Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1914, p. 3

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MONTREAL AAA. NOT DROP. PING OUT Or RUGBY Ht Come Early ? Ashby the [ailor | 76 Brock St. "Phone 1518 door Baseball by Hamilton Of. cers, A member of the rughy football committee of the Montreal A.A.A. ab- solutely denies the rumor that the --~ i intends 3 ih ou of the Rugby Four a the Canadian game in favok of the Eng- lish game. : . The English game may be played, but the Canadian game will also be | played, and, ii possible, encouraged more than ever. Work will be started earlier this season, and ho expense or labor will be spared to get a team together that will be able to hold its own against the others in Hamilton, Toronto and BEST'S CAMERA BARGAINS ({1)--3A Kodak Developing tank Enlarger £0.00 All for $30.00, $ (2)--3A Kodak .. .. $2000 Tank . $l 00 25.00 All for $20.00. i (5) Vest Carry Ca Enlarger Mooket Kodak se Morovco 1.50 ¥ 1.85 $10 All for $0.50, 31-4, 41-4 For $7.50. {6)~--<Premoette .. . Portable Developing outfit Enlarging Camera Premo. ..$12.00 $ 5.00 5.00 2.00 $12 00 All for $10.00. AN above are guaranteed good v and in perfect condition. BEST'S The Satisfactory Drug Store Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5.00; 6.30 to 9.00. glasses are the ine "in- visible" bifocals. The "near" and "far" lenses are one solid "No "lines;" no cement. are the "real thing" 1 ne g WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST FROM KEELEY Jr. Optometris: We Grisd 'ae Lenses 8 Doors Above the Dpera Hemme $ 7.00. Ottawa. In fact, it is more likely that they will return again to a pro. conch. ~~" : Na -- Stanley Cup Status An Ottawa Despatch says: "There is nothing to all t talk about a disagreement over the Stanley cup," stated William Foran, cup trus tee. "The cup trustees made all arrange ments with Emmett Quinn as regards the handling of the trophy by the two WANTS SANITARY AND PLUMB- ING INSPECTORS Appointed by the City Council--The Sanitary Inspector Should Always be in Uniform At a'meeting of the Board of Health held on Monday afternoon, ft {to appoint a permanent sanitary in- spéctor and also aplumbing inspector. It is the feeling of the members of the board that something must be done to improve the conditions which exist in Kingston at the present time. When Dr.,P. Maloney, district medical health officer, paid a visit to Kingston recefitly, he was in consul- tation with Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, tiie local health officer. Dr. Maloney was far from being pleased with the ¢onditiens in Wingston, and urged that a permanent sanitary inspector be appointed. This had been recom- mended by ' 'e Board of Health more {lian a year ago. Dr. Williamson stated that the !plan which he proposed would neces- sitate a man being on the job eight hours a day and six days a week. The milk supply would come under the inspection of the officer appointed by the eity. The milk supply in Kingston is badly in need of constant iitspection. If an inspector is ap- big leagues, and I undesjtand that they have arranged everyfhing amica- bly. We will not forbid team de' fending the trophy wherever they will, mirc, Bho it is on Canadign soil. The N.I[A. champions are qute at liberty to defend it at the coast." Mr. Foran further stated that Mr. Quinn had agreed that' the N.H.A. would abide thes oles of the trus- tees in regikds to deivnding the cup. | This means that the Torontos would \ OL (on i Fnave been required to defend the sil- I Matter Bofors Ontar io Legislature verware if the challenge of the Sydney -- Resolution to Give Hydro Radi- Maritime League champions had heen als Same Subsidy as Steam Rail. pressed, ways. IRELAND: SCENE OF T™ Map showing the points mentio WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH BILL TO GIVE VOTES T0 MARRIED WOMEN? Toronto, March 24. ~When the Wo- nien's Franchise bills come up in the ligislature today what will halpen te them ? This is the most wter- esting question for the uoment in provincial politics. I Will the government accept the Ll- Rott bill, which grants the municipal franchise to married women, other- wise qualitied, i.e., by owning pro- perty, by paying income tax etc., and the Johnston bill, which merely includes meri women owing |property, or will they reject the for- lmer more comprehensive bill and ac copt the latter and more restricted one, or will they reject bath ? It the principleof the Elliott bill that {the voters of Toronto adopted with such an overwhelming majority at the v recent municipal - elections and which play-off with Montreal for the cham- has been endorsed throughout the pionship. Hamilton won the game by province. | the one-sided score of 31 to 7, and { Ml sorts of rumors are current., It tthat just madkg the difference between iy geterally believed that the opposi- {the two teams) Belleville were out- tion (Elliott) bill will be thrown out. 