THE GRE MAKING SOAP "SOFTENING | Scranton Coal Co's Coal Richmond No, 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anturacite Coal Mines in Pennsylvania. L Place your order with v THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO North %nd Ontario Street. ssbsnisttt - Fresh Shad- Bluefish I} Swordfish, Tom Cods, Floupders Dominion Fish Co. How to Make Your Hair Beautiful Ten Minutes' Home Treatment Works Wonders, Stops enliing Hatr, Hehing Sealp and Dandrufl and Mak the Halr Soft, Brilliant, Lustrous and Flafty. Better than all the so-called "hair tonles" in the world Is a simple old fashioned home recipe consisting of plain Bay Rum, Lavona (de composee) and /& little Menthol Crystals. These throg, miked at home in a few min- 1Le; work wonders with any Trey Vit just one night and see from your druggist 2 oz. Lavona, 6 oz Huy Rum and 1:2 dr. Menthol Crystals. fHssolve the crystals in the Bay Kum and ue in an 8 oz bottle, Then add the vona, shake well and let it stand for an hour before using. Apply by put- ting a litle of the mixture on a soft * loth, Draw this cloth slowly through the bair, taking just one small strand ut a time. This cleanses th «and scalp of dirt, dust and exce » and makes the hair delightfully soft instrous and flufty. To stop the hair trom falling and to make it grow tgaln rub the lotion briskly info the scalp with the finger tips or a medium "tiff brush. App night and morning. A few days' use and you cannot find a stugle loose or straggling hair. They will be locked on your scalp as tight #5 a vice, Dandruff will disappear and fteliing cease. In' ten days you will find fine downy new hairs sprouting up wil over your scalp and this new hair will grow with wonderful rapidity. Any druggist-can sell you the above Inexpensive 80 effective on The preseription. is very and we Know of nothing and. certaln in its results. Baby Carriages & Go Carts ¥ 1914 Line" | CRiriages ...... $10.50 to $35.00 GO-CATLS ,. 0s +. .-33.50 to $18.00 Sulkies .,..... $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 ite enamel, drop sides, aoe 35.00 86.00. $300 up ~ Cradles, High Chairs, Baby Walkers raw -| for your neiglibor what you would like DOF *. THE CONSUMER Sot of Principles Worthy of Practice. HOMEPATRON'S PHILOSOPHY Founded ork Facts and Should Be Lived Up to byfthe American People--Not Religious Creed--Peaple of North, South, Eset and West Can Umite For Good. iy L y As Vlg Every failire is a step to success; everysdetection of what iy false directs us to what. is true; every trial ex- baustsy somes tempting form of error. Not oily so, ibut scarcely amy attempt 's entirely a failure; scarcely any theo- ty, the wesult of,steady 'thought, is al togethers false. No tempting form of error is fwithoutisome lagent charm de- eiwed fom truth. With ithese thoughts In ymind I have préparedywhat I cal the \consumer's creed. : A Gate to the City. It 1sknot a religious creed. If it were I would not be writing it, as I am afraid I might get my metaphors trossed. This is a business creed, sothethd ng like the people of New Eng- land unvonsciously adopted when Lord North mndertook to tax them. Thereto- fore they, had aiways beem accustomed to divide on paints. It so bappemed, fortumately, that their opposition to Lord: Nortlr wasia point on/which they were all united. It was 4 business' pofat. : I \have writtenia creed upon which the people of thie north, south, east and (west can all: unite for their own good. 1 A good creed is a gate to the city which has golden foundations; a mis- leading creed may be a road to de- strucdion, or if both misleading aid tllorieg it may becomis what Shake- 1 calls a primrose path to the etermall ibonfire. ~Pertttps my creed ig nothing more, , THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1914. THE M EE -------------- than of principles which it would be w orievery consumer to practice. Read them and then adopt them as your yery own: ' | A Business Creed. First--I do not patronize the mail order syptem because it is ssifish and greedy and for the reason that I buy at home, (where my;interests are. Le Secomd.---If this community is good enough for my family and I to live in It ought te be good enough for my fam- ily and Iyto buy opr necessaries in. = in Third~I will not take the word of the mall order house for its goods, as I want wo see what I am buying, and I want téyget What I pay for. \ = = Jlourthl--I do: not patronize the mail order houses because they demand caslf in advance, and when I am "broke" 'and sick and need supplies my home dealer is willing to "carry" me. z= Fifth.