I' TO BE PRESE If you want the best re- sults in Photography, by an ENSIGN CAMERA, Prices from $1.50 to $25.00. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING ' Artistic work promptly and carefully executed. E¥Send your films for devel- Publishers and Booksellers oping or printing, 141 Princess Street Kingston, . THOMAS LAMBERT Maker of Men's Clothing The newest and neatest designs in fashionable fabrics are here awaiting your inspection. We make up suits to order, make them in the latest style;-with the most correct cut, and give careful attention to every; detail of .each garment. Try us, for vour next suit. Our prices are yey reasonable THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 454 AND GET IN TOUCH WITH THE BEST AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SERVICE IN THE CITY. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. SOR PN es 3 . 3 i ° ° Sun-Kist Raisins Second shipment just arrived -- Seeded and Seedless in Pckgs. At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. 4 D TO THE COUN. CIL THIS EVENING The Tax Rate is 2515 Mills--Why it Was Necessary to Increase the Rate by Two Mills This ¢vening, the budget for tae year will be presefited to the City | Council, he report of the Finance! Committee if as follows: The committee on finance and ne- counts, in submitting the estimat for the year 1914, beg to 'report as follows: The bondéd debt of the city to 21st December, 1913, is $1,456,980.22, made up as follows: Water work $189,600; light works, $399,575.05; schools, $147,763.64; local improve- ments, $345,191.72; genéral pur- poses, $374,849.91; total, $1,455,- 980.32, The debenture last year but not this year are as follows: - Owner's por- tion, local improvement, $47,979.59: city' portion, loeal improvement, $58,969.46; light depArtment, $27 a rv markets, $400; appropriation, 950; total, $4,400. Board of Works--Clerk, $800; foreman of streets, $900: appropri tion, $16,200; total, $18,000. Fire Department--Wages, $12. 590; water, $750; appropriation, $4,- 500; total, $18,840. a Lighting streets, $17,000." Salaries--Allowance to 'mayor, $800; city clerk, $1,500; assistant, $R00; typewriter, $600; city treasur- er, $1,600; assistance, $450: collee- tor, $1,200; clerk, E. Moore, $1,200: clerk, W. Peters, $1,100; city engin- eer, $1,600; city solicitor, $900; city assessor, $1,280; assistance; $300; auditor, $1,100; messenger, $6.75; court of revision, $150. Contingencies--House of industry, $500; house of providence, $100; general hospital, $5,000; Hotel Dieu, $3,000; tuberculosis hospital, §1,- 000; orphans' home, $175; Child- ren's Aid society, $300; home for Friendless Women and Children, $500; poor relief fund, $175; public library, $1,300; Victorian Order of Nurses, $150; teachers' institute, 25; general hospital (edntagions diseases), $2,600; post mortems, ete. $50; coffins and interments, $75: pauper's passages, $50; postage and $1, a- 27,- 000; high school, $51,000; to al, $184,949.02, ~~ The amount of the sinking fund is $138,326.03 and of .this amount, $100,127.45 is invested in local 'm- provement bonds of this city, and $38,198.58 is on special deposit in the Bank of B.N.A. The amount of taxes to be levied 962.58, the property owners speciaily benefited paying $8,932.76 and the city generally $10,0 : The assessment for this year is $1,278,000 more than that of the the proposed rate of taxation, yields . Owing to the fact that the assess- ment of the light plant has been re- mitted for the year 1914, the above increase is $5,500 less than it would otherwise have been. The principal items of increased are as follows bentures and interest, £10,600; schools, including and payment on debenture debt, $16; 000; fire department (four extra men), $2,700; . police $3,600; street lighting, $5,000; 'new heating system, city hall, $700. The very heavy incre penditure arises from various 'causes among which are' the following: De- eipal and interest on $108,000 deben- tures issued last year for Board of Education; and $8,500 increase fn their budgets for maintenance, . sal- ary, ete., for this year. . Your committee recommend that a rate of 17.09 mills for general pur- poses, and 8.11 for educational pur- pos#s, making in all 25% mills on the