Th SCATHNG ARTICLE hat is with the new and delicious flavour obtained by a _ secret process. Yon can get H.P. at all the local stores. GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM ALL BOWEL ILLS bowels are out of order, some harsh physic, rderlie to-night, and If your instead of usi take a Rexall to-motrow' you will feel grea purging, nor the excessive looseness of salts and and streng- » promptly relieving making it unlikely that follows the taki most pills. They soot! then the bowels the constipation, to occur agafin IN QUEBEC ' ROMAN CATHOLIC i CLERIAL ORGAN > ---- Begarding Ex-Mayor Nathan, of Rome, Who is to Visit America---- It Makes a Strong Threat, A Quebec, March 31. The approach- "{iug visit of ex-Mayor Nathan of Rome as the Italian government com- missioner to the Panamia-Pacific ex- position at San Francisco is the sub- ject of a scathing article in 1'Action "| Sociale, the Quebec clerical organ, which promises him a stormy recep- tion if he sees fit to give lectures in Canada while on his way to'the Pa- cific coast. "It may well happen before long," érnment 'may see itself constrained to revoke this scandalous 'nomina- tion, as Catholics in America dre in- idignant to see this malevolent being, who for several years has been agent of the Ghetto and = Free -Ma- sonry at Rome, announcing with the support of the Jewish press his of- ficial coming to America. A "We remember the revolting in- sults which, in his quality of mayor of Rome, he launched in 1910 against the august person of the sov- ereign pontiff, and we remember what energetic protests arose at once from every part of the Catholic world on this' occasion. Montreal and Quebec distinguished themselves in this noble and vigorous campaign and the indignant voice of French Canada made the Jew-Mason howl with rage whilst it carried consela- tion to the heart of the august old man at the vatican. "But leraelitish audacity knows no bounds and Ernesto Nathan is get- ting ready to embark for the United States, where he will represent the radical and masonizing government of Italy." After quoting from the "Monitor," of San Francisco, and the "America," of New York, to show how unpopular Nathan's visit is likely to prove with the Catholics, the clerical organ: con- tinues: " "We join oug energetic protest to these proud declarations of the Cath- olles of San Francisco and we declare in execution his project of giving lec tures in Canada while on his way to San Francisco he cdn expect to meet in New France the warmest reeep- tion that he has ever encountered in the clerical says, that the Italian gov-|' moreover that if Nathan dares to put] 'STRIKE OF KING'S TENANTS L May Possibly be Outcome of Discon- tent at GEAR London, March 41.--King George may have to deal with a rent strike on his private estate at Sandringhem. There is considerable discontent among the tenants of the smal, farms on the royal estate, and they are asking a reduction of rents on the ground timt the recent increase in wages of the king's laborers was given at their expense, These small farms,' varying from one to three acres, were created: by King Fdward, who offered very low rents in order io attract 'tenants with small capital. On King George's accession the farm holders received with" dismay: a no'ice that the rents would be raised 'tv x cent., and the agent of the royal estate has now that. the rents be increased another ten per cent. The tenants are unanimous in the opinion that the fast increase means that they are being called upon to the| pay the estra wages of the laborers and are resisting further damage on their pockets. No reply has as yet beem riven their request for consideration of their grievance, but some settlement must be reached with them by May, otherwise, thers will ba something very like a rent strike on the royal estate. -------- WONDBERFUL BOX POET Extract From Seven-Year-Old's. Ef- fort in Poetry Review London, March 31.---~The Poetry Review publishes several poems of 2 remarkable seven-year- old boy, Log- an Wiltshire, whe caniot yet read or write, but who dictates to his mother, who records with "the most scrupulous exactitude." One example of his work is the fol- lowing: "The god of dreams came to me last night, and I had « dream of the wotld when the world was a child. "And in this child world there were two gods, the god of nature an. the god -of genius. "The god of nature provided all the materials, and the god of genius took them and made them into won- derful things. Nature gave genius ba pair of leaves, and genius made them into wings--wings for birds, wings for butterflies, wings for all things that fly. "Such a beautiful dream, such a wonderful dreamh--the world when it was a child." : "LENVESTATECHURCH" 2 3 --~ ® - The Berlin Synod's Inventory Shows that the Protest Against Estab- lishment Brings Astonishing Re- sults. Berlin, March 31.