| \ 6 To ; -- take her, myway. And, i PAINE GAINED [ER BLIGHTED Jj or on Shar! nog fj ED a - FIFTEEN POUNDS CAREER' 1 sahe sits around seat io 3 shui Fg : " i -------------- ; dreams of ber triumph. Was that] © "Since Taking "Fruit-a-tives" And Fuel 2g AR Iwo dozen or three? But don't fret, : "Like A Now Person" Marian dutifully and bitterly | jay. aheil come back' to you some thumped, pounded," bauged, trilled,fiay never you worry. When she HE clever house- & wife, who considers the pleasure and welfare of her family, Dx Li, ORT., Juste 15th. ¥913. } and strained her voice end the pans h fear wie. Fil. have takes particular pride VSDALK, tn J - Str er 'ee [gets over theére-<dear me, y z am a general storekeeper st the | Hoth together; (hen each alone. [nrg begin over. | know there never 8 A in the coffee she serves. address and, on account of the | ihe big leather rocker behind her sat was four 'dozen, on that one shelf! d ! ? hi I good 1 have experienced from |... mother, a-quiver with pride and Why, she'll be so glad to see you, : h : It is usually 'Fruita-tives', 1 recommend |. no0iation. On the company leather! gho'if likely just fall into your arms.J - Vig ; ' : 7 3 : ' te my wig poi chair at the other end of the small] do wish 1'd discouraged this career : pres gS laid up |PaElor, a large dark gentleman |psiness at the start. But I couldn't 1 ago a kndwil through two worlds for his|pear to hurt her feelings." } 2 is pain | Knowledge of things miusieal sat in "If only she doesn't meet some SB < appraising silence, before 1 can get over there," said hy ] j "And really, professor, she has aljay dolefully. "You don't know| : ; great future before her, nasn't she?" hoW hard it is on me, this acting ; : : . he demanded ,her mother ar Santi 28 unconeerned!" . : ee ¥ her gentleness conid permit. Marian |= Marian was standing still. She : vetily believe they saved me from a [ran perspiring fingers through herfchuckled. "Just to pay them back Chase @Q Sanborn . ontreal. disastrous illuess"'. hair and suppressad a groan. Herlgo, their lack of gumption,'" she said Tad on A. CORRIVEAU. poor mother! Didn't sha know that|iy herself, *1'il let "em count all the joe's box, 6 for $2.50, trial size; 35¢. [people with short, stubby Angers--| jars there before I tell thom what AL al dealers or from Fruit-a-tives | Marian spread them out upon the I've heard" - 'And composedly she Limited, tam. keys disgustedly---are not supposed |sat on tiie steps to listen longer. to pick the running of scales as their mien -------- life job! As for her voice! She % Perfect sighed. Marian knew very well that New York Bun: . fy . 3 : h : F I, : . > 4 x it was just the size for a small town He was: the' pericet. husband: 4 4 : : » ABATT S TOUT Church: (DuL That it VOL DOWeR' oy "ere thy porioet, wile : : The very best for use in ill-health and convalescence mount to the ceiling of an audi- Each of them perfectly lived 2 : & . Toetiod you a ing is"the kind we self [B1orium. And, moreover she knew| perftly perfect life. Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America you are looking is" that she hated 'auditoriums and she - at World's Fair, 1893 : b hated pianos, and all she asked of |g. ...| perfect children ' Scranton Coal life was to stay right there in that|™ (C500 © perfect home small town where Jay Colt had. a|p,, a corps of perfect nurses ? HATE Aha . 3 3 Is good coal and we guarantee prompt hardware store. To cwry and perfectly comb. yt, ; ¥ cl delivery "Very nice," the professor was v i! a 8 EE A I oy Saying Hho pelets y. Matide Say Eugenically perfect in bods, ! 