® a] or = A p : DE. \g ; Yes TAS Ro Be axp i. i Sad Fre - Vim and $5 07 by shal on reiios |And Sets Forti Arguments Thut the G'Co., St. Catharines, | + Church of Ireland iy Tutlependent of Rome In St. Paul's church on Sunday evening Rev, W. F. Fitzgerald took as the subject of his scrmgon "St. Patrick and the Irish Church" 'In part he said: } 5 ; In a former sermon I showed from historical, data St. Patrick's e nnec- tion with the anciént Britléh church. Here is His creed: "There is no oth- er God besides God the Failier and His Son Jesus Christ whom we. con: fess to have been fiom. everlasting from the Father and who was begot- ten before all. things and by whom all things were made visible and in- visible and who was made man and overcame death, and ascended into heaven to the Father. And God gave Hini all power over eve name in heaven and earth and under the earth, that every tongue should con fess that Jesus Christ | is Lord an¢ God. We balieve ip Him and ex jpect that He will come again to judge the quick and dead, and wil! render to every man according tc {his works. And 'He has poured out upon us abundantly the gift of the | Holy Ghost the pledge of immortal ity, who maketh us to believe and obey and toshe the sons of God the {Father and fellow zheirs of Christ whom we confess and we adore one God in the Trinity of the sacred fname." All this is very" like modern Church of: Ireland creeds and cus- toms and very unlike the modern Roman creeds and customs, The conclusion drawn from above and from facts furnished in my former sermon, viz., that St."Patrick and his work were independent of Rome, is confirmed by cases in which we know {that the Irish usage differed from the RéThan, e.g., the time for keep- ing Easter and the shape of the cler- [Teat--tonsure. Trifling ds these points seem to us, they were then . Whe THE Sooner Dery . - Come Early ? ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT. INGS, : NOW ON HAND BEST VALUE IN OITY. Ashby the Tailor | 76 Brock St, Phone me Essen CanWe? We have set out to sell one thousand fountain pens in a week. If we sell as many per day as Saturday we will. 25 CENTS Is al) we ask for a dolar guar- | anteed Fountain Pen. One to fn customer. : Paas' Easter Egg Dyes 6c, Pkg. At Bests The Satisfactory Drug Store us 8 as saying "The Irish are the scholars and Siscipies.of Rome. Let anyone who. can this occurs, I'd like to see it. : The schgliast ~e, St. Fiacc Is an 11th century seribe. The Leabhar iBreac: of this. Romanists say: It has been called by Dr. Petrie "the oldest and 'best MS relating to chiireh history now preserved in Ire- land, or which perhaps the Irish ever possessed." Even this. simple notation is pot quite correctly given. It seemi§ to reprosent a pas- sage on p. 98 of the Essay of Tara. On page 104 Dr. Pefrie discusses its axaet date and concludes it was writ- e the passage in which] 7 £ bo i OF LATE DAVID GREENIZEN, OF --GANANOQU +. Who Diganneared Last Fall _ Body, Foung Floating in Open Patch of Wailer by Frank 8S. Seymour. Gananoque, April 6.--Frank Sey. mour, residing on Water street, 'near the bay, while out on- the ice yester- day' afternoon, found, in a patch of open water there, the body of David Greenizeg, who mysteriously disap peared lust fall. He fastened a line on the body and went at once and re ten about 1110. King says it is an in- ergsting compilstion of the. 15th eptury from documents of greater antiquity." Referring to letter of Columbanus to Pope Boniface IV here are some extracts: "I am paitied I confess at the jnfamy that attaches to chair of St. Peter." "We Irish be all men who receive nought beyond he doctrine of the apostles and svangelists." Dr. Petrie instances the silence 'of fede as a negalive argument against (Roman) mission of St. Patrick. Phe Roman Catholic historian Tille- mont quoted by Wordsworth (Church of Ireland) p. 16, says: "He was not ordained at Rome by Celes- tine." The Life bLy Probus is a revised dition of Muirchus memoir, with the Roman mission added which he derived from Tirechan. The Life by Muirehu is also in the Book of Ar- magh., The contents of the missing leaf have been restored and the life edited by Rev. S. Hogan, S.J., 1 cans not find any notice to show that it] gives any support to Roman mission of St. Patrick. Muirchu's work is of the most uncritical character. He pigces his parcative with the genuine confession of St. Patrick tacking on legendary matter and is quite care- less of contradictions (Olden, p. 412). To sum up against Roman mission we have the silence of St./ Patrick's own confession, fhe silence of Bede and. Prosper, add to this the result of St. Patrick's own work growing