ER RL ti AX. APRIL g ie ei -- tt LT A " = ag ry rr Fe ---- LT iD BOY F WOMAN RE a Sm - | Settlements | P romisegs. A sail SAYS MURDERER ,BY M. QUAD, 4 : : ome Breaches of Ne : ao and Prompt Payments PIECE BY PIECE TO PreNace, i In case of fire Joss, Insure with a Nr Mb Nb Ags Sn As ¢ . ¢ . Chinese . Hoy - Admits Killing Mrs. iran E : @ 3 oN: Rss] Hiram Spooner was the homeliest | Millard, --of Vancouver, | TE. i... I mere A ol Ra T RS ~ \ : \ . | bb ever born in the etate of Ohio, : Ho Choked Her to: Dettth | on - , . pi an \ If you are inclined to doubt, there ' Vahcouver, B.C., April 6. --Jack| R = (A . ¥ L A - A hb BE ME Ra oe rn Aoores of doctors yet living who x Kong, the séventeen-vearsold Chin-| ' rs Sgt ec H hind and will swear to the fact 4 -- ese Boy suspected of the murder of | \ 88. Brock fit. Phone 44: SF! The baby was put on public exhibi. ; Mrs. Charles J. Millard, confessed on | \ nL E BEATE X tion, dud hundreds of men and wo . v Satdrday * that he committed the | \ én went to the hall to see him, . p crime. . . [1 When Hiram was ten years, old he | i The Boy told the police that at} at the homellest boy in any two ; breakfast Wednesday Mrs. Millard | States of this Union.. AMdavits can i - {had found fault with him. He strudk | \ be procured to that effect, . f] i 2 |° Pher with a chair and stunned her, ! \ | | When be was sixteen the residents | fand they choked her to death, . he| C7 AEE \ of the village of Marysville tried to E Jshid. Later ho took her body to the | baat ' ; . Bet &' court order restraining him | E basement, where he. cut it up and)... : PALACE Livery Irom. coming. into town from his i : ¢ placed it in fhe furnace piece by ! ) a farm. : ex. % pti 4 plece. He aid the clothing in order . ! #4 to 38 Princeas St. 8 tien the young man was 21 years | : : i Jto convince Mr. Millard that his wite | §|' fi old Bé had the face of a baboon. He 7 iE i fhad gone out in the morning. Shed Has reopened as a first-c) x ] livery, haek and boarding sta- | 48 almost baldbeaded. He had a ; i L JWas the wite of C. J. Millard, C.P.R. ble. Vehicles of ull deserlp- oetii more. like an animal than a | ; = flicker agent. } | $F tons. s uman being. He had a voice that ; J The skull and other hones haye | ; AGENT a al Squeaked. Poth shoulders lopéd, d heen found in the chimney, beyondi L. LAWLESS, Prop, and his ear stuck out like & mule's. : [the furhice, the police sald. { » : He had the feet of 4 giant and the : | The police had estfblished clearly Bibby 3 Garage hands of a boy. His homelness had : | enough the fact that Mrs. Millard ; . o Tlereased with age avd growth. y 5 had been killed by her Chinese ser- ; a One day, after looking at him a a i «vant, and the police assért that, the! 2 h 1onig time his father said to him: d . jfurance in the basement of the Mil- Repairs and Auto Supply "Hiram, what in thunder {s going i lard home contains what they claim | §f lo bécomé of you anyhow!' iad to have been human bohes, but there . 's &91 A "I'm thinking it over," was the k | | were still a great many objection® to | Phone's 201.4917. reply. 3 the theory that the Chinese boy actu EST "Guess, it will take a heap of |'|2 g ally eut up the body and fed it into tn -~ thinking!" v 3 3 : ' j the hot furnace until only a few ,. ""Mebbe so, You don't blame me, rn ET - RTT ------ scraps of the body were left. a do you?" " " Ep RIC 3 ) The crime is presumed to have oe- bs N is the Time to No-0-0, only 1 can't see why you As "Luana" in liver ona Ric production of "The Bird red at nine on ten Silotk Ee STOP SKIDDING ow e weren't born either a jackass or N " : , 4 ' 'ednesday morning, for the hus Fay : 3 boy 11ké other boys!" "| of Paradise," at the Grand on Thurs day, April 9th, band had left for Victoria only - the It's Dangerous Get Your Spring Foot- "Nor 1 can't, but