Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1914, p. 10

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ERIE] GretnEn Ty lume el ect Tea At ts Bost aC rt pri SU ERED AGONY The Cablem an mest frwery an met ey "DA" TEA is always the same, no matter i i 3 me fort" : : Sol Pi COAST ' ; / . ; "1 want you to Baip me probe this ' or where . it. : gu imei | WITH NEORALGH | an cme meson sownce flier ae a. a) elusive. % wip : bgp person to see him alive: and after 3 g Taneugver 8 a, . 35 Ce ; : i Darga 4 aunt) go xub you to Ponda ) 3 AL I 2 y y ~ 3 ry 4 want to be introduced to Hesttle, Wash. # "Nothing Helped Her Until She WEATHERBY CHESNEY Mousa de Iu Mar" Portland, Ore. Sn 5 "What for?" agked Vj ney quickly. ' Ae y P ; " § v You are not going to ass enough San Praneiseo, Call. | Tried Ha fives ht Supplied Exclusively in Canada by The British & Colonial Press Service, 0 Suspect her of murder, are you?" Los Angeles, Calif, f : th > Limited. = "The : , » | CAmPumLLVILLE, ONT.) May Sth. 1913. : ; Then what do you want with her?" San Diego, Calif. NT cannot k too highty : ~~~ | "1 want to know whether she saw is the choicest tea + And to other points fn British Co- a tives oh pea pre " : . a: | OF BPoke to Richmond Carrington yes- lymbia, Alberta and Western States Scarborough thought for a moment. | PATINErS, or Whichever of Shem "for | 167387. 1 want to know whether the 'at rates in proportion. ONS ion, i How could he tgll Ler? * To gain tine, | the Suiliy man, The failure wae iney: | PTYate business which made her re. : ERS' EXCURSION "The Neuralgia settled in my 1 and | he asked her to tell him first what she | 8 JOBE time (hal the failure was inev! | pug to perform last night was an ungs ang € . . v b Round trip tickets to Wes- 1 took bottle after bottle of medicine | knew. 4 table; and vet it was only within ! | interview with the man who had rob tern Canada, via Chicago and North without relief. The (doctor told me I "Very little," she answered. "When beriod of six weeks before he ras: | bed her. Is she the sort of girl who | a eaten ator | Mould, not get better but Fruitantivey" |; Very little" uh Mar. ui the circus | ented Martatel meee Lede | will be sensible enough io see tha other Tuesday thereafter until Oc- proved that the doctor was wrong, by Yesterday. Ror ht le hoki) sented Margaret! Ryan's inheritane | questions will he put, and that she'll tober 27th, at very low fares. Tick- Siving me k relief and finally knew the face But 1 couldn't Fe RANRer NY caraoiad A cad) i ad have Jo anaver Yor BEF movements? : bo: months. completely curing me. Tace, Hen \ ugh stopped. 2 had « "Yes," said Varney . "Aud she's _éts good for two m i Je Twonld nat bors my t health 3 fm Shute 1 nad seen it. dust. be- pected that the thie would be hare sensible enough to have forgotten that ] For full par ! Bon of erie amd (2, Sou ind, te Revolver ms Bey Ay "VE HL 107 sae, nue, (0 rote th : ; 3 Railroad Agent| am glad of the opportunity of givi . MRE A Widening . with 'a growing apprehct | wag only a plece of girlish froth in t Food 4 Cor. oad and Seaaunily Asn you this letter about such a Re Sang way euking to har, Sud sion, he fonud it almost. impossible, | beginning, nothing ih 3 oth in he Ages -- Highly and ¥ " ib a ot > k g < ew " ~ : Ww Ce ry . . : 3 : wR : , Kiedy A iives ho , he iaugh, and a curious shake wf the head. ug ues, Kus She said. {of matural ivmper, expressed {oa Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form--dissolyes ance of qfher women wi . slave Off the disaster?' she said, } i RY : . OL 9 larly bey Tidn 1 rémembered in a flash where 1 NG Iv had Rot boon added to the a peaient, way, D1 cvuay in water--mio healthful than tea or coffee. Used m training ne Mrs. NATHAN DUNN. had seen that Jaugh, with iis accom.) firm's assets. No trace of it Wa: | "Probably," agreed Scarborough. athletes, The t diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalid, *- i rrr | Tak > panving Jerk of the head before. Jt|round in th. books. It wis believed | "But | want to talk to her and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digestion x ANADIAN ade tt-adtives" is the only medicine | was at a tennis party ar the Varney's, that" l44o0n, ail right, I'll introduce you.