A relia DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Ari turing Pill for Wi $5 & box x or i Jes de Hb a1 slg a aii a ay ots AMEN, Sn rn Rd ¥: for Nerve and Brain; increases 'grey A Tonie--wil will bali yon p88 a box, or i for #, at droga, or hy on receipt of THE BOOBELL USUG §0., £1. Catharines, Meisel at Mshood's Drag: Store." Cs Early? OROICE OF COM. N'S NEWEST SUIT. BEST VALUN IN CITY. Ashby the lailor 76 Brock St. "Phone 1513 tain Pens Regular Dollar Value 25¢c. The "Write Away" is some- thing new in a fountain pen. It Is no cheap fake pen but a sen- sible satisfactory pen which we guarantee absolutely and re- «fund p if not satisfied. See them in our window. To see is to buy. Rear every pen Is fully guaranteed, and you are getting full dollar value for 25 cents At Bests The Satisfactory Prue Store Bunny honts, 1.30 to 5; 6.30 to 9, foi BACKS THIS LAXATIVE If you only knew as mach as we and those who have used them do about Rexall Orderlies, you would be us enthusiastic - about recommending as we are. They taste just like candy and act so easly and pleasantly that taking them is a pleasure. Rexall Orderlies have a splendid toaic, cleansing and strengthening ef: feet. upon the bowels. They help free. the system and keep it free from ailments that result from ir- lar or inactive bowels. They do thas quietly, without griping, nau- sea, purging or excessive looseness. In a short time they wsually make | unnecessary? the continued use of physics. We don't ask vou to take our word for this. We want you to make us prove it, and at no cost to' you. . Buy a box of Rexall Orderlies. Ii not thoroughly satisfied, {tell us, and we will return vour monev without question. In vest pocket tin boxes, 10e., 128 ¥ou can buy Rexall Orderlies only | at The Rexall Stores, and in this town only of us. Mahood's Drug Store, Ont. __ Kingston, SUPPLIED TO HOUSES WHERE THERE ARE SICK The Victorian Nurses Supplied With Milk-Testing Apparatus -- They Will Report to Medical i of- ficer. The regular monthly Meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses was held in St. George's hall, on Thursday, with a large attendance of members, Sev. eral matters of interest to the work were discussed, chiefly the subject of pure and clean milk for #iék children and infants. As the district work is not extensive enough at "present to | permit the establishment of free pure | milk , stations for distribution, the committee will provide the nurses with a 'milk testing apparatus, and where milk being used for.the sick is found wanting in purity, cleanliness, or rich- ness, the further analysis and action on same will be turned over to the medical health authorities, as well as the name of the dealer from whom it was procured. > The sub-committee appointed to look into the need of the Victorian Order nurse's services 'in Barriefield and Ca- taraqui, reported from Barrielield a desire for the services of the nurse from a portion of thw residents. Fur- ther action was leit to the sub-com- mittee, Reliable persons finding cases of ill- ness unattended in extreme poverty are requested to report the matter to the Associated Charities, that speedy action may be taken to bring medical aid and nursing service to the same. The nurses' report Jor March showed a total of 137 visits. The patients in- cluded Roman Catholics, 10; Meth- odists, 6; Anglicans, 11; Presbyterian, 1; Holiness Movement, 1. Donations were received from Mrs. M. Macgil- livray, Ladies the L.UB.A. Club of the Y.W.C.A,, and Junior Reliei of the Victorian Or: der INCIDENTS OF THE DAY News Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Busy Reporters uiat on White Rose flour | post | dne of \ lodge, & { evening, Ble. 8 ! popular! music," x. Polson, , leit, on Thursday, for Ne York We must Sr vacate, therefore great sale is on. Weese Co, W. F. Kaiser, of Detroit, Kingston on Friday Great reductions and trunks, must George Wilson, to thd city this ' was in in all: suitcases clear. Dutton's df london, Eng came on' Thursday 'even ng. \. ston, friends F. J. office staff temporarily. Wormwith mission piano, practieal- ly new, 8195, at Lindsay's, 204 Prin- cess street. W. G. Bain, of Winnipeg, been in the city for the past few days, left on Friday afternoon. 