Ss . _--== ------ YEAR 81. NO. 91, EVILS OF PROTECTION AND ALSO Up I The Budget ~ Are Shown ; Debate "SIX MORE SPEECHES DELIVERED IN THE COMMONS ON FRIDAY 4 The Tories Preach the Gospel of the National Policy -- The Liber als Hold for Open Markets and Favoritism to None. Ottawa, April 18.--8ix more speeches on the budget, three by lib- erals and three by conservatives, were made in the commons yester- day. No weakening has yet appear- ed in the position taken on either side. The liberals cite the undoubt- ed evils of protection, and the con- servatives demonstrate the unhappy conditions that follow where free trade is adopted. Driven to it, the government members admit that their ambition for more protection if necessary, is to make said protec- tion '"'adequate," and when pressed, liberals admit that the ideal system from their point of view, if it were only practicable would be out-and- out free trade. Conservative speak- ers preach the gospel of the national policy and home markets; liberals show how protection of tariffs allows the growth of combines and the ex- | They | preach the doétrine of open markets | ploitation of the, farmer. and favoritism for nonpe. OF FREE TRADE ESTATE OF W. GILLIES Was Valued at $210,460 Is Divided Toronto, April 18.2 -When the late William Gillies, gentleman, formerly of Carleton Place, died on Sept. 10th, 1913, he left an estate valued at $210,460. Under the. terms of will, Janet McEvoy, Toronto, sister, receives $2,000; Helen McEwin. To- ronto, sister, 2,000; Elizabeth DB. Patterson, sister, Carleton Place, $2,- 000° The residue of the estate, amounting to $178,315.15, is to be divided among the following nephews nieces and 'one grand rephew: John Stark Gillies, Braeside; John Albert Gillies, Gillies Depot, Ont.; George Gillies, Braeside: Mary I. Muirhead, Carleton Place; Alfred J. Gtilies, To- ronto; Janet Ida Robertson, Arn- prior; George Gillies, Vancouver; David A. Gillies, Braeside; Austin B. Gillies, Gillies Depot; Allen R. Gillies and Clyde Gillies, of Clover Bar, Al- berta; Helen Sherry, Edmonton; Florence Campbell, Winnipeg! Edna Gillies, Braeside; Elgie R. Gillies, Carleton Place! Helen F. McEwen, Toronto; Robert McEvoy MelLaurin (grand nephew), - Saskatoon, and Jolin A. McEvoy, Toronto A - How It FIGHTS POULTRY "SANDING." York Humane Soclety Wants the Practice Stopped New York, April The Humane Society has appealed to the depart- ment of agriculture at Washington to stop to "sanding" and "over * of live poultry York dssociation, New 15. put a cropping The Greater New Dealers Protective Live Poultry which J. A. Robb, of Huntington, resum- | is co-operating with the Humane So ed the debate from the liberal side of the house. The United States by for a day or more before the - admitting foodstuffs under condi- tions of the Underwood tariff, was enabling American manufacturers to feed his employees cheaper could the Canadian manufacturer. That was the feature of have to consider. J. A. Aikins, Conservative member | the | as as | for Brandon, ' csharacterized course of the late government "reckless"; while retaining the na tional policy, it did not work out as applicable to the west. The tariff consequently bore unequally upon the west. The late government had ohh powers. and ofl areas of the west to private par- ties for the enrichment of corpora- tions. He strenuously advocated a free wheat policy. ACTOR J. K. HACKETT WOULD BE A PEER So A London Despatch Says--His Pedigree Is Traced Back To 1066 London, April 18.--It is the ambi tion of James K. Hackett, the actor, who has recently become wealthy through an inheritance from an aunt, to become a British peer. If he persists in his present deter mination he will file a claim to be cognized as Baron Hackett, oi Hac- kettstown, and Sheldon Abbey, coun ty Carlow, Ireland. According to his pedigree, which My Hackett has worked out, he is de scended from Heket, one of the "barons who eame over from France with Wil liam the Conqueror, whose name, he asserts, is inscribed in William's "'six and thirty nobles," dated 1066, upon a pillar of Battle Abbey, near Hast- ings. pay S---------------------- TEN SEATS FOR TORONTO In Ontario Legislature Under the Redistribution. Toronto, April I8.