ets your Tele- phone 489, John McKay, Ltd a color; produced not by the brush, but 'by 'chemieal fumes, permeating the pores of the oak, making a per- manent color tone. You'll like it. Dining room, den, library suites look handsome. Wrices not- high, aluation. fe | { 1 b be " Divans, Davenports and Bed Couches, good variety, $7.50 to $60. Very convenient. & NEN Ne Rugs, all sizes, patterns and rich color effects, newest 1914 makes, from best European mills, _ Ourtains, lace. Brussels, Net, Mad ras, eto. Iinoleum----Some handsome floral designs, 1-2 to 4 yds. wide. Our Upholsterers and Repairers are at yorr service to do your old furniture and make it new, Phone 00 I. F. HARRISON CO. S---- Bissel's Carpet Sweepers The best sweeper i . manufactured is the .Bissel Sweeper. We can ew ay .8ell you the best at $2.75 R MeFAUL Kingston Carpet Ware- 5 house. A ididn Prosperity Is Assured Those Who Buy REALTY If ¥ou have some money can save a Nttle more each y ®0 into real estate. This is time. $2300 Barrie St; brick, eight nd C., gas brick, new, 9 water furnace oak floors. $110 -Colling wood, 8t.. brie} new, 7 rooms, furnace $3800---Princess St, rooms; hot water heat} sete tyy 'hall in centre, sta he $4800-~Centre St. brick, new. 4 ms, hot water furnace, e!- Mot water heating, hot and cold Mater in four bedrooms, dwo bathrooms, lares front back 1awn, tadle and and arage' $5000 Fran teh 6 B. ' SL, brick. new, $3900---Johnson rooms, air furnace, el- hat ectricity, hardwood floors $3350. brick, nine ro gas, : $185 'ingestion Ave, frame, 8 a $2250--Nelson St, brick, seven rooms. B, apd" C, $1550 Rideau Bt. frame, new, & rooms, W. $100 cash, 2020 Fame St, frame, new, 7 rooms, furnace, gas $2700-=Alma St, frame, rooms, Tufnace. Lo eat ¥. §$5000~Barl St, brick, 13 rooms, ac St. brick and neon St. new, Insured against and Moth for 3% | 11. S. Asselstine, D.0.S. by ST. EGS NUAL GATHERING. QUEEN'S LOWER CAMPUS A i i Presentation to Miss M. E. Rogers To be Held oh Friday Afternoon -- ~The Men's Association Also Met The Soccer League Executive In Annual Session -- Address by Meets This Evening to Draw Up Rev. J. O. Crisp. a Schedule. ; Prof." Lindspy Malcolm, honorary coach Queen'§ senior rugby gquad, has called "a practice of the rugny squad St. James' branch of the Woman's Auxiliary held ite annual meeting | Thursday afterncon. The president, | Miss M. "E. Rogers, was in the chair. | jor Priday afternoon 'ai four o'clock The devotional exercises were conduet- {on Queen's lower campus The prac: {ed hy the. rectbr. : | tice is 'for the purpose of keeping the | 'Ibe secretary read a report of the [ players in condition, Although the } work of the Tast twelve monthe, show. 1g, g is in a wet condition it does ing that Meetings had ens hel with | "ot keep the players from tuphing | Week since the . > W a ra hid | a goodly attendéhce at Sah meeting. nN field amd having a ha A bale of clothing had been sent las Thins ie aii s bt . A ale valied at. 895, and a bale of ly This as the. third Seas a Je groceries, valued at 313, at Christmas | held this Sprirg on he 03 - La Pe tite, 10 the Gordon schools, 'Plans jo the Yer Y: a a 3» hiv are under way for continuing the |Sifous that all ihe Stucents wig oa meetings through the summer months. { play the game should twn out for The treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Ada, pre- | instruction. sented the financial statement, show- | [ing receipts of $146.30, and disburse- ments of $139.72, I'he elections resulted in the follow- ing being appointed office holders for {the ensuing year : Honorary president, | Mrs. J. Kennedy; president, Miss M. | Rogers; first ° vice-president, Mrs. | Ning; second vice-president, Mrs. . TL. Dalby; recording secretary, Mrs. . Cogswell; correspending secre- , Mra. A. Maclean; treasurer, Mrs . Ada; mite box secretary, Miss Hynds; leaflet secretary, Mrs. W. Ar- neil; Dorcas secretaries, Mrs. King and Mrs, NS. McUormack® superintendent ot juniors, Miss K. Wilson; rganist, Miss Dupuy; delegate to annual meet- ing, Mre. A. E. Cogswell; substitute, Mrs. J. Farcar Following the election, the ladies made the * president, Miss M. E. Ro- gers, a life member. An address; stat- ing their appreciation of her work, was read by Mrs. F. Welch, and the gold badge was pinned on by Mrs. | George Booth. Afternoon tea was served and the meeting brought to a | ¥ closgé ol | ! ] | | | Soccer League Meeting Theré will. be a meeting of the Kingston soccer league in the Y.M C,A. parlor on Friday evening at o'clock for the purpose of electing officery and possibly arranging for a spring| schedule, if everything can be arranged. - The public