% BUY AN ENSIGN Suinmmer is at hand. The great outdoors is call- ing. There's healthy recreation for those who an- | swer the eall, arid a world of enjoyment in making il. pictures of all beautiful spring and summer views ll that we daily come in contact with, 4 | is the very best camera. Prices'from $1.50 to $25.00, at vin L w & C0 141 Princess . | " Street. ... se ! cOMMITTER WILL, ASK occu) I now-so many citizens using automo- Maker Of Men's Clothes We have pleasure in announcing a complete stock of new goods for spring. goods are the lat word in color tones and pattern; are fresh from the looms of the old country. We are offering these goods at a very reasonable price, and solicit a share of public patronage. x THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET a FOR SALE. A % PASSENGER McLAUGHLIN BUICK AUTOMOBILE Ti IN GOOD - CONDITION, FULLY EQUIPPED WITH TOP AND WINDSHIELD, 5 LAMPS AND TIRES, SLIGHTLY USED.. MUST BE SOLD, AND WILL SELL CHEAP, PRICE $650.00. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. Wellington St. Phone 454 ® oie. i - ..- Sun-Kist Raisins Second shipment just arrived -- Seeded and Seedless in Pckgs. At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. Electric Lighting Fixtures "he Light That Never Failed § Ts that which is supplied through our electric fis- tures. No leakages, no bad joints, no imperfections i in ahy fixtures we put up. They are artistic in de- | sign, and fit for any room or hall. We can give you % the best and most practical services in this respect, | and you will be perfectly satisfied with the work and h our charges. J. MOORE & SON w. Ce 'Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double ~~ The Electric Shop | THE DAILY BRITIS! THERE WEBE NO CRIMINAL CASES AT SPRING ASSIZES FOR SUM OF $2478 To Carry on the Necessary Work This Judge Price. Opened thé Court in Summer -- Suggestion to Place the Absence of Chief Justice Mere. Ring in City Park in Better Con-; dich, Who Was Ill--Petit Jury dition } 3 Was Sworn for One Case to be The Civic Parks Commiitee, of! Heard on Wednesday which Ald. Kent is the chairman, | Lawyers-in Kingston are. not at held its first meeting of the year on'yy pyrdoned with criminal, work. Tuesday afternoon, 'in the Mayor's prontenac county holds a record office, and prepared estimates for the (hen it comes to crime. summer's work. ; |assizes there were no criminal cases The committee decided to ask the ,;10raq' and the same condition pre- council forthe sum of $2,475. Last y,ij04 at 'the spring assizes which year the committee expended the sum 'yw... opened on Tuesday »fternoon at of $2,307.51 outside of the amount... slack, paid out in ralaries. =. As a result, the grand jury, which - On motion of "Ald. Newman, the, A summoned, was proto im- chairman and the superintendent of Inediately after being sworn in. Ow- parks, W. H. Phillips, were Instruct', 0 to the fact that the last grand ed to make the necessary purchases j,.. ade a tour-of the different in- of trees, plants and bulbs; a mMotoR Lyon receiving government aid, At the fall' * EDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1014. (WORK AT THE PARKS JURY WAS DISMISSED Only One Lot of 50 Pairs -_ of Women's Boots In Kid, Velour Calf, of Ald. White' also being passed .. grand' jury was mot asked to granting the chairman to 'make an visit these places and submit a re- The chairman brought a new and most important matter before the committee in regard to the outer 'ring at the City park. 'He said that in yiew of the fact that there were port. Chief Justice R. M. Meredith was ill, suffering from a severe cold, and could not come to Kingston. Judge Price opened the court and had the grand jury and petij jury sworn in ) case which is on the biles which cut up this roadway, that Toy the DHE Tur case wi Jurors were the city should do something towards discharged. . putting it in better shape. He Sus- = spar opening the. court, Judge gested that the council be asked to Price hail the members of the grand pave it similar to Barrie street. It jury sworn, and: then informed the was decided to secure an estinrate of members that there was nothing for the cost from the city engineer, and yn to do, iad rows attorney, J. L. have the matter taken up again at & Wwpiine K.C., having informed him special meeting of the committee. 'y1a¢ there were no criminal cases on In addition td the chairman there the docket: The. members Of the were present. Ald. Stroud, Ald. Bews, jury were then handed over to Ald. White and Ald. Newman. Sheriff Dawson to be paid off. During the course of discussion at, The following were sworn in as the meeting Ald. Stroud became ohare of the grand jury: warm under the collar and had a few Melzar Avery, Oso township; things to say about the Bagot streel ;....5 Baxter, Pittsburgh township; dump. MentioR® had been made Benson Coulter, Kingston; William about the Rideau street commans, se Fairman, Howe Island; John Gray, cured by the city as a playgrounds pu, ie township; William Guthrie, for the boys in that part™ of the y.,.hhoro township; Arthur Keyes, town. Kingston; John E. Kelly, Kingston; The chairman stated that he had Tong Kingsley, Wolfe Island; Wil- been asked by the chairman of the liam N. Linton, Kingston; Edward Board of Works if the Parks Gom- [oooh a Loughboro township; Den- mittee would have any objection to oy Millan, Kingston. the Board of Works using