dollar, be placed on this year's assessment, ------ Liabilities Debentures and interest 3.383.113 Bank of B.N.A. Overdraft 884.94 Trust funds .... Ta 3,400.0 Bills payable 2 Reliance Moulding ( (balance) : Frontenac Floor and Wall Tile temodelling city building Sinking fund Jol Rv 5.40 Flectric Lighting Fixtures "he Light That Never Failed Ts that avhich.is supplied. through our electric fix- tures. No leakages, no bad joints, no imperfeetions in any fittures wé put up. They are artistic in de- sign, and fit for any room or hall. . We can give you the -best and most practical services in this respect, and you will be perfeetly satisfied with the work and our-charges. . ar a W. J. MOORE & SON - The Electric Shop | 206 Wellington St. We Are 'Now Ready For Your Inispection of Our ~ New Spring Shoes Our lines comprise the newest and ~ smartest designs in footwear for Lt season, Call and the coming P. see our "ULTR A" line for. "women. : 63 00 64 75 Taxes ...... ..., Bills receivable .. <x Local Improvements . . .. Water works department 90 Light department « 73 Stock, account Sundry accounts 111,257 o 4 47 Total assets Balance deficiency 87 $131,105.40 Estimated Revenue tents, $1,500; Market tolls, $1,- 100; Bell Telephone Co., $700; smelter field, $200; portion of Streets, ete, $1.75; total, $3,501.75. Licenses--Liquor, $4,600; auc- tioneers, $120; cab and livery stables, $130; carters, $500; second-hand $240; shows, $250; butchers, : victuallers, $140; milk vendors, $40; billiards, $500; laundries, $400: hawkers, $100; total, $7,100, Railway tax, $100; Lues and fees, $1,600; non-resident land tax, $50; interest on taxes, $500. Total revenue from sources other than taxation $12,851.75 Assessment, $2 Dogs, $1,100; statute labor, $741; street watering, $3,000; local provement rates, $19,850. Total estimated revenue, $320,- 614.75. ! - Uncontrollable Expenditure Deficiency, 1912, $11,052.87. Debentures, $101,770.93. : Administration of justice--Main- tenance of court house, gaol, ete,, $4,- 702.41. & Police Department--Police magis- trate, $1,400; chief constable, $1, 100; - police constables, $10,815: clothing allowance, $1,020; tele- phones, $40; heat and light, $225; incidentals, $50; new contract reno- vating, $1,150; total, $15,800. -.Sehools----Publi¢ schools, $56,285; collegiate institute, $15,915; separ- ate schools, $10,585; total, $82,785. Total uncontrollable expenditure, for the sinking fund this year is 318,-! preceding year, and this increase, at| an additional revenue of more than) expenditure to be provided for in this * year's budget amount to $46,000, and » | Increase in deficiency, $7,500: de (general), ™ interest; ™ department, * ase in our ex-. * ficiency from last year $11,052: prin- | * im-| telegrams, $100; reporters' fees scavenger (Streets and harbor) $50: Iregistration of by-laws and searches, $40; rent, nuisance ground, | $300; huirance dump, $400; selec- {tion of jurors, $60; registration | births, marriages and deaths, 56; revision of voters' list, $185; tele- iphones, $100; delivering tax de- mands, $30; eity registry office, 250; city zegistry officé (repairs), 1300; law expenses, $100; industrial schools, $600; incidentals, $1,432.54; band concerts, $5400. . Total controllable 1$104,503.54. | Total uncontrollable |$216,111.21, Total estimated expenditure, £220. | Total estimated expenditnre, $520,614.75. : 4 | -- [ERE I EAR SSIES 100 > efe,,. expenditure, expenditure, oe LETTERS TO EDITOR While- the Whig is always glad to publish letters to the editor, from any reader, on timely subjects, it cannot un- dertake to do so unless the name of the writer is attach- ed, The naitié need not necessarily be published but must bé_- submitted to us as a evidence of good faith. Anonymous letters, therefore, will not re- ceive any consideration. This will explain why seme recent writers 'have failed to see their articles in print. bobo td & oe eB eh ode de fe fe bd -* [Ho 140004 040000000004 ; + i GRAND OPERA HOUSE | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Was Produced on Saturday The presentation of the ever popu- lar "Uncle Tom's Cabin" drew large audiences at the Grand Opera House Int both matinee and evening perform- | ances on Saturday. The play was iwell'put