DRAGGED TO SAFETY BY COLT 9 MIGHT HAVE BEEN IT Said Late President Arthur Propos- ed to Her Twice Washington, April 1.<Dr. " Mary Walker, she oi, the trousers and milk hat, might have been the first lady of the land--but she 'wouldn't take the heart and hand of Colonel (later president) Arthur, because: he "smok- od tobacco and because she didn't waut to Jose her identity." The doctor coy told: all about ft to an audience at a moving picture theatre last night. She said Arthur Wice proposed . "He would have given up the use of the weed if I would have consent- ed to this." she explained. ,"but thes I'd have lost my identity in. his. As his wife, 1 wou ave been" the first lady in the land for a few. years; then would have been a nobody as his widow. I will always be a some body. - Of the Two Houses to Consider the LIPID PPPLSP PIPPI PEEP PPIEbE >» ' Railway Act. -- By Being Out- "STAY ON DUTY." numbered, the Senate Would Lose Amending Power. 5 Ottawa, April 1.--A unique pro- ceeding was atjempted in the senate yesterday by the government leader Hon. Mr. Lougheed, which has been so far blocked' ' by the liberal lead- ers, but which, if successful, might furnished the government with handy and simple means of combin- ing conservative forces in both houses, thus overcoming any trouble with the liberal majority in the upper house. In moving the second reading of the government bill consolidating the railway - act, which has been introduced first in the senate. Senator Lougheed pro- posed that instead of following the usual precedent of referring it to a committee in fhe senate it be refer- red to a joint committee of both commbns and senate. The govern- ment leader's argument was that this would expedite legislation and avoid unnecessary repitition' of the evidence and arguments on behalf of railway companies, railway em-1! ployees, boards of trade and other bodies interested in the provisions of the bill. Mr. Lougheed declined to say how many members the com- mons" would appoint to this joint committee. Senator Bostock, the liberal lead- > BOTH SIDES Attempt to Rescue Aaimal From Fire, Almost Proved Fatal | Brockville, April 1.-One of the | largest barns on the farm oi J. W. Hs Vout, a farmer living six wiles from Despatches * Distant Places. - THE LATEST TIDINGS tailing a foss of $3,000. Vout lost a quantity of grain. and farming aw. { PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. ts but saved all his horses and cattle with the exception of three thoroughbred Holsteins, which per ished. ; BW "Fhe Whig's-Haily Condensation J of} the News of the World From Tele. graph Service and Newspaper Ex. changes. ' ! a Over a million dollars was spent ELI 40I FEISS 2004340 | Now Ontario roads Bast yenr. . Sir Herbert Von Merkomer, a fam- gs 1 PASS ous Doglish artise, died in London, HOME RULE WILL PA At Nice, France, Mie. Emma Calve; ie singer, has been robbed of a guan- ity of jewels. - . James Gordon Bgtnett, the prietor of the New York Herald, gravely ill at Caire, Egypt. Robbers ployed cards and smoked in 4 the sancinary of St. Foseph's church, fa Montreal. using the altar candles > I'he Canadian Bar Association was formally constituted at_a meeting in Ottawa, dnd officers were glected. I'he bills to give the frinchise to married women." otherwise entitled. to il. were voted down in the legislature. Ihe Montreal poliee received an offer to deliver up Bourret and Foucault, two bandits, sought for three weeks. " Henry W. Thornton, the American, EPPO IPP IOD P heen to mage & Great Rage ----------ie fadway, of England, has started ov- 3 ! : ..|INDIAN-GOT DAMAGES AGAINST A PRINCIPAL The Redskin's Daughters Were Il Treated At The Mohawk Insti- tute Near Brantford. Brantiord, Apel 1. ler, an Indian trom here, was, at one o'clock ths ing, awarded four hundred dollars damages hy the assive jory against NOTED ON ne apis i to the Home Question UGGESTION OF GR S-- bimseli . He had narrow escape z from death. He had removed horses to a place of safety and returning for a colt was ov ernie by the dense - smoke. Fortunately he had wound The halter around ins waist and when he fell the colt drag- him out of the building. I'he started from spontaneous com- bustion Sn a guantity of ensilage. : A CHECK WAS GIVEN TO LOUGHEED'S PROPOSAL JOINT COMMITTER FEDERAL PARLIAMENT SCHEME" IS POPULAR oF OF on The. Suffragettes Are oe Yo Take a Strong Part Against Premier Asquith in the East Fife Bye- Election. Léndon, April 1.