Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1914, p. 1

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IIE YEAR 81. NO. 70, Ga 3 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914. rr a OFFICERS DEFECTION A CLOSED INCIDENT "POISON NEEDLE" DELUSION Journgl Puts Quietus on So-Called Modern Danger Chigago, = March 24.----The "poison needle" theory is given the quietus by the Journal of the American Medical Assaciation. - It says: "A woman goes to a moviag 'picture theatre, en- ters a crowded elevator, a street car or elevated train, or is esught in the press of a crowd. Suddenly she sces, close beside her, our old friend, the ' MAY RE-ELECT EVANTUREL RED FIGHT Statutes Which Condemned Member Relaxed for "'Persecutor." Vankleek Hill, March 24.--Strang- 3 . ; er things have happemed than that Armed 'Rioters Attack Depu- Gustave Evanturel, ex-M.P.P. may be - ; 5 ties In Strike Duly shortly returned as member of the legislative aesemibly from Prescott county. Public opinion in Prescott county has been mightily changed since the APPOINTMENTS NOT MADE ON SCORE OF FITNE Some; Fight On Tory Patronage » N------ passage of a special act in the case - 4 'mysterious stranger," with the pierc- TWO BATILES OCCUR of G: Howard Fergusop, M.P.P,, for Workings 4 ing black eyes and the compelling man: Grenville, - ; | ! ner. Nbw, Ferguson is a . prominent "At the same time she feels a FAFA - 0 " ...| Orangeman. and a leading conserva- Sting,' and knows that she has been NEAE GOULD COUPLER WORKS Was The Result Of a Mis- ¥ a : tive. Evanturel-+so his friends are ; i . stabbed with a poisoned needle. She FT DEPEW, N.v, now busily asserting--was buf an COLONEL SAM HUGHES immediately = becomes unconscious, un-2ducated French-Canadian in a . x One Dead Many Injured _ Authori.| IC8iSlatire compgsed chiefly of dazed or irresponsible for o greater ticipates in a Fiasco -- Ulster Orange and Protestant tories. -- or less period of time. r : Q This is being used by Evanturel| WILL NOT MIX IN THE ULSTER TO THEIR REGIMENTS PREMIER : E "Ii can be said very positively that ] ASQUITH ANNOUNCES " 2 ; there is no drug known to scientific Outbreak -- Officers Will be In-|{and his friends in Prescott county EMBROGLIO ' from house to house, and it is hav- " men which' could be administered 1a structed to Shoot to Kill, sh en : : such manner." .B " , ing ils effect. His supporters say | 's Wi Dec Unionists Believe Government Par. JDuffalo, | March 24.--The Seventy- | that if Evanturel is again returned | Cnada's War Lord Decides to Leave ' Fourth regiment was ordered out tor INDIANS SUSPECTED ticipates in- a Fiasco -- Ulster i i to the Ontario legislature Howard| the Carsonites to Their Fate--Too Wins Its Fight They Claim -- 3 ; -- hi nr, eleven o clock last | Ferguson and the friends who white- Many Judges in Ontario -- Hon. Critici of Government ' Victim is in Hospital in a Dazed |M&f 4 (Dg LWO Serious riots at | washed - him dare mot attempt to Dr. Pugsley, Warmly Greeted., sm - : oF Condition the plant of the Gauld Coupler com- | prevent him from taking his seat. o : - : London, March 24. The defection a ' ) i Brogkville, March 24~Five Indians pany within the last twenty-four | Some people compare his position in id tay, March 24.--An interesting of the army officers who refused to Nominal et = " ae ga 3508 jokes. Une, company was sent to | this regard to that of former Gov- | 8 lolig! t is thrown on the patronage serve in Ulster is now a closed inci- are boing: held Derdin, ion eumess. |lepew at midnight for guard duty. ernor Sulzer of New York state. {system 'in vogue under the present dent, but its consequences are likely {ati ng ; Nw gi, x id ve. Four men were shot, one fatally, i (government, and on the petty trou- to prove far-reaching. Bs oo Avemed brutal assault land several were injured, yesterday, CAT SMOTHERS BARBY bles and details in which it involves Premier Asquith and; Colonel See- Shon Ne#l Conn, which they are believ- (qn two elushes