PAGES ® T.0 12 (An Easy Way to Get Fat and. Be Strong The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing # with greasy fgods; rubbing on useless "flesh ¢reams," or following #ome foolish physical culture stunt, 'while the real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot t fat until your digestive tract assimilates the food you eat, Thanks to a remarkuble Hew scien- tific disdovery, it is now' possible to combine iuto simple form the very ele- ments needed hy the digestive urgans to help .them convert food Into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of madern chemistry is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of flesh- bLuilders. Sargol alg through its re- generative, reconstrudiive. ' powers th coax the stomach and intestines to lit- erally soak -up the fattening elements of your food and pass them {te the Blood, where they are carried tu every starved, broken-down dell and tissue J of your body You can readily pictura the result when this amazing trausfor- mation has taken place and you notice how your cheeks fill out, hollows about your neck, shoulders and bust disap- pear and you take on from 19 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Sargol is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, effi- cient. © Your druggist has it and will refund your ur if you are not sat- ied, as per guarantee in package Vhile Sargol has given ax» r 8 in overcoming nervous general stomach trou it be taken by those vish tu gain ten pounds orf THE LAST GREAT WEST J. D. McArthur Talks of Advance of : the Railway Winnipeg, April 21.---In the course 'of an interview, J. D. McArthur, the railway contractor, stated that steel had been aid from Edmonton to Lesser Slave lake, a distance of 150 miles. Mr. McArthur gave out de- taiis of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia railway that is opening this last great west, an in- land empire thousands of square miles in extent. He also announced that work would commence this spring on. the Great Waterways rait- way to Fort McMurray, north east of Fdmonton, a distance of 350 milas. This line to D'unvegan and British Columbia will extend 400 miles into the heart of the Peace River district, where the settlers are reported to be pouring in - "We have completed this line to Lesser Slave lake," said Mr. Mc- Arthur. "We will reach the Smoky river, one of the largest tributaries of the Peace river, this fall, and the road will be completed to the British Columbia boundary live In the fall of 1915. e "We are already operating under construction the first division of 131] spepsia miles to the new town of Smith, at | bles, it 'the crossing of the Athabasca river. | The Dominion government has had = the country surveydd, and there RFE amu --y thousands of homesteads available between Smith and the British Col: OUR TOBACCO umbia boundary, and even beyond | cron the "Revstert anit. along. that point. We are going to Som Only 4bc. per pound. For chewing and mence work on the Great Waterways | smoking railway this spring and we will put| 1,600 men to work on that line just | as soon as conditions permit." | A AA A pn Ng The two new railway lines that 3 Mr. McArthur is constructing into northern Alberta will tap 150,000 square miles of virgin territory through which runs several broad navigable streams that will give ac cess to the country for settlement. There are at least fourteen thousand homesteads open for entry The country is rich in minerals, gold, cop- per, gypsum and petroleum being found apd there is coal everywhere. Some of the coal fields are said to he thirty miles square with seams six to fourteen . feet in thickness Three Mouths Longer May be Grant- "ed in Huron' Toronto, April 21.---Although the license commissioners of Central Huron have granted .the application of the hotelkeepers for a renewal of their licenses for another yeaf, the matter' does not end there. Twice during the present sesion of the legislature Hon. W. J. Hanna has declared that with respect to Huron and Peel the government would adopt the same course as was adopt- ed in Manitoulin a year ago, that fu view of the passing of the Canada temperance act, which does not come into operation until May 1st, 1915, the existing licenses would not be renewed but a three months' exten- sion of the old licenses: granted by the local commissioners. While Mr. Hanna has made ne definite announcement on the sub ject, nor have any instructions been issued to the license branch, it is understood when the appHcation for a renewal of the licenses reaches the departnient, instead of the matter being dealt with in the routine way, the application will be forwarded direct to the minister, who may then, and probably will, exercise his power and veto Until the matter comes thus formally before Mr. Hanna, no action can be taken in his capacity as provincial secretary, but once the veto has been used under the liquor) leense act, the local hoard may grant the three months' extension, which is often doue in places where local option has carried through Lee, Higginson & Co., and Kidder, Peabody & Co., $6,000,000 five-year five per cent. notes, having provisions that the notes may be call- ed at any time at 102% and that no mortgage shall be placed upon the company's property during the life of the notes 4 Publishers Discontinue ; Boston, April 20.