Few people like to take physic, - pecially salts, because they are ren 0_take ug _ becuse » an pains they cause. Be Sr enable you to take and. all without grip- Joos Ph or excessive looseness. Sie a pi harsh physics usually give {ly Yomparary relief and often leave worse off than before. he on Orderlies move the bowels promptly, and soothe, tone and strengthen the intestinal muscles, leaving them healthy Mod regular in Sction. They - taste Jike Sandy, and gvement ause is as easy and tural as theoeh Your bowels "were in perfect. health nud you never take Suy. Physic at all. We Rexall Order- we urge you. to try them siersianding that, if they , "you in every way, ve to do to get your mou- i . We honestly the E bast bowel remedy , In vest pocket tin boxes; 10c., 25e., 0c. : You-can buy Rexall Orderlies only at The. Rexall Stores, and in this us. town oul Drug / Store, 4A, of Mahood's Kingston, Ont. , hibition of the sale {Thanksgiving day; . | the local option law by enlarging the MAY INSPIRE THE Tu oxTARIO: TEM PERANCE WORKERS Liberals in Legislature Will Have Before Them the Inspiration of the Policy Adopted by Their Western , Brothers Toronto, April 14.--When the Lib. eral party in the legislature to-day maké a further earnest plea for the abolition of the bar in Ontario they will have before them the inspiration of the policy recently adopted by the liberals of Manitoba at one of the largest political conventions ever held in that province. Copies of the résolutions adopted there which have been received in the city show that the temperance plank is particularly advanced, call- ing as it does for the wiping out of the bar absolutely, and for the aholi- tion of proprietary club licenses as well, "That the liberal party," says the resolution, 'recognizing the grave evils, disorders and corrupt influ- mees associated with the liquor traf- fic, especially the bar sale.of liquor and the treating custom, reaffinms its declaration of unqualified sympathy with the temperance catse and pledges itself (1) to pass an aet for the abolition of the bar, to. be. pre- nared by the recognized temperances orces, and to submit such act to a eforendum, which act, if endorsed 3¥ the electors, shall be put into op- ration and shall have the hearty mpport of the liberal party in its 'horough enforcement; (2) to amend he liquor license act so as to insure » large reduction In the number of liquor lieenses, the abolition of pro- prietary club licenses, and the preo- of liquor on Good Friday and (3) to amend Christmas day, powers of the local municipalities in a: control over the traffic." We have a nice assortment of Gas Fixtures at moderate suitable tor any room | the house. Lights, 70¢c and ap. Ww sh Lights with pass, Gas Touies, $8 and "Iwantu" Gas Irons, $3.78. For Bale by DAVID HALL 88 BROOK ST. Phone 835 or 856. THERE IS NO PLACE Ek IF YOU O Hodse" on Sydenham Street, $3600.00, Solid brick bungalow, seven rooms, summer XLitchen, im- provements, good. stabling; close to Princedy Etreet. A | splendid home, Must be sold | by - May 1, $3550.00; casy terms can be arranged. Frame house on Albert St. hot water furnace; the best locality in the city, Must be sold to wind up an estate. $2650.00, Terms can be ar- Solid' brick house on John Street, seven rooms, improve- | ments, $3,000.00. Bonet feeble stomachs who, creams, résign » - SUES FOR $89,000 POLICIES Lumber Millionaire's Widow After Insurance Companies Duluth, Minon., April 14.--Mrs. Sarah McAlpine, widow of the late John McAlpine, whose death by shooting several months ago caused A Sensation, filed suit yesterday against three accident insurance companies to recover amounts aggre- gating $89,000. The Fidelity and Casualty com- pany of New York is defendant in an action to recover on a $50,000 pol- ioy, the Pacific Mutual Life Insur- ance company of Los Angeles, Cal, is sued for $15,000, and the London Guaranty and Accident company, itd, for $24,000. The complaints were filed in district court. McAlpine, who was a lumberman and rated as a millionaire, was mys- teriously shot at an early hour on; the morning of August 15, last year. What Thin Folks Should De To Gain Weight Physician's Advice For Thin, Unde veloped Men and Women, Thousands of people suffer from excessive thinness, weak nerves and having tried advertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physical culture stunts and rub-on themselves to life- long skinniness and think nothing will make them fat. Yet their case is not hopeless. A recently disgov- ered regenerative force makes fat grow after yedrs of thinness, and is also unequalled for repairing the waste of sickness or faulty digestion and for strengthening the nerves. This remarkable discovery is called Sargol. Six strength-giving, fat. producing elements of acknowledg- ed merit have ven combined in this peerless. preparation, which is en- dorsed by eminent physicians and used by prominent, people every- where. It is absolutely