invited to be present and it is hoped that a large turmout of the local soccer fans will be present. Advice {is freely asked by which a successful schedule may be dihwn up. x shes dedesdoodeodeadedesdesdosdesdeode deofeode oe fee fff fe eh * QUEEN'S EXAMS. RESULTS The Whig will this year, as usual, publish complete re- sults of Queen's college ex- examinations. Orders for papers left at this office will ber given the same careful attention as in the pass. Price per copy, including postage, 3c. The Whig ha no ean- vassers at the college To + 1% ensure the absolute certainty James' [op receiving the paper, leave # your order at the Whig office ede Queso de dosdodedesde deseo] RELEASED ON PAROLE St. James' Men's Association The annual meeting of St. church men's association was held on Fhursday evening. Rev. J. 0. Crisp gave fn illustrated address on church history, speaking of the special char acteristics of different periods in the | history of the Church of England. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Crisp. | The following officers were chosen for Vihe ensuing year: President, J. Far rar; vice-president, DD, Southal; secre tary-treasurér, Frederick Johnson; ex ecutive committee, the above, with Messrs, W. HH. Dalby, Smith and F. Welch { Bart W. Redmond Given a Term in 1 Central Prisgn Redmond, who pleaded guil ty of theit, in the sensa tonal robbery Sharbot Lake, a year ago, and who was giver two years, | one day, in Central prison, 'by Magisttate Farrell, has beer released on parole. He returned {his home at Sharbot Lake on Thurs day afternoon. The theft, it will caused quite a sensation. involved, over $1,000, was stolen whil it was being transterred from on train to , another at Sharbot lak Redmond, who was employed as a messenger for ihe Dominion Express company, was arrested by Detective Pian. of the UP.R., and admitted stealing the money. He was senten ed on March 22nd, 1913 Earl W to a charge express at Case Was Dismissed Judge Madden, of Napanee, dismiss: xd the case of Lemmon bros. vs. R. M. Vanluven, which required his hon- ors attention at the sitting .of the [hursday afternoon vere asking damages 71, the amount alleg mtract. be remembered county court Lemmon amounting ed to be due Dr. Vernon's cushion boots, men and women. comfort. Dutton's store. The Mexican United States change salutes Penslar products" high-class. Sold at Cross Drug store. Sir James Whitney declines the offer } of the province to pay pense? . Flannellette or cotton nightgowns; B0c.; .moire underskirts, $1 Dutton's sale. "Penslar products', at Gibson's. Kryptok.. on Bro to $1 on' a cc sole Perfect Wear -------------- I'he | TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL will ex is passed. Mesico crisis and - dak Notified That Fallon Bros, Will Live Un to Fair Wage Scale At a meeting of the Trades and La bor Council, on Thursday night, a letter was received from Fallon Bros., hig illness ex | having the construction of the cause { way, in which they agreed to live ups to the fair wage scale. A resolution was passed opposing he granting of an increase in salary strietly Reu are Gibson's It | ward a communication to the council head of the aity's fire department. Educational in St. Thomas {gate to the Ontario | sociation, to be held {on May 24th | 'TWAS MOST SATISFACTORY | ------ | Test Made of the Weight of Coal by | the Police ! Coal sent out by seven local deal- | ers w. " "3 pl oratory experiments have prov- i] was held up" and weighed by | en thom Doaents {the police this week, and the test - | Was a most satisfactory one. There | | Was not one case in which there was | a shortage, but on the other hand some of the loads were over-weight | as much as twenty, twenty-five and thirty pounds | Lenses may be good, but lab- It you want an invisible Bi- focal lense, consult us about the new one-plece Bi-focal, a lense with one index of re- fraction and no chromatic ab- | ---- erration, A Church Sugar Social A sugar social was given in Brock | street Methodist church on Thurs- | day evening by the Ladies' Aid. Fire Chief James Armstrong was chair man. The programme consisted of a | reading and piano solo by C. Smith: solos by Miss Myrtle Stage and Miss Mildred Lee; short addresses by Rev Jobn Webster and George Pound. The sugar,was prepared by Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs' J. Lemmon and Mrs. T Shales. Tt was thought at first that Rev Mr. Webster would not be able td be present on Thursday etening as he had been to Oakwood to attend the wedding of his niece. However he arrived home,in time. 342 King St. Phone 1019 Kingston's Exclusive Optician. Notice PALACE Livery 24 to 38 Princess St. Has re-opened as a first-class livery, hack and boarding sta- Se. Vehicles of all deserip- ons. In Marine Circles * Cap . Barney Pomatier has arrived from Deseronto, to take command of the steamer John Duncan. gi The steamer Yorkton, which has been laid up all winter at Port Dal | housie, loaded with grain. will dis- | charge at the Montreal Transporta- | tion company's elevator. The stéambarge Sowards, with Capt. Max Shaw Is~command, will clear to-night for Oswego. Will Commence on Monday Hy ©. Nickle, superintendent of the street railway compafy, stated to the Whig on Friday afternoon that the work of laying .