouse at: 193 [NOTTINGHAM Queen Si. East. Raleigh "Popular," with Caster Brake : Raleigh "G tte," with C rake dle CRACKS ON BAND AND FINGER cea Eczema for Three Years, Broke Out on Head in Scales, ltched and Burned Badly, Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. Se ---------- Lyons Brook, N. 8. -- "I suffered with eczama for three years. [It started on my hands first in sores between my fingers and all over the palms of my hand and fingers were big cracks. Then 1% broke out on my head In scales. It itched and burned so badly I could not, sleep. It was so itching and burninz thas I scratched and WE madegorestand my hair came TWN out awfully bad. I did not know what it was. *"I was treated for a long time and it did not do any good. | ga work for & month but as soon g i doing may house-work again my hand =of jut 20 hg as over. I used two bot 3 18 did not do any ood. Opo day 1 read about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them. 1 sent for a sample and I used them till I saw it stopped the itéhing and burning, vo I gt three cakes of - Cutionra Soap and a box of Cuticura Of mens and that cured me." (Signed) Mrs, P, J. McKearney, May 27, 1913. Not only are Cupicurs Soap and Ointment most valuable in the treatment of eczemas and other distressing eruptions of skin and scp, but no other emollients do so much foF pimples, blackheads, red, rough skins, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless 1 malls, nor do it 86 economically. and dealers everywhere. For a 1i%ral free sample of each, with 32-p. book, #234 post-vard to Potter Drug & Chem. Cp, Dept. D, Bostor, U. 8. A. unr 'jMeeting in the church hal! on the Glendower Notes Glendower, March 23. --Quite a number have lost horses this spring. Teams have quit drawing rock at Godfrey. Sauford Zeeman is draw- Ing wood. Quite a number attended the sale at Alexander Lewis', Bed- ford township. L. Hopkins is draw- ing logs to Brown's Mill. Mrs. Julia Timmerman returned home after visiting her mother, who was iil { Michael Kelly is at Sanford Lee- man's New Hall for Frankville Frankville, March 23.---The worth League at the home March 20th Notwithstanding bad condition of the ninety assembled. congigted of music and games, C.O.F. of Frankville contemplate the) erection of a hall suitable for a lodge room, and also large enouglfto hel used for public meetings and enter tainments. Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Dun- ham were in Brockville on Wednes- day attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Harvey Dunham. Ep» the roads, nearly Canonto Camp Breaks Up. Canonto, March . -- Lawrence| Brothers' lumber camp has broken! up for this season. Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis have returned to their home at Canonto, Rev. Mr. Brown, of Orillia, will conduct service in: Canonte *hureh Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Banks, of Ompah, and T. and C. Thomas, and the Misses Elsle and Winnie Banks, at CO. Davis' on Sun- lay. A Laby girl has come to brigh-~ ten the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Kellford. R. Davis is moving his family to Folger Station. They will ve greatly missed in this neighbor- 'cod. D. Napier, who has been ill for the past two months, intends go- ng to Kingston hospital for treat- nent. Mr. Love's little daughters, who have been cery ill with bronchi- lis, are improving. Mr. and Mrs. Nhyman Thomas made a trip to Ot- awa and Smith's Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Badour, of Ompah, are visiting their son, W. A. Badour. o'a Accident at Westport i Westport, March 23.---What might | 1ave been a fatal shooting accident eccurred last Monday. Alphonsus Jennett and Jerome Adam were iunting down at the lake when their ifle was accidentally discharged, the wullet entering the thigh of Alphon- ius Bennett. Only for the timely as- istance of Ham Green, who heard he call for help, young Bennétt vould have bled to death. Patrick Egan is laid up with a roken leg, sustained by falling on he icy pavement last Sunday. Mr. ind Mrs. J. R. Breakenridge return- 'd fm Ottawa last week. Miss Jeati¥te Fraser, trained nurse, who 'ecently underwent an operation for \ppendicitis, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Speagle. A. Charbonneau, ir., will shortly take over the West- ort marble works, the present pro- Jrietor intending moving to Toronto. News of Portland Portland, March 21.