8270 : f ; i J \ -- : thou er unseeing mother o't--{ Soulfull wieet in soul, . y Booth & Co. that . looked longingly at the door. Heohu aired Ydtion. THE : RAGLAN SHOULDER A FEATURE J id land, ent, g 8 t a ---------- A ---------------------- foot of West Street; But Marian's mother had a tired,| Popfection was still their gonl Sesessrs OF THE SPRING COAT. gentle appealing . face, Not .many jpeople would have, the heart to dash|Their butlers are periect putiers, . v the hope that glowed in her gentle] Perfect their maids and cooks, : aglan coat. with a eyes and laid a soft flush on her{And they sit in the perfect evenings Shere 1s 8 desillen are = He bri Phi Rl bottom; It Is ° . ° ei withered cheek. "Very, very nice,' And:read from porlect hooks. TN of many of the new ha d | fashioned of sweet-pea purple duv- G d F Bu B 1 Most people would be the professor reiterated kindly, help- they may fit over the panniers an etyn; the fullness at the back Is held Ul € or ying a ICYyC {+ benefited by the ocea- lessly. "And--ep--no doubt with| Their perfect life flows smoothly, puffs which, Af. all Indications Prove], So ultoned strap on chher Noe 7 : sional use of : training---years, years," emphatical-| like a periectly perfect pome true, will' be the features 'of most of This coat requires for size 86, 3% REPUTATION--Is the wheel well known as giving satisfaction for / } ly, "of training,' in an obvious , at-|I spen year one evening the summer frocks. There is an gJmost} uo, qe of 42 inch afivetyn or cotton ve- years? We can tell you of Massey Bicycles that have been in Na-Dru-Co - Laxativi tempt at discouragement.- "So many| In their perfectly perfect home. endless variety of these new short]jgur use in Kingston for ten years and are still going fine, : Gently, thoroughly, and years of training would be needed coats; gome are long in back and short| The costume shown in. No. 8283-8284 MATERIAL~--Is the frame of the hest seamless tubing? Are all without discomfort, free that I'm afrald she's lose patiguge.]Should all the world reach perfection in front, others bolero-like with inset |is of moire In a charming shade of Joints re-enforced? Has it got four .coats of enamel and one of the system of the waste And an artist's life Is hard, ddnger-| (Which seems to be its mark), vests: and still others showing some-' golden brown: the inset vest shows rust-proof before enamelling? which poisons the blood and ously hard~----" He looked forlorn-{I'll buckle me on some wings and be what longer lines, the bottoms often] glints of gold and there is a most at- PROTECTION OF FRAME AND PARTS--The bright parts should lowers the vitality. «8 ly at the ordinarily pretty, freckled gone being lengthened with one or two flar- | tractive collar forming two paints in all be copper-plated before being nickelled. The spokes should box, at your Druggist girl who one supposed naturally was| For a cruise through the outer dark! ing, godetsiike fMounces: when worn] the back. be the Best piano wire and rust-proof. . Nationa! Drug and Chemical waiting breathlessly for his verdict. f m-------- as a suit coat or with a skirt of the| This costume may be copled In size GUARANTEE--The Massey Bicycle carries a full guarantee against of Canada, Limited. 17 "I--my dear young lady...."" Jones Caught same material, this flounce appears to| 36, with 1% yards of 42 inch mater al defects in material and workmanship, Don't buy a wheel. bo "But she has the talent," her| Jones usually * caught the five-] belong to the skirt. for the goat 18288) 2% Farad of 42 cause it is cheap, because you want a wheel that will be as good mother interrupted anxiously. thirty train out of the Grand Cen- There is a new striped duvetyn, In| inch material for the sk 284). next November a5 1t is 1 April. "Yes---yes," he cried, flustered.[iral for New Rochelle. This day,| light and dark tones of the samie| Moire 1s wide, averaging 40 inches, 2 - Treadgold Cycle and Sporting - Goods Co. annssnnnnn "Quite a great deal of talent. Yes,' however, he had met a friend and | shades, Buch as Hght and dark brown, |and may- be . purchased from $1.00 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 529, KINGSTON, ONT. i rer WwW i r g k green, ete; which will and up. i ays ; dyremained over to renew aecquain-|- light and dark g . "; < Indeed, she plays very nicely. And an He was plainly up | be. very popular for the little separate No, 8270---slzes 32 to 42. AABLMLAL SESS DAL, heér- voice is very nice." Rs , p Vo. 8283 ag 3 R08 & * STUBBHAKEY 11: ison 1m... cr sae men, iy ig | 57S CASE pt htt 1 ian's mother gladly. "As for thelget the following. wire off to Mrs A yer £ no hk Fach pattern 15 cents, AGENT years of training, we'll be only too Jones: : | -------------------- ---- 3 . glad to give them. Won't we dear?" "Missed the : five-thirty Don £ ---- -- ES ; a : Marian mumbled assent. And| keep dinner waiting. Will be a iit LIFE OF A PERSIAN as well is conducted to the women's Bibby's Garage presently the professor made his es-| (le late to-night." -------- apartment, and A allowed to look a : It was long after midnight when {4 ppitish Consul-General Describes |the reflection of his bride's face in cape. . in g a , , irror "Now, my dear!" her mother said, | he' léft' the train at New. Rochellc Some Strange Customs the- Mirror : : : The third function in the wedding =z i 3 i aa . f 2» he . triumphantly, "' knew you could! [ahd ten minutes later before " dk inns r ¢ » and Auto Supply And we'll make ready right away. Afreached home i Persia is still a land of fascina iceremony is the bride's procession to : tn. ny : -- im go he front [tion and romance for those who have of A gg . year in New York. There's everying| Mrs. Jones met him at the fro her new home. Again the astrolo Phone's 201 & 917. in getting a good start," meditative-| door. : a es one hh, 2 Major Petty. Mofes- ger fixes a lucky day, and should it ey Fa ien 56 e}-"¥ou' got my message, darling?' 1..Dy fe, Ia onsu general atl,.,i, on the occasion of. this cere- ly. "If I mortgags the house on thet 3 . t OF Meshed, sees it. And it is a subject 3 . " : hill--u" Be 'asked, pressing a box of honben for nation 1 congratulation that the|i o> .. 1 regarded as very auspic- Marian's face grew long during] nto her hands. or a! cong foreign [10Ws--Persia, of course, being a dry Maris &1 : "Oh yes!" quickly returned Mrs. |British official serving in a foreign country. As the bridal procession the weeks. that intervened before Jones, "1 got it all right. But I country has that faculty for im- turns into the street where the their departure, Jay was very mat- #ould like to know why you sent » |mersing himself in the full life off room's house is, several sheep are ter of fact. - Very obliging to hey wire at four-thirty, telling me you |the people around him, in which MAY] decapitated, and she passes between hove' lovely, Buccal time. "Sar Pot, eed the Beir" ean." i the sere of thn Bre adi Lh Dudiet ma' ce Sven: "pega ave rely, success + ATE Jones couldn't. strative qua + Ma SYRes § This is s S 8 2 S- ! fan grew resentful. Maybe he didn | - Cause for Alarm over twenty years in Persia, and the This Is 5 uPpased Jo fake all ie mis ; nm hungry, and care. Come to think e had een wt Near East, holding various appoint-|is considered such a potent eharm.in it's so good 'by it~ Nell Garley 8 hous twice hat week. ments as consul or commissioner, and |aroclem countries that in Constanti- 3 I" ' oy ray, DIONE Birl--Nilly, OVeTY ny though upon the sex 1 doto, the members of ee, Society nople Teventy on the opening of 3 » ff 4 ik Be ' a, : " ost have repented. RR " new tramway line the first car passed '- ge ot ed Hoi OBEY: x fio Sard ith heavy caves, entrancing discourse an that Coun-thatween the body and head of a rust the young: ov torn 7 wi look heir get up y when Major Sykes addressed freshly slaughtered sheep. sters for liking a I want to run downtown a minute. When I look on their go P. ¢ |them at their headquarters in Aber On the bride's arrival in the house : Maridn languialy Same. from hes will Shep Maye styles" in grave af | le street recently. : sife takes off her outdoor dress, and food for its taste LLAR 21 25¢ room and istless ¥ folded the heap a Doral This sot un? The Persian minister, who is hon: a little domedy is enacted in the hall or of clothes. And when she had put] And federa p orary president of the society, pre- when the bride and bridegroom each Clute, 00. lnc. Makers, Sales Dept. Montreal them in the trunk she sank into the sided, and it is not quite possible that! trv to be the first to put their foot nearest rocker and meditated S50 even he, belonging to the ruling on the other's. Whoever succeeds gloomily that she gearcely was arous- classes of Persia, and having been| will rule the house in after life. For ed by the mother's entrance two ' educated at Eton, learnt something the first meal, which is shared by all hours later. ; from Major Sykes of the folklore and the guests, the bride brings the They had let the house furnished superstitions of the