PERFECTION COCOA Rich, delicious, . pure i SEVERAL PEERS HAVE TURNED TO EASTERN RELIGIONS, 'British Law No Longer Visits Pune | Christianity to Assume Another | Creed--Lord Headley Has Be- come a Moslem While Lord Mex. * borough Is a Devout Buddhist. Sinee the death of the late Lord | Stanley of Alderley, just ten years | - in go, the British House of Lords---- supreme tribunal ¢f the Empire-- while boasting of the Buddhist Bart, | the person of Lord Mexborough, had no Moslem peer to represent | | Dg {Inf its counells a religion professed | MACLEAS Ontario Stress. PALACE Livery 24 to 38 Princess St. Has re-opened as a first-class livery, hack and boarding sta- ble. Vehicles of all descrip- tions. L. LAWLESS, Prop.. Phone 77 - LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF BLAD- DER BOTHERS YOU, Hating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known'au- thority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, par- 'tieularly h nd the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. Ths .gnoment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then 'act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending "3 bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; mikes a delightful effervescent lithja water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thas avoiding serious kiduney disease. Agent, Geo. W, Mahood. The kind you are looking is the kind we sel Scranton Coal yoda gras ing Booth & Co. Foot of West Street MRS. MABEN WAS MADE WELL By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- Other Suffering Women - To Know It. Murfreesboro, Tenn. -- "1 have wanted 10 Wiita 4% You Jota Jang time : : you what your wonderful have done for me. I 'Was a sufferer from eg inn an t and I 'would have aches, and dizz Doctors tried am now well and 3 own Hoge 1 - 's about it."-- Mrs, 8. Spring, St, Mur. ~ , the medicinal of which are derived from dn Da got pan or of the female ! - eccentricity, 3 nearly 100,000,000" lieges of the British crowh. This role will hence- | forth be filled by Lord Headley, who lust week made a publie profession | of)the fact that he had embraced the tenets of Islam, and had seceded ! trom Chrigtianity. | Whereas in olden times, says a recent writer, an apostasy of this kind would have been punished as an atrocious crime, it is nowadays re- garded fu the light of the harmless denoting some -abnor- mality of a possibly brilliant mind. True, among the English officials of the civil service of India, it is visit cost any officer of the army, navy or the diplomatic corps his commission. But this is merely a matter of dis cipline, There are no longer any legal pen- alties, It does not 'even entall the loss of the patronage of livings of the Established Church of England; and whereas, by laws dating from the time of the Reformation, con- version to Roman Catholicism in: volves the suspension of all inherit- ed or purchased advowsons, a peer may become a Mohammedan, Buddhist, or may publicly pro- claim himself an Atheist, like the late Marquis of Queensberry, with- out forfeiting his right to select and appoint the rectors and vicars of often large and populous parishes permitted therefore by the state to retain his responsibility for the spir- {tual welfare of the parishioners. While Great Britain and all other » NH Western powers--save Rus 1 erate conversions such as that of Lord Headley, they sternly refuse to allow the legal status of the person concerned to become in any way modified by the change of faith. Whereas polygamy is permitted by the European Governments to Orien- tals born and reared as Moslems, Lord Headley would be promptly ar- rested by the police and tried, like the Earl of Russell, by the House of Lords for bigamy, if he attempted to avail himself of the privilege ae- corded by Mohammed to true be- liévers, to indulge in a plurality of wives, Lord Headley's conversion to Is- lam marks the culmination of a ca- reer of much adventure and of in- terest, and he has enjoyed the well- nigh unique advantage of reading his obituaries at no less than three different periods of his life. Indeed, he has been so often reported as dead that when he is ultimately gathered to his fathers it will re. quire something more than mere newspaper announcements to carry conviction of his detivise. He has spent much time prospect- ing in the Northwest of Canada; served through the Franco-Geérman war on the staff of his friend the Prussian General von Goeben, fought beside the late Lord Ashburnham for the late Don Carlos in the sever- al Carlist insurrections in Spain some forty years ago, and also figur- ed on the Turkish side in the Turko- Russian war, which was brought to a close by the treaty of San Stefano and the Congress of Berlin, The late Lord Stanley of 'Alderley, who was buried in England in un- consecrated ground ten. years ago, with full Moslem rites, the only in- stance on record of the funeral of a peer of the realm under sueh cir