-the double track on Princess street from above Barrie to near Alfred street would be commenced on Monday morning, providing the weather is suitable, . § Phone 77 REDMOND & A Mason Contraetors and Builders. i Estimates - cheerfully ven on all work, 's "Look! Tea aproms, 25c.: all-over i E os i aprons, 506. 'boys' blouses, 45c.: rompers, 4% tton's! Aading b- "Make Kingston beautiful' --use Kentueky lawn seed. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store, DAILY BRITISH ' hy WOMAN'S AUNILIARY, HELD AN- ANOTHER BUGBY PRACTICE ON | "prohibited ' magistrate is cordialli™ { her friend's house, * | ded the I'be amount | | | '"The Hat Store' to the fire chiei, and decided to fors | Protesting against an increase for the | Joseph Sauve was elected as a dele- | As- | s CIRCLES IN A VERY SAD PLIGHT WOMAN ALMOST SUFFOCATED IN MUD ON ROADWAY, Was Gatheréd ia by the Police and Found to be Member of the *Pro- hibited List." -- Other Cages in the Police Court. Edith Willis, a middle-aged wo ma came within an ace of being "iffocated on Thursday evening While under the influence of liquor she fell on her fact in the mud on | Place de Aries and was rescued ny some of the people living in neighborhood and afterwards re- moved to the police station by Con stable Jenkins, who was callpd. The woman was in-a sad plight, Sha trembled from head to feet, and Jhey | ud, She en ar- clothing was spattered in precented a sad pleture oh raigned in the police court morning "The accu¥ed had a donhls charge to face, as she {2 a membed of the list." She told the she was very sorry Onestioned ' hv the court she told of having paid a call to see a friend that | | Friday | WHIG, FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1914 4 Saturday 1ST. 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL F PICTURES, Freckles, Girl of the Limberlost, ete, The Harvester have been sold at & 3RD---POPULAR MUSIC, 2 FOR 25¢c. stock of Popular, Standard and Operatic Ma RAMED AND UNFRAMED pecials, © A large and seleet line to choose from. 2ND--THE HARVESTER, by Gene Stratton-Porter, author of od, We Over 400,000 copies of NOW 50c. arry the largest sie in Kingston, 4TH -THE VITAPHONE-TALKING MACHINE plays every make of dise record, sharp and clear, without surface noise strated. All 160 Princess St. on Onfario street, during Thursday | afternoon, and it was here that she waa served with the Hauor. "But | only had a very little," she explain- vherenpon the magistrate told that she was in an awful con- ad, her | dition for having taken only a very small quantity The magistrate pressed her, as to whether the had been given Hguor any other place other than at but she declar- ed that all she received was given her by her friend. "My friend is not to blame, ad- accused, who did not care others mixed up: in her at to have trouble After questioning fhe unfortunate woman abont the little drinking party, the magistrate remanded her until Monday. k Ormision comes before swwery litle while, on 2 being drunk He had r little speech all ready to give the about getting hance, the it him hort wi a fine of $2 and costs or twenty davs "Yon now." of nogistrate hut court « bave had too rv chances the magistr Michael Hart, an | dasired a chance to { He will 'have the chance. If he cov- {ers a fine of $1 and costs. He too, wanted time to nay his fine, and the { court informed him 'that this would decided liter, any said a gn drunk," ake good." he serge skirts, 21.39. Value ! 