harmless, inexpensive and eflicient. A month's systematic use of Sar gol should produce flesa aud strength by carrecting faults of digestion and by supplying higaly concentrated fa's to the blood. Increased nourishment is obtained from the food eaten, and the additional fats that thin people need are provided. Leading drug- gists supply Bargol an?! say there is a large demand for It While this new preparation has given splendid results as a nerve- tonic and vitalizer. it should not be used by nervous people unless they wish to gain at least ten pounds of flesh. wy = AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE BEST SERVICE IN. THE QITY CAREF¥L C $2.25 Per Hour. MODERN CARS $1.00 per hour ALWAYS LL 3 PORRITT ion 5 Kon Co, Limited HAUFFEURS while standing Water at the Western Drydock and than many ocean liners. The vess ¢l is over 600 feet lung. and is the Shipbuilding company's slin at © THE WORLD'S WGEFST JGH TER BUILT IN CANADA: Y The wictire shows the plan ge. of the gigantic freicht carrier, W. G. Morden, as she took to the Port Arthur. largest freighter fl PHONE o Do away 'with papering and painting by using Neponset Wall Board for interior finish. bugekle and is waterproof. leather and eream jvhite. Will aot. We have it in oak, burnt | THE FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL €0 A. CHADWICK, Manager. Her bow towers higher in the world. POARD OF LEEDS LICENSE COM- MISSIONERS. To Meet at Delta on the 21st -- The Boys' Community to Arrange for Rink Next Winter. Gananoque, April 14--The Ladies Auxiliary of St. John's church held its annual Easter assembly in Tur- per's hall last evening with quite a goodly number of out-of-town people. The board of license commission- ers for South Leeds will meet at Delta on Tuesday next to consider applications for licenses for this section for the coming year. The following applications have been re- ceived: Gananoque W. F. Stevens, B Shields, Neil McCarney, Earl Ashley, A. A. Welsh, William Hale, (shop.) South Crosby--Opinicon club. Elgin-- P. J. Fahey. Jones' Falls--Thomas Kenny Raockport--R. H. Service Westport--Green Bros., Parland, McParland & 7 The art exhibit under the aus- pices of the local publie schools will open up at the armoury on April 29th, and continue until May 2nd Rev. Walter Cox, reetor of Christ chureh, has a large class in pre- paration for confirmation on Sunday ext, April 19th, when - the Lord Bishop of Ontario will officiate at the confirmation service. After years of futile effort in be- half of a covered rink for Ganan- ogque, the boys of the community movement have started the ball rol- ling and expect to have a suitable one here for next winter. It is understood that the Methodist church has purchased the property on the corner of Pine and Stone streets from McParland Bros. The price paid was $4,500, Under the auspices of the Community Movement a father son banquet is being arranged for May Sth, when a large number of speakers conversant with community work will be present to assist. Miss A. Draper, of the Victoria ave. pue school is representing the local school teachers' association at the Western Ontario Teachers' conventign ip Toronto. Miss C. M Wright, teacher of the Fairfax public school, is, holidaying here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. " Frank Wright, Stone street. Miss Agnes Johnston, mod- erns teacher in the Young Ladies' Col- lege at Rothesay, N.B. is home for holiday season with her parents, Mr and. 'Mrs. George [.. Johnston, King street west. COC. PD. Smith, of Chat- ham, # spending a few days in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Orser have returned from a short: visit with friends in Lyn. lazia Zdiyian, Toronto, is spemding a short time Bere with-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A divign, Mes. E;, H. Hurd, spending the past two weeks in King- sion, guest of her som, Frank H Hurd, hs returned home, Pp. Mc- Boys. and Peace, Sweet Peace. To the late Freeman Britton, Tag. this memogiam is respectfully Aelli- cated Such be thy lot, old friend: No truer lost, none Letter to the end: Plain, modest, square, oit' tried, and proved y That type-so rare : loved A manly man, and soca T"Xngus Cure for Spinal Paralysis Paris, April. M.Prof. Arnold Netter made an i ant statement at the Academy of Medicine regarding | 4 new cure for spinal paralysis. The cure, which Prof. Netter had sought _ since 1910, comsists of an injection of serum collected Trom the spisal marrow of, a sufferer from a similar disease. Apparently the mi crobes coming from the first suffer- er kill those inhabiting the second. Pral.. Netter illustrated his theory by the case of a mon aged thirty- four, who had been reduced in six months fo utter helplessness hy para- lysis. He was cured entirely fin a few weeks hy the new treatment. KINGSTON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Business Done by That Body on 6th of April April 6th--Members all. present Minutes of