bh a a ------ ho children in the house, hut Paishine makes doors, floors, tables, and cup- boards, wondrous clean a joy to look on, It. shineg everything-- does Get. J all Th Especially where there are £1 Local Morshants Should Make : ha Stgy. [AN ART TO BE ACQUIRED. Arrangement of Stock and Window Display Part of General Scheme. Bost Salesmen Know Mow Dipled matically to Suggest to Purchasers. Catalogue Houses Use Pictures, Lo If there ever was a concern on the face of this earth that has studied the theory of suggestion it i the retail catalogue Bouse. In its early beginning it fooled raf). road men and pinery workers, securing bames and addresses in some way or | @nother, after which it forwarded each | Individual a nice brass watch, finished | in gold. However, it never sending a witch to the prospec. | tive customer on credit. The raiirond man or woodsman- pev- | ET ordered the wateh, and of course a ABATT'S TOUT The very best for use in. ill-health and convalescence "Awarded Medal and Highest James Points in America 2 at World's Fair, 189 D--WHOLESOME: , LONDON, CANADA fe | nismke happened, Aecording to the wus wrongly was there at the express office, and if | be would take it and pny for it a urge mail order man, it | reduction would be made is a rational Preparation that has the hearty support of the modern" ty iteis a bas the de » Phy perb brain and nerve tonic that successfully ing effects of sndden and nnseasonal changes in temperature which exhaust the most robust unaided organism, Prepared from the rich juigs of selected Oporto grapes and extract ona Bark, EDIENTS bf 5 ABSOLUTELY ARE ADDED, NO ALCOHOL, Mt a LR Tr aging DT---- 240 a A hn Our millinery department is now in and you ean buy your system. Oe ke JOS. B. A 257 Princess St. te BB A Spring" Millinery Some of the very best and Paris. Big stock to pick Ladies' Suits. all sizes, from 22 Men's and Boys Your credit is SBA Py full swing, hat for eash or on the credit desiens from Ni Ww York from. 0 42, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. ood at ~ t wv vvew BRAMSON Phone 1437 -- fl Let Us Show You the New Spring Styles | | 4 J Ys 1 The new sm ag endless variety of 1c both you. slides are here, and with such an W Irodels as we are showing in are sire we ean please high, low cuts we 1 € hope for .an early visit when. we will be I pleased to show vou the H. SUTHERLAND & BRO { THE 'HOME OF GOOD SHOES shoes. D i i [dhe rules of suggestion in This suggested to the prospective purchaser that he was in need of a watch, "got him," und if Be did pot have the money to pay for it be would borrow the necessary amount ar draw oa his salary account. The Powgg of suggestion soon con- vibeced the Wily mail order man thst he was on the right track, and be then branched out into furniture, clothing, machinery. hardware ind other lines of manufictnre. | Great Power of Suggestion. {It is very probable now that a large Proportion of merchandise sold: ie through suggestion. If people bought only the bare nec essarles ot life. unly what they actualy need, there would be but few business houses and eivili. zation would halt » The power of suggestion is what builds up great business houses and keeps the world on its progressive march. Advertising is one of the most power- ful and at the same time easiest meth- ds of suggestion. But there are many others very much akin to the popular tonception of advertising, Therefore it behooves the merchant Who would be successful and to be amber with the progressive of his Kind to study well the theory and prac- tice of suggestion. Its ramifications | ire many and varied. ggestion must be ob- terved and followed out While it is all Important to observe up | such copy, "the idea should be carried | into every feature of merchandising, The handling of good merchandise ind square dealing, accommodating | store policy suggest to a customer that {Ue has found the right place to trade, id he is not Hable easily to forget his | Urst impression, ~ A } The arrangement of stock, the win- low display, the attitude of proprietor tud clerks toward customers, deliver- | les. methods of collections--in fact, | every action Suggests to the naturally | receptive mind of a purchaser and brings him back again, On the other hand, the neglect to ob- | ferve all these things implants a sug- stion in the mind of the public that tannot be