--Dana Estes & Co., one of tlie best known publish- ing houses in the country, has passed out of existence. Its entire business, with the exception of its subsidiary concern, the H, M. Caldwell com- pany, has been taken over by the Page Co., successors to lL. C. Page & Co. Thé H. M. Caldwell company has been sold to the Dodge Publish- ing company, of New Yonk. de Paterson, N.J., April 20.--A $3, 000,000 group life insurance con- tract---a record-breaker--has been: closed ii Paterson, N.J., by Charles J. Auger, president of the National Silk Dyeing company; August Hun- ' siker, vicetpresident, and Frederick 8. Cowperthwait, treasurer of the Weidman Silk Dyeing company an- nex works, of Paterson, with the Aetna Life Insurance company, of Hartford, Conn. : More than 5,000 dyeworks em- ployees are affected and every per- son connected with the two com- panies from the officers down are covered by the policies. a SAYS BRANCH LINES Cobalt Ore Shipments found Toronto, April 20.--The total ship ments from the mines in Northern Ontario for the month of March amounted to over 4,680,000 pounds of ore. Of this amount 2,7000,000 pounds was from the Cobalt camp, while 1,860,000 pounds was shipped from the Porquois nickel camp Are Necessity if the Thrive The Grand, Trunk Pacitic railway will, it is announced, have this sum- mer considerably over a thousand miles of the branch lines mm opera- tion. While the Grand Trunk Pacific railway have been rushing rails west- ward in order'to connect at the ear- liest 'p le date (he Atlantic and Pacific oceans, they have been reach- ing out with these branch lines, and feeders This was naturally of the first importance; to gather in the traffic for the trunk line, to .take care of the new home makers who are swarming into what was, when the main Fine was laid out some six years ago, an almost empty west Also it vitally important that they should take possession of every mile of territory hesi- tate in this matter was to lose How essential to the development branch lines the Hon. J. A railways in the Mr. east Financial Notes The Eastman Kodak company paid several million dollars for its viol- ation of patent rights of the Goodwin company and for the purchase of v ta. - these patents. Chicago's Share . Since mining Chicago, April 20.--The city of Chicago's share of net income in the operation of the Chicago railway company for the year ended January 31, 1014, increased $442,000 and the company's $362,027. The city gets fifty-five per cent. and the company forty-five per cent Total earnings increased $1,697,938, began in Alaska in 1880 the. gold placers of the terri- tory have. yielded 7,488,875 fine ounces of gold, valued at $154,800,- 875. These mines have also produe- | ed 1,652,016 fine ounces of silver| with a conimercial value of $960,743 Both in number and amount, com- mercial defaults in the United States during the first quarter of 1914, as reported to R. G. Dun & Co., consid- erably exceed those of the previous year, 4,826 insolvencies for $83,221,- 826 comparing with 4,458 involving $76,832 7 in the earlier period. Fift x employees of the Penn- sylvania railroad system were placed on the "roll of honor' and retired on pensions on March 1st. "Of this num- ber four had been in service .more than fifty years, and twenty-four more than forty years -- he] --teipis AT A. MACLEANS, BIG BATTLESHIP ORDER Ontario Street, Armstrong-Whitworth Co. Construct UNI- ing 19 Fighting Machines London, April 21.--Sir Andrew Noble, presiding at the annual meet- ing of the Armstrong-Whitworth Co at Newcastle-on-Tyne on Saturday, reported that the company was building nineteen of the largest bat- tleships, including four super-dread- noughts, and two vessels of a smaller displacement. No other company ever had. under construciton simul- taneously such an order, which in cludes the Dreadnought gift of the Malay States to the empire Referring to new work, the presi- dent stated that the shipyard at Walker, just outside of Newcastle, is approaching completion and would take the largest type of Atlantic liner yet constructed At Selby the work is also nearing completion. It intended to shortly seepnd million of preference shares of the company. Emphatic denial was given by Mr. Falkner, another director of the company, to the sug gestion that private firms have io- stituted war scares He declared that no armament firm ever did such a thing, and that it would be against their own interests to do so LEADING FIGURES IN THE TED STATES-MEXICAN CRISIS. THE SPORT REVIEW HEARNE TO PITCH OPENING GAME FOR TORONTO wa U.S. Steel Report Poor New York, April 20.