If you desire to look well among the masculine contin- gent of the Easter fashion parade, whether ar attend- ant at chureh or a promen- adet, your new suit or spring overcoat must be correct in style and faultless in fit. The very high- est type of Ready-to- Wear Apparel is rep resented by our Clothing If your taste inclines towards conservatism or if you are an extremist and desire to appear in all the latest kinds of tailordom, make your selection here and you will be in the height of fashion. , ) Suits $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 Spring Overcoats $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00. Choice and shirts. gloves, hosiery, éxelusive styles in neekweear. hats and other outfitting. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET- A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk 98c SALE Thursday, 8.30 0'clock A Big Special Purchase of New York House Dresses. We bought at a _ very low price to clear the lot. 60 doz. House Dresses in ten different stiles * made from good quality, Print, Cham- bry and Anderson's best quality Scotch Ginghams, fast in color against water and sun. We have them in all sizes, 34 to 44; goods selling regular £1.50, $1.75 $2.00, Price for Thursday ..... . 98¢c 17 doz. La Diva Corsets, handsomely trim- med and daintily finished; non-rust- able, non-breakable, four garters at- tached to everv pair. A regular $1.50 corset. Thursday 98¢ wos 24 dos. Opaline Crepe Underskirts Thig is the best imitation of crepe de chine'ev- er made They come in all the new eol- ors. Paddy, Cerise, Purple, Copen, Tan, White, Pink, Black. This skirt tls regular at $1.75. Price Thursday. . /98c & WAISTS . 35 doz. New York Waists, all the latest cuts in yokes and sleeves, low neck, high neck, short and long sleeves, all sizes. 36 to 44. Regular prices of these Waists £2.00 and $2.50. Price for Thursday LEAVING FARMERS WAITING IN | HOTEL FOR THEM Two Immigrants Had Their Passage Out Paid, Having 'Bargained 'to Work on Farms Near Kingston. ; Linmigration Officer George Hun- ter is on the 'lookout for the two men who arrived in Kingston from England on Monday morning' and , immediately beat it for parts "un- known. It appears that before the two men left England they agreed: to work with two farmers who live about fourteen miles from Kingston. On Monday morning when the young men arrived in the city, they j Xere taken in charge of by the im- ! migration officer who introduced them to their new employers, who were stopping at Windsor hotel. After a conversation with the Fron- tenae farmers, the two Englishmen stated that they had left their bag- | gage at the station and asked to be | allowed to go there for the purpose of getting their belongings. They left the hotel and have never been heard of since. \ When the men did not return the farmers informed the immigration officer, but up until the present time he has heard nothing. It is stated that the men were not satisfied with their bargain, and decided to move out. They also claimed that they were misinformed" by the authorities in England before they shipped for Canada. Betore leaving, their passage 'was paid. on condition that they would refund the money after they secured a position. The agreement with the parties on this side of the water was that they were to deduct their salary until the passage had been paid. The young men would not stand for such a condition, \___ STOCK MARKETS F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8H Brock StH. W. Nelles. Manager, Closing Prices, April Sth. Montreal. Canpers . 53% Cement 914 Cement com. 31 R.&0O 100 Toronto Railway 138 Brazilian ; ' 03 Textile ... wis 79; Shawinigan .. 133% Detroit ........ 69 Macdonald (..... 