| Ask for "HORLICK'S™ All Chemists, Hotels, Cafés and Stores, ' --~ Ci e from fruit juices and is particalarly | three or four years ago, and I remem. Again he stopped. He saw Klsa's r 1 Liaw tak Es 4 wes : > : nd AAC i C ed tc 'women because of its mild | hered that Phil Varney and Margaret eet oh aihed.. hora: looking revels Sa or aking things? : Dons sravel without it ge keep /, 2% How. A Janel in a iste. 3 i yvely, 3 . c , also, ready to ea nvenient--nutritious, i Sie x i Hon and picacant taste, Ryan bad played, together inost of the | out of their depths. " know , COLONIST FARES A Latent is sold by all dealers | afternoon. 'They are cousins, I think. "Go oa oy said. "Tell me, quick Ay he kubw the (ruth about hor Soca box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 2s, | That fs all 1 know. ly." "No. % ; or may ¢ obtained from Fruita-tives "There is nothing fn all this to make | = as i artne oy on | ) (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) Limited, Ottawa, you suspect her," aid Scarborough Jt his helifvad, that the Partner ou 101d. hes? i AT E ! CLOGGED NOSTRILS 0p * "She is f the V; . who had (led isd taken this money Yes, but she didn't believe me' - From wtatians in Ontario to cer- el ei wh pbb e vargey's. LI sus i oyh iim for his own use. He had| Varney nodded. "That's natural") ' = ¢ n # g re eo takén ihe orpban's inheritance, not | he sald. "Poor girl, this is a rough COLD IN HEAD OR CATARRH y + British Columbia GRAN UNION vo She . is not," sald Scarborough. | wien 110 intention of paying it back, if { me for her! Ang for you too, old "Hv ! M \ A x 10U are wrong in thinking that Phil by its means he could save his firm man," he added quietly. "I think I ; and £he are cousins. He told me that from ruin--but simply and solely for} can understand what you are feeling. | \ 1 i ~ dahd, ete, HOTEL "8% there is no relationship between them. himself, to swell his crimegained | What ditference will this make to | Instantly Relieves Swollen; Inflamed ; the nostrils; penetrates and heals Daily Until April 15th ard His Diher Sha Fouls, were her joint | hiunder. It sounds credible, but | you Nose, Head, Throat--You Breathe the oPjamed, swollen ghahbrans . x 4 'W YORK CITY 5 8 all. ; arney' . Freely ---Dull Headache Goes -- | which nes the nose, of an S FARES on - many believed it, and amongst them Varney's question meant to ag what ¥ A REDUCED PrpINEnS ran Ter bl Ce Co Bt wad Me El on; --at does ho matter? cried | ihe girl herself." I have told you that f difference the knowledge ak the Nasty Discharge Stops. throat; clears the air passages: stops EACH TUESDAY, WARCH AND a acl |. the circus, and my | 1, game 'ways she is 8 strange girl, a | father was an unpunished erimingl {nasty discharges &nd a feeling of : APRIL mother warned us of danger from the girl from whom one would expect | would Inake in Scarborough's feelings | Try "Ely's Cream Balm." cleansing, soothing relief comes ime 'Through trains Toronto circus! Tell me what you learned | 5. 23; 8 ic | towards Get a small bottle anyway, just to | mediately. wii rous "and Wost. COLONIST - | sboutters". ~ strange things: She took -a. fantastic towards the daughter. 'It Was a natural y : . 1 ] No vow of vengeduce, dedicated the next |; estion, perhaps; Lear | try it--Apply a little in the nostrils Don't. lay awake to-night strug. vARS Nn alt TRAINS No Don't Put Off Scarborough paced the room Once OT | five years of her life--if the task. 3 some rt hoy Nor and instantly your clogged nose and | gling for breath, with head stuffed; an particulars from F.