: Wo hare o a assortment Brice "siliabl tor aay room Hanan. Rm DAVID HALL #6 BROCK ST. Phone $85 or 858. o- (Limited) Heud of Queen Street Courses In bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Information free. . H. F. Metcalf, Principal Rr bent tie CTR Homeseekers' Excursions ' I oon of the Ak little Co ted in & complete cure." Mrs, E. Cocker, of Varkion, Stk, says: * My Httle haby girl a bad running sore all over prerhrrociiy <oe Lam-Bak healed the sews in such a manner that 00 scar was loft behind," in and diseases. 50c, , all drogrists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co., Terento, for price. Don't take the risk of using harmful imitations t be 4 A BRITISH WHIG, 4 TENDERFOOT'S CLIVE PHILLIPPS WOLLEY AER E Eva PA sere we (AUTHOR OF "GOLD, GOLD IN CARIBOO," ETC) Supplied Exclusively in Canada by The Beith & Colonial Press Service, Limited. A Nt A tpt Nr, CHAPTER VII. The Storm Kijy sailed out. of the ranch draw: in m_ with: er. head in the ain Only to Prank Anstruther she unbent In, the sweetest .of smiles. She came down next morning 'white-faced, the sparkie of her dimmed, and all the '| self-confidence. gone; her spirit only returning when Anstruther made an effort to cheer her. Then the little vixen turned upon him and made him 'wish himself a thousand times one of Dick Rolt's avenging posse. There had been tears in the night; tears, confession ang penitence, and between the two women there was peace again, but there was no peace for Anstruther. With Jim before her, Kitty had been a small angel to his rival, but Jim had gone at early dawn: [there were no longer and loud men's | voices about the corrals. The quiet of the place invited meditation, and the more Kitty meditated the less she could find to justify her attitude to Jim Combe, and the less she saw to admire in the man she had indoeet! to stay behind. Indeed all her own small sins took a bodily form, and called themselves Frank Amstruther. As he ing in, that gentleman had corie to a decision. Heo was quite sure then that the only woman fit to succeed his mother at Bilbury Park was the girl he had been singing to, and he had decided that he would. put his fortunes to the test before he was a day alder. Kitty would not say "ne" ta him, of that he felt sure. She was not one of those women who would willingly spend all their lives in an humdrum Canadian ranch, But though he suffered without pro- test, as a man must, by midday Frank all a world without women would be so utterly unendurable. As for Mrs. Rolt, she had privately smoked his last cigarette before turn found himself wondering whether after' "No, of course not; though 1 don't suppose that it will come in. Try if you cau tempt it. Mr. Anstruther." With a piece of bread in his hand to entice the fawn Anstruther" went to the main door, glad to do anything to win a amile from his offended lady, but the very elements warrel against the unfortunate lover that day. As soon as thé latch gave under his hand the great door burst inwards with such a noise that the fawn fled, whilst 'An- struther himself was sent reeling be- fore: the blast, and pictures, stick racks, and bear hides clattered and careered along the floor. As usual in this confounded country he had made a mess of it. No one but a fool, he reflected, would have tried to open a door on the weather side of the house, when it woulda Lave been much easier to have brought the deer round to the lea side, but it was too late to think of that now. He had to bring that heast in. He simply dared not face those two women without if, 80, with a glance at the damage he had done, he plunged recklessly into the storm bareheaded, dragging the great door to behind him. It required all Anstruther's strength to shut the door, and for a moment he had to cling to the handle of it for sup port before he could make good his footing against the wind. Like most newly-arrived. Englishmen he was still particular about his -attire, but in less time than it takes (6 write it, the glory of his boiled shirt and smart collar had gone, his riding breeches, built wide in the latest fashion, were clinging to him like the skin of a fish, his long coat talls. were performing like a giddy wind-wmill, and his whele appearance was such as to justify his belief that the ladies at the window were con- vulsed with laughter. As he crossed the paddock it oceurred to him that Mrs. Rait was signalling to him to come back, but he was uncertain, and in any case lie did not mean to go back SBOE weep OF rr ee meen TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914, ~~ of them at Work, one on each | re side" of him, beat, beat, bowl! Phe ring of their hammers was rhythmi- caly «rather good = dream music the thought, but. how hard they worked, and what a lot of nailing up that coffin required. He wished that they had not thrown the earth in before they nailéd® mim 'down, the weight of it Jabove him was so great that he could not move his Hmbs. And they guite suddenly the weight was lifted, and he irew a great breath, and again the fierce pain came and took him away Into 'the cool dark where there was no 'rouble. Reckiess of falling limbs and risking, with eyes open to their danger, a fate similar to that of the man below them, two of the haif-breed boys of the ranch had been swinging their axes as they had never swung them before, and as the blades bit and the white chips flew, {wo pale faced women, drenched with rain, and wild with grief and ter- cor of the storm, pleaded with them to work "faster, faster, for