'The first patient for the Empire at the general hospital went into the rooms on Thursday night. Removal sale! Boys' boots at ess than cost. Dutton's. Quite a large number in the Kings ton district are contemplating making a trip to the North-West this spring. Dr. R. J. Gardiner, D.D.M.G., paid an official visit to Ancient St. John's AF, & A.M, on Thursday came to King Dewey, of Renfrew, to visit on Iriday morning, Seaton has been taken on the as a letter 'carrier who has wing Bond's songs, 15¢., "Just a Weary- opposite Carrie Jacobs' "I Love Yau Truly," fing For You." Dutton's Opera: House. Some of the vessels comprising the focal coal-carrying fleet are booked to get away by April 15th. It is expect ed that navigation will be open before that date : Music foligs, regular 50c., 2 for for 15¢.: | 25¢., during Dutton's. Harry Bennett and daughter, Jessie, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs Bennett's mother, Mrs. J. Mecliroy, 15 Pine street, who is ill. The cadets of the College were not represented at the Frontenac Hockey Club banquet on thursday evening. sale, Mrs. Roval Military An invitation was sent 'but could not be accepted. | They Must Keep to the Right Side ' doubt this tkme but, remember, Clothes eut a figure when tailored for a fig-» ure and fashioned for a figure.. If vou desire to figure wear the clothes of fashion and distine- tion. The new slip-on Ov- ercoat is this spring's ereation, mpulded with soft collar and the new sleeve, £15 to $20. The new Norfolk . Coat is making the stir J of the season. Two lines already sold out, and three new lines take their place. The 3s are moderate. 15, $18 and $20. I violation of the rules of the igo om the wrong WARNING TO DRIVERS of the Road. "I will give you the benefit of the if you come before me again a penalty will be imp This is what Magistrate had to sgy in police court to a driver who was charged with road, warning that Farrell Friday an and it can be taken as a by all the drivers in the the magistrate is determined that the rules of the road shgll car ried out, and that all offenders who come betore him will be punished. The driver declared that he had to side of the road .in Grder to rig into city be for a short distance avgid a collision with another aud that he afterwards turned a laneway, Constable Thomas Mallinger, who laid the charge, told the 'magistrate that the driver had turned off 'Bar rie street on to Brook street and had driven down the street to a certain house on the wrong side of the', street. : - Death of Mrs. F. Aldrich Edward Booth received a eard* Capt. Ap of on Friday ammouficing fhe dea death J Mrs. Francis Aldrich. former Kingstonian, the o Taighie the late Archibald Smith. married to F. Aldrich, a nephew oft dl late D. D. Calvin. They moved to the west to carry on lumbermg for the Calvins. Deceased w a Methodist and has many relatives in this viein- (ity. The remains were on | Thursday at Defiance, Ohio, Opening Will be Delayed The opening of navigation will be delayed some days on account of the extreme change in the weather on Thursday night. It had been ex- that the steamer Wolfe Is- * would have attempted the on Monday morning, but will have to be for * Aid of Chaliners chureh, | : | Frei Money Expect to Adjust! | pastorate Aroused by Appeal: London, Ont., April 3.-~The ap- tpeal of Toronto university to the pro- vincial government for aid to the ex- tefit of $1,000,000, will be strongly opposed by those interested in Wes- tern university, who see the shutting out of any hope.for the Western if the grant is. made. A memmoth petition ftom sall over western On- tario may be sent to the govern- ment 'objecting to the grant unless the" Western aniversity.is also taken care of. Captain T. J. Murphy, 'member of the board of goveshors of the Wes- tern, declared that the application for the grant by Toronto university was only a scheme to shut off the Western. "If there is a grant to be made, why not to Queen's? Queen's is a recognized Ontario uni versity, and bas enrolled thirty- five.students from weste, tario, ' he said. "Toronte university is p incipadiy for the citizens of Toront city has never put up one arts department, and tha tual fact. tis a scandal), We are supporting Toronto university now with*our own money and yet esnnot get a cent of our own money for our own institutions. Western Onégrio is interested in the Western uniVer- sity, and her no polities in the matter whate: is an ae- is ARCHBISHOP HAMILTON Has Resigned as Head of the Ottawa ARCHBISHOP HAM Ottawa, April 3. -- Archbishop | Hamilton has resigned his position ! Metropolitan of © Ontario and | Archbishop of Ottawa. His resigna-| tion is mow in 'the hands of the} House of Bishops and will take ot-| feet June 22, The reason given | by the archbishop for his redzna«| tion is his advancing age Arch- | bishop Hamilton is now in his eigh- tyfirst year and was consecrated! a bishop twenty-nine years ago. Hej was Bishop of Niagara from 1885 to! 1396, being translated to Ottawa as| first bishop to this see in the latter | y:ar. He was made archbishop and, metropolitan in 1909, jo fen jr DEPOSITS NOT SO LARGE Affairs, Jelleville, Ont., April 3.