I've got to make | sme ee ------ -- = | night before. . ; Get P : the best of things." fool with the héarts of tha male sex PROSPECTING FOR OIL Mrs. Millard had been doing her TIRE CHAINS wear at the Right Place After thinking things over !for a A thousand dollars was the sum ie Spring lousecleaning, and the morn- Ce . : While, and having a very serious talk mentioned as being the sum that |English Concern is Negotiating With | In8 working dress fs the only one of " At the With a frult tree agent, Hiram an- thelr chances spofled : Holders of Rights per karments now misting. Her hus. 5 -- nounced on Monday morning that he would stop the flow of blood from his EG band' caus, home dt 11 o'clock at KINGSTON AUTO. i tiad mapped out a career for himself, sin a Ottawa, April 6.--THe iE Brusyes: night, and, believing his wife to be MOBILE co . an 1 . A tive successfu outcome o negotia- away at his sister's, went straight to . Try our store for yous Seinlz 0 hour later Xe [rove pay Te ata friend 16 him to tions between holders of petroleum | hog. Queen and Bagot Sts 'f of Boots an d buggy. sae sili A Ci [rights in the remote townships of The only pessible trace of blood | & a : wants. o and buggy and it was learned that Hiram really Northern Alberta and a strong eon found was the wettish spot under the Phone 1170 Ff spring. You Within a radiug of ten miles were |; tended to sue for breséh of pro-|. C) ne Thad bi : EW A 3 'Shoes for pring. tweiiy-three widows. Fifteen had tose if AS didn't per ts ony Pr pany in Great Britain is dfficially carpet of the diming-room of the lit- will find by tradin heen. made. such -on one and. the rucords of vous| TRISH (0 be Lie Teason (OF the pas: [ila ome, and it. was Sb this the | eee eo with us that you will }{same day by the talling of a highway ver a laws woud the momo Tar Ths elt of {he | naman wis WOPkitig 'When Chier . " . ¥ t , ¥ the period for > payment o he CC arreste i T sday So oan si loa [sat wae, Shut BA ae Fe oi fen SE er a en SS OLE S| ¢ cia a on toyed wit A a . s" nods > any. if v ¥ y Aabde ' your monev than else- count. All had seen Hiram Spooner 4.7 heen toved with consumed two [Stated that the English company, if The axe found Friday in the FOR SALE v . hy ity Gix several times over. Hiram had pre- weeks. and the widow pid over to the hegotiations succeed, would be basement is alleged to have been the - " - where m the ci y. ive pared a list, apd he began his calls | WoO Rp Bi ad a vo into | WHINE to spend over two millions ist instrument used to cut up the body Frame houge, Johnson St. near trial : 1 be eon- acoordi to ; 5, | Hiram $30 rather than" go MIO, Rystematic and exhaustive sédreh Mr. Millard himself, weeping and Macdonald St, 6 us a trial and be ¢ ! rding to card éystem. As kh court. It was extortion or black ' Sl drove up to a Louse he wriggled out il - d a Io's that Hir- | fof petroleum in Northern Alberta, heart-broken, talked to the boy at val vineed. Goons bugey and wriggled up to the | an Snooner wis thr pnd. tha man | 'and by so doing et at rest the Res: | the polite station at two o'clock Sat- Frame house, Albert St. $2000 J 3 7 $ B pS 'wo (1iON as to whether petrolenm e¥lsts i al rame house, Victoria St., fur- door, and when ft was opened to him in the United States was no excuse Hon a » whether petrotenn urday morning, but could get no rea improvements, and he was invited in he began: nig « His little game wag |'} PAYINg quantities in that part of | information from him. At the time nace and H B. WARTELL "Widdw Blank, I am Aviom to do at all for him. . His little game wa the province," the young Chinaman simply declared good bara - and large yard py worked on every single one of the i : ¥ 2 something to make a living." widows. From some he fot a single RE one ot MIs. Millard, dressed in her Carriages ... 