MR Colo Fenart Vo Si NEwEvRY, ONT., April 4th. 1 Some years ago, I was sick in wai g ig to die. I had y which the FLOUR Our Robin Hood Brand has a guarantee in every good quadity', ANDREW MACLEAN, of flour bag. for |. doctors said was a Tumer and oR ego. and have the 'D."COUPER, of | 2 1 E both doctors are. 1 Plots 6 RE TS vary Hid ould ie bore eg pleted: C0AS? SRALED OYSTERS sent me Some NF ay dr. an -- of sues waa who tad been cured of a similar ! stogiach by To please my mother, T began to take of % "With the happy seoult to! lo see & dor ¥ inks sh3 m7 Heplth time 1 get a chance and I will he glad to - Lave you i hy TP, By Pruit-a tives We also have all sizes tn sills, Hntels, pler blocks, caps and vases st reasonable prices. Kingston Cement Products Factory Cor. of Patrick and ~ Charles Sta. 77 Wellington Bt. will At this time, Jaother t -- induced me to try hs taki tives", that they curell me. Jae ha been I recommend *Pruit.a-tives® same Nas. A. EDORALD. $2.50, » 256 on veceipt of price Ottawa. The kind you are looking is the kind we sell | Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guaraslee prompt delivery cursion 1014--=Round trip tickets to Wes Booth & Co. tern Canada, Olfeago and North Pay or Toronto an sale April Lt, and every other Tuesday thereafter nn- til October 27th, at very low faves. Tickets good for two months, We can make all arrangements to bring vour family and friends from the "Ola Country." For full particulars APPIN fo J. P. HANLREY, Raliroad and Steamahlp Agen Cor. Johnson and Ontario #ts CANADIAN 2A For Sale $1,500 For .farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and land; seven miles from Kingston. . d Class) to certain points in Alberta Columbia California Sn mage Dally 'wath April 15. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES ~ (One-Way Second Clans) Fach Ay watil April 328, Through trains Toronto to Winnd- Peg and West, Colonist Cars on al ir A NO arge for berths, Son par ars. from F. . - New WAY, CPA, car. Princess and Wel- pyrak Mats, culy 'WI very rR lington Sts. Phone 1197, thiza, 1 called in the doctor, but he to felp her any, We have no time to be sick, So 1 became tiy own doctor and with Rad "War's Ready Iolief and Pills, I gave her ace cording 10 Radway's directions, and she went back to work two days later," SAvply the Relief fo the throat and util the ace smarts and 8 Radway's Pills in such doses as wil wove the bowels, TF OURAN ATRAMSHIP AGENCY 0. 8 KIRKPATRICK 43 Clarence St. Phone 568 ----------_ -- r CUNARD LINE ---------------------------------- i Walter. Retire at once 0 } Bed, 1a the meruiug the cold will be | RADWAY & CO,, Montreal, Can, i te. FOR SALE Frame house, Johnson St. near Macdonald St., 6 rooms «ooo 81200 Frame house, Albert St. $2000 Frame house, Victoria St., fur- nace and improvements, g00d barn and. large yard .. CANADIAN SERVICE. From Southampton From Portland, Me. ASCANIA April 18 ALAWNIA April 25 AUSCONIA May 9th Steamers call: Plymouth eastbound. FRates--Cabin. (11) $46.26. Srd-class, Britian asthound, $30.25 up. West. up, THA ROBERT REFORD ©0., Limited. Agent, 50 King St, KE. Torente or. April 9 Apr. 23 116 BROCK ST. . i . EE EC CHAPTER 1. A Bad Start "l am afraid that you are a poet, Miss Clifford." "What do you meap, Mr. Anstru- ther?" "To be polite to a young lady with aR imagination. Did you net tell me when I was in Larkshire, that it never rained in British Columbia? Don't You remember how blue your sJies were when you were ¥ sand miles away from them? May I be per- mitted to ask if this 1s a fair sample of your Eden ™ The speaker, a tall, slight man, of not more than twenty-three, stood be- side an up-country cart, the eollar of Kis 'waterproo! coat turned over his 'ears, a wet cigaretie drooping rem his lips, aud an icy sleet storm driving lato the back of his neck, in spite