last' meeting adopted Motion, Sproule-Kish, that no action be taken on F. M. Vanluvan's ac- count re damages to cutter. Motion, Kish-Redden, that council request clerk to notify Canadian Pacifie rail- way, through the township solicitor, that a legal crossing' or subway is required at Jackson's Mills. Motion, Kish-Sproule, that the clerk notify Bell Telephone company re broken guard rails along line of York road Motion,. Sproule-Kish, that all taxes for 1913 must be collected and roil returned by June 15th, 1914. Road division No. 11, changed from a com- muted division to a statute labor di- vision. Motion, Sproule-Kish, that Reeve Hawkie, Deputy Reeve Coulter and the treasurer be a committee to make arrangements for a loan on the credit of the township to (county rate. Motion, Redden-Coul- ter. that the taxes( that of schools } 1 | excepted) of James Waller and the late Edward <Llayton, be remitted. Motion, Sproule-Kish, that the clerk be authorized to answer correspond- ence of T. F. Harrison, giving the de- sired information. Motion, Kish- Coulter, that Pat Judge act as in- spector of sheep killed or worried by tdogs in polling sub-division No. 2, tand that by-law be amended accord- ingly Payments ordered; $13.50, Pat Judge, work on Portland road, 1913-14; $9.75, John Corcoran, work on Portland road, 1913-14; $7.20, Jacob Clogg, work on road. division 18, charged to division; $4.05, Ar- thur Asseltine, work on road div No. 4, charged to division; $15 3mith Eliott, bonus' on 105 rods 'ence; $29.70, John Rowe, work on York 'road, 1913-14; $8, J. H. 8 Vreooman, work on road division No. charged to division; $99, A. J. work on Bath road, 1913-14; Smith, support of Kate $10.94, Well. Orser, 52, charged to division: Orser, bonus on wire John Woodruff, work 28, charged to divi- 0. Ellerveck, work road, 1913-14; $2, Charles Smith, work on: Sydenham road, 1913-14: $14.70, Miles Silver, work on road division No. 41:, charg- od to division; $5, Fred Long, work an road division 27, charged to divi- slon; $7, H. Emmons, shovelling snow; $7.25, Walter Smith, opening road division 24, charged te division; $7.20, Alfred Knight, work on road division 20; $4.20, Percy Ward, ad- vanced to €. W. Babcock, work on road division 10, charged to divi- sion; $6.60, John Rowe work on York road, 1913-¥4; $2.70, Will Day, work on read division 18, charg- ed to division; $4.05. Will Rose, work on road division 17, charged to division; $2.85, Joha David, wark on road division 18, charged to division; $1.50, George' Robertson, work .on Ernestown line; $5. M. Price, work on road division 7, charged to division; $8. 25/ Jas. Hogan, work on Stqrrington road, 1913-14; $9.00, Alfred Watts, work on road division 5, charged to division; $3.15, G. C Pillar, work on road division 26, charged to division; $9.25, George 33, Keyes, $4. J Smith; road division $2.25, Well fence; $8.40, on division Ne. sion; $17.85, J on Portland Ss settle | toe, work on road division 48, charged. to division; $3, J. W. Fer. guson, services as fence-viewer; $3, P. Maxwell, services as fence-viewer; $1, G.. W. Bell, services. as' fence- viewer; $2, H. Walker, services as fence-viewer; $12, "John Hooper, work on road division 29, charged to division; $4, Sperry Burt, work on road division }8, charged to 'division; §6, J. P. Black, bonus on 40 rods of fence; $15.50, Ceorge W. Bell, bonus on 125 rods of fence; $4.95, Herbert Curl, work on Portland road, 1913- 14; $3, Charles Kemp, work on Perth road, 1913-14; $13.33, Michael} Fowler, four sheep worried by dogs; $4.05, Bell Telephone, Cq., messages (long distance) and rent of instru- ment in clerks office until June 30th, 1974; $1.20, Standard office, display advertising per J. F. Leatherland; 76¢, British Whig advertising, 75e: Council adjourned to meet June 15th at 10 am. DOMINIONS4.EFT IN DOUBT Buy a proud One very and most tests Such more i buy will prove a much be The extra few times the machine dollars in repair-bills vou save Inupee MASSEY dealer Is Treadgold Cycle & Sport. ing Goods Co., Kingston. Buy High Grade Wk, wheel, of which you can be to own and ride ough to permit of the the most accurate wi srkmanghip--the ctions and rigid wiing en best materials painstaki thorough | SY will cost wheel Bat, it r investment dollars insure you three the ordinary the a wheel--t} than t sepvice-life of Not to mention many yearly - a MASSEY Ee MASSEY Line to-day. The CANADA CYCLE & MO- TOR CO. WEST TORONTO. High Hopes Engendered by, Nawal Conference Dashed to Ground «. Loudon, Aprit 14.