"STOP SKIDDING * It's Dangerous Get TIRE CHAINS At the KINGSTON AUTO- +..« MOBILE CO, Queen and Bagot Sts. Phone 1170 > od The Best Corrective and preventive of the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the or- gans of digestion--is found in. the safe, speedy, certain and. time-tested home remedy PEEIANMS Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. Saas a a KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of flucen Street Courses in hand, typew general Impro commercial su Kates moderate, formation free. DRINK HABIT Reliable "Home Treatment. The ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with abso- lute copfidence. It destroys all de- sire for whiskey, beer or other aleo- helic stimulants. Thousands have successfully used It and have been restored to lives of sobriety and use- fulness, Can be given secretly. Costs only $1.00 per box If you fail to "BR results from ORRINE after # trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE. J. W, Mahood, cor. Bagot street. - FOOTWEAR We «ave some splendid lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 We should be glad to show yon our Uoys' and Girls' School Boots at prices from $1.50 to $3.00. All geod solid- leather. Scott's Shee Store 260 PRINCESS ST.' Branch 206 Barrie St. REPAIRING DONE I Princess and Wh t Dyspeptics a Shor Eat A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE "Indigestion and forms of stomach trouble out of ten, due to ore stomach sufferers ever possible, avold eat! actd fi ts nature. or fon in the sto Unfortunatel s most foods which are pleas- @ taste as well as those which in blood, flesh and ne Aropert! , 'This is the reas- y Fspeptics and stomach s usuall develops a rule so thin, emaciated/an in tha can jome from For fi those sufferers who have to axciutle foom a well-fed b '| trom the wounded head of a Riche- ps rwards a teas) in # little hot will neutralize 2 be present, or whi aud instead of the us- our eos qtr isurgted magnes- he best food perrective known. It hug po direct ac- i 5¥ netutraliz. contents, of H us removing the source of ti rritation whit infames the deli 4 it doe: than Sofie Sy 3aF Brus ot wit ni ry BI TnBamod sag fnstead of a 2 3 spur i with 3 » taKW Bo rated magnesia as 3 pred t 4 1m net right." {there was always the sordid element. which h Pleasant Fields' of Holy Writ. THE INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON A weekly coltimn of abiding interest to both teachers and z / scholars. CE Np POR PER EAE EPR RARER FEMIEEOOIE SLAP EERE A Motto for this Week: "There is no book so unfriendly to every sort, of malevolence as the Bible "=---James Beattie, 1735-1803 A. I, i Second Quagter, Lesson IL fuke 11: April 19, 1914, : THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP. * (THE STORY) ere attracted by Hi i haf oa Srtatmph. ; rected by His miracles. Curiosity 'waxed. His name was on ever P The motives of His followers were nstirally ayn i cariosity which itéhed, Hke 4 ¢ Braliy mized. Phere was ! hed, ke shat of Athens, to liear some new thing. Then Shiny ad eyes only for the loaves and fishes Thete were ambitious spirits, 100, who' hoped to moun to pewer in the sew Ringdom. There were those who had a private against some Roman Or publiean;, which they hoped to sash og yoke was broken. 'Phere-were patriots, who bolleved: Israek's deliverance at hand, "This mdtley erowd must be shaken in a "wid pi sieve, inorder that those who bulk large in sincerity may be sc ion Tug The words of Jesus-in this instance make such a sieve, They are . eha. lenge ia hyperbole. If any imdgined the following of Jesus an easy junket- ime-affair, they' were pretty rouglily jolted out of the notion Even natural affection must not stand in the way All the Wee! Modis: ures that cluster about the hearthstane must, if need "the forfeit There must be martyr-stuff.in every recruit. He must not merely see his Master erucified. but must bear his own cross, aid 'in that ih that meant to have the hangnian's noose 'fittéd about his own neck : : It is as if the Master were saying, "This is the cost! Come now well!" "Don't begin to lay the foundation of discipleship if you are not able Lo pay the price, Otherwise vou will make vourself 2 jest!" "Dis- cipleship is war! Don't begin until vou e€ estimated what is involved Otherwise defeat stares you 'n the face Not until there is self-obivious renunciation of