matters of greatest importance. Af- ter St. Patrick's time came the great missionary period of the Irish church. Her. children carried the cross to heathen England (now so called from the Saxons, Jutes and Angles who were not christian), France, Germany "and Switzerland, Even in Italy itself we find several Irish monasteries, I only here no- tice the work done in England for the sake of 'he light reflected upon the Church of Ireland. I have already showh that when St, Augustine arrived in England (697) bearing a commission from Pope Gregory I, the British bishops refused to accept Roman customs or to acknowledge him or the Bishop of Rome as having any authority over them. Laurentius, who succeeded Aug- ustine, in a letter quoted by Bede, says: "We have learned through a Bishop of Ireland, Paganus, who has come over to Britain, that the Irish do not differ in any usages from the British in their usuages for the Irish bishop Paganus refused to eat at the same table with us or even under the same! roof." ! One other instance to show the de- votion of the Irish people to the "ancient faith" (Irish church). Wi- frid, an adherent of the Roman church, was nominated to the See of York (A.D. 664). A difficulty arose about his consecration' because at that time (Bede III, 28) there was in Britain and Ireland only one bishop in communion with Rome. There were plenty of bishops of the British and Irish churches but "Rome did not admit those bishops to communion with her." I have dealt with the fact that St. Patrick Himself never clainis in his duthenti- funday hours, 1.30 to 5; 6.30 to 9, and "far" lenses are one solid " No "lines;" no cement. . toks ars she "real thing" WHY 'NOT HAVE THE BEST FROM KEELEY Jr. Optometris: We ring 'he Lemses. 8 Dears Abovs the Dpera House up independent of Rome. Add to this her usuages different from Rome which connect our Irish church with Eastern not Roman Christianity. The - conclusion is inevitable. St. Patrick did not come to Ireland as a ported his find. It is understood that that a reward of $60 will go hiv way for the discovery. The deceased owned, property to the value of som: $5000 4 short distance west of the town, on' the Kingston Road, whicl gether. "Faster sweets" at Gil he "You wilj never regret usug White ur. . Rous fou cards at the College book store, A J Widiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders ceceived at MecAuley"s. "Phone 504. The contract his been let for a Yygh school at Winchester, the fifth a Dundas county. W " "Phone 230 for drug wants." . Gib on's, » Send in reorders from the D. A. Weese . photo negatives before the tudio closes. H. Cupningham, piano tuner, 2] Aing street. Leave orders at Mc 'ules book store. Ylaster sweety' at (ibson'?. The Guelph and Wellington motor lub. has been organized, with an on S could not be sold or otherwise dispas ed of until satisfactory proof of Mi: i death. could be obtained. This will therefore, remove the burden of doubt und wicertainty under which thie fam ily has been laboring for months past The Board of Trade has ap pointed J. F. Chapman, W. .J. Wi] son, (, Lee, M. McParland anc Secretary C. A. Watt 10 report on the likelihood of a Gananogue old boys' re-union here this summer. The Board of Trade has offered services Lo endeavor to bring about an: amicable settlement between the local harness mamifacturers and thei locked-out employees. : Mr. Doolittle, of Toronto, president of the Outario Motor League, will be in Gananogue on Saturday evening next for the purpose of organizing branth of the league in this town. The Woman's Auxiliary of Christ church glected these officers : President Mra. M. J. Webb; first vice-president Mes. G. L. Johaston; second vice president, Mrs. W. B. Carroll; trea surer, Mrs, C, H. Bird; secretary, Mrs " B. Cowan; delegate to annual, Mrs. William Butler, Ie main channel of the St. rénce river is opening up quite rapid ly every day, increasing the stretch o open water in Yront of the town. During March, ninety-six live hogs aggregating 16,925 pounds, wer weighed by the market clerk for ship nitnt' away. During the: same time forty-five loads of 95,130 pounds, were weighed. Hog and-hay: seem to be two of the mos important factors in the business « its diocesar Law 0 Roman missionary, and the Church of Ireland is independent of Rome. Before closing, sald Mr. Fitzger- ald, I wish you to notiee that a very common statement of some Roman- ; ists is that Prosper in his work. against Cassian (contra collatorem, Cap. 21) alludes to the Roman mis- § sion of St. Patrick. The passage referred to is "Whilst Pope (Celes- tine) labored to keep the Roman Is- land Catholic he made also the