cumstances, was also a very interest- ing man, though in his later years he developed an irascibility which did not precisely suggest thie fatalist calm for which the followers of the Prophet are so distinguished. He commenced his career in'diplomacy, but after about ten years abandoned it, in order to escape its trammels, and contracted a romantic marriage in 1861 in Switzerland with Dona Fabia Fernanlez y Funes of Madrid, who was stated to be the widow of a Spanish nobleman, Don Ramon Perez y Abril. g Lord Stanley of Alderley's con- version of Islam was brought about in the early eighties by his intimacy with Sultan Abdul Hamid, whose principal champion he became in the House of Lords and in the columns of The London Times, to which he contributed many interesting "letters to the editor." Lord Mexborough's conversion to Buddhism is not so much a matter of eccentricity as of study and of travel. For thé earl, if a crank in some respects, is a man of wide learning and culture, and bas wan- dered all over the world, especially "in the Orient, like his father, |, | Nor among the Buddhists who, find a place in the pages of Burke's | "Peerage," must, one omit the name {of the Marquis of Qu I's sls- | ter, Lady Edith Douglas, married to a son of the late Gen, Fox-Pitt ishment Upon a Man Who Leaves | ! {sawing wood or, WENT 70 OTHER FAITHS | |X pp 7) YES, | MADE ALL 1 HAVE (N CcoP- PER. : 7 ZZ, / BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1914. 2 THAT IBY OF Furs MUST HAVE COST A GOAD LOT, LIONAIRE WHEN ROPOSED iro My . PAUG { eb CORRESPONDENTS . HAVE TO TELL. News From Villages {ana Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun. ties--Rural Events, and Moves ments of the People. } { { Glendower Notes Gvendower, April 4.--The roads are in a bad condition. Richard Wilson is in this vicinity. The maple sugar weather is not very good fo far this spring. A numbér of the residents have tapped the trees, but they have not secured much sap. There will be a number of buildings erected this 'summer Frankville Notes. Frankville, April 6.--Visitors on Sunday at Lehigh Corners: Mr. and Mrs, Bert Barbar Plum. Hollow at [their daughter's, Mrs. Parker Rie ards'. . Charles Qiffin's horse drop- ped dead in the road coming fron Smith's Fdlls on Saturday. The:saw mill is running full time, Mrs. Ben- Jamin Scott, near Addison, left on Thursday for the hospitai at Brock- ville, where she will undergo a seri- ous operation, At Oso Station Oso Station, April 6.--Mr, and Mrs. David Cox vistied friends dere last week. John G.'Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-A. Burke have re- turned after visiting their brother at North Bay. 'Miss Edna Warren has returned after spending some time at Glenvale and Kingston. Mrs. W, Loyst, of Arden, spent a few days last week with her parents here. Robert Patterson went to Kingston to work last week. Mr. and Mris. Richard H. Burke, of Calabogie, are visiting at E. Henderson's. Joseph Burke, of Clyde Forks,. is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson have gone {0 their hone at Braeside. Burridge News Burridge, April 6.--A number of farmers have tapped, hut report poor sugar weather so far, but this cold spell may change things. Mr. Stoness has bought the crusher from the Buffalo Mining company, and is moving it to his mines at Crow Lake. Three more new 'phones added to the Westport-Burridge line make it jquite busy. Burridge can boast of four weddings in the past few months. The brides and bride- grooms in each cade were school- mates. Mrs. D. Barr and Miss M. Barr spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Robert Barr. Miss Evelyn Barr and E.sBarr aro ill. Miss Ella Derby- shire spent Sunday at home. Battersea Budgets Battersea, April 6.--The Ladies' Aid met at the parsonage Wednesday April 1st. A very pleasant time was spent. Thomas Clark's daughter, Isabel is ill. School is progressing very favorably under the mandge- ment of Miss L. Toland, of Kingston. Alexander Turner, after spending two years in the village, has left to take a position in Murvale cheese factory. Miss Mae Lake has return- ed after visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. Hanley entertained a number of her friends Tuesday afternoon, March 31st. Visitors: Mrs. W. J. Paul at F. Ball's; Mrs. John Hanley at B. Hanley's; 'D. Anglin at W.Orns- by"s; M. Vanluven at his sisters; Miss H, Vanluven's; Mrs. Hue Rit- chie at Miss C. Curson's. Maberly Matters Maberly, April 6.