--~Ten members for Toronto with six ridings, four cen tral ridings each ; bers as at present, and two outside "wing" ridings, was the Ontario gov- ernment"s proposal with respect to this city, announced by Hon. W. J. Hanna at a meeting of the redistribu- tion committee yesterday. So far no changes for Eastern Ontario consti tuencies have. been announced. "Penslar cold creams," at Gibson's Capt. T. Pugh and wile, of Mont: real, spent the Easter holidays with the former's father, in Barriefield. While heré they were also the guests of Mrs. (Capt.) Batten and Mrs. Wil liam Cherry. "Jee cream bricks", at Gibson's. - DAILY MEMORANDA See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabil Manufacturers, Read This A new era in advertising and selling has arrived--the co-operative era. it means a pulling-together - between . you manufacturers and the retailers who sell your Jt means a wider, better, and more economical distribu- tion for your goods. It means also the use of the newspapers as the basis of your advertising campaigns. than the tariii!| question, the government would yet | electing two mem-' starved con- and of ciety, says that chickens are signments arrive in Jersey Uity then fed on a paste composed grain, pebbles and finely «rushed stone. These, it is said, often ounces to a four-pound chicken aod results in large profits. It is said that from 150,000 to 300,000 pounds of sand is thus sold consumers herecich week at a fancy price. add four to COTTON TO BE RETIRED A Former Kingston Officer Receives Superannuation. Ottawa, Mpeil 18.~The retirement on nuanmation © of © Major-General W. Cotton, inspector-general of the Canadian militia forces, is announced in militia orders issued yesterday. Fox the present, at least, no successor will be appomted. The duties of annual inspection will be performed, as last by the militia himself vear, minister of S REPLY UNITED STAT Sent to Huerta With Regard to that Salute; April ies government President Huerta, that there shonld simultaneous salutes fired by the Americans when the Mexi cans salute the American flag, was de livered, {ast night, to Foreign: Minis ter Rajas. His reply was . unfavor- able to an early adjustment of the situation Fhe matter consider: ed at cabinet meeting night Mexieo City the United demand 1%.~The reply of ~t to the be was last a SUGESTS HIS RESIGNATION Winnipeg Tribune Think Provinciai Secretary Should be Pamished Winnipeg, April 18.--The Winnipeg Tribune editorially commends Lieut.- Governor Cameron for his refusal to attend the Catholic banguet where the pope was to be toasted before the king, and suggested that the licuten- ant-governor might almost be justi- fied in asking for the resignation of Hon. James Begnier, provincial score tary, who spoke 10 one toast. ANOTHER EDITOR AT THE BAR. W. H. Dennis, Chief of Halifax Mail Called to Account, Halifax, N.S., April an article appearing in the Evening Mail, yesterday, inferring that ii the legislature passed the bill to incorpor- ate the Nova Seotia Power company, Following {the conclusion to be drawn would be that the members had been bought, it was reported, vesterday. that W. H. Dennis, Jr manager of the Mail, would he led to the bar of the house and be asked to explain. Wantéi Divorce; Tried Murder Bellfire, 7hio, April 18.--Because his wife refused to pay half the costs of a divorce action he had' instituted against hor, John Luggit vesterday shot her four times, inflicting pro- bably fatal wounds. He then killed himself ¥wo of their young child- ren witnessed the tragedy. Grandfather Fought With Wolfe Toronto, April 18. John Grant, 86 Ossington avenue, Toronto, died Thursday. He was a cousin of Hon. John Sandfield MacDonald. His grandfather, Peter Grant, was a United Enipire Loyalist, who came to Canada in 1780, and' his mother's father, Donald McDonnell, was in the Fraser Highlanders at Quebec, and fought under Wolfe, ' "Sweethearts" Opera In the piano warerooms of (. W. Lindsay, Limited, 294 Princess street, may be found 'a full assortment o© records, giving the various operatic selections from' "Sweethearts." which pear at the Grand Opera ednesday, April 22nd. will ap House, the i ing KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, CARSON'S DEFIANT SPEECH And Home Rule Settlement . Very Far Away Limavady, April 18.