» . THE McGILL RUGBY CLUB WILL LOSE LEMAY Ty Cobb Aims to Bat .500 This Sea- son--Winnipeg to Have a Big Athletic Club "Eddie" Phelps, the former Tor- onto and Brooklyn catcher, has taken the management of the Albany team in the New York slate league. The Western Ontario Cricket league has decided to increase the number of balls in an over from six © . i ET ---- Ln -- « VE STOCK MARKE j THE SPORT REVIEW The Prices Paid at the Various Cen- tres. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 6.-- Receipts were light, 48 cars, 703 cattle, 875 hogs, 46 sheep and lambs, 121 calves. Cattle--The cattle trade was ac- tive owing to the light receipts dnd prices 16c to 25c¢ per ewt. higher than the close of last week Choice butcher's steers, $8.000 to $8.40; good butcher's steers, $7.75 to $8.00; medium butcher's steers, $7.25 to $7.60; common butcher's steers, $6.90 to $7.15; choice _ but- cher's. heifers, $7.75 to $8.00; com- Daily British : KINGSTON, ONTARIO WEDNESUAY APRIL 8. Fry FRENCH CABINET PLACARDED COUNTRY WITH MAN'S WORDS {He Accused the Roman Catholic Church of Teaching That Which Produced Factionalism : Paris, April 8.--One of the most significant recent speeches in the chamber of deputies which was al- most unrecorded by the press on at- count of the Caillaux affair is now receiving wide attention because of the senate order to have it publicly From Thin To Plump-- ~ Girls The expressions of happiness and gratitude of several of his young lady patients for whom he prescribed the recently successful flesh forming pro- duct, known as three grain hypo- nuciane tablets, is related by a physic. ian in one of the medical publications and it comes as a surprise to the ors dinary layman to learn the heart throbs of distress which seem to affect #0 many young people who are so ab- normally thin. Also to know that the weight can be so readily increased by the use, regularly for several months, of this peculiarly named préparation, now obtainable of the best physicians and apothecary shops in sealed pack- ages with ec ficte instructions for self administration to eight. Guelph, Berlin, Waterloo, mon butcher's heifers, $7.25 ta $7.50 Brantford, Paris, Stratford and Galt $8.00; choice cows, $6.75 to $Y¥.25; comprise the league good cows, $6.00 to $6.50; canners, J. M. Cameron, of the Athletic $3.50 to $4.75; bulls, $6.00 to 7.50. lacrosse club of St. Catharines, is Feeders and stockers--Not many not in favor of granting permission | paral and market firm. Choice to that club to play Sunday games In{gtaars 7.00 to $7.25; medium steers, PATENTS the United Sintes,» Mr. Cameron is $6.50 to $6.75: stockers, $5.75 tol P AT T 8 opposed to such a séheme and had no $6.25 | part in suggesting it. Herbert J. 8. Dennison If the managers of the American REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 11 King Street West, Joronte, Pa- posted throughout France. It was the minister of public in- struction, M. Vivian, in defense of the lay schools. In this he savagely attacked the clerical party amid the cheers of deputies. It was the first publle posting of any speech s'nce M. Briand's sensational utterafice on ' . the law of separation in December, Milkers and springers---Not many i Een ar 5 1908. baseball league clubs realize their igh arket at tats to $85 reach M. Vivian whose speech is regard. tents, Trade-Marks, gns, hopes, thef® will be no such thing as = oo ag ot 8 r Choice veals a nt Dt ue Diswen: gov. Copyright, protected = every- ||. c.cond division this season.. Every TO SI roy hum, ..10i08 JER § ernment's attitude toward the Rom- where; shteen {eats exper- team "will be up among the frst $10.50 to $11.00; common to medi- an Catholic church, said: lence. Write for booklet lean - ila op Je ne ae a. um, $6.50 to $0: "You, clericals, in the confession- four ail oy ace, Sheep and lambs -- Market as lal schools set yourselves to destroy : a Jackson fet Ty Cobb in |ftTONE as ever. Spring lambs are the sovereign principles on which Inon'e Hide Them: With a Vell: Re- -- | chattdiooga the other day, and told 20:08 offered in small numbers sell- oi rosent regime Is founded. You | "move Them With the Othine Pre- Whooping Cou Ty that he would beat him in the ing from $6.00 to $9.85 each. Sheep, {Seek to implant in the souls of child- scription SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA, COUGHS | | race for the American Jeague batting | $500 10. 