i Fes : =i THER GBR Published Dally and SBemi-Weekly by HE BRIM HIG PUBLISHING Con Lui ED, L a vA Guia ag "Binector hones § Telep! Business Ce tthe ner eere na ON RATES {Dally Edition) gaa geigte nb, Jour: all to rural offices. e A m your. £3 On tel States senren a res months pro ra Wi x Edition) rata mi y .e to United Sta: seve and three monte pro tached of the Mest 4 prin ng moss ce - R! REP) nf GER SERRATE o BR SENTATIVES New York ote: see00 225 Fifth Ave, k R. Northrup, Manager, Ch . seen . Tribune Bldg. », Manager. job WHITE'S PHILOSOPHY Among' the lame arguments adduced by Mr. White against free wheat was that of the necesity. of preserving to the transcontinentuls the carriage of wheat till we were more certain of the result of the western gram grower, ol the opening of the by the Hudson Bay and the Panama Canal. On what a sea of contingen cies, we are embarked If the -Hud- #on Bay and Panama carry off the wheat trade, what will become of the three transcontinentals which have cost us hundreds of millions to con struct, and whose purpose, Mr. White &VOows, 1s to carry the grain of the west to the markets of the world ? Ii the Hudson Bay and Panama do. not carry off the wheat trade what will become of the grain grower * There 1s another contingeney, if it he not, rather a certainty, Suppose the west insists on free wheat, or the Ametican congress grants jt without condition then, too, we presume, the and hundreds oi millions expended Ly constructive ship will be a sheer loss There would seem to be two chances to one of a thumping loss in transcontinentals, not to spedk of "'the vast sums we ar, spending on the Pacific coast to be prepared for the opening of the Pina ma Canal." Weekly Sun, fis wnppaa------ The Toronto News says the liberal newspapers have developed in the Past two years "a most amazing ca padity for bold hundreds buoyantly statesman and cunning misre prédentation." The Whig has thought that %he conservative papers have triumphed fn. this respect. No paper can surpass the News Yn avd Alliberal dealing with the its caustic names and motives of the liberal leaders, THE CHEESE MEN WORKING The cheese men of holding 'a 'session to-day and for a dis- cussion of They are counsbls the best of neh, "ness, according to all accounts, their closest attention. ket for cheese--the day, and secured on the merits of district ere the their mutual wise in calling into thei for the busi needs The best mar best for amany boods~-is England, and it successfully the N landers. These got their pointers invaded hy this business from Canada, which seemed to have a place securely hers in the British market, and great is the surprise which have displayed. The New Zealanders vantage which these too apt Pupils have an ad the Canadians They organized. They appreciate the of the market. They realize what the people of the old land, in cheese, in boxing, in shipping, in gen eral care, need, and are providing 1 cannot study too seriously, are largely nature quality of It is simply shameful the way Canadians, and of this distniet, some are shipping their cheese in flimsy boxes, which will not the they get in shipping, in boxes which do not fit, and, becoming 'wrecked in stand handling the trip from Canada to England, ex pose the contents to unneces and serious damage. 3 g It is time that the cheese men of this district were waking up to their new, interests, and the of co-operation, of carefulgess in pack. ing and shipping, of using all the ma- chinery that has been placed at their . disposal i ordi to elevate and prove the trade. We expect to hear of a great improvement in ness as a result of this rally 'of the cheese men to-day. The Standard §s entitled to all the sympathy it is being extended in the loss that has come to it by fire. "The peopl; of Kingston are interested in their newspapers, which have re Presented the dity so actively and unitedly when (heir service has been required. rieappmsmhsiaia TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION _ The teachers of the province ex- Poctad to hear something definite this : " Tespecting a superannuation rd But they wore doomed to dis- appointment. It is too much, at any ATY need realized the busi- competitive routes | interests, | give any. evidence of mental strain and capacity. Ir. Colquhoun, the deputy winfister, and the man who does the Ahink- ing for the mhnister, and would make something of the department if' only relieved of its dull had a message with regard to superapnua- tion. It was this: 'I have consulted routine, my colleagues, and we have decided to offer a meas- ure dealing with superannuation of teachers at the next session of the legislature. This measure , will me cessarily- be affected by three econsi- derations at least : A certain amount of public indifference on the sub- ject; hostility on the part of a por- tion of the teaching profession itseli: and. the existence upon the statute hook of the old fund. "Subject to the limitations imposed by these conditions, we shall try to frame a measure just to the teachers and acceptable to the public. Any legislation of this kind must meces- sarily recelve the endorsation of the great body .of the partes affected." Could anything be more indefinite * condiderations which have represent The three any new The old scheme was very &ncomplete and been recited do . not diflienlties or experiences. inadequate, and, like the federal civ- il service superannuation scheme, had be to be suspended. It mav merged scheme, without affect