{information about ihe programme. It A The attitude was suspected, fmom what bad been | of the'. government' was exemplified said in the paperce, bul whi the con- when its members, headed by the ! » troller suggested a monster meeting premicr, did their best, in the last x J New al a coiiple of days' notire, and fo be 'election, to drive the only labour ny > Collars i composed of every one of note in the fy omper My, Stuctholme, out of pub. B : 2 for 25¢, | . i 2 for 25¢. city, aud of all' the reeves and depy | fio Yife, X " | 4 Hooves of the surrounding tow nshipy | Now the labour party is informed be: was given to understand that the of what the goverment has «done Hor thing was impossible, them: They willl probably be gra. It is just as well that Kingston way tiked for the legislation 'when %¢ not represented by movement which, becomes Taw, but they will hardly for. a despite the fact that it was champion- get .the- opposition ,and the efforts of The fMon. George ,P. \Graham, who ed hy some eminent men, wax not jus go fhe Sorysiticn ad. Vhe dlrs roun gs out his fittffifth, year to-day, tilied by the circumstances. . The Mont: and help the government to carry it / 'has: the well real Gazette has no regard for The through. I crash Tobuls make -------- A i------ | demand for aid io the 'public (reasury, EDITORIAY, NOTES a, Ting ons Published Dts 0d Semi-Weekly by | and sifely this iast scheme, which wo Polidical meetings, at which to teld t Canadians of the am BRITISH Le UBLISHING thousand people, at an expense of the peGple what is dnd is not being | § SB itime. He is seen - $10,000, undertook to present at Ut- done in the legislature, are not ne. Xoo § at his best as i 3. Xijlott i Magi "hiresior tawa, was of a haphazard character. cassary, unless it bey admitted = tha pr |toast-master at ~ Managiy « |Cranted that radial railways are a the local newspapers have failed in £2 bangfiet, where good thing for {he country. Before | (pg mission < \ fF his ready tongue Any government is asked to subsidize 7 nd tes i finds scope for them there should be a study of the] The Whig likes the adea of mem- abundant" quips province, or coun- | hers of parliament rummng out from and jests. But schemes respecting which men resources of the N fies, 10 be traversed by them, a close | Ottawa and Toronto and dispussing he has also won 5 N RATES se Edi ' : : ut t : 4 Jar (HN aI . and careful estimate of the cost off public, questions, But the. members 2% poli: : ! ry > Construction. a caleulatioh of the aid of parfiament should give an impar- fol and ad.' t _ three G "7 to be given by (he municipalities, and tinl review of the situation ang | trREOr. Oh (Bem : of the possible profit Ax for the | avoid ancient' Mstory, - : g ally journa- y i}, 5 i 38 are Bates States ...... deeper: St. Lawcence #hai is a dream | -------- - Rt arioitor sense ree months pro The provincial secretary declines to which can be disposed of without seri- | a Arab 4 2 " . thou A n.editor, first in Mor. is « and thea Attached Is one of the best job wus. consideration for the present, say what the local government in A 3 + 1 printing offices In Canada. . tends' doing about its anti-treating In Brocksille, he began uD miliea r career im 1898 wien lhe gs elected to the Omtario Leg klaiure, Reforo the Liberal defeat of 105 he had risen to be Provincial Serre AT nd after. "The country," says the Gazette, N : y AfLve st. jrorronchiully, "was created by men | legislation" Tt was promised, but, ENTATIVES like the logislathon on comuvensation ssesns 4% Fifth Ave, rup, Manager, s2:00000.s Tribune Bldg. : . E Northrup, Manager. yg tommunities get' most wards hegwas for a, short fin leader tie ow. } 2 hs > forces it~ : r them it ix now, in many cases, near - 2 of the Opposition. T 10 was ine Q OUTLOOK FOR 'THE MEN to standing stil. 'Ihe. province of In Toronto a school has been clos. | ited by SIMWRIrAIL At # «ho made Quebee, where the - people - still have : Mistatas Favs duchee, Whore pepe BY Lo tor the season at which foreign. [Mm Ns Minister of iminavs ang ers, Russians, who could fot speak Ohnals Hes vax deed 1 1211 mig , a seat was ound for hr i tocday recognized, as leads r o tario Liberals yin the House who undertook to do, and did do, things ior themselves. Where men and | of workmen for injuries, §t will only A things done for | be forthcoming when the opposition" rr . I lA the State Department © at Ottawa has issued, public notices that mar. rages between women of British na- stogalil y professing the Christian re courage to face their own commercial and industrial problems, js the