of his 'endeavors to keep it out. Bvery line of his thin, well-bred face expressed discomfort and disgust, whilst the smartness of Lis getup em- phasized the roughness of his sur- roundiugs. The ladies he was address Ing, in spite of the disadvantage of a. seemed infinitely more tu their le ment than he did. "Does it never rain in England, Mr, Anstruther?" "Yes, but we adrit it, though 1 never saw anything Wke this in that much-maligned = country 1 suppose this. is what you call a blizzard," and he dug his heel irritably into his horse's ribs to turn that animal's quar ters mare emphatically wpon the slant ing deluge. ~ At this moment s man rode up on a ragged-looking cayuse, plain headed, and not too straight in the shoulder, but guick and handy as a cat. This man looked at the speaker with a scarcely concealed kneer upon his weather-stained face. "It's no good staying here, Mrs. Rolt,"" he sald to the girl's companion. "This won't let up before dark, and it's going to turn cold. Shouldn't won- der if we got the blizzard that gentle man talks about." . "How far is it to Brown's, Jim?" "Can't say exactly. Pretty Dick Says we are off the trail. I guess he' right." "What is this then that been following?" "A watering trail seemingly. I've not been this way myself for years, but the tracks all break up different ways a bit farther on." The mouth was early October and in October the weather may be perfect upon the narthern cattle lands or it may not. There is a whisper always; sometimes a threat of winter in th air, Even ip summer, in spite of the glorious sunshine, you cannes quite for- get that winter reigns here at least half the year. 5; That morning, the long undulating uplands bad been stretches of sunlit purple, royal in coloring, boundless in extent, with fair breideries of pu: > gold where the cottonwoods shed their leaves in the little wet gylites; now, in the grey of coming night, these up lands were wild, colorless and desolate a8 a stormy sea, void and without shelter. It, was g dreaxy outlook for the two women in an open rig, drawn by two utterly worn. Qut horses but it was Mr. Anstruther who resented it. "Do you mean to say, Combe, that you don't know where we are" he asked impatiently. "We ain't In England, Mr, Anstru- we have ther, and we forgot to order milestones when we You were coming." re torted the other, his color rising. "No, we're not in England," Mrs. Rolt put in hastily, "we are in Jim's own country, and ® We are off the trail for a moment, it not matter a little bit. Which way, Nar Jim's face relaxed at once. Like a high-spirited horse he flinched at the least touch of the curb, but the light hands of his Boss's wite could do what they liked with Jim Combe, the fore man of the Risky Ranche. "I'm afraid we can't make camp to- night where we meant to. I got fooled by the weather myself. Didn't calecu- late on a rainstorm before morning, nor on Is turning se plaguey dark, know you won't whine if you do You hunt and keep dry let the ludien drive to Riley iz gEE AE ¢ SC ESTASLISWED eve h safe and effective treatment for brome Avoiding drags. Vaporized Cresolens ona. IW hoon et Itis a BOON to sufferers y 0g the antiseptic vapor, the Rare throat amd » -- . Stops the , assuring Font nights, Jt 1a 9alustte vg oa rid young childrens Bond postal for descrintive det. X LENE 8s iROAT New York, Jan. 31, 1915 cities and i ip which serves as your his fos luxury and comfort agsured. 