°'}[ twice. Then he sat down beside Elsa. | should take so long--to tracking down even occurred to him that such a ques- | Stopped-up air passages of the head | nostrils closed, hawking and blows CONWAY, City Ticket Office, seeking relief from the illnesses oh She is » Srphian, he sald, "and | 41g punishing the man who had ruined | tion would be put, 80 he 'answered it | Will open; you will breathe freely; |ing. Catarrh or a cold, with its rune Cor. Princess aid Wellington caused by defective action of the or- Re a fn heiress. Her father had |)., she became, a. riding-mistress | readily. He thought that Varpey was | dullness and headache disappear. By | ning nose, foul mucous dropping in- Sts. Phone 1197. . gans of digestion, Most serious siek- made money as a stockman, in the | because she knéw no quicker way of lasking about Elsa, not about him. morning! the -catarrh, cold-in-head {to the throat, and raw dryness is -------------- | nesses get their start in troubles of in the days before the West ¢arning. the money. she would ueed; | "I hope that'in thewend it will make | OF catarrhal sore throat will be gone. | distressing but truly needless. i So the stomach, liver, bowels-- troubles With wire, and opened out she joined Val B. Montague, because | no difference," he said. . sn | «End such misery now! Get the Put your..faith----just onece-=in ~~ quickly, safely, surely relieved by Her childhood had | |. {i (iim sli¢' gould. begin her search | - Varney shot a puzzled loak at Lim, [Small bottle of 'Ely's Cream Balm" | "Ely's Cream Balm" and you cold the saddle, aud she often |, 'ocx, ang eiirn money as she went. | saying: "lat any drug store. This sweet, fra- or catarrh will surely disappear. he I A I HER" z , . - . OCEAN STRAMSHIP AGENCY BEECH ANS od % Bleep unger. ae | Ste bad heard that the object of her | 1 don't quite see. Do you riean to | Grant balm dissolves by the heat of Agent. Geo, W. Mahood. \ -- pursuit was in hiding In one of the {say that it does make a difference O, 8. KIRKPATRI sew red was a big enuogh ielands df ihe Atlantic" now?" 43 Clarence St. | Phone pile to leave to & gin, he came to ¥ng- NR ' n wy 3 Horace" erled Elsa, suddenly, and Yes.\ She refuses to speak to me, . f . land and brought Margaret with him q - "| She wes fourteen then, sud the mext | "®'¢ "4% & note of heart-breaking [or to let me help her. | She we stant? Kingston Business College three or four years she spent at school, | £/1€1 in ber voice. "I'l you belleve all | Your machine is in the shed." (Limited) etting the education for which there | '¢ Varney understood now, and saw . * - Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. Sel oe + BO tine 1g bor Wich bre He forced Limself to answer. that 'he had made a mistake, It wis accomplish their purpose Head of Queen Street. oo ; ; " i # "I don't know what 1 belleve. Rut, | he girl, not the man, to whom new : J w i Th), LINE = Nor ath en She was hearly twenty, { | dont kn gives us what las been ¥hom the ne with maximum efficiency Courses In bookiseping, her father died, and for a year si u > knowledge made a difference. He was i shorthand, typewriti Se roaor die Iderly govern D® | lacking hithero--a motive for thy or. glad that Scarborough Nad, missed the and minimum discomfort. service, genera Improg trave an elderly governess, ferendr dct has D a : d, 1 d ce, genera provement, ------------ PHONE 14% whom your father and Mr. Varney ep. | 1¢7--if murder has been done.' point of his question, and he honored ie qses are and: all ¢omuaercial subjects. : " : PHONE 1170 aged for her. At the end of that time | , If Eives that, even though it is-not | his friend for os understanding him. needed. SERVICE. gag. mal, onives xy oy 3 Rates, moderate. Informa. Yeom Ba ss Me, . --- she went to live with the Varneys for go ue : a lag Wulckly She believed Varney had learned in a rough school 2s5c. a box at your tion hm ne Mar, 19 i a menth or two. The firm of Carring. | Il; A0d she vowed revenge. im. | [2tely. and he knew that in the world's, ist! APE. : Plymouth east- : : ton and Varney failed when she bre Again Scarborough had to force him- eyes, his thought would be counted the Druggist's. +» mL cals month ts Kingston within three weeks of the time when, | 5¢If (0 say: tatural one: and he knew too, how. to Limited. iE Metcalf - Principal od class tinh AA bou. fod up by