--Much of "the fire and fight had disappeared when the + commons took up the home rule dig- cussion again this afternoon.. There was a distinet tone of conciliation on both sides. It is thought that a divi- sion on the second reading will come next Monday, But in the meantime there may be more megotiations to compromise. Asquith's appeal to his constituency and Sir Edward Grey's suggestion in the cominons Yesterday of a federal parliament scheme have struck popular QPinic m Suffragettes Against Asyuith London, April 1.--Militant sufira- 'getles are preparing to take a very aggressive campaign against Mr. quith in the East Fife election. blame the prime minister as the great est obstacle of modern thmes in their fttenpta to get. the ballot. Their hatr minst "him is intense, and their influence may hurt Asquith con siderably at the polls. BIG POWER DEPUTATION Waited. Upon Ontario Government on Wednesday. Toronto, Apri 1.--A monster Putation, representing' the * * * + +> 2 London, : April 1. -- Sir John French, on relinquish- ing the leadership of the ar- my gives the following mes- sage to the army: "Continue to perform your duty loyally us heretofore, continue to ignore party Dublin, . April 1---The Freeman's Journal in report- ing meetings throughout the -couniry, comments ' as lows: "The feeling at these meetings is just one of security in the future. Con i fidence in the present situd® tion of home rule is safe Nothing can defeat it Ev- erything that has happened has contributed toi its reali- zation. It will as, Redmond prophesies, be the law of the land in a few weeks more." pro- is GENERAL SIR TAN HAMILTON, The? thepeat ft * Ered ety : RIGHT ION, LEWIS HARCOURT CHANGES ARE PROPOSED IN COLONIAL BFFICE / Se -- > - Ne Tis Said That Harcourt Will Give Place To Lord Glad- stone. . London, April 1.--The , Liv 1 Courier's London editor thinks re will be changes in the colonial office. "It is freely rumored, he says, that Lord Gladstone bag been "offered the colonial secretaryshipin' succession to Harcourt. I'he Yorkshire Post's London editor says Harcourt is to be transferred to another office. Harcourt is not re- garded, this writer' adds, either by the. , cabinet on by the permanent stall of the colonial office as a_yirong man. Ais mentioned & Yo General i Ish arn Lt nade # politics as heretofore. Let no + officer or soldier. resign * La + * + ° " \ CRISIS IS FACED ---- -- i Ty By University of Toronte Asks Mil- lion and Half " foronto, April 1.--The University of of Toronto is facing a crisis. 1f it is to maintain its place as an institu. tion of eduction--a first-class university--the provincial purde strin must be loosencd. These were the Plain facts that were laid before the members of the legislature yesterday afternoon by Sir Edmund Walker, chairman oi the board of governors, and President Falconer Sir Edmund 'estimated tlie require ments of the university for the eree- tion of new buildings to be #1,400,000. President Falconer disabused the idea that the University of Toronto had not benefited from private bene factions, but he went on to say that pavate munificence could no longer meet the situation. The day of the leave the service as a econ- sequence of recent events. The reasons for my resigna- tion are absolutely person- 3 od bb PPEPPPEPPI CER Erb T at > > ob 20000000000 ttsset > b hn a ER BRITAIN DID NOT HELP ON THE PISTAL RATE Why Charge On British Magazines Goes Up --Reciprocity- Gets A Knock Ottawa, April '1.---""Within a while," said Ho I.. P. Pellotier morning, "'the cheap postal rate i magazines from Creat Britain to ( Four Perth grand jurors were fin- ada will be aboli 0 ge ed $50 each for non-attendance The cheap two-eont rate when court opened on Tuesday. The higher Bishop Scollard, of Sault Ste. Ma: rie, denies a statement attributed 'to him lately disparaging Ontario public school teachers » Ottawa asked for only 827.58 for expenses of the recent Social vice congress, though the city had propriated. $200 The militant suffragettes are going 100 strong 10 East Fife to work and demonstrate against the re-election of Premier Asquith. was Ser- ap- short this on Mil- near morn George the reserve de an- hydro- IT WAS APRIL FOOL'S DAY v off maga electric radial agitators through all old Ontarig, waited upon the cabi- net of the Ontario government af noon to-day to urge upon it the neec- essity for quick development and extension of the proposed hydro- Yelectric radial scheme as endorsed privately endowed university was past It would not be healthy ii it were not $0. The province was demanding higher education, and if it was not given, its refusal would propagate ap emigration that would be an immense detriment to the people of : zines