13 Dominion Stes w. 3] Spanish River 12% Twin City Bell: Telephone . FE Ottawa Light, Heat and Power... Hid. 148 New York Coppers | Smelters CPR. Reading asin Union Pacific , United States Steel Erie .. aset tl Atghison ... Northern Pacitic : Brooklyn Rapid Transi Rubber ...... .. Lehigh Valley American Can New Haven Railway Southern Pacific Cotton | | § Ma huly | Oct | De Wheat ! May : , Corn-- , July | May Oats- - July Sept -------- Basket Ball Games On Tuesday evening one of the keen- est fought bagketball games which has been pulled offi at the Y.M.C.A. m some time, took place in the gymnasi- um when the teams captained' by Harry Twigg and Allan Murray met in the Ldgar trophy series. After play- ing twenty minutes overtime Twigg's team pulled out by one point, the final score heing 13 to 14. At full time the score was standing 11 to 14. These games are between employed boys teas and are causing great interest around the "YY. A very large num ber of the employed boys are on hand to cheer for the teams Wegpnlentns ' a = + lined up: Twigg's team--McLaughlin, MeGall, Jamieson, Elmer and Twigg. Murray team--Gimlett, Shaw, Bell, FO'Neil, Northmore and Murray An Interesting Picture There will be shown every jaiter- neon this week. .at the King Fdward theatre, 630 feet of picture showing the construction of shoes; how they factory of the famous Shoe Co., of Brockton, the them, the Walk-Over Mass., and work. The Walk-Over plant is one of the largest in Amerfica. and turns out 22.000 pairs of men's and ladies' fine shoes every working day. The shoes are sold in Kingston by the Lockett Shoe Store. Non-payment of Wages In the case of Maurice Judge vs. Fallon Bros. for non-payment of wages, heard at the police court on Monday, a settlement was made by Fallon Pros. paying $41.80 and costs of the court. He sued for $66.40. In the case of another workman, John was made by the payment of $52.80 by Fallon Bros. D. A. Givens peared for the complainant' in each case. 2 ""PBuy Cold Tablets" at Gibson's Al. G. N. Gordon has been ap- { pointed city solicitor of Pete~horo. | 'Lhe unionists officially announce no | opposition to Asquith in East Fife. | PA lerrimon's pure maple syrup, Crawford's. i . Robert Hayde, grocer, ' Midland, Ont., was mysteriously hl "Fresh Hupler's sweets." Gibson's. three-quarters of | s | Young men of the unionist party in are made, the maehines for making | employees leaving | Henry, who sued for $69, a settlement | { ap- ISH WHIG WEDNESDAY [By HEAVIER TAXATION ON COMPANIES The Amendments to the Supplemen- tary Revenue Act Will Bring the Above Amount to the Province. Toronto, April 8.--A prospective augmented provincial revenue of he- tween £000,000 and £700,000 is provid- ed for in a bill to amend the supple- mentary revenue act of the! province, which was introduced in the legisla- ture by Hom. I. B. Lucas, provincial treasurer, yesterday afternoon. The bill, which fallows along the lines in- dicated by Mr. Lucas in his budget speeches this year and a year ago as well, raises taxes all round on banks, insurante and loan cQmpanies, trust co iéd, racing assdciations, telephone, telegraph and railway com- panies: . . This new grading-up legislatj pro- vides, with regard to the banks, that the tax will he increased to one-fifth of one per cept. on paid-up capital, instead of one-tenth, as at present. I'his is up-to the $6,000,000 mark, with 8560 for every ¥100,000 in excess of 26,000,000. The tax for the head of- fice is raised from 2100 to 2500, and from $25 to $50 for each branch office or agenty im the. province. 'The hfe insurance tax on gross premiums is to be raised from one to one and three quarters per eent., and other insur- ance companies twa- thirds to one per cent. Fire, insurance companies will bring in an extra $40,000. Loan com- panies will be levied one-eighth of one per cent, 'on the paid-up capital, in- stead of a tax that now works out at about ome-twelith of one per cent, Irust éompanies, in addition to the { present tax, equal to. one-fourth ot one per cent- on paid-up eapital, will pay a tax of one per cent., calculated on the gross annual income. In the case of telegraph companies the tax will be one-fifth instead of one-tenth ol one per cent. on the capital invest- ed in the province. Ope thousand dol- lars will be exacted from telegraph companies 'for each 100 miles of dis- tance their business cové¥s. "I'he for- mer figure was $300 Tuesday in the Legislature Hon. James Duff's bill to amend fac- tory, shop and office building act pasted through committee, and it %as agreed to proclaim the clause regard ing employment of women by \Orient- als should privy council decssion *1n Saskatchewan case be favorable. An amendment by Mr. Marshall (Monck) regretting constructive leader «hip in dephrtment of education failed. At the request of Hon. Mr. Hanna C. H. Gooderham withdrew his mo- tion that a commission should be ap- pointed 'to investigate the working of the present system of municipal gov: ernment in the province, Mr. Pratt's bill incorporating a hoard of racing supervisors was with- drawn. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of Short Items Run in To- gether, New maple syrup at Crawford's. Dutton's safe !' Common Sense boots fias. . Several Toronto physicians were mulcted of considerable sums 'by the | tyickery of gypsy women | { "lee'cream bricks" for Faster. Gih- { son's Must clear! Women's #4 ati flioots or shoes, $1.75. Dutton's sale. Ingersoll fire hrigade went on strike, as the council did not deal with the] demands for increased pay. | "Buy Cold Tablets" at Gibson's. | | Faster gifts for ment 31.50 slippers, | Toe. 30c. ties, 25¢.: President braces, | { 40e. * Dutton's sale. | Ireland are demanding a speedy set | tlement. of the Ulster question Don't niiss this ! Lawn blouses, from | 500 } | | ; corset covers, 25¢.; hose, black or | tan, two pairs 25¢. Dutton's sale. { "Icecream bricks" for Easter. Gib. | son's. { I'he London county council has de- | cided to prevent married women doc- | tors from serving in the public health | department. { "Buy Spring Tonics" at Gibson's Men ! $4.50 gun metal boots, button or lace, £3.25. . Dutton's sale. { Dr. Alexander Fraser, Taronto supteds the late Sir George Ross as nonorary president of the Gaelic Society of Canada. | "Buy Flake Camphor'™ at Gib- son's More bargains, Summer vests, two for 20c.; drawers, t5c.; cotton "drawers, 25e. Dutton's | sale. 2 | Thomas Lipton, ™in a Jetter receiv-' ode in Boston, expresses supreme | confidence that the new challenger he is building will lift the Ameri«| woven | two for ca's cup. "Buy Flake son's " Sale of black sateen waists. ton's : John Beach was instantly killed at Brookfield, his body being buried head first through a board fence as he fell from a moving M.C.R. | » a | Camphor at Gib- i > | | Dut- bor jumped tram. = | "Tee cream bricks" for Faster. Gib | son's. | "Newcombe of Canada. Special sale. Dutton's store. Thomas Gordon, of Camden town- | ship, retired as usual Sunday evening, { and next morning was missing, a hun- f fired friends having searched for him since in vain. 3 "Yee "cream bricks" { son's. I'he eastern and western track of the Grand Trank Pacific met at 1295 pm. on April 7th, at Mileage 375, east of Prince Rupert. The weather is perfect | anfl everything satisfactory. Libelled Steam Yacht Capt. E. 8. Kellar has hibelled the steamyacht Sport and its owners, the Wilber family, of Philadelphia, for | 359, enlary and repairs to the yacht: He claims a breach of contract. The defendants put in a general denial. { Pure Maple Symp | 'We have Merrimon's pure maple syrup. Now is the time to put in supply for the season" J. Crawford: Stetson's Celebrated Hats The new styles at Campbell Bros. piano is the Al piano | bargain during | for Faster. Gib: { APRIL 8, 1014. ~ | \ Good Taste, Good Service, Good Value, | In the New Spring Suits ~ We Are Showing™ ». ' IN the least expensive Suits the simple little : models you want for every day wear, you will find perfection' of line and thorough tailoring, stamping them with smart style and insuring good wear. re In the more elaborate Suits you will find styles, trimmings and materials chosen with the taste that ensures smartness. To-Day We have placed in stock a number of good models just received and at prices that will prove interesting. $15, $16.50, $17.00, $20.00 and on up to $30.00 To-Morrow We will be pleased to show you these NEW SUITS, and you are most welcome & < even if not prepared to buy. & Son 3 Laid NEW EASTER FOOTWEAR Colonials - The New ~~ Shoe Ladies' Colonials in Patent, Suede and Black Satin, with either light or heavy soles, 3.50 to £5.00. A large - assortment of these mew street shoes for Easter trade.