-- BUY AN ENSIGN '~~ | «Summer is at hand. The great outdoors is call- "ing. There's healthy recreation for those who an- gwer the call, and a world of enjoyment in making pictures of all beautiful spring and summer views that we daily come in contact with. : «25 The Ensign is the very best camera. Prices froin $1.50 to $25.00, at IR UGLOW& CO. "141 . Princess me Street: .. i THOMAS LAMBERT . Maker Of Men's Clothes We have pleasure in" announcing a complete stock of new facile To a These goods are the last word in color tones and. pattern; are fresh from the looms of the old country. We are offering these goods at a very reasonable price, and solicit a share of public patronage. THOMAS LAMBERT 1657 PRINCESS STREET FOR SALE A 5.PASSENGER McLAUGHLIN BUICK AY TOMOBILELY EQUIPPED N GOOD CONDITION, FULLY EQUIPPE WITH TOP AND WINDSHIELD, 5 LAMPS AND TIRES, SLIGHTLY USED.. MUST BE SOLD, AND WILL SELL CHEAP. PRICE $650.00. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. Wellington St. Phone 454 ~-- Sun-Kist Raisins Second shipment just arrived-- Seeded and Seedless ifi Pckgs. At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. | Flectric Lighting Fixtures | "he Light That Never Failed Ts that which is supplied through our'@leetric fix- gl tures. No leakages, no bad joints, no i fections | in any fixtures we put up. They are artistic in de- | sign, afid fit for any room or hall. We @i-give you the best and most practical services in this respect, g and you will be perfectly satisfied with the avork and i our charges. ' |W. J. MOORE & SON | The Electric Shop 206 Wellington St. ¥ 4 * Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Doble Sole. | 1y rob a women of her charm as gray tails to do this. - . { : STANLEY CUP GOES TORNATION- ot 4 by at The following is a detailed state- AL COMMISSION % [Bea of the expense incurred by the Regina Wants John Ross Rpertson Cup -- Hockey Rules Being Ite: _ Vised by Harvard and Princeton Répresentatives. There will be ao more we ing in conpoction with the athe ity Jn tru stees," Messrs, Foran and Ross, are evidently glad to have at least some of the responsibility = for the Yds trophy lifted off their shoalders and have written President oi tt Quinn, of the N.H.A stating t as cup has been' accepted un» the 'emiblem of the Profestiones char pionsbip of Canada, they will in fu- | ture leave everything in the. bands of the National Commission. All oy request is that they be kept fo touch with the condition of afiafrs in order that there may be no failure on the | part of the winning club the usual pond or of the silverware. dispute between the al and Padific Coast Hockey associa: tion will the board of trustees be called upon to readjust matters, to provide safekeeping of Only in cases of Maritime, Nation: Game Too Rough With 'the obiect of diminating the "rough tactics" that have developed under present day hockey rules, re- presentatives of Harvard and Prince ton are now engaged on a revision of the rules of the Canadian' game, When the draft is completed it will be submitted to Yale, the St. Nich: olas club ot New York, the Boston Athletic association and possibly others for discussion. Hockey Gossip The Vancouver players made 'wore out of their exhibition games. than did the Vietorias out of the, world's series. They got $1,250 for each oi their three = exhibition games in the east and split: up the purse at New (ork, There may be ehanges in Hoth pro. leagues next year, according to Ot tawa advices. Hamilton is anxious to get finto the N.H.A., and West- minster may be dropped from the I'; C.H.L. in favor of Portland or Seat tle. The other two clubs had carry Westminster along this ter. t { win 'Regina Cricketers Want Cup Regina Leader. Regina cricketers are determined to bring the Ross Robertson cup, em hlematic of the - amateur scifcket championship of Cavada, to Regina during the present year. Fired by the example of Lhe Victorias in bring- ing the Allan cup to Regfina, is a very strong mo\ement 'on foot among the crickelers of Regina to follow in the footsteps of the hockey boys and consolidate the four teams