into the new | ng the Snterests of the old teachers, Any * new and present beneficiaries, scheme. will have to be made more | exppnsive for both the province and 'the teachers, It can be made effactive, however, and without delay, by remitting to some expert the development obrit, after " discussions with the teachers, as the Workman's Compensation Bill was developed by Chief Justice Mare- dith after he had | thre of &t with the employers and em debated every fea ployees. new elgption is in prospect this vear, and Dr. Pyne simply Rants to meaatime humbug ging the teachers or putting them off with a vague promise which, next oe the issue, i oar certainly, he does not hope to redeem. The National Association of Fire Protection has issued a copy of which should be placed in the pamphlet a hands of every one It should he made the subject of the closest study which, with Most have resullt of mishaps fore hires are the been avoided, The fire insurance companies, like the in the schools. thought, eould fife insurance companies, have an edu cational work to do. THE CONSERVATIVE DODGERS I'be of the fuestion in. the legislature, discussion 'emperance ighna- ting with the resolution of M Kow- ell in favour of the abolition of the bar, and incidentally all treating in hotels and clubs, was as warm a usual, Tt served the for as it is to emphad ze stand' of the respective parties and against the liquor law now enforced. The speech of Mr masterpiece. It Rowell accentuated was \ two points, and in rect and conclusive language at once di The demand for legislation partizan charactor. It advanced was not of 5 rested on the resolutions of several, church bodies ~the General Synod of the Chureh of Pngland, the General Assembly of the Preshyterian Chugeh, the Coneral Conference of the Methodist Church, n of the Bap and Congregatfonalists, : Ihe Domknion Alliance | ted "their demand, as a resuit of the { referendum, of 1902: My jean the Liberals for ignoring the had formula Hanna re of this | forgot to say that the 'iherals {had Fhe [a ce men joined wiih the conserva result referendum, but he had their experience. temyj er tives in defeating the liberal _covern ment, Mr his vision is not affected, must zee, if that the | present government, on the liconse or bar question, is tempting the fates. The second feature of Mr. Rowell's speech was the offer to drop the re solution he had presented and fall in and Hanna behind the government if it acted on the appeal of the young conservatives and hearkened. to their plea. The government's answer was an { amendment to the Rowell contesting _the right of the provin- forléd the manu- importation of liquor, motion, Ia | cial parliament to | facture and { (which was not raised), extolling the virtue of loeal option,, (which the gov ernment repeatedly songht to defeat), and expressing the opinion that the evils of the treating svs- has [tem "should he put an end to if possible, by legislation, or by other | satisfactory means." The amendment very carefully avoided to mention or define th means, Tt is ver elear that the local gov erament is in distress upon this ques. tion, and does net really know what to do. The ' amendment. which it Projected to get rid of the Rowell resolution, is the most heartless make-shift that has been eker Sug gested. y Mr. uanna, speaking for Sir James Whitney, and presuming to reflect his mind, chatters away about -the evils of treating. Why does he not do sonjething, then, about suppressing them * Why does he not implement the promises of the premier in some axpeet that Dr. Pyme will way? : RE EDITORIAL NOTES share of the cost of good roads, in 000,000 which it is proposed to spend upon the highways, The autoists by these kicking which the way, clamour most for good roads," and are now against the tolls are being placed upon them, or taxes One Littld varnish factory at Port Hope, says the: Weekly Sun, Fusel oil put upon the free list; for can have its bemefit, but the great farming in dustry, which thousands of people; cannot get their favours. The of duty, by a few on their agricultural implements, re affects reduction cents, presents a sham in political service of which the finance minister be ashamed. Those Toronto University men cought seemung slight they have shown one refusing Wilfrid book of Canada's greatest men in to allow the picture of. Sip Laurier to appear in the vear \s one who had served the university during the vear he was the recognition he has been refused he the local cause some persons thought government wouid not like it Small, isn't ity -- America is now aroused with re gard to Mexico, and Uncle decided to subdue the rebellious na Sam has tives. The United States has been for months quite undecided what it should do, though presuming of all under the Munro doctrine to be the regulator America but nét take up its manifest duty until the rebel general saute the flag. Maas et al'must now be spanked Nothing else will do Men in Demand I" mito Maid Chinese classes in church should be taught Iw The mstruction of Chinese Sunday schools men men is not work for young women In Big Business * 0 va Free Pros Hamilton has appointed a or the hydro plant per cent. of who may have five his time Possibly it for vate work, means he Aill have goal fixtures time to mend his own fix System of Work Montreal Sia Fhe attempt to wreck the electric chor in Stag Sing shows that the _System" is not dead vet, and that Mr. Whitman may have a harder bat- tle than he imagines Bee Ker trial to convict