PHONE 1 1478 -------- Get Prices From David Marshall Flpumiie rinmbleg, Gastiyiipg > dena | Companies Having Lines on COMPLAIN] OVER THE WAY TAFIR TREES ARE INJURED the Streets Do Stranve Things ~The Property Owners Should Make In- vestigations, Every citizen who has guy lines about his trees, either in his own grounds or on the street in front of Jhis property, should make a mental record of it, and find out from the CHEERING omy's NELY ¥ 10; FLY Bishop of London Points "Out Church's Opportunity London, April 14.--The B'shop of London has taken up the subject of lonely lives in great cities. ~ "Nothing is sadder," said Bishop Ingram, in.'he course of an address al St. Paul's, "than the solitary life of vast numbers of people who are fighting for a living in Londen." The church, he added, might do much, to help thése solitary ones. Th church had yet to learn one of its greatest functions---perfect brother hood. In that respect it had been CONCERT IN STREET CHURCH [ar A QUEEN On Monday Evening -- The Num- bers Were All Well Rendered -- Those Who Took Part. On Monday evening the choir of Queen Street Methodist church gave a delightful concert under the leadership of Mr. Wright, at which a number of selections from the work of Mendelss sohn were rendered. . The first part of, the programme consisted of five chor- 8iX and a quarter inches. KING'S NEW STXLE HAT « George V. Wears a High, Flat-Roof- ed Derby. London, April M.--King has introduced a new style in "bow- wer" hats--or derby hats, as they are cabled in America. It is a hat with a. very high erown, defying re cent tradition. "It is a new stale altogether," said a hatter - yesterday. '"lhe height of the crown must. be at least That is an more than the average crown, The top is almost square and not rounded like the ordinary 'bowler! hat, and the brim is quite extraor- tieorge inch Wednesday, easterly winds, fair at first, showery- before night. a great failure up to now. "What lonely person," asked the bishop, "can you go to cheer and sit with? What about the icnely boys in the banks," who are in lodgings far | tet, What effort do you Mrs. city engineer upon whose authority they were placed there, Citizens are complaining that these wires strung 'about trees, by those ye lines upon the streets, to strengthen uses (in one of which Mrs. J. Evans took a solo part); solo, "O Rest in the Lord," by Miss Freda Miller; sex- "Liit Thine Eves," Mrs. Evans, Wright, Mrs. Joyner, Mrs. Mer dinary." Another hatter sawd: "Whas 1 can't understand--what licks me-- what is beyond my comprehension-- is the band, The band on the king's DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS i172 Pill for Women, $5 a box or three for at ail Drug Stores. or mailed to any of i Dries. Ton Scorers Drud tores | the poles and bear some of the weight upon them. The result has been, in quite a few instances, that trees have been sd badly girdled that they have been practically killed. One property owner récently made an investigation and found almost a dogen wires tied about his trees, e of them seventy-five feet from from. home? ever make to be good to them? What about the typists in London strig- Eling to get a living? Do you women do anything for them? That is the question we have to ask at the foot of the cross." Why, he asked later, should not the example of some of the great laymen of London do something to who, Miss Eva and Wiss Freda Mil- ler; solo, "On Wings of. Night," Archie Pettigrew; solo, "Jersualem, hoy that Killest the Prophets," Mrs. T. Wright; solo, Toasta william Wright Land Mrs. "Consolation," by. The work of all Eva; duet, Mrs. Joyner, and' a solo, - Mrs. J. Evans. the soloists was Evans, Mr. Eva, Mrs, "If with' All Your 1 ceed an inch." hat is at least ome and three-quar- ters inches in depth. Now, the width of any ordinary band does mot ex. "Would you recommend "he hat?" was a general question dddressed to the experis. "It certainly suits his majesty," they say. "It is - cer talinly very individual. © But we FABRIGS the streets. He notified the parties goad, Mrs. 10 remove the wires and this as done; in other instances no heed "I am tired," taken of the warning and the wi a were cut down upon the owner's Fin 'wring checks. lv We Some ButhoriLy. They have not been . re- The bishop save him six invalids : 2 to look aftern East London. ther objectiof, on the part of Bishop Ingram said he did not citizens, is the way in. which com- know why there were rich and why panies, having wires upon the streets, there were poor: It might be in slash into trees. They cut off mba 1, yer that fhe rich mig be made could not make ourselves responsible for such a hat for the average cus tomer. 'We could not possibly take the risk. Jt would be risking our reputation." Despite this it seems likely that King George's 'bowler' will become generally popular season 13 over.' NO AID "TO 0 O01 S help those poorer than themselves be generally follow Wright, and the others being in their usuad form, but that of Miss Freda Miller, who made her first appearance in concert work, deserves special men- tion. She has a fine contralto voice; and with a little training will make an excellent singer. The second portion of the pro- gramme consisted of three choruses, in which Mrs. FE. T, Wright, Archie Petti- grew and Miss Lowery took solo parts, and a iugue, "Lord in Thankful Exultation," by the choir. The organ solo, overture from 'Ruy Blas," hy Miss Kathleen Wright, organist oi Queen street church, was an excellent number. : 1 . Come, study them, and gloat over them, and fall in love with them. « See how they lend themselves in new ways, to the new clingy Bouffant, drapy and silhouette ideas See which of them in this w ide range of new colorings and de- signs, lends itself best to you and your.own particular style. Who does your finish- ing? Are you satisfied with the service you are getting? Do you get prompt and satisfac tory service? sald ore man to before the Here -you get and good results, promptness and make no provision for the safety of the balance of the tree, hence rot Ee po TE ot: Joop hey sets in, with disastrous results. Trees hearts touched by the wonderful gen- valued by owners at hundreds, of del- yosity of the rich. lars, have been mutilated and de- § stroyed. » + 2 If property owners will look into FROM LT RON 10 SUPERIOR the matter closely, companies con- cerned can be made to conform with the law. No guy wire should be, strung or tree touched without a written order from the city engineer. Dominion Government Policy in Re- gard to Shipbuilding Quebec, April 14.--Replying to a delegation of Quebec and Levis citi- zens who interviewed him with re- gard to the establishment of a branch of the Armstrong firm at Lau- Report from the Live Stock Yards [700, where the new drydock is to he on the 13th of April built, Hon, L. P. Pelletier said that Toronto, April 14.--Receipts wore the dominion government recognized moderate 65 cars, 1532 cattle the importance of encouraging this 1121 hogs, 19 sheep and lambs, 25 (Industry, and all government Yessels cattle. would in future be built in Canada. Cattle--Thére wore several fots|!fe would do everything reasonable We develop and print your films properly ' in twenty-four hours. And don't forget you pay 10 cents a roll for develop- ing here--and we have put through over 8,000 rolls since last June. PRICES Little Likelihood of Navigation Be- | TORONTO LIVE STOCK fore Awnril 20th Sault Ste. Marig, Mich., April 14 "From present indications it is not probable that steamers will be able 4 to make their way from Lake Huron to Lake Superior much before the $ nEehts to Btew u usual time. For the last twenty King Conse ich Steward Acting at yéars this has occ urred about April eago 20. In 1902 the first boat was lock- London, April 14.--W. 8. MaeWil- [ed through April 1, while the latest liam, King George's land steward at | gince 1895 was April 26, 1899. Last Windsor, has accepted with his ma- | year after a week's delay the big Jesty's consent, an invitation to act | fleet passed here on April 22rd. as a judge of fat stock championship Again Whitefish Point holds the ) classes at Chicago during the Inter- | key to fhe situation. Although a $8.60; good butchers' steers; $7.50 |s0vernment. Besides, the people of national show in November. Asked | week or ten days ago the ice condi-jto $7.06: medium butchers' steers, | inada were against the giving of why a British expert had been select- | tions appeared favorable, inclement [$7.25 to $7.50: common butchers | *'Dsidies to wealthy outside firms, ed instead of an American, MacWil- | weather and