God's sake, faster," clenching their feeble hands, ind, yearning for something to do where there was nothing they could io. Heavens! how long the time seemed. Surely between them they could lift he tree off him now, and they strained it & trunk, one limb of which was too weavy for their united strength. They night as well have tried to lift the ranch house. Those only who have handled a Douglas pine know what the weight of it is. The Indians way was the only way, and there was no help but theirs, though by some miracle Frank Aunstru- ther lived still. The hand that poor Kitty held in hers was limp and cold a8 a dead man's, but he was not dead yet. Not vet. Surely the men could work more quickly. Ah, if only Jim had been there. At the very last the half-breeds stopped and consulted. | Those two men, as if time was 'of no value, con- sulted and argued, and then one of them weny fo the house for a saw. That was the most insufferable five minutes of all to Kitty, and even when the saw cut through, and the ends of the log were free, the log did not rise an inch. Another cut had to be made, and all the agony of waiting endured again. Even when a six-foot length had been sawn out of the pine those two imbeciles could not lift it, a log which Jim would have carried on his shoulders. It was well for Anstruther that they could not. But for the broken limb on the underside which had buried itself many feet deep, and held now like a fap root, Anstruther would long sinca PAGE a -- i * Bo, V Néponset Wall | | leather and eream Hise PHONE 67. . Ld Do away with papering and painting by hoe Neponset Wall Board for interior finish. Will not | buckle and is waterproof. We have it in oak, burnt i EDDY"S FIBREWARE TUBS AND PAILS RETAIN THE HEAT OF THE WATER MUCH LONGER THAN THE WOODEN OR GALVAN- IZED IRON ONES--ARE CHEAPER THAN THE LATTER---WILL LAST LONGER AND DOES NOT RUST THE CLOTHES. ----r THE FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL €0 | A. CHADWICK, Manager. 1914--Round trip tickets to Wes- tern Canada, via Chicago and North Pay or Toronto onsale April 14, ana every other Tuesday thereafter un- til October 27th, at very low fares. Tickets good for two months. vowed. that her favorite should have a fair chance, and that to prevent poach- ing in his absence, she would haunt the two young people like their shadow until Jim's return. No self-constituted duenna ever found her duties less exacting than did Mrs. Rolt; no pair of reputed lovers less angious to be alone than Kitty and Frank. Indeed, to such a pitch of misery was at unfortunate young man reduced Nira SY Aton before evening, that Mrs. Rolt found Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts ersell trying to make some amends to 'him for the girl's perverse temper . In her, heart she began to hate _ eh . td' . i "young people." Without them there had been peace at the ranch, whereas now it was almost as bad as being in PIT Scranton Coal " : " Is good coal and we guarantee prompt . The "Logical Route" to delivery love again herself. WESTERN CANADA . Booth & Co. But this thought brought a smile to For Winnipeg and Van- Foot cf West Street have learned the great secret: Thanks to that bough he was held as in a vice but not crushed, as a Dou- glas crushes what it falls upon. With levers and bars and all the ingenuity of practised loggers the men at last pried up the log sufficiently for their purpose, and drew out their man, still uncertain whether he was dead or alive, { With, gentle strength they unclench- ed the long white fingers from the fawn's collar. Poor beast. It at any rate would not come in. again from that storm. The tree had broken iis back, and a merciful axe stroke had split its graceful head from end to end And yet Kitty, who at another time would have wept for a day over her pet, had now no thought of it. On a rude stretcher, improvised hy the Chinaman whilst the Indians chopped, Mrs. Rolt and the three men carried Anstruther to the house and laid him in the warm, firelit room on the Boss's bed, and then the greatest terror, the only one of ranch life, faced | without that infernal little beast which tempted him yard hy yard across the corrals; and towards the patch of shrieking and groaning timber. Surely, he ought. the ladies were signalling to him, but he could not un- derstand what they\meant. They were calling, but the window was closed, which in itself would have been enough to drown their voices, without the deafening din all around him. He was within arm's length now, and he made a spring at the fawn's collar, touched it, but could not secure his hold, so that he only frightened the beast, which jn a few bounds reached the timber. But here it paused, as if it was as much afraid to go forward as to come back. Of course, Anstruther followed it. As he reached the edge of the brule a dry, Bough mo thicker than his little finger, whirled out of one of the tops and struck him across the hand. The force of that blow from so small a thing should have warned him, but at that moment vie- tory seemed within his grasp. The fawn, frightened by something the The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 20 ycais, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pere ZZ sonal supervision since its infancy. ' che%l Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Just-as-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infarts and Children--Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Ofl, Pare« goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ispleasant. I$ contains ncither Opium, Morphine nor ofher Narcotic substance. Its age is its gnarantee, It det trogs Worms and allays Feverisuness, Yor more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatmlency, Wind Colic; ail Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healtay and natural sleep. We can make all arrangements to bring vour family and friends from the 'Old Country." For tull particulars apply eo hier sweet face. There had never been couver any rival in her case to big Dick Rolt. She scarcely thought the man existed who could have been. The night after Jim's departure Legge Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily. Compastment Library Observa- tion Car Standard Sleeping Cars Tourist: Sleeping Cars, Dining there was no music at the ranch, and the music next morning was neither of Car, First Class Coaches and Colonist Cars. Homesegkers' Excursions Every Tuesday until Oct. 27th. Tickets good for 60 days Particulars regarding Rail or ocean tickets from F. Conway C.P.A., cor. Princess and Wel- lington Sts. Phone 1197. * WILL "| = ------ From Southa April § 1 ABAWNIA a n Montreal, Apr Steamers call British tho 30.25 hs pal $0 und, $30.25 up THER Memory will cherish no mere - delightful impressions than those of yout trip down the St. Law. rence by the Roya! Line Stop. orer at old Quebec--Views of Blitbrieal pointe babitant villages, fishing boats --~ 3 days river aall is iiterally crowded WHE bricht colored pictures full of mhrement, i t and charm. Rooklers--write to $2 8, East. Toronto, Outasie. m St. John, N.B. From ali: Nn Get) im Montreal. From Bristol, A. George 4 b4] 19 RMS. 'R. Edward June 3 1a pton From Portiana, Me. April 25 ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited. § General Agent, 50 King St. K., Toronto and side, and severe headaches, - I had ma ONLY SIXTEEN: GIRL VERY SICK Tells How She Was Made Well by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La.--"1 take pleasure inwriting these lines to express my grati- tude to you. apn 6 years old and in a tobaeco ble and am now looking fine and feeling a thousand times better." --Miss AMELIA JAQUILLARD, 3961 Te« AUSCONIA May 9 : AUDANIA May 1 houpitoulas St., New Orleans, La. Plymouth eastbound. Rates--Cabin (11) $46.25. 3rd-class, West: alarmed because I was troubled with St. Clair, Pa. ~ "My mother was uppression and had pains in my back pimples on my face, my complexion was sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- | etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hurdreds of girls and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them."'--Miss ESTELLA MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair, Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than Therefore, such let« ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. | Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound should J be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. DOMINI 0. 8. Kirkpatrick, C, P, § ON al man's making nor to his liking. For days past the great red "Herefords" had been crowding in closer and closer round the corrals, and for five days the clouds had grown mere and more murky overhead, whilst a bitter wind kept whining uneasily amongst the sage brush and the willows. Perhaps the absence of the men really account. ed for the gloom which seemed closing round the ranch, and vet there seemed more than mere loneliness in the de- pression which took hold on those who had been left behind. The last golden leaf had fallen from the cottonwoods along the creek bot- toms, and now and again dry balls of sage brush would race and bound along upon the uplands. driyen by un- seen wind devils, or the trees in the recently burpt patch of pine timber just beyond the corrals would for min- utes break out with a great groaning and grinding of limbs. But these things only occurred by fits and starts. The strangeness of them was due only 0 the fact that there seemed to be no storm 10 account for them. Such winds as there were, were purely local and short lived uptil the Wednesday morning. Then the dawn broke in weird fash- fon, with such devilish storm lights, such unearthly and terrifying shadows as are only seen on the sea or the prairies, and the first act of winter be- gan. In half sn hour every loose thing al the ranch had been blown from its thon. © A wagon which the In- dlans had left out was lifted tight over and lay: bottom upwards.dn the yard. Fences which the biggest of the bulls | had respected, were laid flat as if they had been but card houses. The little creek which a week be- fore had threatened to run dry, be came a swollen torrent. Pleces of board and tin cans whirled along in the wind, battered and rattled against the walls, whilst the old house itself throbbed and hummed like an orgin, aud from time to itme an earth-shaking racing clouds bloted him out, 80 that a vague dull light prevailed, such as n have existed when th, es oi oe aged hen ihe "Ob, my poor little Mawitch. Mary, -|look, There is my fawn. Those idlo- j tle Indians must have let it out™. 