between rioters - and the milisters, by some of the re- ly, secretary of state for war, make f do ate conmiiiad. { ont WAS Ispecial deputies guarding the plant | Stretched Itself Across Face of turns which are being brought down explanations before an excited and ond, " ly cut Pu the C.1 R. tracks {of the Gould 'Coupler works at De- Sleeping Infant. daily in the commons in regard to turbulent house yesterday that the p ear re ® wetk ago and it Was pow, where a strike has been in pro- Winnipeg. March 24-- While Eliza. | dismissals. Ope return tabled yes: whole affair was the result of a mis- RE. MG TERE thought at first that he fell from a loresy for several weeks. Yeu Ry Ara ins ¢ terday regarding the manning of 3 > understanding MISS NORA PATTERSON, train. Further enquiries lod to the | Statislaus - Skolonski taimied: | beth Snyder, aged nine months, dredges and barges owned by th MAX COHEN. x x Daughter of Rev. Willlan tterson, : aig . \ : Stanislaus Ske ski, claimed wy | daughter of U. L. Sny , 152 Ber- | : « \ © pet q - This misunderstanding, it was in- or aos in Ro of Toronto's large {Indians being suspected. Conn still 1his friends to be an innocent hy- tN Ea ds aay dey Rimi marine department at Sorel shows Wk Ce known Tang oe ferred, although they did not direct- | churches, who has enlisted as a volun- lies in the hospital in a dazed con- | pander, was shot in the head durin ' Ef that Hon. Bruno Nantel, Hon. L. I'. | Woodbine -hotel fire & couple of wi » teer in the Bast Belfast regiment along | dition, Jeremiah Cronin, who plead- : i ungion the front verandah, a big, : : : nwo, in which six or seven lives ly say 80, was due to miSCOmSruc- | (jy) 'hor sister and fat inithe |) uilty buting th . b tl te a {the first and most serious trouble | cat, a household pet, stretched it- | Lelletier and various members of par- | 17% Tx time of writing, some of tion of the government's plans by nt of war, Mpe Paiterson wil] re: {& Lm by. Wo. suring thres Bott es Ol learly in the day when a mob of 300 | golf across the.infant's face, \Vhen {lament are taking special \nterest in |i, iies have not yet been recovered. the commanding general, Sir Arthur | daughter, while the other memh rs of whiskey for the red men, could not {an held up a train bearing workinep ranted he chi the section of setond engineers on # turn to Canada, with her .younges f f $10¢ . { 8 the mother came out, the child had | Paget, whereby he informed the offi- | i, "r vily will' remain to fight. Miss raise a fine of ) and so went | to {to the plant and fought a half hour's | been smothered. itugs, captains on barges, etc., and German Bluebeard Beheaded cers in- Ireland that they were 9 Patterson is a Canadian by birth. 3 jail for four months. pitched battle with the deputies. le ou are comimaicnting thes. "fews on the | Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, : move on Ulster for a repressive SORE . 4 died at the hospital last night subject fin the interest of their com- | 34. Carl Hoben, the druggist, CRIDER, po, pn the Daly News wun BULLET CLOSES CAREER The injured "are : FIRE ATA RICANS stituents and supporters to the min- ' this city, who has been named the Sengral Paghe wad SE08 | Senior bitter. der unciations of the "officers | Special Fogarty, wounded in an 1 ister of marine. | "Bluebeard of Germany," was bes officers from the Carragh camp --- bl et Rie tory aristocracy. srhiich OF HARRY THURSTON PECK exchange of shots at the. plant late ON THE RIVER BANK In one case Deputy Speaker Blon- headed yesterday for murdering 4 General Gough,. Colonel McEwan [as Part of the tory FEIOGEReS, fra'eh {last night.. Condition not serious. din writes to the minister in charge father, his first wife and his % and Colons! Rurkor ware Summon" {ine the country En wT or eee Antonio Sparrina, of Buffalo, stab- |p s . _ jasking that he be allowed to appoint children. - The accused man Be n for a conference. Ac- Eg 2 C 3 £ + : shag : pe ga h : a new be rot Tuiky he ¢ in Janus ny 'official 'statements, the [the people, and demand the demo- Former Columbia Professor Ends bed in -the chest. Condition seri Deliberately Shoot Across Line, he Stein of 8 new. BE ot ay found SUIRY Bf Ue Te gv . . ca A . . ous. J . " . A A Vv, Q misunderstanding has been cleared cratization of the army and that the Marsandi Dimero, of Depew, shot in Causing Fatal 10-Minute that Mr. Blondin had better see Hon. | der his second and third wives and I away and these officers returned io |system y Ciehing ' fon the Song Toft Mr. Coderre. the minister in charge | several other persons. » rich be sede a system zg. ; Mr. erre, the severa od 1etiand toms & t they said ee ae er So rented House Fred. Keller, special deputy, cut Battle of the district, xo whom such mat- Prior. to. their departure they st 4 . : " g : ' . .. |about the face by broken glass. Kagle Pass, Tex., March 24.--Ameri- ters are referred." General Manager Gutélius, of the they .were 'entirely yiasslicd ra | ow the ramky ed Sonlly Bagel Btu Louis Bodga, of Ilepew, cut aboiit [can soldiers and federals engaged in | Appointments apparently are not |], C. R., says 15,000 tons of U.S the results of their visit, e terms Sep urston Peck, formerly a professor |. "0 A ' 8 an 8 S anc. lecorals ga 4 y ar inister hased: because ova on which the officers remain at their Soldiers and Strike Riots at Columbia university, and a writer |'40%, Severs scalp woninds, ak hea bE battle yesterdays. 1: Me Dros matte a aS momible ha I could not. ft the posts were . not disclosed, but the 'he labor papers are equally bitter of note. whose marital troubles and nideniyiec man, Sao In ack, rea. Ling, tiree mies atiove llel Jie, an. the I the ard i ' Boral holief is tbat they were as- Po he hor pan know _-- Boivates a breach of promise suit gained him ted by Doctor at Depew and taken Rio Grande, in which several federal fitness Wo Ye a ante: St Merde order. surgd that they would mot be com- | gngu1q not have the same privilege unpleasant notoriety in the last few away by friends. soldiers are reported Killed. upg: Lhe' rece) oh interested ? pelfed to fight against the Ulster | or rorysing to fire upon workingmen years, ended his life, Monday, in a | be first outbreak occurred when a | A patrol from troops of thé 14th jor other ministers who are THEDAILY BRITISH | men. This is considered a distinct | wh on called upon to suppress strike room in ia cheap lodging house, * by Lackavanba Jrain of Seve n Sashes Cavalry rotuined the fire of the Mex- ia ihe PRCECHIRS. lie Hon. Dr. Retd on iV surrender by the government. . riots. ishooting Himself through the head 'PSaring about ! workmen was with- jicans across the river and for ten . i { dismissals whith AT Lord Morley of Blackburn explain- "What about the strikers?" was! with a revolver. ipa mile of the plant early in the |pfinutes the shooting contimicd. One sends in a list of Baia dE If CN SALE ed the House of Lords significantly | po gyout with whith the labor mem-| Dr. Pack was seriously il at Ith. (18%. A mob of shout 30p thiew of the Americans was injured. he wate mage In ha: made forth- G CITY ¥ that he did not think, in the inter- |, ... (eq to drown Bonar Law's de- aca, N.Y.. ahout a year ago, from a [0BStructions on the rails, and when | Forty constitutionalist soldiers had" 'rine yarc Be ¥ itude that | Bucknell's News Depot « ests. of 'the efficiency of the army.