bar- barous Island Christian y ordaining | a bishop for the Irish. That the language is not free from exagger- | ation is evident from Britain being spoken of as "Catholic" at this date | ie. first half of fifth century. Then Ireland is made Christian. How?! we ask. "By Tordaining a bishop ! for the Irish." The "ordaining 2 bishop" is the sum total of the work actually' alleged. And this accur- ately corresponds with what Prog. per says elsewhere of Celestine or- daining a bishop (Palladius) for the Irish. It requires some nerve to as- sert that there is a reference to St. Patrick in the passage especially in| view of the fact that in his chronicle : where we should naturally expect, | on the Roman theory, to find a notice ; of the successful mission of St. Pat- | rick, Prosper is completely silent on | the point. Hamilton--Hyland Wedding A pretty wedding took place at the | parsonage of Sydenham Street Meth- | odist church at three o'clock on | cated writings to be sent by Rome: Vide his "confessions," epistle fo, Coroticus and hymn. | The first Roman legate to Ireland was Gille or Gillebet, who presided at synod of Rathbreasil but it "was not till synod of Kells 1152, of Qashel, 1172, that the par- tial allegiance of Irish church was gained. I showed in a former ser- mon that the compact between Pope Adrian IV and Henry I was that "Peter's pence" be levied from each house as a concession to pope, and in réturn his holi- ness gave his blessings to Henry's conquest of Ireland. From then fo Reformation Rome held sway, but at Reformation all the Irish bishops ----sgave Walsh and Leverons--accept- ed Reformation, and as the continu- ation of a church is in its episcopate. SO we dre the historically continued ancient church of St. Patrick. In my former sermon I quoted a bull of Alexander III to Henry II, and of Adrian IV to Heénry II. The learned Roman historian Baroniug f{Supports my position, - Now, to deal with high flown que: against my UNDAY WILL SOON BE HERE. We are ready to meet your wants in the line of classy haberdashery, such as tations and references The new Soft Hats in position---e g., "Dicta Sancti Putricii 2 Tuesday, March 31st, when Miss Elsie M. Hyland, second daughter of John Hyland, Bath Road, was unit ed In marriage to William N. Hamil- ton, of Kingston township," Rev, Al- fred Brown officiating. Miss Maisie E. Hyland, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Clarke Hamil- | ton, brother of the groom, was best man. The groom's gift to the brides- maid was a beautiful gold brooch, set with pearls, and to the greoms-: man a tie pin. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the bride's home, where a wedding supper awaited them, after yr they left on a short honeymoon! Gave Communion Set Brockville, Ont., April 6.--A vanes able addition to the many handsome memorials recently placed in St. John's Anglican church, at New Dub- lin, was the gift made by John H. Hawkins, treasurer of Elizabeth- town, in memory of the Hawkin family. t- consists of a handsome silver OT ry set, and was used forthe first time -on Palm Sun- day. \ i ---------- Mise Margaret Black, professional blue, green, brown and These are Anonymous notes (date rey, ranging in price, £2.30. $3.00, $4.00 The new shirts with soft collars and French cuffs to match, prices $1.00 to $2.50, At will be a treat to "come in and inspect our J 2 r neckwear, rang- in prices from 50¢ to $1.50, in which are Ie very exclusive + To Headaches, Trtitability, \ A nervous temperament may be ine hevited, but nervous Jioubles ar come When the rye periters 19 : Serive "proper hoRrishiment from the i A ir a if Under ordinary circimstances tie [floss caused bY wear and t on the nervous system Is restora By the nue trition contained in the ! Jw. tl thin wat- I : OUDEEE of a seriou ature ; tha ad of le or farming the blood stream nutrjtion direct to the nerve centers, Es Thin Blood Is Poison The Nerve Centres lity, Sleeplessnéss, Discouragement Result--Dr. Ghadé's Nérve Food the Great Restorative. winrse, has returned from Napuanes, aud is converted™into nervous energy. Every 'heat. of the heart, every breath of the lings, and aIf the func. tions of digestive and other vital or- gans are 'dependent for life and en- on the nervous tem. Whole system is ergy, Come Eat ine benefited When health and vigor are re-~ ™ to the nerve centers. th he fatrres of the Slamach resumile ir fu ONS. AD sti m- proved. he appetite ER ATPoNs ihe Hver, kidneys, and bowels gain strength, and the blood derives further nourishment from the food taken o the body. Dr. Chase's Nérva Food is recon structive and upbuilding in its influ. ence, and therefore of lasting