--What exten- sive proportions the "Leave the State Church" movement has attain- ed in Germany were disclosed for the first time at a meeting of the Berlin synod last week. 8 The movement is supported by free thinkers like Prof, Ernst Haeck- el and Professor Drew$, and very energetically by the social democrat: ie party. It was stated ut the synod meeting that matters had reached a point where even the reichstag no longer contained a Protestant major-| ity, as considerably more than half the' imperisd parliament consisted of Roman Catholics, Jews and socialist free thinkers who had renounced ail church allegiance: Sr During 1913 a total of 12,731 per- sons were induced to desert the state evangelical church, and for. the last six years the number aggregated more than 50,000. A speaker at the synod meeting branded the de- serters as "heathen." The state church authorities are feeling the effect of this on their ex- chequer, The German states im- pose a church tax amounting roundly to $5 a year, so that $250,000 of an- nual revenue has been 'lost since 1908. The synod adopted resolutions thanking the ministers of the church for the vigorous resistance they were offering to the movement, and ap- pealed to the nation to support the endeavor to keep the church of the Reformation from being wrecked, * The resolution points out that the promoters of the "Leave the Church" movement are actuated wholly by the policy of negation, They are mak- ing no- effort to reform the present church or to establish a new sect. Their warfare is, therefore, assailed ¥ deliberately malicious and unrea- onable. JAILER HAS NO REST Is Harrassed by Callers and Worried by, Compjaints Paris, March 31--Mwme.: Calliaux has been greatly benefitted Ly ver ? ALUM THE LABE MAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM : ALUM IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS SuUL- PHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC ALUMINIC THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT BE MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES. SULPHATE. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT, WINNIPEG READ THE LABEL Fer THE PROTECTION OF THE CON- SUMER THE INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL. IT IS THE ONLY WELL-KNOWN MEDIUM- PRICED BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA THAD AND WHICH MAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON b. 5 : AIK DOES NOT CONTAIN MONTREAL J Haying in stock a large number of the newest de- signs'in Monuments, we are prepared to quote excep- tionally low prices until Ap- ril 15th. > Lin Lettering in cemeteries a specialty. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess & Clergy. Phone 1417 The Best that money ean bur. D. COUPER 341-3 Princess Street service, general improvement, snd all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Informa~ tion free. NF. Metcalf - Principal i PALACE Livery 34 to 38 Princess St. Has re-opened as a first-class livery, hack and boarding sta- ble. Vehicles of all descrip- tions, : L. LAWLESS, Prop. , Phone 77 If You Are Thinking of Building this year it will pay you to ge We .don't believe there is any other bowel remedy anywhere near as good, and at the same time so ny and pleasant. take as Rex- Orderlies. We w "you will agrees with ns and belleve yon will thank us for tellin you about them. If they don't satisfy you in two days' rest wa St. Lazare prison, while M. Boucard, the investigating magistrate, has' been examivhng wil- nesses at the preliminary enquiry into the killing of Gaston Calmette, editor of the Iigaro.; She has re- gained much of her habitual serenfty, and, it is said, has expressed some his stormy and infamous career. The insulter of the pope will not have opéned his mouth before he learns, even if there are in Canada 50,000 Jews ready to applaud him, there are algo two million Catholics who have no intention of allowing themselves to be imposed upon or insulted by a our prices for cement, Db bricks, ete., as you will save $250.00 between solid brick and cement blocks. " We also. have all sizes In sills, lintels, pier blocks, -caps and vases at reasonable prices. This Book Might Save You The Cost of a New Building AVE you eves heard of or retailing? Many of *IntensiveCultivation?"" Canada's most prominent This principle applied to business men owe their success All his efforts, the Review says, show the inspiration of a true poet and wonderful power of self-expres- sion, WAR NECESSITY DIMINISHING to. this very thing. Cultivate every way, come back and tell us and fanatic such as he is. we out a work or question. you the opportunity, do,\ to try them at our risk, vest Yoli can buy Rexall Orderlies at The Rexall Stores, town only: of uw Ont. ~~ ill give back your money with- You have no redson to hesitate when we give as we hereby ket tin boxes, 10c., 25c. 50c. only and in this Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, ad Cotton and Wool Waste Acme Sanitary: Cotton Wiping Cloths for Power Houses, Packing Hounmes, Engine Rooms, and any- Where and everywhere where wmhchinery is used. Also oils, greases, sponges, chamois, polishing cloths, = 'soft soap, packings, belting, etc. Qur prices are the lowest and our quality the highest. It will ay" you to get in touch with us, Ve shall be glad to make Jour scqugintan and you will be Net as gl when you . have | made ours. We are the largest panufacturers and dealers in Canada fay Preu,ut dug Supnere Cons. 