in the city into one big club, so that it will be possible to send a re- presentative team to Winnipeg next fall in a strong effort to lift the Ross Robertson cup and place it alongside the Allan cup. THE LATE MRS. GRASS Aged Lady Died in 'General Hospi- interest thereon. from March tal Wednesday On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Mary Grass, widow of the late Charles Grass, passed away in. the general hospital. Death was due to a broken hip, which, owing to her advanced age, would not heal. Mrs. Grass was the daughter of the late James Stu- art, of Glasgow, Scotland, and was born about I831. She came country in 1852, Ope brother vives, James M. Stuart, a prominent artist of Glasgow, who has painted for the royal family. Deceased was member of Chalmers chureh. The fun- eval took place on Thursday morning, from the residence of Thomas Hewitt, Lower Union street. Rev. Dr: Macgil livary officiated. sur. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Kibble and Martin's mammoth scenic and spectacular $30,000 revival of the great and everlasting celebrat- ed 'masterpiece' of 'Harriet Beecher Stowe'sp entitled "Uncle Tom's Ca- bin," will be given at the Grand on Saturday, March 28th, matinee and night. It is one of the grandest and most interesting and heart-rending plays ever placed upon the stage, and it will live forever in the memory of the theatre-going public. Kibble and Martin, the enterprising' managers, have taken great pains in staging and producing the original version of Mrs. Stowe's beautiful' story, every year trying to outdo the previous. The com- pany this season numbers over fiity people, twenty of which are coldred, engaged to fill out the many pictures of the, play and introduce their many old and new songs, dances and plan- tation shines. Two" seventy-foot Pull: man paldce cars are reypuived to trans- port the people and scenery. See the grand street parade at noon. 'Whein Will Navigation Open Therd is some betting going de. mow as to the time navigation wiii open. On Thursday morning a man wagered ten dollars that the steamer Wolfe Islander will be landing at. the whari in Kingston by April 5th. =' ON FATHER TIME Don't Let Gray Halr Make Youn Look : Prematurely Old. Nothing will so quickly and sure- and faded hair, and nothing is so easily preventable. AS A few applications of Hay's Hair Health will restore gray hair to fits natural color and luxurfatice. It is nota dye. It is a tonic that stimu- lates aud invigorates the scalp and hair roots to the proper performance of their functions, thereby bringing back the original color of the hair, It cures dandruff. 3 Your money will be refunded it it $1.00, 50¢, 2c. Get it at our to! there | to this " | versity, swore that Mr. Harpell Board of Edueation in the salaries of ollicials; teachersxand caretakers as presented in the mates passed at {the meeting of the Board of Educa- tion on Wednesday night: Salaries at Collegiate institute-- E. O. Sliter, $2,000, R. M. Chase, $1,600, R. W. Sills $1,700, W. P. Hedley $1,500, W. J. Saunders $1,700, G. 8. Bale $1,700, J. WwW. Kelly $1,400, Elisabeth Henstridge $1,200, W. G. Anderson $1,700, J. W. Fraser $1,400, Morley Shurtleff $1,340, Cora Watt $1,140, 'Hattie Chown $1,000, George Palmer $900, John Macdonald $300, James Cruse $600; total. $21,080. Public school teachers--Allan, Lally, $725; Abrams, Emma, $725; Barry, Frances, $725; Beatty, A. J., $1,140; Bureau, Isobel $725; Bea- ton, Acelia, $725; Barney, Hannah, 18725; Booth, Edna, $600; Connor, S. BE, $725; Conley, Hattie, $725; Cunningham, Mary, $725; Davidson, Annie, $830; Dunlop, Bessie, $475; Engli:h, Edith, $725; Ettinger, J. G., $1,300; Elliott, Kathleen, $725; Evans, Ella, $650; English, Jean, $670; Fraser, Eva, $682; Ferrier, Mabel, $525; Greenless, R. F., $1,300; Gill, Sarah, $850; Gilbert, Blanch, $650; Gordon, Amanda, $620; Gallagher, Nellie, $650; Greer, Laura, $550; Hinton, Gertrude, $600; Hentig, Florence, $725; Hip- son, Louise, $682; Hoppin, Elizabeth, 1$725; Henzy, Jenny, $800; Hughson, 'Ida, $600; Inman, W. F., $1,800; Kelly, Margaret, $725; Kelly, | Amelia, $650; Laturnel, Gertrude, {$600; Lovick, Charlotte, $875; Ma- {bee