overcome, even by offering glittering bargains. Suggestion an Art. |, Some of the best salesmen in ths business are those who know how dip- lomatically to suggest to purchasers sumething else that would be to their kdvantage to buy, This sort of suggestion is a kind of Art and unless used with the finest tact and discretion 1s lable to make ' bure of a salesman, : |_Ahe retail catalogue house system is Yeautions. However, there is no law ugalnst exaggerating pictures when one Confines himself fo an actual de scription of the article, This is where the mail order house system covers Htselr. The pictures are suggestive to the Prospective buyer. The description of the artic con- t2ing Latin phrases, trade terms and lunguage that is foreign to many coa- Stiuers and is'wot understood by them. AS an Mustration of picture book | buying thr ngh mental Suggestion onr i traders. wight protic hy reading | the jf followhig poem? which iliustrates the Feats or biting malt onder louse trash: HE gor. Ie owned'a re tall of talogue house car. '0 ride in it was Yea ven Ne ran nerosy a Pca of glasy-- Bi, file ¢ He took his friends out for a ride Twas good to be wlive The carburetor EINNR uw leak Bil, $40 95 He startet 60 0 Dita voir, The finest SOT of 'gn He stopped 100 Quit am stélpped hie gears + HNL, 3 61, He spent hig Tittw pita of cash And then 13 anguish crete, "IU. put n "ertgaue on the house And take Sust one Mure ride!" . nt RY of white nutritive Violet tinted varieties Potatoés are the highest #0 value, { The man in Jove with IE never an ardent Phonograph, his 'own voice admirer of the was cautious, . addressed, but the watcts | 3 8 | Efadually falning upon the herd un- § ba S43, repreacating a Hunt "fn Packs * aria Een 4 . Human Bripas. i" Tike IRB # eg oi Avie Shunt fi "giieky Thee And show the t marvelous fue } Lgince in bein | Bi , 1 | tu i? and having r HmlYs. The. head | pacticularly resembles that of the i ivena, the muzzle being pointed and | Ma k, and the, ears large' and p¥onr | tment. The tail is mudérstely lone | 3 iy x shoulder, and bushy, 3 } Thege wild dogs are true Lunters, | the packs sometimes numbering Several hundred siudividuals, seeming YO be governed by a regular system of espionage. When at rest 'about the hollows and eaves in the rocks in which they lve, certain ones act { 48 sentinels, lying on the outskirts of { the 'pack, watching for game. ° - Does a herd of antelopes approach, the signal is given from half a dozen mouths, the whole family of humers spring into activity, and {no a me. ment are off peil-mell, certain dogs taking the lead as officers, As they come in sight of the herd of ante- lopes; a yelping ery arises from hun- dreds of throats and the race he- gins in earnest, the afirighted ani- mals dashing away with the speed of the wind. At first the antelope easily dis- tance their pursuers: but the wild dogs rush on with the same regular pace, and does a leader become tired, | he 1 medigtely reils back: another rushing .to 'the front, taking the lead dng assuming command. This kept up umil the end, the dogs ly one or more fall behing ie stronger dogs now rush to the front apd form a line, separating them from the main boc 7, the ip- ietition being. to divide the stragglers from the herd: and in aceomplish- ing this, mueh ingenuity is exere i by the wild hurlers, that wheel around , them, asd--driv tiem, . if possible, toward their caves in the rocks. The separated sutelopes, ignorant of this device, dash away, the wily dogs following at their heels, and spreading, out, often forming a ha! cirele, until finglly, when in the im- "mediate viainity of theip homes and young, a.dash is made, and with wild yvelps they rush from ab sides upon thelr vietims, leaping upon them draggir idem. 40 the earth, where they. are soan- ; dispatched, til fi and dowa 'the flercese | Png, Sowerful ereg abouy two feet ini 7 . or homes dragged to the great natural kennel | ind devoured, | The dogs rarely attack human he- mgs, seemingly understanding that they are not able to cope with them On one weceasion, however, a party [of travelers wéve attacked by a troop | 20 large that it was not deemed ad- I visable to fight them; and the horges {were given reiw and dashed rway, the howling 'pack in full pursuit. A { fall or misstep in the dlearing would ave been fatal. | The: horas weresdirécted toward | {a