everything inimical, and the eye is fled with the Master to the exclusion of everything else, can one so much as begin to he a | disciple. This is the evidence of that saline quality of which (he world stands so bitterly in need, and the absence of which in any individual makes him entirely worthless as a social 'worker . "LYke a 'sol emn refrain fails the last words of Jesus, 'He whose ears are capable of receiving comprehendingly the truth enunciated, he only really hears nt" 0 : followers by the Master. The first {s in the eldést annals of the Hebrews when Gideon said to the host he Wa: leading against the Midianites, "Whoever is afraid, let him return Through that wide-meshed siove 22,000 1gll at one oscillation. The next st wad the passing of the brook. Those only who were so eager for the 4¥ a8 not to stop to drink, but aught up the water in their hands, were permitied 10 continue. By that token Gideon lost 9,700 mere! But three hundred immortal men, tried and true, sufficed to win one of the world's decisive vietories : The next analogue is of modern times It was when Garibaldi said to his "Red Shirts," *'1 have nothing forevou except danger, chill of night, and heat of day. No,munitions or 18, only marches, and struggle of bayonet against batteries only love Fregdom follow!" THE TEA OHER'S LANTERN It is affection which incites Jesus to paint the preture or disciple- ship* in most somber colors possible. He pities those who follow Him inconsiderately, knowing how bitterly they will be disappointed Again, those who are not daunted by words so appalling are doubly tried, ind so doubly true." Then, too, Jesus feels His bounden duty to conserve the cause He has inaugurated For this reasen He puts the price of discipleship at the highest notch Hig kingdom is safer in the hands of a small company of thoroughly-televfd disciples than in a host »f superficial, half-baked followers. Jesus may have had in mind the Tower of Babel, the most gigantic, ill-cons 1 bullding-enterprise of man, whose very name means confu 1, asynonym of failure . These rigorous words are just as applicable to the continuance and com- pletion as to the beginning of diseipleship. . Two signs mark the rue disciple. He does not begin until all is weighed. He does not cease inti] all is accomplished. It has been aptly sald that it is easier t it Christianly A good end ng, without calculation and renewed religion is no wonder when it is semembered there much balf-Christianity professing itself to be complete. Hall-religion "warrants the jest. "The inference is not to be drawn that, if the resources are found insufficient, no attempt is to be made. 'The contrary is true! This tower must be built! This war must be waged! Divine grace ean be depended upon to supplement human insufficiency. There is fascination in a large demand. Sometimes it outweighs many concessions. Better never begun than half-ended Not numbers, but quality. Hypocritical Christians are spolit salt, of no use, even on a dunghill It is not all subtraction, this becoming a disciple. It is addition also. The promise is, "Seek first, and all elge shall be added." None is a real loser. All are incalculable gainers. . Jesus does not throttle human 1¢ when He says, 'Hate father!" Here is no charter for asceticism. too often adorned and beautified the home with His presence to de abolition now. The expression is hyperbole. It is the designa- ton of an tremely improbable sacrifice, as indication whatever is really inimical to discipleship must be forfeited 25-35. = -- Jesus' journey took ibl 3. th Incredible multitudes be voeoumt it the death, forced those who is as Impossible exertion. ree Its 1 that ANALYSIS AND KEY Immense following. ' Mixed motives. Need of sifting. Method: Cond.clons in hyperbole Cost to be cuunted. Like tower or army. Analogues:: Gideon's 300. Garibaldl's "Red Shirts.' The Young People's Devotional Bervice. April 19, 1914, * ieclesiastes 1-8. CONSECRATION OF TIME (SABBATH-OBSERVANCE MEETING) It is of inestim- which would re- time He ptre- 3: Time is the very stuff out of which life is made. 