10.50 to $35.00 848° KING STREFT "Yes? r y D ii WIFE WANTS DIVORCE house wrapper, stepped out of the -9 Go-Cart $2.50 to $18.00 tu undred. They were only too glad - house at ten' o'clock Wednesday o-Carts seven $30 . hone 137% You 'can See that I am in' bad to settle the cases and keep quiet] : soe \ ning. and he did not ses mon : Sulicles ...... $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 shape physically." about the matter. At least ten or [928 Husband Disappeared After erning 22 to OnE ot. Sug 18 . "Yes, poor hoy." them were looking forward to get First Week of Married Life again, "rier the. confession. was Did you know that you can BOW | ting married again, and they were Hamilton, April 6,--Mrs. George 1¥o Srops of the Oklahoma ecucum- willing 'to sacrifice rather than have | Hill, before her marriage Miss Pear! 5. ar; Not until the very last did Hiram's Raphael, announced to-day that she MRS. HUDSON WINS AGAIN ~ "HOME, SWEET HOME" No, I never heard of it." father understand what he had been | was going to Cleveland to reside, ------ hs . nian ||. Lsent and got somé of the seeds. up to, and then he indignantly eox-|ahd sue for a divorce. Her hus- | Awarded $1,300 Damages for Step-|l If You Are. Thinking of Building LACKS SINOERITY WHEN [| Reie they ars. I shall charge you | claimed: band, it is said, mysteriously dropped ping on Live Wire this year it will pay you to get HUNG ON RENTED WALLS. [ff gauq "oi m0" Shy tor he. Tropis¥ | "Darn your - hide, wasn't it bad|out Bat Eht here UVe months agh) poy. one. April 6.--In the case 8 our prices for cement, blocks, Soma aco of ona. "2'8 tWO CROPS IN | snough that-you were bors into this [Lhd has not been heard from since. | Hudson v. Smith's Falls Electric |i§* bricks, ete. as you will save OWN THE KEY TO YOUR ya sf me. 1 world so blamely homely that you Mr, Hill had only © been married a Power company, at thé assizes before | § $250.00 'between solid brick i Sir Will buy them to help you yjava seared twenty women and child- | week. . Justice Falconbridge, the jury re-|ff and cement blocks, FRONT DOOR. along. ren into fits!" On the morning of his disappear turned a verdict in' tavor of the We also have all sizes In "That is kind of you. "I need "Father, I have feelings + the f ance he went to the bank and drew y ~ ¢ * ami : money, but there are times when I reply. : a a money which Was to have been used | PIAMOM, awarding * the same dam- ree dl Xe a Tnaak on. 00 - 00, $3.00 up fit, © made, he D ; ,- and vases at reasonable prices. } Cement block house on Rus Tairly long for a word of sympathy. "So has a bump/on a log™ [as payment on the new homie where $800 ory A aamely, 4 . Tea Vaieds, 5 sell street, seven rooms. good Rive ta aks and fr years I "But even a bump. sighs to be | he and his bride were to live. Hill her husband. " Kingston Cement Products F: Cradles, High Chairs, Baby Walkera cellar, will be ~omplete on the ve I 0 tell you how very, | ,ved." {led an exemplary life. The tase dates back to 1910. 1t|R Factory Cor. of Patrick 4 by. Ikere first of May, for $2500.00. SI sorzy fo ha and am, ; There is "1 orter to turn you outdoors or | ; rors et has been once tried, appealed, and a | 8 . E Double frame house on a no one in the world I pity as I do set the law on you!" | Gigantic Steel Column Fell new trial ordered. The action was corner, $2880.00. ° ri Jy axe anything else to "But you won't. It has long pain-| New York, April = 6.