the stone, my oo are one jury and three non- and the chairman informed him that jury cases on thé docket, so Jhdge he did not believe that there would Price had the petit jury for the one be any objection taken. case sworn in and then adjourned the Ald. Stroud said that he 5.4 until Wednesday afternoon at would move that there be no blast two o'clock, when the case will be ing in this district to cause the resi proceeded with. The following were dents of that neighborhood any trou- empanelled onAhe petit jury: ble. Then his thoughts turned to; 7, .4 Lesslie, Kingston; Ambrose the Bagot street dump, stating that Patterson, Storrington township; it was a source of great nuisance. If Joseph Kelly, Bedford township; was continually burning and people Russel Sands, Storrington township; in that neighborhood had to suffer. [Samuel Shanks, South Canonto; Wal- Ald. White stated that people... ohipley, Portland township; An- should not build houses near a dump. ! drow Craig, Kingston; Reynold E. This dump. had been there for several Brash, Bedford township; Timothy Years. ._.. _|E. Steele, Kingston; Winthrop Sears, Ald. Stroud took strong objection Kingston: Charles Potter, Kingston; to this, stating that every citizen gion vannest, Portland township. was nof in a position to build in yo other portions of the city, and for THE SOHOOL ESTIMATES this reason they 'should Jece/ ve just ------ 4s much protection as. other citizens. $85,660 Needed Ald, Stroud declared that he would Sum; of of Bducation hy Board continue his protest to/ the City Coun- - - cil in regard to the matter, The firemen have been, called a great many t'me the Bagot street dump, as it is eontinually burning; even in the winter time: Ii was Tor this reason that Fire Chief Arm- strong some time ago asked that a line of hose be kept at the dump per- manently. for tha vedr. The City Council will wuich $61,080 18 fér public schools and $24,080 for the Collegiate In- stitute. For the public schools, $3,528 more than received last year, is asked, and for the collegiate insti- tute an increfse of $1,680 over last year; a total increase of $7,208. Last year, the collegiate had a surplus of '$1,137, which reduces the amount that otherwise would have been fecessary. The former grant of $700 from the Queen's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" An event looked forward to with more than ordinary interest theatric- ally is the coming of Kibble and Mar- tin's world greatest revival of Har- riet Beecher Stowe's lovable story of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Kibble and: faculty of edueation is dropped whis Martin's reputation as a. promoter! year der the new agreement of big productions is well known by! Collegiate salary increases will am- theatregoers, but few are aware ount to $1,200; night classes, $600. that the coming event is one of the! . The increase in the public school most gigantic and elaborate that has estimates includes $4,399 salary in- ever been attempted in America. Not; creases. Other increases are $230 only does Mr. Martin - promise to; for fuel and $300 for. furniture. bring a company of over fifty people, " but a carlead of scenery, ponies, horses and bloodhounds in the piece. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will hold the boards at the Grapd on Saturday, March 28th, matinee and night. Watch for the grand street parade at noon. WILL BE TRIED ON FRIDAY Nii vre-- Qhree Men Under ~rrest at Ottawa for Theft of Brass W. N. Tisdale, special agent for the Grand Trunk railway company, was in the city of Wednesday morn: ling arranging to \ have the stolen brass, located In. a) local junk shop, forwarded back to\ the company's headequarters, As the result of thh unearthing , of the brasy $n Kingston "and the wnfor- mation secured * thatlit was shipped from Ottawa, three nen, all em- ployees of. the company, so it is sta- ted, 'have been placed' under arrest in Ottawa, and will come before the magistrate in that city "on Fri- day. The cafe was before the court and an adjournment was made. It is expected that there will be interesting p ® 'as a result of the arrests made in Ottawa. Very 'little time ~ wis lost in making = ar- rests at Ottawa as soon as the an- | thorities there received word that the stolen brass had been. shipped out of the 'capital to Kingston. : comet Weather Notes & The disturbance, which was cen- tred in Colorado, yesterday, has mov- ed to Wisconsin, and southerly with rain now prevail over the ern. portion of 'the great lakes. weather continues fair and com- paratively mild from Ontario east- ward pi. very cold in the western Only one "BROMO QUININE." To got the - genuine, call for ful name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, look for signature of E: W. GROVE: Cures a Cold in Que Day. * 25¢:" Took a Fit on Street On Tuesiay afternoon, about four o'clock, Thomas McCrow, of Syden- ham, took suddenly ill at the corner of Princess and Wellington streets, and fell heavily to the'road in a semi- unconscious state. In falling he re- ceived some severe gashes on - his face, which bled profusely. Corbett's ambulance was summoned. The un- fortunate man when picked up"was covered with mud and stiffened out as though he were dead. He was taken to the hospital.' VELGATE CLD Made Strong and Healthy by Viol. Growing children play hard and work hard at school, which with ra- pid growth uses up