Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1914, p. 8

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We want to tell you a few things that will interest you. We want to tell them badly. FOR INSTANCE Our $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 or $20.00 Spring Suits, eut and tailored from sueh hand- some woolens by men who know how, would interest any man-with spring Suit thoughts in his head. FOR INSTANCE AGAIN We're showing some spring overcoats at $12.00, £15.00 or $18.00 that will interest any man who cares for good clothes, FOR INSTANCE ONCE MORE Our new spring hats in stiff or soft styles, price $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, and our smart shirts and other spring toggery are full of in- terest. FOR INSTANCE Suppose you come in to see, We'll be more than delight- ed to show you everything. _---- LIVINGSTON"S [GLOVES AND HOSIERY For . EASTER, Rouillon's Fine French Kid Gloves, two dome fasteners, made from sélected skins, tans, nL, blacks, whites, also white with black points and black with white points; every pair guaranteed. $1.25 a pair. Suede Kid Gloves in tans, greys and black. Best make imported. $1.25 a pair, > Dent's Gloves for men, women and children 75¢,.$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. Washable Kid Gloves in white and tans, $1, $1.26 and $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, a special 45¢ quality for 35¢ oz 3 pairs for $1.00. 3 Black Cotton and Lisle - Hose, cvory pair guaranteed fast colors, at 25¢, 35¢c and 50c a pair. Silk Hose in black and colors, from 50¢ to $3.00 a pair. : Read To-morrow Night's Adv. for Special Sale. il MONDAY EVENING | E. W. Waldron Was Elected Com. | modore by Acelamation -- Club is I inn Prosperous Condition and 4 Good Season's Sport is Looked for, The annual meeting of the Kingston Yacht Club was held in the club build- {ing on Monday evéning. | Vice-Commodare E. Ww. Waldron, who was in the chair, stated that he was li presiding in the absence of Commo- | dore John McKay, who was unavoid- ably unable to.be present. He read a telegram from Commodore McKay ex- pressing his regrets at being unable to be present, and thanking the mem- bers for the support they had given him during the "past year. "8. Kirkpatrick, sserotary-treasur- er, presented a favorsible report of the club's finances, showing a smail bal ance on hand. : 2 The report of the regatta committee was read py the chairman, BE. C. Gil- , dersleeve, as follows : "Excellent races in all classes, ox- "cepting dinghies, were held during the season of 1913. The Bruce Carruthers and McKay- Polson trophy races were closely contested © between Chiriya, ; Heather, Isis, Chiriya winning each , trophy. A cruising" race 'to the Do- minion Lands, (Gananoque, was won, irst ciass, by Isis; second class, by Little Nell. A race agound the club's {| course was won, first class, by Isis; | second class, by Tezpi, "A Pleasunt time was enjoyed at the LYRA. mest ut Prinyer a Cove, the loeal yachts bringing home a goodly share of the prize money. On Sep- tember 1st an enjoyable cruise to Cape | Vincent was held with splendid races | there between the vachis of the Cres- {@nt Yacht Club and ours. {1 "Excellent motor boat races for { | i i club championship cup and other prizes were held during the seagon, the cham- pionship cup bere won by J. H Sutherland's Charman. *"I'he dinghy races were not a sue | cess through lack of competitors, The club series were the only races in this class that were held, first price being won by W. Nickle's Helen." Frank Smythe gave a report of the entertainment committee, showing that successful dances and various enter tainments had heen given during the | ver. t The election of officers and members committees then took. place, and were declared elected by of the following acclamation : Commodorh, | W. Waldron: vice commodore, J. A. Dalton; rear-com- modore, 1, .). Harty; secretary-trea- surem, - (', 8, Kickpatrick: megsurer, Henry Cunningham. Executive committee--Messrs. S. Hill, N. C. Polson, Jr., C. Gay Shannon; F. Smythe and C. B. Willis. Regatta compiittee--Messrs. A. W. Brown, R. E. Burns, J. B. Conway, EF. C. Gildersleeve, S. Till, Ww, C Kent, - Capt. Lesslie, I. C. Lockétt, Col. Ogilvie, J. H. Macnee and W- A Mitchell. Entertainment committee--Megsrs. A. W. Brown, W. M. Burtoh, Rods