Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1914, p. 2

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finish, beautiful rich duced not by the brush, és, permeating of the oak, making a per- color tone. You'll lke it. foom, den, library suites look , Fitw not high, avenports and Bed variety, $7.60 to $60, 1 sation and rich color Rot, newest 1914 makes, from best European mills, Curtains, lace, Brussels, Net, Mad- one handsome floral designe, 1-2 to 4 yds. wide. i. Our Upholstérers and rs Repaire are gt your service to do your old furniture nd miXe ii it new. Phone 90 LE. MERSIN 01 and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufac- turers. These are the new patterns for the coming spring of 1914. R. McFAUL Carpet Warehouse you perfectly liviag in Joa after to the of - Fn So " new, briek v Bot water furince. frame, 7 bly gfh £8 [OPENING or et iGoN ARINGSTON HARBOR A Pew Days of Mild Weather Are Necessary -- Days in April During Past Fifty Years When Navigation Opened. Marine men are anxiously waiting the opening of navigation which, it is expected will tile placa in the €oiirse of a few days. There is opén water np at Nide Mile Point ghd also down the Rideau river below Bell's Island. With a couple of days of mild weather the ice in the harbor {will vanish in quick order. The opening of navigation took place last gpring on March 26th when the steamer Plerrepont made 3 trip 10 Cape Vincent, She attempt- ed the trip on March 25th, but was forced to return to her wharf and re- main another day. It 1a expected that the steumer Wolfe Islander will be the first steamer to attempt to break the ice in the harbor this spring. For some days a number of the men have beeti employed in fit- ting her for the season. Up until the present time no, attempt. has been made to rig out thé steamer Pierrepont which has heen -tied at Folger's wharf during the winter months, During the past fifty-six years the local harbor bas been opened for navigation during the months of Ap- ril on a number of occasions. Upon looking up the files one finds the following dates for the opening dur- ing the month of April: 1858, April 2nd;1861, April 12th; April 14th; 1864, April 6th; , April 10th; 1867, April 6th; April 17th; 1870, April 12th; April 20th; 1873, April 12th; April 18th; 1876, April 13th; , April 7th; 1879, April 16th; April 12th; 1883, April 16th; April 8th; 1885, April 25th; 1886, April Sth; 1887, April 13th; 1888, April 30th; 1889, April 2ud; 1852, Aptil 16th, 1893, April 10th; 1895, April 13th; 1896, April 14th; 1897, April 1st; 1899, April 10th; 1900, April 9th; 1901, April Sth; 1904, April 11th; 1905, Xpril 10th; 1906, April 4th;. 1908, April 6th; 1909, April 6th; 1911, April 13th; 1912, April 17th. ~ 1884, A Life for a Life Or "The Wreck" shows how a man paid the penalty of his crime by the death of his son, the sacrifce of many lives and the wrecking of his own. The railroad wreck an inci dent in the drama cost the Vita- graph company $40,000. to produce. it is the head-on collision of a run- away locomotive with. another en- gine drawing a train of cars filled with passengers, bqth engines run- ning 40 miles an hour. The pic- ture that press and public have been talking about for months in three reels, at the King Edward to-might Kingston Historical Society Lecture to-night at 8.15 p.m., in the English Room, Queen's 1'niversity, by Miss A. M. Machar, on-The Hon. Rich ard Cartwright. and Col. Stone, iwo typical United Empire Loyalists. Three days to Easter. College Book Store for gilts, "Easter sweets" tok. 7 Lenses may be good, but lab- oratory experiments have prov- en them unscientific. at Gibson's. If you want an invisible Bi- focal lense, consult us about the new one-piece Bi-focal, a lense with one index of re- fraction and no chromatic ab- erration. J. S. Asselstine, D.0.$. 342 King St. Phone 1019 Kingston's Exclusive Optician. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. P| reli 8 pnd ER BSED IE TORDRT, OF (ame oer THAT TOBACCO With the hint on it is crowing louder as 8 alon smoking 1 pound. For Be Bos fi AT A. MACLEAN'S Ontario Street. < | and thoes sistas, es | ty-gix years 'of ; are leit, | vies it wing and J _ THE DAILY BRITISH V WEIN * GOVERNORS | DOING GOOD GOOD WORK: ./ | Report of: Wingston Y.W. 8. A & 1914. The montsly meeting of the Yount Women's Christian Associs-| tion was held Monday afternoon with ! the president, Mry. John Wright, in the chalr, Good work has been done | in the milffnery class under the di- | recilon of Mrs. Adams. Seventy pup- ils trimming two and three hats in a term of six lessons. Miss Collin 'has been secured as teacher in advanced sewing. It was decided that the free classes of junior children should be continued throughoyt the month of May. ! Special mention was made df ihe! kindness of Mrs, E. C.D, MacCallum, who has "given her serviges Freely | this winter in teaching the junior do- | mestic séiericé, The girld- of the gymnasium class expgct to give an exhibition of their work in April un- der the direction of Mr. Palmer who has secured the assistance of the girls of the K, C. I. in making up the programme. The proceeds from the | exhibition will go toward a deficit in! the gymnasium department. | A committee: was appointed, with Mrs. Strachan as chaftman, to look into the feasibility of a summer! camp for the Girl Guides, who wish to have the opportunity of winning points in out of door contests, Such § as rowing; swimming, cooking in the | open and opportunity for nature study, ete. Ten of the Girl Guides passed successfully" the examination in First Aid to the injured, conduc- ted by Colonel Duff. The Fellowship club have enjoyed two lectures, one by Mrs. McIntosh on "The Ideal Woman of the 20a Century," and one hy Dean Starr, on "Historical Kingston." The junior club are taking lessons in basket weaving. Demonstration lessons in Domestic Science, making candy, salads, beverages, have been given at the noon meet'ng in the Hosiery mill A series of talks on 'home making and practical housekeeping will |e given in the Textile mill. A suc. aasafal Social was given the Sunday Bible class girls an March 7th when a large number of girls from the old country met to become acquaint ed and #njoying games, music and readings together, The ausecintion acknowledge with appreciation the lecture on Fungi given by Prof. Mac- Clement on March 16th. . Sixty-siy gitls and women have attended the various lecturds on Rirst Aid in con nection with the St. John's Am- bulance association and conducted by Dr. Kennedy. The social committee reported the success - of tHe musical programme given on Friday evening. Miss. May Hinckley, Miss Daisy Clown, (Mise Phyllis Knight, Mrs. William Craig and Miss Sylvia [lochrane took part in the progr e. Light refresh ments were served with Miss May Chawn and Miss 'Tsabel Ross assist- ing. The date of the annual meeting was arranged for the third Monday in May, when a banguet will be grv- en for/ all. association members and the reports from committees, classes and clubs will be read. Special services for Passion Week have been arranged for. Mrs. Carr- Harris will give a series of vesper talks at five o'clock in the drawing- room of the assodiation bullding. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in preparation for Easter. © An Easter Kibon STED MISS © sine CAMSC ALLEN AS METITAN v A Special Fund fo ke to be Started for the Purpose of Beautifyin. | the Hos- pital Grounds. The Board of Governors of King- ston General hospital met on Monday afternoon, the following members be- ing present: A. Chown, (ehair- manj,' B, W. Nohertuon, Prof. Mar- shall, Ligut.-Col. Massie, Ener Dav- is, G. Y. Chown, H. D. Bibby, Canon! Grout, George Mills, F. G. Lockett, || |'T. McK. Robertson, Rev. D. Laing, J.| R Smeaton, R. BE. Kent. The report of the committee of] managenient gave much information regarding the affairs of thé hospital aud also made several recommenda- tions, which, when carried out, will add mdeh to the general efticiéncy | (of the institution. It was agreed to purchase battle- ship linolenm for the corridors of! the Enipire wing. On recommendation of the * Wo: men's Ald society, Miss Carscallen, | lof the the Lillian Massey training] school of Domestic Science was ap- pointed dietitian. Canon Grout was appointed a member of the Hoard as a represen- | tative of Ancient. St. John's Lodge, A..F & x M. A most satisfac tory report was re-; ceived from the visiting governors, Rev. D. Laing and Elmer Davis who complimented the management on he orderliness and cleanliness ap- parent everywhere. {sed to all those who so generously furnished rooms in the Empire