--Five men | ror $5 000 damages for injuries al- Brick veneer house on Syd- Hiram bad yf 'n hi B ed me to see you working away on | were seriously injured, three prob- legad to have been sustained by Mrs. «enham street; lot 35 x 65 feat; lett: the house. b, t n _ yo nA © | this stony old farm and.not comi ably fatally, when a gigantic steel | Hudson from stepping on a live wire furnace, electric light, gas and into-his buggy h n x in gh MONE | out $25 a year ahoad of the game." (column, weighing between twenty | jn Smith's Falls belonging t6 the improvements, $3659.00, aud ih hk 9 o rp S mom: "And I've had a useless son to and forty tohs, fell while being Hoist | qatandant company, which. she ap. Double frame house on Tin der ok oie ig 8 aoa o> suport!" growled he father, i {ed into place in he Sew Bquitable leged, had fallen from a pole tq the Montreal street, $1500. --a "But useless no longer, 1ereby | Life building here 'Satur ay aftfer- g ; ontre r $ grinning ae -he-fintishod. offer you $1,500 for ihe ola ore walk The company claimed that {n oon oon. there was no wire down at the time It took over thirty days for him to and you can be my hired man at #30 The steel column' was béing swung the plaintiff claimed to have been 3 Rec- 0 | James Feeney has sold his farm bor- dering on Tweed, yo John Hawkins. ' . MAN get round w ah ue Fidow, vai a month and board for the next. ten | into place by a derrick. It was sug- injured, and further, that if there . shape Halt a 02 a his tathe Youn. pended in the air about 150 feet |yaq n it could not have caused |] : . Ozen times his father But even the homelieset man in| above nine or ten men who were | thi injures she sustained Heol Estate and General insur: hag demanded: ) the country may not hold his luck | working on the framework of the { 8 EE ' 4 ance 80, here, boy, what kind of a An old maid, to whom Hiram had ;'second floor of the new buflding. The TT S------t" r . § fr 77 WELLAN TUN #7 Sane aré You up to with the bowed to and smiled at as he drove | chains holding = the huge column 6% irs is a pleking Out the best of the around the country, lrought a | snapped and it plunged downward. . - . J 3 est of breach-of-promise suit against him | Five men in its course were crushed, | Found Sécreted in Cui »board When PARTICULARS ON REQUEST lot to propose to," was the reply. | and took away from him every cent I ' ? 3 ; |and the heavy column continued its > . > Soon 'after' the last widow had | pe pad extorted from the widows | de scent crashing through the steel i Police Raided Mission ; : : ought some Oklahoma - cucumber "The durned bump!" exclaimed | work of the lower floors and on down Glasgow, Scotland, April 6.--The a ; 4 » seeds to help Hiram. Spooner along the father. "Didn't he know that |to the basement caretaker of a large vacant mansion \ re. | a . - ------ p with his laudablé ambitions and. to- evi ; i near Rutherglen, three miles south- ery rule ever made is boupd to| m---------- ' y de pd to A man who is géod chiéfly on the | 24st of Glasgow, captured a militant \2 King - DRO raise a. double crop of cucumber work both ways sometimes and | v6 In ot trom th arte. ny | (0 ® feller er the fencer a on he as ous he - 3 B Ce 8i |ed that his heart hod pees doshy "® | The woman was locked up by the touched by her kind words and being caretaker, who telephoned the police, sure in hiy own mind that it was a - who arrested her. The police Arriv- -jcase of love at first sight with both ed too late, however, to prevent the bi of them, he had decided to. accept A | ast . escape of several othér suffragettes her generous offer amd hoped. that e in the building, who in their hurried it would be no saeri on her part. : flight left their cloaks behind them. : we At what date shou a ding . Search of the mansion disclosed et 5 ow Ou | take place? - Was the betrothal to ea t / bottles Containing paraffin and also > 3 bé announced at once or later on? cotton wool and matches and other { ° N 2a What minister did she prefer? How . inflammable material, which: had h Aaa many and what guests should be in- Is Sweet -| been placed evidently with the pur- ew pring 0€es sarface 18 no good vited ? pose of starting