--Develop-{ ments have taken place at Madoc village in the matier of the closing! of J. C. Dale & Co's private bank Depositors are making arrangements ty adjust matters and the amount on deposit is not nearly as large as at first reported Within the space of a few days a statement is expe -' ted. Depositors -- mostly farmers fiave every confidence in the in- egrity of the firm and little exeite- nent is noted | | { Record Salmon Pack Expected Vancouver, B.C., April 3.--The sal mon canneries along the Skeena river, | near Prince Rupert, m British Colum | bia, are preparing, the Grand Trunk cific officials report, for a busy son. Huge quantities of tin plate are being carried north by the Grand I'munk Pacific coasting boats, Prinee Rupert and Prince George, and very | soon the workers will be efifaged in making the cans in which the fish will be packed Nearly eannery makes tis own of these put together en to | hold maguficent eatdéhes of fish taken from the British Columbia wa ters. BigNuns of sock-eye salmon, it is believed, Swill "not be made until abont lu t. Put they expect the 14 to prove the best in Vears sen ever cans and milhons ch Y the season of number of av Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast. Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western line. On sale daily until | Apiil d5th from _ all points in Can ada to Salt Lake City, Ogden, l.os Angeles. San Francisco. Port- lanel, Seattle, Vietorial Vancouver, land, Seattle, Vietoria, Vancouver, Northwest points. Through 'tourist sleepers reclining chafr cars from Variable routes. Liberal stopovers For full information as . to rates. routes and literature write or call on 13. I.. Bennett, general agent, 46 Yonge street, Toronto. and free Chicago. Heart on Wrong Side Lohdon, April 3.-After living his heart on the right side for several months, Michael Buller, Pall Mall street, has bad that organ moved back to where it belongs, on the leit side. Some time ago Buller injured himself diving af Port Stanley, and shertly after began to feel pain in his right side. Asfluid had formed from his in- jury, Tausing the heart to be midyed with Big Group of Sun Spots Washington, April 3.--A Wrge sun spot group ahout 50,000 miles long, consisting of a large circular spot and faculae with small spots in them, has been discovered by the naval obey: tory here. It was pliotographed noon yesterday. 'Ue group 1s in the solar north latitude. Cotton or flannd: lette night gowns, 50c; boys' sailor hlouses, 45¢.:¢ hlack sateen under- Dutton's sale! iy da, on account of ice night. + eouncil room thi | the tzhiag the br IGIFT FOR MRS. PARKE; "ftiovernors of Western University SHE W AS ACTIVE I IN THE KING PAUGHTERS law, ihe annual Citizens' Con] Gananoque, - April business meeting of the and Forwarding company its offices on Wednesday. The tinan cial repori was of a®very encouraging pature. M was also deeded to make an addition to the dock suflicient provide space for the storing of soft eoal for their customers. These offi. cers were-alected jor the current year : President, W. J). Gibson; vice-president, F. B. Cowau; secretary treasurer, |. Shortall; directors, W. 'F'. Simpson, C. K. Wright, D. Bain, 1.. P. Short- all 3 infthe lecture room of Grace church a pleasing june tion was held under the auspices of the Willing Circle of King's Daughters, it taking the form of a farewall sup. per and presentation to Mrs. A, N, Parke, who is leaving for the west the latter part . of thig month, and who has been an active and efficient work er in the cirele, since its organization, seventeen vears ago. Miss Jpesai 'Haig made the presentation | af whith addresses were given by Rev Melvin Tayler, Rev. Walter Cox, Chif ford Sine, W. JJ. Wilson and CO. J fon | he ular local Bdard of rade council chamber at building, last evening, a goodly attendance Walter Nursey, public Libraries will address a session of Gananoque Boaid of 'trade in (Friday) evening, hbrary question, and have Tuesday evening reg meeting of the was held mn Yown I drew the and foronto, inspector of lor the governme special Carnegie mamtenance, ene other ditliculties that $ of our 008 Wl been pa ratep: ell Vers the past vea Michael Manga: near Atkinson, under the ban market He w arraigned before Pol ratg Carroll, Wedr Nith peddling on tl tion of the rmer vosidir to of the by-lay « Mag on har by-lay olience a nominal was miposed In accordance hnstruet the el Notaupgn. hak ounctl, San lenders fe Sh ure oh vas Wednesdi, wave been ec hibition cal public week of April BeHevilli Mrs. "James Mi who conduct tine to Picton t To Cure a Cold in One Pay Take LAXATIVE B ROMO, QUININI ablets. Druggists refund" money if Lit falls to cure. B. W! GROVE'S signature is on each hox, 2c. Criekington has resigned of the Lanark, Drummond and Middleville Baptist churches. J. A. Scott has purchased from Thos Lloyd thé Smith's Falls steam undry Rev. H An Inspector to Talk About the Car- | YN. Mi negie Library Issues -- A Farmer Came Under, Ban of