|e..., gt the rights of the officers £0 mental broskdown, and was thoughi the train came to a standstill pour |been cut off by the federals on - the {with and with au omg) Re Ht 1 rare 4 MF, Con eas that all that transpired in the army | o, 0 (4 obey orders against their tn be dying. - ilis 'ivoreed . wife, [#4 a-fusiladc of yevolver shots and Iriver bank. After fighting for near. 4 In he bro : that) his services will " shouldbe made public, and | 0 coioneo Mra. Carnelia 1. Peck, a = Chtitian [410888 "ible the windows of the ly an hour. the congtitutionnlists to ti Pe a Reon ii ) that. approved the orders |", f high officers with 'Seienti i d he ulti coaches. tried: 10 cross the river 'and surmender jocase "this dav at noon, " ne, ; Conferences of high officers aw Scientist, ; attended him; an v isl -: 3 t ' to the officers' to' return. the king conlinued yesterday. SPOT- mately rognined his strengths His | Half a dozen specipl deputies re {to the American troops. N of Monday's Session Fronted vi 18 The unloflists. firmly believe that, the |» geo giunations 'of officers Were an- second wife was also at his bedside, [turned the firs, and it is daimed that | The federals continued firing, at the Notes » or | Cre Drug State 3 Mn OVOrnI 'has participated in 8 15000 including 'those of several und there seemed to be friction be 9averal of the mob were hit and at |constitutionalists in the water and | Government officials wero wrdered oy MeAuley's Dook Store ..,.08 Racor | think that the two most of tho volunteer Toretl: ach Ee Then. once carried away by others in the |aven after they Had réwelied the Am- |parlianient to prepare & feturn shoes A Char Sore Co PHI enterprising spirits of the A At the Carlton club, whieh .is 2! Uptil a month ago Dr. Peck had crowd. " Word was sent to Under lerican bank and surrendered. ; icling the payments an Bore | McRieoiy. Groesty 'a7,,01 Uslan Davi yd-George and Winston § oJ tive stronghold, it was a5- boon living at Riverside, near here. |Sherif Andrew Kick, who had charge | The commander = of the - American | treasury made to G. a absolved | Medley's Drug Store 260 Unt £ Spencer Churchill, were the chief mov- 1 EC lord (of the ad-'1 0 rf vig iiculties, [of twenty men at Depew, and to Sher- | cavalrymen signalled repeatedly : ior son, the provincial member abs re 0 pep he govern- | serted that the first lord (¢ Embarrassed by financial difficulties, A 3 i 1 Ontario legislature under spe- | Pauls Cigar Store .... b «ks 'in the 'plans and Bhat sthe ne ent | Wiralty, Mr. Churchill, on Friday or- gave up his home, engaged a room iff Becker's office at the Bufialo city Ithe federals to cease firing, 'but his |by the | akan i gs recent all-night | Prouse's Drug Store .... 812 pel mnt propased Halen re dered the third battleship squadron i ." jodoing house in Bell street hall: ~~ Sheriff Becker, who had heard |gignals were disregarded. Finally: be cial legis a Torteed his seat | Vallenu's Grogery ......308 ; of traops into pt ; of vior [to Belfast, with the object of T4BA-| 4 (ook his meals at o small res- [cf the impending trouble, had start- ordered his men to return the fire. |session, afte tes as they existed. Lowe's 'Grocery sii vv Portamenth cavenaulérs. by. the diaplay ma ing marines, and that Admiral Bailey {on -- ed three deputies on a light engine | A number of federals were carried vader the Sawiee a great and good ; : forte Ald i frustrated only | replied that the squadron was not in| Ns wotking oh an eneyelonedia Jto overtake the work train. | |away after. the firing. ceased. Colonel umn love A vib " ~ROEN. i by the opposition of the oflipfrs. condition to go to sea. for a New York publishing house, | The reinforcements from Depew oo Sibley has ordered one troop 'of cav- | ght had got under way Hon.) Wil: | soma BLAND I Minfiston; on. atazelid 8 of the unionist mefnbers as- The whole affair is generally ac- but it appears that he was troubled | Buffalo arrived on the scene of the {41p from Fort Clark and the ma- liam Pugsley, who led the historic 19th, 1014, to Mr. and Mrs, W, Me= ork eh Andrew Bonar Law recently |cepted as demonstrating that thei = =~ 0 toned law suit and dur battle at the same time. The shoot- chine gun platoon - from Bagle Pass en Rar hsm an. the naval is: : Pariand, is picks 31. a wi, = roceived a'Jetier quoting ome of the jariy cannot be counted upon to fight ing the past week did no work, re- Ing had been going on Shout twos to proceed to Pel Rfo.