81.2 Black 5 lawn blonge, black sateen underskirts, 50c. Dutton's sale Northern Ontario occupied spot light in the debate in the legis- lature on Thursday. sought to stimulate the government to undertake a more liberal policy "Beautiful green velvety lawns, Tes the if vou buy Kentucky lawn grass seed. Sold only at Gibson's* Mendels' coat sale Saturday, > Spring Hats That Are Swell another off 1 The liberals Week or nasal twang. Chic Styles in Ready-to-Wear New Arrivals This the latest records in stoek. OPEN NIGHTS include Ladies' the latest styles. Tweed Skirts ina big variety of Marquisette, effects; all sizes, 34 and up. ' Ladies' White Blouses , both in Crepe and with long sleeves and frilled to 42, Priced at £1.00 Ladies' Raincoats, with Raglan and set a beginning in price at $3.98. the popular - shades, in 'sleeves; all sizes, ers' samples. They 1ty of style and are guarantee, Still doing the business in Ladies' and Misses) Suits and Coats. are selected with care from the best mak- You will do well range as the styles speak for themselves. Our garments have that individual- backed with a double to see our 1 Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. & Shaw JUMBLE -- A Lot of Short Items Run in To- Not éven in Toronto, Montreal or New York would you find a wider better or more up to date variety ' of men's hats than we are show- ing to-day. Just as soon as anything new in the hat or cap line comes out we get it. These guaranteed makes are sold only in this store: Knox $5 Von Gal $4 Hawes $3 Tress $2.50 Picadilly $2.50 Waverly $2 Waldorf $1.50 See them in our win- dows gether, "Kodak films," Gibson's. Mendels' suit sale Saturday. Bargain suitcase, $1.30, Dutton's. To-night The Harvester 50, Col- lege Book Store. The provincial department of agri- culture announces a hog-breeding contest for farmers' sons. "Ice cream bricks", at Gibson's. Juy now ! Boys' 3de.; Dutton's sale. Mendels' coat sale Saturday. Artisian wells have been found In Steelton which are supplying, it is estimated, 350 gallons a minute, Bargain corset, 4-hose supporters, 50c. Dutton's. "Penslar cold creams," at Gibson's. The Toronto schdol trustees were called extravagant and faddists by the mayor and city councillors. { Mendels' for coat values, Saturday. Dutton's sole agent for '""New- iweek two must go at sacrifice: price. Opposite opera house. Porter Shaw, of Montreal, in the C. P. R. company's employ at Orillia, {was drowned in the Severn river by 1a tanoe upsetting. "Will grow in corners or under trees." Kentucky lawn seed. Sold lonly at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store: . Dutton's sale ! 1 and 5, $1, worth $1.75. Hurry. { Sir Ceell Spring-Rice and ~ Lady Spring-Rice will leave Washington April 27th for Ottawa, to be the guests of the governor-general of ,the dominion. { No two coats alike at Mendels'. ! Music from all latest operas can be bought at Dutton's, opposite Opera "House. ! : You cannot buy Kentucky lawn grass seed in any other stor: in «Kingston. Sold only at Gibson's {Red Cross Drug store. Sir Francois Langelier, licutenant- governor of Quebec, speaking at Mor rin college, warinly defended the Boy Scouts' organization, resenting sgate- ments made by La Verite. A sweaters, No two suits alike at Mendels' The only store in Kingston selling } Kentucky lawn grass seed. Gibson's §182.50. $4.50 gun Red Cross Drug store. word Boys' bdots, sizes reeeeBUILDERS SUPPLIES ewading Lumber Timber T sweetness of low prices never. equals the bitterness of poor quality Lumber Proverbs S. Anglin & Co. From You are invited to come and have it demon- The College Book Store Phone 919 Sterling = Silver Table Ware See us for new patterns knives, spoons and forks. AT RIGHT PRICES Dainty patterns, small and well formed. All fancy pieces to match. ------ Smith Bros. Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Jewelers We grind lenses for eyeglasses . » on the premises. Furs Stored Telephone 700 We Will What have you to offer? We have buyers who have the cash A telephone call reach me, Winding up of an estate in Ports- mouth. A double - stone dwelling. with good grounds; a double frame dwelling, with garden! a single roughcast dwelling, 'with garden. The two last named havé a frontage of a village block. All rented. At a sacrifice price of $4500 tor all. Houses to rent, furnighed of un furnished. Fire Inshrance. - E. W. MULLIN peciatist. + Real Estate 8 Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones 539 and 1436, or letter will Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards Cer. Bay and Wellington Sts. toes LUMBER. COAL & WOODewsy 'We guarantee this make paint to cover one-half more than aay other make, Insist on getting the best quality, sold only at Men, look | $5 patent colt boots, metal boots; $3. ution's sale. isn Hardware hells, i or GRUMBLE AND GRIN. Grumble: But how do you manage always to look. so Epick and span? Your shirts (and collars are immaculate. Grin: That's as easy as slip- ping on a banana peel--I pat- ronize the BEST LAUNDRY in J town. Try it, old man, try it-- it's a winner. ' Grumble: Name and adgross Please? Grin: Why, it's Princess & Sydenham Sts. Cor.