~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 7 , 1914. ait oT] TE ! summer months from eighty to over| 5 : THE PEBBLE Pi ICKIN one hundred men ar employed, and] : 3 7 night shifts are worked. BAe is year the company has already]: : disposed of over a thousand toms of pebbles. The supply is practieally unlimited for twenty years to cote, ; d the demand for the Canadian and Night to Supply p20d th ! : . mas Stones for Makers of product ETOWS greater every ay. Twenty OPENING OF NAVIGATION Northern "Navigation Company Will Sta: ¢ Boats on April 22nd April 22 is.the date that has been set by the Norihern Navigation com- pany for the opening of navigation on their lines. PAGE TEN 'What is PORT ARTHUR MEN MADE LUCKY, VENTURE YEARS AGO when you fill up the : shakers with 'Regal' S never gets damp -- clogs She shaker. It is Work Day Grind Cement -- Pebbles for Years In Sight R. J, Fraser in Tomato Weekly Star Pebble picking came into existence | nearly four years ago when the Can- | ada Pebble company put into, opera- { tion their plant on the granite pebble beaches of Lake Superior. In the great cement mills in ¥nis country "Early shippers are extréiely for- bart of the proc of turning out the | tunate in having the weather man flour-like product Is the sclentific| with them this year," sald General grinding of the burnt mixture of Manager FI. H. Gildersleeve of the marl and clay. This is done in large, | Northern Navigation company, in de- hollow, eylindrical drums, partly! bating on thé early opening date filled 'with hard, smoot}, fiinty peb-| named by his company. bles. The drums are swiftly rotated "Usually at this time of the year on their axis, and the constant fric-{ It would be foolhardy to think of | tion and grinding, as they are whirl-| getting ynder way until the first of £d about, mixed with the burnt cem- | May at the very earliest. : Now, ent clinkers, quickly reduces the lat- | however, barfing a big assignment ter a grey, powdery substance--the | of frenzied weather we will start our finished product of the plant. The] fleet out from Sarnia on' April 22nd pebbles, to nerform their funetions|and from Owen Sound April 26th. to the best. advantage, must be| This will enable . shippers to get smooth and of an adamantine hard-| Prompt and efficient service by water HP. is different w---- ness 80 as to resist abraision, for one | and rail to great. Canadian North- 1 quality of good cement is the absence | west and all northern points in Uni- ) 3 : a uite different from ; | he : 1 of tmpurities, or foreign matter in| ted States. any of rer faire you its composition. They must also be| 'The going into commission thi Es die ofi benefit by this oven test-- sons TH -- ~~ have tried befdre. able to resist: extreme changes of | Bpring of our new steamship Noroni témperature without flying apart. It| Will increase our service greatly. ; is not essential that y be nearly | Commercial. interests have begun to |i spherifiil in shape soslong as they| realize the immense field of north- If have sufficient body or mass. . Their| West Capada and United States and i size is variable, ranging from that] we were feared to inerease our car- of a small hen's égg to the size of|rying facilities, a person's fist, s an rer | - For some years after the growth ' " icles for Sale of the Portland cement business in| london Chronicle America all pebhles used were im- Dom Pedro II, who lost the throne ported from the distant shores of | of Brazil in 1889, was the last mon- Norway. The flinty granite strata of | arch te offer titles for sale. In or- . a aE der to obtain funds for the erection % : . < Norway's hills became advertised 'as [------------------------ . OI3~ , tthe formation producing the .best|Of a hospital in Rio Janeiro the ic I KINGSTON cement pebble, and her fiords and jperor announced that he wou | beaches soon furnished the world's] confer thé title of baron on every BUSINESS COLLEGE supply. subseriber of 100,000 milreils, and The impertation was not an ex-|the title of eount on every subscrib- (Limited) Hend of Queen Street You can taste she delicious oriental fruits and spices which are blendéd with Pure Malt Vinegar by a secret process, All local stores wll HP, L ; 3 It allows you to use less flour. i i : 13 ; or only flour that makes more 2 . 