* sue last session, and who haa been |W Elan ses Bee Welsh, a 3 highest officers in Ireland as saving: |Sir Edward Carson's volunteers if medning in his room much 'of the minutes, the mob firing from inc es absent through iliness until last night, tor. : un hy Saturday there will be huddreds | such a contingency should arise. Op- time. v trees and signboards and the spe Order of Moose Fined {a the chamber and quietly too! = : SE »" i itictans declare this to be "0" : 3 ah : 'otal deputies shooting from the win- | of dead in Ulster. position poi The body was taken jn charg® hy @a ¥ = = : : - - Xe . h 1 ject Tondon, Oat., March 24.--~The Loyal | his seat. His arrival was lotally un MARRIED. Ra T joni 50 accuse the gov Hpliaps 2 eh i ry ia v i 1 WOR Ax pecte Wa , re- 1 - AN~In Picton. oh ; The unionists wlso' accuse the gov- | the collapse of the home rule projec his divorced wife, Mrs. Cornelia 1. dows, J Order of Moose was, fined 8100 on a | expected, but he was aceor a . |coLE CHAPMAS n, n etnment of Making a sespegon) - = oF tend { Pack, and his daughter, Miss Con- | Nader, Shari igh oe charge of having liquor in an unlicen- fnarkable reception. Liberals stoo 11th, Hash Cola. 10 Murjel A: (len, Paget for their own "colossa Critivised by Friends "stance Peck, a teacher in the Hamil- jonly With GohR . y | sed bullding. 3 : : -- : blunder." The Asquith government is being ton Institute for Girls Sn New York. (the crowd, which quickly broke ant many conservative also pounded thei: eo --_ v esks in gre y { 3 } : x Bvery indow in the eleven IrRT BEERS \ 2 3 ¢ : criticised by friends more than foes) fy; nd wife, who lives on Staten fled. Every win . GOVE NME T REJEC S : es oh A ERR ' Ulster Wins Its Fight of oy of the reinstatement tis Stcatid wile i but nothing (cara was smashed and the sides of R N T "Before we support a salary increas® | DEVINE--In Kingston, on March i § 014, Anuie Devine, beloved a a | vere battered with stones h dues of the county courts ¢ 1 Anu ie Ee Ae ae rhe toh (Ro view Wd For or a eer it | AGSESSMENT REFORM |r, is stipe ol | of paid iia" Lita of ste So a . "meeting ap. rn iy on 3 SY - atruck. On account of the broken > 1 Prescott; when judgey' salarios = were Funeral win take place from hs \ ee oa bed from the a London "tells the pony NOT SEPARATED drawhead, it was found impossible to « or a 5 under discussion in iy Sous Jue st Mary's Cathedral on. Wi liberals in the debate in the House of [ent that its duty was plain, that proceed be plant, and the train |The Conserdatives at Toronto Are! night, "the number o judge tye commons yesterday. None of the fire | he officers should have been tried by EVEN IN DEATH to t 1 i de reason- solemn r em mass was backed into Bufialo . " should be lessened and Ima rgd wane for the: repose of her ie and _ firmiess which pegmeated the | oourt marshal and punished as mili- Blind To The Province-Wide able. in . my opinion We - 00 : hts | and cheered for several moments, while The second exchange of shots ye el > Coc tainly Friends and ucutaintances are r 3 4 ini ; ® : < . po a Tr rK o . | sway with twelve a « A ¥ i 4 speeches 'of the mijnistern only last tary discipline dictatés. It says --ete - real Moar Fhe Vian ater, ore Agitation 3 lin some cases there are two judges, © | McPARLAND In Kingston, on ee on, aot ing | Lore was no Sign of mutiny extend Mr And Mrs James De ey Died {ast Rig on t i § he ! senior and a junior, where ane would Sdnly, 1914 compl infant son checkmated the government, according ing beyond thee probably useless . . puties patrolling the outskirts of Toronto, March 24.--For tlie third se Mr and Ne ¥ MoPariand. ~~ the unionist view, and the coven- ys ornamental cavalry regiments, Withi % Hours of Each plaint was made the target for a fus- | yin 0 in of many years the Whitney os Eidward\Casion is | 10.10 460i Lansy I atrick oe a anters of Ulster have won their fight. | 1p 4 even if there was, it should have in ilade of shots from an untenanted | goverment has rejected tax reform. he Ny Tat of * being "My Man n Hohn ia) fed 63 years. ~ Noone will be surprised if the gov- | phon punished as long as the govern- Other hdidding near by. Svedial Fogarly | phe mere measure of granting to i a oe Hon, Sam Wan ernment soon relinquishes the powari le had physical strength to do so. : recaived a flesh wound in the check. municipalities local option, to say Hughes in the threatened Ulster war of arms, as its action had the mmme- The Daily News says: "Though| Drockville, March 24.