on his new Duff » Rarity Art Chro Hon. James Dufi refuses to appoint on the thirty conmunission appointed no good an agricultural that years confirms the thirt y-threy ground one three ago. did general impression he is vears hehiind times, The One Mission Toronto Stay 6. W. Stephens, who was defeated the mayoralty of Montreal, talk- ed English, French, German And ltal- his speeches to his constitu- Being ' millionaire, how perhaps the electors thought ought money for an in ents. ever, that he talk to have lot his Conflict of Interest Montre Herald The Georgian Ray canal would cost far than the Wdland-St, Law rence one, and it would by far the shortest and quickest route to the the Lakes. If the deepening is less ive head of Great Welland St. Lawrence proceeded with, then the Georgian Ra matter what commission may say, Canada able to af ford to build the fedrgian Bay ship canal Moreover, to build two deep Fater routes for ocean steamships Montreal to the head of the Great Lakes would he as ridienlous as it would be rifnonsly expendive To | Kingston Events | 25 YEARS AGO" no will not. be from Fhe Midland Fair Assopfation wil sell their lots outside the fair grounds C. Martin, sign painter, will accom pany the Montreal fence painters te New York, Prof. Macgilliveay, of will spend the summer in Germany ite goes to publish his work upon which the degree of doctor of Leipsig Queen's, he received philosophy at ---------- Trollers for Owen Sound Owen wil 16.-- The town council is negotiating with u, group o' Forénta and Montreal capitalists, whe are ready to build a street railw ay in Owen and an electric line tc Meaford, twenty miles distant. 1 hey want a twenty-five-year franchise or the streets of -Owen Sound and are ready 'to build eight miles of track or the streets. "The line to Meaford would he equipped for either steal} or electric traffic. Tt 'is understood that several men connected with big rail way interests are in on the, proposi tion. 'The town will be asked te fuarantee part of the bonds of the company, Sound, Sound ---- Jolm R. Thompson, of Chicago who has sixty-seven restaurants, wil bead a $6,000,000 corporation te own two hundred dining-rooms in the United States and Canada Harry French of Burlington wa: fatally scalded through falling int r---- The farmers are surely paying their contributing = $18,000,000 of the 0, | should to be ashamed of themselves foi the | Maas declined 10 | PUBLIC OPINION 0 and ders I i : nl Vi | | | lot of retouch rile a wo- rood like- | entitled to | | government { 1 | i kt did | | | Is | Very: he he a live wi - | T n r | mean by 4 fo! md st Tommy's mea | | [ | Money on the | the g r manager pri- | THURSDAY, APRIL SIXTEENTH NDREW BRODER, who has been member of Parliament for Dun- das since 18%, and who is one of the most popular men in the House has to- «fl Commons a birthday day. He is now sixiy-nine years old, having been Born in the coun Hunting don, Quebec, in 1845 His Irish parentage doubt less accounts to a certain extent for his ready wit and his fame as a storyteller: When he was collector of customs some years ago in. Morris- burg, he had several amusing ex- periences in connection with the dis- charge of his duties. On one occa- sion a woman stepped off the ferry, carrying a fine, large rooster, which she had bought over in New York State. She went to the office to tell her story and see if she cqpld not get the bird through duty free. Mr. Broder questioned her exhaustive. ly and then announced that he would let it come in on one condition. Pe. Ing ssked the condition, he stated with the utmost gravity, "That you do not permit this Yankee rooster to row over a Canadian barnyard." on - Ty a ------------------------------------ COURAGE. . No man can be brave wha thinks pain the greatest evil por temperate who considers pleas. ure the highest good.--~Cicero. tv of Remember to be calm in ad- versity. ~Horace. In great straits and hos Is small the boldest counsels are the safest~Livy. Courage copguets all: things. It even gives strength to the body,~Ovid. 3 It we must fall we should boldly meet i fanger~Tac- tus, yield to 'misfortunes, meet them with fortitude. Do not but a vat of boiling water while at wor} at a basket factory there, : i 5 3 x Headquarters for Boys' Clothing Mothers will find it a pleas- ure to inspect our splen: ~ did stock of Boys' Clothes BIG BOYS' SUITS 28 to 35, $4.00 to £12.00. special £5.00 Norfolk Suits. Sizes See our BUSTER BROWN STOCKINGS For boys and.girls, all sizes. 25¢ per pair, BOYS' CAPS BOYS' SHIRTS BOYS' KNICKERS SEE OUR BOYS' BLOUSE SUITS For ages 21-2 to 10 vrs; styie blouse with "straight knickers; bhie wool serge, Price £1.35 per suit, LITTLE FELLOWS' SPRING REEFERS. . Plain blues, sizes 21-2 to 10, $2.90 ach; £3.50 each. &d LITTLE FELLOWS' SUITS Very newest styles, £2.50 to $6.00 BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It 8aves Time. P. WALSH 8-57 Barrack Street To Let Market garden property less than one mile from Kingston, consisting of 27 acres of ex- cellent soil, most of which is especially adapted for truck farming; ten acres plowed last fall} the falance in meadow; good dwelling and large parm, For Sale farm pro- good bar- and A large list of perties and "some gains in city property town lots. ; Fire and Life Insurance 'in first-class companies, Money to loan bn real estate L only. T. 1. LOCKHART, (Over Bank of Montreal) in your and Boys' Boots. Is good leather Girls' Try Our $2.00 .and $2.50 H. JENNINGS, READ THE WHIG WANT NT ADS