her father's will, she wonid be of "I do not mean that. 1 don't think [respect a man to whom that thought 8 . - Westbound $30 up. A t bil C age. On her twenty-first birthday she | that Marga et Ryan is the murderess. did not oven cecur. Re er sl ' u omo 1 a 0. , sol | But it is.known that before he left You mean to help her, none the was fo have heen given .the absolute | Loudon - Mr. Carrington invested a less," was what he sald. 22> Queen and Bagot Streets and unféttered control of her fortune | large sum in diamonds. If he retained | "Oh, ves." said Scarborough, and ta Regiairin : of twenty Shousnd pounds. Hor Iathat them in hig possession, as it is prob they rode off together. . rage, Repairing, Accés- believed that, with the train ng SRESable that he would, they would supply The road to the pine-grower's house FOR SALE sories, Bad hud, she Muald be Gapahle of con a motive. There are plenty of men in | passed within a few hundred yards of ng it wisely. But she Was never (ys world who wil murder for | . | the Caidelra de Morte, and the od | TTR. Dest. Hand ao We guarantee satisfaction put to'the test." ol | "With a ery. that *ae almost ooh. de the en ad Sue Richard | PALACE Livery Cine pr 20 HESSD 0003550068088 sa Sporougl paused. and Hea. Sy Risa rose and faced him. Carrington had met his deat. The Giant, $10.00, Ball Te ind --------e ain 10 sign C Athi, { You say that my father had: those The Caldeira lay in a shallow de- 24 to 38 Princess St. bearings and brush attachment he was speaking, asked quickly diamo * she asked--"dlamonds pression in the hillside, formed by an Little Giant $8 00. nt bad gone? Aan va'ch he liad bought. with that girl's |extinet erater, and they had to leave | Has re-opened as a first-clags b ini $10.50 . Every penny of it, I am told. money! You gay that, Horace > their bleyeles to get tot. There was | 4] livery, hack and boarding sta- Po ion, a 12.00 Poor girl! . How she must have fi narrow fissure in the lip of the crater | §| D168. Vehicles of all descrip -ominion Queen, $12.00. loathed the Varneys! What aid she| 'I say that that is the story I was | hrough which the warm, shallow tions, Coty olary Cleaners, Cid do?" told." ' |stream from the Caldeira mad its LIS ar Mops, $1.50. of 1915 rl : "Made up her mind to earn her Hy- "Do you believe it?" way to the lover levels. The path and L. LAWLESS, Prop. Houses in all parts of olty. 9) k Ing. There was one accomplishment He did not answer. She waited for the stream oGcupied the whole of this Phone 77 | Ee -- By large Cruising "CLEVELAND?" In which 'she excelled, and she resolved nearly. a minute, and the silence Was | fissure, but somtimes the stream took ESS H. 8. CRUMLEY Steamship 915 to put it to account. . She became a broken only by their deep breathing. up all the available space for itself, + From New York, Jan. 31, 191 ridipg-mistress. hen she laughed softly, and Scar land left no path; so that it was neces. Visiting us cities and countries on a "In Loudon . borough thought that laugh was the sary to jump from rock to rock in its i ich serves as your . "No, in Boston. A man who had | most desolate sound he had ever heard. bed, or to splash boldly through ft. polatial steamship whic os 3 rotel. Every luxury and comfort assured. known her father kept a big riding Then she stopped. and with an im | wails of grey pumice, splashed with : A --_-- ------------_-- De \ i school there. He happened to be in perious gesture pointed to the door. irregular patches of red lehen, rose| | 8 x 135 days--$900 and up r " § | Eogland on a holiday, and be offered vat" she said. for forty feet op either side; and sar an If You Are Thinking of Building i : : - lier a 'post: in his school. She had a ry : ings and witermarks on their flanks focludies Shoes Tion yd ot Se She can end few pounds of her allowance left, and i, L asked Jor out help, bu H showed that here were times when | . tn i» 4 iia riven for eimai St Also Indies, 2 'madd. ub > . De vill do witheut it. u believe ill u y o - i A o oe ConeE med trios. slie made up the money for