-At Carvagh yesterday Sir Edward Carson m fe the most (defiant speech of his present tour, and seemed to suggest that settlement further aw "ver, . "Ihove is very little daylight on the horizon," he declared. "Minor. iSters, in their speeches, seem to think Ulster is airaid of a Show: of force. They think you are a kind of mob which will run away from po licemen's batons, "They do not credit you with be a great and local community They do not recognize vou have hearts and conscience, . and the fact... that your strength in the number of guny and ammunition which you have, hut in the determined way you will resist whut, is against science. "The 'government thinks, that vou could b¢ subdued in a week by the fleet or by the army. I know vou could not be conquered in years." At 'Limavady, Sir Edwdid 'Carson made the sume points, and it appears almost certain that the statement from. Ulster headquarters will be that all hope of u compromise has passed, CIGARETTE MENACE T0 BE FULLY PROBED Report Of The Committee Will Command The Serious Attention Of Parliament April 18.---The Broder committee on cigarettes, which produced some startling tes- timonies with regard to the preva- lence of smoking in féminine society circles of Canada, will probably con- tinue its investigations next session. The inquiry is intended to be thor- ough, so that an exact idea of the extent to which the smoking of cig- arettes may be regarded as a men- ace, can be obtained, and so that the report of the committee will com- mand the serious attention of parlia- | ment It is not thought possible to conclude an investigation of this character in the short time left. The committee. will likely bring one or more witnesses from Washington, and will also obtain evidence as to what has been accomplished in the state of Pennsylvania. The effect of cigarette smoking upon the young is' an important feature of the in- quiry, and it is proposed io invite as a witness Sir Hugh John MacDonald, of Winnipeg, president of Canada's first juvenile court. UNCLE SAM'S Seems n was than ny min Is not Your con Ottawa, special iH I AGGER. Daily News' Coerrspondent Writes 1 of Tampico Incident London, April IS ham, letter to says "No doubt paper he taat teach asers do ce that raising un his Cunningham Gra in a the Daily News, class of news lyric in its joy is going to lesson Yet 1} Wilson to read a les re." His naval massing of the a certain almost Wilson will I'resid the 1 not Presigent 1s majest) gon to demonstration, 1s whole Atlantic fleet, his landing of a party of fiiteen thousand men, all to be directed against the wretched little | port lampito, the poorest, cheapest swagger imaginable, "Some American marines rested in that town by a foolish offi cer. They were released and an apol- was tendered by General Huerta's What could ad the incident occurred I § of 18 were ar ogy government more be asked for H at Kiel, Yokohama would the American fleet sent there to demand that their flag should be saluted ? 1 trow not. The Japanese would have langhed such a demand to scorn. The French or Ger- mans would have treated it merited contempt "Americans have inherited from our- selves the propensities to swagger with the weak and make terms with the This is a case of the gross- est. abuse of It can be of no possible benelit anyone, and if the Mexicans have any patriotism at all left in them' they should unite all par ties against the foreign invaders." A BIGAMIST CONVERTED AND SEEKS ARREST But Toronto 'Authorities Could Not Meet His Wish As Crime Done In England. Toronto, April 18. ~William A Douglas, aged the morality terday afternoon and said he wished to surrender himseli. He said he was a bigamist and as he had just got converted he wanted to clear his con- science of his crime and pay the pen- alty. He declared 'that thirty years ago he married a woman in. Oak- ville. with whom he lived for fiiteen years, and by. whom he had four children. Seventeen years ago he went to Fngland and there married' another woman, from whom he soon parted. As the crime was commit ted in England officers of the depart: ment could not hold him here