Lily, $700; Maxwell, Daisy, 1$570; McCallum, Jean, $700; Mac- {Donald, Anna, $570; Neish, Laura, $600; Nesbitt, Mamie, $600; O'Shea, Grace, $7256; Ohlke, Clara, $600; Pound, Elizabeth, $682; Parrott, Lu- ella, $570; Ryder, Laura, $700; Scott, Lily, $725; Sprague, Muriel, $620; Stewart, Jessie, $600: Staf- ford, Clara, $650; Sanderson, Maud, $5670; Smith, Loraine, $600; Single- ton, Elida, $550; Volume, Margaret, $725; Wilder, Emily, $775; Wilder, Laura, $600; Walsh, Elizabeth, 634; Hatch, A. T., $1,400; total, $43,783. Officials--Stuart, J. Russell, $1. 300; Macdonald, John, $1,300; Kidd, W. G., $500; Lanigan, Andrew, $350; Bartels, Vera, $208;total,' $3,658. Caretakers--Joseph Gould, Cen- tral... school, $500; Mrs. Trenhaile, Cataraqui school, $250; R. Ludlow. i Victoria school, $500; Edward Groombridge, Louise school, $300; Charles Tayzell, Sydenham school, $225; Truman Potter, Depot school, { $125; Charles Phillipps, Frontenac school, $500; Prank Gates, Rideau school, $175; Alex. Ross, Old Col- legiate, $209; S. H. Wilson, Macdon- ,ald school, $500; total $3,284. -- JUDGMENT RESERVED In Case of Whig Publishing Co., vs. h\ Harpell Jhdgment was reserved by Justice Sutherland in the case of the British ig. Publishing Co., Limited, plain ilf, and J. J, Harpell, defendant. The plaintifi's claim was for $1,440.12 and ed, | 1911. The high eourt, which resumed iat 7.30 o'clock Wednesday evening, did not adjourn wntil 10.30 o'clock. 4 in thy capacity of manager of Queen's University Quarterly for about four years' time. He gave four promisary notes, amounting te $1,000, which have not been paid. The claim of the defendant was that he had' only acted under a committee and for that rea son was nol personally responsible for the debt which had been incufred. G. Y. Chown, registrar of the uni had assumed the full responsibiiity of pab lishing the Quarterly. The minute book which he had in gourt showed i the defendant had agreed to assume i this respoasibility, and was to pay jall accounts. In case of a profit, that money would go to him. Cunninghain and Mudie acted for the * plaintifis, while Alexander McGregor «of Toronto, appeared ior the defend- ant. ------------ OLD MAN COMES TO PRISON. Already Served Twenty-five Years Behind Bars én Wednesday afternoon Sheriff Alexander Morris -and Constable T. Dixon, of Pembroke, brought an old man named White to the city to spend three years in Portsmouth pon- itentiary for stealing an overcoat at Arnpioy. = The guilty 'party stole one coat valued at one hundred dol- lars and sold it for five dollars. Not ding contént he went back the: next) day and stole another but before he made his escape he was caught. For the first offence he received 'thirty days and for the second offence three vears, both | 8 to run coneurrent- ly. This old man has a record of twenty-five years imprisonment against him, which be has served on different occasions. «TWO BAD ACCIDENTS Young Man Broke Leg and Widow . Broke Arm. Robert Simpson, of Howe Island, Fulfered a broken leg on Wednesday afternoon as a result of the horne Which be was driving, falling on top of him. the horse's back when the are¢idqnt , Has ing into the Palace livery owned by L. Lawless, Princess sireet, when the liorse slipped on the pave- ment, and rolled on top of Mr. Simpson. . Mrs, Stagg Broke Her Arum: Wiile on her way to attend pray- or 'meeting at Biock Street Metho ov on a slippery, alk o> nie was Ak By the wrist . pg 2 ---- When a married man is henpecked it is generally because be is chicken- A little i J. Hawpell, the defendart, acted Mr. Simpson was riding on |. occurred. He was in the act of go-| Only One Lot of 50 Pairs of Women's Boots In Kid, Velour Calf, Gun Metal and Patents, in lace, Mostly. sizes 21-2, 3, 3 1-2 and 4, the Bluchers and buttons 0 the larger sizes, 6,612. T most.of these are $4.50 and $5.00 values--but must be cleared at one P249 ABERNETHY'S Spring Opening Men's Hats commence: the the largest Nobby Hats ported into Kingston. DERBIES AND SOFT HATS $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 