37.50; culls and rams, [on Srremediable misunderstandings, | : CATARRH ROROTS. Cobb Tapliel har te oil 34:50 wo A Jamba, Shoice ewes : ? ' 3 : destined to cleave our country into| This prescription for the removal coLbs be world hive to hit 500... The De and. wet on, $9.00 o a 5 ne 3 : ' s factions, ; Sal : of freckles was written by a prom- trait star has his over 450. bit has Hogs = eeeipis le t ad prices a | What 8 our aim in teaching? |inent physician and is usutlly so suc- Broit Star Bas Bis over 339. but has firm. Selected, ed and waterec \ > ; | Sus alm is 'to 'teach tolerance, and |cessful in removing freckles and giv- of 1479 : 39.50 to $9.50 weighed off cars, © Bn Te me oo iach to be row ling 4 csv. ieawtifel ; completion 479. : i 9.5 9.6 reighe ATS. ecled so long as they are sincere, that it is sold by Geo. W. Mahood The match between Cornwall and -- whether rooted in reason, the heart, under giarantee to refund the mon- Montreal for the Shamsplonship of or in the intellect ey if it falls hin trouvie. voling dois. svoised Creslens She 'piostnaued fom. aa ant : ys make no appeal to Divine in- ; Don't hide your freckles under a to ton ESO ey pis Will he Played of en spira ion, neither in promising hon- | veil; get an ounce of othine and re-. inspired with Preah, i aeisebiic vapor: Toronto News: Just When we are est folks the IWeets of Puradise nor move them. - Even the first few'am 800thed the sore throat and stops the cough, assuring getting ready for baseball and. .la- 76; hogs, $1,700. ; PBI in worrying them with the darkness plications should show a wonderful vestiul nights. It is invaluable to mothers with b Trade good without any material . La of hell. Our principle is that hu- improvement, some of the lighter young manity ought to win its own salva- freckles vanishing entirely. Sead postal for descriptive booklet, § | CTOSSe the Intercollegiate rugby : A i ota = ci change in prices, quality considered. ' ALL DRUGGISTS. § | union meets at Kingston and draws . tion by toll and suffering. Be sure to ask Geo. W. Mahood for "If the church brought us only [the double strength othine; it s Ty CRESOLENE up a 'schedule. These college boys A few choicgg Easter beaves sold y Wiss JUNE BRIDGYS her belief, her peace, her benediction [this that is sold on the money-back A ATL Bl | wait to be in.the limelight all the |2t : Pe iy Nip uile prime hrougit time, oon AbD . In "A Girl of the Underworl 1," « Gr 'day, Apri and ic, . ie 2 common, 4 1-2¢ to 5 1-2¢. n "A Girl of the nderworl 1," at the Grand on Saturday, April|to the dead, her consolation to thed guarantee. ior fro 9 Winnipeg is to have a new athletic 3 1-2c¢ to 8c. Sheep, 6¢ to; 11th, Matinee and Night. - living, we would not distress our- Sessa, OUR FRESH GROUND CO#. . FEE AT 40¢c. CAN'T BE BEAT Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAA'S GROCERY, Montreal Live Stock Montreal, April 6--(West end market) --cattle, receipts about $1,- 200; calves, 600; sheep and lambs, selves about her. But she wishes to ee : tam Yalves ? Ve. organization known as the Winni-| Calves, 3 e Co. : ; i 1-2¢. Lambs, 8 1-2¢°to 9c. Hogs Y peg Athletic club, which will erect a -p wy , by id ns | ha ar. building at a cost of about $750,000 |9 3-4¢ to 10c. {De the government and to conquer. if the plans of ex-Mayor Waugh and Four carloads of north-west cattle CHINA IS PROTESTING PURFTANISM IN GERMANY She wishes to reconquer the preroga- several other prominent Winnipeg] Were sold at from 7c to 8 1-dc. Eminent Men Protest Agai > tom er IY le republic, 0es or as er spor{smen materialize. wn ---- ' ; otest Against a Pro- | 0 bring force into the service of the Although the McGill rugby team Chicago Live Stock has suffered a number of unexpected] Chicago, April 6--Catle--Receipts blows since the close of last season, 1.600. Market strong to 10c higher posed Drastic New Law at, i : ot py : Berlin, April 8.