great mass of|hread, salt and cheese, but she main- The Best Hand Vacuum and the new Jennte Te Soming They may: sce Ht to change it the Tersian people. axing traced tains a cold and firm silence until Cleaner on the market. fi Ro ng efi cn » He oe And government, T sadly fear, Toms Tro bibltc ye y yman cus. the groom presents her with the The Giant, ' $10.00. Ball finally Hegning the ease. 3 arian Thev'll often rearrange it ! toms a 9 in A A Ph handsome bridal gift. Thereupon bearings and brush attachment sat aroun feless y and watched the p : okt fe v. ajor i es 8 % ded | . e she inquires after his health,~ and - Little Giant, $8.00. man pack the china and books, most-{For women have a fickle: taste story. of a Persian from his birt they sit down and feed one another Dominion, $10.50. ly musical which her "mother had - In styles of graver matters to his uneral. with dainty morsels. After the . Dominion Queen, $12.00, planned to fake along. Her mother They talk with eager, fevered haste At birth the midwife takes the| meal the friends withdraw, and the Tuee Stationery Cleaners. flitted about restlessly. An obsery- I'hieid conversation scatters baby and turns it round three times| young couple. are at- last left 'alone foods--it is also the most . O'Cedar Mops, $1.50. er would have judged" that she was|Mayhap they will respect the staf to avoid the evil eye, before wrap- together. . . and i . . Houses In all parts of city. the person about whom the excite-] Nor treat it like a bonnet, ping it up in;swaddling elothes, On Major Sykes gave some interesting Always fresh nutritions. Sold everywhere at 10c ment and flurry revolved, not her|Rut I expect at any rate the seventh day the baby is passed | Persian formulae for working magic. H 8. CRUMLEY pale, listless daughter. : : "They'll sew some ruffles on it ! through a circle 'made of a chapter [A Persian will put a spell on a man d Jay dropped In 'oward dinner time -------------- of the Koran, 'havihg first been [with the idea of compassing his smeared with antimony. The arrival doom, and so worried and anxious of baby's first tooth is a matter of | does the victim beconie that he fre- : 4 erin aad : , | Breat significance. - If the first one quently dies. The spell must be anything more. Marian Jooked at Renny ib a hile in, " Bro appears in the upper jaw it means| commenced on a Wednesday (the day him coldly. And not two months id snl amaller comy " |calamity, and the only way to defeat |for all dark deeds in Persia), The for QUICK Settlements before, one wtarlil, moon-silvered|sai Hots i : re disaster is to throw the baby off the magic worker nails up a piece of fat evening he had insinuated that she Jimmie, 1 dare you to go into rof of the house. Fortunately they|in the cemetery and visits it every t was the one and _only girl in the|that store and buy something with catch it in a blanket, so it suffers no night for the ensuing forty days to ! ° world. At thdt moment she hated this penny, fio' willi Enter. | BAT. : {stick a fresh pin in it. On the 41st é WwW i ) S the pleasant young man. as much as| Jimmie was quite willing, Enter Education i , i {day the victim should succumb -- or e F ring oe In case of fire loss, insure with || she hated pianos. She firmly re-|ing boldly he said : ducation is a severe thing Sor he | aay often does. The left rib of a Are Here Now "Don't cry Sis! Mama won't mind. Now women claim the right ta vote And gladly I've consenied; Ni y H ] The taste that- brought the hohbl skirt And such weird millinery, Our institutions well may hurt-- It is alarming, very ! Our constituffon, year by year,! with a neighborly offer to help at Foren. ara as anything that he could. No one A 1 ¥ could construe the cordial words ifito| A small boy had been given . i br br ; small Persian boy, ag his chief duty solved that she would have a career| "I 'want a doughnut." And, tak- is \to learn the first chapter of -the|donkey, pounded up and put in a ae i ily sente - ' : ' Shen: She Ba aay Same - it he Enstily Prosnted 'the pee Koran by heart, which, being very|man's food, will make him very Ww H Godwin & Son enmntials to fame are a voice and 5 "Here," said the clerk, "this -pen- flowery and of a high itlerary