The style centre for Men's Hals Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS =k f gulating Pill for Wumen. $5 a box or three for $10. ylold at all Drug Stores, or mailedito any address on reeeipiof price. Tue Scorers, DRUG Co, 8%. Catharines, Ontario. © a Ry PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. isos * Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" a Tonie--will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5. at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of Rice. Tue ScoBELL DRUG CO., St. Catharines, mtario *Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." season stock of ever im- PRIZES TO BE OFFERED To Scholars for Essays on the Sani. tary, Question, , At the meeting of the Board = of Education on Wednesday night, on the suggestion of Trustee Meek, it was decided to take steps to in- L-Zest, the scholars along sanitary lines. It is the intention to have the pu. pils write essays on the question for which prizes will be offered, aud the City Council and other civic bo- dies interested in the undertaking, will be conferred with. Trustee Meek pointed out that the sanitary question would be given se: rious consideration in the citv in the near future and he was moving along these lines to assist §n the matter. The management committee will he asked to take the fnitiative steps: in the enterprise: Talk From Sam Hughes Toronto Telegram. J Ulster Unionists do not need the help of remarks, cablegramss or letters from Hon .Col. Sam Hughes, minister of militia and defence. Civil war in Ireland will bring a sufficiency of trouble to Canada. The pen or tongue of Hon. Sam Hughes might anticipate or aggrasate that trouble. The whole duty of Hon. Sam Hughes is to "attend to his knitting" at Ottawa: ; Hoos les the Blot Humoars in the. blood, whites inter sal del al' affes f if as well ¥ as: pimples boils and other eruptions. Tiley mdy be either inherited or acquired. They affect all the organs and functions, membranes and tissues, and are di- sible for the readiness rectly with which some peoplc 'cotitract dis - | ease. For forty years Hood's Sarsapar illa has been Move Sugeest! Bie any other medicine in "hu mors and removing their i d and outward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the blood. which it enriches and in No sther medicine acts like it. : "Get Hood's Sersaparilla to-day. For sale and recommended by J. v M ¢ gsist. = 4 ™, = y - thing, swpetially. abo an au . Insist on baving Sara Hood's. ale of Boys' L Fresh made'every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera Phone 8 Fh Our milk i strai Pasteurized mill i strait Milk in Bottles bottled at once. PRICE' uits Two piece suits with bloomer pants, sizes 24 to 33, $6.00 suits for $3.50, Men's Spring Suits, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, and up. Boots and Shoes at lowest prices in the city. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. Fave, For. Comfort and . fe ---- te wn, i | For refinement and style furnish will We have a nice assortment of Gas Fixtures at moderate prices, suitable tor any room In the house. ' Inverted Lights,' 70¢ and up. Welsbach "Reflex" Lights with By-pass, $2.50 and up. Gas Domes, $8.50 and up. "Iwantu"" Gas Irons, $3.75. For Bale by AVID HALL #6 BROCK ST. Phone 835 or 856. Alia * We have the largest phones, rangi PRASS BED Twenty different patterns to § from. . Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID; PHONE 147 THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. STOVES AND RANGES, We have a large stock ne 0 Baton Shes 26% Aen Aso me if kinds of H, 8 Phone assortment o from $17.50 fo | them "on time," that is, you can have You pay us a small amount down, and the Come in and see then cords and see what we can We will give you 'all the time you desire, a ~ we know that you probably You are ot under any o | payments to suit yourself. | | Come in, anyway. tion to buy, 'We have full assortment of Janos $900, sold on the ea and see our display. and hear the tates sell vou a machine ean afford to pay easy payment plan if desired, PG