--I patronize the home dealer because he stamds back of his goods and imycase of error is willing to rec- tify. \ "THE MENACE" AND THE P.O. M.P. Wants to Know Why it is Pro- hibited From Mails Ottawa, April 2.---W, I. Knowles, of Moose Jaw, has placed upon the order paper questions with regard to a paper called "The Menace," pub- lished at Aurora, Miss., and also with reference to a Canadian edition issu- ed from Aurora, Ontario. Mr. Knowles wants to know if these have been prohibited from the Canadian mails and the reasons for this action/ It is ynderstood that the Ameri- can edition of this paper is being pro- . ' that it contains matter of a charue- ter objectionable to the oman Cath- olies of Canada. g An application hag been made to] the post office department. for the use of mails for the Canadian edition and this will bé dealt with on its merits A special circular is being issued by the post office department with regard to the action that has been taken. Hundreds of letters have been received by the department! within the past few days both fér and against the prohibition, . "= CHINA'S PRINTING BUREAU Sixth.--I patronize the home mer chant because I believe a man ought to spend his money in the community in which he earns it. ' n = Seventh.--I patronize the home mer. chant because 1 believe the man who sells what he produces and buys what he needs at home cannot be injured by deceptive catalogue pictures or al- leged bargains. American Bank Note Company. May Take it Over Peking, China, April 2.---The Am-) erican Bank Note company, it was announced to-day, is negotiating | with the Chinese government to take | over the printing and engraving bur-| eau -which hitherto has been one the mot expensive branehes of that government. This company has de clared its willingness to enter into a contract to print the Chinese govern- ment's notes, bonds and stamps on! similar terms to those of its con-| tracts with' the Canadian govern- Ffaent. The negotiations arose the coipany pressing for payment of the printing and engraving bureau's indebtedness to jt, which the bureau was unable to do. of! LI { Righth.--~I do not patronize the mail order houses because they frequently sell damaged and inferior goods, which It avails a man nothing to attempt to sxchange. But the man I patronize-- the home merchant, the man who heips to pay the town, county and state tax. --will exchange any article 1 buy from bim which is unsatisfactory. 2 = Ninth,--I spend my money with my home merchant in preference to some mail order house in a distant city be- cause the local merchants help to sup- port the public schools where I send my children, the churches and the de- pendent poor in my vieinity, : = = Tenfh.--I patronize the local mer. chant because he does not try to trick me into buying "cheap" goods, w because of their defectiveness phir, to be expensive, and, further, because should {ll luck or bereavement come my way my local dealer would not only prove that he was a neighbor and a friend, but a man, with a man's heart and a man's inclination to do good; not a soulless corporation like the mail order system, whose only in. stinet is greed and a further desire for gain, "Do Unto Others." Let all citizens. follow this creed and they will be blessed with 'happy homes and a bappy life. They will prasner. Anancipliv, snd. st. tha "mma time improve their moral standard, Do through | 'y -- "Respectivlly declined" is times the right way to dispose much free and volunteered advice. One of the most unsatisfactopy be- fings onlearth is the man who has a chronic fear of committing himself, many of The * Nerves Were -on E Irritated--System Nerve Overworking and' underresting-- these words describe the cause of many &« woman's physical break- down. The body is a' delicately- J constructed machine, cdiculatbd to perform only a gertain number of. hours without rest. If "overworked there is mo thme allowed for the re- construction of Jthe wasted cells Rest is 'wbsolutely necessary to. every woman who allows herself to become run down from overwork. Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food will help wonderfully in bringing back health and strength of mind and body. Women are particularly enthusitstic in praise of this great fobd cure be- cause no trgatment wus ever discov- ered that will so thoroughly restore vigor, "energy and - vitality to the tired overworked Jand- runsdowsn him to do for you; then you are doing your full duty to yourself and to all mankind. Morsl~Buy and sell at home. Our idea of a poor 'excuse of a man' is one who solicits dirty linen for his wife to wash and iron. When the man is getting the worst of the argument he is sure to say: nervous systém. "Well, that's just like a Woman!" Mrs. TP. Callen) Fairview Farr, hibited from the mails on the ground Terrible Dizzy Spells Would Come Over Me FOR TRANSFER OF LANDS Hon. A. Turgeon Outlines Proposal for Government's Consideration Saskatoon, Sask., April 2. Hon. A. Turgeon enunciated a policy for the consideration of Premier Borden in respect to the transfer of lands, at a meeting held in Wilkie. He urged that the Dominion government trans- fer the public domain to the province at once and leave the question of what compensation should be award- ed to-extiagyish the claim arising out of the dlienation of lands already dis- posed of to a board of arbitration. Pending the final report he urged that the present provincial grant should be continued and that gnc- counts be kept which would enable a financial settlement to be arrived at in accordance with the finding of the board. If the province was found to be not entitled to compensation {such sums as were received after the transfer was made could be returned, land if the province was entitled fo compensation the grants %o paid could be regarded as a payment on account of the compensation decided upon CONAN DOYLE'S STRATEGY Fashion When Bereft Dress Coat London, April 2 Sir 'Arthur Conan Doyle, speaking at a dinner of the Institute of Lecturers on his ex- periences as a lecturer, told how un- wittingly he had set a mew fashion in men's wear as the outcome of an address in a fashionable New York suburb. . "I hadn't much time to dress that evening," he said, "and suddenly I discovered that I had not brought my dress coat. I was almost desperate, but I had an inspiration. I cut the buttons off a blue reefer jacket I had with me, pinned back the front a lit- tie and went on the platform like that.. Afterward I discovered, the audience thought I had blossomed out in absolutely the latest European style, and went. to "their tailors to find out why the mode was so long in regeling New York." Set New of The man determined to do right has little trouble in locating the dan- ger line and keeping on the safe side of it. : Edge + Noises Excited and Restored by Dr. Chases's Food. Shepard, Alta, writes: "My ner- Vous system was go run. down and exhausted that terribly 'dizzy spells would come over me, and 1 would have most poculiaf feelings. Every- thing appedred as if it was falling on me, and caused me to jump after taking a few frightfully = nervous. = condition 1 Livan Gi abi ounuses Nerve Food, and n using jt. is ' treat- ment built' up My nervous system and completely' (tired me, and for this reason I am always glad to re- commend it for the sake of those who suffer as 1 did." . ' No ailments cause greater suffer ing than diseases of the nerves, for they affect mind as well as, body. You can get the nerves right by us- Ing. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 30 cents a box, § for 2.50. Al deal- ited, Torouto, ; = ----------- HON. MR. SIFTON IN LONDON Takes "Optimistic View of General Outlook in Alberth London, April 2.-- Hon, A. L. Sifton, premier of Alberta, with his wife and family, has arrived in Lon- don, via Egypt and Paris. TWe prin- cipal dbject of hig visit is to see the office bf the provincial agent-géneral; opened last fall in Trafalgar Square, near the Dominion immigration of- fices. Hon: Mr. Sifton stated. that the agency is doing good work, not aply in connection with intending im- migrants and Canadian visiters, but also with financiers and others re- quiring information, thus doing away with the difficulty formerly eéncoun- tered in endeavoring to obtain infor- mation quickly enough for commer- cial purposes With regard to the general out While tu this] look in Alberta, Hon. M. Sifton was quite optimistic. -He declared that the province was sufferinz less than other parts of Canada from the de- ; (Limited) . Head of Queen Stroes. Cofirses in bookkeeping, Iewtiting, + elvil and all commercial subjeots, A Rasen moderate. Informa IF. Metcalf - Principal Regain and! Retain a beautiful head of hair--use Your mone 'if you are not sdtisfied. i ap Jour wd e reopipt Jour Cole & Studebaker AGENT Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 201 & 917. ee For sale and recommended by James B. McLeod, Druggist. ------ Bishoporic Is the best patented wall board on the market, because it is madc strong with wood lathes, Ask for information. Fruits of All Kinds Pineapples, 20e. Tomatoes, 25¢ a 1b, Malaga Grapes, 30c. a IH. Oranges, 15c, 20¢ and 30¢ a dozen, PHONE 1101 NEW YORK FRUIT STORE 314 Princess St. Phone1408 If the pessimist takes any comfort at all it is in trying to prevent other er people from being comfortable. With some men the invitation "take Something' is considered pire essence of good fellowship. to the Guide For Buying a Bicycle REPUTATION--Ig the wheel well known as giving satisfaction for years? We can tell you of Massey Bicycles that have been in use in Kingston for ten years and are still going fine, . MATERIAL--Is the frame of the best seamless tubing? Are all joints re-enforced? Has it got four coats of enamel and one of rust-proof before enameélling? 