Tiv- | ingston, W. K. Macnee, N. C. Polson, {+'r., and F. Smythe. The exeoutive committee was auth orized {0 make the customary grant to the Luke Yacht Racing Association regatta, to be held again this year at Prinyer's Cove; also to supply the ne- cessary funds for the 'club races of various glasses, and for entertain ment, Commodore Waldron announced that he would make his customary dona- tion of #100 {or prizes for the sailing classes. Aiter a vote of thanks to retiring of figers, the meeting adjourned, A POPULAR C.P.R. OFFICIAL | | . » eo George Ham is Known the World ' \s : Over Montr¥l Saity Mail I first saw George H. Ham, am- Lassador-in-general and plenipoten- tiary extraordinary of the president of the Canadian Pacific Railway com- pany, in Winnipeg, after the conclu- sion of the Riel rebellion in 1885, and next in the press gallery at Ot- tawa, in the session of 1890, when he was representing the Manitoba Free Press in the fourth estate of parlinment. A year later he took off his journalisic mantle, which he had worn for over thirty years, and be- came head of the publicity bureau of the big Canadian railway, a position which he held until last year, when he was promoted to the more digni- fied: and less arduous post of special 'assistant to the president. "George" (nobody, ever speaks of bim as Mr. Ham) is probably the best known man in Canada. Any number of peo- ple who would not know Premier Borden if they saw him on the street (or for that matter, a majority of the public mén of the country) know George, and they all love him. His acquaintance is as wide as the do- minion, nay, as broad as the earth itself, because 'there is not a civiliz- ed mation which has not, at some time since 1891, had a representative who has enjoyed the acquaintance of the genial George Although not a newspaper man in the direct sense of the word, for twenty-three years, George fis still, always has been, and always will be, ! in honorary, and honored member of 'the fraternity. No press Eathering, whether at Otta- wa or elsewhere, is'compiete without the presence of George Ham, and no outing of the press women is a sue- cess unless they have with them their "daddy," whose wit is only equalled by his courtesy and whose careful- ness as to the details of everything he undertakes is matched only by his extraordinary repertoire of stories, dealing with men and things, told only as he ean. Like William Wainwright, of the Grand Trunk, George Ham las a store of reminis- cences which the world would give much to read. Will it ever have the 'chance? I wonder, dnd am afraid not. 5 Easter gifts for men : £1.30 slippers, i The; Sle. ties, 25¢.; President braces, } 4%. Dutton's sale. ' - There is ramor in Ottawa that Mac- } kenzie ing out their ' Canadi of 5 . si. i: SAD CASE REVEALED IN POLICE COURT. Baby Will be Placed in Home, and Three-Year-Old Boy Will Accom- Pany Mother Whe Will Secure Work on Vessel, A young couple, separated four Yeurs of married Me, in whien evervibing did not go along - "as merrily as the marsage bell," two chifdres, '8 boght-eyed youngster" of thiee JORIS, and a baby three manths old, figured in the police colirt op Tuesday mornmg and pre- sented a sad picture, The husband, Gordon Byron, was accused of neglecting his children. The charge wag lad by Kev. A, FE. Smart, acting tor tne Children's Aid Society. "D. A. Givens appeared on 'behalf of Byron. ] alter -- WHEN $9,000 MORE STOCK 18 SUBSCRIBED HERE, -- Reliance Moulding Company Will be Aided by the Board of Trade jin Getting the Balance of Capital Re- quired. . A meeting of the Bureau of dustry and Information and the bers of the councid of the Boa 'Trade, with ropresentatives Reliance Moulds Flo, 14d, was in the Board of. 1 rade rooms Monday afternoon, The representatives of the ecom- Pany stated that final arrangements had been made for the moving ot the company's: business to the site granted by the city provided $205,. U0 worth of preferred stock could be disposed of in Kingston. Ii was Proposed to sell, $25,000 worth of Mra, Byron, in the witness box, stated that her husband abused her and that it-was for this reason that she left him shortly after the birth of har Laby in January last. She said her husband only worked part of the time. : ? Rev. Mr. Smart stated that the case had been, brought- before the \colirt in order to get an onder for | the disposal of thes two children. The | mother stated that she had secured employment on a schooner running out of Kingston. She would arrange | to take the three-year-old boy with | her on the boat and lace the baby | in a local home. She was quite | willing to support the two. | The children are at present ! with | their grandparents but the grand- | father stated that he was quite will | Dg to let the mother have the child- ren, and the court consented to the proposal of the mother. The court Will keep an eve on the children 4n | order to see that they are well car- ed for. - Rev. Mr. Smart," in his evidence, | stated that Byron went around the | city begging money from Protestant | clergymen, stattng that he had no | money and that! his family was star- | ving. Witness gave the names of | local clergymen who had given him | money. ete ------ REVISION OF TARIFF : FOR MANUFACTURERS. | ---- { (Continued from page 1.) who were the chief opponents of the imposition of the duty. How- ever, if it was found that/the iron and -steel man at Sydney and Ham- | ilton took advantage of the duty to raise prices to the nail manufactur- | ers the government would take steps to remove the duty. There! was also an increase in the duty on rolled iron and steel beams.and other merchantable mill , products, | and some changes of relativey less importance with regard {o draw- backs fo Canadian manufacturers on imported pig iron and bitunmrin- ous coal imported by coke oven pro- | ting purposes. Ove of the most interesting of the ! tariff changes is the adoption of the | Drit'sh and United States legislation prohibition after Jan. 1st nest, the importation of aigrettes, osprey | plumes and feathers, quills, wings or parte, either raw or manufactured, of wild 'ifirds. - This prohitktion, how- ever, does not apply to . ostrich, pheasant or peacock plumes. or the plumages of birds used as diet. Other Interesting Items Some of the other changes are follows : dritish preference is increased two to three cents amyl used for metal varnishes, is put the free list; trade journals are al | lowed to bring in loose inserts of | fashion plates, etc., free; the duty on | caustic soda and hyperchloride of | lime Ys increased by 7% per cent. un der the British preference, and by 10 per' cent, under the general tarifi. There is a considerable Mst of jute. as | from aléohol on cloth, yarns used for the manufac- ture of socks and stockings, and other items used as raw material of woollen magnfacturers included among the contpodithes on which =a drawback of 99 per cent. is allowed | when mamifactured into the finished | product... In afl thers are some six ty changes, most of - them of a minor | character, in the seven hundred odd items in the present tariff schedules. Revival of National Policy Ottawa, April 7.--The general im- pression created from the budget Speech delivered by Hon. W. T. White, minister of finance yesterday is that the government intends to stand by the national policy, as in the past, and to make its next appeal } to .the people so far as the tariff! is concerned, on the protectionist ticket. It is not idered _here that the feduction made in the du- ties on binders and mowers is to be taken as an Indication of a tendency toward lower tariffs on the part of the government. This is practical- ly the only item revised downward | as announced by Mr. White and that | minister has declared that in view! of the high state of proficiency Mw | reached by the manufacturers of | these implements, and in view of the! fact that they are exporting heavily, | a reduction is justified, and is after all, not contrary to the principles of | | the national, policy, which provides for "adequate" protection only. It was arranged this morning that the budget debate will be proceeded With at once as several members on both sides of the house are desirous of being heard before the Easter ad- Journment. A. K. Melean, chief opposition financial eritic, will com- mence the criticism of the minister of finance's statement shortly after three 'o'clock 'and will likely speak prietors- for foundry or metal-smel- | On desiccated cocoanut Be Pacific ... ling for several days preferred stack with a bonus of fifty per cent. of common stock, this stock to be sold under an agreement after the