an 'enormous 'a- mount of energy and vitality , 'that must be . When a o is tired all ,the time, Re appetite, weak, delicate sad siok- | provinces. we guarantee Vinol, eur cious a alization Pal cod liver and Sron tone, will build Naturalization Papers them up, create a_ hearty appetite. | At the spring assizes, which open- sound flesh and muscle tissue, pure, [6d on Tuesday afternoon, naturaliza- and make them |tion papers were taken out by Israel ) | Kemaamin, formerly of Austiia; Sm Bertrand, New Iberia, [ker Olsen, Norway; ' George er "My Rttle one was weak | Bliss, New York state; and Delbert in health, and was |Ames, Sandy Creek, Oswego 'county, taking cold. = Different | N.Y. : When First in Five Years s the first time I have heen gales wt "This The Board of Education will meet this evening to pass the estimates be asked for the sum of $85,660, of fun Metal and Patents, in lace, Bluchers and buttons. ? most of these are $4.50 and $5.00 values--but must be ¢leared at one Mostly sizes 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2 and 4, then the larger sizes, 6, 6 1-2. $2 49 . ABERNETHY'S | We commence the season with the largest, stock of Men's Nobby Hats ever im- ported into Kingston, DERBIES AND SOFT HATS $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, 83.50, $4 "The style centre for Men's Hats Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street A LECTURE ON "WAR" BY COL. L. R. CARLETON OF THE MILITARY COLLEGE At Queen's University on Tuesday Afternoon -- The Nece<sity of Always Being Prepared as Em- phasized, Lieut.Col. L.R.Carleton,D.8.0.,(lom- mandant of the Royal Military Col- on "War," on Tuesday afternoon in the history room at Queen's univer- sity. y The commandant jexplained that the machinery of -fmoderny. warfare was very intricate As an intimate knowledge of warfare is vital to the life of a modern nation, particularly a Efiropean nation. This knowledge becomes a personal matter for every citizen of a free state. Staff officers in Canada are here for educative purposes. They are missionaries of peace in the sense that they are to dispel, in some measure, that ignor- ance which has in the past brought on war unnecessarily. Prepfration for war 'is essential hostilities nowadays do not begiu with a declaration of war, but with actual. operations in the field. We must be réady to strike first and tc keep on doing it. All gréat nations recognize the importance of being able to take the offensive. Turkey's awful disasters were due to a lack of preparation. Co-operation is very important to us with our scattered empire. Ow- ing to this scattered nature of the empire our War Office has-the most difficult organization in the world to deal with, especially with our system of voluntary service. Correct information and absolute secrecy with regard to operations are a atial in war. To this end it important that we have a fo¥al press with , good judgment in the matter St selecting publish- able news. * ' Lastly there is the human factor. The moral of the whole nation, in- cluding she army must be kept-up Good leaders who can keep up the courage and good epirits of the people and the army are essential The speaker concluded his lecture with the statement that the British military staf by very hard work was accomplishing wonders in the way of promoting. military efliciency in the imperial forces. rt ---- Would Go to Ulster wh could get fifty men to to J Ulster ii the word was just given ir Kington," remarked a prominent | Kingstonian to the Whig on Wednes day morning. "If there was an or- ganization and volunteers called ford do not think it would take very long for men to fall in line." s As far as ean be learsed, it is nol fexpected that any Kingstonians will go. sid lege gave a very interesting lecture g Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House Phone 845 P asteurized Qur milk is ieived E three times an bottled at PRICE'S Bedding Any House painted with THE SHERWIN-WILLIANS _ PAINT looks like a new house. S. W. Pcis the most satiz- factory paint to use. Gives the best protection at théh- smallest cost, When you paint, it will pay you to remember S.W.P, Get it Jrom ws For refinement and style furnish with BRASS BED J Twenty different patterns to select . from. : Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID, PHONE M7 TRE LEADING UNDERTAKER. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 4.7 lating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor na id at alt rug Mores or mailed to any Bot Ca a ce. Teg SoopELl mye FOR 'M {EN Restores eo « Vi snd Vitality; for Nerve nnd Brain; increases 'grey yA Toule_witt build Jou I, au box, or : lor $5, at drug stores, or by mall on 3 price. Tue Sconrel Dave Co,, St. On nt nts "Sold at. Mahood's Drug Store." GRAMOPHONES SOLD.ON YOUR OWN T - ~~ We have the largest assortment of : phones, ranging from $17.50 to $650, and igs them '"on fime," that is, you can have your pick and pay us a small amount down, and the balance in | payments to suit yourself. : Lo Come in and see them and hear the latest re cords and see what we can sell you a machine for. We will give you all the time vou desire, alt y We know that you probably can afford to pay ed Come in, anyway. You are not under any obliga: "tion to buy. : : ! ig We have full assortment of pianos from $300 to | $900, sold on the easy payment plan if desired. Come | ~ and see our display.