--The saw ills here are doing a rushing busi- ess. The farmers are hauling logs 0 the mills. John Morris still con- inues very poorly. A. Gallagher has ecured the services 'of a clerk. W. Taw and . 8. Heath have returned ome} from Lombardy and Smith's Falls, where they were calling on riends. Thomas Hastings, who was t 'aken a few dags ago to Brockville ospital, died there on Monday. The remains were placed in Newboro vault. V. Waffle and Dr. Tait are building a fine boat house on a wa- ter lot they purchased from W. Myers. W, Myers, who has Leen homesteadjfig in the west, has ve- turned 10 his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Graham spent Monday evening at the home of the Misses Donovan. E. Farnham has opened up a blacksmith shop in the village. Miss Mabel Moore, of Seeley's Bay, is «waiting on J. Morris. Mr. and «Mrs. W. Byington have returned from the west, and have taken up residence on their farm near the vil- lage tt Philipsville Budget Phllipsvil'e, March 23.--Since the big storm the roads have been in very bad shape. Nearly half of the roads are bare and on the other half the Snow is from two to four feet deep. It is almost impossible to get through with a wheeled rig. Edward Kernan is cutting the people's wood with his gasoline engine. A. Elliott had his wood pile cut up by horse power. William C, Stevens has two teams hauling logs to the mill and hauling the lumber home. John Downey has been laid up with rheumatism, but is 'able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Davison, Brockville, are the guests of Mrs. Davison's father and al the home of R. J. Davison, Forfar, for a few days. Patrons of the Farmers' Pride cheese factory held their annual 21st, to hear the report of business done the last season, There was 2 falling off in the amount of milk re- ceived, owing to some of the patrons skimming their milk and shipping the cream. W. B. Phelps was re- elected as president for the twelfth year. Mrs. R. C. Haskin is not in very good health. Mr. and Mrs. Al- "fred Nixan, of Lyndhurst, were the held a soelal evening | of John Leucks on] Mr. and Mrs. Wagner intend The programme for other parts, The! mill is again in operation. Afl 'spent circle tea "at Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace's last Friday evening. A hearty vote of thanks was given lo the host 'and hostess "for their kind hospitaitty. 'The U.N.K. company is about to build a new road' for a short distance to avoid the sink hole near McKay's. A pleasant evening was spent March ISR at Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Young's by a metry crowd of Perth Kond young people. Mrs. William Shales is very ill. C. Shales mide a business trip to Sy- denham on "Thursday. The Union Sanday school session held at 10.530 a.m. was well attended. The Bible class was ably conducted by Rev. Mr. Snider, of Kingston. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. William Ronis and biter, Thelma, rat William Shinles'; William and Walter Shales spent the week-énd at home; Mr. and Mes. I Harris at H. Babeook's; H. uth. Irie, at W. Guthrie's; Miss Lillian 'Guthrie spent the "week-end under the parental roof; Russell Ritehie and | Miss J. Crozier spent Sunday ai { Mrs. Alexander Darling's, Opinicon; Miss L. Stonness, at Miss R. Buek's. Miss Jane Roberts is spending a few weeks with rglatives' at Sydenham; Mr. and Mrs,' R. Thompson,' at © Campbell's; Mrs. William Wood and Miss Smith, at Mrs. William. Rav mond's; Mr. gud Mrs. Sherdon. Orser, Maple Leaf, at 8. Orser's, Wilmur leaving Mr. Waguer receiv ed a bad fall of twenty feet from the stémm shovel bat he is greatly re covered. : False Pretences With attitude imperious, With manner harsh and grufi, With brow severe and serious, Surrounflings coarse and rough, The mighty man is pondering In mingled fear and doubt, Ii some one won't come wandering Around and find him him ont ! He had a manner boreal, He's rigid up' and down, They call him "dictatorial." And tremble at his frown. But in the secret heart of him Ile's terribly afraid, And it takes all the art I'o keep him on parade. of Lim For underneath the husk of him, Despite whatever's brusque of him, The poor old wretch is kind ! The harsh and bitter rind, And so he sits a-wondering In hope and fear and doubt, f some one won't come blundering Around and find him out | Ever find yourself willing and anx- ious to part company with the man who knows all about it? How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHRNEY & CO, Toledo, O We the undersigned have J. Cleney for the last 15 Years, and be- lieve nlm perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to garry out any obligations made by his firm Walding, Wholesale Drugglste Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal wane directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the tem LE timonlals sent free. 1'rice bottle. Sold by all Druggists, ' fake Hall's Family Pills for consti. pation. known J, Kinnan & Marvin, Toledo, O 75 cent an enjoyable evening at the mission ashutg, would insist on telling all his friends that James F. Carter tried to elieat his customers, he 'was-ordered to pay $200 damages by Judge Brit: fon in the supreme court on Satur- day. i ; Carter operates a cheese factory in nis home town, find Quinn 5 cue of his patrons who mipplied large quantities of milk to the cheese fac: tory. Quinn stated that shortages occurred in the milk weighed by Car+ ter, and it was only right that he should warn others against him. That 'such strong words as rogue, cheat, robber and thief, alleged to have been noised 'by Quinn, are not usually termed as fit to include in "a warning" was held by Judge Britton in awarding damages. a ---- The Rose I'vety morning the wife of the Streét man pins a flower to his lapel as he starts for the office--a rose when she has one, 2 blossom of Sonte plainer sort when roses are scarce. This morning she had a rose, but she witdiheld the usual delicate at- tention, and for the first time he per- ccived hn ominous look in her eyes, "Yop never have the flower in your 'buttonhole when you come home in the evenings," began wife, sarcastically. . "How do always contrive to lose it?" "1 do not lose it," he replied. "I wear the flower until I reach my desk. 1 feel that that is far enough for a plain business man to carry a Hower." | Aller ldo you de | ed "I give it away," he replied | "To the girl stenographer." sug- fzested his wife, ieily "Oh, no, 1 give he answered "I heg your pardon, but you do not give it to the office hoy," she re- torted with aecerbity "You give it {to the sténographer. 1 have seen it pinned on her shirt walst every day that 1 have called 'ut your office. 1 think I shall discontinue the flower." | "Io that case I shall lose an office | bos ~probably by suicide," remark- {ed ber hushaud, meeting her indig- nant eyes frankly. "He is head over | heels in love with the stenographer, {and is trying to make a Yit with the { flower." | Hastlly she pinned a rose to her | hushand's lapel, and said: | "Be careful not to loge it--and give it to the office boy as usual." reaching your Jesk what with the flower?" she ask- it to the office hey, Whiskey Cause of Poverty FE. A April Century It is this same' "heavenly dew' -- Whose Erse name, usquabaugh, we have pronounced "Whiskey" -- that, more than anything else, has held back the Irish tw America. The Irish- man is no more & craver of alcohol than other men, but his sociability betrays him to that Beverage which is the seal of good fellowship. He 7 toes not sit down alone with a bot- tle, as the Scandinavian will do, nor get his friends round a table and quaff lager, as the German does. No "Dutch treat" for him. He drinks spirits in public, and, after a dram or two, his convivial nature requires that every stranger in the room shall seal friendship in a glass with him. His temperament, too, makey liquor @¥snare to him. Where another irinker becomes mellow or silent or sodden, the Celt becomes quarrel tose in tome and foolish. THE NEWEST COATS ARE SHORT Do you Ilke these snappy short coats? They are the last word for spring. The popularity of the tunic, the pannier and the puff, is responsible for them. Many of these little coats are bolero- like, others are miniature cutaways or box-coats. It is remarkable how we accustom | ourselves to the new modes and grow to admire something which at first ap - peared more' than extreme. Also they appear to be the height of edonomy: for if one desires ste may wear one of these little coats with sev. | eral different skirts. They are fash- fonéd of plain fabrics and worn with plaid skirts or. conversely they are fashioned of pila or Brocade. to be worn with plain skirts. x { eri? his | you {i PURI No. 8§203.8:04 shows sn unusually smhart'seft with au short cost and drap- ed skirt, the skirt is & cotton duvetyn in white and the coat Is a black and white novelty cotton. This is a most Appropriate «tor Southern wear, These novelty cottons are most im- teresti they ure so dainty and harmingly patterned. They are wide 2nd may Le purchased from 76 dents a yard and up No. 8241 1s a kimono coat for a gir! of from 2 to 10 years: as illustrated ft 1» develored in pin striped serge, with contrasiing eallar and cuffa No. §205----s1ze5 34 to 42 No. £204- sizes 22 to 30. No. §241- «izes ? 