'clussed in every\ department, being 'here. seems to be consideral:iq doubt | especially weak in fielding. as to the Johnston bill, which js in r-- troduced by a 'privbate conservative Referee Has No Control Synnther ; ) Toronto News. | This much is certain. The liquor Russell Dowie, one. of the best offi- interests are opposing both bills, oinls that ever stepped on the ice, or, if they pass, local option, with quit refereeing in the N.H.A. because so many women's votes added, could he had no control over the players be carried in a considerable number under the fining system. The N.ILA. of additional municipalities. The li | system of fining a. player is one huge quor men are more afraid of Fllfott's joke, because the players do not pay bill than of Johnston's, - since the their fines, and no rules in the world latter hi probably _ enfranchise only abut half as many of the~ for- by the clubs in the matter of fines. |ijeriy" Stanley Cup Money Each member of the Toronto hockey team will receive $297 as his share of the gate receipts at the three Stanley cup games played at the Arena during the past week. « The Victoria share will be less than this, as they receive only forty per , of the receipts, while Torontos receive sixty per cent. 'The total re peipts for the three games were $13, 00u, Belleville Defeated I'he 13th Regiment of Hamilton, winners of the Western Ontario section of the Officers' Baseball League, and the 15th Regiment of Belleville, win- ners of the Eastern Ontario section, played at Ha on. to decide. which team shoul )ntario, in the is {can be made that cannot be evaded er. What will the government do with the resolution of Thomas Marshall, lliberal member for Monck, asking the y 6 redls __imouse to memorialize the dominion Clergyman Sugests Federal Levy for oo vernment to grant hydro radials Support of a Wife the same subsidy as those given to Pittsburgh, Penun., March 24.--"1 steam railways? - want to.see a law passed that would A deputation from Ontario munici- compel every man more than 20, palities will wait upon the federal who is not married, to pay a tax to government this week with a similar the government for the support of request and the government, there- a wife," declared the Rev. Dr. Cam- fore, will likely fake some action den M.'Cobern of Allegheny college, | within a day or two. Meadyille, Penn., at to-night's ses-| If Mr. Marshall, supported by the sive of, the Midwinter Bible confer- liberals in the house, force the hands ence in Memorial Hall here. of the local government this time, Dr." Cobern deo:scated advanced pe will merely be repeating what he bacheluvheod, and urged young meu' gid last session On April 8th he to marry young. {moved a resolution emphasising the {need of cheap and convenient elec- | tric transportation and urging the 'government and the hy dro-glectric If more of those who discuss farm- 'e mmission to take up the preject. ing topics had the faculty of putting | T! e governitent did not accept the these attractively that is-possessed by resolution at the time, but later, Just Dr. C. C. James, of the dominion de- (before the close of the session, passed partment of agriculture, the back-te- a bill giving the Hydro-Electric com- the-sland movement would make mission power to proceed with the greater headway. Farming, he de- radial railway proposition in con- clared the other day, is simply a con-|junction with municipalities. {quest of the air, that means mwore| My. Proudfoot is another member than any aerial flight. "Do you ever of the opposition who has given spec- stop to realize," he asked, "that 1 {a1 attention to the power problem. cating the flesh of animals we ate sim: | jfore than a year ago he urged the ply absorbing element of the air which | construction of radials by the Hydro- the animals have taken in with their Commission. All these measures daily food ? The most important pro- ihave been supported by the liberal ler id She uggtieuitura) wand to-day { inémbers "both in and out of the 1s that ol ptting nitrogen imto We se, ing ane Th man Fol ve fro. 3 that problem has found the key to: perfect farming. We should stop min- ing our soil * that Europe may have cheap bread, and we should start us ing the inexhaustible resources of the air that we ovrselves might be cheap- ly fed." / z nid A A ---- I Sr we ------------ Cruisers 'Wanted Canadian Courier. Hon. W. T. White should "item of ten millions in the b 'two or cruisers to be BACHELOR TAX ADVOCATED The Genius of Dr. James Pdmonton Jouraal Frozen to Death a Watertown, N.Y., March 2!