---Germa ellec- "Well, then, I say that if there is WHITE GIRLS tuals are at ESTE AR: i8tellec. a regime that ought to face her it is' one of the most severe came yester- | Beeves, $7 to $0.55; Texas steers, wh------ projected new law to safeguard the ig publican regime, for the repub- day when it was announced that|$7.25 to $8.30; stockers and feeders,| From Oriental Restaurants--Asks [morals of youth by banning every- u a B52 faith whose task is the Lemay, the husky middle wing play-|$6.50 to 37.90; cows and heifers,| mp ¢ it be Held Over Till Constitu. | {hing suggestive of the nude or sex- in ne men's souls. ; er, would not turn out with the]$3.70 to $8.45; calves, $7 to $10.50. tual from shop windows, store coun- deel rep y. lo your challenge, as champions next fall. At the present Hogs -- Receipts 37,000. Market tionality is Decided ters and billboards ae are by yourselves as children of time Lemay stands firm in his de-{slow, steady to 5c lower. Light, Toronto, April 8.--Complaint has Agitation for the new law sprang 8.0 urch, soldiers of the pope: You cision not to turn out again, and un-!$8.70 to $8.92 1-2; mixed, $8.65 to|been made on behalf of the Chinese |from recent bold exhibitions of cor. Day Wel) repeat the saying Montal- 168s he ¢an'be prevalléd upon by {$8.92 1-2; heavy, $8.45 to $8.87 1-2; | government of the clause in a bill | sets, lingerie and other feminine fin- om : Coach Shaughnessy, McGill will have rough, 8.45 to $8.55; pigs, $7.60 to|to amend the factory act brought in|ery in Berlin, which 'ure now pro- Ail scendants of the--erusaders to find another man to take his|$8.70; bulk of sales, $8.80" to $8.35.|by Hon. James 5. Duff, prohibiting | hibited -----~ | Will mot give way before the children place on the line. Sheep -- Receipts 30,000. Market | the employment of white girls by The law is drawn up s¢ drasticslly of Voltaire. steady to 10e lower. Native, $5.40 to|orientals in restaurants. This com-|that it threaten grave injustice to| .-° then I say to you: $6.90; yearlings, $6.50 to §7.45;{plaint, which comes through Yang|art dealers and publishers, who may | . . Descendants of the revolution iambs, native, $7.35 to $8.25. Shu Wen, Chinese consul-general for | henceforth be debarred from exhibit- will not allow a renewal of the heavi- rete Canada at Ottawa, and G. F. Fergu-|ing any painting, book engraving or est tyranny that ever existed.' Buffalo Live Stock. son, K.C., also of that city, pointed | print which deals with the human Morere Pilte Teka London, April 8.--Stores on pure-| East Buffalo, N.Y., April 6--Cat- [out that an appeal with respect to form divine Linless that form be clad. Mercury, Pills Taken on Dare AGAINST THE BILL TO EXCLUDE Phone 1267 Opposite Y.M.C.A.- CO-OPERATIVE STORES For Oxford Students--Scheme Simi« lar to That Tried in Dublin --------------------------p------ . t I ' a i ot ge The Goethe ag i i Chicago April 8. --Sev " as a 0 A s tle--Receipts, $4.600: heavy; active. |similar legislation passed by the| The Goethe League, which is un- ago, April 8.--Seventeen-year- y Ly By RY nes and Manused un 10¢ to 15¢ higher; others fairly ac-|legiSlature of Saskatchewan is now |der the management of the poet and | old Marjorie Chancery, who swal- Stop Hair From abt ee ext t at Oxford. T tive and strong to easy. Prime|Pending before fhe imperial privy|dramatist, Dr. Ludwig Fulda, has|lowed mercury tablets because a man . oe ry ne; a lines with 1k steers, $8.85 to $9.10;shipping, $8 to council, the supreme court of the |heid an active and vigorous meeting | dared her, died here.) The police. are Coming Out » a ron . 