'bie value. When God wanted to build a monument sind man of Himself as his maker, He built it out of mpted one-seventh in token that ail is His. Train Bandit Shot aud Kalled Lemmon, S.D., Ajril 15----A man believed to be Harry Mathews, tae Bellingham, Wash., train bandit, was shot and instantly killed here last night by officers who were at temapting to effect his arres: 1 ICHEPIN IN HIS GLORY ¥ias Delightful Time at Political Campaign Meeting. Hirson, France, April 15. Jean Richepin, a member of the French Academy and a candidate for- the Chamber of Deputies, against the There dre two suggestive analogues to this sifting of his. , YOUNG BRIDE ARRESTED Accused of Killing Brother-in-Law in Her Apartments. Taunton, Mass, April 15. Mrs. Bradiord Scudder, a "bride of three months, was arrested on a charge oi murder after her bretherinlaw, BEd- gar Scudder, a farmer, had been shot and killed in her apartments. Aecord- ing to Madical Examiner Atwood, the woman 'admitted that she had fired the shot, "but that there was no privacy in the house." Mrs. Scudder was marvied in Albany, N.Y: With) her husband, an' inspector. for the Massachusetts Fish and Game Protec tive Assoriation, she occupied an L of the Seudder home, while her brother in-law lived alone. in the main part of the house. Fhe woman's husband was away The police say two boys, leslie Buck- ingham and Earl Chase, who were playing ecards with Edgar Scudder in bis room, told them that Mrs, Scud- der 'enlled' her brother-in-law into her apartment. A moment later the boys heard a fall. Buckingham rushed into the rooln, where he found Scudder dead on the floor The police were called and took Mrs, Scudder into custody. She was "in such a hysterieal condition that little could be learned: feom her of what had happenell. Seudflder: + was fift yv-four years old. The woman is thirty DISEASE IS DUE ~ T0 BAD BLOOD To Cure Comnon Ailments the Blood Must be Made Rich and Red Nearly all the diseases that afiligf humanity wre caused by bad blood- weak, watery blood polsoned bv im- purfties. Bad blood fs the cause of headaches and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism; 'debility and indi gestion, neuralgia and other nerve troubles, apd disfigaring skin dis eases like ecgema and 'salt rheum show how impure the blood actually is. No use trying a different remedy for each disease, because they 'all spring from the one cause--bad bload To cure any of these troubles omast get vight down to the root yon of just what Br. Williams' nk Pills do. They make mew, rich blpod and thus cure these diseases when common me- dicine fails, Mrs. John Jackson, Woodstock, Ont., suffered from both the trouble In the blood, and that is | $0 Stents ve FOREIGN CONTROL OF PUBLIC PEBT LIKELY SOLUTION Aid from Province -- Military Gov: ernor of Hunan Gives Upusual Display of Patriotism. i Pekin, April 15.~That Yuad" Shi Kai's government if faced With a serious linaneidl crisis is the 3 Pekin and the treaty ports of' China. These men . predict foreign financial control or a foreibn public debt com- mission. The difficulty of the situa: tion is that the president®and bis supporters ave, up to the preseat, ug- able to obtain money from the pra' vinees for the admidistrative require ments of the central government. A letter to the president from the Tutuh {military governor) of Human, aceom- panying a remittance of $200,000, col; talus an interpsting statement of: the case from nu pradtieal Chinese point of view Tang SAVE 1 "Oi late the country has been a tur moil of civil strife and fromtier trou: bles, and scarcely an. day has passed without some military operations. Ai- ter your excellency suppressed the in ternal troubles' and made peaceful set- tlemonts with the powers, the first thing that attracted your attention with the financial administration. Foreign loans have been resorted to, to relieve the country's financial = em- harrassment, but owing to the fact {that the terms of the foreign syndi- cates were too harsh, some patriotic people have suggested ways of col lecting taxes while others proposen a retrenchment policy. But all these fiipeions words and theories can do no eal good to the country. "During this eritical period there seems to be hardly any remedy forthe country's financial troubles, When 1 read the documents from the central government stating its financial difhi- culties and the orders of your excel lenoy, I gave vent to my grief in sobs and tears, like everyone else who has the sense of patriotism. "We are in duty bound to 'rélieve the embarrassment of the government. If the provinces do mot help, national bankruptey will result and the nation will loge its independence. And if the nation is obliterated, how could the | proviace. of Hunan exist alone? {hereby remit: 'thd sum of _ $100,000 (Mexican) to the jgovernment. "It should be borne in mind that the financial condition of Hunan is quite different from that of other nervous troubles and a run-down condition and experienced a complete cure through the 37 Wel- fiams' Pink Pills: She says: "I was a sufferer for a number of years frdbm neuralgia, and a general debility of the nerves and system. 