-The body of a man supposed to be Leo Ward, of Fulton, whe was employed at the Pine Camp Inn, an hotel near the government military ecamp at {Pipe Plains, was found in an unoe- cup louse near Carthage yester- day. body was frozen und he is to have: wal into the while delirious and frozen to i 0 city council ordered a ju | weather is fine, with a tendency to: {at the bombardment of Tripoli. pointed it will be his duty'to make an inspection of the milk supply at least once a month. The local medi- cal officer cited many instances where & permanent sanitary officer would be of a great benefit to the city. It is the desire of the members of the board that the man who is ap- pointed be uniformed, as they feel that the uniform would carry consid- erable weight. On the motion of H. McBratney, it was decided to ask the council to appoint a man who has practical knowledge of the plumbing business to be the city inspector. For some time the inspection has been under the supervision of the city engineer. The members feel that the engineer has done faithful work, but he has too much to do, and besides, it is the desire of the board that a man of plumbing experience should hold that office. The matter of the appointment of a plumbing inspector was brought be- women bearing names 'illustrious in]fore the board as a result of a let- the old French nobility give their ad-|ter received from the plumbers' hesion to the "decent fashions' cam-| union asking that action be taken at paign." The Comtesse de la Teur!'Once. § du Pin, Baronne Seguier, Comtesse] On the motion of Dr. McCarthy it Guy de la Rochefoucauld were|Was decided to ask the city councH among those who signed the protest. [to appoint six men to make the an- "In the Rue de la Paix itself the|nual spring inspection of yards. This new movement has gained ome very' resolution was brought as a result of notable adherent in Mme. Paquin. |® resolution meved in the City Coun- The great dressmaker says that she ¢il by Ald. * F. Harrison, that the will make no more slit skirts, Look-|Spring inspection be completed, in ing at the matter simply from the|one week or ten days. Dr. Willlam- artistic view, she says, the fashion ton stated that if six men were ap- has gone too far. "For one leg pointed, the work could be completed that contributes to the beauty of the|in ten days or iwo weeks. - One man slit skirt costrfe there are ten (hat! could inspect sixty-four places in one detract from it. We shall continue! day. ; to give the freedom which the slit Rev. A. P. Mershon wrote asking skirt was devised to afford by mak-| that the board do jomething about i ski a , improving the condition of the cellar ing the skirt fuller at the epg fas his. home, which he claimed to be in a very unsanitary state, due to the landlord's neglect. The matter was referred to tha medical health officer and city engineer with power to act. { Those present at the meeting were Owing to the continued cold wea- | Mayor Shaw (chairman), Hugh Me- ther, the marine mer are wondering | Bratney, B. Blackhall, Dr. McCarthy just when the navigation will be open {and the medical health officer. with the weather prevailing, the ico | will hold good for some time yet and | mariners were saying, on 'Tuesday morning. that there was no chance of | anything moving this month. | { E HOME RULE CRISIS ned in the despatches from Iréland. st MORE DECENT FASHIONS No Slit Skirt Are Now Made by Mine. Paquin. Paris, March 24.---The appeal to the women . of France protesting against the "immoral tendency" of modern feminine fashions issued yes- terday by a number of Paris ladies has split the Rue de la Paix, which is the birthplace of Paris fashions, into two hostile camps. The question of the hour is wheth- er the slit skirt and the decollete corsage are to be banished from the fashionable Paris salon. The move- ment; set on foot by the Women's Patriotic league is meeting with con- siderable support in the Faubourg street Germaine, and to-day many JUST HARD TO SAY. When Navigation Will be Opened in' Kingston Harbor | EVANGELIZING GANANOQUE H. T. Crossley Has Started Three Weeks' Campaign ¥ Gananoque, March 24.--~The series any rate before naviga-| ,f union evangelistic services for. the said one old timer congregations of (race asked for an opinion by the Whig on! og "and St. Andrew's Presbyterian l'uesday morning. . | vliurch opened up in the latter edifice Local coal merchants haye had their! )ast ev?ning, and drew out quite a supply pretty well cleaned out during large attendance. Rev. Mr. Crossley. the want ir apd just as soon as the; .j, wag prevented by hoarseness from ice. moved out the- coal schooners will | pening up his campaign here on Sun- start out for Oswego and Sodus. { day, made the statement that sucha p ) Le No Provision Made for Medical Men. sng hatithappened to Him Bu Toronto, March '24.--The medical work. The services will be continued men of the province are out demand-| throughout the week and on Monday ing a radical amendment to the'and Tuesday nights of next week: in workmen's compensation bill as it St. Andrew's church, and the balance stands at present. The : chief bur- of the three weeks in Grace church. den of their request is that the meas-| 'Bobby' Genge, of the Victoria, ure as il stands inakes absolutely no, B.C., hockey team, which came east provision for the medical man who for a trial for the Stanley oup, has carries one of the most important arrived here for a short visit with parts of the new bill. No clause is his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: Ro- found which arranges. for the doctor bert