8 a 3 d by Dub-|$8.55; butchers, $6.75 to $8.40; [Province and the supreme court of |of protest in Berlin, with a view of | searching for the man named by 'the h Joroperative society slarled. By eifgrs, $6 to $8; cows, $3.75 to|Canada both deciding the question of | amending the proposed "purity" law. [8irl. She said she -accompanied him , A harmless home remedy compound- |lin university last October and which | heifers, § 38; . $3.75 : Just whe . ! ed' principally from the powerful Juice 4 : a om sat suceess Lord 7.2%; bulls, $6 to $7.50; stockers|the constitutionality of the law in| Thé league holds that if the law be |on a Saturday ight joy ride to JUS W lat you need! "A of the Pernambuco shrub of Peru, has |Provec A a re i a Plunk- |and feeders, $5.75 to $7.35; stock |favor of the province. vlaced in the penal code as now |Soveral road houses and swallowed |DNEW pair of shoes to ecom- gS i. pe fang of ate fom Shartes TE th rit ges plik ny heifers, $5.25 to $5.75; fresh cows Yang Shu Wen asked that the|framed artistic Germany will have [the tablets when he chalienged ' her slete v » Easter i the scalp. Ben and women w hose hair gt. the gresl Ruthority on o-opera and springers, steady, $35 to $85. measure now before the legislature | forced upon it the same sort of wild, | to commit suidide, ple f Your Faster attire. is growing alarmingly thin and falling [llOD, are members 1k eVals, -- Receipts, ;1,600; active | be allowed to stand until the decision | irresponsible police censorship as -- - We have some snappy oi badly EE os Yt with The management ot the stores will and steady $6 eo 312. : : : of the privy council is known He | Was contemplated by the notorious Gas Gushes on for Years stylish looki lels Tr fectly harmless and very inexpensive be on the hunis Af a ne Hogs -- Receipts, $14,500; active |2lso pointed out that the bill might [lex Heinze at the beginning of the Kane, Ma. April 8.--The famous | + Going mog ens m on whole a Pr err ig eter oe i and Steady to 5t lower; hogs, 10c to interfere with the rights conferred century Keoler well atyWetmore, the greatest |OUr NeW stock which will ap- + mix together in an 8 oz. bottle 2 oz oi pa with the undergrad- 20c higher; heavy, $9.15 to $9.36; |0n Japanese by the existing treaty Dr. Fulda's protest is supported by | ever drilled in this country, is still peal to vou Lavona de Composee, 6 oz. Bay Rum |WOr sd Tb mixed, $9.30 te. $9.35; yorkers,|Petween Great Britain and Japan. [men like Prof. Ostwald, Prof. Max [one of the best producers in McKean y Ay and 3% diachm of Menthol < rystals ates themselves, from which the idea aD r $9.35; 2igs, 15 2X AL rs. Then there was a treaty pending be- | Liebermann, Prof. von Lisat, Prof. | county The 'well, which registered Y ou will solve the ques- hour, when it 4g ready for use. The prang. Dublin, 'the stores will begin | Toughs, $8.36 to $8.50; stags, $7 to|tWeen Canada and China, which had | Haeckel, Gerhart, Hauptmann, Max|4,000,000 or 5.000000 feet a day, | tion of style and comfort if yuan She ABOVE 1 o ea by stocking groceries tobacco and $7.75; dairies, $9 to $9.35. been negotiated by Hon. George E.| Osborn, Waiter Bloem and a host of | when it was drilled, soven years 880: | youl Wes ra air of , diluted and sclentifically prepared for simils + commodities. The ambition Sheep and lambs--Receipts, §17,-| Foster, minister of trade and com-, thers distinguished in art, science [ig still producing 300,000 feet of |- ear a pair o Inedical purposes, To stop Lhe hair , ne s rospansibh for the scheme |000;) slow; ewes steady; others, |merce. It ig likely that the progress | and lette gas 'a day ) rom vaming oMt and to quickly start io 1086 résponsidle Fee Fo Wowie >| of this legislation will be stayed un- They admit that the obi . WYE s Hi hey on briskly into the 8 first of ali to teagh the main prin: $8.40; he Bhs, 36.30 ne til' the oy council YouEn on new" law ys mas lanl jet he SA R'S SHOES scalp, § tior sk o ef' . a : 3 " .40; yearlings, $5.5 ) ab; d h 1 d 8 § = 5 Inassails , 1 are v . it " meaip' with the finger. tips or a med. |eiples of co-operation by practical] Lo 0 Vearings, 35.50 to 37.78:1 00 Foe, JOC fe Ae | that 'a elearcs form. of Ikeroretar : Our