---We are having very poor weather for sugar making. A young daughter has come to stay at the home of John Laidley. Mrs. W. Buchanan has returned home from Parham. The annual meeting of the ladies' guild was held at the home of Mrs. Flemming on Tuesday with a good attendance. The secre- tary-treasurer, Mrs. Palmer, read the Rivers of Rushmore, Wiltshire, a 'professed Buddhist, like herself. Pitt, and a famous traveler, also be- came a Moslem. Prime Minister Pitt, for whom she {kept house, and moreover broken- hearted by the death of her fiance, Gen. Sir John Moore of her favorite half-brother, Stan- hope at the battle of Corunna Lady Hester Stanhope, nelce of ROR ne, nid officers were re-elect- 0 ed. rs. [oof Ro; After the desth of her uncle, NE a rushing business in this vicin- jfrienas, last week. reports for the year showing that the ladies have been coing good Parsons spent Friday in Cavanaugh has been do- ity with his sawing machine. Miss {Stella Strong i» home from Perth high school. Miss Ethel Boles and Miss Pear! on called on Death at Stella {land and Edward, of Chatham. The gE, ------ BLE E largely-atended funeral was held on SeTRIONY FROM THE an Saturday to Glenwood cemetery, and the service was eonducted by Rev James Cumberland. : J. 8. Nelson has returnad home af- ter visiting friends at Port Hope, The mail earrier, J. Strain, is using the ice beat, to go back and forth' to Bath, with the mail. Hugh Filson has been laid up with a sore hand. R. Finnigan, Barriefield is here. E. Fleming, Chatham, attended the fun- eral of his mother, the late Mrs. James Fleming. ; Spanish Beientist Engaged in Mak. ing Experiments London, Agwil 7.--According to the Madrid correspondent of the Daily Felegraph, an experiment has just heen carried out, at Porzuelo, near Madrid, which demonstrates the pos- sibllity of extracting electricity . from the atmosphere for commercial pur- poses, lose Yglesias, the explosion of means of Infra- day succeeded § from the air In pairs on three feet hi hill, Hs apparatus received the electri- ity al a pressure of 6,000 volts, which was transformed down to 150 volts. Fifteen electric lamps in who recently caused dynamite mines by Red rays, on' Satur n drawing electricity by antennae, mounted a4 wooden tower, thirty igh, erebted oh 4 high Toronto Street Market Toronto, April 6.--Wheat, bushel, §1; wheat, goose, bushel, 95¢; oats, bushel, 48¢ to 45e; barley, bushel, G3c to 65¢; rye, bushel, 65¢c to 0c; Hay, No. 1, $18.00 to $19.00; Hay, mixed, $16.00 to $19.00: Dressed hogs, heavy, $11.00 to $11.60; Dres- sed hogs, light, $12.00 10 $12.50; ome Wiping Cloths or where Also chamois, oa ckings, aol: ees are the lowest and our quality the highest. It will ¥ You to get in touch with us, Our Fe' shall as gl onry, ifacturers and dealers in a . a manu Cana - fay From Us a dai H. Gray & Co., 21-2¢ Dalhousie St, Factory « Montreal Quickly Concentrated Remedy. Buy a bottle of use it as directed, ane your stubborn cold; cough and catarrh will vanish almost like magic; if not, money re- funded cheerfully. We know what others,-----thousands--and A A A A and Wool Waste Power ouses, Fugine Rooms, and any- an machinery Is used. o cquaintance, i ad and Cotton Houses, Packing avait Where where Hey greases, sponges, polishing cloths, soft belting, ete. be glad to make your snd you will be when you have We are the largest | nd Support Cana. an fadastry. TORONTO A Al, SA NAA COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! opis and Auto Supply | Phone's 201 £017. 1 STOP SKIDDING § It's Dangerous Get . TIRE @HAINS At the KINGSTON AUTO- MOBILE £0. Sia Queen and Phone 11 TAKE WENTHO LAX Yield to This Fine Old | Mentho-Laxene, it "has done .for we know Butter, dairy, 1b, 28e¢ to 23¢y Eggs, yards away were easily i - od. doz, 22¢ to 25¢; chickens ib, 22¢1i and e [#4<fowh 165 172 16 20¢; ducks, Ib. | spre during a prolonged 22¢ to 24c; turkeys, 1b. 26¢ to 30¢;| The experiments Geese, 1b, 18¢ to 20¢: Apples, bbl, | or Yglesias is very simple in ckar $3.50 to $4.50; potatoes, bag $1.15 | acter, the whole having been con- to $1.20; Beef, forequarters, cwt., | Sructed Snside of a fortnight. 'The cvpetments will be continted with $10.50 to $11.75; beef, hindquarters the abject of ascertaining - the full J, cwt., $14.00 to $14.50; beef, choice sides, cwt., $12.75 to $13.25; beet, | capacity of the installation. Senor Yglesias says he can obiain directly from the atmosphere enor- medium, cwt.,, $11.50 to $11.75; beef, common, ewt.,, $9.50 to $10.00; mous quantities of electricity at will according to the arrangement of the Mutton, light, cwt., $10.00 to $12.00 Veal, prime, cwt, $13.00 to $15.00: installation, Among the persons who witnessed lamb, ewt, $16.00 to $1750. the experiments were Count Macada and others in the Immediate entour- age of King Alfonso, who were | pecially sent hy the monarch watch the tests. we full press test, nl apparatus of Sen- ---- When a man fails in business he begins to look around for a politi- cal job. THIS STOMACH REMEDY Pe to g The, Japanese Saloon Mag Japan g ne. . and lung passages. Bs at we can easily refund money to a very Stubborn Coughs, Colds and Catarrh | few who might not get satisfactory results. Our guarantee has stood { for five years and 'We have refunded to less than a dozen; which speaks volumes for Mentho-Laxene, After taking the very first dose, vou'll know it's doing the work you'll feel {ts soothing, penetrating beneficial effects on the. nasal