on by a very capable com- by the The were pany, while 'the specialties [male quartette were excelent scenic effects during the acts "Stop. Thief" What crooks were to the stage last ear, and for some seasons past, klep- tomaniacs are to it this year. - As a jmatter of fact, we haven't had a {Simon pure kleptomaniac since Clyde VFitch wrote "The Girl and the Judge" [for Mrs. McKee Rankin and Annie | Russell. On the stage, of course, as {in real life, and as sometimes in po- lice courts, there is all the difference | a between "Whe's Who' and the city directory. Kleptomania in all its forms always carries class and dis- 'tinction with it which raises it so (far above the mere mediocrity of ,,1Ppetly larceny that it reaches almost {the romantic attitude of a second story feat. And in the new farce, | which is to be presented at the Gragd on April 2nd, by the original com Ipany, wich has appeared for one | year in New York, six months in {Chicago and three months in Boston, there are, to make the assurance of {sneak thieves doubly sure, two klep ftomaniacs. One is the bridegroom, iwho is about to be married to a | blushing young bride, and the other is the bride's honorable father, | amr : "The Old Homestead" It is a pleasure to amhounce that | Denman Thompson's quaint chronicle of rustic life in the New Hampshire fields and valleys, "The Old Home- stead" is booked to appear here at ithe Grand on Saturday, April 4th, {matinee and night. The twenty-eight {years of life that this remarkable | play has had is striking tribute to its power to please a large class of theatregoers, who find in its homely sentiment, flashes of wit, lovable {characters and meadow-tinted atmos- | phere, a refreshing change from the glare and titsel of the spectacular. The cast and scenic embellishment in the coming engagement are promised to be of 'he same high order of ex- cellence which Frank Thompson has always proyided. The special musical features, the quartette and the grand choir in the Grace church scene, are said to be as effective as in previous years. BOYS SWINGING ON WIRES Are Apt to Receive Shock at the Wireless Station : It is reported that young boys have been amusing themselves by $216,111.21. Se---- i Controllable Expenditure f Interest, $2,500; election expenses, $800: insurance, $400: printing and stationery, $2,300; committee on in-! dustries, $350; street watering, $4,-/ 900; garbage collection, $1,100, re- fund of taxes, $250. Board of Health--Health officer, $700; sanitary inspector, $100; inci- dentals, $500; total, $1,300. 1 Parks-- Caretaker, $650; appro- priation, $2,100; Cedar Island wharf, $335; total, $3,085, City property--. | light, $1,- Heat swinging on some of the guard wires leading info the wireless station at Barriefield. It is a very dangerous practice_as they are liable to get a Hie Just a few days ago the operator had occasion to order away a couple of youngsters who were swinging on the wires, . A stray-away dog was found dying at the corner of Brock and King streets Saturday afternoon and ihe police were called upon shoot, it to put it out of its misery. Jt believed that + aL j PAGEFIVE The N ewest Styles in - Spring Footwear f q Lighter style for ladies. {1 Our Spring Shoes are here. They surpass pre- vious years. You are invited these new styles. to call and see soles and French heels are the newer ¥, {| Medium soles and narrow toes for men. Rubbbers|| Arch upports Spring Opening Men's Hats | | We commence the with the largest Men's Nobby Hats ported into Kingston. DERBIES AND SOFT HATS $1.50, 82, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 The style centre for Men's Hats Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street season, stock of ever im- THE WHIG FYLES.OF 1869 Tell of James K. Hackett's Birth and Lineage When James K. Hackett, the 'mil- lion and a half-heir actor, was 'in Kingston last Friday, he stated thut shortly after his birth on Wolfe 1s land, on the 6th of September, 1869, statement appeared in the Wh concerning his line The Whi; fyles of the 11th of September, 1869, contain the following Born 6th September, inst., Wolfe Island, C.W., where the in fant's mother now sojourning, a son to James Hackett, a native and a resident of New York ciuy, and