level, ars hat Froud he Sight 2ib be « Th ame a , smd Clerk, f is difficult.for a small Boy of six or|Chosen, it will have the reverse effect, > % : - ff 'broken heart. © Well, she had throb- ny has a hole init. s, seven to master. Nowadays the Am-|Donkey's brains will make husbands 89 Brock St Phone 434, bing jproot of the Iatter essential In 5 Sothas my aught Sumousced erican missions and, in a. lesser do- blind to the earryings-on of their Ea hee OY dnovd 5 A ed ou aay, tritmpaant.y g Y. |gree the English, are broadening the | Wives. a told Mr. Ott thas er n a basis of education and doing good : you can do, thank you!" Work. But her"mother interrupted. "I & > saclios th of 1¢ A New Hat Bow : °n a boy reaches the age 91 A novel k i h i his mother thinks it is high time he hat Fos ich Vat Sloped ihe ------ hi = know "you won't mind, Jay; helping me count the fruit jars in the cel- "we lar." Jay didn't mind, but Marian did. She flushed red. Imagine asking a man who didn't care for you to go down a dusty cellar and count dusty/( jars! Marian at times was out of patience with her mother. And she coldly refused to go down to help. Instead, she lounged in the rocker and wished that having a career and a broken heart weren't found a bride, and a cousin is gen- erally desirable, as she is more like- ly to agree with the mother-in-law. Theoretically the young people have no "say" in the arrangements, but in practice they are very largely con- sulted. The. young lady has oppor- tunities to see the young man as she rides past the house, but she, being veiled, can never be seem by him. Sometimes, however, his mother will hide him in the women's quarter when his promised bride is calling winter--is. the fole trimming needed since it. practically covers any of the small' new shapes. . It is made of threesinch - broad and very 'heavy rib- bon, fashioned , into four 'seven-inch long: loops that start under a com- mon knot. This knot .is placed ex- actly atthe centre of the " ¢rown and from it the loops are drawn ro- spectively toward the edge of fhe brim at hack, 'front and sides. They do not lie flatly, but stand partly je | WET such dreary, monotonous work. Of on edge in the ky littl on' : " + A i course, it could end in only one thing on her, so that he may take a sur- hich Tn dificult to y ehiere Tap her You 11 soon be Ww anting a pair; the cut repre | un mother wold Rees | Aeee rts Srl Ther rs ie 0 prs the ai, 1 [| <serte just ome of the many mac. nev seyies were | to be disillusione | Some time. 1t|} cise and building up. lies meet, and large earrings are|'hs fort of bow will prove.s real [If * showing for the coming season. Come in and let us | only she could mike her understan : first thought should be f|piaced in the bride's ears, generally|P0o0 to the woman who must ro- show You the season' best. : | Bow! : /Scott's Emulsion, which is by a woman who is the mother off "mish a last year's straw: hat--if i ti a%0n 8 bes { J Finally she got up and went down { food. m en or twelve sons ge she ean bend it into reasonable ro ] " xl ; : . | after them. Her slippers Sade DOI Y or narcotics. Its nourishing force The marriage day is fized by an|®oMmblance to one of the recent shap- J asl i | The - te _" hi the oy dy is i flds astrologer. The. w oe vet in|@--for, having refaced the brim by I ~The tou Set th BRAS Seg Ser Th [lawriott 0" remap flr, ani a oe One, rp hb de . gond : choice--she may conceal © the [as sayinZ. "And dear me, I.don't|{§ overce site « mirror. The men meet in # : fknow how 1 can fell her. It just|] makes their quarter, and the bride and (faded crown with the long end brond groom appoint agents. The groom's| bon loops. agent asks the bride three times if r : had a wonderful voice--ten, twelve, she agrees to the terms of the mar- Ninety-six thousand tons of rub- And 1 just can't repeat to her what|l - : riage deed, and she, very modestly,| per were produced in 1913, and that professor wrote-- fifteen. It'iH]| 4 janswers "Yes" at the third asking. price of fine Para rubber break ber heart. $6, I thought I'd y ] WISH | The groom having agreed to the doed! down 5.5 ¢ » - s " g on I ' oe X » Ni & 5 aks my heart--three, four. You, , I've always made her think she