Bulloch, Princess. street. who renders first aid to the injured! Work has been started on the new party, since the rate of compensation government wharf adjoining the. club is only 55 per cent. It is claimed house oi the Gananoque Canoe and that all hope of collecting a fee from | Motor Boat Association. I'he eon: the workmen must be abandoned, |Struction work, it is understood, is in Hon. 1. B. Lucas, on behalf of the| chatge of an. Ottawa. fim. government, acknowledged that the kes, Alive Grofn hata oes sped. claim. made. was a very important AT So t one, He realized that a "first aid" downs. R. C. Graham, principal © rananoque high school, who repre: sented Gamanogque lodge, No. 247, A.0. provision was a vital part of the bill and that something should be dome vw = of the grand lodge sessions in loronto last week, has returned, to make it work out properly. One of the suggestions advanced, Tien Clerk Samuel McCammon las called for tenders for the purchase of Rev, "It will be the first or second week | in April at tion opens,' when | was that the commission assume re- sponsibility for remunerating medl- ent " cal mén. This could be done by ar-' Subiitates af thy of Janang ie ranging a sliding scale of fees aC- purest at five per cent. per annum, cording to the nRture of the accident. payable annually, and maturing in At the same time the difficulty of a ju33. ' government apportioning in. such" Miss Hilda Bouchor, who has been cases was not minimized. = Huge located in Napanee for the to few fees were bound to be asked for by, months, has been summoned: home on fnen who considered an administra-' account of the illness of her mother, tion something to be taxed as heav- ss, Louis Pecor. Mrs. E. Fr Hurd, ily as possible. Charles street, spending Kingston, guest of Weather Notes Frank H, Hurd, Stephen. street, has A pronounced, area of high pressure returned home, Mrs. Ceeil N. Palmer covers the eastern half of the contin: has returned to kville, after a ent, apd another, accompanied by low | short visit "ff tolen with relatives. temperature, is coming in rapidly from ; the north over the western provinces, | Merriekville," where he was summopsd while over the western statis there is by the death of Mest Sheets' father, a disturbance moving eastward. The! the iate N. Davis. Mrs. Sheets and children are remaining for some time longer. Osear W, Shefts has returned. from wards higher temperature, from On- tario eastivard. "Backnche ster," at Gibson's: The Ford Motor company will es- tablish a branch factory in London, Ontario. : Be a live wire. No matter how business is it will be bene ted a small classified advt. in in command of the Italian asmhipd tober, 1911 at Rome Sunday. Louis Hillard, whose hotel at | Kenora was burnad six weeks ago, is dead, aged 63, he pp rn was decided to ask the City Council] Methodist | ; x re hes Ca v . ; . PROBS P Fine and a little milder to-day ; « || 0d most of Wednesday. These Smart New Qur present showing of Spring Suits is ex- tensive, embracing all of the newest fashions from the ultra-conserv- ative up to the most rad- ical. We invite com- parison, as for : work- manship, quality and ralue our showing is re- markable. SUITS FROM $12.50 to $16.50, $17.50 to $22.00, : $23.50 to $45.00 We invite your early 'nspection of the styles we are now showing. SPORT COATS > Some very smart styles that cannot be procured I elsewhere, and many styles with but one of each. $7.50 to $35.00 Criterion of Fashion for April 5c, now in stock. er -------------- SAAS SRSEE TAR LLL BL ILL eS Old Abbey China i People of taste, refinement and good judgment cannot pass this line of China. In open stock or sets as you wish. You can have your monogram or crest put on any article at once 'without any delay whatever. ff Let us show you the lines. arr ps ROBERTSON'S, INITED TAKE IT PURE OR MAKE INTO. A PINT OF LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Mentho-Laxene and Sugar Syrup |or make it into cough syrup with Make a Quick Effective Cough home-made sugar syrup. Contains s Syrup. no opiates. 'At the first sneeze or cough, get 8 Best Thing in the Whole Universe | bottle off your druggist and check it to Banish Colds, Coughs and Ca- | quickly. You actually feel its sooth- tarrh--Does It in a Hurry, Too. ing, beneficial effects in the nasal, If the above statement should |throat and lung passages--there's prove untrue in your case. write us | nothing tke it, nothing so helpfil and back comes the money paid for | and sure. it, but, we know that 9998 of you| Be sure to get Mentho-Laxene will prove it true. for no remedy will help you so You can take Mentho-Laxene pure | promptly and surely. Sold by all and very strong in ten-drop dpses-- well-stocked druggists, Electric Chain Showers & Brackets See our outfif for an eight room house at $18.00. Dainty and chaste. . : ah Special prices "or home wiring this week. Come and see. i H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. Phove 441 and 1376. 72 Princess Street,

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