e Daily British YEAR 81--NO. 84 CITY PROPERTY COMMITTEE OPPOSED TO SELLING It is Costing $700 a Year More to "Heat the City Buildings--Fuel Bill May be Less Next Winter The City Property Committee yes- terday afternoon decided that it would not part with the fair grounds. It had before it a reference from -the City Council regarding the matter, | Ald. Sutherland having offered the) council an option he had on the Cataraqui driving park in Willlams- ville, for $9,000. The proposition Was to sell the present fair grounds" by dividing them into building lots, and purchase the driving park for exhibition purposes. The Property Committee did not take long to come to a decision. Ald. Harrison, the chairman, said that it would probably take $70,000 to put the Williamsville grounds into con~ dition for fair purposes. a "Let us keep the present grounds, they are good enough," said Ald. Clugston. 'We have an opportanity of get- ting a fair at present, _ which will grow gradually into something larg- er, and I think we should encourage it," said Ald. Harrison, who express- ed the opinion that the people would not vote $70,000 for fair grounds buildings. "I think," Ye said, "that we should adopt the English idea of what we have we'll hold." { Alds. Richardson and White con- curred in the idea of retaining the present grounds, while Ald. Peters, who stepped into . the committee ' ¥oom from the Board of Works meet- | ing, advised the property members | not to sell unless the proposed ew | grounds were to be put into shape. | a AID FOR FISHERMEN London Times Makes Appeal for Blizzard Sufferers London, April 9.--As hinted by Sir Edward Morris, premier of Newfound: and, an appeal is hueityy made to the British public on behalf of the suffer- ers in the sealing disaster. An nppeal in the Times, setting: forth the dan- gers and hardships endured hy the sealers, is signed' by Governor Walter Davidson and the premier, Sir Edward Morris, both vf whom are now in Lon- don REV. J graduate of na DD. by W. H. MILNB Queen's who will be his Alma Mater on A giver Any way, the city could not stand the | April 28th expense, he said. | A resolution was passed ,to the effect that no action be taken on the | proposition to sell the grounds. The committee renovations to the started last fall and city pleted, cost $12,821, while the by- electric light, A num- jed about a yard from an ordinary arc law provided only $12,000, ber of extras brought up the amount lamp. 1 i The present | lasts for fifteen minutes a'day, but is have to gradually increased to two hours and to the former figure. committee will probably found that the head of the buildings, | has efiected recently com- |of surgical tuberculosis by exposure to Cured by Electric Light Copenhagen, April 9.--Dr. Reyn, the Finsen Light Institute, several "complete cures' the patients being plac- At the beginning the exposure stand the additional $821 out of its a half. 'appropriation, which was not very encouraging to it. Ald. Harrison remarked that it| would cost $700 a year more to heat the buildings with the new heating | apparatus. It had been said that | the cost would be less, but J. W. Power, architect who was in attend- ance, remarked that the buildings | were never. wholly heated before. It took $400 more fuel and a fireman at a cost of $300 to look after the! heating plant. Mr. Power said that | next winter the fuel bill would be | less, as those in charge would know | how to run the furnaces better, MAMMA, DADDY AND CH LOVE "CALIF | BARMLESS SFRUIT LAXATIVE i) CLEANSES STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS A delicious cure for constipation, biliousness,* sick headache, sour The committee had made inquiry stomach, indigestion, coated tongue, from the Dominion government as to | #/10Wness--take "Californa being gr twright's point for | Of Figs." ng granted Sartwiisht's ig nt > | this distress lies in a torpid liver a public park. Syrup For the cause of al Nickle, M.P., from Lieut.-Col. C. F. [20d sluggish bowels. Winter, military secretary, stated | that the smaller portion of the pro perty is being continued under lease | to Lady Cartwright, who at present holds a ninety-nine year lease from 1904. The larger portion of the 125 acres in rear of the point, is being taken over by the militia department from the 1st of April, 1914. Thus there is little chance of the city get ting any lease. In attendance were Alds. Harrison (chairman), Bews, McCann, Rich- ardson and White. Frenchwomen Can't Vote Paris, April 9.