the heaviest snowstorm steers, $7 to £7.25: choice butchers' | 2nd thus discriminating against the! liam said he supposed it was a trib- f ever experienced in April, according |heifers, $7.75 to $8; common butch- | Xisting Canadian enterprises, nor ute to the fairness and independence | to the weather bureau, has again jers' heifers, $7.25 to $7.50; choice | ust it be 'orgotten that there was of the Englishman. "A British ex- | tightened up the entire situation. |eows, $7 to $7.25; good rows, [already more than forty mill'ons in- pert," he said, 'has no axe to grind. Robert Carlson, whose forty years' | to $6.75: $6.501° canners, $3.50 to $4.50 | vested in these enterprises " and is not prejudiced in favor of any | experience as lightkeeper at White- Feeders and stockers: Still in! 3 particular breed." The great suc- | fish Point enables him to make very good demand at steady prices. TEMPORARY The BUSIEST Choice) "PASSENGER SER- 5 I EA( ' cess achieved by the king's cattle at estimatés, has expressed | stoers, $7 to § VICE. Store in Town accurate 5; medium steers, leading shows during the past few himlr that as a whole the situation ! $6.50 to $6.7: ' wl by! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO-MORROW 8s p I'S. O.4 8 8 > . years is a testimonial of MaeWil-|d not look any more favorable |$¢. 40 Stoikers, 43.75 1 | Between Napanee and Ottawa { liam's ability. than a year ago. The opening, Milkers and springers: Only about | the Canadian Northern Railway, | -- which was In view below the point{s dosen on sale at $65 to $115 each.| OWing to numerous requests from Pe about tem days ago, has closed up|Two sold at $115 each. | the travelling public for some accom- and frozen over, and the main body| Calves: Not many to make a may- | Modation over the. Canadian North- of the bay is solid and has not moved | ket and prices were very fim. Choice | ¢'D railway's recently completed line any, It would baffle even an icelyeals, $10 to $11. a between Napanee and Ottawa, the crusher. This field extends forty Sheep and lambs: Prices were company, cotamencing Thursday, niiles 'in Lake Superior, very firm, only 19 en sale. Sheep, i April 9th, is operating a passenger A large launch succeeded in mak- | $6.50 to $7.50; culls and rams, $4. 50 | coach on Freight trains No. 93 and img the river to Sugar Island, a to $6.50; lambs, choice ewes and | #4. Which 'will leave Yarker at 8.15 couple of miles down the old channel, | wethers, $9 to $9.75. ia. m. arrive Ottawa at 4 p. m., re- with much-needed, 'supplies. for set-! Hogs: Receipts turning leave Ottawa 9 a, m. and |} tlers there, Little -trouble was ex-lprices unchanged. Selected, fed and [Arrive Yarker 5.30 p. m. This perienced with ice, it being practical-f watered, $9.10 and $8.75 f. o. b. [service is daily except Mondays. ly open all the way down. cars, and $9.35 weighed off cars. {Details of the full passenger MOTOR-CAR CHRISTENING We are showing-- PLAID RATINES FRENCH RATINES EPONGE RICE CLOTH SHADOW RATINE VOILE NOVELTY CREPES COLORED DRESS LINENS VOILES, DIMITIES, Ete, Etc. We invite you to come and see what eood val- ues we offér at small prices. Buy your camera and sup- plies at At Bests The Satisfactory Drug Store Funday hours, 1.30 to 5; TO JUDGE FAT STOCK ( P i ry, and he wus f well finishe ak; to help the industry, an ar Jougs o ie Hist q oes aid glad to hear that the people of Que heifers 2 q ati y ini v TO Levis wer ating with coarser unfinished classes. The best, Pfc and Levis were negotiating wit} sold readily, but the common and! the Armstrongs, but they were a Tar : : rich and powerful concern, and need- medium classes were slow salé.! 3 Choice butchers! steers H 10 "tolled no monetary assistance from the | : Kills Seven Men. Paeshawar, British India, ~~Going suddenly insane, a petty officer in the native branch of the English army yesterday killed out- right three men and mortally woun- ded four others before he was shot dead by one of his two frontiéf con- stables killed and Major Dod, Cap- tain Brown and two constables were wounded, $100 REWARD, $100 es are the genuine "in. April 14 visible" bi The "sear" and "far" lenses are one solid ¢ Mo *lines;" no cement. 