wing, and also to Miss Agnes Hichardsen, who not only furnished 'a room in the new wing, but entirely refiova- ted and furnishéd the large front room in the Doran building so that pow -it is one of the most' beautiful rooms in the institution, It was decided. to start a special fund to be used for the purpese of beautifylug the grounds. An expert has been engaged to submit a plan at the next meeting of the. hoard. Al- ready tree donations at $25 each have been promised. Canon Grout and GQ. were appointed visiting for the present month Y. Chown governors Weather Notes Another pronounced high area, companied by low temperature, come over the western provinces is spreading southward, Whi le the low area which was in the south-east yes. terday, is now moving eastward across the Ohio Valley. The wenther con. tinues cold in all the provinees. Men's Easter Hats At eur store you will find the larg- part {i Ontario, style centres of the world. Bros., 84 Princess street, imported from Campbell More Building Permits E. E. Wathen has taken out for two dwelling houses. erect a solid brick idence on north side of Unia Albert and Frontenac, frame on the north side of Elm street, between Chatham and Division. Little Lady Orang Oranges From California, rmits vesper. service will be conducted on } Sunday at 4.15 p.m. PRESENTATION TO EX-GUARD. Of the Penitentiary Made on Monday Evening. On Monday évening, a committee - of the penitentiary officers waited upon ex-Guard John O'Neil at his residence and presented him with 'a purse of gold and a signet ring. The address was read by . Guard Davis, and the | presentation was made by John Ken- nedy. kealth, nade a feeling réply, thanking them for their kind and thoughtful gifts, 'and expressed his regret at hav- ing, through ill-health, to sever his connection with the institution. After the presentation Mrs. O'Neil furnished refreshments. The address presented was as follows : "Un behalf of thé staff of the peni- tentiary, we ask you to accept the ac companying purse and ring as a slight token of our respect and esteem. For twenty years you have gone in and out among us and during all that time you have earned the friendship of every official. We regret that illness has obliged you to sever your connec- tion with us, and we trust that time will restore you to at least a portion of your old-time vigor so that you may enjoy a well-earned rest.' Signed, an behalf 'of the, staff, John seit ites McPherson, B. Wat- hg Davis, P. M. Beaupre, 1 "Ta Queen Street Church do in NE Canad, » wl | five years of age. Je He in for many 'his pr 4 two brothers, : Michigan, and | Flint, Died in Hotel Dieu. Hoes Bi , wife of John Burn- died on Monday yn Deceased was thi agy. . Several The funeral will take place to Cushendall Mr. O'Neil, although in delicate | 1 seedless, 10o., I24c. and 13c. all this week at Carnovsky's, dozen, Dusting caps, lic; all-over aprons, bbe.; tea aprons, 2 Dutton's store. Order your hot X buns for Good Friday mornitg, at Pickering's. PEt Pt. "The Hat Store" ees Spring Attire NEW COATS 7 Your new suit will not begome common if bought here. We handle eXxelusive styles -- our prices are reasonable and any suit or eoat ¢an be made to. speeial measure. New Suits, 2 to $25 New Coats C hoose the new hat here == very' moderate pricés -- no two hats alike; > "lee cream bricks." ost stock of men's nobby hats in this the e will the street, between and ope tof _{UESDAY, APRIL 7, a in, the city ta select. from. i i Cards, Booklets, Post Cards, Gift Editions of Books Ella Wheeler, Wilcox Poets in all bindings Book o Sacred Verse The Christy Girl Riley Ricks : The Princess by Christy | Harrison Fisher Books The Girl Graduate 'The Debutante Raby Books My Alma Mater Cards, Booklets, Post Carder the largest stock BOOKS---Latest original and Yeprint Fiction Hints for Easter Gift Buyers Hints for Easter Gift. Editions of Harrison Fisher, Wheeler Wileoy, the Poets; Gift Editions by Jimes Whitcomb Riley, Ella! Howard Chandler Christy, 1 hreads of 'Grey and Gold; by Myrtle Reed Devotional Books, Bibles, ete. Sterling Silver Deposit Ware fram 23¢ to $6 Passepartout Frames in a beautiful selection of small picturea--a x 7 15¢; 6 x 8, 25¢ with wilt mat and : ® x 7, 26¢ with double ope ening and pletures. . Swan Pens and Style Ink Pencils. Music Rolls and Cases Ladies' Hand