'ead and better bread in our oven test is offered you. n From each shipment of wheat ; delivered at our mills we take a 3 ten pound sample. The sample is Pid ty ground into flour in a tiny mill. =~ ~ y' The flour is baked into bread. If ' this bread is high in quality and ! large in quantity we use the ship- ment from which it came. Other- J wise, we sell it. ! So your benefit from dou 7 nsive one ransportation rates|er.of 260,000 milreis. Many proved [were low. Sng 4h enent fe willing to become ennobled on these {grew manufacturers in America[terms and sufficlent monéy wos {began to look about them nearer] forthcoming to endow the hospital home for a substitute. One concern |as well. as build it. Over the main jdrew a considerable supply from the |entrance may be still seen the in- farms in Michigan, a dcllar{a load | scription suggested by Dom Pedro, - Courses in bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, civil service, general fmprovement, and all commerolal subjects » Rates moderate. Information tts 3 Cato = x Cc -- MRS. ARTHUR VICKERS. Wife of the milliénatre Fort Wiliam Real Estate Man, who w be » Man, wash oo aring this name is sure. free. [being paid. The Ef considered | "Human vanity to human misery.' | found dead in his home on Monday morning with gunshot wounds 3 " J] Pranch\titia i in his headioMrs. Vickors, was his stenographe iia themselves well paid, getting rid of| Although French\titles of nobility py i hom he married = RP Metcalf, Principal [a troublesome ~ but Fo pantie were abolished at the time fo the | Jauuary. 'She'was formetly Miss Margaret G. Finn, and nee Tesided in "More Bread and Better Brod » and ." 11 Better Pastry Too' 530 were of a base nature .and did not revolution by a decree revised in Newburgh, ; : ; rere. satisfactory results. On the|1871, yet thé ministry of justice is- . A ree. | Pacific coast pebble picking has been | sues certificates of nobility. Mem- SW IFT c APTURE OF SLAYER carried on for some years past, but|bers of the French diplomatic service | ia HAR | [ ll only to a small extent, and few other | who use titles have to obtain one of k [ 111148 Rt Ar it i pr will he assigned to each list of ho- % .: tels. One will start at the n- Paris Police Visit 18,000: 1 0dging | ning of the list and the other eine Places in Pwo' Hotfrs end. By this means, in half an Paris, April 7,--The speeding up hour, all the haunts of Paris will of the "Paris. detective depaktment has | have been searched and the chances heen the. principal aim of M. Hen- | of escape for the criminal will be . of palice, since | small indeed. And. his suc 'the fact that it is, meported . this week, - that {than the local mills are furnished [these certificates, and pay stiffly for from that source. the transaction. The fees in the Five years ago a number of Port [case of a duke amount to £720, a Arthur men interested themselves in| marquis pays £400, a viscount £280, the problem, and they prospected|2 baron £60, and a chevalier £52. the beaches of the north shore of | The certificate sets out that the pedi- | nion, the new Pr Lake Superior. On the pebble |gree of the holder having been inves- [fie succeded M. ne, beaches near the Canadian. Pacific|tigated, his claim to the title he [cess may :be Ri, from MANY QU ARTS USED, Let Us Show You the Also on Neck, B Big Bare Spot on Crown of Head, Cuticora Soap and Ointment Cured, ---- - © 398 Chaplenu St, > ! "When my brother add I went to sche we got ringworms front the other children and our halr all fell out. We had ther our heads and on our pec t had a big bare spot on the crown o the size of a Nliy-cent pioc: everything, all-kinds of o us but everything seemed no go day she saw ah advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment. It was Cuticura Soap and Ointmeds. that cured us." (Signed) Mrs. M., Blake, May 21, 1012 ee Sg nr ITCHY RASH ON HANDS Fergus, Ont. --" Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment complétely cured me of a rash on my hands. The rash was red like wate * blisters very itchy and sor a until one Scracchilug 1s th m sover; The lrritation was bad at night. 