--The unfilled tonnage of the U.S. Steel corporation as of April 1st, totals 4,653,825 tons, a decrease of 372,615 tons from the preceding month. attractive to these by of the are is Calder Saskatchewan Calder, who is just now, Péople p-- province Gibson is Batting Well for the Pitts an Baseball emphasized i | Pirates--Canac 1 minister | Maine Central Sells Notes burg New York, April 20.--The Maine Central railroad is reported in Bos- ton to have sold to a syndicate, ne fe Fo BERLIN HEARS DR. ALBEE Orthoepedic Society Interested in| Vertebral Surgery Berlin, April 21.--Oue of the most interesting papers at this week's con- gress in Berlin of the German Or- thopedic society, was delivered by Dr. F. H. Albee, of New York, who « described the results obtained from 260 successful operations for tuber- calosis of the vertebrae. The operations were carried out by frandplanting a chip or splinter from the shinbone to the affected part of the spine. Dr. Albee stated that the government i League Opens on May 7th Gibson Pirates i it visiting in the ¥ Catcher George is hitting say well for the Pittsburg A i : | who talk about putting on the brakes and stopping work are totally unfamiliar with conditions," said he These lines are required not to oper 1p territory, but to supply rail y facilities for set- tiers who tuoX up lands years: ago. The réport of the decision of the Board Railway Commissioners on the freight rates case clearly indi- cates that these branch lines are ur- gently needed and must be proceed- ed with Unless this done not only will settlement and development be retarded, put thousands of "ourf+ farmers who are completely disheart- ened will pull up stakes and leave the country This represents the a situation that east- a i a YANKEES CHEW GUM The Canadian Baseball league sea son opens on Thursday, May 7th L HH | | fy 1 new Spend More for Chewing Gum Than for Missions Saratoga, N.Y, April 21 --With the assertion that Americans spent $9,000,000 more for chewing gum last year than all the Christian religi- ous denominations gave for foraign missions, speakers befere the Troy Methodist. conference here urged the clergy to-day: to devise a systeniatic plan to increase the henevolences. It was asSerted that in 10,000 Methodist charges in the United States the pastor received, including Hearne is slated to pitch game to-day for the Providence "Bunny" the opening Toronto Leafs at H fi 1 if 18 issue a f » I ~L of manager when If it were how would Don't forget -the you applaud a ball player, not for the suspenders the trousers look? Dave Rowan, fénmerly manager of the Peterborough team in the Cana- dian league, has signed to play first base with the Dubuque team of. the T'hree-1 league A f I | I situation, his house rent, lese¢ than $1,000 a year salary method was technically siniple, and the operated patient promptly re- covered from the effects The congress received Dr. Albee's paper with marked favor, but the speakers, who discussed it, said that German orthopedists had not had sufficient eéxperiepce with the method to recommend it unreservedly. White Rose flour pure and some. Podbielski General Von entered Berlin in his night shirt when the car bearing his clothes and valet was cut off from the train. General "Pod" met by an ambulance and cared for until a new outfit was secured Prison remorse does shorten the term. anada Bread was not to Co help whole: "We Rec- ommendy E41 6% First Mortgage Bonds Fadi suits: PARTICULARS ON REQUEST Cawthra Mulock & Co. INCREASE Your Incon Daring the past few weeks the private investors and financial institutions in Canada have invested millions of dollars. in Municipal Deben- tures and other high grade securities. Many Kingston investors | have taken advantage of the attractive interest yields as evidenced by the large orders for Bonds and Debentures, filled through our m office during the past few weeks. { Surplus funds are piling up all over the world, owing to the general slack. ening of trade. These funds are going into Bonds and the increas od demand will likely cause an advance in prices. Municipal, Pub. lie Utility and Industrial Bonds are still cheap. We advise that you BUY Now., Public Utility Bonds yield about come C bir ti Municipal -Bonds yield about 5% % er 5% % Industrial Bonds, yield about 60 Safe and saleable. Consult us before investing. \ lo Cardinal Secretary the pope to Rev twenty priests in or se of he ye ye D ne be m m ru > RR * Earns | Theo. \ Th a ac CHARMING T RK 1 pale biesuit the facings of de, chene POPE'S CONGRATULATIONS FRO sh ¢ u c onveyed to Canadian Eternal City London, April 21.