Bags, Note:~All hooks beastifally beribboned with Easter band and Easter silk ribbons. | The College 160- -162 Princess St. | A hearty vote of thanks was pas- Open Nights Finds Us Featuring Ladies' & Misses' Suits and Coats perfect fit, purses, Many OUR styles niarke d at prices to suit lines eannot season; so that early choice is desirable. YOU SEE THE BEST WHEN YOU SEE RANGE: We have a brilliant array of the. sea- son's choicest garments, that ¢éombine indi- viduality of style, excellent workmanship, stylish materials and exelusive - all sized be repeated this sweet, Juicy and Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ALDERMEN HAD WORDS. Office a Rk rr In the City Eagineer's on Tuesday Morning When Ald. Graham found Ald. Litton in the city engineer's office on T'ues- day morning, he proceeded to take ~ the Board' of Works chairman to task for the latfer's statement. in the City Council meeting a week ago with gard to the plumbing in houses he has under construction. He claimed that Ald, Litton had made an unjustifiable statement with regard to his buildings. Aud. Litton declared that he had made no reflection on Ald. Graham, but had simply stated that the plumbing n- spector had to make three or four trips to the houses in question. the argument between the two city fathers waxed warm, each defying the other to do his worst, and enlookers' expected that there would be a mix: up. Ald. Harrison, who was present, advised his council comrades to Stop wrangling and make-up. The dispute continued for about ten minutes, when Ald. Graham left the city hall, leaving Ald. Litton smoking his cigar as if nothing had happened. LATE MRS. EDWARD BRYANT. Of Concession Street Died on ) day Night. On Monday night death removed one of Kingston's oldest residents | from this life in the person. of Mrs. | Anna Elisabeth Bryant, wife of Ed- ward Bryant, 20 Concession road. The deceased for many years taught school in the Palace school house in closq proximity to her late residence. {Among her pupils were Bishop Fal- len, of London, and severs! other gentlemen who have made wonder- ful advancement in life's journey. The late Mrs. Bryant was sixty-nine {years of age and for the Lai. four {or fivé years has been affected with | heart failure, . During the last {couple of weeks she suffered consid-, 'erably. ceased leaves several children who are located in several parts of Can- ada. The fu will be conducted {on Thursday a and. the re- | hain plaged ; in Cataraqui vault. Besides a husband, the de-|- Musie mak, an able Easter |x Everyt . hing a bot: ton's, wb PY EE Lumber With- stands the Ravages of Time We know that proper lim- ber of a proper grade will with- stand the ravages of time as will nothing else at an equal or higher cost. Consult us--it has taken years of practical experience to acquire this knowledge. . Angin & Go Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards Cer. Bay and Wellington Sis sees LUMBER. COAL & WOODeweoy in 1 Feeders for Chickens compartment, and in Sadiion ans others oh grit and charcoal. Book Store Phone. 919 See our window for Cut Glass, Fine Cut Glass. Jugs, Bowls, Preserve Dishés, Spoon Trays, Tumblers, Ice Crékm Trays, Butter Dishes and Every piece carefully, perfectly white and sparkling. Our prices are moderate. Smith Bros. Jewellers and ans. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. f 1] FEATHERS INVESTMENTS, omes and Buildin In the Limestone THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITIES Albert St #o6d builahig loth for. $1100 and $7300 eaeh. Wiliam St. good Dallding lots for . $1300 and $1050 each. : Livingston Ave, Kou bulldifig lots; x building lots, lots for Lots Git Ye and $700 eac Ellerbeck Ave, pin $1000 auch, Montreal St, good building, $475 and $700 each « A golMen investment, a brick row of six' houses for 0. Revenue' $738 per year. equited, which will yield 17 ono hte Thvests ment. Thia 8 the best Money- Feria real estate proposition here Albert St... detached roughcast aw ing, south of Princess Sty remting r month, for $1760. Furnished houses in good Jocations. Fire Insuratice. Money to Loan. E. W. MULLIN Cor. Johmson & Division S48. Phones: Office 589 Fw We're home wash people-- we do the best Taaniring in town----you know that, if you've tried us.

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