1 tried many remedies which did not do any #ood. TI used C ¥ ' 4% a wash In warm water night a h Cuti- ara Ointment aud fn] sll gone." (Signed) Mrs, la May 22, 1014, Thea regular use of Cutict and bath not only tends to pre and beautify the skin, scalp. bus assists fn preventing in tation and clogg!ag of the po enuse of pimples, blaekhvads and other un- wholesome conditions of tho skin. Cut} oura Soap aud Of t aro sod by druggists and dealers Hyetat fréo sample of es send postcard to Pot 2 Corp., Dept, D, Boston, U, 8, A. Baby Carriages & Go Carts 1914 Line' balla Gibson, ap for tollet ve, purify Carriages :..... $10.50 to $35.00 Go-Carts ........ $3.50 to $18.00 Sulkles ...... $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 & white eénam A VE se tgdron side no up Ma! attresses to fit, Railway port of Jackfish they found a product answering their Jequire- ments. - The Canada Pebble @empany became incorporated and shortly af- terwards commenced commercial op- erations. On a small scale at first, the pebbles were, picked by hand. In the mills where they were tried as an experiment they stood the test. They compared very favorably. with the best imported ones, and proved {even better in some cases, for in one of the ecement-making known as the "wet," the Canadian pebbles withstood the treatment, while the Norway imports flew to pleces. The pebble beaches of Lake Su- perior are not numerous and the company's prospectors quickly stak- ed the valuable ones. To oust all competition in the sec- tion the sites and claims were bought from the government, and, free from opposition, the company settled down to engage In more extensive opera- tions. Hand picking was superceded ed by a steam shovel, opérating on rails along the beach. The staff of employees and "the laboring crew were doubled. To-day a completely equipped camp, with an electrie- lighting plant and pumping station, accommodations for a crew of over one hundred men, a railroad siding and a loading wharf, adds to the natural surroundings of "the beach." James Ryan, an experienced rail- road contractor, ably superintends the working of the plant. Day and ight the steam-shovel men are on the Job. Tons of pebbles are scop- ped up-by the Biant shovel and emptied into the screening machine. The latter eliminates the sand and gravel, as well as those undesirably large pebbles that are worthy of be- ing termed small boulders. The screened stones are turned over to hands who sort and pack them in grades, number one, two and three, according to their size. The con- tainers are sacks, each holding one hundred pounds, and whea the plant is in full swing, as many as twenty tons of pebbles are graded, sacked and piled, ready for shipment, in twenty-four hours' time. During the NEARLY DIED OF STONE IN THE BLADDER GIN PILLS SAV SAVER HIM 513 JAMES | Sr., HAMILTON, OxT. "Five years I, was taken down with what the doctors called Ioana ugk and Toit an Bear Joie lo and loins, am ty in urine ating, and the attacks, which more uent, amounted to unbearable became so weak that I could mot valk ceo the for. Not GIS y wife read in pers about PILLS and sent for Hh From the Fed first; 1 felt that GIN PILLS were doing me good. The pain was relieved al once and the were less frequent. In six weeks, the Stone in the Bladdes came away, When I recall bow I suff-red and how now I am Dealthy 'and able to work, I cannot 1 peak by GIN. for me." processes bears has been fully established, and the seal of the republic fs affixed to hid patent' of 'nobility ' Cottage by the Sea Childhood days now pass before me, Forms and scenes of long ago; Like a dream they hover o'er me, Calm and bright as evening's dew, Days that knew no shade of sorfow, *Where my young heart, pure and free, Gladly ;hailed each coming morrow, In the cottage by the sea; In the cottage--in the cottage by the sea, Fancy sees the rosebush twining "Round the dear accustomed door; ,And below the white beach shining, Where I gathered shells of yore; Hears my mother's gentle warning, As shé took me on her knee, And I feel dgain life's morning, In the cottage by the sea; And I feel again life's morning, In the cottage--in the cottage by the sea. have rolled above What tho' years me, Tho' "mid fairer scenss I roam; I shall ne'er forget to love thee, Childhood's dear and happy home; And when life's long day is closing O how pleasant would it be, On some faithful breast reposing, In the cottage by the sea; On some faithful breast reposing, In the cottage--in the cottage by the sea. Where Political Honesty Begins Vancouver World, It must be Impressed upon the mind of the voter, in