135 days--$900 and up Including Shore Trips and sll necessary oxpenses. Also Cruises to West Indies, Pan. ama Canal, trips, ® Send for bookict, oting cruise HAMBURG-AMERICAN Hamburg ALINE Lide, «71 Notre Dame street, west, Montregl, of local agents. . | From Ling 16 gue of lusury eA On | fine steamers comfort and cope venience exceed the expectations of the most blasé giobestrotier, § For rates; g and beautifel THE ALLAN LINE, < Sho fi il ¥ 11 Hef Hk pe i ; PER ELE : 5 3 ead # CLIVE PHILLIPPS WOLLEY ' {AUTHOR QF "GOLD, GOLD IN CARIBOO," ETC.) i = : Fi PE x ! Supplied Exclusively in Canada by The British & Colenial Press Service, Limited, s * big, Boglish hunter being sc much at sen in this country as irs rider. "Da you think that it is any good to Stop here, Mr. Anstruther?" The figure only half visible in ths darkness ah ad, reined in his horse snd waited. He was too far iu front to have heard, aud yet Mrs. Rolt was Afraid. Jim's hearing. like ali his fac ulties, was keen that of a wud thing. 'a fl dom't believe that that fellow Engws a bli where he is." muttered Anstruther angrily. "I don't suppose that he does exact ly. but he will find his way if we let him alone. None of us could do that in thig'darkness." "You trust Rolt," "We have ksown him a long time. Haven't we, Kitty?" But the gil had pething to say. Perhaps her sympathy and her exper fence were not at' dne.' Anstruther growled something under his breath, aud the procession moved on again at a foot's pace. "Well, your. horses seem to have had enough of it, if you have not, Mrs. Rolf," he said at lgst, as the pair balked resolutely dt the foot of an ex ceptionally steep pitch. "Get up, you brutes." and the angry wan laid his whip savagely across the quarters of the nearest horse. It winced but stoed still. Again the whip fell, and the horses backed so that the. cart. nearly turned aver, . "Stop that, Mr. Snstruther." There was an angry ring in the lady's voice, but he was too Savage to notice it. "Pardon me. Migs Niity and your self cannot stay here all night. The brutes must be made te go, 'and dis- wounting, he proceeded to make them. But be was hardly.on his Teet sooner than Mrs. Relt. was out of the cart, aud as his bang rose with the whip in it, he was caught by 'the wrist, and held as fizmly hy those thin white lingers as if it bad been a man who held him. "You forget yourself, Mr. Anstruther These are my horses, and I'l manage them mysell. Ge on and ask Jim to wail for us. Kitty and I can do with- oul your help, thank you." Anstruth r raised. His hat with a muttered apology, snd did as he was bid, wishing himeelf back in Bogla and pretty Mas: Roll at the devil What, he asked, himself, did. womien want in such & country? However, un- less he was very much 'mistaked, she would he obliged to call bim back to those horses before he had gone very far. Such ill-bred brutes could not be made to. understand anything but the Wm wonderfully, Mrs. whip. But Mec. Frank Austruther was very much mistaken. Polly Rolt was uot only a superh horsewompn---as good with cattle, her hushand beasted, a8 any cow-hoy----but she loved them and undersiopd them; . understood them because she loved them. So she stood there in the deep mud and driy- ing hail, passing hel fine. soft hands over the wealed flanks until some thrill of her gentle nature had soothed the poor heasts. Then she stroked their drooping ears, and took the mare's muzzle into her arms, putting her face down be- side the beast's, aud talking tender nonsense which beasts understand. "Drop the reins. altogether, Dick," she commnmnded. "Now,.oM boy, come along; come on lassie, up there, up" and with her hand on the mare's neck She led the way up the steep bank, the horses going with her where ne whip could have driven them. From the top of the bank a tiny speck of light showed ahead In the driven gloam. . "Jim bas camped, I think." "Just In time to save my life." said a desolate volce from the box sea Na Sow Sv "Let Mr. Anstruther down easily. You were pretty hard on him." "Not half as bard on him as he was on poor Bess," snapped the other. "I know, dear, but he is in a strange country, and things are not goin: wel: for him. - He isn't a mutt, really, and yet everything has