--Mr. and Mrs. en Il. Caandare militafy min: diate result of striking a shower. of} o00 oyny officer is dismissed, wel James Dempsey, two aged and very -- by a vote of the. fatapayels whether » rest 3 ; ; d ery ROGERS MAY TAKE IT improvements should not be assessed ; ior who rounded up whole regiment.) gs a high stand- will Nave no mailed hand raised in| highly respected farmers living. near : in South Airica, has assured Premie- IN MEMORIAM. a lower value than land, was flat] , menace against parliament." Toledo, in the township of Kitley, * Said He Has Call for the Com: 2 jower o ei oy nd, Nin Borden that he isn't going to meddb: wihalouing memory of | dna Fi y The Westminister Gazette, which | died within Swenty-lows hours 3 sath missionership. afternoon. The question arose onli, {he Ulster embroglio, and w leave | NelHe Wood, who died pia 44 Wy DAILY MEMORANDA is usually the cabinet mouth-piece, thet. Early ae week bo h were Ollaws. March: B4~"Those.. in the second reading of a Dill intro- |i}. Carsonites to their fate. p See top of page 3, right hand corner. | gays the situation is so perilous that] stricken wi ne ei) a | duced by R. J. McCormick (East : for bilities. is cannot be allowed to drift. enjoyment of good health. Mrs. Demp- | closest touch with the government|y, ion) to give this: power to the To Talk Ulster We loved gh wal, at a § . sey succumbed on Saturday morning, | express entire disregard of the vasi- electors, and although: the debate / ¢ and the "Shock proved fatal to her| oy rumors and speculations as tof coo not concluded before adjourn-| Ottawa, March 24.--It is elpecte EM. (AND COUSH STILL PERSECUTING JEWS |husband, who succumbed Sunday | he appointment to office of a high or "wn "So "5 manna said the | that before the orders of the day arc : re ; morning, Both were life-long residents | commissioner. It is well under-| yo Th fat nd ne ho eause there | called in the commons this afternoon 0] T J. REID Passover's Approach Finds Russian |of Leeds county, Mr. Dempsey being 4 | gtd that Hon. Robert Rogers has| o.. oo gemand for such legislation ! there will be some talk on Ulster. . the " Undertaker ble-Makers Busy farmer of tho progressive type. He isl po call and will probably accept.| Ha Sen "old he could mot| 'It is expected that Hon. Sam |'Phonme 577 _ . 230 Princess st Trviies : the last surviving member of they, gefinite statements astothe ap-1 "0 "on ditions 'had changed to! Hughes will be in tho house in: per- ' - St Petersburg, March 24.--As the Dempsey family. Pananent however, is forthcoming | 528 le JA Ra REID Jewisl Passover approaches more re- 3 . ' phi of ) To i gl Winnipeg, March 24th, 1914. Trade Insurance 1rade Insurance 3 vertising is trade insur- ; hoe in por. . th rer ra son, and he will be pres : . It not only builds but Mrs. Dempsey was a daughter of thel 04 ype present time. wat Rey ar a a year} Bh ned. stafement as to whether he said. the ports are Yoh sireyiited yan late Patrick Downey, of Phillipsville, \ogical, consistent address, presented | Canadian government « would peruic allegations that tie Jews jra and, like her husband, was aged about. |- en MAEmAt ) fo ment re- 80 armed contingent t6 go to or. ho Shore | |EA E Te Ce, thn 5, oe ces (BRITISH GOVERNMENT |r Bie Somes hate thin fhe stim i a vet ; Cae vor. || prints a 'despatch from Uman, in the| iv. Nis. O'Grady, of Kitley towns ar ea Aw Fo ietin® | state what general stand, in view of Fi entaing the costs province of Keiff, asserting that aj pin and Mrs. Salmon, who lives MAY APPEAL 10 COUNTRY es