stoek is selected from jum stiff brush for about five minutes | experience of its advantages. Prin-} We Boro Buf bon Se. 56: | gested that an amendment be made { and enforcing it must be found the best Canadian and Ar each night and morning. After three cipal' among these Will be less expen $6.50; sheep, mixed, 6.50 io $6.56; 5 al an am x mi ng 1 . © © ana Am- or four days' use in this way you can-|*! : ; 3 clipped lambs, $5 to $7.25 to the municipal act empowering TT rie: " faet 3 not find 'a ingle loose or straggling |sive foods and the distribution of the + 9 $i.20. factory inspectors or chiefs of polic : : y d ; eriean manuiactures. hair. Dandruff will disappear and |profits among those who support the SE t 55 judement thn Bthess oF PEACE FOR WOMAN-HATERS or Infants and Children. itching cease, and in about ten days stores It is hoped alse that the Opposed to Sunday; Funerals 0 pass Judgm upon the fitness o a you will find your scalp, covered with |S By I g * Brockville, April 8A | orientals: to employ white girls be- | . il The Kind You Have Always Bought a thick growth of fine downy new |glores will deal a blow at the eredit| Brockville, April 8. At a meeting fore consenting to such employment. | Exclusive Bachelor Quarters' on hairs, which will grow with amazing |gystem in vogue at the universities, | of the Ministerial association ves- . : 2] "Ocemif-Going Ship Bears 1€ awyer rapidity. ____| which is a direct temptation to mem- | terday the members placed them- he IER 2 EY i Yor} April < ] 1. ict the ME bers to run up heavy bills, out of all} selves on record as being opposed to EDISON WANTS GOOD CHEW ou ork pri Bachelors' | Signature of -------- juarters are the latest' form of ox- oe Ore Vek Canada Bread Co. had written to the heads of th partments at his works here that he proportion to their allowances. Sunday funerals, as interfering A Gelvin Who Owes His Life to Radi- seriously with their church services, |Sends to "Red Kelly," for Some of | clusiveness in steamship :tcavelling. ...~ {and the secretary was instructed to Right Tobacco I'he Fabre lina management an- CURED OF TONGUE CANCER |communicate accordingly with the West Ogange, April R.--Althot 3 a the first cabin devoted to the "use of and Prompt Payments um, Tax Rate Higher would be home yesterday, Thomas A backelox * ni The Aunouncemsnt ' Denver, April S.--Declaring that he Brockville, April- 8.--At the town | Edison bas been prevailed upon by his goo on ; The quarters will be in In case of fire loss, insure with had finally meant to take his own life | council meeting the rate of taxation | wife to remain at their winter howe | ¥0% pro¥imity to. the numerous . ny . . . Denver man, just returned from Johns back to work," the inventor wrote. | od within ty feet. of these bachelor 6% First M Bonds « Bl wil on Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, told of "Some men might get sick and tired | quarters, which will constitute in . what he pronounced, on the. authority FEEBLE OLD PEOPLE of work, but, as the boy in the office | themselves a men's clup absolutely PARTICULARS ON REQUEST ; of his physicians, to he the most eof says, 'believe me. I'm tired of being | protected from female invasion." - nounced that its new vessel,. the undertakers. } > if radiom had failed to ewre him, | was fixed at thirty mills, two mills {at Fort Meyer, Fia., until April 16th baghe and 'also very neat the Am- » a fective' treatment for cancer thus far} idle. It's enting and sleeping and i i) ' ; experienced. Are Told How to Regain Strength | walking around. Ii this satisfies any Mi redle I a Mr. Gelvin is sixty-two years old. hog gt able-bottied. activesminded man. some lany Needlessly Blind ; > : ~ 'Torogto Patria, will have a large section of Franklin Pierce Gelvin, a prominent | higher than last year. "The missus just won't let me cof Terican bar. No :wémen vill be berth. ye and Vigor ] 4 Washingt April 8.--0f the. 100. In addition to being cured of cancer, one olight to put him up as the wo ashington, April §.