-- French women have not the right to vote, accord- ing to a decision pronounced by the court of cassation. The Women's Rights league of France has tried | constipation, poison, waste | Jetf Certa to have its members register as voters for the coming elections aml had applied to the lower court, which ruled against them. peal was then made to the higher court which confirmed the decision Ask Your Doctor Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? No! Does it the nerves? Noi Is Ayers a a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Ask your doctor about this fam- ily medicine and learn more. Do as he says. ¥glebrd CAser co, ory Come Early > FOR FIRST OHOICR OF OOM. ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT. NOW ON HAND AEST VALUR IN CITY. Ashby the: Tailor "Phone 1518 ~ An ap | ed ng present nt compound and Beauty. Furt! & nce is bel almost Shai a rece new ia Lwith h ites is in real- A a bl enh the sbhormal- - thin me in fF A tablespoonful to-night means ali matter, fermenting food and sour bile gently moved out of your system by morn- ing without gripivg. Please don't OUT ON BAIL CONNECTION WITH THE ALBANY FORGERY CASE i ---- § The Extradition Papers Found In- sufficient--The Case Was Adjourn. ed for a Month by Judge Lavell Ernest Villard, who was arrested by Police Constable Bateson on Thursday, March 26th, at the re- quest of the police department at Albany, N.Y., on a charge of forgery, which, it is alleged, was committed on March 21d, 1910, was released by Judge H. A. Lavell, on Thursday morning, the wife and son of the accused putting up bonds to _the ex- tent of $2,000. At the extradition hearing, held in the court house, on Wednesday after- noon, T. J. Rigngy, who has been acting on behalf of the accused, rais- ed 3, objection to Villard being taken across the border to face trial. Mr. Rigney objected on the grounds that the papers which were sent by the United States government were not sufficient. The United States government accuses Villard of forg- ery, but the forged document was not forwarded here. The Canadian law demands that such a document should be produced. D. A. Givens, who has been acting on behalf of the United States gov- ernment, was aware that there was not sufficient documents for some time, and for that reason bad been In communication with the Albany authorities, but had not received a reply. In' granting bail, the judge stated that Villard would have to appear as soon as the necessary documents ar- rived from across the border. There is a possibility that the case will not be heard fort about one month's time. While acting as general secretary- treasurer of the International Hod Carriers' and Building _ Labofers' union, . Villard is alleged to have forged the name of Dominick D'Ales- sandre to a cheque for $30. Since his arrest he has been confined to cells at the police station. , Judge Lavell, in summing up the case, stat- ed that he did not think the prisoner should be kent in configement any longer ILDREN ALL ORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" {think of "California Syrup of Figs" as a physic. Don't think you are drugging yourself or your children. because this delicious fruit laxative ¢an not cause injury. Even a deli cate child can take it as safely as a robust man. It is the most harmless effective stomach, liver and bowel regulator and tonic ever devised: Your only difficulty may be in get: ting the genuine; so ask your drug- gist for a 50 cent bottle of "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs." Say to yowr druggist "I want only that made by ithe 'California Fig Syrup Com- pany.' This city has many coun terfeit "fig syrups" so watch out. IN KINGSTON, LEADER OF HUMBERT'S COURT Italian Patriot Milan, Italy, April 9.-The Duchess Fugenia di Litta, who played a promi- nent role at the court of the late King Humbert of Italy, died yesterday at the age of seventy-seven. The Duchess di Litta was an ardent patriot and during the struggle for Italian independence led the women of the Lombardy aristocracy in refusi to attend court balls participated by Austrian officers. « Before ascending the throne King Humbert was so lavish in his atten- tions toward the "duchess that Queen Margherita in 1875 returned her nup-~ tial ring to her father-in-law, King Victor Emmanuel 1I, declaring that she would not wear it while the duch- ess was received at court. Sor With time, however, this resentment wore away and when King Humbert was assassinated at Mopza in 1900, Queen Margherita ordered "hat the Duchess di Litta be informed imigedi- ately and she, after the queen, Was the first person to reach the side = of the dead monarch. : ------------ JAPAN UTTERLY CONFUSED in Seems Impossible to Form a Government. Tokio, Japan, April. 9. _The Jap- anese Empire has been thrown into a condition of *utter political con- fusion by the inability of Viscount Keigo Kiyoura to form a cabinet to replace that under the premiership of Count Yamamoto. The viscount informed the emperor that he had been compelled to give up the task entrusted to him. All the political groups, as well as the navy, have virtually gone on strike ous progressive factions declare that the constitution is not 'being pro- perly observed while the navy de- mands immediate advances of mo- ney for warship construction and the appointment of a sailor minister. of marine New KILLED HIS COMRADE Who Alienated Affections Wife Paid Penalty Paris, April 9.