LCherboury, have been with well- | ¢ gtrong foree. to Mrs. Moorehouse, of Glén Buell, underwent a rather painful accident on Thursday. While feeding her turkeys a male bird which weighed 25 pounds sprong upon her, and her | face was badly lacerated below the! eyes by the claws of the bird. Medi- cal attention was necessary in clos- ing the wounds! v Premier Asquith refuses enquiry into the Irish military operations. A four-year-old boy was killed hy a hay rack at Brownville, first Wilson morning on in ments was expected answer to the United States ultima- tum v ong morning they will be ready to block- ade direction. down, blockaded pocket, Secretary o'clock department goli links where President Wilson was goifing spatches {foi 'remier denial cided to dissolve this summer, mier Asquith, in answer to tion in the House of Commons, hoped the bill for the abolition of plural voting before dissolution, and this! cannot he done until | that dump on L urday and and a gi Montreal about living at the corner of James was burned ta the dump, tainty been carted to the dump from some yard which has been cleaned out re- cently who work. raking ovac bish. Karl Clark was: assisting him When the explosion occured Clark's e The other two children watching and that is how they came to be injured. | Henry, who happened to b: | orking some | scene of the accident, es. { jury. was seventy-two, cntered | the life of young department offices ves | clothes caught fire and were a tinguished 'rowley were called injured. | * A representative of the Whig called to see the two boys They were suflering a deal from the burns thév received but were doing as well as could be It is believed that noon. pected. will recover. Several other children, | who playing, around"th of the accident, had a escape. g Keystone comedy. Admission 5 cents. WILL BLOCKADE Every Mexican Port By Next Morning : HUERTA MUST ACCEPT THE ULTIMATUM 8 TED STATES Or the Yankee Warships Will Begin Blockade -- No Ba F a Unless the Mexican the Offensive. Washington, April 18 time for months, appeared at his a Saturday of the the. Tampico a as to view in Meanwhile, Tilted are rushing both coasts. essels sout By Mexican commer Unless Mexican e every De Seeretary Tumult y, rushed the Washi State th. to-da fro to th It is reported show Huerta term salute NO ELECTION THIS YEAR Asquith tish April the governme Commons lL.ondon, 18 that Fo the government This declaration has, failed to disturb the comviction of the unionists that an election must come this summer, preparing. TOF that eventually. and It is probable that the ing of the Irish Home Rule will be taken on either.May 11 or 8, and the suggestion that in order to facilitate fits pas- sage one of the stages in mors shall be -eliminated. EXPLOSION AT DUMP SEVERELY AND A GIRL. On Saturday Morwing --Black Pow. der Exploded -- Men Saved the Children Severe Injuries. An explosion, believed to caused by gunpowder, occurred on the Bagot street, on Sat ten wer ung, sm abdut children mo thre il hari Clark das the face, neck Feddy' Tamer, sire be + aged street, ace and neck \ nine-y the explosiv is 'not knowh is believed Just how but it Henry, middle. after David looks a lothing caught fire. weré standsig Mr. distance He ran to his quick the sc Drs. W. A. McCarthy to a e dump "His Double." . The above is the tijle of the three- masterpiece which (the Ideal Theatre Monday It is a thrilling story accused of ing criminal ripping drama; al NT BY UNI- expected Huerta's States Huerta It is not expected there will be any bombardment unless the i Mexican forts take the offensive With copies of the trans the latest messages from Mexico in his Informs 1915 BURNED TWO From were seriously burned. ged fourteen, living on and hands Montreal S ar-old girl, name unknown, was burned about the arms and legs. the dump, stme of action which Glark, and IL. shortly very mbardment Take orts -- For the President | and office this This was develop- ffair. 