her pas a how | : no, eliey ats the shallow stream was a rapid torrent. ehief bricks, etc., as you will save 1 He i . sage and outfit by selling her trinke*s. » Wh 3 After-about fifty vards this ully Sead forhoshis. witty autos 5, 4 E that Corn A month after she landed, Val B, Mon-} that anyone in the world"--and then ended in the shallow cup of the aon, $250.00 between "lia Drick HAMBURG-AMERICAN I : tague saw. hor ride. and asked her tofin a lower tone, she added: --*till YOU {A ring of jagged teeth of basalt made 3 Seman Dave all sizes fn : LINF End it in two days Join' the troupe he was getting up to| came, and 1 thought | had found one {4 complete circle, a quarter of a mile i sills, lintel fer blocks, imbue American Live, Tvansportath - . > 2YS, tour the Atlantic islands. She did so." | Whom 1 could love more! : In diameter, broken only at the place Arrs. J. Wontervelt of Paterson. N. J writes dv per ' brek Coan, or To Sela Kavier! Blue-jay would stop the "Tt was an extraordinary thing tof He went to take her in his arms, but f where the two youpg men had entered, | "I have a large family of small children, apd nd vases at reasonable prices. : -- pain the moment she applied it. | | do." said fsa. or aie cried. "lio! I think { hate | POV. Bla black rampart ie slopes iy ate neon Bony 8 doctors wil" Hg, Then it would gently loosen the "I fancy, she"is not a yery ordinary . ous Sli cried. ! 1 thin ale I were clothed with a green mantle "of | little girl bas spratued her niki and 1 com In 48 hours, the whole || &!fl: Besides, she lind a reason. And |¥ou nbw! heath and whortleberries; lower down Hatway's Beads Roser" © "" J0€tor thd corn. 1 ours, the whale Montagne was, not a stranger. She| "And then, in a passion of sobbing there was a thick carpet of stag-horn CUR . corn would lift out, without any had known him out West as one of | She threw herself into a chalr, and moss; and lower still, barrenness, bars ES SORE THROAT a a ene » i covered her face with her hands. h and ; i pain or soreness. her father's stockmen, and she be | COVere r earth and : tones, with a scurfy {ucrus- : x lieved he was to be trusted." yy oSe------ tation of white upon them. The Cal- th tho rierlel to the throat. and Che "HOME, SWEET HOME" "SUL" said Bisa, "it was & mad CHAPTER VIL deira itself was hardly more than ten | Ratway's Pie in" spi ds moot freely 2 8 5 ME _ Blue«jay, cach 'month, ends a thing, unless, her reason was &.very A Scratched Stone fards across it now," but the white | Totge wi inn, cold, lake a v , + ND Corns hat way. ha " A : - . | LACKS SINCERITY A WHEN Million coms in that way... No hard fo frol: one, "Well?" asked Phil Varney, 'whey | desolation d it marked the limits | fur of Relief with a teaspooiiful of molnsses, Baby Carriages & Go Carts Coen can resist it Since this invention v eve. it wan ** . { ® tumbler of hot water, Retire at once to . MUNG ON RENTED WALLS. it is utterly needless to suffer from fihelibre. i was. ut ron 0. Seturned from the Chine [1 RICE. Mu Suters sometimen: rome. | fhet tui of hot wait? 'eine Ponce % 1914 Line" A faint smile flickered over Else's las to the Cable Station The waters thelselves were, white, | and in the morning the coll will be gone, g OWN THE KEY TO YOUR --- face, and. she asked with something! "Richmond - Carrington AS dead," | like milk, and they were in constant > BADWAY & CO., Montreal, Can. Yet thousands of pe opie stil § like a seer: said Scarborough simply. ~ curling, bubbling movement, lke Wilk FRONT DOOR. . | Sot, TF uss sche old pe feat. "Was if Phil Varney *. So she dld| "Murdered? J gently boiling. A cloud of steam rose nent hey he ey be Se not hate him, though his father had! "I gop'¢ krtow, but it lobks like it." | from them in a dense colamn, expand- N [| aie while they become ruined her?" "The diamonds?' = ing into a 'canopy, and twisted in ever- Cement blook house oy Rus- il Tee 1 A i Schtharouek Aliook bis head Saves, thi ing wreaths out over the toothed treet, seven rooms. good [fi Ty this scientific way. ; Hil did not know of the e. 0 ! ge of