'H. Gray & Co, | 41-26 Dalhousie St, TORONTQ Factory » Montreal SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER TO FLUSH KIDNEYS MLESS AS ND NEUTRALIZE IRRITA- x TING ACIDS + Kidney and Bladder weakness re salt from uric acid, says 4 noted au- thority. The kidneys filter this acld from the blood and pass it on to the bindder, where it often 'remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burn- ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an frritation at the neck of the blad-{' der, obliging you to seek relief two of three times during the night. The sufferer is In constant dread; the water passes sometimes with a scald- i sensation and is very profuse; : there is difficulty in avoiding t. "Bladder weakness, most folks eall Iti because they can't control urina- th While it is extremely agnoy-|+ ing and sometimas very painful. this is really one of the most simple ail pls to overcome. Got about four of Jad Saits from your phar- macist and take a tablespoonful in a 3 water before breakfast, con- t this for two or three days. This neutralize the 2 #0 it no longer is a source of irrita- to the bladder and ur'asry on n. notorious bandit, has declared war on broken her nose three times in tum- bles out of the air. a common-law right to hiss a play, 'his right, first affirmed in a case re ported in 1810, has been reallirmed by a Dublin magistrate, who discharged a | man charged, h cently imported from The defendant said the play was "for- eign filth," and he i it hi i rg protest. His protest was so v for some minutes. managers of the different British rail- ways has been ap commitiee of the ions to diseuss a conciliation scheme. acids in the urine] This is. have to negotia cailway eniployees great concessio spondent of the Times says Dr. Par wf "The young Catholics of our coun- try are at least as enlightened 'as their brothers in the United States and it may well be that Nathan will all his life remember, the ovation which will be given him on the day that he makes the acquaintances of the proud. youth of French Canada. "To-day we have but one pléce of advice to him: Let him stay in 'Italy or if he has the audacity to come to Canada let him take care to go on his way peacefully without exhibiting the repertory of his sults against the church a the pope." ; DETERRED BY PATRIOTISM German Engineer Declined American Syndicate"s Canadian Offer Berlin, March. 31.--Richard Kléinau, an engineer living in the Duchy of An- halt, says that he recently "declined the offer of an American syndicate to pro- spect in Canada for potash deposits and oil with a divining rod. Kleinau says: he is already in the service of the German potash syndi- cate and that patriotism deters him from employing his talents in any way Pwhich might harm German interests. Woman ot Try Atlantic Flight 'Berlin, March 31,--Melli Besse, Cer- many's fanious woman aviator, an nounces her intention of trying for the great honor of being the first air pilot to fly across the Atlantic, for which pu she is constructing her own hydro-agroplane. Melli Besse is widely known not only as a daring flier and as Ge s only woman aeroplane pilot, but as the only woman in the world who con- ducts a flying school, of which she herself is the principal, and who migkos a business of designing .and manufacturing flying machines. She won a pilot's license mote than four years ago, the first to be granted toa woman in Germany. She is not dijs- couraged by the fact that she has broken her legs in five places, sustain- od fractures of soveral ribs, and has Has Right to Hiss Play London, March 31.--The Briton has ovided he does so within bounds. ith hissing a play re the continent. his that the play was interrupted British Rallway's New Move. London, March 81.--A committee of inted to meet a ilway Trades Un- first time the railways the unions or agreed direct with them, the it as a Has Declared War on Missions London, March 31.--The Pekin corre- 'of the Chins inland mission, who at the recent cs The skin on each side and leoked like a ruffle. His toes broke out in litie yellow pimples and the bottom of his feet did the same say heeould not walk, that. the sticking In his foot. something frightful. would scratch the skin right oft and make a sore, but (0 prevent that } made mittens for him out of cotton. Every night from twelve o'clock be would have lo Interesting Aspects of Peace Move- ment Discussed at Boston Boston, March 31.