has been in force for over three years When the ch#ap rate was in stituted it was thought that after a while treat liritain would do he share towards popularizing British magazine literatnre in Canada. by' as- for Tlie lirs \llesandro Italy, have arrived im Montieal. fine of one juror was remitted. Samples of the sévam and tuberculosis vaccine discovered by Dr. Bruschettit, oi Genoa, t comet of 914 is reported Major Nelles Ashton, principal of Mohawk Institute, an educational in- stitution, partially supported by the government, because his two daugh- ters had been badly treated. The jury agreed -that the beatings had not re- er, promptly pointed out that, since the commons might have « much more numerous membership on this joint committee than the senate, the commons representation, Smposed largely of. government members, . tle Joke Even the little joke to-day. And Kingston Police Had Their Lit police had, to have their Constable Samuel Arniel started the ball i i the "pro- would be able to determine the find. Hugs of the committee. This aspeet of the question. was' further empha Sized: by Senator Dandurand ana jother liberal HW {inate 'Would™ there 3 practically giving up its powers of Independent amendment of the gov- ernment measure. The matter was debated at some length and the discussion adjourned till this afternoon. The Canadian branch of the inter. parliamentary union' met this morn 0 a : . ing and appointed Hon. George: E. [it wasn't all a joke with the Perley and Hon. Dr. Beland as dele. | Custodians of the law, for it was real. gates from Canada to the next an. [1 Pay day, and the 'stalwarts: receiv nual gathering, to be held at Stock. |°d their money during the afternoon. holm, Sweden. : : That for the encouragement of loan It is expected that Steamer Wolfe 'on jos 4 sist' larmers the | Islander will make an attempt to ompanies to assist fa ' , |break the ice from Wolfe Island to minimum of . capital stock necessary hy » friends of the Sunday school and for such concerns showld be reduced the Sity on Monday next, . : preached again in the evening. The | to a bundred thousand dollars, was ublic are 1 vited to sited, ops pen setor.. Rev. C E. E. Radcliffe as-| the opinion expressed by some mem- | i0% Bxtroise! pire Wing, i: A a h ¢ ospital, to- » a rector, Je Bele. 408 2 Af Hospital, to-morrow, 3:30, pan. sisted at all the services. Rev. Rural{bers of the banking and commerce ; Ro Tr Dean Creggan, of the rererve, read!committee of the commons, when, the (# UN SALE AT THE suming a portion of the cost. At the time the cheap rate was instituted was a general Yeelng in this uptry that American magazines had outwith to themselves; the morning when he walked § police, station from the treasure fice with what' looked" like: his at the Bethkamp: observatory, in Schleswig, by Prei. Kitzinger. It is in the 'neighborhgéd or the consteila- wy Libra. hol ood are being salted 1' permanent injury to gifs. The case created a great sen- Sation here. THE TOWN OF DESERONTO , i Bishop Bidwell Was the Centre of Attraction 3 Deseronto, March 31.---The servic- es in St. Mark's church, Deseronto, on Sunday, 29th inst, were of very special and elavating character the occasion being an all-day. visit of Bishop Bidwell. At the regular morn- ing service, in addition to an -eloqu- *nt sermon, the rite of confirmation was performed by -His Lordship at which some twenty-seven candidates were present, most of these being young people and members of the choir. In the "afternoon His Lord- ship addressed the children and Sivee and its future. ~thg Tuesday in Legislature ._ Toronto, April. | Ear ar? » Bo or ness : By a vote of 57 to 17, the house voted down bills to give married wo- men who own property the right to vote at municipal elections. Referred to the legal committee bills to publish campaign contributions and prohibiting contributions by corpora- tions, government - contractors and liquor license-holders. Gave first reading to a bill by George. HH. Gooderham (South Toron- to} to make important amendments to the motor vehicles act. Rejected Toronto bill to assess im- provements at a lower rate than lind to. carry out municipal plebiscite of 19i3. BLAMES WOMEN AGAIN FOR OFFICERS ACTION Declares Intrigues Go On That Wil Not Bear Light Of Day April 1 ll by the government during the ses- sion of 1913. The highest commendation, the. as . nid tion The peaditiy' "ol these ov Comu- diane generally was not in the best interests of the country. A 'prefer ential" rate accordingly was put in force to encourage the sending to Can- ada oi - British