--~The Pall Mall (iazette, commenting on Senator Mil den' statement, says that the admir nlty has given too much reason, both to Canada and Australia, to suspect the sincerity of its professions, with | the result that there is a lamentable weakening of the o-operative spirit. One of the worst achievements of the present government is the destruction |, of the dominions' confidence in the imperial naval policy, and the protest of the Australian minister must make sad reading for who recall the high hopes raised 'by the naval con- those work on | Smith, work on road division 27, charged to division; "$5.54, ference of 1909. The stimulus given at that time would have carried the dominions very far in their willing ness to share the common burden of empire Ihe moral spell is broken and the future is once more over clouded. % GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION May be Open Friday -- Tugs Break. ing Channel. Fort William, April 14. ~Tugs com menced breaking the chawnel through the bay ice this mor ning to Fort Willie, from the main channel, running from Port Arthur to open water outside of Welcome Islands. It is expected that the channel up the Kaministqua will be completely open ed hy next Filday. If such proves the case steamers winter ing here will les ar for the east that day and the great lakes navigation will be fairly Spend. Will Retain Aegean Islands tome, April 14. is officially an- nounced that Italv is determined not to restore the Aegean Islands to Turkey unless she obtains railroad and other concessions in Asia Minor, Turkey is notified that Italy's decis- ion is irrevocable, and she is warned that she cannot get back the islands on any other terms. White Rose flour for all purposes. "Tee cream bricks." Gibson's. Archibald Sharpe, a J.ondon travel ler, ae badly assaulted on the street in St. Catharines. Spee] "Kasagra, 25c." Gibson's. ~ 2 Do you realize the wonderful con- trol over the organs of the body that is exerted by the nerves? Through the voluntary nerves you walk, talk work, but there are other nerves which control every movement of every muscle in the body. When these nerves become weak and ex- bhausted there is failure of the or- gans of the body to perform their Are Your Nerves Alive and Full of Vitality ?| Or Are You Nervous, Irritable anc and F Read What Dr. Chase's Nerve Can Do For You. Out of Sorts? ood | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food would bring about in their condition. Headaches sleeplessness, indiges- tion, irritability, nervousness and loss of energy, ambition and courage are among the warning symptoms, Do not let these danger signals go un- heeded, for nervous prostgation and paralysis are the natural results of neglect. ' AVE you ever heard of "Intensive Cultivation?" This principle applied to market gardeming has result- ed in a fourfold increase in yield, with a proportionate increase in profits. Has it never occurred to you that the same principle might be applied to YOUR OWN organization, whether it be manufacturing, jobbing This Book Might Save You The Cost of a New Building or retailing? . - 'Many of Canada's most prominent business men owe their success to this very thing. Cultivate your available floor space so that every square foot may be made to produce a profit. This new Book, "The Eleva- tor," will show you how. Write for itto.day. It may save you the cost of a new building by pointing the way to a better ar- rangement of your present floor space. OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY 60 BAY ST., TORONTO LmiITeD COUPON "NW." Please send me your Book. wn we wll ce -- -- ----_-- ------ ~ | YOU Are The Man We are catering to, if you take an interest in your wearing apparel. RIA teed Our stock of Woollens is completd. Lat- est novelties in Tweeds. Worsteds, A call solicited. Cheviots and |i tle, of i wnat right. away. [vse i 'you'll mike a {fine rine your. |back). You'll a . Wi Pare Fon Essence Men- So Only Reliable rain le Fender pa ad entho-Laxene Is the * only rem- the severest coughing. ing, pie will quickly Sheek a Sola | Hoarsumese, Stopped-up Head, a beginnin ot, w nu Eyes, romedios---but Bp Pong Bod Be on its course.' 'Laxene is used. . Sold BR to the drug store for a bot- 'stocked druggists. cop rsd Almost every day 'you' will find in this _paper reports from people who have: been cured of same form of nervous disease by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. No treatment has ever | proven so successful as a restorative for the nervous system. Note Jol increase in weight while amas i 50 conts a box, 6 for $2.50. All ers, or Eduwranson, Bates & Co., a" ited, Toronto. i» functions. The action of the heart becomes tweak, the lungs are weak in breath- ing, and digestion fails because the nerves which control the flow of gas- tric juice gives out Many a man and many a woman who is tired out. weak and diseour- aged does not realize that it is the nerves that have giten out. They do not know what a 'wonderful change When the House .of Commons re assembles on Wednesday mo sit tings will begin almost at, once. = The general expectation is that the session will close on or about Jupe Ist, and possibly by the 24th of May. Save, of the Royal Garrison/ Attillery, bas been selected for -em- piovivent with the Canadian forces as Wstructor in oulnante, Crawford and Walsh, TAILORS | 'Princess and Bagos Sts. | ER