the crater, p< lo will on complete on the HIE See how Blue=jay stons the rai of the circus ttoupe till three monthe "It reminds me of the picture of the Y 2 i hehe the Paifl later, when lie joined it at Rio, Her mie in the Arabian Nights, riding in first of May, for $2500.00. . See how it undermines the corn. " ge! gis, Double frame house on a [IF And see, in two days, how that corn motive was not that. - & cloud from the brazen jar," said Var- corner, $2850.00. ° | ever di \ ipoJou know what it was? : Bey. "What's the smell?" The Best that money ean buy. | Brick veneér house on Syd- | . es. 4 iy "Sulphuretted hydrogen," said Scar enhant ot 35 x 65 feet: i After that, so long as you live, | He got up and paced the room again. I ' or if borough. "There generally is a Httle, D COUPER furnace 1a Hght, gas and (fi |§ YOu "ill never let coms bother you. After all, the thing bad to be told, and Constipated, though the amount varies. The va. . improvements, $3659.00 his delay bad not made it easier, or "California Syrup of Figs." pors are mostly carban dioxide, 1 be pro ; he shown him any gentle way of saying Don't scold your fretful vigh | lieve; but after an earthquake any- 841-3 Princess Street b : En Double frame house on |i : ] pee 76 Deliv, Montreal strest, $1500. iy Blue =jay Bir ng, ut Elan was not mn | EE. Penh | where in the Island, the salpma they Phone 76 Bivigs Deilsess | other giris; she was brave, and would are in sufficlent quantity to be dan- hear the truth without flinching. He 3 Ss sen ite Jills Stomach. Hyer gerous." Carriages ...... $10.50 to $35.00 vs For Corns owed it fo her courage mot to fence te ' "Does t=. often happen?" wy . - Go-Carts ........ $3.50 to $18.00 Ray kiraight out what hed to ve smsie | Whoa. listless, gRIBc fever, tun | "Yew. pietly otten: but I liven' A «res $2.00, $3.00 $3.60 15 and 25 cents--at Druggists say & t out what had to be said. of ee bad, throat sore, does- | Beard of any earthquake lately." ee ; : "You that there are people n't eat, sleep of sot naturally, hae! They were not the only visitors to Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York who do not hold the view you do about BORO ep indi on diarrhoea, the crater. A man was standing by the "Makers of Physicians' Supplics your father's innocence?" he said. tomach-ashe, Jigeatio "wCalitorals | £d8e of the water, 2° blouse-clad 3 "Why do you say that?" she asked rap of Figen and in & few hours €80 Deassnt, with u wide hat on his dutekly. and : all the foul waste, the sour bile and | bead and a cigarette of malze-hugk be- "B what I am golrg to tell you fermenting food out of the tWeen 'his lips. A donkey quietly 18 Sly Siusible t 1t 1s read iu te (teLMentINg food pases out o play- | Browsing on the herbage at the ed light of thet fact." ae ry Jou Children love thi! Of the whitened circle was evidently She looked at him coldly. Naritien Sal. tive." and moth. | is Broperty. Presently the man bent a Vhat tact™ she asked. "That my ig Et a siving it, be-{ 10Wn aud lifted a dripping, steaming father tras guilty? Is that what you cause it Te to make their atl Hee she, aes. oy i mean?' md = oh . and 'sweet. . Liat's he doing? arue; asked. gh wa ts EE ar" P| Keon actin" Ke Cookin" id cnr in ~~ wan 4 tl sick child to- deans . They : Lo TE "Oli, know thai!" she said, scorn [51200 to-day Zot the-genuine. Ask |Sre 3 popular food bere; youll see cseripiive bon | | Tibs, white enamel, drop fully. "Why, we have been livisg here your. dru gist for a G0-cent bottle | S8cks of them ju every provision shop , cea } 3 ivi deseo $5.00, $6.00, $8 under the of California Syrup of Pigs," which In Pontd Delgada, ® i Mattresses to fif. hay Sirectins. for babies, Shildren of . (To be continued) A : 1 . + Cradles, High Chairs, B all ages and for gro "dere or ther . there bo that yours ! the| When ¢ is, plenty to talk shout Calitortia Fig Rae by the and on thre take to ferfot out, you Hand back with contempt any other never hear the gossip complain of ~ Bg'eyrup. - CONN, ~

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