--The Canadian ollege in Rome, which recently cele rated the siiver jubilee of its founda on, has received a letter from the of State Merry del al conveying the congratulations of Hector Perrin The that three hundred. and have passed through College. in ( ( w oc tier notes tional league games last player, offer to play pounds, pounds heavier to claim dates take place on t $20,000 will be given in stakes fe Toronto not pected onto owners «nd |of trouble fighting the Internationa league club, eration, made Seven left-handed pitchers started the opening American and Na- week, and ily one, Rube Benton of the Reds ored a victory the crack Montreal Wanderer team a clever who on sar, was yesterday in with the Toronto accept Hyland, forward season's and was Harry last wkey lacrosse last an the coast receipt of th sar, and may the Ken ten-round al 197 ter Jim Cofley, Tom York " outfought York, in the better He weighed opponent was At ublin dy, ut ost every and New Giant New Coffey had round his of a of decided wintel Feb The Hull Driving club has next year's 28th will river for from January The meeting he Ottawa eeting to ary ard agail and The $5,000 for will be a of and pacer ature purse 10 trotter There is ¢ ling around the Can lian Base Canadian league the sturdy outfit that In the place, to have a eague circirit that the wil ox Tor lof i team be Was first the are going the the have with will not to bother club. and desire league me nor anadian MIGHT HAVE SAVED HIM aimed That Editor of Figaro Was Allowed to Die. I'he lite" of Gaston Figaro Paris, April 21 atmette, editor the as shot by Caillaux, easily mld have been saved by a simple Jp to statement the eminent of who Mme a most according by one ol real ern Canada is interested in just as much as the west. If we are to hold what we have and if we are to secure annually the increase in e¢rop area which we should expect, it is impera- vive railway facilities. should be wrovided in all the large settlements n the farmers are 'ompelled to haul the grain a great- er distance than ten to twelve miles market Vherever this haul reaches out to twenty miles or over rain-growing unprofitable, and be carried on." TORTURE O that west where the frog to will not is ( DOGS Commons on Record as Opposed to | Al Vivisection. April 21. The dog bill, the object of prohthit all experiments either with or without ana the House of Come 122 =o Banbury of the best friend ovld for Londo second read ing of which an the k b dogs est het ic pa Friday by Frederick votes to argued that man | thousands of mons Nir the has had in the dog 1s om h mto fi our altered sensitive dog have taken the said and we hun rent nd made Hi a d from ordin ar : Yee s iriend o hould ex- empt from being put to the torture re the . nian sulting fron xperiment I'WO CHILDREN SLAIN ! Believed to Have Killed Himself Af- ter Escaping. Monctoy, N.D: April 21 The 'two little children of Xeil Mullin were kill- ed with an ax in their home nine Néweastle, it was learned Park Sobey, who is al committed the mur: made an unsuc- cessful attack the father of the children, was found dead in the back woods camp. The authorities believe he killed himself. f t pt miles from vesterday to have fders, and to leged have upon of Schemind, aged ten, confessed to puty S Baker matches and whose membership ish parliament. is re{luced from 101 t. about po as c HON. W, J. HANNA. Who may take the chairmanship the Workmen's Compensation Jommission "2 CHILD CONFE SES ARSON sirl Sets Fire to Four Farm Build ings. Monroe, Wis, April 21 Lillian 5% State Fire Marshal J. F. Da. | to setting fire to four farm of her stepfather » gr rhold | er uildings Acherman, in twelve days. the barn April 2nd and sifteen cattle last another -shed and two | Monday Next she juet after Deputy to town after her aiter yee burned the shed She hen aturday and orses and hogs the corncrib had returned She told found red story het nner were in ion. LIBERALS DEFEATED ssue of Campaign Was Stronger National Defence. April 21.--The returns rom the elections which ~~ began hroughout Sweden on March 27th continued to Apr 7th, indicat defeat of the liberal in the New Swed Stockholm, he complete Th is es\imated that th onservatives have eldeled 81 members compared with 65 in the previous yarliament and the socialists 76 as ompared with 64. It Another to be Prosecuted | Take a Glass of Salts if your | day, eat it, | with salts etoasionally, says a | authority who tells us forms uric acid which almost! para- lyzoa the kidneys in their expel it from the blood. Cotton and Wool Waste Acme Sanitary Cotton Wiping Cloths for Power Houveg Packing Houses, Engine Rooms, and any- where and everywhere where machinery ls used. Algo olls, greases, spohges chamois, polishing cloths, soft