fires. The widow read the note over the Er ------ first time with wonder. The second : Old Fishery Claim Heard time she was amazed, and the third And some folks use it toward money and fame. Washington, April 6. -- Claims she gasped out: amounting to $40,000 owing to the "Why, what can the crazy donkey : . Seizure by Canada in 1877 of the mean!" Are you eating right for health? seines and seine boats of the Glou- It did not take long to conclude 5 cester fishing schoeners Argonaut that he meant matrimony, and that and Jonas H. French wers heard by, he had put her in the position of the British "American Pecuniary } ope having popped the question. Hiram Claims commission. It was charged That Beautifies had called but once. Had she spok- - : that the fishermen were working - a kind words? Yes, she: had. said - within the three-mile limit off the eh she was sorry for. him' Any words > coast of Nova Scotia. In defense it : 3 >a ah of love-or hints about matrimony? was claimed the boats and seines had tis essential to w gar ot by forty long rods! If.the home drifted beyond the limit laid down by a shoe that is prettily Bi; young man had got her mixed up - : 5 law, . ee shaped to obtain attrac: J|with some other widow thet Be way Nn 'FOOD ' / : Had a Good Tim + trying to be humorous. ' Q - 'tive effects so much de The widow sat down and wrote a is delicious with cream; easy to digest--in fact. partially pre- A few ex-Pictonians mét at Mrs. - a : " sired by well dressed flnote repudiating everything, even to digested; and, perfect in nourishment. Edward Reburn's, Toronto, to have The new spring shoes are here, and with such an: the Oklahoma cucumber seeds. ; Sime f card and a cup of tea with il ondloss viriet v of new models as we are showing in Women. These seeds ' had been fed to the , 5. C : B ; ins siti a ab a ariov: 2 Mrs.. Reburn's. aunt, Mrs. ainiff, . gals 2 BR 2 | Utz and Dunns Shoes |¢hickens just before the note was the 1 Soustine Ji the ion ent a) bark ¥ ncluditg and her cousin, Mrs, McManus, of both high 'and low cuts we are sure we can pl , 1 "have grace of line and J|written. right proportion as groww in the grains. gs ; Edmonton. Mrs. Dagg, Mrs. Wil you. We hope for,an early visit when we wil be lf ' gr . : "There I guess that will take some gat prog bod ar liam Reburn and Mrs. Henry, Reburn » loo a } En } J we . elegance of finish, that of the conceit out of him!" she said A regular ration of Grape-Nuis in place cis, greasy indie looked dfter the tea things, and wiost pleased*to show you the shoes. - the ifier, as the note was sent on its way; but " gestible food Hy sl lefinite gain, fortunately te winner of the prize 8 them oo 5 she was mistaken in the 'man. wes 900. Senerally shuws a definite gain was Mrs. Chnnifr. The house <whs a got Women's {get. Hiram came back with a written Doubt it? Have a|try? prettily adorned 'with daffodils in| J i SUT & : Si tement that she had deceived him, ; brass baskets and vases, ; i TL Sa and crushed his young and crippled : 'Phere' R " for G N ------ " gs ) 8 ¢ pe | ; e > wyer heart. She had led him to believe ere s a Reason : or rape-Nuts An uniimely "and partienlarly sad - . that she loved him, and in turn he rath occurred at the home of Mr. and | 'THE HOME OF GOO St S h Store had given her all his affections. To : meso by Grocers sxerrwhere Wes. Michael "O'Goin, Bogart Hed ( : Qe x . p be thrown down now wouid be a blow > ? - on Friday last, when their two-year. - \ g 212 Princess £t. money could ever heal his 'Canadian Postam Cereal Co., Ltd, Windsor, Ont, resulting from eating cathartic tablet ut she must requite him to an ex- : A containing strychnine, which had un- tetit as a moral lesson to her not to consciously been left within, her reach, that he could never get over. No : old daughter supcumbed to poisoning, . {