8 ire he "real thing" ' NOT HAVE THE ~ BEST FROM REGLEY Jr. | Optometrist: moderate and DUSTBANE Te puts the ee's mw; in sweeping IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP Cleans Carpets Bightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your hardware man |service can be obtained from |any Canadian Northern agent. It is hoped that this temporary measure Removal -- | Will prove a convenience to those .| residing at intermediate points, one dreaded disease that ROMAN CATHOLICS ANGRY been able to cure in all {i= stag \ that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarr is the only positive cure now to the medical fraternity We Grind 'he one i. being a constitutional disease, requires 8 Doave Abovs the Opera Heum a constitutional treatment. Hall's Father Fallon's Gave Small Collection Ottawa, April 14.--The bitter feel ing aroused over the removal of Fa- ther James Fallon from Ottawa uni- | ---- versity was shown in the Easter - Pig's Cornea Placed in Infant's Eye lection at St. Joseph's church on Sun- Reported Successful day. laltimore, Md., April 19.--The suc The collection is usually a cess of the operation performed re large one, hut there was a paral gee at the Baltimore Eye, Far and falling off in Sunday's returns. Throat hospital, in which the cornea It is understood that some of Wel of a,pig's eye was grafted om the | Fad of f Parisians--Some Weird Machines Paris, April 14.--Sportsmen have Fintest Over Gus n Catarth Catarrh Cure is taken internally aot- | long been accustomed to give names GRAFTING RESTORES SIGHT ing directly upon the biood and mu- | to their favorite: hobsleighs and very} envelopes simply contained cards Sifhtlusn eve of the boy David Kane, with such remarks as "Nothing do old, is now practically months id. Dr. Floyd B. formed the operation, statement with reference to it, it is oxpécted the mother will her child from the the end of the Whitman, who per refuses to make Don't Ask for Sweeping Compound | ERSTE cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dis- beats, and the custom is now spread- ease, and giving the patient strength | ing among Parisian enthusiasts to by building up the constitution and autgniobiles. Several have already assisting nature in doing its work. # : The proprietors have so much faith in | been seen bearing in gold letters the Its curative powers that they efter (titles of "Greyhound," 'Fidelity, One Hundred Dollars for any case that "Vulean," ete It fails to cure Send for list of testi- y. . : . : monials, 3 Machines are also being built in [oh dqsess F, J. CHENEY & CO, To* (he eccentric shapes of canoes, fish Bold by all Drugglsts, 76¢ and torpedoes, and are often paint- Take Hall's Family Pllis for constl- | ed in bright colors, causing conster-|ing until FatHer Fallon comes back," pation nation to horses unaccustomed to the| though the church authorities are PERFECT novelty. Weird sirens, with a pecu- [very reticent about the matter. liarly intense note considerably The size of the collection has a... heighten the effect, the result being {direct bearing on the situation be- [ju that the modern French autoist|cause the proceeds of all collections, he. able to take practically realizes the ideals of the|in excess of the needs for upkeep of [} pital cured hy inventor of the Chinese war dragon tiie church, go to the oblate order week: to general terror and amazement. for the support of Ottawa university. ---------- y POWERS ALMOST AGREED World's Greatest Dog Race Nome, Alaska; April 14.--The world's greatest dog race, the All- Alaska sweepstakes, started at nine a.m. yesterday, when four dog teams with dogs and drivers sét out on the snow trail .over the. course from Nome to Candle and return, Zero waéather of the last few days harden- ed the snow and conditions are ideal. Entries in this year's race are the Allan-Darling team, owned jointly tion. This communication conflicts | by Scotty 'Allan, of Nome, and Mrs. with the proposal of the powers of the |C- E. Darling, of Berkelzy, Cal, and yrop i - 2, iven by Allan; the Johugton team, g achined and fit triple allignce, which had as an object dri part is m the speedy evacuation of South "Al Jowned and driven by John Johnston; | 1" Cit 0 0 ew Work: also bard ted, none. bul a bania by Grecian troops. - An ex- «the Ayer team, owned and driven by Wd fhaors "of all kinds, AN orders W Sho 7 change of ideas is now taking place | Fred Ayer, and the Seppala team, Ly vill receive Beompt attention, (Shop among the powers over the proposals jowned and driven by Leonard Sep- and these are in such form that an |pala, all of Nome. agreement of all the powers concerning The record time for the course is GRAY HAIR BECOMES the answer to be given Athens Will be | 74 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds, reached without difficulty." made in 1910 by John Johnston driv- Try Grandmother's. 014 . Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. ing his team of Siberian wolves. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Bulpbur, properly com- pounded, brings back the natural solor and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble- some. "Nowadays we simply ask at afy drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair' Remedy." You wil get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Everybody uses this old, famous recipe, because po one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it "does it so naturally and fsi8 og You dampen or soft brush with it and. TR draw as Juroush Jour Mitre Douglas to ruin the reputa- taking © hair, strand at a tion of Robart Ross, ihe literary; Se hair dis- executor of the late bd Wilde. ; fixed A oF becomes Pi Bail wag tia rr titany Sark. thi thick and glossy and ity Rose flour. pure and whole: | you look years younger. Agent, Geo. } . VL No Difliculty Anticipated Over Al- bania and Aegean Is Berlin, April 14.--The Gazette, in an article, s "The ambassadors of Great Brita un. France, and Russia, have submitted to Berlin, Vienna and Rome thé prin- ciples of their government in answer to a Greek note concerning South Al- hania and the Aegean Island ques- North-German If You Could Follow A "PERFECT" Bicycle Through the Shops and see the care ard pre- cision with which each Are Cured by HOOD'S PILLS 26¢ Announcement Having in stock a large number of the newest de- signs in Monuments, we are prepared © to quote excep- tionally low prices until Ap- ril 15th. « : Lettering in cemeteries a specialty, ; J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess & Clergy. . Phong 1417 | Chomas Copley Telephone 987 a card to 13 Pine street wher anything done in the carpen- stimates given on all kinds could sity Yov. he joining -- azing -- IE ot go ing wdispfay a degree of thoroughness in manufac« ture that no ordinary ey Thats 'Why a inv Ber rele gives serv De never hope to ys from a lower- Hsatity 'wheel. A New Couservative Organ Ottawa, April 14.--It appears irom | an advertisement in the Official Ga- zotte that a recently organized® com- pany ls seeking incorporation, with the object of publishing a new con- servative daily French organ at Ot- tawa, to be known as le F al The applicants for the charter Messrs. J. A. Fortin, journals, a presenti Ia Patric N ampagne, Tp C . Roudreau, print- er, of te 3 Gravelles and Dr. Archambault, of Hull, P.Q. It is understood that the necessary capital has been subscribed and that Fthe first issue, will 'appear early in May. Mines to be Closed Philadelphia, April 14. -Bitumin- ous coal gperators representing 8° per cent. -of the output of Centre" Pennsylvania decided by a vote of 30 to 2 at close their mines pend- ing the signing of a new wag® agreement with their employees. Efforts to arrange a pew wage scale to take the place of the one (hat expired on March 21st have been under way for several weeks Conferences were recently suspends ¢d, but it is expected that they wi! be resumed next week] Charged With Conspiracy * London, April-14--W. H. T. Cross- land the well-known journalist' and author, was arraigned yesterday in Marto h street jolie a vith conspiring with Lo . Our Fixtures for the adornment of y chaste, latest designs and Say artistic effect. Visits are made reg- ularly to the mannfac- turers. We are thus al- ways in touch with the most up to date styles. Prices are moderate. H W. Newman Electric 0. Phone! '441. Home 1376. he mak- Desires Concessions Rome, April 1£--It was officially announced to-day that Italy is deter- mined not to restore the Aegean is- lands to Turkey unless she obtains railroad and other concessions in: Asia Minor. Turkey is notified that Italy's de- cision is irrevocable, and She fs warn- ed that she cannot get back the - is] lauds on any other terms. an a