full amount of $2500 "which way to be used for the erection of a factory building on the site giv- en by the city. It was stated t at 816,000 of this preferred stock had | been subscribed. The company wish- ed the assistance of the Bureau and the Board of "Trade in effecting the sale of the balance, $9,000. A finanvial statement was submit- ted which was fully considered by the i meeting, After a general discus ion a resolution was earried to the effect that the meeting approve of the company's propesition and re- commend it to the support of all who can subscribe for the company's stock. It was felt that the business would be a profitable one and that the citizens should make a determin- ed efiort to raise the $9,000 required for the erection®of the buildings. Ald. Tair, chairman of the Burean of Industry and Information. was in the chair, and also present were Messrs. George Bawden, J. AL Camp- bell, T. F. Harrison, J. 0. Hutton, Robert Meek, John Donnelly, J. 8, R. McCann, H. C. Nickle, F. R. Phillips, of .the Reliance Moulding .| company, Dr. A.W. Richardson and H. T./ Réchardaon STOCK MARKETS - KF. B. McCurdy & Co.. 86 and 8» Brock St.--I. WW. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, April 7th. Montreal, 533 91% 1014 Canners .. Cement pid R. & 0. Toronto Railway Brazilian Textile Shawinigan | Detroit Macdonald Dominion Steel | Spanish River Bell Telephone New York | Coppers o Smelters ....... CPR. Reading ......... Union Pacific United States Steel Frie win fe he Soo . Atchison .... Ww Northern Pacific ......... ......... Brooklyn Rapid Transit ...... Rubber ' Lehigh Valley | American Can. ... ens New Haven Railway Cotton Mavi... . ; Ye July Oet. Dee. No Space to Spare Ellis had been house-hunt- and at last found a small suite which was some- where near her modest jdeal. ' "The paper in the hall is just awful," said Mrs. Ellis, as she was telling her husband about the place that evening, "but the landlord said he wouldn't change it." { "Never mind," said Mr. Ellis, cheerfully, "we'll get an inexpensive new one, and put it on right over the other." "Oh, Ben," cried the wife, "we can hardly get our furniture through the entry now, it's 80 narrow?" Mrs. S------------ Stetson's Celebrated Hats The new "styles at Campbell Bros'. ee -------- Three days to Easter. College Book Store for gifta. pocrisy is to virtue. I ---- ---- ' NEW EASTER FOOTWEAR |. Fanaticism is to religion what he: > Your New Gloves THREE DAYS ONLY are loft in which to of Real French Kid. teed. "Le Premier," our Fresh soft skins and a perfect cut in Black, White, Tans, Greys, Mode shades. : "Katherine" -- Our Kid {ilove at This has proved a most satisfactory glove and we have a steady demand for this glove in Black, Tans, White, Grey, and other shades, : White Washable Kid Quite different from anything brought out previous to this spring. We have Just opened a limited quantity, so come early cd ' Girl's Kid Gloves selling tan shades : = 350 pairs just received for Easter. only. Special at', Boy's English Tan Cape Kid Gloves All sizes from No, 0 up to No. 7, an especially glove; new fresh stock just imported 69¢ - od Holeproof 'Silk Stockings Fhe genuine make in Black or White, 3 pairs in a guaranteed for three box, all sizes wanted, months. A new pair given for every pair that shows a hole in three months' wear. 3 pairs at Sold only in box of 3 pairs. HOLE PROOF THREAD STOCKINGS "HOLE PROOF COTTON STOCKINGS HOLE PROOF CASHMERE STOCKINGS " This guarantee means something be- :ause every pair replaced if a hole appears in 6 months' wear. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Colonials The New Shoe buy your. Easter Gloves, and we are fully prepared to meet vour glove wants. We have the best makes very pair fully guaran- well known kid glove, at $1.25 $1.00 Lions until six at least. He is expected to conclude with a motion calling for free wheal and free agricultural implements, . "a ener ee y : Your New Easter Hat The largest stock of men's nobby hats in this putt, of Ontaria awaits Your inspection at Cam; ros'. sivle centre for nT] : Wh i Sale 'of black sateen waists. Dut os Ladies' Colonialz in Patent, Suede and Black Satin, with either light or heavy soles, $3.50 to $5.00. A large assortment of these new street shoes for Easter trade,

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