one | . English, have heen taughit 'by teach- ers who could not speak - Yiddish. How did they do it? The Fduca- tion Department should investigate, part of Eastern Canada that for twen ty years has made any things like a ligion, and Moslems, Hindus and oth- i ' ; creditable record jn agricultural and er: persons. helodging to countries r industrial advancement. Fhe "country where polygamy or con ubinage is le ~ 1 should 1 will not realize its possibilities till 1 | It' may fiod the secret for successiul ~ . rr' - 1 a gal should not be allowed, unless these e : bi-lingual schools, Ki E : women are first warned that such mar gererally bourne ji a usa) 4 % = ---------- ingston vents - ¥ . riages may be repudiated by the, hus nya! ay og 3» - A The big excursion of the western 25 YEARS AGO. - = e appreciated by some people; b v whol los a oO e Cons - . . Toubtry. ; Sut marriage is a gamble in he \ -- " t » 44 " i the (03 terost of deeper waterways and Ia Steam wag got up on the propellor : Raincoat 12 50 which the average woman will indulge, | TOM re ha oo Ee ye dial. railways, cost £10,000. Who js D. R. VanAllen to-day. She is now y . ome mn 0h or | 17 Pl airmen does ny ot foe {ot med, we, Sogn A genuirie rainproof worsted cioth oo ¢ e « ¢ w P Ve . . . 5 T. MN Cp. ¢ eo . H : boi . 3 i ome reaso, ar + the world ¢ fF: not secure the city "hetter men. To Who participated in 1e jaunt hat It is suggested that the st vod of made by the celebrated English k- na great ninjority and that they fronts lerislators. want £1,200 cach, | much is certain Had Kingstofi' in Ontario should meet bisannually in ' e J ] H It £ H dd 5 ] ma. capuot be too exacting in the matter |. place of $300 The city would { dulged in tis luxury it would - have | stead of annually, Tach alternate s G t $10.00 Cc t lain : I, John 0 J 0 u erfield. Eng. not begrudge the higher salary if it | had vear whe clargymen and delegates ee our : rea y oats, pla land. Good rain or shine, $12.50. hod certain districts could have conferences or Raglan shoulders, seams gummed to make up its share and add " in the mon will become the weaker party : x x ps ta Xes ! I © Jrecured the higher service. But there | 4 it to thes tax resulting in inferest being evoked in a ---------- chureh work, and sewn with silk thread. "Stand By the Tomn." is the slo- | 14 no assurance of this. The bigger gan. in Potérboro. 'Let Belleville | the salary the bigger the run for it Sir. Lyman Jones, explains 18s posi Todas ie, tio, ra re - : : : : ' : . Xe moved from Mis ole stand on Broek m Prosper' is the slogan of the neigh. | and irom men who are wholly unit. | ion on th fauifl- question, Ho je in, | ov" occupied by him- for thirty-six m Ie das . boring city. The 'appeal. every. | ted. for public duty, favour of a moderate tarifi, and when | years, to a store on King street ' . - i ---- na he liberal party favoured a lower James Little, who held down first * where, in-the places where the peo- tue F 8 oy i e ur | = on . a . wv} arpa rag for the Kingston baseball te a T ple ave indifferent to local claims, is, SERVING THE LABOUR PART) taf, or no tarifi, ou agricultural last year, will. be Prost: hy os We have the best $1.00 Umbrella "Keep your meney at home and lot | The workmen of Kingston are ex implements, it left him. He did not | iviends with to handsome gifts. Me made. ; y ag : : bands if thes return To their own municipalities, t6 Ottawa, in the in of marriage. . In sumbers avd in time again. he is unfor benefit." It is commended to the rp0- the passage of the Compensation Bill tunate. Disqualifieq ple of Kingston But 'the man dnd the party that de : ; 2 . ; E leave ity And if the gon ernment sub- | wiil Jeave in a' few days for Spring . your merchants, tradesmen, mechan pected to Be profoundly grateful © to } J Pring . Y 4 A L " 4 smiand: W field, Ohio. 14 4 A . ies," and Splovick generally get * the Onfario BOovernment beCause of TR Af thas -- 3 de Wand he will | fie vd fin ur ery dilicea . Oil d Ski 4 : -- je ; % I g in 0d S DE a ae serve special recogmitiong are Mr Suey Bulletin Material is soft rainproof worsted. S A i on When an aspirant js recommended i ' » OS y . 