1 had tried several doctors but to no avail until' I began Wiliams' Pink Fills. At the time 1 began the Pills I had grown so bad that I eould hardly be on my feet and was forced to wear elastic band- nges about the ankles. The pain I suffered at mes from the neuralgia was terrible. 1 had almost given up hope when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In the course of a few weeks I felt an improvement, and F gladly continued the use of the Pills until I was once more quite well and able to attend to all my household duties." . If you are ailing begin to cure voursolf to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold "by all medicine dealers or by mail at "0c. a box, or six boxes for $2.60, from the Dr. Williams® Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont > use of TO EXTERMINATE FLAGUE -- | Big Section of Havana's Commercial District Ordered Closed Havana, April 15--Dr. Juan Guit- eras, the director of sanitation, has ordered that twelve blocks of the commercial' district of Havana be closed for - several days pending fumigation with hydrocyanic acid and & thorough destruetion of rats. While the commercial losses will be enormous, such radical methgds are considered necessary of the plague in to 'be rooted out. The twelve blocks extend: eon- siderably beyond the places where plague cases have been found. It is thought that if the fleas and rat are exterminated within this are the fight wil bé successful Thére was no defiplia new gies canes to-day, hut one ted case. a a pla- suspec- Jecause you and I are imposed upon occasionally is no' good or vaiid rea pathy. Radical /Socialist Pascal Cecaldi, re- cently challenged the latter to & public debate, which was set for to- night. The supporters of Cecaldi arrived first at the hall and took possession of it. M. Richepin was unable to enter and took a position on the staircase outside, where he was joined by his opponents. The rival partisans' created such an uproar that neither of the candi- dates could be heard. The Richepin supporters clamored against M. Cee- caldl on account 'of his friendship for M. Caillaux. Suddenly a section of the staircase collapsed and thir- ty pefsont were precipitated on top of the manifestants, who by time wére fighting furiously among themselves. A handkerchief stale? with Blood pin supporter was hiuded to the poet, who flourished 'his oppon- ent's fact. Then don the idea of making a speech M. Riche- pin sang the Marseillalse and with- drew. ' i Lincoln, Tories Object St. Catharines, April 15.--- Details of the bill a strong liberal : land county, in h ion | coln which it is i Tn will be known as West Lincoln son why we should withhold our and many medicines | Dr. { | banks, supported ' by provinces. It would be easy for other | provinces to raise double the amount. |Our remittance, though not large, is { sufficient to display our petriotism | and anxiety over the situation," | 'Fhe gift, as it might be called, from the province oi Hunan, small as it is, is exceptional. As a rule little or nothing 'can he got from the pro | vines; they are, on the contrary, con- | tinually ealling upon the central gov- ernment for assistance, the Tutuhs | threatening that rebellion, or brigan- { dage and looting that will implicate | the govermment with foreigners, will | result unless the assistance is forth coming. in jperation the government is now - endeavoring to obtain another | laxge loan from the quintuple group of bankers, composed of French, Ger- | man, British, Japan and Russian eir respective governments. It will remembered | that last year's 25,000,000 pounds {Joan was the cause of a considerable outbreak among parliamentary mem- bers against Yuan Shi Kai and was one of the prominent causes of the re- bellion of last, summer. Feeling that Yuan's government is too disoj i and unstable to trust with another large loan, the quintuule legations are requiring the banks to stipulate what amounts to foreign control of China's finances for a period of, it is stated, fifty years, as a condition of any fur ther extensive borrowing. Up to the present the government has refused this'condition, and is get- ting along as best it can with small loans at high interest, parts of which are sometimes taken out in arms, am- munition and other necessities of the ministries. Sometimes railway and other concéssions are granted for such uncontrolled Toans. But it' is believ: ed that the day of reckoning will soon arrive, OFFENCE NOT EXTRADITABLE Cannot be Bromght Back to U, 8, if Comviction 1s Upheld Chicago, April 15.