good will, makes retains them. * . ot : STO S ' bY, ka VES AND RANGES, the the action of its ministers, it ta 3 Christian boy, Anton Zummer, Whol .... Suith's Falls, Mrs. Dempsey also out the province demymSirsted they the whole question of the Ulster | The best lot © have ever Kive great was working in a bakery af & ma-| ju ves three brothers and two sisters : Heed tor local option, oh . with "apt | TO i sR Silo rem ands and Beds. to - the custo- chine making Matzg bread for thelp W. Downey, Brockville; John Down. s ; On supjorted B : Sontehil Bb wil A member of the opposition intend ¢ line. Reatonadi "pri to the advantage of the Paahondry Dy Jewish b Ho io On ne Rn Mipavitle ter Important Measures Hand if the government was dot aware of th nt in > eee ; machinery by. Je boys. Qe ; Mrs. Dorway, illipsville, . 1 for redress it: was truly | 1; J 1 t to trade with an adver- ich t Orie { Kitlev. 3 the deman a me wei Mouse because that. con- 3 lange me pd * doo » oat the he donb oral took place Tuaes- hre By behind the times. heP Provinces ther it is the intention to offer the i doing business with } |, vator has taken up the ease: |day morning at eight o'clock. . Parliament Of Calldg wore war services of a Canadian contingent to yd over the advertising in Another report speaks of fn Tr ---- London, March 24--There in aoffario In this matter 00 aoe mw fight on the side of the crown. "se: Whig and it will be' 13 eight-year-old boy under a rafl- "Bdmonton Citizens Protest strong feeling throughout {he coun: | oes and bounds. a Baler "that the houses making |: Toa Ores BL Sebph CO TlrCRM] | Edmonton, Alta., March 34.--Bi-| UY: today, that, the British govern Charis I tf va y ¢ ' 4 # ! v 8, s . their\ appeal for your patron- | | REE | FE AEC LEE ie | monton's latest contribution to the og nr De. Spankcics Jo Reettd re me stay: on age ape the representative con- | |.. yoint to a-redbaired man in afmunicipal ownership fetish, the Of- portant measires on hand and jmme-| Dr. William § hank ty Houve olfe | Tuceday. aftersoon, for wrongiul tree. ; the community. grey coat who was seen carrying|fieial Gazette, which made its initial} Ge v1. srpeal to the country. , Lsland, bas created a record oF | ment of a girl uoder the age of four- something in his arms near the rail- appearance on March 19th, is being] rpil ior was given more credence, Kingston harhos. os : anda day J teen years. The ch arge is being press- Way on a previous day as the mur-(severely criticised by .rate-payelt| ji, afternoon, when it was known covered the isiance. rain ohile ed b; Rev. A. E. Smart, acting Jor vertise--+tha derer. He said it was a sick child.| who will foot the bill, estimatod 0! pi Premier Asquith had had a hasty jland to Kingston in his 'automa the Children's Aid Society. | remember their The inquiry is proceeding. 'Ireach $25,000 a year. The local| nicvonce with Bing George at Buck-lin eight minutes. This {s pretty " a = a . i do. a little mental com- ' a mt rn press also expresses its disapprovallip ham 'Palace. 1 wos stated that (fast driving. | Architect Charl + Leeder has ow pation. the erection of two beuses for, not hard to see that the bea " i \ in t .. Chief Jus- ference was in ard to the - Cok anbletar, at Olieahe. a Be tion of parliament, but bo ad-| Northumberland and Perth county! c. N. Hag, These ' $ Ss sw the cotion jtice Beck of the Alberta supreme] dissolution 3 sho deserve your support a of Bom y onleourt will, on March 31, hear the|mission to ibat eliect could be ob-{temperance alliances their an- op hid men who are adver f|yongee By ida tiermomn. 20,00 argument of counsel for Mark Took-| tained in authoritative government eir- decid- and. making §00d. on. } i000. of cotton had been /{ey, a property owner, Who seeks (0! clos. Ftd with$2,500,000 loss. 20% restrain the municipality from con-{ sels "Buy-Oin Pill? ay Gibson's, <= tnulng the publication, "Chase's Nerve Food, at Gibson's. &

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