Market By- was held pt | to MEETING OF Y.M.C.A. CABINET AN Pducational Committees Appoin- ted to Po Work, | As well as tive oc | composed of the jof the five A. cabinet al work comusittee new "Lc AN ENC olljeers standing commiltes added when it metitution, By-Laws of Order" on Thursday evening the adjourned March meeting Plenty eof scope ig given this mitiee, its duties being to "seck educatignal including "such ugencies as reading-room, edueational ctical talks, and educa- and classes; It will and adopted ftw ned Rules Lony- { to the | promote the work of association, the lil lecture tional clubs egnsist-of n more than seven not less than five mem Uue of the ainfs of the cabinet iran ats members in a proper and] horough manner of debating ques. tions in session, and conducting busi ness of whll-ordered organizations. TH constitution, bV-laws and rules of very pertinent in this re Wary, Pr yi bers is to nev are ganization of the local Y.M. A twenty-five members, including the lil ofiicers. Vg cancies are filled from the senior mem- bership, 'Lhe object of the cabinet 1s 10 promote and foster the activities of the association. Under the present ad. jo isn tie n it "evidence ealth, happiness © and activity." sominations for = the vice-presidency hich js provided for, and pes mael of the This org CONMALS oO is giving of now educational commit- "the April meet wen aflixed to the of new new i the aceeptance the physical iherslrip com- month, and end "pulling lhursday even and n for they social work the ses reported ever an education- | It was; LIVE STOCK MARKET the Union Yards, Yards, Prices Paid at Stock | i I { Toronto, April] gain light, only 1438 hogs, 16] a net | » calves i was slow | The new | nion Stock Receipts cattle run £9 Cattle---Trade with a light deducting @ price of cattle force yesterday, Cheice $7.7% to $ $7 on le of per not dehorned, was | and will be| butchers' | good buteh-| medium mt m idly enforced ers, $7 steers, 0 to $7 tchers' steers, to non butchers' steers oice™butchers' heifers butchers' heifers, choice cows; $6.50 mon +. 50: $6.75 good cows, to $6.75; to $4.50 'ew offer Choice steers Feeders and stocker I an arket firn are demand. | 7 medium stotkers, in 7 | | { i rs and springars---Not many head off | Fresh north and north-west. winds, fair and cold to-day and Saturday; local snow flurries. for Easter Wear GLOVES TIAT WILL : ADD THE FINAL \ TOUCH OF SPRING- TIME TO YOUR AT "IRE. : 'Fine soft kid gloves are here, as well as fabrie ones, in all lengths, styles, sizes and fashionable col- They are well made, correctly proportioned, and are guaranteed to give satisfac tion in every way We sell Reynier, Chas, -Perrins', Lauret and Guy--Real French kid, at £1.00, § $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65, and Dent's English Gloves, from $1.00 to £1.50 Also longer lengths from $1.50 to £3.00, '""When thinking of GI. . Os, think of Steacy's" Extra Special for Saturday Night See Window Display Then Watch for Price To-morrow. STEACY' The BUSIEST Store in Town at $60 to $94 70 to $80 sale, not enough | Choice veals, to $10; cor and selling ch, bulk sold at § Calves--Few on nfmke a market $11; good, to $9. Sheep and labs 16. Sheép, ahd 'rams, , choice ewes 0 to $9 on, $7 Rece $6.50 $450 and ipts light, to $7.75; to $6.; wethers, nly Hs mbs Market and watered, cars, and firmer Selected, $9.40 and $9 f weighed offy cers Gould of Smith's Falls is head a movement to improve the road teen Smith's Falls and Perth £9.65 Piano Bargains Fai We have one of that ¢ an he seen, ranging and vou ought to come in ; ing. gortiment ot pianos from £300 to £900, wid see them before order- | April we will During ing of gramophone, J. R. COTE, Mgr. shirts, 50c. 200 Princess street, f-- vou a bargain, and vou are cordially invited to come in and See our goods. Easy payments when required. "The New Scale Williams Piano Agency 35-37 'Montreal St., KINGSTON. The latest English production. We have just opened some very pretty Teapots and Jugs. , soft rich shadings. These addition to vour tea- Dainty colois would make a nice table. | ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED I'ine China. Rich Cut Glass. Sr ------ AS ASE heft Re ee Clean Your Homes With Our Franz-Premier Electric Vacuum Cleaner We sell them at £35.00 or rent them hy the day. Will elean carpets, curtains, upliolster; ry, mattresses, ne tS, ele, Ask us. H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. || Phone 441. 70 Princess Street f 3 make special prices, offer- We have full assortment Store open ev ery evening. -------- * Remember, you.can always depend upon sceur- ing shoe satisfaction here. "Our spring styles dre in- comparable in style, price and' durability. Remember, we have the most up-to-date repair plant in the city. Phone 1246 A LS [SIR TY TE