--Justice Benja- min Russell of the supreme court of Nova Scotia and Professor Jay Wil- liam Hudson of the university of Missouri discussed international peace at a meeting of the state branch of the American School Peace league. ally Imaginary Line" dividing the United States and Canada, and de- clared that during the past century there has developed between Britain and the United States clashing inter- ests which, had European powers been the interested principals, would have led Inevitably to war. Professor Hudson said: "The change in public opinion in regard to the necessity for war {3s nowhere better exemplified than in the policy of the president of the United States towards Mexico--a policy that makes for peace, put forward in a way that public opinion would not have sanc- tioned 25 years ago." RE TEE How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case af Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F, J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be- lleve alin perfectly honorable all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm, Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tes. imonlals sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Seld by all Druggisa. fake Hall's Famlly Is for consti. WHILE BODY N SOLD BiH Thick, Fine and Red, Agony of ltch- ing and Burning Frightful. One Cake of Cuticura and Box of Cuticura Ointment Cured. Lower Onslow, N. 8.--"At first we thought wy child's trouble was bis teeth. 'The whole body was a solid rash and at the » arm pits and elbows. and thighs the skin came off as i he had been scalded, It was a very thick fino rash, | rod in color and intensely ftehy and burning. Tho wkin just wiped off leaving a > raw 'sore with little specks » Of yellow matter in them. every finger split down on ho would wore pins \ "The agony of ftching and burbing was If ho got a chance he threo in the morning taken up out of bed Justice Russell spoke of "The Re-{ strong criticism of the prison ar- rangements. The director of , the prison, in his own behalf, says. he has not had a minute's rest smmce Be. Dallas was brought to the pilison. is telephone rings cease: lessly and an ences "fle of messen- gers delivers telegrams to Calliaux afl gey. . Her 'husband, M, Calliaux, the ex- minister of finance, and per daughter were among Mme. Callisux's visitors recently, but they remained only a short time. A few curious specta- tors gathered .around the entrance to the prison. ' Mme. CHURCH BAN "HURTS TRADE Cardinal Interviewed om Behalf of Parisian Modistes London, March 31.--The Rome correspondent of the Sunday Obser- ver states that the directress of La Mode INustree bas interviewed Car- dinal Merry del Val on behalf of Par- isian modistes and complained that business was suffering as a résult of the strictness of the church on mod- ern fashions, especially with South America, where rigorous instructions on dress were issued. Promising to confer with the pope, the cardinal said it was impossible to keep a corps of artists at the Vatican to decide such points, but when dress became too outre the church must intervene. Edmonton Street Naming Edmonton, Alta, March 31.-- Writers of poetry and prose will be immortalized in Edmonton, if the alternative scheme for street naming and numbering, approved by the city council at its last meeting, meels with popular favor at a special pled- escite called for April 6 George Gowan, a local banker, and Dr. D. G. Revell, joint authors of. the plan, won the prize of $100 in gold in 2 contest open to the world. There were more than 200 entrants, repre- senting seventeen' nationalities. The scheme also makes use of the names of cities, countries and provinces, his- torical characters, mountains and naombers. Numbers are used exclus- ively under the present plan of street naming, the highest being in the geographical centre of the city, where the house numbers run into five fig- ures. The new plan substitutes a logical and easily remembered = set of names in place of those adopted a year ago, and permits of unlimited extensions as the city grows in any and all directions. The Alberta Penitentiary * Edmonton, Alta., March 31.---Fir- teen nationalities are represented by 206 prisoners at the Alberta peniten- tiary in Edmonton, according to the annual report just issuéd by Warden McCauley. The United States heads the list with 61, Canada being second with 58. From other countries are: England, 28; Austria, 16; Ireland, 10: Russia, 9; Germany, 6: Sweden, 4; Maly, 3; Australia, 2; and Mexico, France, South Africa and China, 1 each: Most of the inmates give their occupation as farmers and laborers. McCauley reports that the prisoners completed the building of the war- den's house, the wing cell block and market gardening has result- ed in a fourfold increase mn yield, with a. proportionate increase in profits. Has # never occurred to you that the same principle might be applied to YOUR OWN organization, whether *yoby available floor space so that every square foot may be made to produce a profit. This new Book, "The Eleva- tor," will show you how. Write foritto-day. kt may save you the cost of a new building by pointing the way to a better ar- rangement of your present floor space. OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY 60, BAY ST., TORONTO Limite COUPON "N11." Please send me your Book. Kingston Cement Products Factory Factory Cor. of Patrick and Charles Sts. Office: 177 Wellington St. STOP SKIDDING ' It's Dangerous Gat TIRE CHAINS At the KINGSTON AUTO MOBILE CO. Queen and Bagot Sts. Phone 11