magazines But the Sritish authorities Jd aothmg to wards bearing the cost. itn fuil tuo cent postage coilected by the Iritish post office, and the whole cost of transporting the magazines leit to Canada to bear. When Mr. Pel letior represented Great Britain | that it was only that Canada | should get one-hall the postage, { he matter being in interest of Great Britain. as much as the domin- ion," nothing done . The Canadian postmastor-general, therefore, has decided that rate will be cut off. y 'were of the! imp fon at more power could and should developed ai the falls and other paints in province. The delegation believed that un- der the waterways treaty, Canada Was entitled to develop more power. By a more advantageous location of power plants it estimated that the same water now used could develop 225,000 horsepower. The _ govern ment promised consideration ; | | | ket. bl ite to the « « get his allowance," | ¢ open ed his envelope he at to find it empty. He then remembered that it was April Fool's day, bad a good laugh and pulled off the joke on othes members of the force. However, PRAYERS IN CHURCHES 2 " London, April 1. «+ The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued a pastoral letter to the clergy in which he re- commends that they fnvite their congregations to pray next Sunday for a peaceful solution 'df the. perplexities and anxieties in regard to Ireland was was ---- four M.P.S' PLEASANT REMINDER Senator George Taylor Again Distri- es: Birthday Apples Ss Ottawd, April 1.--For many At has been an annual custons with Senator George Taylor to mark hs bicthday by placing upon, the desks of every member of the House of Commons two large rosy Northern Spy apples. Members were reminded of this yesterday when they entered the chamber amd fouud the awaiting 'them. Jt was the seventy fourth Wirthday of the former whip of the comservative party Senator Taylor was &# member of the House of Commons from 1852 to |: <1 1911, when he redgned in order to |i 0 create a vacancy for Hon WW. -f White, the present minister of lin ance. He way shortly afterwards called to the senate the Sh bd spit a CEP F RPL Peed PEPRR RRP EPPR EERE PPE SR was made Ly Hon. Gearge FE. Foster for the sessioms of the Dominfon | Commission, which will meet fn Can- ada in August. Mrs. John years old, and YOALS the chean I \ aya Farmers' Phone Company Bganville, Ont., April 1.--~The Ger mamicns jelepbone Association, cently organized, elected the following officers : President, Henry Kutchkie: vice-president, R Schutt; secretary, Ferdinand Sack; board - of directors, Paul Brose, Frank Woligram, Frank Sack and Herman Luloff An order was placed for seventeen miles of 1 and equipment Ritchie, eighty three a resident 6f Poter- bore for seventy years, died in Mon- treal, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mra. V. E. Fgeeburn. Ihe story that® M. Jusserand, French ambassador at Washington, about to be transferred to London des Jal nonsense ul Cambon, { French il hold till he dies, Halifax, N.S. James: Murphy, Mes. Marg grandmother, will have to the lessons in the evening. Thellinance minister's loan company's bill music at all the services was very!Wwas up for discussion. Hon. W, T. hearty Large congregations were! White said it would not Le wise to Buckuell's News Depot +205 King n apples i the 15 13 the that chief In the Commons Ottawal April{ 1.--Some half dozen speeches were contributed at yesterday's sitting of the house to the long-drawn 'out debate on the N. T.R. 'The majority of these were de livered by members from the pro vince of Quebec, including Mr. Sawvig ny, the conservative nitmber for Dorchester, Mr, Lachance, the [iberal member for Quebec Centre, Mr. Pow- er, the liberall member for Quebec West, and Mr. Demers, the liberal member for St. Johns add Iberville. That the C.N.R. bill, as amemded by the railway oommittee of the house so that the capitalization of the C.N.R. is limited to $77,000, 000, will -not be proceednd with until the new railway act passes, was the statement made to the committee yesterday by W. H. Sharpe, of Lis gar, wha has charge of the com- pany's bill. : The special committee of the house considering the proposed amendments to the eantroverted oleo§tons act met to-day and discussed = amend- ments which it is proposed to enact, more parti¢ularly these relating to giving 'and taking bribes, present morning, afternoon and ev- encourage too many small Com- olarke, J. W, & Cou...s..088 ening and His Lordships' sermons{ panies, but' consented to a reduc- were enjoyed by all present. tion of minimum to