soap, packings, bélting, ete. Our prices are the lowest and our quality the highest. It will pay you to get In touch with us, We shall be glad to make your acquaintance, and you Just as glad when you have made ours. We are the largest manufacturers Nd dealers In Canada Buy From Us and Support Caan, disn Industry. H. Gray & Co, Dalhousle St, TORONTO 21-20 Factory « Moptreal ACID IN MEAT IDNEYS Sour pad ov = meat CLOGS THE K Hurts or Bladder Bothers. If you must have your meat Jit flush your ki that ofiorts to They bee for the wn all mn whose * name withheld, figure oflicially future of the Fiench surgeons present must by probability he will the ease in the uear An olicial copy made by Dr. J. Socquet and Dr Charles Jaul for, Henri Boucard, the examining magistrate in charge of the investigation into the tragedy, reads that five fired trom above and in the rear of MN. Calinette's left The livst shot caused a slight flesh wound and scratched the left ribs; the second tore a portiolio in the left hand pocket of M. Calmette's jacket; - thethird pierced the pocket on the left side of his trousers; the fourth lacerated the flesh around the upper part of the leit leg, and the fifth penetrated his body above the left buttock. It stopped without injury to the intestines but made a smip five by three millimeters in the portion of the exterior iliac artery According to the eminent authority mentioned it was this last wound which proved fatal. It was left un- touched and M. Caimette bled slowly to death. "Any intelligent surgeon will testify." said he, 'that the edi tor's life could Have heen saved by "a simple operation." come sluggish and wfaken, then you {suffer with a dull misery in the kid. {ney region, sharp pains. in the back. or sick headache, dizziness, your sto- | mach sours, tongue is coated, Kansas City. April 21.---Prosecu tion of another member of the gang of five men alleged to have lured Mrs. Gertrude Shidler to a poor- room and to 'have.mistreated her, will be rushed, it was announced. | when the weather is bad you following the convietion of Oscar |rheumatic twinges, The urine Harrison. wko was sentenced 1o cloudy, full of sediment, the twenty-four years in the state pris- | nels often get sore and irritated dbe on. !liging you to seek relief two or three Vic Guringer, the first 'of the |times during the a : igang to be tried several days ago. | To neutralize these itfitating acids, was found guilty and sentenced to (o cleanse the kidneys and flush off be hanged. the body's urinous waste, get, four Sipe dnd ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- Belgian Brokers Suspend Payment. macy here; take a tablespoonful in a 21.1 age | gl i water before breakfast Brussels, April 21.<The brokerage | glass of wal e firm of A. Collet and de Goen sus |a fow days and your kidneys pended payment, with liabilities esti. | then act fine. This famous salts mated at $2.000000. Both partpers, | made from the acid of grapes snd who are brothers-in law, were arrested | lemon juice, combined with _ lithia, charged with fraudulent practices in |and has been used for generations to connection with stocks. The firm had | flush' and stimulate sluggish J 3 clients among the Belgian aristocracy. 'also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus end- lo ladder weakness. the-college since its inception, most of whom had taken degrees irom the ec clesiastioal universities mm Rome, and that seven of these graduates had been promoted to the dignity of epis copate. The students in the college, who geperally number thirty at a time, have alwavs been successful in their examinations, taking bigh de F. B. McCURDY & CO. . 86-88 BROCK PHONE 1225 Members Montreal Stock Exchange. a H. NELLES, Manager Struck Dead by Falling Timber North Bay, Out., April 21.--Joss Sunstrum, of Mattawa, was Killed on Saturday at Fuglish Rivér, on the Na tional Transcontinental railway west of Cochrane, by hemg struck on the head by a falling timber. autopsy ---- Back To The Bicycle Don't these mornings make you feel like a spin | on an easy running Massey? OUR EXPERTS Will put your old wheel or tires in shape to enjoy yourself. : ALL MAKES OF BICYCLES Repaired at shortest notice, and we guarautee Cycle and poring ovis Cn. shots were gris. s ) The college is recognized gs the home of visiting prelates to the eter nal city. Ask Your Doctor. You could not please us better than to ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. Thousands of families always side, COWAN'S! SOLID CHOCOLATE MAPLE: BUDS: Great for children-- great for everybody. Sold Everywhere satis- Five hundred children of the ing b North. Doan' school,' Cleveland; O.,| Jad Salts called off their sirike against their :jure, and makes ulleged fire-trap building when an cent lithia-water investigation was promised, Agent, G. W, STREET, PHONE 529, od