benefit. | been spending a~short time recuperat Fo. ! dividuals, 1since childhood, died after an illness: | Musonic order. the farmers of this section. "B. 0. Pritton has been appointed temporarily to the position of tow: treasurer. It is purposed by the tow " to combine some of the municipal of in the near future, Mr. Britton' eptance of office being only unti such time as other appointments car be made. ; Mrs. J. M. Pinkerton, Tomnto spent the past week in town, guest o Mrs." Pauley, Stone street. Mrs. Joh Webster, Montreal, who has been vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Rajusay, Stone street, has retucpe home. C. A. Lewis, manager of the loca branch of the Merchants' bank tor number of years past, and who ha fie ing. from illness in Bermuda, has, re turned home. Walter Nursey, government inspec tor of public libraries, was gubst at : special session of Gananoque Board o Trade, and gave am excellent addres on libraries and the ruhning of the same, with special reference to the Carnégie grant of $10,000 for th building of a new library here. 2 thorough discussion of conditions ex isting mm the places where there ar Carnegie libraries. In nearly ever case they have given excellent satis faction. A; W. Taylor, president of the Board of Trade, Had a long list of objections advanced by various in against accepting mone from the Carnegie Corporation. Mr Nursey answered them to the satisfac tion of the majority of the members This Week's Weather A reactionary storm period it central from the 8th to the 11th of April. Storm conditions will show sudden developménts--much warm er, south wind§ and low. barometer merging into electrical storms with rain, hail, and wind very probable in western sections as early as the Sth. On that date the moon is on the celestial equator, approaching perigee and full moon on the 10th Atmospheric conditions will be ex- Coptionally favorable for hail storms for two to four days, begifining on] the Sth. The first seismic period for April is central on the 10th," extending from about the 7th to the 12th. The qradratures of Uranus on ths 10th, and Neptune on the 16,will increase the seismic strain at this period. Hicks Brockville Residents Dead Drackville, April Chere Storey, agéd forty-eight, 2 native o Perth, and resident in Brockyilie of four days. © He was for upward of twenty years manager of Senator McLaren's lumber interesis here, and was prominently identified with the Another promident resident of this section passed away in the death of Firman T. Hutchinson, clerk of the township of Escott. J Discipline for Chickens Kate, aged six, had been attend: ing Schogl only a few days. She had learned at least one lesson-- {o "aise. her hand if she wanted any- thing. One day she was sent to the chicken house to get eggs. As sh reached te chicken house door, h mother heard her say: .. "All you chickens that. have laid ai egg raise your hands." --The De- ir eator. G.T.R. Trafic Earnings Montreal, April 6.--Grand Trink railway traffic earnings for the tén days' period ending March 31st were $1,062 696, 'compared with $1,626, 172 for the samme period a year ago, a decrease of $163,476. Mr. Allen, Deseronto, has. been ment to erect the mew dominion Relloville. hay, aggregating, awarded the contract by the govern- fishery which will be built in Bast iitial member8hip of forty. Bay Gin Pills at Gibson's. : (Choice roses, caranations, orchids, alley, sweet peas, violets. Johnson locist, bing street, A. Maurice Low, speaking to a 'hiladelphia convéntion, said that ireat 'Britain sought no more terri- ry. * "Phone 230 for drug wants." on's. : The mourners at the funeral of a alerness, France merchant drank 50 pints of wine bequeathed for hat purpose' by the deceased Open nights; The College book tore. The marringe of Rev, Mr. Merrick, of inton, to Miss Russell, a lady just at from England, took place at Flin' Fuesday: up-to-date dressmaking. Miss A. Keys, 221 Gib- on on Ladies' ferms moderate. 