clump of trees two miles distant, and for the frst half. gained per- | captibly upon their followers: hut j £radually thé dogs crept up until they were 'finally close upon | horses" hedls, ana by 'howls and yelps endeavoring to divert those in the 'rear' frous "the' man party, after their usual Nashion, "A volley from 'the muskets of the travelers, how- ever, put a stop to this manoeuvre, and shortly ' pursued and pursuers dashed into' the grove and under- brush. Here worl. was trees," and horges {he riders springing from their lita bs, . Some of the horses started away, followed by part of the troops; but by a determined fusillade from the muskets of the party the rest of the dogs were beaten off--not, however, *lore one horse was Killed, while those driven away by the pack, were never heard from. given to take to reining in their deserted them, backs Into the 1 the India's Cave Paintinge, Thé earliest paintings in India are those which decoras the Jogmari cave in the Ramdayal Hills, Orissa. | These paintings are supposed to date from the second century B.C., and in any cage they cannot be later than the first. century B.C. The intgrest in these paiftings is very great, but they lie in Femote Jungles {Of access. In view of tle lmportance jaltaching to them, however, steps | wit probably te taken befgre long to Secure a complete set of these his- | torical works of art before time, and, | perhaps, Yyandalism have entirely ob- {literated then. The suggestion hag been made that, with a view to se. curing copies, an archaeological ex- pediMon should leave for the Jogmari caves either this cold weather or next, erm Natives Rescued. Adrift for eight days in a canoe, without food or water, two West Af- rican natives were rescued by the | Kinfauns Castle. The liner reported | receiving a Wireless message from {Sierra Leone, Africa, requesting that a sharp lookout sbould be kept for a number of eanoes blown out to sea hy @.lornado. The same afternoon she sighted a canoe conldining two na- 'tives, who had beeh adrift for eight days without food or water. The na- tives went pearly mad with abligh: on being rescued 120 mies from the place whence thoy" fiad been blown, British "Movies" Popular. A writer {a The Westminster Gaz etle, disciissitg the enorifious deval- opment {no the movie" trade; says there is vo #lzu 'of wns diminution in Britaln in' the rave for building pie- tare theat ea' Af the present 'me. raent there are about £.000 thdatras of this kind in the British Isles, the provireed "RISE Shi 5s generously catered for as London, Leeds, Tor ex- jample, with a Population of 450,000, fhas no fewer than sixty-one picture Rn : total seating ge. (tommodation for 31,000 persons. The openin, June' will enhble reach Brussel of a new canal in ocean vessels to Pure tu tine will evaporate from white -paper, leaving no trace; i adulterated, it will leave a spot. 2 - i difffenlt the | | | | | | "JAP.ALAC --the' Wonder-Worker | BY A TiN"# JAP-ALLAC will work wonders in your home. It will make that old table; or chair, or radiator look like new. . It will put a beautify] new finish on that badly-scratched floor, whetlier iit be hard wood or soft. on JAP-A-LAC 1s not a "varnish" in the ordinary sense of word. It varnishes, stains, enaméls--; ; i a "finish" to any household article Don't throw it away--"JAP.A.L AC" Always | put up in Green . Tins bearing the name "GLIDDEN™" eo Next time you are passing your local hardware store, drop in and os JAP-A.LAC color card and a copy of the little book, "A: housand and One Uses of JAP-A-L AC." In Kingston _~-- H W. MARSHALL JAP-A-LAC 18 80UD BY HE jo LA Made by ; << The Glidden Varnish Co., Limited, Toronto, da After highly "seasoned" foods, purify your breath 'aid your digestion with Clean--Pure-- Healthful Some tasty vegetables are odorous. Many highly seasoned foods are not easily digested. This pure mint leaf juice purifies the breath and gives digestion aid in delicious form. It helps saliva besides. And your teeth are brightened and preserved -- "over-eaten" feelings are relieved---by this inexpensive so NTI eX by q 7 Packet Sompanion that's Uy g or you. Be SURE it's Wrigley's Made in Canada Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., 7 Scott St., Toronto, E of twenty packages. Tt costs less «of any dealer--and stays fresh until used, Chew it after every meal NOON JUN (AR