---A tragedy in wich Maurice : De ia Croix, an inspector of police, shot and kifled his comrade, an intimate friend, Inspector Ray- mond, Dupin, was "enacted at police headquarters! De la Croix obtained: evidence that Dupin was alfeniating the affections of Madame De la Croix. The two officers met at headquarters as us ual, and aiter reporting to. Chief (nspector Lebreton léit his offite to- gether. As the two inspectors descended the stairs Do la Croix, without warning, FOVETVEd shot Dupin five times, killing him instantly. De_la Croix then returned to the chief 'in- spector's office and surfendered. Man --ata London Firms to Merge London, April 9.--An amalgamation scheme was agreed to yesterday he- tween James Nelson Sons, Limited, and the River Plate Fresh Meat com- pany, two of the oldest English com- panies engaged in the trade. Instead of forming a mew company, the Nel- son firm's capital has been increased to £2.000,000 in order to purchas the assets of the River Plate Duchess Eugenia di Litta, Ardent The vari- | as | of | Baking Powder Absolutely Pure strength and keeping quality. Made from pure cream of tartar, the product of grapes, and the most healthful and useful of leavening a gents. "A Recognized everywhere and by experts as the very-highest grade of baking powder-- superior to other brands in purity, leavening Its use insures the bread, biscuit and cake against contamination from the cheap, improper or injurious ingredients from which lower baking powders may be made. SON OF 70 SAVES MOTHER v Carries Her Out of Burning Home to Safety. London, April \ calamity, the intensity of which is not to be mea sured by the mere record of damage done and divelungs destroyed, besail the village of 'Litiles pore the county of Kssex yesterday. Eleven houses, accommodating nearly fifty out of a total population of one hun- dred, were burned to the ground and the laborers whose homes have thus vanished will feel the blow all the more beenuse they earn only threedol- lars a week, and cottages in the coun- ty are everywhere scarce. Among those A centen- arian woman. Her son, who is seven- ty-three, working in a back garden when he saw the cottages at the lower end of the sticet on fire and had oaly time to help his mother out of bed and into the garden when 9 saved was was AAA A AO PPP PAA thatched roof of the house col He put his mother in a wheel- and wheeled her away to the lapsed. barrow safety The old woman's greatest apparent regret was that she bad not brought away her spectacles, Peeler for Brockville Council Brockville, April® 9.--The council meetings of late have been somewhat turbulent in character and to main- tain the dignity of the chamber Mayor Donaldson 'had a policeman on hand in uniform. to" act specially at his com- mand. Thé gathering throughout was quite orderly and the wild scene which it was thought the considering of the estimates would entail failed to ma- terialize. Mayor Domaldson's action, the first of its kind ever taken by a chief magistrate in the history of Brockville, has stirred up much local ! feeling. GETS NEW TEETH AT 88 ' Connecticut Woman Wants Rubber Ring to Cut Third. Somers, Conn., April 9.-Mrs, Eu- phemia L. Loughlin, eighty-eight years old, who lives with her tor, Me . of tempted her to get a teething ring, presaged a mew sot of molars. Mrs. Doughlin says her first teeth never amounted to much, but with ber second sho eould masticate tough. steaks until twenty years ago. Al- ready she has cut three lower teeth and the upper set are due in a week or so. ---------- In this * land of plenty there are plenty of people who haven't. It's much easier to borrow trouble | than to .get rid of it. Beo:moo! sav <M. Poe ng 4 UST. HIT mE EETREIEN E ' inly Is A Rough Person When Aroused / tm TiRED ON YOU J CF QuYSs TB MPosing AMUSE OUR MrTie, y 60 Down amp | . NAT GUYS Head OFF. { le Kee A Pat "© 0 oj I Am { MUTT GOOD OLD FRIEND AT THAT. He Bears me uP BUT HE won't LET ANYBOD ELE Do & - | ¢ Sp PRETTY < A Te oF Ig SAY! You LITTLE © 10 BE ASHAMED OF Yours AIN'T AS BiG AS You ARE , UT YOURSELF AND GEY THAT GINK ALONE OR. NENER DARKEN THIS OUGNMT THAT Gu You ue, DOOR. AGAIN ----{_ 71 J r i I I'L & ~ y "Bud" Fisher p Y Now You Go TT ---- Mm GAME L Go GET AT GUY THE Lire e! Serr ISN'T HAL MURDER. IF T'D Jerr WiLL Bea NK WHo Hr F AS Ble AS JEER 1 ] : mse Lr, I'D GET PINCHED FoR HIT Him. VORIM EASY inner? | well, T CErvramny GOY EVEN WITH Ni, TUL BET HE NEBNER. BOTHER tae Ag te ! 5 WHAT DID ~ov DO To Him I CAUGHT A MoT AND THREW IY iN Wis CoAT | T en ol --