who is rightfully, according to Burke's peerage: "Baron Hackett, of Hackettstown, County Carlow, Ireland, and Sheldon Abbey; county Wicklow, Ireland, de- scended from Haket, one of the great Norman barons who canie over. with William the First, and whose name appears heading the Conqueror's roll of his six and thirty nobles and generals, inseribed A.D. 1066, upon the pillar erected at Battle Abbey, near Hastings, England. One of his progeny accompanied Henry the Soc ond in his famaug, Irish = expedition, and: obtained vast estates and seizn ories amd bis descendants became, generation .after generation, pariia mentary barons and potent mag- rates in Ireland." In 1839, the London Court Jour- nal, after the death of the late Ld- mond Baron Hackett, referring to the attested family pedigree, Herald's age. upon H. college, Castle Dublin, announced: "James Henry Hackett, of New York, U.8., the true inheritor of that ances- tral dignity, and also the sole surviv- ing representative of the family and of the original and illustrious line of feudal barons, who lost their es- tates by reason of revolutions and the teformation, and are now classed among the extinct peerages of England, Scotland, and Ireland." "So thatibetween their titles and low name ! There's nothing differs but the out- ward fanie." is on think of the James H. Hackett is also the father --by his first marriage--of tire Hon. John K. Hagkett, noted as an abie lawyer, an éminently just judge, and ; also the popular recorder of the city of New York. Critically TH in Chicago 'Ex<Ald. R. F. Elliott left on Sa- turday night, for Chicago, Having received a telegram that Mrs 'E. 8, Elliott was dangerously .\ll. Mps, Elliott, who recently sited io King- ston, underwent an operation some time ago, and her present fllness was caused by a relapse. - Only, One "BROMO QUININE." Whenever you ipel a cold coming full name, -LAXA- Look for Fresh made 'every day--spec- ial 30e chocolates for 20c Ib' SAKELL"S, Next To Opera House Phone 845 Pasteurized Our milk is strained three times and Milk in bottled at Bottles once. NEW DINING ROOM MISS ELLEN A. CAMPBELL TR------ Bedding For Comfort and Ease, Sleep On a a ¢ wishes to that she room on inform will open March 30th, the public a dining at 187 Wellington St. { Upstairs, two doors south } Princess street. \ Special Dinner 25¢ From 12 am. to 1.30 p.m. Ar pn of | | Board $4.50 Week | A reila- ble Re- box or three for , or winiled to any Tie Scones Drea PH Restores Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain: increases "grey n Tonie-SWill buitd you up. $3 a box, or for $5, nt drag stores, or hy mail on feee ipt of price. Tue SooBELL Drie Co., St Catharines, Ontario "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street whan wanting anything done In the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs snd new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prouipt attention. Shop 10 Queen Btreet. For refinement and style furnish with BRASS BED Twenty different patterns to select from. Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices. JAM » PHONE 147 THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Cook's Cotton Root Compound, A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Bold in three de rees of strength--No. 1, $1; fo 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Bold by all druggists, or sent I], on receipt of price. Bren pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) We have a large stock of Stov Ranges, also aay second-Dand ond hiture, carpets aud quilts. Come and see me If you want to save ney all kinds of household Foods - H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Meosite Craig's Wholesale Phone 1580. 0 EASY PAYMENTS VITAPHONES We have a complete assort- 0 ment of VITAPAONES, the talking . machines which pro- duces 'life-like sound," and also Columblas Grafonolas, which are sold either for cash or on EASY PAYMENTS, Sim- ply come in and hear the latest records, then choose the ma- chine you would like to get on your own tarme. You are not un.isr anv ehili- gation tc purchase. Call n and see our display. f NEW SCALE WILLIAMS' PIANOS for sale. The New Scale Wilians Piano Agency | Phone 1588. 35.37 Montreal St, ] PRICE'S Vi: