_ TO LET Dwelling, brick, on Wellington St., near Princess, improvements $15.00 a month, every- thing included. W. H. Godwin & Son Real Estate and Insurance 30 Brock St. Ov Northern Crown Bank. 424, > DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {7 i:2: Fi fot og £5 a box or three for 5 or mailed to any wi price. The SccseLs Due FOR MEN, 17: + le Vint and sfor Nerve and Brain: increases "rrey *:8 Tonje--wilt bufld you up. $3 » box, or two for $5. at drug stores, or by mail on recelot of prise. THE ScoskiL DruG Co., St. Catharines, 3014 at Mahood's Drug Store." Amateur Photographers Who does your finish- ing? Are you satisfied with the service you are getting? Do you get prompt = and satisfac- Ff tory service? x Here you get promptness and good results. We develop and print your films properly in twenty-four hours. And don't forget you pay 10 cents a roll for develop- ing bere---and + we have put through aver 8,000 rolls since last June. Buy your camera and sup- plies at At Bests The Satisfactory Drug Store fanday: hours, 1.30 to 5; 30 to 9 ? No *lines;" no cement. are She "real thing" In WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST FROM KEELEY Jr. Optometrist We Grind las Lenses. 8 Deore Abovs the Operas Hous B HNGSTON oie What Montreal Exporters Say. Tia Curse 1 he vate Po 0- Salesmen Are Recently the chairman of the Ag- riculture Cemmitiee of the Board of Trade got in touch with Montreal cheese exporters and asked . them Jauestions of interest to the trade. As to probable prices, one said: "Our prospects for the prices of cheese are most encouraging. Al present, we are geiling 14c to 1414c, but do not expect that these prices will = last long. We see no reason, however, why the prices of cheese should net average a little higher this year than last, though it id difficult to fore- tell." A second was of opinion, "That cheese will sell at a fairly low price this season, 1035¢ to 1lc, ow- ing to the large Wuantity of New Zealand cheese thal have been ship- ped during the ' winter months," while a third-said: = "Time alone ill tell its tale; it is never wise to pre- {dict as there are always some oth- rers who think differently, therefore {the least said the better, but that all ithe Canadian cheese will be wanted | there is no question of doubt, but as ito what the British importer will pay {for them is another matter, This (can only be decided as the season advances, it being just a question of supply and demand. We may, how- ever, say that the very heavy re- ceipts of New Zealand cheese of late is having a somewhat depressing ef: fect on the market over there at present, and they appear to have all ithe cheese they require to keep them going for a while, and will have ap i parently for some time to come Another well-known dealer says the prospects for cheese this year, we think they are fair, but don't imagine we are going to have any unusually inflated markets, because New Zeal- and is neW playing such an important part on the English market." Asked if the exporters had any sug gestions to make as to improvemeids in Kingston district, all spoke well of the quality manufactured here, one sald it would be. a decided im- | provement if the factories would 1:6: ship cheese younger than ten days "old. A second said: 'We don't {know 'thiat we have anything special |to suggest regarding the make of I cheese in your section; this must be left in the hands of the inspectors who are; appointed and whose duty it is to assist makers to the utmost of their ability to turn out first-class goods, and under the able supervis- ion of a man like G. G. Publow we feel sure that much' good has been accomplished, and that more will be | done in the future, Our idea Is that it is always well to advise manu- facturers promptly through our rep- resentative of any defects, and if we find improvements are not made, we then inform Mr. Publow, and he gets after the inspector in that district." A third finds the quality of Kingston cheese equal to any other section; of course there are factories that turn out very small quantities and thé quality is poor. A fourth dealer 'suggests that all the factories in the Kingston district meet weekly and sell their cheese to the highest bid- der, and that deliveries be made the same day, because we don't believe in one buyer having his cheese deliv- ered one day and the other the next, {thus giving a local buyer the advan tage. i Other information imparted (this effect : "We would strongly ad vise the factorymen to see that thes {get good substantial boxes. The qual jity of the cheese boxes the last few 'yoars hay deteriorated and in opinion this deterioration in the gual ity arises through the box manufac turer cutting the wood a little thin ner than he used to, thus trying to get an extea piece out of the wood than was formerly" the eo This needs careful watching, as in these days of competition it is important that the package should be just a good in appearance as the cheese water in some cases condition and a do not. his 1s ar was te om 36, "Shipments by reach us in good other times they important matter. OF 80 receivers here fave been' making elaims*on the raifroads and steam ship companies for cheese boxes broker in transit, which has resulted in the SE_ CONDITIONS One Beclares That Combination day bill of weights of the cheese to who- ewer the goods are to be delivered as soon as they are shipped This being necessary as in the avent of delay in delivery or any claim being made on any pretence whatever, nothing can be done by way of tracing the goods or collecting a elaim without the original bill of lading being in the receiver's hands. We repeat, this is an import ant matter, and would ask vou to make §t Known to vour association." One exporter gets after cheese brok ers in tius form: "The Kingston cheese board has dwindled down until there are scarcely enough cheese offered there weekly' to call it p beard. For this reason, it 'does not pay to send buvers there. This caused prin cipally through a number of factories appointing brokers to sell their cheese. Ar you know, every factory thus sold lassens tne quantity at Kingston, and we suppose the factorymen feel re relieved by not having fo attend any board themselves, As a matter ol fact, these combination salesmen are one of the curses of the trade to-day Lhey get themselves "appointed sales- men for a numbeg of factories in. dii ferent localities, most of which make different' grades of quality of cheese. hey different rates ol freight, ete. Notwithstanding . this, these salesmen usually sell all the combination at the same price. This, factories with low freight have to car rv factories with high freight, and factories that make finest cheese have have also PATRICK "> -------- . Reviewed in the Presbyterian hy . Kingston Writer The Kingston correspndent of The Presbyterian, (Toronty), wrote as follows regarding the recent sirgu- ment of two Kingson dlergymen about St. Patrick: : ST. Sunday, 15th March, created a ripple on the surface of the placid waters. Sermons were preached in a number of churche: in wemory of St. Patrick, and honor done to his name. All extolled his christian worth and works. To St. andrew he was, 'no doubt, the good Presby- terian Scot, Mr. (James) Sucecat of old Dumbarton. To. St. Paul's, he wag the full-fledged Anslican Pat- rick. Teo St. Mary's equally full fledged Catholic Big as he is 1 puted to have been, he is not, it seems, big enqugh to go round the churches. St. Paul's claimed him' ex- clusively for that side, and St. Mary's exclusively for the 'other, and in consequence a Tew sharp ex- changes took place in the local ptess. But it was the Lenten sea- son, and ill-will and strife being un- seemly, the dispute was*hushed for thie time. When the forty days are past it may break out again for there anpears to be little sive and take batween the parties One of Birmingham's stories may be an irenicon: Two Irich ladies belonging to the rame parish were given to auarreling, and when they fell ont they used terribly bad languace. After confession and absolution one of them was leaving the church as the other was going in. On the very stons of the sacred edifice a auarrel began. She who was enfrr ing poured ont the usual torrent of bad words. The other listened for soma moments in silence, and when no longer able to endure the iri For the past year® to earry those who make a lower grade. For this reason, combination | has got to brought at a price sui- | ficiently low to make a good averag and in this ~way, the best factories with lowest freight mus? carry the 'lame ducks. "Usually the stock in trade of ikis class of salesman is making speech ca, and passing resoiutions as how the North Pole siooid be dis- covered or some other iccl thing of this kind, the object 10 £20 their name in the pa'.ors and make the patrons of cheese factories think they are 'heaven-born' philosophers Not one of them, so far as we Know, ever invested a dollar of their own money in the business in th-ic liv- es, but display the wisdom of. Selo- mon in instructing those who do n vest their own money how it should be done, ete. Shipments made by water arrive in: fair condition, but sometimes we have troubl> 4nd de-) Tay in having them packed up at Kingston promptly. Besides, we think 'sometimes they are exposed | on the docks awaiting a steamer and in hot weather this is senou: as it is also fn wet weather. Cold storage on boats is a large question and -it is doubtful "if there is enough | boat business to pay any line to in- stall refrigerator plants. The great difficulty is to get carriers of all kinds io handle cheese carefully and Jggoperly, Every class of labor is ro indifferent to-day as to whether other people's goods are damaged or not that it becomes a serious question. Personally wagyould pre fer that all our Kingston cheese were put into a refrigerator car dur ing the summer, properly <lowed and packed, so the cheese could not i be knocked down and the hoes "roken by careless shunting Thi an only be done either by the rail- way putting men into the ca; to dc 'his work of the factory men If it is left to every person. {i wor Ye done at all. The difference? in| freight is not mueh, and with fice | sars in the hot weather we think it] 's the best way of shipping OF | course farmers themselv are most indifferent and careless he hein abort the ndifferent of théir cheese. All, most af them think about is to .dump 'heir load as quickly as possible in- to a freight shed or car, and away Many of them a-i if the nroperty did mot belong to fhew ¥4 cost ns last year about $3,096 'o cooper, repair, and put Canadian *heese into proper shippin> order fter we have received thém here. Aven with thig £xpenditure it does ot cover the loss because many of 'he hoxes hroken to sah an xtent tha! either new ones have 19 "e provided or the old oves zat arg numph of her adversarv. said bitter- lv. "It's easy seeing, Biddy Malohe that yon know I'nmi in state of grace this minute and can't answer Rut glory be to God, I won't for long.' No saying locally happen when Lent an vou. ba so may over . And as to St. Patrick? Was there ever such a man? Likely, for an- efent herole storie¥, even though for the most part fabulous, don't grow out of nothing. There ig a kernel of fact heneath the vast superstrue. ture of fiction. St. Patrick founded 265 churches nnd baptized with his hand 12,000 mersons, all reptiles from Ireland the countv of Clare thers are people who this day helfave that he '"invinted the nraties Thers is no reason that he shouldn't have done this as well as some other have heen solemnly as cribed to him, Tt would have heen quite as easy as some of them. Mak ing every reasonahla allowance for the historicity of the famous Irish saint, and without hurting any one's sensibilities, he may be ¢ ged with other semi-mythical heroes who, in ancient days, oscillated bey wenn Ireland and Scotland, such as Os sian and Fina MeCoual, and Cuch ullin, and Carbhair Ruadh, Breacham, and others. : Rather than quarrel abent him, let us try to follow his spintly ways. His message wag oe of revival and hope. And one of his favorite texts whether from the Itala or the Irish, one is not sure--is said to have been thus: "To Spforad an Tighearna oramsa, tre gur ong =e me do chuir se-uadh me do shean- moir an tsoisgel do na bochdoibh do shlanughadh na ndaine aga Chfuilid croidh bruidhte, do shea moir fuasgalta do na braighdibh agus do da dalluibh ajsioc a Trad haire, afus do thabhairt saoirsi don mhuinntir a ta ar no geombrug hadh." All in good native Irish, which cannot fail to touch the heart of every devout lover of the name of St Patrick. It was the Master's own initial text; and what more gracious message could any missionary take perishing people? Why anv is own expelled And in things that to a claim to ecclesiastical origins, in connection with his name, which in- dependent non-Scottish, and non Irish authorities declare to be with out any historic foundation? The message of the Cross came to Ire- land, and came to Scotland, as fi interesting origins, heavy on unduly about it. he troubled what | He also | and | | clash of words about him? Why lay | | contact | small village over a trifling dispute, ! sistants of the to other lands, and if the mjsts lie why | We have the resnits and the blessing if | Some Changes workmen's compensation bill are heing pe government, which, if they Yized, would pretty well do away with the the tntive « the maximum cent paid mechanie manufacturers are urging for a reduc i tion of the percentage of wages from compensation which a permanently in jwred workman shall receive, condemned St. Mary, Magdalene Prospers Picton's Big Fair Pieton, April 18. The Faster vos- try meeting of the church of 8t Magdalene, Picton, was held Tues- day evening; the rector, Rev. F. L. ' North-east winds; shower: Friday, fair and milder. . | Rarber presiding. A creditable bal-] ance cheet was presented hy the re- tiring wardens and approved by the vestry. showing a total amount of $6,188 was . raised this year. for all purpeses. The rector. ap- pointed Mr. Nelson Bailie @s his warden and R. Edward Wright was chosen as the people's warden. J. H. Holmes was elected lay represt entativa, the other representatives being Messrs, JJ. WW. Hamly and D 1. Rarker. . This year Pleton ig to have one thie srgndest fairs ever held im astern Ontarfo. Tt is to be known '« the ¥*Prince Edward Old Boys' * and great. numbers of the sons and daughters of this county will return from all aver Canada and United States. The plans are being avell lald and' mary interes ting events are promised. + One of the most unique comoetitions is the inging contest in which Toronto, elleville, Deseronto, Napanee and Picton will be confestors. The falr will give this section a big boost. HH. J. Stevenson, Port Arthur, Miss Marjorie Stevenson. apd "Miss Talen Jarvis, are guests of Walter MeKenzie. Nhe funeral of Mrs. P. C who died in Kingston was Picton on Saturday. The new armonry will be comple- od this month and will be for- mally onened on Midw 1st. A ball will ha hold there on that occasion, Noy Vallean, of Kingston. 1s spend- 'rr the week in Picton. Mrs. Grace fohnegon and Miss Walkewwof To- "onto, ware guests at the rectory this week of Menee, held in MANUFACTURERS SEEK in the Workmen's Compensation Act. Foronto, April 16.--1It is understood that requests for alterations in the ressed by the Canadian Manuiactur ' Association before the Ontario were real he usefulness of the measure so far as workmen are concerned. Represen- of the association had a long | with, the cabinet several Ghject which, it 1s onsultation lays ago, the of elieved, was to press for three alter tions, in 'the bill. Lhe first proposal was to ent amount of the compen ition to the workers so that it shall ot in any ease. exceed fifty-five per of $1,200 he present bill. says 2000 on a Fhe down maximum yearly wage trade representatives will oppose this most strongly upon the ground that all the best paid mechanics of Needlework 3 - . We beg to announce that we have put i a departinent of the famous Royal Society stamped goods, whichis now ready for your inspection: We earry a very representa- tive dssortment and can supply vour every demand. We invite your inspection. About that Suit or Coat you've been thinking of -- Might we suc st to you that our show- ing, for style and vaiue, has been much commented on and in numerous cases we have sold only after comparison! ors Suits, $12.50 to $19.50; $20.00 up to $37.50 Coats, $8.50 on up to $35.00. EEE STEACY'S The BUSIEST Store in Town the provinee, particularly those who Ty tp their lower- re organized and have been able better wages, would have ympensation cut the force down to Secondly, it is understood that the '¢ to fifty, 'as the amount' ot the at I'he third request is a blow at Fhis is now put the time which before the injured workman can any but the hii states that when tge injury lasts dong than the seven days he may draw msation from the first. What the 'turers that the seven shall be off entirely as the + during which compensation shall he paid hese. three are practically the points which Sir William Meredith uting period even days as must 1 lapse dra compensation, seek is cut no features May Cause Trouble I te te Fo Our Fixtures for the adornment of your home are chaste, latest designs and beautiful in, artistic effect. ° bn Visits are made reg- ularly to the manufae- turers. We are thus al- ways in touch with the most up to date styles. Prices are moderate. H W. Newman | Heetric Co. Phone 441. Home 1376. Shanghai, April 16.--An Incident likely to cause sharp diplomatic ex- changes between China and Ger- many: occurred yesterday on the new Canfon-Haunkow railway A German surveving party came into with the inhabitants of a the fighting two native as- "vyeving party were and in killed. Foreigners are being passports in the province refused shag si Prevost, Brock street, has receivid © Announcement Having in stock a large number of the newest de- signs in Monuments, we are prepared to quote excep- tionally low prices until Ap- ril 15th. . Lettering in cemeteries a we don't spoil them by rivalries and | antagoniems which find little coun- tenance from the Cross. Better fol. low this sentiment, from the Irish Rible. which St. Patrick would cer; tainly approve: "Feuch caldhe an, mhaith agus an taotbhneas sin dear bhraithre do comhnuidhe a paond thoil!" St. Paul's and St, Mary's) well acquainted with the words, cannot but acquiesce; recdivers at shipping points marking the bills of lading 'so many boxes re ceived broken or damaged," whist means that nothing can be collected here on any on which a ha receipt has been given. We, therefore would urge vou very strongly, whe ther you ship your goods by railroad or boat, that you see they are in best order possible and that no hroken boxes are shipped, and that in al! cases vou obtain a cléan original * Lil) of lading. This receipt of shipment should always be enclosed with the Pain in Top of Head Was Almost Constant Two Doctors Recommended Surgical Operation as Only ! Hope--Wonderful Results From Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. ®all Mrs. T. Gray, farmer's wife, Earl- ton, New Ontario, writes:--*1 had nerve ot heart trouble; ahd was very muh run down. 1 suffered terribly from headaches, and my eyesight was so bad 1 could scarcely read or sew. The pain in the top of the head was almost constant! Two all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' furn- ishing department. They are all well assorted. with new goods "Pensular Products," At Dresden 'Saxony, Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, the English militant uffragette, was on Wednesday .pro- hibited by the police from address- ng a public meeting Send in re-orders from the D. A. Weese photo negatives before ihe studio closes. > The Allan liners Calgarian and Al- { satian will use Quebec as their Cana- dian port. Eliminate kitchen worries, use White Rose flanr, There is a scarcity of United States battleships. WHEN FEELING TIRED Hood's Sarsaparilla Builds Up the Whole System----Makes Pure Blood enon it as specialty. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess & Clergy. Phone 1427 Seing repaired. and in 'apidated condition that the value of the cheese, eve verson buyla~ cheeses to-day pays articular attention to the style and phearance. Sometimes a good ap- eiring lot of cheese hoxes will 'over up some sins In quality." There's a big show for little money at this store right now. Seasonable Underwear Perhaps nothing in dress demands more at- tention just onw. Keep the cold out without getting overheated. : Merino Underwear Fill the bill splendidly and keeps the purse in- tact! All sizes from 34 to 44, at 50¢ per gar- ment. Ellis' spring needle ribb, fine quality and light weight, at £1.25, ~ Combinations in fine light ribb at $1.00 and $1.25: in white 'cash- mere at $2,50. goods at Gibson's "Pensular Remedies". at Gibson's. It is a duty that you and 1 owe ourselves and others to avowd, as far as possible, mouth extravagance. RADIUM ORE VEINS FOUND Will Enable Colorado Staté to Supply World Denver, April 16.-- "Colorado has enough radium-bearing ore to supply the world," says Thomas R. Hena- hen, state commissioner of mines, in announcing that carnotite has been | found in considerable quantities in the silver ores of Eagle county, in the western part of the state. "If you had told me a month ago that carnotite and silver could be found together I probably would Bave laughed at you," he said. "But it certainly is mixed with the silver in the Bagle ores. Of a shipment of twenty-five tons of ore recently made, five tops was carnotite. > "The shipment gave eight-t hs of 'ane per cent. of uranium, from which radium is extracted. It is probable that if the cirnotite ore had men in We are catering to, if you take an-interest in your wearing apparel. \ A a Headache is sometimes deseribed as the ery of the brain for more blood: One thing certain, headache is the usual accompaniment of ex- haustion of the nerves and disap- pears when the depleted nerve cells, are restored by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Our stock of Woollens is complete. Lat: est movelties in. Worsteds, Cheviots and A call solicited. That tired feeling that comes to you in the spring, year after year, is a sign that your blood lacks vital- ity, just as pimples, boils and other eruptions are signs that it is impure; and it is also h sign that your system is in a low or run-down condition in- viting disease. It is a warning Tweeds. All summer lines are: also ready for sale in any quality. What this treatment actually does is to increase the red corpuscles in the bloed, or, in other words, makes the blood rich in nourishing and 'bullding-up qualities. { . For this reason the cures effected are both thorough and lasting. Tire relief you get from headache pow- ders and tablets is only temporary, and is obtained at enormous ex- ta theh nervous system. and again the headaches re- turn until your nervous system is rn out and helplessness of "mind and body results. \ doctors found they could not help me, and wanted a surgical operation. "IT had heard of "many beiug cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and de- cided to try it. Altogether, 1 used six boxes, and with the most marked benefits. They did me good in ev ery way. lt-"was-not long until 1 was about and doing my own house- work." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the greatest of nerve restoratives. 350 comnts a box, 6 for $2.50 Al deal ers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Lim ited, Toronto. heen shipped by itself without, mix+ ture, it would have shown four per cent. uranium." The discovery is the first of citno- tite in veins underground. The car- notite which has been located in counties composing what is knowtl as the "radium: field" has all been on the surface... In Eagle county the carnotite is mixed with silver ore in the underground veips. The pitchblendé of Gilpin and Clear Creek, counties has hitherto beén' the only nderground radium-begring.. ore found in the state, baton which it is wise to heed. saparilla. and. tr that tired feeling. blood, gives new. life, new courage, strength and cheerfulness. it makes Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar- This old standard tried blood ° medicine relieves It cleanses the the rich red blood that will make you feel, look, eat and sleep better. is the best. Be sure to get Hood's because it There is no other com- bination of roots, barks and herbs like it--no real substitute for it--no 'just-as-good' medicine. Crawford and Walsh; * "TAILORS