a quarter of a The Roman Catholic church has| million. installed electrie lights, and on Sun- Re day evening was lighted [8r the first 'ollege Book Store ,.....100 Princess time. .The altar is greatly improv- 'oulter's Grocery ......,.000 Princess ed by the lights 'ullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess & Alfred The Church of the Redeemer is "rontenne Hotel .. +s sOmtarie St holding its usual anniversary service ibson's Drug Store . Market Square on April 19th, when outside talent McAuley's Book Store ....93 Princess will assist. MeGall's Clgar Store Cer, Prin. & King feLeod's Grocvery ....51 Union St. W. dedley's Drug Storé 200 University Ave 'aul's Clgar Store ........T0 Princess 'rouse's Drug Store .., 313 Princess 308 Women's intrigues measure vesponsible y 1 the Curragh oflicers who, last week, resigned their commis sions rather than agree to shoot "loy- alist cording to John Ward, 'who made the historic speech in the house it is known that certain lac in-waiting had been for sing backwards and forwards \idersiiot and the Curragii "We knew {hint these ladies -in-wait- ing," he said, "were experienced in political intrigue, and we éoneluded that they were operating, *if not upon high authority, certainly they were us mg the influenc the palace for their own party ends." Mr. Ward adds that things were go ing on behind that would not bear the light of day. ambass . a post At | case the his agree. second At St dounma ° the jury in the charged with garet Brown, failed to stand a Brockville Hotelman Dead Brockville, April 1.--Ceorge Me- Culloch, propifietor of the Strathcona Hall for the past year, died at. his rooms: after an illness of two months from hegrt trouble He at Perth seventy vears ago Lut most #f his life wah spent in Brockville He. was formerly freight agent_of the Grand Trunk, and eight vears ago entered the hotel business. He leaves « widow, four daughters and two sons, UPHOLDS THE WILL: 'SCHOOL ASSURED ot murder wife's Murphy trial Pe are urging i nn 10 Ulstermen."' ol last week, Dr. S: M. Asselstine, Marlhank, has been made lecturer in pharmacology and' therapeutics in Queen's'; Medical College replacing Dr. W. A. Een nedy, who has resigned. There was no session of the court Wednesday morning "Ice cream "bricks." Gibson's DAILY MEMORANDA See top of page 3, vight haud corner for probabilities: Opening exercises of general hospital to.modrow, 3 Pablick are invited. v members of the * appointment of s<the cause some tune 4 boin sburg, was. born, Michael Candon at her home on Green street. Degeased had been a which president of Deseronto for many years. She is survived by her hus- band and one daughter, Mrs. William Labarge, of Bridgewater. The young people of the church of Redeemer 'wil be entertained this evening by the president, Miss Nesbit, at the home of Mrs. George Gardner. GIRL STOLE MONEY TO GIVE TO MINISTER Odd Case Before Edmenton Court-- Money For Underpaid Pastor And Missions Edmonton, April 1.--<Lulu Cham- berlain, charged with stealing a cheque for #119 and $50 in' cash, de- clared in district court yesterday that it was her love for, an underpaid minister of the gospel; who was; in ueed of money, that led her to gom- mit the theft. She pleaded guilty to the charge and Judge Taylor re manded the case. . From the evidence it was: shown that she had been given an envelope containing the cheque. and money to v mail fn Pimonton. y :{ Ontario's mspector of hospitals and On reaching the city she failed to |charities; Ur. J, C. Connell, dean of drop the envelope in the Joes, box [medical faculty, Cucen's University. as mised, but opened it' and ex- a . . rated the tie and the money. English Soccer Results She gave $36 to the clergyman to London, April 1.-- Results of the assist him when in Jfomndal - diffic- | English cup soccer replay . to-day: ties, and later gave him $25 more. |Burnley, 1; Sheffield, 0; Walford 6, The balance she tendered to the Beu- & lah mission. | between a comn mvest After an illness about three weeks, there passed away last evening, Mrs. +allenu's . Grocery .. owe's Grocery from o and rubber ious sickn in the tobe of a my operatives lactones are suber Henry Siegel, the New rupt. banker and merchant, dictment for, grand larceny and tation of the state banking i amed "as defendant in a suit sheen police DIED, YOUNG---In Kingston. on April 1st, 1814, Susan Hawksisaw, beloved wife of the late Stephen Young, aged sixty-three. e ® funeral, private, y afternoon at son-in-law, David C Davie Allee Etree * : ~ROBERT J. REID ig the leading Suertalior ' Phone 577 289 street. The Old Firm of Undertakers "Phone 147 for Walnut 'and Mahogany -- York bank- under in- Yio Ia for $he' scene; | absclute divoree the prohibition of the landing faborers in British Columléa for period of six months, owing to congestion of the Inbor market there, andl with a view to prohibiting en- j tively Oriental immigration, will be renewed a . i James Sutton and William Evans : ; " at pleaded guilty at the assizhs at Philadelphia, April 1.--TFhe will i perth. on Wednesday before Justice Robert N. Carson, millionaire trie-{ oo leonbridge to placing obstruc- tion magnate, who left the MAJOr| ons on the C. P. R. track betwoen part of his estate of $5,000,000 10) cnith's Falls and Carleton Place, found a school for orphan girls, has| rere remanded for sentence. been sustainéd by the state supreme | court. The validity of the will has| been the subject of litigation ih . J courts for more than six years. i Instructions to United States Consul By the provision of the will the! Villard Case. school is to be called the Carson Col- on Villard Case, In view of the fact that : { . [is t ated at about to benefit financially in the re BO a in. and is to he loca Tae | Villard, under arrest her for for- lief from certain, duties they now ex- y gery at Albany, N. Y., says he will perience in the deportation of .insane | °¢ Slopisamety founty. 'none but [PUL up a fight over being taken hack immigrants. Hon. My , Hanua brought "poor, white, healthy girls" shall be 1? face this charse, United. States in a bill in the legislature on Tues admitted and that in each instance |COUSUl Johnsbn has received . in- dat which enables towns which have both parents must be dead. Candj-,Structions from the American auth- paid expenses incurred in the new dates for admission are to range' OFities to fake action and will take apprehension and committal to a from six to ten years. with gradua- the necessary steps to have the auc- hospital of such persons, to collect 0 \ o . f th tuts x teen, [CUsed extradited. from the murbcipality in which the tion *om the institution a: eighteen Villard is still being beld at the patiept was last 'resithont prior to police station. He was placed un- his comig in. At the present tind $ ek . 1% age, . all towns wherd such apprehension occurs ace forced to foot the bills: One of the members of the R.C.H.A. who 'deserted * from the ranks was Yrought back on Tuesday wight, m. of a a Empire Wh 30 p BOY SMASHED WINPOWS g Was Called Upon to Pay Damage - Supreme Court Sustains Part Of Getting Ready $5,000,000 Estate For Juvenile Court. 'or Easter A boy was in the juvenile court on Wednesday morning charged with breaking windows in Louise school. A : settlement was made by the boy pay- Usage has magde Easter time the scason for donuing new spring atlire; and just now the stores are. in the full swing of x ing for the replacing of the windows. It appears that the boy was dismissed for some misdemeanor some time age, and took revenge by paying a visit to the school amd * throwing stones through the windows. He found it very expensive fup. Opening of Hospital Wing Thé formal opening of {the Empire wing of the general hospifal will take place 'on Thursday afternfon at 3.30 o'clock. The building wil be opened for public inspection at 3.30. Refresh: wents will be served by the Woman's Aid Society. The programme 18 as follows : Ln Invocation by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray: addressed by F. G. Lockett, chairman; Mayor Shaw, Di."R. W, Bruce Smith, C Just @ Phone 706. EE ---------------------- Tasty and Shrimps in tins. Lobsters in tins. Crab meat in tins. Deviled Crab Meat. Anchovies tn Of). Anchovy Glass. Chairs, Sofas and inti -- new lot in. at 7 a ASKED TO TAKE ACTION ~pever did the new things look more inviting. sa And as the advertising na- turally reflects the meychan- dise, the business news as told. in to-day's Whig is unusually interesting. ¢ : It tells of the styles, the gol- ors, , the trimmings, the ribbons, the laces, and the lator s the men what Is new in Jine and fabric. 3 It tells where the new things can be seen and what the prie- ro miss the sdvertieing these days is to miss much .im- , portant news of what is going on in this busy world. Kingston' Is Included Border towns in the province are Ernest A Veteran Constable Constable "Nick" Timmerman re-1 « vd : celved the congratulations of his Mayor ha will present the sou. uwiany friends to-day, on his having venirs Lo Frontenac hockey Plog x completed twenty-nine years service on the local police force. He is en- joying good health, oF §