'rincess street. "Sarsaparilla for the blood." on 8, John Coulson, former reeve and wayor of Niagara Falls, died at Wel- and, where he had been keeper of he county jail for thirty years. "Sarsaparilla tonic." Gibson's. Tulips, dafiodils, narcissus, stocks ind all seasonable flowers. Johnson lorist, King street. Justice Kelly has endorsed the ury's verdict in favor of Miss Gladys deredith, of Brantford, awarding ier $1,600 damages against Dr. I. Ashton. " "Phone 230 for drug wants." Gib- on s. Right Rev. George Thornloe, D.D., )L.L., of the diocese of Algoma, ill in all probability succeed Most "'@v. Charles Hamiliton, as arch- ishop of the ecclesiastical province f Ontario. Send Easter sweets by parcel rom Gibson's, After traveling through Morocco nd Indo-China in search for his iasing wife, Gustave Crepin was ned $20 in police court in Paris or entering a house where he found er living with her lover. Laster sweets by parcel post ibson's. ' A large number of railwaymen ud special guests left Winnipeg on westbound G.T.P. train bound for he scene of the driving of the last pike to link the main line from vinnipeg to Primoce Rupert. Send Easter sweets by parcel rom Gibson's. Prevost, Brock street, has received Al his spring and summer goods for vis order clothing department, also in eady-made clothing and gents' furn- shing department. They are all well wwsorted with new 8, "The North Pole was discovered nce and the South Pole twice," iid Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary Gib- post from post A Lot of Short Itéms Run in To- Fair to-day. Tuesday, unset- '* I! tled with light sleet or rain. -- 3 JUST ARRIVED! te gh oe New > . a % ¥ Suits and Coats BEAUTI FUL NEW STYLES VIE WITH REMARKABLE VALUES IN THIS UNUSUAL- JASTER OF- LY ATTRACTIVE FERING. The wide diversity of styles, eol- orings and fabrics featured are ab- solutely authentic and afford an at- tractive opportunity for the pur- chase of the new Easter suit. Suits from $12.50 to $16.50, $17.50 to $25.00, $27.50 to $45.00, : SPRING COATS A variety of new styles, including the New Bal: amacaan, from $8.50 to $37.50. SKIRTS The new style Tier and Peg-top i and plain materials, from $3.00 to $10.50, n plaids *We invite comparison. The BUSIEST Store in Town --_--_-------- eee ; - : n the course of a lecture at Pitts- nirgh and looking right at Dr. Fred- rick Cook, in the audience. "McConkey's Lasher sweets." on Ss. Constable Allan P. Royce was ap- cinted chief of police by Port Hope Fgh 1; oe ouncil, and [immediately suspended or thirty days by the mayor, who ill refer certain charges to the county judge for investigation. Post cards from 12 for 6c to Ge ach. College book store. Buy Gin Pills at Gibson's. Departing from the rule which has wen! bbserved for eight years, the Juebec government has decided to pen new districts to lumber and wip industries and will aucthon off inits mm the Abithhi and Lake - St. John districts during the months of \ugust and October. "MeConkey's Easter sweets: on s Gib Gab ritain will be officially re- at the Panama-Pacific ex- The plan that will be fol- wed will be sent to San Franciseo arts and . craftsy exhibits which » shown: last vear in Ghent and vhich will be seen tn Paris when King the Great + resented oition, eorge and Queen Mary to regeh capital Citrys Crop Breaks Record 'un' Francisco, April 6..--The rail- as are preparing to handle a recs rd-breaking citrus. crop in Cali- ornia this season. According 10 estimates announced ere yesterday 42,500 cars will be wquired to carry Southern Cali- ornia's contribution of oranges and lomons to the east. Only 18,000 car loads' were moved last Yer. MOTHER TELLS - ttle Girl Was Res to Health Mrs. Chas. Schriefer, of 139 Him: red street, Brooklyn, N.Y. says: "My little girl was frail, sickly and all run down after having had the grippe. I wak advised to give hér Vinol and after the first bottle uo: ticed an iniprovemibnt. She _has taken four battles and: has picked up rapidly, having gamed .six pounds in three weeks." The reason Vi eg]. builds up. weak, ailing children ro ely is because it contains in a dMidous combina- tion #he two most worldJamed ton lieg--~i.e., the strohgth creating, body building elements of dod liver wil, with all the useless grease ted, and tonic iron for the added. Ij you have a weak, [ailing child, try Vinol on our to return your money if it fails benefit your little one, How. Her Li tored 4 to King- elimina- blood | STEACY'S Cr --e---- a LA An i A CARLTON Ware| The latest English production. We have just o pened some very pretty Teapots and Jugs. : Dainty eolors, soft rich shadings. These . would make a nice addition to your tea- table. A ROBERTSON'S, LiMiTED Rich Cut (lass. TT | -- i rein Fine China, mmm CA -- -- -- - ~ " cer - BOYS!!! SEE OUR FLASHLIGHTS AT 50c. EAOH. 1 < GET ONE WHILE THEY LAST. Experts in Lighting Stores, Factories and Homes. ~ SN A cm i a i, H. W. NEWMAN Eléctric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Street Street | Aq S - Remember, you cau always depend upon seetr- ing shoe satisfaction here. Our sprin tyles are in- comparable in style, price and durability. ; emember, we have the most up-to-date repair plant in the city. ~ had 4 © PhonelMp . Geo. W. Nahood, druggist, Fifty cents a hox, & for $2.80, all deal~ ers, or BEdmanson, Bates & Co, Limit- "lee cremm bricks," Gibson's, ston, Ont.