gone wrong for him 0 a 'What ly Rol angwered, only the winds know, but her face cleared as she deow up at the little log cabin, be side: which -stoed twe dripping nce." Anstruther hurried (9 the cart, and putting his 'waterproof.over the wheel, helped: Mrs. Rolt. daintily to the ground, as i ber skirt had not been She Kpeady. . one haf alkali. mud oly. She the ls near en, CHAPTER 11. fee fingers were. ¥ ' wn - afm le ie. Mrs. Rold could show tL fgure, which had jus: aken the, 82C4'e8 off the riding horess, OOK charge, (hg. wet at ielded a3 f by ms to, the dow. Hagers, 'nd the beasts were Jed off by the Li. {lan to some unsecn corral. "Where have gai put Ruddygore * Anstruther. asked Combe. 'dn thre corral with the others. Why? Doyou wast kim jngide?" : On such & eight Anstruther might uave been forgiven fer thinking tha 'he hut was nefie (00 geod for hfs well red bhyinter. ii certainly was not gs £00sl a8 the loose hox ta Which that "aluable beast: had been accustomed, But Anstruther saw that there was no kelp for it. Ruddygere would have take his chauce with the rest. "Well 4t ean I do to help?" "You don't have to do anything. J make yourselt! pleasant to the ladies. I'}t be through in 8 minute." "You might ¢ut some wood for us, Mr. Anst er," called Kitty from the doorway. "Y should lave § STeal roar ing fire. | am 'just perished, aren't you, ary Anstruther picked up the ave s little doubtfully, awd 'looked hopelessly around for somewhing ro chop. "There are some pines in that last sully we passed. ihrough," suggested Mrs. Rak, - Through the dark and not quite cer- tain of his divéetion, the unhappy tchee tchaco (tenderigot) splashed his way, 'and once in the gully put als back into the work, It Was uot his fault that the Axe never bit twice in jhe same place; it was to bis credit that hee kept on hammering, unfil at lest a £rpen pine, Seven or eight inches in diameter, yielded to his Pesseverance. With infinlte roll he trimmed it, cut It into lengths, 'and. then packed fit back in three trips to the cabin Jim had been waiting for the last Iwo trips, and as soon as Anstruther pit his ave down, he taok it wp and disappeared fox five minutes, bringing beck a huge burat "stick" on Wis shoul: der. There wa: yather more wood in that burst "stick" than Asstruther had brought in his three. trips. With half a degen gdeft gtyokes the cowboy cut two short lengths frow Ansteather's green pine; for five dogs, tossed all the rest of that gentleman's bard-earned loads out of the w ay chopped, split, and kindled his own dry log. hung the billy on an impro viged gallows, snd began to cut the bacon. I was all so simple and so quickly done when you knew how to do it, but it was annoying to have worked for halt an hour to mo purpese. : "I dow't seem to be mawch 800d," sald Mr. Anstruther. Mrs. Rolt laughed. aud shook her head at the cowboy. "dim." she said. "you are an old bear. Why didn't vou tell Mr. Au siruther what kind of sticks to cut?" Jim grinned. "I guessed he'd have known that much." "How should he? chop wood hefore." "You don't say! there?" Mrs. Rolt ignored the question, "You play fair, Jim. You've got to éshpw Mr. Anstruther how to do things. : fou don't, Ill go heme." "Right away™ "Yes, right away." "Stop and have its dinner first," he said, with impudent coaxing, and banded her a dish of bacon, the rash- ers cut as thin and as daintily toasted as if they had been prepared by a professional cook. "Won't you have some, Miss Clir ford?" Too the younger women his manner was deferential, if not nervous, and, \Seelny her gdvantage, womanlike, Miss Kitty looked at the bacon and sniffed. "It's 100 greasy, Jim. 1 wonder if you would toast some of it a little more. for me, Mr. Anstruther?" Frank hurried to obey her, but the fire had been knocked together to make 8 blaze, and the little flames which shot eut, burned his fingérs and smoked the bacon, but would not toast it, "Half a shake, partner. Let me fix that fire for you. Now 80 ahead." A couple of touches inthe right place from Jim's toe had created a glowing hollow, over which the bacon curled and sizzled merrily, but again it was Jim's dofug and not Frank's, so that Kitty's pretty brow was bent, and though she laughed, there was a strong undercurrent of aunoyance .in her laugh ren Mrs. Rolt began itmocently to hum that popular American air-- "You ain't no good, You ¢'sint cut wood, Just kiss voursels good-bye." The slight upward curl at the cor ners of Jim's mouth did not mend mat ters. . He knew the air, though Ap- struther did not. "Now. I'm geing to be lazy and have 8 goed time," declared Mrs Roit, put- ting away her plate. "I know that wo- men ought to wash up--" "I'R do that, Mrs. Role." "No, you. wou't, neither will vou, Jim. Just put that plate down instant- Ivy. 1 knaw your ides of washing up. Do you know, Mr. Anstruther, when he Batched, lived alone, 1 mean, Jim had more crockery than all the Other ranchers ip the neighborhood put to- ether. Fifty plates | think Fe had, itty counted them one when she was in or: troche, a never Knew what he wanted so. many for until that, poor young Webster took his ack for a winter shoot. Then i found out. Shall. I tell, Jism > "Makes no odds." | ed Jim, "so long as you ain't What Mr. Anstruther calls too poetic." * (To be Continued.) A Tragedy of Japan. Tokio, April 15.--Tokujiro Fujita, 4 wealthy farmer who was formerly attached fo this"dowager empress' He bas not had to Is it all coal oyer ager was dead and committed suicide, a © { Delicate garments, "| ' .. trains, ere. may come in 1 : = contact with a k Polished Floor : Jad withou! fear of their being soiled arspottedwith grease. RONUK F508% 2: i 3 sinks right into the pores of the wood, leaving a perfectly dry . surface. Ronuk produces a finish Silky and restful in appear- ance and so smooth and hard that all dust and dirt can be wiped from it with a dry cloth. It never need be scrubbed or oiled and is an effective antiseptic. Ronuk is ecomomical too,--a little of it covers a o large surface. : Itis also an excellent dressing and pre. servative for linoleum. - 10c., 20c., 35¢.-and $1.00 the tin If your dealer cannot supply you write for sample to RONUK LIMITED Factory * Portslade 91-98 Youville 8q., Kugland Moutreal anadian Head ¢ 53 Yonge St, Toronto | Saver & Wight. man Brock and Bage ; Sim, nndepinke Work o polink- §- HE and Keeping » a stitutions or resi dencen. Phone 381 y Instantaneous ¢ Luneh, Invigorating. -- Bo ne The Food-Drink for All US Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form--dissolves In water--more healthful than tea or coffee.' Uded in 'trainin athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digestion. n Ask for "HORLICK'S" -- All Chemists, Hotels, Cafés and Stores. Don't travel without it. Also keep it at home. A lunchina minute, In Lunch Tablet. form, also, ready to eat. Convenient--nutritious. Arend Ages -- Righty Nutr! A i i A Ar A i A A om 0 Spring Millinery Our millinery department is now in fill swing, and you can buy your hat for cash or on the credit system. Some of the very best designs from New York and Paris. Big shock to pick from. 7 Ladies' Suits, all sizes, from 22 to 42. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Your credit is good at JOS. B. ABRAMSO} 257 Princess St. Phone 1437 - v NV A A tA Ae tas i ra. #1 Does the freshness of your food mean anything to you ? There's only Ohe ansyer--a decided "Yes!" Then : do you know that you can't buy a stale package of _ act i quantities-- : k sellers and do not long en the % 2 merchants to place small orders rather than large ones. Ra This is why you get Kellogg's Corn' their oven-freshn ; 10c per package. Look for the