'News last | war hwards al Wednesday from every backs will be rt lations of Bryan and even the state ngton Club out _ « m yat de ill ling |! Bry mm { ysed | { | the Bri- his had de- | Pre- a ques | said to pass lowing nt however, they are third read- bill is made the com BOYS Near by Moré have beer o'clock, , two boys adly burned nine years, and about the reached a cer- have es for to -aged man, was at the rub- close by, the in- it saved Jhis ex- from apad 13 and as E. ttend the before great ex- all three Were at 'the time narrow will 4 be the who is his hong 1914. ICE FIRM AT MONTREAL Says It Will Soon Clear Mnotreal, April 18. --Eight or ten days after the ice goes out in the Richelieu, the St. "Lawrence should be clear for navigation to Montreal, according to the superstition prevail- ing 'among mariners. The Riche- lieu was yesterday reported clear to the government signal service, so it is expected that about the 24th or 25th Montreal harbor should be free for navigation. Captain Demers, harbor master, has been of the opin- ion that the 25th would see the har- hor of Montreal Qlear of ice, and he vesterday reiterated that belief. In the river between Montreal anu a point one and a half miles below Three Rivers, the ice-bridge = still holds firm, and at Montreal the con- ditions remain much the same. From the Lachine Rapids to the foot of St. Mary's Current there is a stream of open water several yards in width, this gradually widening. Apart from that, however, the har- bor ice is apparently still sound and may stay here for several days yet. There is said to be four feet of ice in Lake St. Peter, while Lake St. Louis is still frozen also. T0 BAR THE ENTRANCE OF COMING HINDUS Expert Opinion 18 The Dominion Government Ready For 400 Orientals Who Are Enroute To Vancouver April tevday, Ix I. the interior 100 -When parliament H (Van attention ol the to a press de- Hindus and ve Stevens divected the couver), were rhai Hong with a view to it regulation re en route tion rece thi ived a that , effect ton, Ih { \uncouver have 'hese morn "and replied loche, been in- people » officers at ohibit to our present March structed to j ym I contr reculati There i= ut passed, an order-in-coun lst, and to be months, which pro- hibits the entrance of all artizans and laborers British Columbian, It belie ut or t will efiectuatly "hay the Hindus cil mn on foree for six nto 18 ler a entrance coming HIS STORY OY MURDER Pleads Self Defence for Attack on Mrs. Mullard. Vancouver, April 18. Jack Kong, the Chinaman accused of the murder of Mrs. Millard, was brought up for trial yesterday. Evidence of a cir- cumstantial character having been given in detail as to the finding of the cremated remains of the de- ceased, Kong said, "I want to tell I did it in self-defence." He added that an argument took place about the kind of porridge he made for Mrs. Millard He struck at her with a chair She came at him with a knife, saying that she would cut his ear off, and he struck her with a chair onthe head and she fell. He carried the body down to the basement and thought for sometime what he would do with it Then he cut off the legs and arms and put all into the furnace G/P.R. TROUBLE UNLIKELY -New Schedule of Wages to Rest in Obeyance. Ottawa, April 18 ticipated. that - there will be any trouble between the Grand Trunk Pacific railway and its western shop employees 8s the result of the decis- ion the majority of the arbitra- tion board to recommend that the same schedule of wages should apply as in the case of other western lines. There minority report, and it is said that the company will on' this account refuse to put the increase in force However, under It is not an- of is a present conditions in the west, it is not thought likely that the men will cousider this an opportune time to force the issue DETECTIVES GUARD MAYOR OF NEW YORK His Assailant Of Friday Will Likely Be Committed To An Asylum New York, April 18.