3 74 fal i { ande ans, o e Neco ie : s UROOKEDNES IN NEW YORK Rowell and the faithful band who . Singh Jou fi an dpe: # mn Queensiand as a suitalsle ohare. A Raincoat on a rainy day. An Over- For men and boys. Rain Capes for New York state's legislature has ad. | donstitute the loyal a he | ae art do aust "of the | (2c: made a" J.P. the 'local . ser coat.on a fine day. Price $15.00. boys. jouwrned. because the assembly and | Ontarid tegislature. What is the | Montreal, and show ny pictures of 'the | cant of police is usually requested : : British navies, said that whenever | to report on his fitness for the high wnor." Un ene occasion Sergeant senate got into a deadlock and busi- | récord ? ness could not be done. VYhe bosses In 1885 the Mowat tgovernment pass- Yond 1d th "with Be Hank, of Dingo Flat, damned the were in command and in their conflict ed the first Compensation Act, mo- [land woul "pnp. tiem : men | 'hances. of Simon Spurd, Esq; in [J nothing conld be done. What the stute delled after the British Act, and tls such as these. Which does not dis hese seathing terms, and the record \ ; : needs ix a' wrathiul uprising of the| act, amended in several particulars, | Pose oftithe difficulty Britain has had 1s still in the department : "Cannot : : Sasi ; The RB recommend him for .J.p Plays the electors and, a sweep by them of all bi, ' . een |i deration [I recruiting her navy The British : 3 ad, weep by is the one that has been in. operatio iddle and behaves in other w ave un- 2 - N I n lifierent Ki : 3 ' The New Sk Ti, oe iar [2201 80 pra" 10 va dle, | N13 Tonge 1h dist on | le md SIN Ingston's One Price Clothing Store The New York Fimes, in the evidence as experience proved. It "was too | from that of {Commander Evans, submitted by the distriet attorney 8 Hlimited in its application, and its 3 All but fools know fear sometime- office, declares : 'Enough is already administration was too expensive. City government, under a Mana Opportunities are very sensitive Canada put ships on the water Eng known "to gonvince experienced ob- go oral necessary changes were urged | ger, or with his aid, is growing in | f vou slight-Their first visit you sel- servers that filebings and swindles ex. by Mr. Rowell. He has resisted, suc- | favour. And why ? I'he: commis lom see 'them agam : iver V i g ceeding even the gigantic crimes of livery woman is wrong until she : 1 the, Thoed wi cessfully, by 'the conservative gav- sion form I$ not: assured of thé ries then: she is right instantly, ¢ ted ring await exposure I'he ernment, and conservative party, Mr, [election of men who can oversee the Girls are loved for what they are: investigating commitice, when it has Studholme, the only labour member | diferent departments of ' civic gov- # boys for what they promise to be, ---------- \\ funds, can: proceed 10 ts. work." [1 om Hamilton, demanded remedial ernment, and it is efficient supervis 2s abprapeiation of" 210000 was ask legislation year after year, ion that tells. The council with a Better ( yoal ed lor a state-wide enquiry, and to ig Ey eG ' . : RE : Ge In 1907 Hon. Thomas Crawford in: | manager, who is an expert in the the o 4 © - . pe 3 ; : be end that the crooks might be run troduced a Hill on his own account, | business, who is the executive head CONDENSED WISDOM Means Smaller to 'earth, forced to make restitution. but 'dropped! it ut the instance of his | of the working force "has caught the }| I prefer the wisdom of the un- ; : , : : : educated to the folly of the Jo- leader, Sir: James Whitney, 'The years | people's attention for the time be quacious.--Cicero. 1908 and 1909 came and went with- 'ing, . 18 pays to o out any action being taken. Iu 1910, ey Se Who prites of war or want - suits, after his wine ?--Horace, Wisdom is the conqueror of P . WALSH fortune.~Juvenal, oF, atone for. . their crimes in prison. But the sudden adjournment of the legislature, by consent of the bosses, thiarts the district attorney and | - ; EY gives the thieves a chance to close up the government promfised legislation, | r ! and liar out afstter an enquiry. Nr. rrowdioot PUBLIC" OPINION EIEN sought to hurry 'results by introdue- No One Objects Londen Advertiyer It is the fault, of youth that f Is good leather in youp the country would not object to - : Col. the Hon.. Sam Hughes sacrificing Bunt avers its own vio- } Girls and Bovs Boots, himseli on the altar of | Isterism if he i-- resigned his portfolio first. hon. bk : 5 : 7 ---- As each one wishes his chil . £ O 00 d 2 50 rN Dance Grows ronger dren to be so they are~Terence, ry ur $ * an [) - rr . And this is polities in --------------n ing-a bill, still based on the British The demand fdr an abolition of | Act, and modified in. order to meet night work in the schools should be- heonditions in Canada, On its second Come general, tetter that the child- reading Sir James Whitney promised ren should be u year or two - longer | tq appoint a commissioner, and the Passing through the public and se- [bill was withdrawn. . Later this condary schools than that so many | commissioner was appointed, : : i : . 