throat Mentho-Laxens Is sold by all druggists. Amiri A a lt AIM EDDY"S FIBREWARE TUBS AND PAILS RETAIN THE HEAT OF THE WATER MUCH "LONGER THAN THE WOODEN OR GALVAN- IZED IRON ONES--ARE CHEAPER THAN THE LATTER--WILL LAST LONGER AND DOES: NOT RUST THE CLOTHES. REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL Japanese saloons have can habit of always freshments other their customers. They are not pa: » tial to sandwiches: usually it is a dish of herrings or octopus, and the price is 3 sen. It is seldom that a nan can get away from a saldon without spending at least 20 sen, which is a large part of a poor man's daily wage. It is remarkable the world over that men will patronize any estab- lishment that can show a pretty face, even though it be no more than a picture on a cigar box. To place the picture of au pretty girl on any- thing is the very best advertisement. So the Japanese think, too; and what is more, they prove it. At these saloons, in the East End, there is always a pretty girl assisting the matron of the place; and she is per- mitted to wait on customers, The Japanese' barmaid has all the influ ence that her counterpart has in the west. Her face is sufficient to make every passer-by imagine he is thirsty; and when she proposes to serve him he never refuses; and in the end he foots the bill. The pretty maid ean make even the roughest customer feel for the moment that Le a gentleman and she a fair lady come to do him honor. Who could refuse to accept so deliciods a favor from such dainty hands and under the light of such winning smiles? But once fhe wine is finished and the money is paid, the relationship Is at an end. Another customer by this' time is waiting; and the last having had his turn of conversing with beauty, must be content until thirsty again. Back he will likely come next day, and drink another glass to the health of a fair face, and then be off again satisfied for another day. And so it goes on from day to day, the pretty face win- ning most, or much, of the shop's custom. the Ameri- providing re- than drink for You know us--yvour home druggist. You know we wouldn't guarantee any remedy to relieve indigestion or dys "pepsia, or money back, unless we felt the utmost confidence in that remedy. Therefore, wien we offer you Rexall Dyspepsia Fablets with this proof of our faith in them, it leaves you no room for hesitation or doubt. I'he remarkable sucqess 'of Rexall Dyspepsia- Tablets 'is due to the fact that they contain, ameng other things Bismuth and Pepsin, two Yngredients endorsed by the medical profession as invaluable in the treatment of stom- ach ills. They soothe the inflamed stomach, check heartburn and distress, stimulate the secrétion of gastric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable di- gestion of food and help to quickly' convert it into rich, red blood. In' a short time they tend to restore the stomach to a naturally comiortable, easy-acting, healthy state. They also benolit the bowels. : Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. 'Three sizes, 250:;-50¢. and 81. Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Ont. ' i sold For Rent Seven roomed house gn Queber St., $12 per mon and wat- er. Possession May 1st. Frame dwelling, Redan Street $2000 W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance, COMB SAGE TEA IN HAR TO DARKEN 7 TE % iy » It's Grandmother's Recipe to Keep Her Locks Dark, Glossy, Thick. The old-time mixture of Sage Tea sod . Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grande er's treatment, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite actitie, an} we are living in an age when a youth- ful appearance is of the greatest ad. vantage. Nowadays, thotigh, we don't he troublesome task of gatherin Vespers, Ry Ethel Iallett Porter. The little hirds all face the sun, And sing to bin from leafy limbs, Deep sheltered, when the day is done, ~-- Their twittering, trusting creature v ' Oh; little tender, feathered things ! | Dut for your music spring were And sunymer wauld go droopingly With tears upon her check. Strange that stalk Alut these .. eave, Anxiety, and toil, and woe, Should fret the kingdom of the air! What humor, pathos, pain and care, In Birdland! Yu, when day is And vesper impulse thrills their + grim tragedy should have the fives,~that grief and . y can discover it has been a; mbt moistén: four comb or a weil with it draw this through your hair, wkiog ove small strand at | The Mttle birds all face the tan. a time; by mi bair dis - appears, but what A gift cap Liave #0 many reastos. for is hearts, Wyeth' jovi 3 fan (bat it doesn't hth rs amides Destifully dark: mater pa ang of them are logi-' Cod rg it also feul or fot. + ald "DU bee I IT KNOCKS THE DEUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP D. Cleans Carpets ---Brightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your hardware man Don't Ask for Sw own topes _|] | SAY DUSTBANE ee Beware of Substitutes Til NT: EIT | i 2d) I