--- Mayor Mitciiel who was the target for Ma- honey's bullet yesterday, went about his work at the city hall as Usual to-day, though he was close- Iy guarded by detectives and from now on till the close of his mayor- alty term the will have six of QGo- tham"s finest as his guard night and day. Corporation Counsel Polk, who got the bullet intended for Mitchel, is resting easy to-day. Mahoney, the prisoner, was arraigied, charged with attempted. murder. He will probably be committed ta an asy- lum. * flicers Elected . Se The annual theeting of St. George's Women's assocjation was held on Friday afternoon. The election of officers took place, which resulted as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. M. Taylor; president, Mrs. John Carson; Grst vice-president, Mrs. James Seels; second vice-president, Mrs. D. Mundell; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. George McGowan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Parker. have returned-to Ogdensburg, N.Y. after spending the Easter holidays with Mrs. Parker's mother. KINGSTON WILLS PROBATED Mrs. Mary Grass Left Bequests to . Misslons and Local Institutions The: will of the late Dr. Leonard Clements 'was admitted to probate on Saturday. The estate amounts to $67,374, "of which $10,000 is real es- tate. "Deceased's wife receives an annuidy of $1,500. His daughter, Mrs. March, receives a life estate in half the realty and in half the bal- ance of the estate, and his daughter, Mrs. F. Macnee, receives the balance of the estate, subject to the, above life interests. The will of Mrs. Mary Grass, Kingston, widow, has also been ad- mitted to probate. The following le- nacies will be interesting to King- ston people ©: Women's Foreign Mis. slonary society of Chalmers church, #500; Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church of Canada, £500; Home for the Aged, £500. Orphans' Home, - $500 The remainder of the estate is willed to her near relatives. The amount of the estate is ¥10,000, Duncan 3. McDonald, of the village of Sydenham, left an estate of over $16,000 to his 'nephews and nieces, and four other friends, not relatives of COUNCIL SLOW TO ACT Regarding Scheme to Create Inter- est Along Sanitary Lines the is delaying in the movement set om 1ioot to create interest .along sanitary lines. Some time ago the Board of lducation passed a grant of 83), to be used in giving prizes to the schooi children to write essays on the question, and other civie bodies were asked to co-operate. The Board of Trade, took up the matter, grant- ing 350, and the City Council was asked to co-operate, but thus far no action has heen taken. The other bodies are simply marking time awaiting the council's action \ spe- cial day for the cleaning up of the city is one of the schemes proposed, and which being carried out in many Citizens Couneil are asking why City now Cities towns Ww \S POBBED oF $10. Drunk Was Surprised When Found His Wad Gone Edward Hart, from the country, had a few drinks Friday afternoon in order to brace himself up for his drive home on the stage, 'He took one too many, however, with the re sult 'that he could mot take care of himself. The police did him a good turn by locking him up. However, Some person did him a bad turn be- fore he fell into the hands of the po- lice, as he found on sobering up that he had been robbed of $10. He did not have a cent when he was searched at the police station but luckily his watch was safe. He de clares he did not spend all his mon- ey in drink He HAD BUT ONE DRINK But William Woodruff Was | Drunk When' Gathered In. J Very Although he declared that he had but-ene drink, Wm. Woodruff who is on the "prohibited list" was [ drunk when taken in charge Friday afternoon, by Constable Daniel Mec- Carey near the corner of Princess and Montreal street. As he had gone without his dinner, he thought this was the reason for one drink hay- ing put him under. When asked by the magistrate, he gave the name of a man who served him with the liquor. Now there will be trouble for his friend. Wood- y Fut was remanded until] Monday Will Have Grand Trip G. M. Carr-Harris, cadet company leader of the St. Andrew's cadets, the Kingston lad, who has been selected as a member of the Canadian cadet team, which will shoot at Bisley, will leave for England on May 5th, He will sail from Quebec city on the steamer Royal George The tom- petition will take place from May 18th to 24th. While in England the cadets will be given a 'grand reception. The pro- gramme will consist of a stay at Portsmouth, England, a cruise at Spithead, a visit to the field of Wat- erloo, Lord Roberts' home, Windsor 'astle, Woolwfeh arsenal and Alder: shot y A Beginning Made. A start has been made in the scriptions towards the potato petition, which the Board of 'I'rade desires "to .see ingugurated in the county under the direction of the de- partment of agriculture. Two citizens have very generously contributed $75 towards the fund and the president of the Board of Trade' hopes to hear from others at once. If the com- | petition goes on preparation must .be made for it without delay by Mr. Main, of the agricultural department. a Weather Notes. 