3 3 Montreal Gazette -- should he Stunted 'g growth und be. i In 1911, ne legislation Raving been The turkey trot, the bunny hug, the The noblest elaracter is stain- . come. sickly and wighy-washy pro- introduced, Mr. Proudioqd enquired grizily bear, the tango, the hvpno- ed by the addition of pride.~-- The following 1s a partial list of digies, : what progress had lwen made by the | tique aud' now the onion glide ! Claudianus, i 7 farms we have for sale In Kingston . -- - commissioner, and when legislation, | Stranger and stranger 'grows the " district: Caen VIR) 14 3. FERY (COSTLY -Tvur founded "on his report, would -- 88 the days dip by, : Birth and ancestry and that . : ® : ' rf The Montreal * Gazette reproves the proposed ? The only answer was Don't Worry svhich we have not. ourselves 00 ry nam f-rTers i swe - AE k , / . ; . : delegation (hat swe Pt down upon Ot that the commissioner had no@l com: | Hamilton Spectator Tiere) we San sara al - - rw nie y 3 King Street. - . : tan » 3 5 i wis : ~ ana some days ago, and surprised pleted his labours. there's no need to worry over those hd the government with, their demands As a matter of fact the first ses Unclaimed balances din the ¥arious a ---- , oro wee $3250 Fespecting deep Water wavs and the sion of the commission, to take evi | Panks, said to _ total £750,000, : $3500 radial "railway. © There "is. no trouble } it Uetol f throughout Canada, Ii you cant pre ener i getting ub' bis delegations if the dence, was' not held until October, sent 8 check for a portion of the ' FOLLOW A SHADOW. YW 8 . z Pp ¥ . ji J 1911, on the eve of a general elec- amount, you'll gey one in trying to ae Follow dow, it Il flied ae apaliss. fis nt 3h Bpte Jey tion, and simply to ward off the eri- {ire it otherwise, . You ! . . ahes gome time, |, na : ---- : - some trquible, and sone nerve 'to drum | HCI. or 'ee gare of te work a Fight to a Finish Seem to fly it, it will pursue. Up about two thousand persons, to] PWEDE the session of 1912 : the ope] Ottawa Free Press ; fo court a mistress, she denies a ; : iti ssed the government to The: union { England -k hal i you; : a lee them ut co a : Position presse § ¢ unionists © England 'have cha } : . Se ee Bane Be Shemb Jae Ro fPRventent Hine tafry oat §ts promise, but not until lenged democracy from the last strong / 'Let her alone, she will court 188 sii wn. tt Ma. and get them away on special trains nearly the close was the announce, BOM of antrecho aristocracy, th 'you 1 so that there will be a landing at the | 2 . h : 1d jar office. The challenge is to a fight / Say, are not women truly, then, capital"at s speciiegstime. But mon. | Ment made taut there tole. mol be [to the bitter end, and will be taken ip Styled but the shadows of us ef can do it, and this particular ou. | legislation. The opposition pul at- the spirii in hich is has been of "fnen? few lew a rare Bh i i ! fered, 3 oa ag cost, it ds alleged, about $10,000. yo ) 150 ave ive TRE em ea eMee self on record, fu the motion of Mr. The movement began in the west, in Proudioot, in protest dgainst . the | Minister of Play At morn and even shades are banquets to which the municipal re- delay, Five years had transpired and | Montreal 'Herald, longest. 92 ME FY Mew We Présbntatives 'were invited. Wheo, in. | Mr Studholme had said thay tds Hon. Mr. Crothers gold the Montréal At noon they are short or none. 260 A dor skilled leadersiap the boom was [Was "a long time for the workmen | Women '¢ Club, that he never had much 80 mén at weakest, they are . . 3 : : Eis : : idows | affection for the word "labor." That strongest, SEV Wey ae wee eae wo $18,000 duly worked Up it was noi so difficait [OF the province and their w idows '! t a i i vis is the very criticism which the labor §! But grant os perfect, they're further rma: to yet We crowd in motion and to in. 8nd orphans to wait for a + JUL re- Lanions in Montreal have made against "wot known, » Woz fur inte tion apply te vady the capital. . Kiogaton wak not | cognition of thelr claims." {hits ever since he had held the labor f° Say. are not, women truly, then, invited to take purt in the demonstra | During that (§me about 1,000'bread Portiolio. a Styled but the shadows of us ion uatil too Jate for anything. Cop. Winsers had suffered privations in | A woman's idea of a bappy demise men? ; Church, of Toronto, sent a coud |tidentat to the loss of husband. and .--to be crushed to death in a shop- «Ben Jonson. of telegrams, without giving avy Hatler, and the dependants numbered ping crowd, © | ; » aD