some way that will not admit of evasion or equivo- cation, that he has the right to vote once in an election----once, and that if he or she votes more than once, he lays himself open to legal pun- ishment; and that, moreover, no step will be left untaken to bring his of- fence home to him, and mete out to him the puishment he has incurred. For alderman as for mayor the prin- ciple followed should be "one man one vote." not begin in the council chamber, but in the. polling booth. Care should be taken that no man or wo- man entitled to exercise the vote is deprived of it by clerical careless- mess, or by any other means. Equal care should be tiken to see that no man or woman, by voting more than once In an election, exercises more than one man, bne woman, right in the eiection, more than ona man, one Woman influence on the result. Two New University Buildings Saskatoon, Sask. April 7. -- A new students, residence and. a the present year. about $150,000 each; and $300,0000 has been set aside by the provincial government for the of This list will be kept in Political honesty does Seience building will he added to the University of Saskatchewan, during These will cost 'purpose. 'While construction will be rushed, it is an- ticipated that the buildings will take thanks to the new ganization of the Pavig : Surete, a mmnslerer © was arrested four and a half hours after his" identity had: cbeen, definitely known. ; Any There are in Paris and lodging - houses, and every one of them was visited, the task bel ng accomplished in two hours by detec tives attached to the ten police Wdi- slons into "whith Paris has been di vided by M. Hennlion. The prefect was determined, how ever, to reduce the time needed for this operation to half an hour, To achieve this he ordered n Tist drawn up by each detective of the hotels he visits, the shortest way ta get there, the names of the pro prietors and other useful informa tion. 13,266 ~hotels to he duplicate at the central police office of each district." murde ar or other grave crime, In the event of a two detectives | | Ask Your Doctor Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Js Ayers Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the tblood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Ask your doctor about this fam- ily ' medicine and jearn more. Do as he says. Made by J Grete, Montreal Hub Spends $10,000,000 on Bake Beans Alone Boston, April 7.-~The Hu}, retaing the bean gating championship. Dur- ing the' past winter it 'is estimated that the 1,283,458 persons in Great- er Boston spent more than £10,000, 000. on baked beans alone. Thirty- three millions quarts were disposed of in the ity and suburbs in the bast year, an average of nearly thir- ty quarts "a year . for each per jon. Statistics show that meat eating is falling off among the population of the greater city and that vegetables and eggs are coming into favor as a substitute. Potatoes are the lead- among the vegetables, the aver age being five and one-third bushels | | 8 year for "each person. Onions are | the tail enders of the proceskion, thh iverage being only about one-half an « | onion to each person. | Made It Unanimous | a school teacher complained to the principal the other day that one of fo he big boys was flirting outrage- . ously with the music teacher, who es Rife in once a day The principal Spoke severely to the class and end- ed by saying that out of considera- tion for the feelings of the culprit ie Would not name him in public. At the close of the session, however, he was to come to the principal's olite for an interview. Yes, you guessed it. All the boys | in the class showed up s Showed up --Exchange. fia he firat we wea 18 he alth, remem- ber "New Spring Shoes The new spring shoes are here endless variety of new both high and low you. We hope for pleased to show y J. H. SUTHERLAND & B | Morning Coats Two Styles-- Either Correct Fashion Craft - Models ~~ di Shown in 1, 2 of 3-button styles Braided, or plain edges, many lined throughout with silk. or Afternoon Functions. Nothing more in good taste for Church Coat and Vest of black, or of Oxtord 4 frey, Trou. sers of fine striped #rey worsteds. Prices moderate . Satisfaction positive OBTAINABLE AT , and with such an models as we are showing in cuts we are sure we ean Please an early visit when we will-be ou the shoes.