1 *Weil: she can &0 r wants 0, man neither saw nor understood, hesi- tated, until with a quick leap Anstru- ther sprang in and gripped the leather collar round its neck. It would be a curious thing, the man thought, which would loosen bis grip now until the provoking pet was safely in its. mistress's keeping, and as the thought formed itself in his mind something happened. To him it seemed that a terrific crash was followed by instant and com- plete darkness, accompanied by a curi- ous sensation of numbness and a let- ting go of all things, all things except that leather collar. To that he clung instinctively, even when everything rose and went away from him, feeling and thought, wind and rain, and even the crashing of the brule, and the an- ger at Kitty Clifford's laughter, CHAPTER VIII Jim to the Rescue "Put it out of its misery; it's back is broken." Anstruther recognized Mrs. Roit's voice, and wondered in an idle dreamy fashion whose back was broken, and whether if its back was broken it would wish te be put out of its misery. His back was not broken nor was he in any misery. He wondered who was, and turning to see was struek by a hideous shock of pain, after which 'it was night again. When he came to himself he knew that be was dead.. He khew more than that. He was lying in his coffin; he could smell the new boards of it, and they wére. najling down the lid, but this strangely enough did not 'worry him a bit. Death was a silly painless thing after all, very much like sleep. How even their strokes were, There RAILROAD MAN HAD TO LAY OFF Until He Took GIN PILLS : Buffalo, N.V. *1 have been a Pullman conductor on the C. P. R. and Michigan Central for the last three years. About four years ago, I was laid up with iutende pain in the grain, a very sore back, and suffered most severely when [ tried to urinate. I treated with my family physician for two months for Gravel In The Bladder but did not receive any benefit. About that tinre, I met another railroad man who bad been simi affected aid Sho had been Fed by GIN PILLS, ter been ven a 0 ™inent liars who ren Bia for Diabetes. He is now running on the road aud is perfectly cured. is wmngty advised me to try GIN PILLS which I did-~with the results that the pains left me entirely." those. women. As long as all goes well to those who are country bred, there is povhardship in the enforced separation from the town and its thou sand and one conveniences. Every difficulty is a joke to be laughed at, a puzzle which natural ingenuity will de- light in overcoming. You can do with- out the shops and the theatres, you can hold service if you want to. and the strong man needs no policeman to pro- tect him: but the time comes when even he cannot do without the doctor, when he would give all that the world holds for someone who eould tell him What to do to save one dear life. Anstruther might be dying for some little help which they could have given him if only they knew what was the matter with him, but they did not know. . There was no broken bone that they could find, no bleeding wound for them to staunch, and yet whenever consciousness returned to him, at the first effort to move or speak he fainted, and each faint seemed more and mere like death. The resources of the ordinary ranch in such cases as this are pitifully in- adequate. As a rule the wife knows a little about the treatment of ordi- nary accidents and the simpler ail- ments, and in the house thers is gen- erally some book which professes to be a substitute for the physician. You have ouly to turn fo it in an emergency ito discover how little there is to jus Ltify its claims. | Mrs. Rolt read such a volume from cover to cover, only to fall back in despair upon such simple remedies as warmth and quiet. She could only give nature a fair chapce. Probably {she could have done nd, better, and | half the doctor's success lat least de- {pends upon the patient's faith in him, but when you good folk at home boast | yourselves of your many colonial pos- | sessions, in which you take only an occasional pride and a very little ser ious interest, allow something not only for the courage of the men who hew out fresh dominions for you all over the world, but something too for the martyrdoms of women, who watch through the long nights of lone lands, growing old between a sun's setting and a sun's rising, whilst all that makes life valuable for them is fading away under their eyes, for want of that which to you is but a natural accesory of your every-day life, Through that long cand wild night those two women watched; whilst it seemed fo them that the winds clam ore round the house for the ey which had escaped them. * Towards "worming, Mrs. Rolt, whe had been dozing iti a chair by the fire side asked: : ) "Is he sleeping now, Kitty?" "No, he is pretending to, but 1 can sce how his poor lips are pregsed to gether. I don't believe he has slept once since they carried him in," she whispered. "Ob. nonsense. nicely . through watched." He was sleeping the night while I (To be Contifued) 2, o This Book OUR copy 1s all ready for mailmg' to your office. . All that is wanting is your name and address, and this you can give us on the attached coupon if you will. > You need this Book in your business. It may prove worth hundreds of dollars to you. It costs you nothing. Perhaps it may contain the solution of your most vexing problem. If you are wrestling with The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought STME GE NTALB GOMPANY, NEW YORK SIFY, | ' is for YOU! the difficulties presented by an increasing business, which is suffering from 'growing pains," and find'nry 11s pre- sent quarters too cramped to permit of expansion, this Book will surely help you. If you wonder why you are staring an increasing pay roll in the eye every wesk --with a corresponding shrinkage in profits-- vou will find the answer in this Book. OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY LUMITeED 50 BAY ST., TORONTO /d Fill in, tear off and mail this coupon