3 PROTECTION OF FRAME AND PARTS--The bright parts should all be copper-plated before being nickelled. The spokes should be the best piano wire and rust-pigof. GUARANTEE~--The Massey Bicycle carries a full guarantee against defects in material and workmanship. Don't buy a wheel be- cause it Is cheap, because you want a wheel that will be as good next November as it is in April, : Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 529, KINGSTON, ONT, STOP ALL THE RAVAGES OF COUGHS, COLDS OR' CATARRH its beneficial action as it penetrates Use Pure Essence Mentho-Laxene--It thie. bronchial tubes, air cells and Acts So Quickly That You Are nostril passages by inhalation. The Sure to Rejoice. head clears up, the cough is relieved ---- almost instantly and then it keeps up the good work by invading the sys- tem through the stomach, bowels and blood. You can take it in doses of 10 | drops concentrated and strong---or make a sugar syrup and mix it into pression, .while the collapse of the real estate boom tended to make the professional, business and agri- cultural classes concentrate on hard work,. with, better productive results. Hon. Mr. Sifton expects to réturn to Canada at the end of April, ATE SOUP AND DIED Enoch Arden Not Welcome on His Return Paris, April 2---Strychnine soup will be the subject of a charge tg- morrow at the assizes in one of the southern departments. According to a dispatch from Gap the soup was presented to a modern Enoch Arden by a woman who had been his wife and to whom he had returned after staying several years in the United States where be amassed a small for- tune, Pierre Géntillon, the . returning wanderer, came back: with his money, hoping to make his wife happy for life, but-on his arrival he found his place f the family occupied by an- other 'man. Consequently he refrain- ed from speaking of his prosperity. Not wishing to make a scene the hus- band accepted a plate of soup. H died, "shortly afterward "in great agony. The woman will appear 'in the dock with her alleged accomplice. SCHOONER CONFISCATED French Ameriean. Vessel Pays Penalty for Fisheries Trespass Vancouver,' B.C., April 2.~The American fish schooner Valiant, which was captured May 11; 1913, by the Canadian fisheries protéection sloop Joliffe, was declared coliffscat- ed in the admiralty court. . The Valiant was seized «hy the Joliffe off the northern end of .Van- couver Island, where she was alleged to 'have been fishing close' inshore. She raced for the open sea when the Canadian vessel hove im sight, but was overhauled. One thousand pounds of halibut, some of tie fish being still alive, were found "below. The Valiant was of eighteon tons and owned in Seattle. Z ' Brotherhood of St, Andrew The next Domisten Convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be held in Winnipeg from, Sep- tember 24th to 27th, 1914, according to the present arrangements of the Winnipeg assembly already accepted bythe executive of the Dominion cogncil and approved by the Arch- bishop of Rupert's Land. An attend- ance of several hundred tes is anticipated, especially ln view of the expectation that many of the dele- gates to the general wad of the Anglican church will be returning 'Winnipeg at the from Vidncouver Justin time t reach | We can't tell you of all tire good it will do, but are willing and anxious to prove it by offering money back to any purchaser who is not more than pleased. Sold hy druggists, a pint--the best pint of medicine you ever discovered. Full directions with each bottle. The very first dose proves its of- fectiveness--You can actually feel -- EDDY"S FIBREWARE TUBS AND PAILS RETAIN THE HEAT OF THE WATER MUCH LONGER THAN THE WOODEN OR GALVAN- IZED TRON ONES--ARE CHEAPER THAN THE LATTER--WILL LAST LONGER AND DOES NOT RUST THE CLOTHES. IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP Cleans Carpets---Brightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your i 'hardware man : SAY DUSTBANE somp