10 10 Each patiery i$ conus . A few minutes after Zam-Buk is applied to a cut, a 'Barn, a scratch, ar any sore place, the pdin is stopped. Mothers should never forget this, becuse itis one reason why Zam-Buk is the best thing for children's in Juries. It stops their crying and gives them edse. ight from the instapt of application healing begins, 'and Zam-Buk heals quickly. Note these statements from reliable persons, some of whom you may know, - Baby's Sere Healed -- " My baby girl had « bad sore on her chin, which was Wry painful, and eansy | Lier to be very restiess. We put on same Zan Buk, and io wi shots Lame i gave her ease. lu a few days the sore was completely healed." Mzs, EK Cocusm, . Yorkton, Seak. 'Rusty Nail Pierced Finger. -- "Trans rusty usil under my tilumb nail while at work. The was terrible und | feared blooa- poisoning from the dirty, rusty pail! | I poll eb io ZXu-BUk and rau it into the wound, aud it swpped the pain simoss instantly, The Best that money ean buy. D. COUPER | Lo topt away i ton and in a few days the wouad was quite healed," Mx A H. Orrx, ; Shipley, Out, 1 Bua Burau, ** Ia moving some wood in the stove, 1 burned my thumb very badly. Ina Jew minutes it was covered with a big Wile buster, and the pain was very bad. Zin-Box was applied, und 10 quick time it gave we ease!" H. E Jexxes, Organist, Carman, Mao. Take this Advice! If you have sorse sore place, some skin disease, some cut, or burn or ulosr, why coutinue to suffer pai Every hour you suffer js an hour wasted, You csauot do your best wurk iu pain ; you caabot enjoy your leisure, Zaw-Box saves far wore thao it costs, Ly saving you tiwe in this way. A Zaw-Brx is a "short cut" to skin Healieg. There is nothicg which sts so uickly snd so surely Use it tor all skia injuriey end disesses, Fczemas, Ulcers, Blood "oison, eto. and for Piles, All druggists and stores, 50.ceats a box, or post free from Zam Ber Co, Leronte, tor price. Refuse harmfél imitations, For Cooking and "Irinking, also for Cake, Icing and 'making Fudge. Buy this oven-tested flour 9 ' ® Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten-pound sample. It is ground into flour, We bake bread from this flour." If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the shipment of wheat from which it came. Otherwise, we sell Yo it : * The baking quality of Bgld under this name is er aN exact . certainty. Buy® and t! M '4 * cat "More Bread % d Better,Bread" and "Better astry, Too" "wo, Your grocer has a ten cent surprise for you DELICIOUS kind of rolled oats that cook quicker than any other you ever bought. Sarprise No. 1.--when you open the package you'll find the flakes extra-large and wonderfuily thin. Sarprise No. 2.--when you cook them, only 15 minutes' time will do. No other rolled oats cook so quickly )ecanse no others are rolled so Surprise No. 3.--the delicious flavor! You will want to cat Till- son's porridge every morfing--just "for the pleasure of it. : : Roll Get the w Mills, Limited Toronto, 1 Canada. 1f You Are Thinking of Salling Shia yoar it Mil} pa y : our prices for cement, bio bricks, etc, as you will a $2650.00 between wsolld brick and cement blocks, We also have all sizes In sills, lintels, pler blocks, caps and vases at reasonable prices. Kingston Cement Products Factory Cor. of Patrick Charles Sts. Office: 177 Wellington 88. Automobile. Co. Queen and Bagot Bireets Storage, Repairing, Actes. sorles, We 'guarantee satisfaciion "HOME, SWEET HOME" ' LACKS SINCERITY WHEN HUNG ON RENTED WALLS, OWN THE KEY TO YOUR | FRONT DOOR. Cement block house on Rus- sell street, seven rooms. good cellar; will be complete on the first of May, for $2500.00. Double frame house on a corner, $2850.00, Brick veneer house on Syd- enham street; lot 35 x 65 feet; furnace, electric light, gas and improvements, $3659.00. Double . frame house on Montreal street, $1500, HORACE F. NORMAN Res] Estate and General Insure ance. 177 WELLINGTON 8%. 108) package of Tillson's today and surprise family a: bresk{ust Hime. in 26¢. packages with a porcelain dish {neide. Tilison's iso cotite Makers of Tillson's and