--Decisions in the dynamite conspiracy and 'Jack Johnson cases will be handed down to-day by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, it is expected. Jack Johnson was found guilty of transporting Belle Schreiber, a white' woman, from - Pittsburg Chicago for immoral purposes and sentenced to a year and a'day in the penitentiary and fined $1,000. Pen ding appeal Johnson with released on bail. He fled the country goi to Europe by way of Canada. 8 the conviction is upheld. Johnson, it is said, cannot he brought back to tha United States, 'us a violation of the Mann act is not an extradi- table offence. Stage Hanging Almost Real Washington, April 15.--A rehear- 1 1 - fipinion of a substantial body of foreigners in Hsiang-ming, the Tutub, | 1 top sal of a "hanging" in the playhouse, where fashionable society stages its amateur theatricals, nearly became real when the "hanging" decidedly went wrong and strangled Charles ¥* Amatonr Th Thespians were rehéars- 'Preston Gibso. sketch, "Sui- Restoratives were Mr. Weston with was brought to his sometimes styled 8 may also be Soae : company, : tionable nes- .tee of money back if it ra ng : 3 ike 8 et i Tic ramen hard tea to forget. MIss TON Phone 1267 + Opposite Y.M.C.A. PERRIN Dairy Cream Sodas Try them with milk, butter or . cheese, x "Dairy Cream Sodas" are of two kinds---the "Fancy Thin"-- very dainty and a bit different from the old-fashioned soda biscuit=and the regular "Dairy Cream Sodas", as delicious as can be. : 3 They reach, you in all their original crispness and freshness in their sealed packages--at Gc, 10c, and 23¢. Every package guar- anteed. We will be glad to send yoit the " Perrin Sample Patkage" of fancy bis- cuits for 10c in coin or stamps, s Ty --- - Look for the Perrin Trade Mark ou every package. D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY LONDON CANADA RE A OUR FRESH GROUND COR. FER AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT fry a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. THERE 18 NO PLACE | LIKE HOME. IF © | YOUOQWNIT. | House 'on Sydenham Street, $3600.00. Solid brick Uungalow, seven | rooms, sumpler Xitchen, provements, good sta : close to Princess Street. 4 J splendid home. Must do sold cay Ep aye des. THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Winder.) by May 1, $2560.00; terms can be . Frame house on A | hot water furnace; the best locality in the city. Must be | sold to wind up an estate. |i $2650.00. Terms can 'be' ar | ranged. Bolid brick house 'on John Street, seven rooms, improve ments, $3,000.00, * St. See us about a fence this spring. We Rave a great variety and cheapest prices. PARTRIDGE & SONS, King. St. West. Phones 350 & 1105 | NaDruCo Laxatives ave especially good for children because they are pleasant to take, gentle in sction, do not irritate the bowels nor develop & need for contipual or imcressed doses. 25c. a box, at your Druggist's. Live Haddock, Live » Halibut, Live Pike, Live Perch Woman has a perfect right to be particular about shoes, for a woman's foot is meant to be prettily clad. * What could be more dres- sy than the patent button hore shawn} oe ate the styles to the graceful lines, the smart appearance. No wonder | Invictus Shoes give : ad 4 i Banat = Sunn \ Bring Out Ugly Spots. gb MAC TAL 1 ance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you u penny unless it poigr the - Frockles; while if it 8 give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling 4 Simply get an ounce of othine-- hood, and a few applications should 4 show you how easy it is to ad yo the we self of the homely freckles and pr gh comfort to % Near Per. beautiful complexion. 4 mle | more than one ounce a ¢ nC waar] worst case. Y ¥ the prescription sol les,