'The western disturbance now cen tred in the Missouri valley is likely to move slowly to the great likes. The weather continues warm in the western provinces and Ontario, and is becoming much warmer in Quebec and the maritime provinces. A {irly heavy rain has occurred is Manitoba and in narts of southern Saskatche- wan. sub- com- Lieut, D. 'E. Turpin, inspector of armouries, was in the city on Satur- day making an - inspection of loca! drill hall. "Kodak films," Gibson's, GENERAL PAGET DENIES ULSTER COUNEIL CH | That He UST OF THE KING. TO FRANCE NEXT WEEK IS ALL .JMPORTANY Revival of Talk of Extending the Tne. fluence of the "Entente Cardiale™ and of Further Alliance Between Russia, Britain and France, £ London, April 18.--General Paget, commanding 'the troops in Ireland, W-day emphatically denied the state: ments of the Ulster councils to - ofiect that he called his. officers to- gether and laid before them the plans of seizing and occupying Ulster, and thus precipitated their resignations. Libbral papers demounce this latest manifesto of the Ulsterites a% scur- rilous, and some of the unionist pa pers cist doubts on the authenticity of these statements. Next week is likely to be quiet so far as the Home Rule situation - is concerned. The king is going to | sides 1S ON SALE AT THE FOLLOW France, and thera are efforts on all to: migke his visit one of in- ternational importance. There is a revival of talk of ex- tending the influence of the "entente wordiale," 'and the possibilities of further alliances hetween Russia, Eng- Iand and France for the preservation of the peace of the world, \ "In the King's Service." This great patriotic exelusive fea~ ture in three reels, showing His Ma- jesty King George V. with his fleet. Eight bells, hoisting and slanting the colors. Naval hydroplanes in flight, submarines under way, working the heavy guns, preparing for battle practice, infantry swim a river, sport during dinner hour, boxing and blindfold boxing and 400 other won- derful scenes, showing types of the British navy from its inception to the present day. Every British man and woman worthy of the name should be eager to see this great picture. It is highly educative and interest- ing and depicts Jack's life afloat and Soutings ashore. Bee it at Wonder- lund t ony oa Patient Was Unruly During Thursday night inmates - at the House of Industry beard a noise and on investigation one of the pa- tients was found in the lavatory. plug- ging up some of the plumbing with paper. The patient is of unsound mind and action will likely be taken to remove him to an asylum. , THEDAILY BRITISH WHIG ING CITY STORES Bucknell's News Depot ,.208 King 1. Clarke, J. W. & Co.... College Book Store Coulter's Grocery Cullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess & Alfred Frontenac Hotel Gibson's Drug Store MecAuley's Nook Store ,.. MeGail's Cigar Store Cor, Prin. & King McLeod's Grocery ....51 Union St. W. Medley's Drug Store 260 University Ave Paul's Cigar Store Prouse's Drug Store Vallenu's Grocery Lowe's Grocery At. Toronto, on April 16, t daughter of Colin my aged 28 years. Funeral 'from her late residence, 200 Montreal St, to Sand Hill ceme- tery, Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock 1d acquaintances are respects invited to attend. ' SKEY~In Kingston, Ont., ril h, 1914, Unity Bradley, widow the late Juries McCloxke Funeral €private) from. the roardence her daughter, Mrs, Patrick Law. 102 Barrack street, Man yx orning, April 20th, to St. Mary's ral, where a solemn requiem ill be sung at 5.30 o'clock, happy rapose of her soni acquaintances are Kindly to attend the mass, ROBERT J, REID the leading Undertaker : 'Phone 577 2380 Princess street, invited Chalrs, Sofas and Tables. new lot in. at CURICS, Ph ~~ Armowr's In3and5 Ib. tins. Can be in Kingsson Just 3 one