- ie 100, he says he was cured of deatness and | 4. one grows old the waste of the {man salirage candidate for president." 0a sightless persons in the, Enited \12 King B East - catarrh, ailments which had got been cog nm Lecomes more rapid than re- | Jack oi work is not all that annoy: | States 40.000 'are reedlessly blind; in . = = superduced by his cancer. de- pair. the organs act more slowly Mi. Edison. He cand get just the § he opinion of many men who « de clares he returns to his family, & wife and loss efiectively than' in youll} kind of tobacco that he wants in Flo ote | their lives to caring for the and daughter, as vigorous and heal-| \- . ' » ; (rida, so he has written to William H | isightless. For that reason the most thy as pe was at twenty-five. \ the. lution aon, the, blood | Meadoweroit, his private secretary, to | mportant discussion to be had © be "I was the first Coloradan to be v ' . " in SH . get 'Red Kelly' in building 18 and | 'ore the first national conference of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and } pend it down to me io a hurry. He § workers: "for 'the hilnd. witch opens Idle Money _--L cured by the radium trestment," said |. Sr rr : i i ~ VEN mn small Mr. Gelvin. "1 the first person, | TOD tonic without oil, is the ideal {also sends his compliments to "Red," } hare on Aprit 16th, will be on the Guide For Buying a Bicycle REPUTATION~Is the wheel well known as years? We can tell you of Massey Bicycles ot Danuction tor use in Kingston for ten years und are still going fine. 2 MATERIAL---[s the frame of tho hest seamless tubing? Are all Joints re-enforced? Has it got four coats of enamel and one of say mS physicals. to' be cared por. strengthener and body-builder for saying that he knows a good chew, oreventSon. of blindness. The confer- sof ones he tongue: It [old folks, for it contains the very wer as Maney, hn d Ee I new We. Ra- elements needed to rebuild wasuing Villagers Join in Digging Grave ance will Jast thee Sass dium, the life-giving metal, is, with. [tissues and | replace weakness "with | yop) Mo. April 8.~Every man ir out doubt, the greatest boon given to [strength. Vinol also fortifies the | 0" nbn assisted in digging the mankind." system against colds and' thus pre- grave of John Burton, uged. eighty : ] EERE a vents pneumonia. years, who had been a resident fo rust-proof before enamelling? | Charges Against Police Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, i3a., | {ears and had dug or assisted in dig PROTECTION OF AND PARTS--The bright parts should | Port Hope, April 8.--The air is{says: "If people only knew the | Ging every grave in the cemetery: He all be copper-plated before being nickelled. The spokes should full of charges and counter-charges{g0od Vinol "does old people I am jover accepted money for such ser- eS the best Pine, wire and rust-proot. that the police of the town have been | Sure' You would be unable to supply | vices. ' detects in material ang a nship, owt Fay a whaet bec bribed by the hotel keepers to wink |ihe demand. ¥ never took amy- EH, lk i | Jat: thing before that did me so much | Adam's downfall was due to 'an a cause it is cheap, because you want a wheel that will be as good at violations of the Liquor License IT Adam's dow 0 p- Sule 3s Shean. Gessuie you u Act, and an investigation before the [good as Vinol. It is the 'Minest 'ple, but many another-dowsiall can county judge will be held. tgnic and W h creator § ever be traced to a peach. -- wd in my life." an ! It is easier for the average man to Here's two privileges the average| 1f Vinol fails to build up ° the stand adversity than prosperity, and man insists upon : first, the right to [jeéble, old people, and create stren- much more common, firth Jdo as he pleases, and, second, the jgth, we will return your money. i If a woman marries the wrotg man i 4 Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, King- | it is because the right ope failed to 'ston, Ont, Jsk her. ? wo amounts be pat to work It earn from four ix per cent for